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Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler

The Science of Slavery

Part 4


"Tina!  Over here!"  Nancy beckoned furiously.  Tina sped up.  They met, and
moved into a secluded area of the campus, blocked from view by trees and shrubs. 
Again Nancy embraced Tina, this time planting a kiss on her cheek, and refusing
to relinquish Tina's left hand.

"Nancy, what's wrong with you?  What's going on?  Why--" She looked at Nancy's
chest.  The baggy hoody did a great job of hiding the four large breasts from
view and making it seem as if she only had the usual two, but Tina had felt
them, and was very curious.

"Let me explain first."  And Nancy did.

Ten minutes later, the tale was told. 

"Well, lets see 'em.  Let me see and believe.  Your tale is a bit tall Nancy." 
Nancy lifted up her hoody and T shirt, exposing four, perfectly real, D cup
breasts.  Tina gasped, and stared at Nancy in shock from seeing four breasts on
one girl, and pity because she knew Nancy's sad story was true.

"Now do you believe?"  Tina nodded, silent.  "We must leave school now and go to
your house."  Nancy lifted her right pant leg.  "I need this off...If I want to
escape."  Nancy was growing more and more paranoid and desperate the longer she
remained with Tina.  This probably stemmed from Nancy being super anxious,
wanting to avoid being zapped and wanting to be free.

"My dad won't be home."  Tina said dejectedly.  Nancy gripped Tina's shoulders.

"I trust you to remove it.  Please Tina, It's my only hope.  I need you now."

"Alright, lets get going.  We need to hurry before you are zapped."  The two ran
off campus, and headed towards Tina's house.

Tina had obviously watched her father at work, for she skillfully and swiftly
removed the anklet.  It was thrown into a passing trash truck.  Nancy hugged her
and kissed her happily.  By now, Tina was getting used to the four breasts being
pressed into her.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" Nancy sang as she danced around
the work shed, bosoms shaking violently.  This hurt her, for she quickly stopped
to rub them.

"Nancy, we need to get you a bra or something before you damage your boobs. 
Come up to my room and we will see what we can do."  They both dashed into the
house and up the stairs to Tina's room.  The room was spacious and clean, with
nice carpeting.  Nancy lay down on it, happy to be free of that cement floored
basement.  Tina brought Nancy over to a large mirror an stood her in front of
it.  "Ok Nancy, take them off so we can see what we have to work with."  Nancy
stripped naked and stood still.  The room was cool and Nancy's nipples hardened,
but she didn't mind.  She was completely comfortable being naked-even in her
altered state-in front of Tina.  Tina strode around her looking her over and
looking in the mirror.

"Well Nancy, you must admit.  They are very nice boobs.  I really love them."

"Well yeah, except that there are four of them!"  Nancy laughed, but stopped
quickly when she saw how serious Tina was.  "Do you really like them?  Did you
like them at all...before?"  This second thought made Nancy uncomfortable.  Tina
saw the sudden sadness in Nancy, and hugged her from behind, her hands around
Nancy's swelling belly.

"Of course I did.  I have always loved everything about you."  Tina whispered
the words into Nancy's ear.  They looked into each other's face.  They moved
their faces closer. 

Next they were kissing.  Tentatively at first, but soon both found the courage
to use their tongues.  Tina put a hand on one of Nancy's breasts.  Nancy
quivered, touched like this for the first time.  It felt good.  It made her feel
loved.  She returned the favor, snaking her hand up Tina's shirt and grasping a
breast.  Both moaned with pleasure.  Tina guided Nancy to the bed, and, both
still kissing, they lay down.  Tina broke away for a few seconds to quickly
remove her clothes, then lay back on top of Nancy.  She moved one hand lower
down Nancy's abdomen.  The hand played with the thick pubic hair for a minute,
before it reached it's destination. 

Nancy had been so caught up in kissing Tina and fondling Tina's breasts that she
was startled to feel pleasure in her own labia.  She moaned and arched her back,
the kiss broken.  Tina lowered her mouth to meet the rising breasts, and lightly
nibbled at one of Nancy's nipples.  Nancy's hands soon found their way to Tina's
shaven pubis, and began their work on the tender moist flesh of Tina's sex. 
Nancy used one hand to probe Tina's vagina, seeking the clitoris.  Her other
hand was more daring and inserted a finger up Tina's anus, gently thrusting and

Both girls were generating too much pleasure for the other.  They orgasmed long,
loudly and simultaniously.  Then they fell back onto the bed, very close to each
other.  Nancy's raven hair mingled with Tina's auburn.  After a final ten minute
embrace, the couple broke away, and put their clothes on.  In the midst of the
trauma of Nancy's situation, both girls took comfort in knowing that they had
realized their sexuality.

"Ah, where were we?  Oh yes, my breasts.  How could I forget?"

"Hey, wanna donate a pair?  I was thinking of getting new ones anyway!"  They
laughed.  The four breasts bounced heavily under their hoody.  Tina opened
drawer and pulled out two large sports bras.  "These are the sturdiest and
biggest that I have.  Put one on."  Nancy removed her shirt and hoody again and
put one bra on, covering her top two breasts.

"This looks soooo weird, almost to the point of funny."  Said Nancy, eyeing the
sight of her two covered, two exposed breasts in the mirror.

"I wonder..." said Tina.  "Take it off, I have a plan."  Nancy removed the bra
and handed the two to Tina.  Tina went to her sewing machine and quickly created
the worlds first four-cupped sports bra.  Nancy put the creation on and jumped. 
All four breasts were secured to minimal movement.

"This is great!  Than you so much, again!"  Nancy did more bouncing, showing
Tina how secure her breasts were now..

"Those bras are reinforced by wire.  Very secure.  Now, I'll give you some
panties to use."  Tina rummaged in her drawer and produced four pairs of
panties.  Nancy put on a pair.  It then occurred to Tina just how thin Nancy
looked (aside from her stomach).  "Hey Nancy, come get some lunch.  Lets break
that starving diet they had you on."  Nancy got dressed again, put the spare
panties in her backpack, and followed Tina to the kitchen.

Tina fed Nancy health food and health drink for about an hour.  Nancy managed
not to be sick by eating slowly.  A half an hour after eating, she felt more
energy than she had in three weeks.  They went out back and kicked a soccer ball
around until Tina's dad came home.

Tina's dad was surprised to see both girls acting so panicked, and even more
surprised after hearing the story.  Nancy even showed the dad her four breasts
for proof. 

"...And so daddy, we need to have Nancy's parents arrested. Daddy, call 911 now
call now please, this is really-

"Ok ok, calm down.  Let me call."  Tina and Nancy huddled together, trembling as
the conversation went on.

"Girls, the authorities are on the way to Nancy's house.  However, a car is
going to come here to pick Nancy up for questioning.  I am afraid she will have
to be in court, to testify."

"Can Tina come with me?"  Nancy made her best sad puppy face.

"We will see when the police arrive."

Moments later, a car could be heard screeching up the street.  It pulled into
the driveway.

"That can't be them already, can it?"  Tina's father's words were cut short as
the door burst open.  There were Nancy's parents, toting machine guns.  They let
fly at Tina's dad.  He died very quickly.  Nancy grabbed Tina and they bolted
for the back door.  Two shots rang out.  Tina and Nancy were both hit in the
leg.  They screamed and fell together.  They wormed their way to each other and
clung to each other in a hug. 

"Tina, don't let me g-" Nancy began, but both girls were clubbed into
unconsciousness with the butts of the guns. 

Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler
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