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Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler

The Science of Slavery

Part 7


Eight years later, the headlines of Newspapers every where read this:


Eighteen year olds Nancy Arrington and Tina Jones were delivered from hell today
as rescuers and swat members saved them from the basement of a local residence. 
The girls had been kept there against their will, bound cruelly to walls of
jail-like cells.  When rescuers arrived, the girls' eyelids and lips had been
sewn shut.  During their eight year imprisonment, the girls were underfed,
denied sufficient movement for healthy muscles, blind, unable to speak, and kept
permanently pregnant and milking.  According to evidence found in the house, the
girls were pregnant six times a year, averaging fifteen daughters born a year. 
The girls never got to seel, hold, feed or comfort their babies before the
babies were sold to unknown buyers.  The girls also had close to 500 eggs stolen
from each one.  One of the more unusual aspects of their torture was the growing
of two more breasts onto each girl, one breast below each of the normal breasts. 
All four of each girl's breasts measured to be D cups.

The girls may look eighteen, but are actually twenty three...SEE "EIGHT YEARS"

After being released from the hospital after rescue, Tina and Nancy got married
in the first Lesbian marriage ever in America.  They bought a house and moved
in.  Each of them gave birth to the first sets of children they could actually
raise, not to mention see. 

"Well Tina, It's finally over.  We are married, mothers, and safe from harm
forever.  We will live forever, you realize, with these eighteen year old
bodies, four breasts and all."  Tina moved close up against Nancy encircling
Nancy's waist with her arm.  The two were watching their six daughters play. 
The eight of them were naked on the living room floor.  All of the
babies-thankfully-been born with only two breasts.  They would lead lives more
normal than their mothers would be.  One of the girls crawled up to Nancy and
began to tug on Nancy's pubic hair, squealing with delight.  Nancy gasped, but
let the girl continue to play.

"Yes, we will outlive our daughters.  In fact, we will outlive all of our future
children.  When will we run out of eggs?"

"Oh, I'd say about, twenty years, that's long enough to have 120 more sets of
children."  Nancy sighed.  They still had two month gestation periods, but that
didn't mean they had to get pregnant six times a year.  They soon discovered
that children were too much trouble, no matter how sweet, to have more than six
at a time.

What about one set every twenty two years?  That will mean that the previous set
will be out of college before we have the next one."  Tina was always coming up
with good plans.  Just one of the many reasons why Nancy loved her so much.

"There will be much grief in our futures," She embraced Tina, kissing her, "but
more love than grief I think."  The two began to kiss and grope passionately,
when all of the little girls began to cry, wanting food and bed.

"Oh god," said Tina, slightly annoyed, "They're thirsty again."  The two
gathered up their respective children and each began to nurse all three at once. 
The tiny teeth biting her nipples felt so much better than the milking nozzles
that she wore for eight years.  They then put their daughters to bed, and came
back down to the living room.  They made a fire in the fire place, and lay down
on cushions before the fire.

"Now, lets finish this."  Said Tina.  They both grinned, and the grins became
kisses as they drew each other together.  The four breasts of one rubbed the
four breasts of the other causing milk to leak between them and make their
bellies slippery.  Easier for us to rub against each other, Nancy thought. Their
fingers grabbed passionately at hair, flesh and labia.  Vaginal juices flowed as
the women explored each other's vaginas with multiple fingers.  They then
rotated so that their heads were by the other's labia in the classic 69
positions, Tina's personal favorite.  They drank each other's nectar, and used
their hands to enhance the pleasure.  Nancy used a few fingers to give Tina anal
pleasure, lubricating her hand in Tina's vagina.  Tina just tugged and nibbled
at Nancy's labia and clitoris.  Nancy and Tina were sharing that special
bond-that special connection of closeness that only two lesbian women can feel. 
When they climaxed, they went back to kissing and necking, and cooing soft sighs
and words of love to each other.  They fell asleep in each other's arms as they
had done many times before, and would do many times again.

Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler
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