Collected by
to be read
(43 stories listed)
(23 stories listed)
Sexual Tortures of Rebecca at the Psychiatrist Hospital:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: This story is about a "rich bitch" that became more trouble to her family. Her family sends her to be cured, but the treatment includes rape, humiliation, bondage and torture. This story is a collaboration between Zone and myself, Powerone. We hope that by combining the writings of a female and a male writer a better story would appear. If you liked this story, please send us an e-mail to either one of us.)
Working Away:
by RopeBinder
(Synopsis: Sara and Jeffrey meet online, but quickly bore of its limitations and meet in person. As Sara's first time, her boundaries are tested, desire versus sensibility, if you will. This steamy story feels real for great reason...)
by Dockink
(Synopsis: A woman fulfills her need for complete dominance at the hands of her doctor.)
Marie, The Unlucky Housemaid:
by Jessica Verdi
(Synopsis: The story of Marie, the sweet and innocent seventeen-year-old housemaid, and her unfortunate experiences within the strict discipline of Smethrington Manor. (Complete Story))
Sir Stephens Confession:
by Mad Lews
(Synopsis: An ending alluded to in Pauline Reage's Famous text "The Story of O " writen in a style remenicent of the original text the demise of O as told by her Master.)
Fantasia: Collection Of Viddler's Stories:
by V.P. Viddler
(Synopsis: The stories by V.P. Viddler. As a master of the story-by- dialogue, the author presents readers with a series of women who enjoy the terrible pain inflicted by men. Stories are very well written, technically speaking.)
Jim's Best Man:
by NYAcademic
(Synopsis: Jim promises to offer David his wife Amy first access to her ass. The story involves rough discipline and graphic detail of two men on one woman.)
by Allene Blake
(Synopsis: Joan punished for shoplifting then blackmailed into further humiliation and punishment.)
Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club 2:
by CyberSleuth
(Synopsis: Great sequel to "Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club". Now the club is expanded. Come and find some more willing slave girls!)
Strip Poker:
by powerm9210
(Synopsis: Carol discovered what happens when she loses at strip poker, much to the delight of her husband and the men at the adult book store.)
The Academy:
by warren_Z
(Synopsis: Amber and April Smith have had some hard luck in their young lives. The Academy follows the two teen sisters through their years kept in captivity, forced to be sex servants to a group of powerful men.)
The Professor's Rape of His Teenage Students:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needs the student. Co-written by Powerone and SarahBell.)
Dream Job:
by Ledithe
(Synopsis: The promise of a dream job ends up leading a young woman into a life of submission.)
American Adventure:
by Loki
(Synopsis: Gabby and Kate, two British teachers, are caught speeding on holiday in America. A handspanking leads to a public flogging during which Gabby wtes herself.)
The Sex Slave Contract:
by j.o.writer
(Synopsis: Her boss found her stealing money from the company. In order to avoid going to prison, she was forced to sign a contract to be a sex toy of her boss.)
by Finding_Fantasy
(Synopsis: A submissive spends the afternoon at home with her master, doing housework and chores as punishment. Her master feels that more excessive punishment may be required for this slut.)
One Hour:
by J.
(Synopsis: Once a week, her husband delivers her to a man for a discipline session.)
Unexpected Birthday Treat:
by Loki
(Synopsis: When she crashes into her neighbours car, Anna accepts a spanking from him as long as her husband can watch as a birthday treat.)
by Loki
(Synopsis: Lisa, a 33 year old mother, is caught stealing from a shop - her choices, the courts or punishment. She submits to spankings, humiliation and finally violation.)
by Unknown
(Synopsis: Nobody likes been spanked more than these girls do. They love spanking with no boundary. Come and get some swollen asses!)
The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James: The Party:
by ynhumiliator
(Synopsis: Lisa James is taken to an unusual party by her landlady. She experiences numerous intimate punishments and more humiliation than ever before.)
The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James: A Summer Vacation:
by ynhumiliator
(Synopsis: Mrs Henderson sends her submissive lodger to an old friends very special Summer School. Her classmates, a group of foreign teenage boys, together with the male and female staff at the School subject Lisa to the most humiliating seven days of her life.)
My Cousin's slave:
by Emma No knickers
(Synopsis: My 14 year old cousin and his friend make me in to thier slave even though I am almost twice their age.)