BDSM Library - The Science of Slavery

The Science of Slavery

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A girl is forced into cruel and unusual slavery by her parents. After a brief escape, both her and her best friend are captured and re-enslaved. Finally both girls are rescued and ...
The Science of Slavery


Nancy had not slept for a week.  She hadn't even moved for a week for that
matter.  She couldn't. Nancy had been bound to a chair in her basement, ankles
secured to the legs and her wrists and elbows bound together behind the
backrest.  A rope also secured her middle to the base of the backrest where it
met the seat.  Nancy was surprised that her B cup breasts and her shaven pubis
were not involved in the bondage.  Nancy had checked out some bondage web sites,
and found that most of the time the beautiful woman's breasts were bound tight,
turning them purple and making them look like balloons.  She also knew about
crotch ropes involved in Shibari, but she was tied in a most non-sexual way.

A final touch to the bondage was a rope wound around her neck several times,
then tied to the top of the backrest.  This rope hurt the most, but it did not
cut off circulation or her air flow.  Nancy did not check her bonds to see if
she could escape, for she has already tried the first few days she was bound
there.  Her father had just sat and happily watched Nancy's frustration.

Her father didn't want Nancy to move.  It was part of the torture.  Immobility
complimented the sleep deprivation nicely.  Nancy's father had pierced her
eyelids with needles, and used fine thread to tie the eyelids to Nancy's
forehead to keep them open.  No blinking, not to mention sleeping, for Nancy. 
No sir.  Keeping somebody awake for too long is a great way to subdue them, to
shatter their hope and will.  By this time, Nancy had no will or strength or
anything, except pain.  Nancy had lots of pain.

Nancy's father liked the idea of needles and tying so much that he sewed her
lips shut with tough rawhide instead of gagging her.  This meant also that Nancy
couldn't eat either, but that didn't bother her father.  Anything to subdue her
daughter, anything to make her his slave and his guinea pig.

Nancy, besides being physically tired, was mentally tired as well.  Her mind
hurt from looking into the same dingy corner for seven days in a row.  Of
course, she didn't know it was seven days.  When you don't sleep, and the lights
are always on preventing you from distinguishing night from day, time just drags
on, unmeasured.  The rest of the basement which she couldn't see, but knew well
from fifteen years of living in the house, was less dingy.  Her father, a
scientist, had converted much of the room into a lab.  It was a stereotypical
lab filled with gadgets and beakers and things emitting puffs of steam.  The
irony of course being that Nancy's father was not a stereotypical scientist. 
How many scientist research ways to subdue their daughter, keep her weak and
experiment on her?

The answer is not many.  Nancy knew this, and for the millionth time though
about how unlucky she was that it was her that landed with the psycho parents. 
Parents, because her mother was in on this as well.  Yes indeed.  Mothers are
supposed to protect their daughters, aren't they?  Supposed to love them. 
Nancy, until a week ago, thought that was the way of things.  How wrong she was. 
In fact, it was her mother that subdued her initially. 

"Nancy, you have some chocolate on your face.  Here, let me wipe it for you
(with this rag I soaked in chloroform)" How did she fall for that?  Her mother
hadn't cleaned her face in years!  Nancy was crumpled on the floor before she
could make any move to stop her mother.  Nancy wished with all her heart that
she could go back in time.

That incident lead to this, a week later, starving, tired out of her mind, weak,
bound and gagged, and here comes her father now.  Great, she thought, now what?


"Good morning Nancy, I'm so glad to see you.  Do you know what day it is?  Of
course you don't!  Silly me.  Well, today is your one week anniversary of
sitting there!  Aren't you glad?  I have some presents for you.  Here's the
first, in this needle."  He plunged the needle into her left shoulder.  It hurt
and Nancy made muffled noises through her sewn lips.  Her father chuckled and
pushed in the plunger of the needle.  Contents empty, he withdrew it.  He was
dressed in a white lab coat, and toted a clipboard along with the needle.  Nancy
was pleased to see that he didn't go so far as to wear a stethoscope.

"That's just a serum to keep you awake, which brings me to my next present." 
Her father cut the threads holding her eyelids open.  They closed on their own
accord, and she could not open them again.  Now that her eyes were closed, she
yearned harder for sleep.  But thanks to her father's serum, she fell more awake
than she had all week.

"You won't be able to sleep for at least six hours.  Oh, and I am leaving he
threads in your eyelids incase I need to use the again. 

Next present.  I bet you're hungry.  I am going to cut your mouth open and give
you a bite to eat."  He snipped the raw hide, and her jaw dropped open like
Jacob Marley.  He produced a Big Mac, and put it in her mouth.  She could barely
move her jaw, so her father too her lower jaw in his hand, and chewed for her. 
One bite.  Her stomach growled, and she tried to bit at the burger in his hand,
but failed as she couldn't see it, and could barely move her head.  Her father
yanked the Mac away and tsk tsked.

"If I give you more, you're stomach will not like it.  Food after a fast can
upset the tummy," he patted her thin one, "and anyway, I don't want you to
recover to much strength.  I doubt you'd escape, but it would make my life
easier if you didn't resist.  Will you be a good girl Nancy?" Nancy, drained of
willpower, nodded.  "Good.  I don't want to have to hurt you."   He smiled at
her warmly, as if he had said 'I don't want you to catch cold.' 

"Daddy wh--" she began, but he shushed her and clamped his hand over her mouth.

"Two more presents, then you can talk.  I promise.  You can talk as much as you
like.  Ask me anything, but two more presents first."  He untied her completely
from the chair.  She flopped onto the floor like a rag doll.  She felt as if her
body was rubber.  Here muscles were so weak and her joints so stiff that she
could only lie there.

"How does it feel to be moving again?  Ready for one more present?  Whoops! 
Almost forgot!  I have another, very special present for you.  But first, this." 
He produced a metal anklet with a D ring and a small padlocked box welded onto
it.  He put it around her ankle, her right ankle, and welded it on.  Nancy
glimpsed it and noticed that it had her name on it, preceded and followed by a
heart.  Nancy didn't know what to think of that, except it made her feel like a
little kid.

"There.  That fancy piece of jewelry has a few surprises that we can look at
later.  Now, for that super special present: A new room!  Here in the basement,
a new room specially for you!  Lets go take a look, and you can tell me if you
like it."  He hefted her limp body from the floor and onto his shoulder and
walked through the basement.  The basement was built under the whole house,
which was big since her parents actually were successful scientists.  He stopped
before a small cell, windowless and empty save for a small uncovered drain in
the middle and lots of straw.  He lay her in it, and locked her in.  He went to
fetch a chair, and seated himself right outside the bars.

"So, you can lie there, or sit or stand or whatever, and talk.  Ask me stuff."

This was the first time that she was able to think clearly since her father came
down to the basement this morning.  Nancy tried to compose herself and get her
mind running again.  She had time, her father wasn't going anywhere.  It was as
if he wanted her to ask him questions.  Knowing the facts would only make her
feel more hopeless and helpless (since they were miserable facts).  Nancy knew
that this was her father's intent, but she also had a driving curiosity to know
what his scheme was, and how she could expect the future to look.  At this
point, escape was nowhere in her mind.

Her fist priority was to assess herself and her surroundings.  Ok, one step at a
time, she thought.  She was not tired-her father's drug saw to that-so she sat
up.  She inspected her body, feeling herself all over for injuries.  None.  She
quickly slipped a finger into her vagina.  Her hymen was still intact, she
hadn't missed anything.  Physically, she was ok.  She felt some muscle pain, but
knew that would subside when she used her limbs more.  She stood up cautiously. 
She had regained enough strength to stand and walk without danger of collapsing. 
She looked around the cell.  She recognized the room.  It was once a storage
room for outdoor toys and stuff, but that was gone, replaced by hay.  Even the
door was gone, with a barred prison door in its stead.  The drain cover had been
removed.  She guessed that it was now meant to serve as a toilet.  Ok, I really
will be living here, she thought.  Nancy remembered when she was eight or so a
time when she had shut herself in this room (when it was a closet) and
threatened to live in there unless her parents said she didn't have to eat her
peas.  If nancy was in a better mood or situation, she would have chuckled at
the irony. 

Now time for questions.

She turned o the door and saw that her mother had joined her father while Nancy
had been preoccupied.  Her mother stood next to her seated father, a hand on his
shoulder, smiling at Nancy.

"Ok, first of all, what are you going to do to me?"  Her voice was shaky, she
was out of practice and frightened.  She wished she could sound confident, but
she did not feel confident at all.

Her parents grinned wider, and exchanged the grins with each other.

"Great question.  I can see why your teachers like you so much.  We need a
slave.  Not a slave in the historic sense.  No, we don't need help with labor,
well, that's not true."  Nancy's parents laughed at what must have been a joke,
but she didn't get.  None of this was the least bit funny to her.  "We need a
young girl who will produce enough milk, children, and eggs to sell
commercially.  You'd be surprised that the market for human milk, baby girls,
and useable human eggs.  You will be the producer of all three, and your mother
and I will get rich.  That is your purpose from now on.  Our intentions are that
simple: greed.  Next question?" 

Nancy was horrified.  Her own body was to be exploited by her parents!  Whatever
she was expecting, it was not this.  She was thinking more along the lines of a
slave for menial labor, the most radical of her ideas being a sex toy for her
father and maybe mother (she had suspected her mother of being bisexual).  It
took her a few minutes, but she finally asked her next question.

"How long am I to be used in this way?"  As soon as she said it, she knew she
probably wasn't going to like the answer.

"Until you run out of eggs, and your breasts stop producing quality milk" Nancy
didn't pay attention in sex-ed class, and didn't know what type of time period
this meant.  She had assumed that if she needed to know anything, her mother
would tell her.

"And after that?"  Nancy tried to ebb some confidence into her voice, but it
came out as a squeak.

"After that, you will be of no use to anybody.  I'll probably sell you to a
butcher, and make a few last bucks."  Nancy peed herself and broke out sweating,
fear gripping her heart.  Slaughtered?  They would kill her?  Her?  Their own
daughter?  They must be joking, just trying to frighten her more.

"You can't be serious."  Nancy stammered.  Her parents certainly looked serious. 
Nancy's mother fielded her remark.

"Oh no, we are very serious.  We can't risk you telling anybody what has
happened, can we.  When your purposes have been fulfilled, you will be

"And how long will that take?"  Nancy's voice portrayed every ounce of fear
inside her.  An even slyer smile spread across her father's face.

"I am working on a few medicines.  One will shorten your gestation period-the
amount of time it takes you to grow a baby-to about two months, thanks to
hormones and animal DNA.  Another medicine will make you more fertile, producing
two or three babies at a time by making you ovulate two or three eggs at a time. 
Another medicine will make your breasts grow to produce more milk.  I may even
create one which will cause you two grow two more breasts, one below each of the
ones you have now.  The final medicine will cause your body to slow the aging
process as long as you are on the medicine.  This will keep your body that of an
eighteen year old until it has served it's purpose.  In other words, once you
reach eighteen, eighteen you will stay until killed.  I'm guessing, you will
last us into your late twenties or early thirties, then, butcher time."

There wasn't much left to ask.  Nancy slumped to the floor, shocked, frightened,
trying to slow her racing mind.  She didn't care if she was sitting in her own
urine.  Her eyes darted around, as if frantically searching for a previously
overlooked means of escape.  Then a question popped into her head, but her
mother was one step ahead of her.

"Yes, you will continue school, until the first time you are impregnated. 
Which, I may add, will be by artificial insemination.  The sperm will be from
the sperm bank, a different donor each time for variety.  Your father will
modify it and your eggs to produce female only offspring.  The inseminating will
be a rough process-it's not a gentle machine."

Her parents left at this point before she could speak again.  They waved goodbye
to her, still smiling.

Nancy flopped into her straw and began to sob.  Her young body heaved as she
tried to bury herself in the straw for warmth.  Nancy payed no attention to the
few sharp pieces poking her breasts as they squashed beneath her.  They were B
cups-small B cups at that-and Nancy couldn't imagine her father just making them
grow.  Harder to imagine was how much of a freak she would be with four breasts. 
But then the remembered that nobody except her evil parents would see her and
her four breasts.  This was not a comforting thought.  She cried and cried into
the straw.  Thoughts of no escape, pain, a short life, torture, humiliation, all
swirled around her mind.  Then, for the first time in a week, she slept.


"Nancy, breakfast!"  Her mother was standing by her cell, holding a tray.  She
slid it through a slot in the door and walked off.  Nancy struggled to awake,
still a bit stiff, still very tired.  Her eyelids felt heavy, and were hard too
keep open.  After a few minutes she was able to stay awake.  She eyed the tray. 
It had many pills-no doubt her father's 'medicines', a big cup of water, and
about one bite's worth of the same big mac.  She knew her parents would know if
she didn't eat the pills.  There was no point in not eating them.  Her parents
would only hurt her, or deprive her of sleep and movement again.  It was not
worth it.  Eating the pills would be the safest bet.  She swallowed them, ate
the Big Mac piece, and drank the rest of the water.  It practically went right
through her, and she had to pee.  He squatted over the drain, and urinated down
it.  This made her feel very dirty, and she was.  A week and a day's worth of
dirt, body oil, sweat, and leg and pit hair stubble.  Nancy noticed that the
eyelid strings were gone.  She was grateful for that at least.  It meant that
sleep deprivation was not in the near future.  She heaved a sigh of relief. 
That had been the worst thing ever done to her, and she would obey her parents
better than the best trained dog if it meant that they would not torture her in
that way again.

Soon her mother returned with a shaver, and watched as Nancy shaved her legs and
armpits.  Dry.  It hurt, and of course she cut herself multiple times.. 

"Can I please be cleaned?  I reek and I feel so dirty."  Her mother smiled.  She
disappeared for a few seconds before returning with a hose.  She squirted long
and hard, all over Nancy's body.  Nancy shrieked in surprise and alarm, but
water only got in her mouth, and she had to keep quiet.  Her mother then opened
the cell and toweled Nancy off , leaving her hair a bit frizzy.  It was normally
silky and black, reaching almost to her waste. 

"Now, get dressed for school.  You've missed a lot because of our trip to Canada
for your cousin's funeral, and don't forget it."  Nancy got jeans, socks, shoes,
and a T-shirt to wear.

"Can't I at least have a bra too?"   Her mom quickly slapped Nancy's cheek.

"Who are you to make demands?  You do not deserve a bra.  You are our slave, be
glad you get anything.  Oh, and don't be late coming home.  That anklet?  It
will give you twenty minutes to get home.  If you arrive later, you will receive
the most painful electric shock.  You have been warned.  Now run and catch the
bus."  Nancy went up the stairs and left the house, thinking only of the
relative freedom of not being in the house.  So she had to come home, or else be
shocked.  She knew the shock wouldn't kill her.  Her parents wanted her alive. 
Nancy was not considering suicide as a way out, but was not looking forward to
intense pain and muscle spasms.

It wasn't hard for Nancy to stick to the story her mother told her.  The anklet
on her leg reminded her of the penalty for revealing anything.  Nancy felt very
funny without underwear.  Her vagina felt cool breezes occasionally, which was
bad because it would make her nipples erect, which in turn was worse because she
had no bra on.  She knew that although she herself knew she had not underwear
on, nobody else knew, and they wouldn't know as long as Nancy kept her nipples
down.  This sometimes meant quick trips to the bathroom to rub them with her
hands to warm them up if they began to erect.  Se did an excellent job of
fitting in with her friends again, as well as getting right back into the
subject matter they were being taught.  By the end of the day, it was almost as
if she had never left school at all.


When she got home (on time thankfully) she was locked naked in her cell with her
homework.  When that was finished, she was given more pills and was left alone
until dinner. Nancy spent this time weaving straw jewelry: A tiara, bracelets,
anklets, and a belt even.  Maybe I could make a straw skirt so I at least have
some cover, she thought. 

Dinner was, of course, another bite of Bic Mac, this time complimented by a shot
glass of milk.  Nancy was not tired anymore, but she was skinny, and knew that
she was not capable of prolonged physical activity, and probably never would be
again.  This meant no resisting, no escaping, just acceptance of her fate and
hoping that her parents would feed her more. 

Her father had informed her while she was taking her evening pills that the
pills would take effect in about a week.  Then she would stop taking them except
for the anti aging one.  The other pills could handle themselves from then on
out, he had said, smiling as usual. 

Nancy detected no physical changes in her body whatsoever during that week.  Her
life fell into routine, cell, school, cell, and pills whenever in cell. 
Occasional homework, maybe some straw weaving, blasts from the hose provided by
her mother, and using the drain were Nancy's monotony breakers. 

On the morning of the eighth day after beginning the pills, Nancy awoke with
funny feeling in her body.  She didn't feel anything wrong, but she definitely
felt different.  Her breasts felt swollen and heavier though she detected no odd
lumps or deformities when she examined them, and two pains existed, one beneath
each existing breast.  She was unsure of the cause of that, but had an idea.  If
those pains where what she thought they were, then her short life would be the
short life of a freak. 

She knew that she would ovulate two or three eggs during her next fertile time
of month, which was in a few days.  She was not looking forward to "It's not a
gentle machine."

On this day her father took her to new part of the lab.

"Nancy, climb up on the table and lay down on it, there's a good girl."  Nancy
obeyed without speaking.  She was strapped down spread eagled on the cold metal
surface, with her feet in stirrups that kept them raised, apart, and left her
vagina very open.  The cold made her nipples erect, and she blushed wit
embarrassment.  Her father ran a series of tests, then concluded aloud.

"Nancy, your current breasts have began growing.  They will stop growing when
they have reached D cup size.  Also, they have began to produce milk.  My x-rays
show also that new breast tissue is growing under your current breasts, and we
can expect two more healthy D-cup breasts within the month."  He paused, and for
the first time in two weeks, looked serious. "It is time for your first egg
extraction and artificial insemination.  The machine will tare your hymen, then
extract about ten eggs.  It will then preform coitus to bring you to orgasm, and
it will impregnate you.  My tests reveal that you are ovulating three eggs now. 
While this is going on, I will take the first milk from your breasts."

Nancy tried to struggle, but was too tightly strapped down.

"Please, don't break me yet, I'm not ready for impregnation.  Give me a month,
or a week, just not yet, oh god, I'm still sealed, at least let me break my own
hymen, it will hurt--."

"According to my tests," he looked again at his results, "you are ready.  Accept
it Nancy.  Accept the pain, accept the sperm, and accept that your mother and I
have complete control of your body.  You need to learn your place.  For that
little outburst, you will have to lick up whatever fluids you leave on this

He lowered a milking device from the ceiling.  It fastened to her breasts with a
sucking noise, then began to pump.  It was an odd feeling, especially since she
had never felt milk flowing inside her breasts.  Nancy watched her own
milk-which she had not planned on producing until she was happily married-flow
up tubes into a tank.

Suddenly, a machine resembling a mix of a spider and a drill and a dildo leapt
onto the table and scurried over to her vagina.  It paused, acquiring its
target.  Then it leapt on to her crotch, digging spider legs in to her pubis and
thighs, drawing blood with its sharp pointed feet.  Nancy yelled in pain, and
this time her father gagged her. 

After another pause, the insemenator rammed it's probe deep into her vagina. 
The thin membrane of her hymen tore in with the first thrust, and she screamed
quietly and long from behind the gag.  She felt a tingling in her womb as the
machine extracted eggs.  The eggs came out of the back of the machine in a tiny
bottle which her father picked up and pocketed.  Then the machine began its main
purpose.  In and out it thrust.  The dildo/drill/ram was long and wide-almost
too wide, but it brought good feelings along with the pain.  Nancy hated herself
for enjoying the pleasure, but her body liked it.  She even started bucking with
it, matching its thrusts with her own and moaning as the blood from her newly
ruptured hymen flowed from her vagina onto the table.  With one last gasp and
moan, she arched her back and orgasmed.  She felt hot liquid squirting into her,
and she lay back, spent.  Immediately, embarrassment hit her, and she blushed. 
Semen dripped from her distended labia, mixing with the blood.	

"Well well well, you seemed to enjoy that a lot Nancy."  Nancy just looked away,
ashamed and surprised, but more ashamed.  "Lick up the liquid, then back yo your
cell.  I guess that you have one more week of school left.  After that, your
body will have changed too much and we will have to hide you for a very long
time.  Here."  He handed her a big bottle of pills.  "These are the youth pills. 
Take one a month.  Once you reach the age of eighteen, you will stay eighteen. 
I will be examining you for signs of age.  If I see you aging, you will regret
it more that you have ever regretted anything before."

Nancy was unstrapped and she moved onto her hands and knees on the table.  She
bent her head low and began to lap up the semen/blood under the gaze of her
father.  Nancy usually didn't mind the taste of blood, but combined with semen
it was disgusting.  It took her a while to lick it all up because for a while it
was still dribbling out of her vagina, and she had to re-lick the same areas
multiple times.  Finally she was done.  She felt very sick to her stomach. 
Nancy picked up the anti aging pill bottle and ran back to her cell to puke down
the drain.  Her father followed her to lock her in.  He laughed when he saw her
vomiting, then strolled away, whistling. 

Nancy now knew to keep her mouth shut, not to argue for fear of having to lick
that stuff up again.  She was also sure that if she vomited again, she'd have to
lick that up to.  The thought made her vomit once more, but she tried to do it
quietly so as not to let her father hear.


After recovering from her sickness for a few minutes, Nancy digested her new
information.  Ok, she thought, I have two months until I give birth to triplets. 
I have one week of school left until I am confined to my cell and this basement
for the rest of my short life.  Do not forget the pills, If he sees me aging, I
will be sorry.  She slumped back in her straw.  Her vagina was oozing the
semen-blood mixture again, so she sat over the drain so she didn't contaminate
her cell.  If she would be spending ten years in it, it had better be clean. 
That would be some decency at least.

Her tiny meal came, pill-less now, two times before she fell asleep, homework

The next morning, she awoke to feel lumps growing under her breasts.  Her new
breasts were growing very fast.  Dark patches in the centers indicated future
nipples.  Near future, like three weeks until they were fully developed.  Her
current breasts were still on their way to becoming D cups, a few drops of milk
could be seen on the tips of the nipples.  Leaking.  A sign of too many
hormones.  Those pills.  Nancy took her left breast in both hands, and applied
pressure back to front.  A thin jet of milk squirted out into the straw.  She
then angled her nipple as best she could at her mouth.  She squeezed her breast
again.  The milk shot into her mouth.  It was delicious.  What is more, she felt
a bit of strength return after she was done drinking.  She thought, could this
be my first step towards escape?.

Nancy also felt hungrier than usual.  That must be my new daughters beginning to
develop, she realized.  To her joy, she got four bites of burger today.  She
figured one for her, and one for each baby.  She was also allowed her weekly
hose down and shave.  Since she would be naked from now on, she did not shave
her pubic hair.  Even that tiny amount of coverage was better than none.  Plus,
she was not a fan of having cuts all over her pubis and labia.  She had
naturally long and thick pubic hair, so now with only access to a razor, it
would be easiest in general to let it grow.

At school it was becoming more difficult.  All of her breasts were growing fast,
so she had to wear loose clothing, mostly hooded sweatshirts, to hide the four
lumps now inhabiting her chest.  She also noticed that her pants were beginning
to get tighter.  Her stomach was expanding already!  She was almost a week into
her two month pregnancy!   Of triplets none the less.  She was only fifteen and
not sure that her body was big enough to handle growing, then ejecting, three
babies.  Being underfed and over tired didn't help.  She began to wonder if she
would die in childbirth.

She had not seen her best friend Tina all week.  She had not seen her since
before...everything happened, and really wanted and needed a friend right now. 
Tina had been close to Nancy ever since kindergarten.  People thought that they
were lesbians by the way they acted around each other.  Sometimes they
encouraged the idea, sometimes they ignored it.  They never denied it, however,
because they did not know if it was true or not. 

Tina wasn't there Monday through Thursday.  Each day of Tina's absence brought
Nancy more disappointment.  Thursday night Nancy though about Tina.  Would they
never meet again?  She couldn't bare the thought.  She just had to see Tina
again, just one more time before she was gone forever. 

Nancy awoke suddenly in the night.  She was happy, excited and nervous, for she
had remembered something that might be the key to her salvation: Tina's dad was
a metal worker!!! 

Friday morning Nancy looked at her body.  Her breasts had stopped hurting and no
longer felt swollen.  This was because finally, after a week, all four had
stopped growing.  Four D cups were not easy to hide.  Also, her stomach was now
excave.  Not thanks to nourishment (she was still not being fed enough), but
thanks to her daughters.  She did not look pregnant yet, but probably would in a
week or so.  She had the stomach of a girl her age who was not athletic at all,
but that disguise would not last long.  Tina.  Tina and her dad were the answer. 
Tina would be there for her, as she always was. 

And to her great joy and relief, there was Tina, on the bus.

"Oh Tina, than god you are here.  At lunch, I really need to speak with you.  It
is beyond important."  Nancy was on the brink of tears of joy, and was speaking
almost too fast.

"Ok ok chill out.  Lunch...where?"  Tina was not angry, just surprised and
concerned.  Oh beautiful, kind and smart Tina!

"Playgound, in the corner with the trees."  With that, Nancy hugged Tina close. 
Tina was expecting to feel the two usual soft contacts of Nancy's breasts, but
felt four.  And bigger.  Tina stared, confused, at Nancy.  "At lunch, I will
tell all."  They left it at that, going their separate ways upon leaving the


"Tina!  Over here!"  Nancy beckoned furiously.  Tina sped up.  They met, and
moved into a secluded area of the campus, blocked from view by trees and shrubs. 
Again Nancy embraced Tina, this time planting a kiss on her cheek, and refusing
to relinquish Tina's left hand.

"Nancy, what's wrong with you?  What's going on?  Why--" She looked at Nancy's
chest.  The baggy hoody did a great job of hiding the four large breasts from
view and making it seem as if she only had the usual two, but Tina had felt
them, and was very curious.

"Let me explain first."  And Nancy did.

Ten minutes later, the tale was told. 

"Well, lets see 'em.  Let me see and believe.  Your tale is a bit tall Nancy." 
Nancy lifted up her hoody and T shirt, exposing four, perfectly real, D cup
breasts.  Tina gasped, and stared at Nancy in shock from seeing four breasts on
one girl, and pity because she knew Nancy's sad story was true.

"Now do you believe?"  Tina nodded, silent.  "We must leave school now and go to
your house."  Nancy lifted her right pant leg.  "I need this off...If I want to
escape."  Nancy was growing more and more paranoid and desperate the longer she
remained with Tina.  This probably stemmed from Nancy being super anxious,
wanting to avoid being zapped and wanting to be free.

"My dad won't be home."  Tina said dejectedly.  Nancy gripped Tina's shoulders.

"I trust you to remove it.  Please Tina, It's my only hope.  I need you now."

"Alright, lets get going.  We need to hurry before you are zapped."  The two ran
off campus, and headed towards Tina's house.

Tina had obviously watched her father at work, for she skillfully and swiftly
removed the anklet.  It was thrown into a passing trash truck.  Nancy hugged her
and kissed her happily.  By now, Tina was getting used to the four breasts being
pressed into her.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" Nancy sang as she danced around
the work shed, bosoms shaking violently.  This hurt her, for she quickly stopped
to rub them.

"Nancy, we need to get you a bra or something before you damage your boobs. 
Come up to my room and we will see what we can do."  They both dashed into the
house and up the stairs to Tina's room.  The room was spacious and clean, with
nice carpeting.  Nancy lay down on it, happy to be free of that cement floored
basement.  Tina brought Nancy over to a large mirror an stood her in front of
it.  "Ok Nancy, take them off so we can see what we have to work with."  Nancy
stripped naked and stood still.  The room was cool and Nancy's nipples hardened,
but she didn't mind.  She was completely comfortable being naked-even in her
altered state-in front of Tina.  Tina strode around her looking her over and
looking in the mirror.

"Well Nancy, you must admit.  They are very nice boobs.  I really love them."

"Well yeah, except that there are four of them!"  Nancy laughed, but stopped
quickly when she saw how serious Tina was.  "Do you really like them?  Did you
like them at all...before?"  This second thought made Nancy uncomfortable.  Tina
saw the sudden sadness in Nancy, and hugged her from behind, her hands around
Nancy's swelling belly.

"Of course I did.  I have always loved everything about you."  Tina whispered
the words into Nancy's ear.  They looked into each other's face.  They moved
their faces closer. 

Next they were kissing.  Tentatively at first, but soon both found the courage
to use their tongues.  Tina put a hand on one of Nancy's breasts.  Nancy
quivered, touched like this for the first time.  It felt good.  It made her feel
loved.  She returned the favor, snaking her hand up Tina's shirt and grasping a
breast.  Both moaned with pleasure.  Tina guided Nancy to the bed, and, both
still kissing, they lay down.  Tina broke away for a few seconds to quickly
remove her clothes, then lay back on top of Nancy.  She moved one hand lower
down Nancy's abdomen.  The hand played with the thick pubic hair for a minute,
before it reached it's destination. 

Nancy had been so caught up in kissing Tina and fondling Tina's breasts that she
was startled to feel pleasure in her own labia.  She moaned and arched her back,
the kiss broken.  Tina lowered her mouth to meet the rising breasts, and lightly
nibbled at one of Nancy's nipples.  Nancy's hands soon found their way to Tina's
shaven pubis, and began their work on the tender moist flesh of Tina's sex. 
Nancy used one hand to probe Tina's vagina, seeking the clitoris.  Her other
hand was more daring and inserted a finger up Tina's anus, gently thrusting and

Both girls were generating too much pleasure for the other.  They orgasmed long,
loudly and simultaniously.  Then they fell back onto the bed, very close to each
other.  Nancy's raven hair mingled with Tina's auburn.  After a final ten minute
embrace, the couple broke away, and put their clothes on.  In the midst of the
trauma of Nancy's situation, both girls took comfort in knowing that they had
realized their sexuality.

"Ah, where were we?  Oh yes, my breasts.  How could I forget?"

"Hey, wanna donate a pair?  I was thinking of getting new ones anyway!"  They
laughed.  The four breasts bounced heavily under their hoody.  Tina opened
drawer and pulled out two large sports bras.  "These are the sturdiest and
biggest that I have.  Put one on."  Nancy removed her shirt and hoody again and
put one bra on, covering her top two breasts.

"This looks soooo weird, almost to the point of funny."  Said Nancy, eyeing the
sight of her two covered, two exposed breasts in the mirror.

"I wonder..." said Tina.  "Take it off, I have a plan."  Nancy removed the bra
and handed the two to Tina.  Tina went to her sewing machine and quickly created
the worlds first four-cupped sports bra.  Nancy put the creation on and jumped. 
All four breasts were secured to minimal movement.

"This is great!  Than you so much, again!"  Nancy did more bouncing, showing
Tina how secure her breasts were now..

"Those bras are reinforced by wire.  Very secure.  Now, I'll give you some
panties to use."  Tina rummaged in her drawer and produced four pairs of
panties.  Nancy put on a pair.  It then occurred to Tina just how thin Nancy
looked (aside from her stomach).  "Hey Nancy, come get some lunch.  Lets break
that starving diet they had you on."  Nancy got dressed again, put the spare
panties in her backpack, and followed Tina to the kitchen.

Tina fed Nancy health food and health drink for about an hour.  Nancy managed
not to be sick by eating slowly.  A half an hour after eating, she felt more
energy than she had in three weeks.  They went out back and kicked a soccer ball
around until Tina's dad came home.

Tina's dad was surprised to see both girls acting so panicked, and even more
surprised after hearing the story.  Nancy even showed the dad her four breasts
for proof. 

"...And so daddy, we need to have Nancy's parents arrested. Daddy, call 911 now
call now please, this is really-

"Ok ok, calm down.  Let me call."  Tina and Nancy huddled together, trembling as
the conversation went on.

"Girls, the authorities are on the way to Nancy's house.  However, a car is
going to come here to pick Nancy up for questioning.  I am afraid she will have
to be in court, to testify."

"Can Tina come with me?"  Nancy made her best sad puppy face.

"We will see when the police arrive."

Moments later, a car could be heard screeching up the street.  It pulled into
the driveway.

"That can't be them already, can it?"  Tina's father's words were cut short as
the door burst open.  There were Nancy's parents, toting machine guns.  They let
fly at Tina's dad.  He died very quickly.  Nancy grabbed Tina and they bolted
for the back door.  Two shots rang out.  Tina and Nancy were both hit in the
leg.  They screamed and fell together.  They wormed their way to each other and
clung to each other in a hug. 

"Tina, don't let me g-" Nancy began, but both girls were clubbed into
unconsciousness with the butts of the guns. 


Tina awoke to find herself in the same situation that Nancy was when the ordeal
started. Bound to the chair, eyelids sewn open, mouth sewn closed, etcetera. 
Nancy had a few alterations to the way she was bound.  A tube was stuck through
her sewn lips.  Nancy could feel the tube go down her throat to her stomach. 
That meant food was in order!  The only good thing as far as she could see in an
ocean of bad things.  And the good thing wasn't really even that good.  The
other alteration was the milking device, which appeared to be epoxied to her
nipples.  The girls exchanged frightened glances, then it hit them: this was not
Nancy's basement.  It was a different basement.  They were at a different house. 
Footsteps approached, and sure enough, along with Nancy's parents there came a
few different people.  They all looked very angry, and they all carried cattle

Nancy's father spoke first.

"I thought you might have gone to Tina's, Nancy.  You should have ran far away
when you had the chance.  But alas, you only got two more people involved in
your problem.  Thanks to you, and seriously, thank you Nancy, one is dead and
the going to share your fate. That's right.  You got her involved. 
Everything that she experiences will be your fault, especially her death.  She
has already been fed a new version of all the medicines.  A one time only
dosage.  In a few weeks, Tina will also have four tits, and three daughters
inside her, and a few less eggs." Nancy's father stepped back, allowing one of
the new people to take the spotlight.  Nancy did feel responsible for getting
Tina involved.  How could she let this happen to her best friend?  She looked at
Tina, who made the most forgiving face she could to make Nancy feel better about

The woman who stepped forward next was tall and beautiful, with an air of evil
around her.

"This time there will not be an escape.  You both will be put into separate
stalls, and you will be chained to the wall by a welded on collar, welded on
bracelets, and welded on anklets.  This means that those cells will be the last
rooms you ever enter.  You will each live there for ten to fifteen years before
you are slaughtered."  On cue the other new person, a man, stepped forward.

"Of course, this will not happen until you have both had another week of sleep
deprivation.  For Tina, this also means food deprivation.  When the week is up,
you will be incarcerated.  You will even be impregnated, milked, and deliver
babies from within your cells."  Finished, this man stepped back.  Nancy's
mother now spoke.

"The final part to this plan will be the sewing shut of your eyes.  It is better
looking than just blinding you, the knowledge that you could see but are not
allowed to shall add to the experience."

The four adults pivoted the girls so that they were facing each other.  Their
expressions were the same.  Desolate sadness and fear.

"Look well at each other, for this shall be the last time you see each other
ever."  Tears began to stream down the girls' faces.  Both girls struggled
violently against their bonds.  Quickly, the four adults were using the cattle
prods, and Nancy and Tina were forced to submit.  The other man came close to
Nancy and pulled out a pocket knife.  He made a series of long but very shallow
cuts all over nancy's breasts, stomach and crotch.  They bled a little, but the
bleeding was soon made trivial as the man applied salt to the wounds.  They
stung like hell, and Nancy writhed and made muffled noises of pain with her
mouth.  Tears streamed from her eyes, but she could do nothing to ease the pain. 
Tina received the same punishment.  Nancy cried harder as she watched her best
friend being tortured.  Because of her.  Had it not been for Nancy, Tina would
be home right now, her father alive.  The man saw all of the tears in Nancy's

"Here, let me dry those up for you."  He dashed some salt in her face. 
Unbearable, simply unbearable pain.  Nancy passed out quickly, only to be
revived a second later by a splash of frigid water.

Then, they were turned back to back, and left alone in the bright light for a
whole week.  A week more torturous than any Nancy had experienced.  Her eyes and
cuts stung all week, as did Tina's.  Both girls lost enough blood to make them
feel even weaker than they would have felt from just this torture.  Also, to
know that her lover was behind her, and yet she could not see or call out to
her, was almost as unbearable as the painful swelling of Nancy's abdomen.


The transition of having eyes sewn open to having eyes sewn shut was very odd. 
It was preformed of course while the girls were facing away from each other. 
Nancy had expected her mouth to be unsewn, but it wasn't.  She was welded into
her cell soon after.  Chains were long enough to allow her to move about her
cell, but they were certainly never coming off.  Her food tube stayed in her
stomach, and her breast milker stayed attached.  It seemed they were even going
to deny her the feeling of breast feeding her babies...the babies she would
never see, or hold, or whisper to.  Just three more weeks until delivery.

Tina would have to wait longer.  She had a feeding tube fed down into her
stomach, and the first two suckers of the milker were epoxied to her current two
nipples.  The other two were not fully formed.  Tina got her first taste of the
insemenater that day.  It painfully, roughly, took some eggs and gave some sperm
after demolishing her hymen.  She was told to expect two daughters in two
months.  Tina had been looking forward to talking to Nancy in the next cell, but
that was completely impossible.  Well, not completely.  Tina emitted a pitiful
moan from behind her sewn lips.  The moan was answered by one from Nancy.  They
moaned to each other, like tortured whales.  It was the only form of
communication the two girls had.

For eight years, and many babies, and many eggs stolen, and thousands of gallons
of milk extracted.


Eight years later, the headlines of Newspapers every where read this:


Eighteen year olds Nancy Arrington and Tina Jones were delivered from hell today
as rescuers and swat members saved them from the basement of a local residence. 
The girls had been kept there against their will, bound cruelly to walls of
jail-like cells.  When rescuers arrived, the girls' eyelids and lips had been
sewn shut.  During their eight year imprisonment, the girls were underfed,
denied sufficient movement for healthy muscles, blind, unable to speak, and kept
permanently pregnant and milking.  According to evidence found in the house, the
girls were pregnant six times a year, averaging fifteen daughters born a year. 
The girls never got to seel, hold, feed or comfort their babies before the
babies were sold to unknown buyers.  The girls also had close to 500 eggs stolen
from each one.  One of the more unusual aspects of their torture was the growing
of two more breasts onto each girl, one breast below each of the normal breasts. 
All four of each girl's breasts measured to be D cups.

The girls may look eighteen, but are actually twenty three...SEE "EIGHT YEARS"

After being released from the hospital after rescue, Tina and Nancy got married
in the first Lesbian marriage ever in America.  They bought a house and moved
in.  Each of them gave birth to the first sets of children they could actually
raise, not to mention see. 

"Well Tina, It's finally over.  We are married, mothers, and safe from harm
forever.  We will live forever, you realize, with these eighteen year old
bodies, four breasts and all."  Tina moved close up against Nancy encircling
Nancy's waist with her arm.  The two were watching their six daughters play. 
The eight of them were naked on the living room floor.  All of the
babies-thankfully-been born with only two breasts.  They would lead lives more
normal than their mothers would be.  One of the girls crawled up to Nancy and
began to tug on Nancy's pubic hair, squealing with delight.  Nancy gasped, but
let the girl continue to play.

"Yes, we will outlive our daughters.  In fact, we will outlive all of our future
children.  When will we run out of eggs?"

"Oh, I'd say about, twenty years, that's long enough to have 120 more sets of
children."  Nancy sighed.  They still had two month gestation periods, but that
didn't mean they had to get pregnant six times a year.  They soon discovered
that children were too much trouble, no matter how sweet, to have more than six
at a time.

What about one set every twenty two years?  That will mean that the previous set
will be out of college before we have the next one."  Tina was always coming up
with good plans.  Just one of the many reasons why Nancy loved her so much.

"There will be much grief in our futures," She embraced Tina, kissing her, "but
more love than grief I think."  The two began to kiss and grope passionately,
when all of the little girls began to cry, wanting food and bed.

"Oh god," said Tina, slightly annoyed, "They're thirsty again."  The two
gathered up their respective children and each began to nurse all three at once. 
The tiny teeth biting her nipples felt so much better than the milking nozzles
that she wore for eight years.  They then put their daughters to bed, and came
back down to the living room.  They made a fire in the fire place, and lay down
on cushions before the fire.

"Now, lets finish this."  Said Tina.  They both grinned, and the grins became
kisses as they drew each other together.  The four breasts of one rubbed the
four breasts of the other causing milk to leak between them and make their
bellies slippery.  Easier for us to rub against each other, Nancy thought. Their
fingers grabbed passionately at hair, flesh and labia.  Vaginal juices flowed as
the women explored each other's vaginas with multiple fingers.  They then
rotated so that their heads were by the other's labia in the classic 69
positions, Tina's personal favorite.  They drank each other's nectar, and used
their hands to enhance the pleasure.  Nancy used a few fingers to give Tina anal
pleasure, lubricating her hand in Tina's vagina.  Tina just tugged and nibbled
at Nancy's labia and clitoris.  Nancy and Tina were sharing that special
bond-that special connection of closeness that only two lesbian women can feel. 
When they climaxed, they went back to kissing and necking, and cooing soft sighs
and words of love to each other.  They fell asleep in each other's arms as they
had done many times before, and would do many times again.

Review This Story || Email Author: Dan Butler