Collected by
Best of the best
(12 stories listed)
To Be Read
(54 stories listed)
As yet unread but looks interesting
Just Plain Good
(6 stories listed)
Fun and unwholesome
The Instructions:
by pamela
(Synopsis: She knows obeying his orders will be difficult and painful, but she doesn't know the half of it.)
Cindy and Company:
by pamela
(Synopsis: Cindy is the queen of her high school, but her home life is a different matter. When she turns down a date with a nerdy fellow student, she has no idea what she's starting.)
Comment: pamela ... if only my life could be the way she thinks!
Neighbor Girl:
by Wiley Hunter
(Synopsis: A young girl discovers what she really likes, and it isn't unicorns and soft music in front of the fireplace.)
A Cellar Full of Screams:
by Susan Karlson
(Synopsis: Older man trains willing girl to be his partner in rape and torture scenes with unwilling females.)
by J.
(Synopsis: He kidnaps her, rapes her and torments her. But when it's time to let her go.....)
The State:
by The Odd Side of Jeff
(Synopsis: An epic story about a near future world of legal slavery.)
good ideas
(2 stories listed)
Independent of quality of execution, these stories touch on intriguing and/or original ideas.
Generally good, not 5 stars
(3 stories listed)
These are the ones that get four stars in my bookshelf. But i'm picky ... well written and generally good.