Kims Tail
Chapter 4
Story codes: f-self. Reluctant, nc. Transformation, bd, electro, mc.
Although Kim had tried to use some of the drinking water to keep herself clean, her captors obviously felt she was getting a little grubby. The first that Kim knew about this however was when the buzzer sounded. As she had walked over to the food tray, which did not appear, her bedding and litter tray swivelled into their wall slots, leaving the room completely bare. The next instant, powerful jets of water erupted from small holes in the walls, drenching Kim in seconds. After a minute or two the jets stopped leaving Kim shocked and shivering with cold as the surplus water funnelled down the drain hole in the corner of the room.
Kim hugged herself and, for the first time since her captivity, began to cry. She did not know how long she had been here, but she doubted that she could withstand an entire week of this before relief arrived.
After the water had drained away her bedding, as well as fresh food and litter rotated back into her prison. Dejected, Kim crawled back into her cot, snuggled into the duvet and wept herself to sleep.
Kim was awoken by the sound of the buzzer. She had started to discern that different durations of sound meant different things. This, slightly longer tone, was indicative of an instruction. Sure enough, upon reaching the wall where the food was dispensed, an empty tray slid out from the wall.
“Please place all of your jewellery and metal objects in the tray”.
This was too much. She had been striped of her clothes, died a strange orangey colour, fed crap and made to sleep in a plastic box, not to mention being cleaned by high-pressure water sprayed at her.
“Oh. Ey are ine. Ot oo oo ont em or. I ant.”
This gibberish was barely understandable to Kim, let alone the Voice. Even if her refusal could have been understood, Kim knew that the Voice would not listen.
“Please place all of your jeweller and metal objects in the tray.”
Kim sat in stony silence as the Voice repeated its mantra in a continuous loop. However, she knew that it was pointless. If she wanted food and water she would have to obey. With exaggerated movements, that would have put a teenager in a strop to shame, Kim pulled off her rings, bracelet and ear studs and threw them into the tray.
“Am oo,” Kim cursed as another piece of her vanished into the walls.
To her surprise, another draw opened. This one contained something. Kim picked it up and examined it. It was a collar made of thick, pink, leather. Metal studs were placed around the outside, while on the inside; wires connected the backs of the studs. A chunky compartment on the outside of the collar caught her attention, but it was sealed. She also noticed a metal tag, but before she could examine the collar further the Voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Place the collar around your neck.”
“Oo av ot oo ee iddin.”
But the Voice simply repeated its demand.
Kim already knew that she had lost the fight and so, after a few moments, placed the collar around her neck, pushing male/female connections into place with an audible “Click.”
“Well done Honey,” the Voice praised. “Go to your basket,” the Voice continued.
As Kim approached, she noticed that a long, rectangular section of wall rotated around, revealing a length of chain. The rectangular section then pivoted from it’s base, outwards, so that it formed a forty-five degree arc from the base of the wall.
“Honey. When you here this noise,” the buzzer sounded again, this time stopping and restarting three times, “It is your rest period. You should get into your basket and attach the chain. You can release the chain at the end of your rest period, when you hear the buzzer again. Try it now.”
The buzzer sounded three times and, dragging her feet as much as she could, she walked over to her bed and examined the chain. The connector looked similar to a normal dog lead, except that the moving bar opened outwards. Unhooking the chain from the wall panel, which slid noiselessly back into place, Kim clipped the chain to her collar before she heard a click. Reaching up, she found that the chain was now stuck fast.
“Good girl Honey,” the Voice cooed.
Kim experimented and found that, although she enjoyed about three feet of movement, she could not move far from her basket. She had better make sure that she had used the toilet beforehand. The buzzer sounded again and Kim removed the chain.
“Honey. This is a disciplinary collar. If you do not perform a task quickly enough, a small electric charge will be delivered to you. If you are still disobedient, the next shock will carry an even greater charge. It is important that you attach the chain correctly, since this will charge the batteries in your collar. If you fail to attach the chain, you will receive electric shocks until the battery is exhausted. You will also lose one of your food entitlements. You will receive a mild shock for demonstration purposes in three, two, one.”
Kim only had moments to take in what the Voice had told her and its immediate effect, trying her best to brace herself before pain erupted in a necklace of fire around her neck, causing her limbs to twitch and judder, sending her to the floor in a spasmodic dance. The pain stopped as quickly as it had started. Kim lay on the floor for several moments before she noticed that the floor was wet. Looking down, she saw that she had wet herself.
The food buzzer sounded and, just in case the Voice felt she was not being quick enough, she scuttled over to the food tray as quickly as she could.
“Dinner time Honey,” the Voice chimed in a cheery Voice.
Why, Kim wondered, did the Voice keep calling her Honey? She hated that term, or was it a name. As well as taking her clothes, her jewellery and her Voice, had she now lost her name? Was there anything that she could do about it if it had? Kim crammed the dry food into her mouth as she tried her best not to give the Voice a reason to shock her again, letting another part of herself go as she fiddled with the strange metal tag that she had found on the collar. It would not surprise Kim to find the name Honey etched into it.
The pattern was set for the next few sleep periods. The buzzer would sound three times and the chain would detach. Kim would get up, use the litter tray and eat biscuits. She had given up trying to find out why this was happening to her or who, if anybody was behind it. She had formed a theory that Jim had been into some pretty weird stuff. She was probably spared exposure to this place only because she managed to leave the marriage when she did. It stood to reason, she decided, that some of his earlier wives would have been bought to this island to satisfy his perversions. This room was just a small piece of that life that had been left untended, only to be reactive when she had blundered into it. That did not bode well for her food supplies, or that the solicitor will search here when he arrives. But she must hold on. If she gives up now, then she is truly lost.
On the eighth rest period, the buzzer sounded as usual, followed by the long buzz that indicated she was to receive new instructions. Sure enough, after she had reached the food wall, another tray appeared containing a bundle of leather straps. As she picked them up, a panel in the wall slid back to reveal the video screen she had seen earlier.
“Honey. Place the binders onto your legs as shown on the video screen above the tray. Good girl.”
Kim watched the animation play out, showing how she should sit on the floor, bending her leg so that her foot was touching her ass, before pulling the loose straps down her leg and tightening them in a strict leather prison.”
“Oh uckin ay oo ayee itch. Oo an oa oo orelf eore I,” Kim ranted as she desperately tried to pull the collar off.
Too late, she realized, as she desperately pried at the catch, that it would not come off and a moan of despair escaped from her lips.
Kim’s limbs began to shake in uncontrollable spasms as the shock pounded at her like an unmerciful fist. Her jaw clamped shut and she shook in place until mercifully, the electricity stopped and she collapsed into a heap on the floor.
As she returned from her own painful hell and she crawled back to awareness, she heard the Voice again.
“On the video screen above the tray. You now have three minutes to comply.”
“Oh shit”, she thought as she scrambled to her feet and picked up one of the bundles of straps.
After a few moments of panic, she managed to find out how it should be fitted and scrambled to pull the leather prison over her knee and down her folded leg. Frantically she adjusted the position and began to pull the buckles tight.
“Above the tray. You now have twenty seconds to comply.”
Desperation and panic drove her, but she had only buckled one leg, grabbing the second bundle, she fumbled with the many straps, dropping it onto the floor. Kim tried desperately to get it on to her legs, to show the Voice that she was trying her best, but she did not make it.
“Two minutes and thirty seconds to comply,” the Voice chimed as she groaned back into consciousness.
That had been a real bugger. Longer and harder than the first shock, it had left her drunk and punchy. Kim picked up the bundle from where it had been dropped and, using all of her remaining skill, pulled the straps over her knee, adjusting the rubber pad, as the video had shown.
“Fifteen seconds to comply”
Kim worked faster, pulling at the buckles and tightening this unforgiving prison around her.
“Eight, seven, six, five, Good girl,” the now perky Voice chirped.
Kim collapsed onto her back, with her folded legs now encased in leather, as her breath came in exhausted gasps and sweat glistened over her orange body.
Over the next few cycles, Kim experimented with moving. The rubber pads on her knees were a clear indication of how the Voice thought she should move and, after finding that nothing else would actually work, Kim got onto all fours and shuffled around her prison.
The food buzzer announced that it was mealtime. However, instead of food, the video panel greeted her. It showed a picture of a woman kneeling down, with her hands on the ground in front of her.
“Honey. When you hear the food buzzer, you must come to this wall and sit in this position. No food will be given until you have sat for one minute. Try this now.”
Again, the buzzer sounded as a prompt and, knowing the consequences of not complying, Kim sat still for the required time.
“There’s a good girl Honey. Aren’t you a clever girl?”
The food tray swung open delivering it’s usual mix of dried biscuit and water. Kim began to eat. It was not great food, but it was food. She couldn’t enjoy it though, it had flavour, but it tasted processed. But it was keeping her alive until the solicitor arrived. Kim smiled at the irony of the situation. Here she was, praying for rescue by one of Jim’s parasitic legal sharks. The gods play such games with mortals she chuckled.
After she had finished, she returned to her basket and examined the rubber pads. For some reason there were strange grooves, or tracks in the side of the pads. These were made from metal and it was obvious that something was supposed to fit onto the pad, although she could not imagine what. She didn’t want to think about it anyway, it was bound to be unpleasant and the Voice would tell her when she was ready.
Two cycles later and her questions were answered.
The buzzer sounded in the long tone and Honey quickly scrambled to her hands and knees and shuffled over to sit at the wall.
“Please dress in the clothes provided. The correct method of applying these garments is shown on the video screen above the tray.”
Looking up, Honey saw that she was holding a tank top of some kind. Although it had long, orange or honey coloured hair, a high collar and two holes in the front.
“No prizes for guessing what goes in there,” Honey mused to herself as she held the garment up. Sure enough, the video animation confirmed her suspicions. Quickly, she pulled the garment over he head and, once her arms were through the holes, pulled the top down, adjusting her breasts once they had poked through the holes. Finally, she pulled the high neck under her collar.
“Good girl,” the voice encouraged as Honey quickly looked at the video screen to find out what was next.
Judging by the image on the screen, she was looking for a set of leggings. Sure enough, after rummaging through the pile, she found something that would be called leggings, although they were more like suspender tights, since they did not have a bottom, only a small flap of material with, what she could only guess, was a tail. Turning it over in her hands, she examined the garment. Yes, definitely a tail.
“Oh well,” she thought as she sat down and pulled the garment over her knees. Its then that she noticed the two feet, or more accurately paws, attached to the end of the legs.
“That figures,” Honey mused as she pulled the leggings up and finally got the belt over her ass and around her waste.
Looking at the screen animation, she saw that the paws should be pushed around the pads, so that the cups inside the paws matched up with the grooves on the rubber pads. Honey fiddled with the left paw until she heard a click and found that the paw was now firmly attached to her knee. She then repeated this on her right knee before looking at the screen again.
Judging by the animation, a strip of card covered the flat base of the tail, this should be peeled off and the triangular, splayed section should then be pressed down onto her tailbone. Honey did this without question, holding it in place until she had, as instructed, counted slowly to one hundred. Letting go of her tail, Honey knelt forward and waggled her ass, giving the long, straight tail an experimental wag.
Looking obediently back at the screen Honey, which is how she now thought of herself, waited for the next instruction eager to please the Voice and avoid further shocks.
The next instruction was that she should run a brush through her hair. As she rummaged through the tray she found a hairbrush. Luxuriating in the feel of a small piece of reclaimed humanity, Honey brushed until her naturally curly hair ran easily through the brush.
Looking back to the screen, the next item was a mask. Following the instructions, she pulled the material elements forward, covering the face. Next she fiddled with the mask until she had bent the rubber fold of the mouth behind her top lip. Next, she pushed the mask onto her face and pulled the balaclava over her head, feeding her hair through a hole in the top of the material and pulling the bottom of the balaclava under her collar. This was not easy since, although the material was stretchy, it was also very tight as it pulled the mask into her face.
After some adjustment of her hair she imagined what she must look like. The mask had jowls that ran along her top lip, with a small black nose and whiskers. Her lower jaw was free of the half mask and a simple material and fur balaclava held everything in place. Her orange hair complemented the material exactly, just as she now knew the dye was meant to. She also sported two tall, pointy orange ears.
Again, the voice encouraged her with praise before issuing more instructions. Again, Honey looked for the video for instructions.
“Place your hands into the gloves, making sure that the glove shown in the illustration goes onto the right hand. As you ease your hand into the glove, form a fist with your hand. Once you have done this, place your hands into the holes in the wall below the video screen.”
Honey did as she was told, using her teeth to pull the left glove on. Once on, the glove, did not feel securely fastened. The cuff, which went around the wrist, was leather, like the glove, which formed into a convincing facsimile of a paw. But in order to get the glove on in the first place, the leather was not joined, but formed a V shaped slit. However, Honey placed her gloved hands into the slots and a few moments later felt the gloves tugging at her as something was wrapped firmly around her wrists. After several moments, Honey felt heat around her wrists, but resisted the urge to pull back. Finally she felt something else tugging at her wrist, before finally the Voice told her she could withdraw.
“Whose a good girl Honey? Are you my clever dog? Good Honey,” the Voice praised in a soppy voice.
Honey looked at her hind paws. She could see that the wrists were now covered in fur material and she could just make out the tell tail look of a melted glob of plastic, just under the cuff.
“Good girl Honey. Bark if you’re my good girl.”
Honey was too lost in studying her transformation and did not here the instruction, as she gazed at her transformation.
Honey yelped as her collar shocked her, but it was only a low voltage tap.
“Bark if you are my good girl Honey.”
Honey barked and yapped for all she was worth.
“Good girl,” the Voice continued. “It’s din dins time. Your such a good doggy.”
Honey barked and wagged her tail, as she was sure she was expected to do, for all she was worth. The now empty tray disappeared and the food tray rotated into the room.
Instead of the dry biscuits that she had been expecting, she now saw that her dish contained wet dog food, mixed in with biscuits. Looking at her paws, Honey knew that she could not pick up her food. She had only one way of eating now and, sighing as another piece of her humanity disappeared, put her face into the dish and began to eat the chunks of meat, gravy and biscuits.
Over the next dozen or so cycles, Honey learnt how to sit, beg, role over and play dead. She also quickly learnt how to position her body so that the collar lined up with the lead clip. This was important, as she still had to sleep with her lead on at night, but could not use her hands as she had in the past. The Voice would also play ball with her, popping a rubber ball out of a chute in the wall, which Honey would run after excitedly, before grabbing it in her mouth and running over to place it in a bin that was opened for just this game.
The Voice was a good mistress and would reward her with chocolate drops and toys. Honey now had a rubber bone, and old slipper, a squeaky rabbit and a football. Honey played with and chewed all of them, because she knew what would happen if she didn’t
A long time passed, when Honey could only distantly remember being Kim, waking crying from a dream as she recalled shopping, other people or any number of human activities. But she would soon forget this as another round of fetch, or beg or chew the squeaky toy until it breaks, filled up her day. Then Honey noticed something new. The door that she had sought to go through for so long was open.
Honey shook with fear at the import of this, but knowing the Voice, or what could happen if she didn’t, she edged her way gingerly towards what she was sure was daylight.
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