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Book Project


Collected by mgmoore

Mad Lews Shelf (4 stories listed)

  • Hamburg Snuff Party: by Llabmik
    (Synopsis: Worldwide Connections to an underground Hamburg S&M club start in England. This story features worldwide tales of torture, rape and snuff all leading to the big extravaganza in Hamburg that gives the series it's title. Thanks to Norm for the basic idea that grew.)
  • Julie: by Lord Douche
    (Synopsis: Julie is an average teenage girl in the orphanage, with no idea of her unusual past. When a twisted criminal begins kidnapping her friends, she begins to experience a world she never knew existed and learns of the strange abilities she possesses.)
  • Divine Entertainment: by Michelle Byssom
    (Synopsis: Sally and her Master re-create an old Greek legend about bdsm, love, devotion... and growing old together.)
  • My Berlin Summer: by Dana Williams
    (Synopsis: The American college girl finally had a chance to live out her own fantasy and got to know what it would be like to be a real slavegirl.)


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