BDSM Library - Woolly Story

Woolly Story

Provided By: BDSM Library


A Woolly Story

Part 1

Setting the Scene: -

I have to admit that from the early age of eight or nine onwards, that I had an unhealthy fractionation with beautiful girls dressing up warm for the winter.  This stared with many pictorial fantasies from spending hours looking through faction catalogues. I used to hate the late winter onwards when the summer editions were published and the winter ones went in the rubbish bin.

These thoughts remained very personal for many years, well into teenaged life and now into my thirties. Do you actually know how difficult it is to find a girl friend that enjoys wearing thick Lycra or woolly tights with a heavy sweater and to finish the outfit off, that all important winter scarf, tied around her slender neck? Reading through hours and hours of stores posted on the World Wide Web, I was so pleased to understand that I was not alone in having these fantasies.

Cross-dressing in warm, winter clothing was always part of my life since my teenaged years. This has always remained a very private part of my life. I have always been and remain a heterosexual male, but the feeling of woollen and Lycra womans clothing against my bare skin has always been a turn on since I can remember first experimenting. 

Bondage on the other hand has played a much more pivotal roll in my love life since I first starting dating in my teens. Most of my girl friends have enjoyed experimenting with various degrees of bondage. I must admit I fantasise daily about girls wearing warm, winter cloths with her hands cuffed behind her back. There is something about the female form, pert boobs trapped behind a woolly sweater, forced forward by hands restrained behind back!

I do not crave to be a female. At no time have I ever felt that I am trapped in a male body. I just love the female form wrapped in soft wool so I guess that I want to create my own personal fantasies, in my own space!

These stories are therefore fiction, my fantasies for other similar minded people to read.

A Woolly Story Part 1

It all began one autumn, Saturday afternoon a few years ago. The medium sized English village I live in was having a meeting for all its residents to update us all on the new bypass, which was being approved by the local authority. I arrived slightly late and sat near the back of the room filled with angry and bemused residents. Some were happy that their sleepy village was soon to be returned to them and others unhappy at the loss of business the bypass will cause in passing trade. The council officials sat at the front of the room, behind a large wooden table which did little to protect them from the barrage of abuse been hurled from middle aged country folk who really didnt understand what the an improvement the bypass would make to their rural lives.

It was clear I wasnt the only late resident to the meeting. I could hardly take my eyes off this blonde beauty as she excused herself and squeezed passed me to take the seat next to me in our fairly empty back row. “Hi, Im Jennifer” she announced in a whisper. I leant over and introduce myself, “Nice to meet you Jennifer, Im David.”

Jennifer was a stunning girl, long blonde hair, falling just below her shoulders. It was what she was wearing caught my eye. As she eased her long grey trench coat off her shoulders I couldnt keep my eyes off the black wool figure sitting next to me. She wore a black wool ribbed sweater with matching black medium length skirt. Her legs were covered in a thick layer of black Lycra and a pair of shinny black leather boots came up to just below her knees. Wrapped once around her neck was a long blue winter scarf. Both ends draped across her ample sized chest and the tassels hung, just above her skirt.

“This meeting is pathetic,” Whispered Jennifer. “I couldnt agree more,” I answered, in as low a voice as I could; which enabled me to lean towards her left ear and catch another smell of her sweet perfume. “Lets get out of here and get a coffee”, explained Jennifer as she pulled on her grey trench coat and stood up. I could hardly refuse this offer from a gorgeous girl!

We left the town hall, down the steps and turned right, walking away from the village square. Jennifer explained that she only moved to the village three months ago, when she bought he old rural police station, which had been converted into a rather nice home by the previous owners. The village police station had moved over four years ago to a brand new, purpose built facility on the outskirts of town. I explained that I lived only two streets beyond her so conveniently; Jennifer invited me to go back to her place for the coffee as not many English villages had been taken over by Starbucks quite yet!  It was a cool afternoon, overcast and the skies looked like they would empty any minute. I was wearing jeans and a heavy Tommy Hill Figure sweatshirt. Jennifer seemed comfortable, the only thing she added when we left the warmth of the town hall was a pair of black woollen gloves. We walked and chatted about our lives, which were quite similar. We both had left the city to find a quieter, more sedate life in the country. We were getting on so well, we nearly forgot about the rain, which was starting to fall heavier and heavier. Jennifer explained that her house was only a couple of minutes away and if we ran we might miss the worst of the rain. It didnt really matter too much because the skies opened and we were absolutely drenched by the time we reached the steps up to her front door.

Jennifer entered the house in front of me and headed immediately for he coal effect fire. Within a few seconds of the gas been lit, the blue and amber flames were starting to heat the living room. The house was certainly a change from its days as a police station! The old reception desk area had been removed and a wall knocked down to enable a wonderful open planned living room. Jennifer removed her trench coat, and then slipped the gloves of each hand. She approached me, standing beside the fire warming myself, “You are soaking David! Do you want me to dry your cloths?” I smiled as she approached, “But Jennifer, I would have nothing to wear while my cloths dried!” She stood very close to me, rubbing her hands and then unwinding her long blue scarf from around her neck. “Wait there please David, I have an idea?” She then turned and walked away, heading for the stairs to the second floor. I heard footsteps upstairs and it wasnt long until she returned holding a red woollen package in her right hand. “I havent much that will fit you David but I guess this might do?” I could she the glint in her eyes as she handed me a very heavy red, woollen sweater dress. “Im not sure this is quite me Jennifer?” I commented. “Dont be so modest David! You are soaking wet, your cloths need dried and this is the best I can come up with given the circumstances.” Jennifer then announced she was off to the kitchen to make coffee, so I had some privacy to change into the red sweater dress.

My shoes slipped off easily but my jeans were another story. They were no longer blue from the amount of water they were retaining. Next came me sweatshirt and t-shirt. Both were soaking as Jennifer had kindly pointed up. I picked up the red bundle of wool and lifted it over my head, pushing my arms through, which enabled me to pull the sweater dress down over my body. It reached to just above my knees leaving my bare legs visible with a pair of white sports socks on each foot. I picked up my wet cloths and walked in the direction of the kitchen. “Does that not feel better David,” Jennifer asked as she took my wet cloths and placed them over the warm radiator in the corner of her kitchen? I just smiled in return, as I couldnt admit that I was enjoying the smooth, warm feeling of the soft wool against my bare skin. She then handed me a cup of coffee and we headed back into the living room to sit of the suite, opposite the burring gas fire.

“Dont be embarrassed David, the dress suits you, honestly!” It was difficult to accept that I was sitting beside a beautiful girl dressed in wool, while wearing a very heavy, red woollen sweater dress myself. “It is a pity your pale legs and those white sports socks ruin the outfit,” she explained. “Sure Jennifer but what is the alternative, a pair of tights?” There was a deadly silence for a few minutes until Jennifer stood-up,” Follow me please David?” As instructed I stood up and followed Jennifer upstairs. “I want to show you round my house,” Jennifer insisted, as we climbed the stairs to the second floor. We toured the four bedrooms, two bathrooms and her very well equipped study. All had been tastefully decorated since the days the house was an operational police station. We then re-entered one of the smaller bedrooms and stopped as Jennifer rummaged in one of the drawers. “These will make you feel much more comfortable David, I promise!” Jennifer handed me a pair of thick black woollen, ribbed tights and then left the room, suggesting I put them on in private. I sat on the single bed and removed my sports socks. I stood up and pulled up the sweater dress enough to allow me to take off my boxer shorts. I then eased each foot inside the thick wool and pulled the tights up other my backside. The elastic was more than strong enough to hold the tights over my stomach. I then smoothed the sweater dress back down, just in time as Jennifer came back into the room. “That looks much better David,” she remarked and I followed her back downstairs.

I was starting to enjoy my Saturday afternoon. My discomfort of wearing the sweater dress and tights had gone, especially as Jennifer was obviously getting turned on by what I was wearing.  We continued the tour, through the open-planned living room and into the kitchen again which led out side to the large back garden that was mainly laid out in lawn. I thought the tour was over when Jennifer opened another door in the kitchen, which led to more stairs. “I guess this takes us to your basement Jennifer, “ I enquired? I didnt get a response but I had forgotten that this house was once the village police station. “This is the best part David and it hasnt changed since the days this house was a police station!” Jennifer was referring to the four cells. It was obvious that they had been maintained. The brick walls were freshly painted in what I guess was the original colour, grey. The secure block windows had their metal frame kept in perfect condition. This prime state also extended to the heavy metal prison cell doors. I had just entered the fourth and final cell when the phone rang. “Ill be back in a minute or two David,” and Jennifer left to answer the phone.

This cell was slightly different from the other three. Against the wall of the high block window was a made up prison bunk. On the adjacent wall hung a pair of heavy steel cuffs. They hung from a single ring in the wall, near the ceiling. The cuffs were attached to a single chain that ran through the ring and hung side-by-side, open and unlocked. I stood with my back to the wall and imagined what it would be like to stand there cuffed in this prison cell. I put each wrist into both the open cuffs and I started to feel warm and excited at the prospect that I could easily push close each locking cuff and then I would have no option but to await Jennifers return. I stood there for seemed like an age, playing with each cuff, testing them until I pushed one too far Click! Panic started to set in, as I had no keys to unlock the cuff that was now closed around my left wrist. As it turned out, I hadnt long to wait.

Jennifer had a massive grin on her face as she entered he cell and found me with one arm locked above my head. “What have we here,” Jennifer teasingly asked as she walked over to me? I couldnt do anything, I couldnt say anything and I couldnt even hide my embarrassment. What happened next was an even bigger shock. Jennifer approached and our lips locked; our tongues also in-twinned in that first, unforgettable kiss. “When I first took off my coat this afternoon in the town meeting, I knew you had a fetish for wool by the way you couldnt keep your eyes off me. My day gets even better, now that I know you also like bondage!” With that Jennifer held my free hand and slipped on the remaining cuff and pushed the lock closed. Now I belonged to Jennifer until she released me. I no longer felt embarrassed and to be honest, at that point I had forgotten that I was wearing the red wool sweater dress and black woollen tights. Jennifer stood back to view her handy work and she explained that she had always dreamt that one day she could fulfil her fantasy. She asked me if I would allow her to continue with this game? I agreed and Jennifer exited the cell, leaving me to stand alone, locked to the prison cell wall. As she left the small room, Jennifer pushed closed the cell door. The sound of the door slamming shut sent shivers all over my body.  

I stood there, alone and in contemplation of what had happen this afternoon. I loved the feeling of the soft, warm wool against my bare body. The feeling of this warm, woolly clothing and the secure helpless feeling of being shackled and locked in a prison cell caused all sorts of missed emotions. My manhood was bulging through the red sweater dress but he was also imprisoned behind the thick, ribbed, woollen tights.

I had no idea how long I was standing there when the cell door was unlocked and Jennifer re-appeared holding a long black woollen scarf and some other bits and pieces in her left hand. She checked that I was okay and explained how turned on she was having a man dressed in a wool sweater dress and tights, shackled to her cell wall. Jennifer then explained that it was nearly 5pm. She was going to bath and pre-pare dinner. If I was in agreement, she wanted to leave me imprisoned until seven, when the meal would be ready. I didnt really have a problem with that but I questioned what the scarf was for. Jennifer then asked me to open my mouth and she packed it with a pair of socks. To hold the socks in place she ripped of a piece of duck tape and stuck it across my closed mouth. Using two other pieces of tape she secured my mouth and the sock in place, keeping me very quiet. Jennifer then explained that she thought the tape made my face very untidy and then she wound the scarf around my face, fully covering my mouth and nose and therefore hiding the duck tape that kept my mouth closed. She then tied the scarf tightly behind my head. “That looks much better David and this should keep you quiet until dinner time.” She then kissed me on my wool-covered lips and left the cell, locking the door behind her.

The next couple of hours were long and uncomfortable. Standing with my hands locked in heavy steel cuffs above my head meant I couldnt reach the scarf tied tightly around my face. Hidden behind the scarf, my mouth ached for relief from the sock that was by now soaking wet. This discomfort enabled me to forget what had got me into this position in the first place. Why a normal Saturday afternoon had turned into an amazing experience of both enforced cross-dressing and tight bondage at the hands of a very attractive, single female.

Finally the cell door was unlocked an in walked Jennifer. What a fantastic site stood in front of me as she had changed into the most amazing outfit. Jennifer was wearing a very tight, obviously wool, full-length cat suit that appeared from out of her knee high, black leather boots and ended in built in gloves at the end of each arm. The neck was very high and made her pale complexion stand out even more in contrast to the black of her woollen cat suit. “How are you feeling David,” she enquired? There wasnt much I could say as she pulled the black woollen scarf from my face, exposing the duck tape that trapped the soaking wet sock. Painful as it was, removing the gag was worth it in the end as Jennifer kissed me so intensely as soon as my mouth was free. Next she unlocked my wrists from the metal cuffs and at last the circulation could return to both hands. “Lets have dinner now,” Jennifer announced as I followed her out of the cell and upstairs to the kitchen where the table had been set out. It felt good to be free, even though on reflection, I enjoyed the past few hours in the cell, secured to the wall. I still wore the red woollen dress and black ribbed tights. While Jennifer had pulled the scarf from my face, it still hung from my neck.

Dinner was amazing, as Jennifer and I chatted about out lives, our likes and our dislikes. Sex and our love of wool was never far away from any point during our conversation and it was clear that I had met someone who was much more prepared than I ever was.  Apart from several wool skirts and the odd woollen sweater, I couldnt have ever imagined being dressed in the way Jennifer had forced me to, earlier this afternoon. I had never worn woollen tights before; I guessed they were too difficult to obtain these days as Lycra had taken over as the material of choice in hosiery. Certainly, I did own several thick (90d) Lycra tights, which I wore whenever I was in the mood for something different but always in the privacy of my own home. After dinner we cleared away the dishes, which simply meant that Jennifer and I packed the dishwasher. She made another cup of coffee and we headed for the living room. I would have thought that Jennifer would have difficultly in handling anything through the thick cover of wool that encased each hand in the built in gloves of her cat suit. She was obviously just used to the restriction? As soon as I took the last sip of coffee Jennifer asked me if I wanted to explore my woollen fantasies a little further. I certainly wasnt going to refuse so we both headed upstairs to her spare bedroom.

“Well David, I think we need to give you a more Feminine shape so please remove the dress and tights and put this on?” Jennifer had handed me a strange looking Lycra Leotard, which was obviously boned and therefore going to be very tight. As I held it up to step into the crotch, I noticed built in breast forms. I couldnt hide my excitement as my manhood rose, so I quickly started to pull by arms into the long sleeves. The Leotard was made of very clingy black Lycra! Jennifer said that she would help me and started pulling on the zipper at the back of the leotard. My God, it was tight! Jennifer struggled to pull the zipper up but slowly she managed as I pulled in my stomach. Finally she was done but I could hardly breath. Jennifer explained that I would get used to it, in time. How long was she expecting me to wear this thing? “Right David, put your tights and dress back on and Ill see if I can find a pair of boots that fit you?” Jennifer rummaged in the cupboard and came out holding a pair of long, black leather boots; just like the pair she was wearing. “Try these David?” I pulled the boots over my woollen clad feet and up the soft woollen legs. Again I struggled to pull up the zippers but after a little effort, they were sealed. My problems were just starting, as I had never walked in high heels before. “I think we should go our for a walk this-evening David, it is lovely outside,” Jennifer announced as she handed me a long heavy wool coat, a pair of woollen gloves, a woollen hat and the long scarf I wore earlier this afternoon. Panic started to set in but Jennifer assured me that I would be unrecognisable behind all the wool coverings. Jennifer left me to finished preparing to go out so I pulled the hat on to my head and pulled it down over my ears. I wrapped the scarf around my neck and covered my face to just below my nose. The long woollen coat was so heavy and warm. Finally I added the gloves so I was ready. Jennifer appeared back again wearing a slightly shorter red woollen coat, which contrasted very well against her black legs and gloved hands. Like me, Jennifer also wore and black woollen hat and scarf. At least she didnt need to worry about hiding her face!

At first the walk was very slow. I had to get used to the boots but importantly, the high heels. At least this concentration made me forget that I was outside, in what amounted to drag. Within ten or fifteen minutes, my confidence grew and soon the pace picked up and we entered the small park area.

“How do you feel David,” asked Jennifer?

“Fine, I think Jennifer; in fact really good to be honest,” I replied, slightly muffled from behind the woollen scarf that covered my mouth

We walked for another five minutes and then sat on a wooden park bench. We chatted for a while until Jennifer asked me if I wanted to spend the night at her place. I hadnt brought any things that I would need to shave and refresh myself so Jennifer suggested we walk back to my house and pick up a few things. It was pitch black outside but the thought of bumping into any of my neighbours appalled me but at the same time, made me very excited! It took us about ten minutes to reach my house. Jennifer had obviously planned this as she had taken the liberty to pick up my keys before we left for out walk. Once inside I showed Jennifer around my place. Not quite as exciting as hers as I didnt have any prison cells in the basement. It took me only a few minutes to grab the things I needed. I offered to make Jennifer a cup of coffee but she suggested we head back to her place and have a cup there. I explained that I needed the bathroom before we headed back. This was not going to be easy while wearing all these layers of wool, not to mention the boned body-shaping leotard. Jennifer explained that it had a zip in the crotch, which should allow me access to my manhood and therefore allow easy release. I removed my gloves and coat, handed them to Jennifer before heading to the bathroom. It was quite easy to pull down the tights and lift the sweater dress but like a female, I had to sit on the toilet to relieve myself. Once finished, I straitened myself and walked back to the living room where Jennifer was waiting for me. Jennifer handed me the gloves first and as I slipped them on to each hand, she held up the woollen coat and ushered me to turn around and slip my arms into the sleeves. As I did this, Jennifer grabbed my arms and before I knew it, she had locked a pair of handcuffs around each wrist.

“What are you doing Jennifer,” I pleaded?

“Just making our walk back to my place more interesting,” muttered Jennifer as she hung the woollen coat over my shoulders and turned me around to button up the front.

She then pulled the scarf up over my nose this time, hiding my face behind a thick layer of black wool. I then held my breath as we headed back out, into the cold night air. Thank goodness Jennifer took hold of my over-night bag, I was finding it awkward enough walking in high-heeled boots, never mind having my arms locked behind my back. Balancing was not easy!

The walk back to Jennifers house took us about twenty minutes. The temperature was well below zero so I was thankful for the thick, warm layers of wool Jennifer made me wear. Once back at Jennifers house I was directed through the living room, into the kitchen and then downstairs to the cells. Once back in cell number one where I had spent most of the afternoon, Jennifer removed my coat and pulled the hat off my head. It was clear that even though I was invited to spend the night in Jennifers house, I guessed that I was now in my bedroom for the night. I turned my back to Jennifer and she unlocked the handcuffs, enabling me to remove the gloves that had actually meant the cuffs left no marks on my wrists. Jennifer explained that she was away to make a cup of coffee and she left the cell, pushing the door closed behind her. That assumes sound of the heavy iron door closing and locking, caused me to shiver all over again. What a powerful sound that was! There wasnt much to do but untie the scarf from around my face, unzip and remove the boots before pacing across the small room a few times until Jennifer returned. When she finally arrived back, we sat side-by-side on the bunk and Jennifer explained that she had always fantasised about sleeping in her bed, knowing that she had a prisoner locked-up downstairs. I was happy to fulfil her fantasies but in return, I was promised that I would be repaid in kind tomorrow. Jennifer then suggested that I got cleaned up and undressed while she found something for me to wear through the night. Once again, I as locked in the cell and left to carry out Jennifers last set of instructions. When the door finally was unlocked, I had just managed to remove the dress and tights but I had no chance of removing the body-shaping leotard without help.  I turned around and with my back to Jennifer she hauled on the zipped until it started to move. Finally I was free of the imprisonment forced on me be the tight garment. “Okay David, put this on please.” Jennifer instructed as she handed me what I could only assume was a woollen cat suit not indifferent to the one she was wearing? This cat suit was different in a few ways!

First of all I stepped into the footed legs of the suit and pulled it over my groin and up my body, I then noticed the first difference as I pulled my arms into the long sleeves. My hands ended up in elasticised mittens while the arms ended in leather straps hanging down by my sides. Jennifer then assisted as she pulled the rest of the suit over my shoulders. This is when I noticed the next difference! This suit had a built in woollen hood and as I head pulled into it, I knew it was going to be a very dark night, as the hood had no holes in it at all. The entire cat suit was made of wool; so breathing was never going to be a problem. Finally Jennifer zipped the suit closed at the rear and the click of a small padlock meant I was in this cat suit until Jennifer let me out! Jennifer then instructed me to fold my arms in front of me? With her back to me, Jennifer took hold of the leather straps on each arm and secured them tightly in a buckle at the back of the cat suit. Once this was done the final strap was secured around my forearms, which meant I couldnt free my arms from the tight hold I had on myself by lifting them over my head. My warm, tight woollen cat suit was also a straightjacket! Jennifer helped me to my bunk, as I couldnt see a thing through the thick layer of wool that covered my entire face. Once there I lied down on my back and with the loud clunk of the heavy iron cell door, I knew that Jennifer had left me locked in the tiny, sparse room which was even smaller tonight as the tight grip of the cat suit, straightjacket meant I wasnt doing very much or going very far at all.

How right I was! What a long night I had, ahead of me while I had to injure the heavy wool bondage, which was not only a delight in one sense but also a very frustrating, restrictive experience on the other. My excitement grew and then the realisation that I wasnt going anywhere for many hours yet meant I tried hard to relax in the tight grip of my woollen cocoon. It wasnt easy breathing through the wool hood. I started to get very hot after the first hour. The faster I breathed, the warmer the built in hood got! No matter how calm I tried to become, I couldnt escape the fact that my love for wool was also my weakness tonight. I guess that I dozed off several times but quickly woke with the realism that I was still locked in the small prison cell, covered from head to toe in my wool bondage suit.

I finally must have fallen asleep because I was next awakened by the sound of the cell door being unlocked and the sound of Jennifers dulcet tones. “Wake-up sleepy head, its morning and weve lots of fun to get on with today!” Jennifer helped me sit up and unzipped the hood, which flooded my eyes with the bright light through the barred window of the prison cell. “How was your night David,” Jennifer asked in a quiet calming voice? “Long and very warm thank-you,” I replied. Finally I was able to focus and I got my first look at my beautiful capture this morning. Her simple but effective outfit of a black high neck woollen sweater and short black skirt, blended well with her Lycra tights and black-patented pumps. I guess it was nothing special but with Jennifers long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, I was instantly drawn to her fantastic beauty. She helped to my feet and started the job of releasing my arms from the tight hold I had on myself. I never released before, how good freedom felt after a long night in bondage. Finally I stood in front of Jennifer and couldnt hide my delight at seeing her but she just calmly asked me not to be embarrassed and directed me out of my cell and to the shower room, which was also in the small cellblock. “Ill be back in twenty minutes with something for you to wear today David,” Jennifer announced. With that, the door to the shower-room closed, locking automatically and leaving me to freshen up but my night in wool bondage.  I washed and shaved using the things I brought yesterday evening from the trip to my place. The twenty minutes went very quickly as it wasnt long until Jennifer returned and unlocked the door to the shower-room. She explained that she had left cloths for me in my cell and she would be back in half-an-hour for me to join her upstairs for breakfast. I dried off and headed back to my cell. Jennifer had locked the barred door to the small cellblock so there was no escape for me at all. Anyway, I had no intention of escaping as I was enjoying my time with this blonde beauty that obviously loved having me as her guest.

Jennifer was a girl that defiantly knew what she wanted! Lying on my bunk was the nearly the same cloths as she was wearing today. First of all I had to negotiate the Lycra body corset on my own. Yesterday Jennifer had helped me in and out of this complicated garment. Stepping into it was easy. Pulling my arms into the long sleeves was also quite easy but pulling the zip up was going to be another thing entirely. I tugged for what seemed like an age but simply couldnt get the zip pulled up at all. I went out to the barred door and called for Jennifer to help me. She came downstairs and explained that she thought I might find the body corset difficult. I turned with my back to the bars while Jennifer leaned her hands through and helped pull the zip up while I held in my stomach as best I could. After some effort from both of us, I was now starting to once again take on the female shape. I thanked Jennifer and headed back to my cell to finish dressing. Next I picked up a pair of very thick black Lycra / wool tights. They were much more stretchy than the ribbed pair I wore yesterday. They were also very clingy as I pulled them over each foot and up over my butt, which was a different shape to normal due to the body suit, Corset. They felt very warm and comfortable when I finally smoothed them out over my hairy legs, which were now hidden behind the thick, opaque material. Next came a very heavy, black wool sweater, which also had a bodice attached with poppers that closed between my legs. I pulled this very heavy garment over my head, which revealed the thick high neck and long sleeves. I held out the bodice part and push closed the poppers. This held the sweater tight against my body and showed off my new curves really well. The final piece of clothing was the medium length skirt. Unlike Jennifers this one was made of thick black wool (Surprise, surprise). It was elasticised and this meant no zip to negotiate but I must say, it was very tight to pull over my buttocks. I nearly forgot the shoes lying on the floor beside my bunk! A pair of low healed (Thank Goodness) Black leather pumps which surprisingly fitted my not to bad. Walked out of my cell and headed back towards the shower-room where there was a mirror. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw my black wool clad figure. Unfortunately my male, cleanly shaven face and short hair ruined the complete look. Jennifer was calling me from behind the locked barred doors. She smiled as I walked towards her and complemented me on my appearance. We both agreed that my male face and short hair spoiled the outfit but Jennifer explained that she would sort that out later. Jennifer asked me if I was going to give her any trouble today and she held up a pair of shinny steel handcuffs in her right hand. Some how I knew whatever answer I give Jennifer would mean I was about to have my wrists locked into the handcuffs so I just offered my wrists up towards her. Jennifer shook her head and asked me to turn around? I did was I was told and offered my hands behind my back this time. As expected she leaned through the barred door and locked each wrist into the cold steel cuffs. Next the barred door was unlocked and I followed her upstairs to the kitchen where a full cooked breakfast was waiting. “How can I eat Jennifer, with my hands cuffed behind my back,” I asked as Jennifer ushered me to my seat? “The handcuffs are only to remind you that you are my prisoner and theyll be worn anytime you leave the cell area today,” Jennifer replied as she unlocked the cuffs and allowed me to start breakfast. We had a friendly, warm conversation through breakfast and like dinner last night, the topic kept returning the current situation, which I have to admit, I was enjoying very much. Unfortunately breakfast was over too quickly and I help Jennifer pack the dishwasher and put away what had been left on the table. Soon I was back in handcuffs and marched back downstairs to the small cellblock. Once through the barred door, it was closed behind me, locked and I was asked to turn around so that my handcuffs could be removed. I was now free to brush my teeth and wait until Jennifer returned.

I headed back to my cell and sat on my bunk to wait on Jennifer and reflect on the current situation. The small cell was quite warm as the sunlight blasted through the barred window, illuminating the hard steel cuffs that hung from the adjacent wall; the same cuffs that kept me standing for so long yesterday. I was getting used to the famine clothing, which was starting to make me feel very hot in the sunlight. I love wool, I loved how it felt against my skin but all I could feel today was the constriction of the Lycra body corset and thick, warm tights that surround my legs. “David, come here please,” called Jennifer so I stood up and then returned to the locked gate. As before I was directed to turn around and my hands were locked in the handcuffs once more. This time we headed upstairs, through the kitchen and up to the second floor and the dressing room where Jennifer had first introduced e to the woollen tights yesterday. I was directed to stand in front of Jennifer, with my back to her. She pulled a black Lycra hood over my head and down, covering my face except for the eye, nose and mouth holes. She tucked the hood under the high collar of my wool sweater. “ The hood will protect your head David,” she explained as she pulled a very tight latex hood over my head. Again this hood had holes for my eyes, nose and mouth but felt very different. It was clear that this hood sealed from the back and I soon learnt why Jennifer had asked me to wear the Lycra hood underneath. There was a zip on the back of this hood, which Jennifer tugged and pulled and the as she did this, it tightened against my face until the zip closed the hood at the back of my neck. If this zip had caught my hair, it would have been a painful experience. For the next few minutes, Jennifer seemed to smooth the hood out and peal across a seem that I guessed, would completely cover the zipper track.  As I turned around Jennifer had just picked up a long blonde wig from the dressing table. She placed the wig on my head or should I say on the latex hood. The hood and wig obviously had Velcro attached so the wig would comfortably stay in place for as long as necessary. Remember there was no way for me to remove the wig or hoods as my hands were currently cuffed behind my back! “Thats better,” explained Jennifer as she walked me into her bedroom and stopped in front of the full-length mirror. I couldnt believe what I saw and I couldnt tell that it was I looking back! The latex mask was the in the form of a females face so I was in fact looking at a well formed blonde, with hair falling on to the shoulders of her black wool sweater. Her well-formed breasts were forced forward by the simple fact that her hands were cuffed behind her back. Two black legs came from below the thick wool skirt that ended just above her knees. She stood in low heeled, black pumps. Beside her stood Jennifer, a beautiful blonde woman, wearing practically the same cloths. We could have been twins except for the realism that I was much heavier than Jennifer and my plastic face give the appearance that I was now a bit of a Barbie Doll. It would have required a close look for anyone to notice the fact that my face was really a thin layer of latex. The neckline of the mask was kept well below the thick wool collar of my sweater so I guess I would pass for a female, a lot better today. Jennifer was obviously pleased with her work but I found it difficult to offer my appreciation as the restriction of the tight hood, made in difficult for me to talk. Jennifer explained that I would be used to it by the end of today. The thought of spending all day in this enforced cross dress, made me panic slightly but what could I do, I was already at Jennifers mercy.

I was disappointed but not surprised when Jennifer announced that we were heading back down to the cells. I followed her back downstairs and into the living room; through the kitchen and back down the final set of stairs to the basement. The gate to the cells was open and so was my cell door. Jennifer walked in front of me, right into the cell and stopped facing me. She asked me to turn around so that my handcuffs could be unlocked and removed. Once done Jennifer asked me to stand by the manacles hanging on the cell wall. I protested but Jennifer insisted that I was once again secured in the standing position. Just as she locked the second cuff around my wrist, the front door bell rang and Jennifer was off, closing and therefore locking my cell door behind her.

After only about ten minutes Jennifer returned to the cell with one of her Friends, whom she introduced to me as Karen who was obviously a wool lover herself. She wore a long blue knitted sweaterdress, which came below her knees. Her legs were clad in leather boots that disappeared up above her hemline and I could only imagine that they were also covered in a layer of wool or Lycra (tights or stockings).  Karens light brown hair was tied-up in a tight ponytail and wrapped once around her neck was a long pink cashmere scarf with both ends draped across her large chest. The scarf was long enough to hang to about her waistline. I was so embarrassed standing in front of a stranger wearing the wool sweater, skirt and of course the Lycra tights. Jennifer knew I was uncomfortable but reminded me that the mask hid my real identity. I relaxed slightly but couldnt show the expression of discomfort on my face while standing with my wrists locked above my head to a pair of medieval manacles. Karen was intrigued to understand more about how Jennifer has managed to persuade me into such a compromising position. Jennifer explained at how willing I was wear the red woollen sweaterdress yesterday and a pair of woollen tights. In fact she reminded me of my own willingness to lock one of the manacles around my own wrist, which made me go red behind the thin layer of Latex and Lycra that encased my entire head, not to mention my face. Jennifer then told Karen how she gagged me and tied the scarf around my face for a good couple of hours yesterday, hiding the horrible tape. They both agreed that it wasnt really worthwhile gagging me today as the tight mask was making it nearly impossible for me to talk today but Karen has other ideas as she unwrapped the long pink cashmere scarf from around her neck. Very quickly Karen wrapped the scarf around my head, covering my neck and face and tied it tightly at the back. She explained that I now looked much better as the scarf hid the bulk of my plastic looking face. Through the tiny holes of the Lycra hood and latex mask I could smell the sweet aroma of Karens perfume as it radiated from the wool scarf. Both Jennifer and Karen stood back to admire their work and then left me, locking the cell door behind them. I was once again resigned to standing there in the locked prison cell on my own. By now I was starting to cook under the layers of Lycra and thick wool. The Lycra hood, Latex mask and most recently a long thick cashmere scarf now covered my face making my breathing much more slow and laboured. At no time did I feel in danger, I knew that I would always get enough air to breath, even through all those layers.

Ive have no idea how long I waited this time, until I heard footsteps outside the cell and the sound of the key unlocking the heavy iron door. I couldnt believe my eyes because Karen walked in ahead of Jennifer who was now in a tight spot herself. Jennifer could only waddle into the cell as her wrists were cuffed in front of her with a chain running down her to a set of Leg-irons, which were locked around both ankles. Like me, Jennifer was still wearing a pair of low healed pumps so the silver chrome of the Leg-irons were highlighted against the blackness of her Lycra clad legs. A long red wool scarf that was tied tightly behind her head also gagged Jennifer. The ends of the scarf draped down her back, to just above her waistline. Jennifer was slightly bent forward as she followed Karen because the chain between her handcuffs and leg-irons wasnt very long. The pressure seemed to ease slightly when Jennifer sat on the bunk, which was about six feet away from me, at the opposite side of the small prison cell. She tried to raise her manacled hands to the scarf that gagged her but again there was simply not enough chain to allow it! We were both in trouble now as Karen said goodbye and left us both locked in the cell.

Jennifer looked up at me through her big puppy like blue eyes. I knew in my heart that this was a set-up and of Jennifers own doing. I did wonder though, how long we were both going to be locked in here together? The next couple of hours went very slowly. Jennifer did stand up as best she could and waddle over to me standing cuffed to the cell wall. Her hands could easy reach my groin area and she continuously teased me through the thick layers of wool. I couldnt reciprocate at all as my hands were cuffed above my head so all I could do is stand there and try to get as much stimulation as possible from my willing cellmate. At one point Jennifer got down on her knees and tried her best to mouth me from behind the wool scarf that silenced her so well.

The winter day turned into night as darkness fell across the barred cell window. It was November so it must be around four thirty to five oclock, which that we had been locked in here for at least five hours. Jennifer was able to lie down on the bunk and gain release from he pressure of the cuffs by bending her knees up. As for me, I had to stand there and watch. It was still dusk when Karen returned, still wearing the same blue dress. To my surprise, she unlocked my hands first, which was a massive relief after five or six hours locked in the cuffs above my head. After rubbing my wrists, I untied the long cashmere scarf from behind my head and handed it back to Karen; she quickly wrapped it once around her neck. Karen made no attempt to unlock Jennifer and we headed out of the cell together. This time I was able to close the cell door; leaving Jennifer locked in there, still manacled and gagged. We headed upstairs to the kitchen where Karen offered me a cup of coffee. I was now able to speak slightly through the tight mask but drinking the coffee was going to be another challenge. In the end it wasnt too difficult so Karen and I had a reasonable chat about how both her and Jennifer enjoyed many hours of fun. Karen was married to a guy that also loved wool but to-date; Jennifer had been unable to find the right guy to be her playmate. Karen explained that both Jennifer and her were straight but their passion for wool and bondage had meant each other spent hours alone, bound by the hands of the other, normally in Jennifers basement cells. After about half-an-hour or so, Karen announced she had to go so she handed me the keys to the cells and Jennifers cuffs. I said my good-byes to Karen and thanked her for her assistance this afternoon.

I headed back downstairs to make sure Jennifer was okay. I peaked through the small hole on her cell door. She still lay on the bunk with her knees in the air offering relief from the tight restriction of her handcuffs and leg-irons. I decided to leave her there and explore the house. I closed the gate to the cells behind me and headed upstairs to the second floor and the spare room where Jennifer obviously kept her goodies. Along one wall was a sliding wardrobe and inside there was a massive array of wool dresses, sweater-dresses, sweaters and catsuits. Some made of thick wool, mohair and cashmere. Most had thick collars and some even had built in hoods, just like the straightjacket, catsuit I wore last night I couldnt believe what I saw and most in large enough sizes for me to wear! Along another wall was a chest of drawers. Inside I found wool and Lycra tights, wool hoods and silk lingerie, corsets, panties and bras. On another wall was smaller wardrobe and inside there I found bondage gear that would any operational prison to shame, Cuffs and chains, medieval iron manacles and shackles, leather cuffs and much, much more. Next I wandered into Jennifers bedroom where there was a large iron four-poster bed. Against one wall was another sliding wardrobe, which was filled with everyday clothing, but I had to say that most were wool (Big surprise). Jennifers drawers were filled with everyday lingerie and womans things. There were many pairs of black wool and Lycra tights, stockings and the usual things you would find in any girls bedroom. There were another two bedrooms but they were your average rooms where I guessed normal guests would have stayed in Jennifers house. I now wanted to turn the table on Jennifer this evening but what could I do? First things first, I needed a shower and to get out of the layers of wool and Lycra that have imprisoned my body all day.

It was easier said than done, removing the blonde wig that was attached to my Latex head by Velcro. Once of, I eased back the zip that was hidden within the seam of the hood. Finally the pressure started to release on my head and face. I had forgotten how it felt after a day trapped below the latex mask. The Lycra protection hood was soaking wet from hours over my head and the cool air that engulfed my face was a welcome relief. I kicked off the black leather pumps and pushed the wool skirt down my legs to the floor and after stepping out of it, I bent down and released the poppers of my sweater which pulled off, over my head. Next I removed the Lycra tights from each leg, which only left my Lycra body corset. It was very difficult to zip closed but not quite as difficult to open. Once off the feeling of freedom was so unbelievable and something I had never experienced before in my life. I had played with bondage before and even my first wife enjoyed being tied up and tying me up also. The longest I had spent in handcuffs before was at most one or two hours, never an entire day.  I next headed for Jennifers bedroom and the Ensuite shower-room. The hot water washed away all the aches and pains of my day spent in wool and bondage. I stepped out of the shower and dried off but what should I do now and what should I do about Jennifer who was still locked in the prison cell, clad in wool, gagged by a thick wool scarf and bound hand and foot in steel. I wanted to play with her for a while longer but it was Sunday night and I had to go home later and work tomorrow. I had only a few more hours to enjoy with her so I wanted to make it as special for her as possible.

I knew what Jennifer would appreciate so I headed back to the spare room full of her goodies. I opened the chest of drawers and pulled out a black silk bra with built-in silicon tits. I pulled on the bra with some difficulty due to my lack of experience. I then picked out a pair of very black, thick woollen tights. I stepped into the soft, warm material and pulled them up and over my waist. What to wear next from the vast array of woollen outfits in the wardrobe was my next big decision. I finally decided on a very heavy, pink mohair sweaterdress. This had very long sleeves and a massive roll down neck. With some difficulty I pulled the mass of wool over my head and slipped each arm into the long sleeves. I then pulled the dress down over my body until it finally stopped just above my black woollen ankles. The roll neck took a bit of fixing but once in place I stood in front of the mirror and admired the pink woolly figure looking back at me. I didnt want to trouble of putting the female mask back on but my male face was all wrong. I remembered all those woollen hoods in the drawer so I bent back and chose a very thick black mohair balaclava, which had only two eyeholes. I pulled the balaclava over my head and down under the thick neck of my sweater dress. Like the roll neck of the dress, the balaclava took a bit of fixing before I was happy and able to see through the two eyeholes. It was very soft wool and I was already starting to get very hot, breathing into the thick mohair that now surrounded my face. Shoes were the last thing so I simply put on the low heals pumps that Id been wearing all day. Looking at my self in the mirror now, I was happy and ready to head back for Jennifer.

I headed back downstairs to the kitchen and picked up the keys to the cell doors and Jennifers cuffs. Once down the final set of stairs I unlocked the gate to the small cellblock but before unlocking the cell door, I decided to have a peak in and see what Jennifer was doing. She was sitting up on the bunk with her hands still cuffed in front of her, connected to the leg-irons by that very short chain. She obviously knew I was at the cell door as she was mumbling something into the thick, red wool scarf that had been gagging her, for most of the day. I unlocked the cell door and stood in front of my female captive who looked up at my with those beautiful big blue eyes. I think she was smiling at me but it was difficult to tell from behind the red scarf that still gagged her. That was my first job so I approached and sat on the bunk beside her. Jennifer lowered her head, indicating that she wanted me to untie the scarf from behind her head. I worked at the knot for about three minutes before it finally opened and I could ease the scarf forward and out of Jennifers mouth. Jennifer then looked up at me and I could see that she had something packed inside her mouth. I used my fingers to pry a silk scarf that was now sodden from many hours of being in Jennifers mouth. Once out she gagged for a second on the freedom and then told me that she loved what I was wearing. I explained that I hoped she didnt mind me choosing this from her wardrobe but in response she just signalled that she wanted a hug. I threw my arms around Jennifer but she could poke at me with her hands as they were still cuffed in front of her. She requested that I remove the handcuffs and the leg-irons? I first of all unlocked her wrists and then kneeing down in front of her, I bent down and unlocked the ankle cuffs. I held up the mass of chains with the open cuffs dangling freely, I then placed them on the bunk beside Jennifer who was now sitting upright rubbing her wounded wrists. “Did you enjoy your day David,” Jennifer asked in a low, sexy voice? “Yes I did sweetheart,” was my response. Jennifer then went on to tell me that she often asked Karen to come over and lock her up on a Saturday or Sunday, while Karen went out for the day, leaving Jennifer to her own little woolly world. Karen also enjoyed been locked up too and as her husband travelled a lot for his job, she would often spend entire nights looked in Jennifers cells.

Jennifer stood up and asked me to sit on the bunk. My beautiful new friend then subjected me to a strip tease. For the next ten minutes she slowly and seductively removed her black leather pumps, her tight skirt and then the black woollen sweater. Jennifer then danced in front of me wearing only her black Lycra Tights and a black silk bra. She knew I was turned on by her actions so slowly she moved closer and touched my hard manhood from below the thick mass of pink mohair. She pushed me on to my back and straddled me chest while rubbing her hands all over my pink wool covered body. Next she started pulling me into the sitting position while sliding the heavy wool dress up off my body and finally over my head, leaving me wearing the same as Jennifer except for the woollen balaclava. I raised me hands to remove the mohair mask but Jennifer stopped me, asking me to keep it on.  Next she started rubbing her body against mine, her black Lycra tights against my black woollen tights. My manhood started rising more as Jennifer teased me longer until we could take no more, pulling our tights down to our ankles, allowing Jennifer to slide my manhood deep inside her wet pussy. She moaned with excitement as I breathed harder to compensate for the thick mass of wool that surrounded my entire face. It wasnt long until I emptied my load causing Jennifer to explode into an orgasm a few minutes later. She collapsed on top of me and we kissed through my mohair balaclava. At last Jennifer allowed me to remove the hood and we kissed even more intensely until we both lay holing each other tight.

After what seemed like ten or fifteen minutes, Jennifer sat up and started pulling her tights back up and over her waist.  I did the same followed by the heavy mohair dress. Jennifer then explained that she would leave me to finish dressing, as she wanted to have a shower before we ordered Chinese. That sounded good but I didnt realise that it meant I was to be left once again locked in the small cell! Jennifer left, picking up her shoes, sweater and skirt before exiting and pushing the cell door closed, locking itself automatically. I was now on my own after the most amazing sex Id had in a long time, not to mention the most fantastic weekend of wool and bondage. I sat on the bunk in my mohair dress, still wearing the wool tights and black heavily padded bra, which I had no become accustomed to. The thick balaclava lay on the cell floor along with the silk wad and red cashmere scarf that gagged Jennifer for most of today. A bundle of chrome chain and cuffs now lay in a heap beside the scarves and balaclava. I picked up the chains and arranged them into the two sets of cuffs; the larger set for ankles and the smaller set for wrists. I wanted to know what they would be like to wear and this time I had the keys, as it was me that unlocked Jennifer from them earlier. First I locked each of the two larger cuffs around both my ankles but before locking my wrists, I had an idea. I wanted to know what Jennifer felt today while she was locked-up so I picked up the two scarves. First I packed my mouth with the still sodden silk scarf and then tightly tied the long red cashmere scarf around my head, gripping the silk wad between my teeth. Finally I pulled each wrist into the cuffs and closed each in turn, locking me into the chain set. I could taste Jennifer with the tight gag that engulfed my mouth. I then stood up and started to pace the small cell. My wrists were pulled down with only a short chain attaching the handcuffs to my legions.

I didnt have much time before Jennifer would return so I headed back across the cell to my bunk to unlock the various steel cuffs. It wasnt easy arranging the key into the hole of the handcuffs and it was too late anyway as Jennifer returned to the cell, unlocking and opening the door. “I can see youve been busy my dear,” Jennifer explained with a massive smile across her face. I couldnt reply, as my mouth was stuffed full of silk and wool. At least I could hide my embarrassment behind the thick gag as Jennifer stood in front of me wearing a simple red, woollen sweaterdress with thick black Lycra tights that Shawn under the light of the prison cell. This time her dress was short, covering her thighs only. Long sleeves and a polar neck finished the simple dress that showed Jennifers figure off so well. Jennifer then explained that she had ordered a Chinese banquet for two, which should arrive in the next twenty minutes. She then knelt down in front of my and took the keys to the cuffs from my hand before unlocking each cuffs to both my wrist and ankles. Once my hands and legs were free, Jennifer leaned round behind my head and untied the cashmere scarf allowing the sodden wad of Silk to fall from my mouth. Jennifer explained that I was now free to dress in my cloths that I arrived in yesterday and we could eat together at the kitchen table. I then followed her upstairs and to the spare bedroom on the second floor where I was left to change back into my own cloths.

I heard the front door bell ring as I was finishing getting dressed in my own cloths. It was a weird feeling wearing my own (Male) cloths once again as Id been out of them since yesterday afternoon. I headed back downstairs to meet Jennifer setting the table with our food. We took our time over dinner discussing the weekend and how much both of us enjoyed the experience. I was looking for the signal that meant we would see each other again and play our games once more. As we finished our coffee the difficult subject came up and I think we were both relieved to know that we both wanted to get to know each other better and explore our mutual love for wool and bondage.

Life would never be the same again if Jennifer and got together but we agreed to tread carefully and enjoy what we had. After dinner we cleared anyway the dishes, left over food and I prepared to leave Jennifer, as I needed to go home and get ready for work in the morning. Before I left, Jennifer wrapped a long, blue cashmere scarf around my neck. I could smell her perfume from the soft material and she explained that it would remind me of her on the short walk home. We kissed on her doorstep and I left for home with the warm feeling that this weekend was not over but put on hold until the next time.

To be continued…………

Ed Kilpatrick

E-mail: -

A Woolly Story

Part 2

Setting the Scene: -

Many thanks to everyone who e-mailed with their comments regarding part one of my woolly Story. All of your comments are gratefully appreciated.

The 2002 Christmas holidays got in the way of me continuing the exploits of David and Jennifer so here goes in January 2003. Happy New Year to you all.

When we left of at part one, David had just returned home after an orgasmic weekend with his new friend Jennifer. They spent the weekend in her home, which was a converted English, rural police station.

A Woolly Story Part 2

Monday morning was interesting with al the memories of the weekend still fresh in my mind. By 10am there had been over twenty e-mails from Jennifer who seemed a little concerned that I may not be as enthusiastic as her to continue the adventure. Once I was clear of the Monday morning meetings I did my best to reassure Jennifer that I was just as enthusiastic and wanted to explore further my newfound interest in wool crossdressing with the added delight of severe bondage. Our ongoing e-mails were always in code; No one can be sure these days who in the IT department would have access to whatever was leaving the company Exchange server. That evening after dinner (when the BT calls were free) I chatted on the phone with Jennifer for at least two hours. We had a short break but when in bed we chatted again by phone.

Tuesday followed roughly the same routine but on Wednesday I asked Jennifer round for dinner, as I would be working from home most of the day. We agreed on an early dinner (18:30) as Jennifer could come round straight after work.

At only one minute after six thirty the doorbell rang. It was another freezing cold; winter day in rural England so I guessed Jennifer would be wrapped up in warm layers of beautiful wool. I was not disappointed because standing on my doorstep was the beautiful blond friend I had spent last weekend with, wearing her heavy black wool coat, which ended just above her ankles. The only item contrasting the blackness of Jennifers coat was her bright blue cashmere scarf that covered her neck and lower part of her face. “Come in darling,” I asked and Jennifer held out her hand, pulling herself towards me our first kiss of the evening in the freezing cold air of the open doorway. I closed the door and ushered Jennifer into the warmth of my living room and she headed straight for the heat of the open fire (Gas Effect).

I asked to take her coat but to be honest I was eager to see what she was wearing under the heavy wool coat. Again I wasnt disappointed. She took off her coat and before me was Jennifer dressed in a dark blue polar neck wool sweater. She had been at the office all day so her black skirt wasnt as short as I would have liked but never the less her long black Lycra covered legs ended at a pair of low heeled pumps. Next Jennifer removed her black wool gloves and finally unwound the blue cashmere scarf from around her neck. “Well Im dressed for the occasion tonight David, why arent you?” I guess Jennifer was slightly disappointed that I wasnt cross-dressed in layers of wool but it wasnt really that convenient today as I had been busy at the laptop and rushed to prepare dinner for Jennifers arrival at six thirty. I made a joke about not having anything to wear but Jennifer laughed off my comment by explaining she would fix that. I left Jennifer for a moment to put her coat, gloves and scarf in the cloakroom but as I hung them up I had to hold the blue wool scarf to my face and smell the wonderful sweet aroma of Jennifers perfume. I headed to the kitchen next and back into the living room with a glass of white wine for my beautiful guest who was now sitting on the rug with her back to the open fire.

We kissed several times again before dinner and around seven (ish) we headed into the dining room to sit down to the meal I had prepared.  Topic of conversation turned to our sexual fantasies at most junctions. Jennifer explained that she loved seeing me wearing female cloths, especially woollen cloths. She didnt think that she would ever have found a boyfriend that she could shear these kinds of feelings and fantasies with. “Boyfriend,” that is an interesting concept but I suppose we were now dating and we could be described and boyfriend and girlfriend. After dinner we retired to the living room again and sat beside each other on the sofa with a cup of coffee. It wasnt long until we started kissing again and our hands started to wonder, all over each other. Jennifer started holding my wrists and tried her best to tease me. She simply wasnt strong enough until finally she threatened to handcuff me! I tested her a little further until Jennifer reached into her handbag and pulled out a shinny pair of handcuffs. I played with her a little longer but I have to admit I let her get one cuff locked around my left wrist. “Okay pal, put your hands behind your back,” Jennifer demanded? Again, eager to play along I put I put both hands behind my back and allowed Jennifer to lock the open cuff around my right wrist. “Thats better,” she explained with a naughty grin.

Next Jennifer announced she was off to the toilet. On her return several minutes later she held in front of her the bright blue cashmere scarf she wore earlier. Within what seemed like a few seconds she had wound the long scarf twice around my head, cutting out all the light. More kissing followed and it was obvious Jennifer was enjoying being in control. After about twenty minutes or so she pulled the scarf down from my eyes and she asked if we could go upstairs to bed. I certainly wasnt going to pass up her offer so she followed me up to the second floor and into my bedroom.

Remember this was the first time Jennifer had ever been in my bedroom as we had spent ninety five percent of last weekend in her place. Jennifer was pleased to see I had a metal-framed bed and quickly unlocked one of the cuffs to enable me to get undressed. I first removed Jennifers scarf that still was tied around my neck, followed by my shirt, trousers and finally my socks. I left my boxers on and climbed into bed. Jennifer removed her shoes and skirt only, before climbing on top. The feeling on her soft wool sweater and Lycra tights against my bare skin started to drive me wild. It wasnt long until pulled my cuffed wrist up to the bed-head and I didnt resist as she secured both wrists to the metal frame. I lay there with a massive bulge in my boxer shorts as Jennifer teased the hell out of me. Next she started a strip-tease act by slowly and seductively removing her wool sweater revealing the black, silk teddy underneath. Her tights came off next but what happened then, surprised me a lot. As soon as Jennifer had removed her black Lycra tights she rolled up the body part and stuffed them into my mouth. Winding the legs several times around my head made the tights a formidable gag. Jennifer started to tease me even harder now. She removed my boxers and started playing with my hard man-hood, stroking him a rubbing her tongue alone the shaft to the throbbing head. Before coming down on me, she removed her black silk teddy and we made love for the first time since last weekend. Once Jennifer was satisfied we had both come, she removed herself from me and headed for the Ensuite bathroom. When she emerged several minutes later, her black silk teddy was back on and she announced she was heading back downstairs to fetch a spare pair of tights from her handbag. When Jennifer returned her legs and lower torso were once again covered in a layer of Black Lycra. Next she pulled on her skirt, followed by the thick wool sweater. Finally she stepped into her black leather pumps. While all this was going on, I was still handcuffed to my bed with Jennifers tights still gagging me. “What shall I do with you now David,” Jennifer asked with a smile of satisfaction across her face? All I could do was Mumph into my gag. I could tell Jennifer had something on her mind when she leaned over me and unlocked my wrists from the headboard.  Quickly rolling me over onto my stomach, she re-cuffed my hands behind me back. I thought I was to be let free but Jennifer had definite ideas. “Have you got your own handcuff keys,” Jennifer asked? I nodded my head and she simply smiled and tied her blue cashmere scarf twice around my head again. “This should provide you with a challenge then David!” Jennifer then explained that she would see me at the weekend and left. I faintly heard the front door close behind her.

Not only could I not see what I was doing but also the scarf was tied so tightly it made the already uncomfortable gag even more uncomfortable. The Lycra tights that packed my mouth now made my whole face ached under the new added pressure. I always kept my bondage gear in the wardrobe in the spare bedroom. It shouldnt prove too difficult, as I had made the trip under similar circumstances many times before during self-bondage sessions. At least tonight my legs were free so walking was easy. Before going anyway I tested the cashmere scarf that was tied so tightly around my head. I tried to pull it down by pressing my face against the frame of the bed. I had no luck there so I knew the journey to the spare bedroom would have to be made in total darkness. I moved very slowly backwards, using my cuffed hands behind my back to feel my way through the upstairs landing. I knew I was in the spare room when I felt the distinctive handles of the wardrobe. I tugged and the sliding door, which moved in the right direction. Kneeling down with my hands behind me, I felt for the wooden box that contained my large range of handcuffs, leg-irons and lots of other goodies. It didnt take me long to open the box and rummage for a set of handcuff keys. The only keys I had upstairs were on a key ring, which had a large plastic float attached. All my spare keys were set in ice within a sealed Tupperware box, safely stored in the kitchen freezer. Having to get these keys would be the last resort as freedom would have been quite a few hours away. In fact finding these keys wasnt difficult and I knew I was only minutes from freedom or so I thought. Within all the exciting I hadnt noticed that Jennifer had cuffed my hands back to back. If you have ever cuffed yourself this way, you will understand how difficult it is to find the keyhole and release yourself. For what seemed like an age, I rolled round the floor trying to find that tiny hole to slot the key but I just couldnt get my hands round far enough to slot the keys in. At one point the phone rang and after the usual five rings it dropped it voice-mail. I rested several times before trying to escape again. I must have done this ten or twelve more times before I finally slipped the key in using the tip of my little finger. Once there I rested again, trying not to allow the keys to drop out. With cramp in my fingers I wrestled one last time to turn the key and at last the cuff dropped open. Thank goodness Jennifer hadnt doubled locked the cuffs! I didnt wait to release the spare cuff before I untied the scarf, followed by the tights, which had gagged me so well all evening. Once my mouth and face were free, I released the last cuff and finally I could go to bed.

Once in bed I checked my voice-mail and it was Jennifer checking to see if I was free. I decided not to ring her back and let her panic for a little while longer. Not a very bright thing to do as the phone rang again just after midnight, waking out of a deep sleep. It was just after she had got home when she remember the way she had cuffed me and therefore knew how difficult it would be for me to realise myself. Jennifer had no other way back into my house because she didnt have a set of keys.

Thursday was a normal day at the office, not a lot exciting. Thursday was also the evening Jennifer spent at the gym so I was in for a quiet night. We chatted before going to sleep and arranged to talk more tomorrow so that we could make plans for Friday night through to Sunday evening. We wanted to spend the weekend together.

I was working from home all day on Friday, so was Jennifer so we exchanged many e-mails throughout the day. Just after lunch the doorbell rang and it was the local courier service with a box for me. I signed for the package and quickly took it into the living room to open it. Jennifer is a funny girl; I wasnt surprised to find a range of female clothing (wool of course) including shoes. There was also a note inside from Jennifer with a set of instructions. I decided to take the box upstairs to my bedroom and follow her instructions to the letter. It was after all a gain that she wanted to play and I was happy to play along.

The first item of clothing, Jennifers note mentioned was the severe looking leather corset. I stripped off all my cloths and held the corset up to my body. Jennifers note suggested that I zipped the Corset up from the front and then turn it around so that the zip was to the back and the large breast cups were to the front. Im glad she suggested it, as it was difficult enough to pull the zip up, even being at the front. Breaching wasnt easy once the corset was zipped up. I now had to turn it around and boy was that another awkward task. Next the note described the silicon breast forms that I was to slip into the leather cups on the corset. Easy enough I thought and it wasnt difficult.  Next came a pair of wool ribbed tights (Black). Jennifers note suggested I take a leak before putting them on. I did as she suggested and returned to the bedroom and pulled each leg into the soft wool tights and eased them up to meet the leather corset. I now understood why Jennifer suggested I take a leak because the next item I was to put on was a pair of leather chastity pants. I followed Jennifers instructions carefully as I slipped into them, locking the various padlocks, which insured they were not coming off. I guessed Jennifer had the keys at her house so I was to wait until later to be released from them. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was pleased and my shape in the tight leather corset, black wool legs firmly held against my bare skin by a pair of leather chastity pants. Next I pulled on a pair of knee high boots (High heel). They also locked in place and I now looked even better in the mirror.

Finally I came more wool clothing. The bulk of the wait in the box was the full-length wool dress (Black again) that had a roll neck collar and I guessed it would reach right down to my ankles. Jennifers note described that I take out a large pair of leather cuffs before putting on the dress. These cuffs were to go around both thighs, just above my knees. I followed Jennifers instructions and locked them both. Walking was still possible but only in very, very small steps. I then eased the mass of wool over my head and pulled it all the down over my entire body until it rested just above my ankles, just as I thought. My leather corset, black tights, locking pants, leather boots and thigh cuffs were now hidden behind a very thick layer of black wool.

The final piece of wool clothing was a very thick, black balaclava. I only found two eyeholes, nothing else so I pulled the tight hood over my head and down over my face. I pushed and pulled the balaclava so that I could see through the small eyeholes. Fixing the massive roll neck of the sweater meant the balaclava fitted well under the sweater.  I then to take out the next item described in Jennifers note, a locking leather collar. Again following Jennifers instructions, I rolled the wool neck over my wool-covered face and locked the leather collar around my neck. Rolling the rest of the wool back down completely hid the leather collar. It was really effective especially as I now couldnt remove the full-length wool sweater dress or balaclava, even if I wanted to.  Jennifers note then asked me to e-mail her and let her know I was ready. Her response told me that she wouldnt be over until around seven oclock, almost five hours away!

It was to be a long afternoon. At least my hands were free of anything to typing e-mails so generally working wasnt too difficult. I was horny as hell but couldnt gain any release due to the chastity pants and thick layers of wool that were locked on me.

True to her word Jennifer arrived at exactly seven oclock. I quickly ushered her in from the doorstep just in case anyone saw me. Jennifer hugged me tightly and asked if I wanted to go over to her place and spend the weekend in her dungeon. I was even more excited when she asked me to wait in the living room while she fetched some other items from the car. She returned with a very heavy wool coat and a small carrier bag. Jennifer asked where her blue cashmere scarf and handcuffs were. I explained that the scarf was in the cloakroom and the handcuffs were in the drawer on the telephone table in the hall. Jennifer agreed to get them as movement for me were very slow having my knees bound together under the wool dress. The first thing Jennifer did was to handcuff my hands behind my back using the cuffs she had just retrieved from the drawer in the telephone table. Next Jennifer took a ring of keys from the carrier bag and unlocked the leather collar, freeing me from the dress and balaclava. Once the balaclava was rolled up, a small silk scarf was stuffed in my mouth and duet tape used to seal the scarf tightly in place. The balaclava was now rolled back down, along with the thick wool collar of the dress. I was now really in trouble but the worst of the evening was still to come.

Using the blue cashmere scarf, Jennifer wrapped it loosely around my face, covering part of the balaclava. I wasnt convinced but who was I to complain? Next came the heavy black, wool coat. It was long with a hood and once buttoned up you couldnt really tell what I was wearing below. She then fixed the scarf and pulled up the hood, “Thats much better,” she described. With Jennifers help I stood up and followed her into the hall with very, very small steps. I stopped in amazement what I saw in the mirror. Yes, it was clear my arms were not in the arms of the coat but the scarf did sort of hide the balaclava with would hopefully give me some dignity when I walked out to Jennifers car. Jennifer asked where my keys were and she went picked up the overnight bag I had prepared and left in the hall in anticipation of this weekend away.

I slowly followed Jennifer out into the cold night air, very carefully walking down the steps and out towards Jennifers car. She put my overnight bag in the back seat and explained that I had now to walk to her house and she would meet me there. I looked at her and tried to protest but being bound and gagged in the way I was meant I was in no position to complain. I couldnt even get back into my house as Jennifer had the keys. She drove off leaving me helpless outside the front of my own house. There was nothing else I could do but make my way across the road, through the park and into Jennifers street. It was normally only a ten-minute walk but tonight I knew it was going to take much longer.

With what could only have been described as baby steps, I headed in the general direction of Jennifers house. I really hoped I didnt meet anyone on my journey but I knew that was impossible. I had to insure no one who saw me, could even guess what state of bondage I was in. I couldnt even look at my watch to see what time it was as my wrists were tightly cuffed behind my back under the thick layers of wool; I guessed it was around eight oclock. As I stepped into the park, I passed a few people walking their dogs. I started to relax a bit more as I suspected they just saw a girl who was crippled in some way, out for an evening walk, wrapped up to keep warm. I kept my head down, as I wanted no one to see I was wearing the balaclava below the loosely tied cashmere scarf. I passed a group of teenagers who were not interested in me as they smoked cigarettes while discussing the events in school during the past five days. If only they knew I was really a thirty something guy, dressed in womans cloths while bound and gagged. I thought o myself. Thank goodness I could see the end of the park in sight. I hobbled out of the park and into the open street again. I had to wait at a set of pedestrian lights to cross the road and into Jennifers street. An extremely attractive lady asked if I needed any help as she could see I was having difficultly walking. I shook my head and crossed as soon as the green man came on. I slowly made my way into Jennifers street. I could see the old police station three blocks down and I headed there as quickly as my short steps allowed. Finally I was there and made my way up the steps to Jennifers front door.

I turned my back to the door and knocked as best I could. My cuffed hands were becoming very uncomfortable and it made knocking the door even more difficult through the thick wool coat. I stood there for what seemed like an age until Jennifer finally opened the door. I looked up and smiled at her standing in the light, wearing the black woollen catsuit she wore last weekend. Her form was so beautiful when shaped into a thick layer of very tight, black wool. “Come in,” she said and hugged me again as I entered her house. Jennifer explained that it took me around forty minutes to get over and this give her time to prepare dinner. She apologised for putting me through the walk but thought it would b fun. I didnt really care any more as it was finally over and I was in the warmth of Jennifers home. We headed for the living room where Jennifer unbuttoned the coat and removed the cashmere scarf. I turned so she could unlock my handcuffs but she explained I was to remain cuffed until dinner was ready. I protested as I was bursting to take a leak. Remember I had been wearing these cloths since early afternoon and a leak was impossible because of the chastity pants holding the woollen tights in place. Jennifer laughed, as I got even more agitated. I wanted to tell her that I desperately needed to go to the bathroom but the gag made sure I was to remain silent.

Jennifer then understood what I was complaining about as she held up the keys and unlocked the handcuffs. She explained that I could only unlock the chastity pants with the key she just handed me. I was allowed to take them off but I had to pull up the tights and head back into the living room as soon as I was finished. I slowly made my way to the downstairs WC. Once I realised what a difficult process I had to just take a leak. I pulled the dress up as best I could and bent down to unlocked the chastity pants and pulled down my tights. I was still wearing the cuffs just above my knees so the tights were not coming down that far. I sat on the toilet and relieved myself, what a wonderful feeling it was! I pulled up the tights, pulled the dress back down and hobbled back into the living room where Jennifer was sitting waiting on me with a glass of wine in her hand. I handed her he chastity pants, “Did you like them David,” she asked. All I could do was Mumph in return so Jennifer just smiled and said that she guessed I really enjoyed wearing them. I sat down beside Jennifer and we cuddled for a few minutes. I wanted to kiss her so much but the balaclava prevented any touching of our lips, not to mention the simple fact I was still gagged. A few minutes later the cooker bleeped and Jennifer headed into the kitchen. I tried to peel the duet tape off my mouth but the balaclava was too thick to enable me to get a hold on the tape. Finally Jennifer returned and announced dinner was ready. She rolled up the collar of my dress and unlocked the collar. Within seconds I had the balaclava off, followed by the painful process to remove the duet tape, which allowed me to spit out the silk scarf. I was now free of most of my bonds except for the dress, high-heeled boots and the cuffs that bound my knees together. We headed into the kitchen for dinner. I have to say “Slowly” as the leather cuffs that kept my knees so close together wouldnt allow much movement. How I walked to Jennifers house, Ill never know. We sat down to a wonderful meal. As usual we chatted about what we like and didnt like. Again our conversation turned to our love of wool and bondage. Jennifer explained that she wanted to dominate me this weekend and if I wouldnt mind, she wanted to remain free herself to have her fun with me. I had no problem allowing Jennifer to do whatever she wanted and I was now looking forward to what I hoped would be two days of pleasure at the hands of this beautiful woman.

After dinner Jennifer and I cleared up the dishes and headed back into the living room to drink our coffee and watch a little TV. To my disappointment Jennifer had recorded a soap from earlier on and I must admit I was enjoying being cuddled up to her on the sofa but had no interest in watching “Eastenders” or “Coronation Street.” I knew Jennifer was enjoying the attention and I also knew she wanted to be the boss this weekend so I did my best to tease her while she was trying to watch television.  It didnt take long before Jennifer decided to pick up the handcuffs and re-cuff my hands behind my back. She also picked up the sodden silk scarf and stuffed it back in my mouth. She had no immediate access to duet tape so she used the blue cashmere scarf to cleave gag me. This now meant she could watch TV in peace, or so she thought. I had other ideas to do my best to kiss Jennifer from behind the thick scarf that kept my so quiet. Jennifer made a few threats, which I ignored.

Finally here temper broke and she demanded that I go down to the cells. Jennifer dragged me to my feet and hauled me through the kitchen and downstairs to the basement cellblock. The stairs were tricky as I was still cuffed at the knees. She unlocked the outer barred door and dragged me behind her to the first open cell. This was the same cell I spent most of last weekend. She stood by the door and hauled me inside. I was just clear for the open doorway when the heavy steel door slammed behind me, locking, as it slammed closed. I could hear Jennifer close the outer barred door and her footsteps disappeared upstairs. I looked around me and headed over to the bunk to sit down and await Jennifers return.

There wasnt a lot else for me to do but sit on the bunk and wait fro Jennifer to come back. I was locked in the small cell with my hands tightly cuffed behind my back and gagged by a thick wool scarf. I was still wearing the heavy wool dress hiding my woollen clad legs, which were still bound by leather cuffs just above my knees. I still wore the leather boots, which were locked in place and the leather corset that I was now used to.

I guess it was just over an hour until Jennifer returned. She stormed into the cell and started explaining the rules for this weekend. I was to be her slave until Sunday night and therefore had to do exactly was she told me to do or I would be punished.  In a serious voice, Jennifer explained that punishment meant I would spend two hours shackled to the cell wall and gagged very tightly. She assured me that those two hours would be severe in restriction and therefore very uncomfortable. She then told me that it was now ten oclock and she wanted to go for a bath and get an early night. I knew this didnt include me so I wasnt shocked when Jennifer unlocked my hands and told me to get ready for bed.  She handed me a bag with cloths to wear and explained that my toilet bag was in the cellblock bathroom. She left me alone again, except this time the cell door was left open and the outer barred door was locked. Jennifer had left me with the keys to unlock my thigh cuffs and boots so as soon as she had headed back up stairs, I started remove the cleave gag and then the heavy wool dress.  As soon as I was free of this layer; I unlocked the boots and removed them. Next came the cuffs that bound my thighs together. It was a welcome relief when these were removed. Next I removed the corset, which was even a bigger relief and finally I eased the woollen tights off each of my legs. I went directly to the bathroom and washed, ready for an early night. I was eager to get back into my cell and see what Jennifer had left me to wear for the rest of the night. I opened the bag and removed a large bundle of wool. As soon as I removed the wool garment I spread it on the bunk to see what I was to wear. I couldnt believe my eyes because Jennifer was expecting me to wear an oversized, blue and white, thick fleece sleep-suit. This sleep-suit was different, as you would expect. It had the normal built in feet and mitts but what wasnt normal was the built in hood. The hood was like a fleece balaclava; while it would cover the lower part of my face, it wouldnt cover my eyes. My next job was to open the rear zip and climb into this fleece suit that was no-doubt going to by boil me over night.  The zip came from the back of the hood down to the base of the back. It wasnt difficult to climb into and pull up. The mitts were soft and offered me thumbs so I could pull the zip back up and seal myself in for the night. I put the cloths I had word today in to the back that the sleep-suit was in and I headed to the bathroom where I knew there was a mirror.

Stood there in front of me was a big baby, covered head to tow in thick fleece. Two blue eyes and a big nose peered through the thick built in balaclava. I was heading back to my cell when Jennifer returned. She was obviously pleased to see me dressed as I was. We kissed as best we could through a thick layer of woolly fleece. We then headed into the cell together. Jennifer was delighted to see that I had tidied up the other cloths and explained that she had prepared another cell for me to sleep in tonight. I then followed her out of this cell and across the block to another cell door, which was pushed over and as it wasnt closed, it wasnt locked. She pulled the door open and I followed her inside. I knew I would be in for restraint all night so again I wasnt surprised to find that Jennifer had prepared a bunk for me but this one had several open, leather cuffs attached. She asked me to lie on the bunk and as soon as I was horizontal, Jennifer started to buckle on the leather cuffs. Most obvious were the wrists cuffs that pinned my fleece mitts to the side of the bunk. A second set of leather cuffs secured my ankles. These cuffs had no locks so my mind immediately strayed to escape ideas while Jennifer pulled an even thicker layer of fleece over me. Once this blanket was tucked in, Jennifer used three large leather belts to secure my entire body to the bunk. The first belt went across my chest, the next across my abdomen and the last across my legs at my knees. Again, these belts had no locks so I hoped escape was an option later tonight. Jennifer then simply kissed me goodnight and left, locking the cell door closed behind her, followed by the outer door. The cell lights went out so I guessed that was I for the night.

I strained to see around me as my eyes became accustomed to the dark. There was a little light coming through the barred window and after about five minutes, I started to see my surrounds a lot clearer. My fleece-covered body was hidden below the thick fleece blanket. I tried to ease my body up to gain release from my bonds but my arms were securely bound to my bunk. The leather straps across my body didnt give at all so I started to resign myself to the fact that escape from this bunk was going to be impossible. Their was no way out of the locked cell so why was I even bothering. Escape would most defiantly piss Jennifer off and the prescribed punishment sounded interesting but probably worth avoiding. I guess I must of tried to gain escape from my bunk for over an hour before the heat of the multiple layers of fleece got the better of me and sleep started to take hold of my senses. In the end, I give up and drifted off into a deep and very comfortable snooze.

The first light of daybreak brought me to a semi state of conciseness. I had no access to see me my watch and there was no clock in the cell so I could only guess that it was around 8am. Time to try escape once more before Jennifer returned. This time I tried to slip my wrists from the tight leather cuffs. They were simply too tight so I tried to feel my way down the bunk to see where they were attached to. If I could reach far enough, I could probably release the cuff and easily get to my other hand. Again I must have tried in vain for 30 or 40 minutes until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Within seconds my cell door was opened and the gorgeous Jennifer was standing in the open doorway. She hadnt bothered to get dressed yet as she was wearing a towel robe and house slippers. “I can see you havent been able to release yourself David,” Jennifer asked with a grin from ear to ear? I had explained that I had tried but to no avail. Jennifer then came over to me and released the straps that were pinning me to the bunk. Next she removed the heavy fleece blanket and removed her towel robe revealing her completely naked body. She climbed on top of my fleece-covered body and started rubbing herself on the soft sleep-suit. I always get horny in the morning anyway so my best friend was standing to attention within seconds and craving for release. She brought her warm and by now, very wet pussy up to my face and I did my best to mouth her through the thick fleece balaclava. Jennifer was obviously very turned on as she moaned and groaned through my attempts to offer her release. Finally she lent over my head and pulled the zip down, just enough to pull the built in balaclava off my head, enabling my tongue to enter her pussy and allow her to explode into orgasm. Jennifer was grateful for release as we kissed patiently without any material between our lips. I badly wanted to cum myself but Jennifer was obvious enjoying the fact I was frustrated as hell. She started to release the straps that bound my hands and feet to the bunk. For the first time in over eight hours, I was able to stretch out and with Jennifers permission I took off the fleece Sleep-suit. I thanked her for putting me in the soft fleece suit for the night as I had enjoyed wearing it a lot. We kissed again and Jennifer picked up her towel robe and took a plastic cable tie from the pocket. She instructed me to turn around as she zipped to tie over my crossed wrists, binding them securely behind my back. We then headed for the shower where Jennifer washed my naked body all over. I could only stand there and accept whatever she did to me. We kissed a lot during the ten or fifteen minutes that we showered together and finally Jennifer turned off the warm stream of water and left me dripping while she dried off. Next she instructed me to follow her and stand still while she dried me off. My hands were still tightly crossed behind my back, held firm by the plastic cable tie.

Jennifer helped me over the toilet where I sat down to take a piss. I then followed her back into the first cell (Not the one I spent last night in) where she explained that she wanted to dress me. First she picked up and pair of thick woollen tights and I lifted each leg in turn as she pulled then up and over my backside. Next she picked up the leather chastity belt that I had worn yesterday. Within a few minutes I understood that I wasnt going to be even able to offer myself release until Jennifer allowed it.  Next came the leather corset once again. This time Jennifer pulled and strained to pull it even tighter than I had it yesterday. The harder she pulled, the more difficult I found it to breath. The breast forms were fitted and next Jennifer produced a black, woollen maids dress. To pull this over my head, Jennifer had to release my hands so she took a pair of scissors and cut the tie from around my wrists. With my help she pulled to heavy garment over my head. It came about have way down my thighs allowing ample woollen clad leg showing. My restraint for the day began with a thick leather belt that went around my waist. It buckled from the back and was padlocked closed. There were a pair handcuffs hanging from a ring on front of the locked belt. They had a slightly longer chain, which I guessed would enable me to carry out chores for Jennifer.

As soon as Jennifer had locked the belt on securely, she locked each wrist into one of the attached handcuffs. Jennifer then put a pair of strapped, high heel shoes on each of my feet. The straps buckled closed and a small padlock secured each shoe on my wool covered feet. So that I couldnt walk very fast, Jennifer put me into leg-irons, which had less than the normal chain, given to prisoners. This allowed me to take small steps but at least I would be able to move around. I thought that was my dressing finished for the day but Jennifer then produced a leather cat-woman hood for me to wear. I bent down and allowed Jennifer to pull the inner lined material over my head and zipped it closed. Yes, this also had a small padlock that meant I wasnt removing the mask without Jennifers help. Finally that was me dressed for the day and I was instructed to go upstairs and prepare a cooked breakfast.

Jennifer disappeared upstairs a head of me to dry her hair, leaving me to follow very slowly. Once in the kitchen I found it fairly easy to prepare breakfast. The chain between my handcuffs moved freely between the single ring on the belt so I had plenty of reach. The leather cat mask covered my head leaving the lower part of my face free from bondage. The two eyeholes allowed adequate vision so I was happy with my dress for the day.  I served breakfast as Jennifer requested and she allowed me to sit with her and we chatted through the meal. When we both finished Jennifer instructed me to tidy everything away and she left to get dressed. She returned about twenty minutes later dressed in a beautiful blue, Cashmere sweaterdress with a low cut neckline. She wore black Lycra tights and low pumps today. Jennifer explained that she was going out for an hour or two to meet a friend for coffee and I was left a list of chores around her house. I was a bit pissed off and disappointed that she was leaving me but hey, it was her plan for the weekend and who was I to complain? I was sent to fetch her black wool coat while she wrapped a long black, wool scarf around her neck. I tried to help her put the heavy wool coat on but my cuffs were simply not allowing me enough reach to carry out this simple task. Jennifer then kissed me goodbye and she left me to do her housework.

The list of chores amounted to some dusting and hoovering.  It did take me a while as moving around the house was a slow process. I was pleased with how I was dressed every-time I saw myself in the mirror. The wool maids dress and cat mask looked really good and the corset gives me a good figure for a guy. By the time Jennifer returned, I was sitting in the living room watching some TV. Jennifer blew up at me for sitting around when I was supposed to be cleaning her house. I tried to explain that I had finished but she was obviously enjoying being in charge this weekend and I was ordered back down to the cells. Jennifer didnt follow me down but by the time I got down the stairs she was right behind me holding a number of items in her hands that I could immediately tell were going to make my afternoon rather uncomfortable.

First I was ordered to stand still while Jennifer released my hands from the cuffs and very quickly handcuffed my hands behind my back with a standard pair of police cuffs. Next I was ordered to kneel down on the cold hard floor where Jennifer attached a padlock to my handcuffs and the leg-irons. Another padlock reduced the leg-irons to two links so I was now completely hogtied by the chain between my cuffs. My cat mask was then unlocked and unzipped. My head wasnt free for very long as Jennifer pulled a very strict padded leather hood over my head. Some manoeuvring told me that this hood had a built in gag and within a few seconds my entire head was covered in a thick layer of padded leather. My world was in total darkness and my mouth immobilized by a thick padded mouthpiece that was going to keep me very quiet. A hard tug on the cuffs that were still atached to my belt brought me crashing on to my side and the cuffs were clicked closed which only meant one thing; I was now secured to a bolt on the cell wall. Jennifer explained that this was my punishment so for the next two hours I was remain in this predicament. She then left, locking the cell door closed behind her.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed being restrained a lot but this was the most severe bondage I had ever experienced. I tried to get as comfortable as I could but comfort was never going to be an option this afternoon. My hands were starting to ach from the tight connection to my ankles. I tried my to pull my knees up as best I could to release the strain on my wrists and ankles but this was an impossible task. My whole face throbbed from the tight restriction of the leather hood, holding the padded gag tightly in my mouth. Breathing was possible but restricted from all the padding around my entire head. No light came through at all so these two hours would seem like a lifetime.

The pain continued to get worse and I cried out into my gag but no one came. The harder I yelled out the worse the throbbing got around my face and mouth! I tried to grab hold of my ankles to keep the strain of my cuffed hands and feet. The worse the pain got, the more I started to wonder when Jennifer would return to release me. I was so angry that she was putting me through this ordeal but I knew that within ten minutes of release I would forget the pain and remember the good side only of this tight situation.   Finally I heard the distant noise of keys being turned in a lock and the door to my cell opening. I continued to cry into my gag so Jennifer first unzipped my hood and released my head from the tight pressure. She could see I was in immense discomfort and quickly released the cuffs holding me to the wall followed by the links between my hands and feet. I was so relieved to free of the painful hogtie and Jennifer knew that I was not pleased with her. I didnt want to give her any reason to punish me at this stage as my hands were still cuffed behind my back and my ankles still held by two links because of the padlock in the chain. I badly needed to take a piss so I begged Jennifer to release me from the chains and chastity belt. She asked me if I was going to give her any trouble but I was had no intention of taking advantage of her until my I had been to the toilet and removed that imposition from my mind. Within a matter of only a few minutes my ankles were once again semi free between about 15 inches of chain and my hands were completely free of all cuffs. Jennifer handed me the keys to my chastity belt and as soon as I was free of that thing,

I hinted that I wanted Jennifer to leave the cell so I could take a leak. She agreed to leave me for fifteen minutes but demanded that on her return she wanted me to have re-cuffed my own hands back into the cuffs attached to my belt. I agreed and Jennifer left the cell closing and therefore locking the door behind her. The relative freedom was a welcome break after spending two hours in such tight, restrictive bondage. I can tell you, the leak was good after many hours of chastity. When finished I didnt really want to lock my hands back into the cuffs. Instead I wanted to plot an escape, which ultimately meant taking control of Jennifer. I couldnt let her see my hands were not in the cuffs so I sat on the bunk, facing the locked door and put my hands behind my back, pretending to be cuffed. I hold a pair of unlocked handcuffs so as I had the surprise over Jennifer when she returned. As soon as Jennifer returned to my cell she commented that she asked my to put my hands back into the cuffs atached to my belt. I explained that I really liked the feeling of helplessness when my hands were cuffed behind my back. Jennifer then approached with a grin from cheek to cheek.  This was my chance but I had to insure she was close enough to overpower quickly as I had to have her hands cuffed to make my escape. As soon as Jennifer was in range I jumped to my feet and grabbed her right hand. She pulled away sharply and I missed with the cuff, instead striking it hard against her forearm. Jennifer yelled out and pulled away from me, heading towards the open cell door. I grabbed her again, putting both my arms around her waist. Again I tried to slap a cuff on her right wrist but this time she brought her elbow directly into my groin, knocking the wind out of me. I fell to the floor in complete shock so Jennifer took advantage by grabbing the handcuffs from me. I tried to get back on my feet as quickly as possible but my high heels meant I wasnt that steady so Jennifer didnt have to push very hard at all for me to collapse on the floor once again. She then jumped on top of me, twisting me on to my stomach and pulling my right wrist behind my back.  Click, click, click that was my right wrist locked. Holding my right arm high up my back with the open handcuff meant I had no option but to admit defeat and offer my left wrist to Jennifer. The clicking sound meant I was now completely back under her control. Jennifer was like a raging cat yelling at me, how dare I try and get one over on her. This was her weekend to be in control and I was her slave! Very quickly she had my head back in the thick leather hood and the zip was pulled tight, leaving me back in complete darkness with my mouth aching from the padded gag being forced so hard into my mouth. “Youve bought four hours now,” Jennifer yelled at me and then I heard the cell door slam shut. Thank goodness she didnt hogtie me this time but even in my current position, the next four hours would pass very slowly.

I could pace up and down the cell, bumping into the walls, bunk and tripping on a few of the items that Jennifer had dropped in her hast to leave me for the next four hours, all alone and with a very painful jaw from the gag held firm between my lips by the very thick and very tight leather hood that encased my entire head. How was I going to survive the next four long hours? In the end, I positioned myself on to the bunk lay down on my side. I would try to rest and maybe even get some sleep but this wasnt going to be easy. Have you ever tried to relax, lying on your side with your wrist tightly cuffed behind your back; it isnt easy is it? Even less comfortable was the tight leather hood that made my breathing laboured and unnatural. I so wanted to be free and in Jennifers arms, instead of being locked in this prison cell, bound, hooded and gagged.

Like before I cried into my gag, hoping against all hope that Jennifer would return and take pity on me. I knew she wouldnt until my four hours punishment was over.

I jumped to the sound of the cell door being unlocked and the dulcet tones of my blonde capture, asking me if I was all right? All I could do was moan into my gag so Jennifer just laughed and told me that she knew I was still alive. “Are you going to give me any more trouble Mr,” enquired Jennifer? I shook my head and she helped me into the sitting position. Jennifer explained that before she would remove my hood, she was going to release my hands from the cuffs behind my back and re-secure them to the cuffs still attached to my leather belt in front of me. I nodded in agreement and within a few minutes my wrists were free from the tight cuffing behind my back and locked into the relative freedom of the cuffs on a longer chain in front of me. Finally I felt Jennifer unzip my hood from behind my head and the rush of cool air was a welcome relieve to four hours under the heavy leather, head covering. “Thats much better,” Jennifer remarked and asked if I wanted to eat with her this evening. I was starving and wasnt going to pass up the opportunity to eat with this beautiful blonde woman.

I followed Jennifer out of the cell and upstairs, into the kitchen where the table was already set our meal prepared.  Jennifer explained that she wanted to release my hands from he cuffs but didnt trust me after this afternoons experience. I was therefore to remain in the current loose bondage for the entire meal. I explained to Jennifer that I badly needed a shower. My hair felt awful after spending so long encased within the leather hood. My torso was dripping in sweat from spending all day in the tight leather corset and the wool maids dress and thick tights had left me feeling very hot and uncomfortable. Jennifer told me that after dinner I could get undressed and have a shower in the confines of the cell block as long as I didnt do anything more to anger her today. True to her word, Jennifer led me back downstairs after dinner. She gave me a ring of keys to all my bonds and told me that I was to push them through the bars of the cell block door as soon as I was undressed. She would find me something else to wear for the rest of the evening. Before Jennifer left, I thanked her for a wonderful meal and apologised for trying to overpower her earlier today.

It took me around ten minutes to unlock all the cuffs and padlocks that kept me in bondage all day. The cloths were easy to remove but the tight leather corset was an obvious problem. I left of the cloths in a neat pile by the barred door and pushed the ring of keys through and out of my reach as promised. The shower was wonderful and I must have spent around fifteen minutes under the piping hot water. I was singing away to myself when I head Jennifer standing outside the shower-room. She explained that my fleece sleep suit on the cell bunk and she would be back in twenty minutes where she wanted to find me waiting for her, wearing the sleep suit. I loved that so I was excited about being able to wear it all evening while sitting, watching TV with the wonderful Jennifer. As soon as I was dried, I headed for the cell again to put on the cosy garment. I pulled my legs into the fleece feet and eased the soft, fluffy material over my body and slipped my hands into the mittens and head into the built in balaclava. Finally I pulled up the zipper from behind which sealed my into the most wonderful bodysuit I had ever worn.

I knew my current freedom was too good to be true when Jennifer called me to the barred door and demanded that I turn around to enable her to handcuff my fleecy, mitten covered wrist behind my back. Once secured I was allowed to leave the cellblock and return upstairs. We headed for the living room where we sat for the evening talking and watching TV. I so wanted to hold Jennifer but she explained that because of my actions today, I would remain handcuffed while in her company all evening. I would only be released when I was returned to the confine of my locked prison cell. Several times during this evening, Jennifer pulled the fleece from my face and kissed me. Our tongues were entwined for five or ten minutes each time. I knew she was horny but I could do nothing to give my beautiful blonde friend any release from her frustration.

As soon as the ten oclock news had finished I was told that I had to return to me cell for the night. Jennifer explained that I wasnt to be secured to my bunk tonight but I would endure slightly looser bondage. I was told to head back to my cell. Jennifer followed and unlocked my wrists only when the barred door was closed and obviously locked. Jennifer picked up the leather belt I had worn all day from the pile of cloths that still lay by the barred door. I was told to put this back on and secure my wrists as soon as I was finished at the toilet. I had to completely remove the fleece sleep suit to take a piss and as soon as it was all back in place, I put the leather belt around my waist, locked it from behind and finally placed each wrist into a handcuff. Jennifer returned within five or ten minutes holding a woollen hood and leather collar in her hand. Before I was put to bed, Jennifer pulled the fleece away from my face once more and we kissed again. As soon as she had enough, my balaclava was fixed and the woollen hood pulled over my head. The leather collar was secured around my neck and I heard the click of a padlock from behind. My hands were relatively free but there was no-way now, I could remove my head cover. “Goodnight David,” said Jennifer and that was the last I heard from her as the cell door closed, locking automatically and the outer barred door was closed and locked. I was now locked-up for the rest of the night.

I lay on my bunk, in complete darkness. I was as horny as hell myself and I could rub my manhood through the thick fleece as my hands were fairly free with the long chain attached to the ring on my locked, leather belt. I couldnt make myself cum, as I had no-way to take a piss after. I therefore had to lie there and slowly drift off to sleep.

Ive no idea how long I slept, but it seemed like only minutes until I awoke to the shock of Jennifer shaking me. She demanded that I get up and follow her upstairs. I reminded her, if she hadnt noticed but I couldnt see a thing through the thick wool of my hood. She just laughed and dragged me to my feet. I knew she was taking me upstairs into the kitchen, through the living room and then up to the second floor. I guessed she was taking me to her bedroom but I really had no idea where I was as I just tried keep up with her in complete darkness.

I was pushed on to a bed and I could feel Jennifer unlocking my collar. Finally she pulled the woollen hood clear from my head and I could now see exactly where I was. As I suspected, I was lying on Jennifers bed. Next she unlocked the handcuffs and removed the belt. I was now free to remove my fleece sleep suit. Jennifer pulled off her nightdress, over her head and the full beauty of her naked body was presented in front of me. For the first time ever I was permitted to make love with Jennifer without any bondage being placed on me.  I was also able to spend the rest of the night with Jennifer, in her bed. Our naked bodies stayed entwined until we both fell asleep.

I woke first on Sunday morning and prepared breakfast in bed for us both. Jennifer was grateful for the awakening and even more excited at the thought of me bringing her breakfast. We sat and talked for a while and made decisions on what we were going to do today. Jennifer said that she had mentioned to Karen that we might go round to her place late morning for a few hours. I explained to Jennifer that I would have to go home to retrieve some of my own cloths but Jennifer laughed and explained that Karen would expect me to be cross-dressed in wool. She reminded me of the mask I wore last weekend and how the plastic female face would provide an adequate disguise. Jennifer showered first and while had had my shower, Jennifer obtained the cloths she wanted me to wear today. It wasnt a massive surprise when I saw the leather corset once again. Jennifer told me that it brought out my female figure much better that the Lycra body suit I wore last weekend. With Jennifers help I was once again laced very, very tightly into the leather corset. Before putting any other cloths on, Jennifer handed me the Lycra hood, which provided protection from the Latex mask I would wear all day. As soon as the Lycra hood was in place, Jennifer pulled the latex mask over my head and zipped it up tightly. Before putting the blonde wig on, I was handed the same woollen cloths I first wore last Saturday afternoon. The thick black, ribbed wool tights and heavy red wool sweaterdress. While I dressed myself, Jennifer dressed herself in black Lycra tights, black leather mini skirt and a very impressive blue mohair sweater. What was really exciting about her mohair sweater was the massive roll down neck. As soon as she was dressed she placed the blonde wig on my head and asked me to take the dishes down to the kitchen while she dried her hair. Before leaving, I was handed low leather pumps, which I was so glad to wear, rather than the high heals I had worn over the past few days. As I was finishing putting the dishes in the dish washer when Jennifer appeared looking absolutely fantastic in her leather mini skirt and thick mohair sweater. She explained that Karen was expecting around eleven, which was in twenty minutes. Karen lived about fifteen minutes away, in the next village so we would have to take Jennifers car. We walked into the hall and Jennifer retrieved the heavy wool coat that I wore on Friday night. Along with that I was handed a pair of black wool gloves and a very long black woollen scarf. I wrapped myself up and put on the heavy coat. As I was doing this, Jennifer was wrapping up warm too in her woollen coat and gloves. She didnt put on a scarf today, I guessed because of the massive roll down collar on her mohair sweater. Next we headed out of the back door and into her car.

I was a little surprised that I hadnt been restrained in any way. And today I didnt really think too much about being cross-dressed in layers of wonderful, soft wool.

Karen lived in an old farmhouse near the next village, five miles away. We drove up the long driveway to the renovated farmhouse, which was impressive. The old stone had been painstakingly cleaned up and the house was obviously worth a lot of money. Sitting the farmyard were two Mercedes cars, a top of range M-Class 4x4 and an SLK sports car. Karen and her husband were obviously well to do. Panic then started to sink in, Karens husband! I wasnt that embarrassed to be seen by Karen as we met last weekend when she locked Jennifer into the cell with me for most of last Sunday. I questioned Jennifer about Karens husband and she explained that it would be all right.

Karen greeted both of us at the back door. She was impressive herself today wearing a skin-tight PCV catsuit with the front opened by a zip, which was very revealing. We kissed on the cheek and both Jennifer and I were ushered into the sitting room, at the back of the kitchen where Jennifer asked where Simon (Karens husband) was? Karen explained that he was resting upstairs at the moment and probably wouldnt be able to see us today. Jennifer asked if she could go and say Hi to him? Karen agreed and I was asked to follow them both upstairs. We entered Karen and Simons impressive bedroom. Lying on the bed was Simon (I guess) because an I could see was a woollen body bag stretched over a human body. Jennifer sat on the bed and talked to Simon but all she got in return was a mumble from some guy behind a gag. Karen explained that Simon would probably spend the rest of the day in the body bag and that they often played these games. She then asked if I wanted to see the rest of the house. I agreed and followed her around what was a typically English, modern, renovated farmhouse. We then headed out to what I guessed were stables but once inside Karen showed me around what she described as her playhouse. Most of the old stables had been converted into cells in a medieval dungeon style. Most had extreme looking shackles hanging from the stonewalls. They were all very similar to the medieval cuffs that hung from the cell in Jennifers house. As we walked down the short corridor, I spotted a couple of leather straightjackets handing up, outside a closed door. Karen explained that that was her favourite room. She unlocked the door and we entered what was a padded cell, which was wonderful. Karen told me that she wanted to show me the rest so I followed her back into the corridor and we entered the last cell. This cell was split in two by and barred wall, which had a built in sliding door. In the second part of this cell was a small cage on the ground. This interested me a lot so I had a good look around. At one end was an open door, which swung easily on its hinges. “This looks rather severe Karen,” I enquired? “It is a little restrictive David but lots of fun, I can assure you. Would you like to try it out,” Karen responded? I looked at Karen and smiled but she knew I was itching to climb in and see what the cage was like from the inside. “Take off your coat David and hand it to me,” asked Karen? I did what she asked and I bent down to make my way into the tiny cage. No sooner had I got in, when Karen pushed the barred door closed. It locked automatically so I was now locked in a tiny four foot by eight foot steel cage. I turned to look at Karen who was now laughing at my imposition. “I think Ill leave you in there for a while David. Jennifer and I can enjoy a cup of coffee in piece!” Karen then left this part of the cell and slid the barred door closed. It also locked automatically. Finally she left the main cell, closing and locking the door, leaving me to ponder my situation now.

The floor was tiled and therefore very cold. I was still covered in wool so it wasnt too bad. I sat with my back to the bars of the cage. My hands were kept warm from my woollen gloves and the long black wool scarf kept my neck snug. There wasnt a lot else I could do but sit and await the return of Karen and / or Jennifer.

I guessed that I had been in the cage for about an hour when Jennifer returned. “Are you comfortable my dear in there,” Jennifer enquired? “Not really,” I replied as Jennifer unlocked the inner barred door and stood over me, locked in the tiny cage. “I hear that it didnt take much persuasion from Karen to lock you in the cage David, did it?” I just smiled and looked up at Jennifers beautiful big blue eyes. “Come on out, Ive something to show you David,” explained Jennifer as she unlocked the cage and let me stand up again. I then followed her out of the cell and across to the padded cell. I looked through the tiny hole in the heavy steel door and saw Karen inside wearing one of her leather straightjackets. I asked Jennifer to unlock the door so I could take a closure look. Karen turned around and looked at me. Her face was partly covered by a leather strap, which obviously held a gag firmly in her mouth. “Karen told me this was her favourite room,” I explained to Jennifer. “I know David because Ive locked her in here on many a Sunday.” I must admit that Karen looked really cute with her Red PVC catsuit now eclipsed by a black leather straightjacket holding her in a tight hug. The crotch strap held the jacket on her body really tightly and another strap prevented her from lifting her over her head and out to freedom. Karen puppy eyes peered from behind the thick leather gag, begging for mercy from me. In fact I knew Karen was enjoying her restraint. “What now Jennifer,” I asked? “I think well just leave her in here for a few hours,” explained Jennifer. We then left the padded cell, locking the door behind us.

I took a closer look at the single leather straightjacket left hanging. It looked fantastic with all its straps and long arms. “Would you like to try it on David,” asked Jennifer? “I would prefer if you would try it on Jennifer,” I replied. It was clear Jennifer would not be wearing the jacket so she held it open in front of me, directing me to slide my arms into the long leather sleeves. I couldnt resist the opportunity so I slipped my woollen-gloved hands into the sleeves and turned around so that Jennifer could buckle the straps from behind. Once that was achieved, I gave myself an enormous hug so that Jennifer could buckle my arms tight. That completed Jennifer pulled up my woollen dress so that she could buckle the crotch strap. The last strap was the hold my forearms at the front, preventing me from pulling my arms over me head. “How does that feel David,” asked Jennifer? Ive got say that the jacket felt fantastic except I knew that any length of time in it would be hot and sweaty, especially as I was still clad in thick wool, not forgetting the long scarf still wrapped around my neck.

Both Jennifer and I then took a much closer look at Karen and Simons range of toys in their play-barn as I had started to call the outhouse.  Jennifer unlocked one of the stable doors and we headed inside. Along one wall was three, American style prison cells, which were simply barred cages, just like you would see in most American westerns. Along the adjacent wall was a large cupboard, which we opened to reveal and massive range of very interesting toys. There was an enormous array of handcuffs, leg-irons, hoods, masks and many leather belts and paddles. The handcuffs and leg-irons were of both modern and old style. The leather straps offered a massive range of bondage possibilities but as usual I turned to the range of masks and hoods. Remember I couldnt lift any off for a closer look due to the fact I was still wearing the leather straightjacket. Jennifer knew the hoods interested me so she asked if I wanted to try any on. I was still wearing a Lycra hood, which protected my head from the Latex female facemask with attached blonde wig. Jennifer explained that it wouldnt present a problem as she removed the long blonde wig and untied the black wool scarf from around my neck. I asked Jennifer which was her favourite hood and she lifted out a latex hood with all sorts of tubes hanging from it. Jennifer explained that this hood was very severe as the dominant person could even control the air that their slave had to breath. Jennifer held the Latex hood over my head and inserted a built-in gag into my mouth, which contained the tube to enable me to breath. The hood was then sealed tightly using a zip on the back and then Jennifer began to pump it up, making it even tighter. I began to panic, as I couldnt breath at all. I tried to yell out but the gag prevented me from saying much at all. Jennifer knew I was in distress and opened the valve in my breathing tube. I could now breath a little, just enough not to cause me any discomfort. Jennifer then explained that she was going to lock me into one of the barred cells while she checked on both Karen and Simon. I heard a door open and I was directed in and on to one of the bunks. Jennifer then told me not to go anywhere and she left, locking the cell door. Im not sure how long Jennifer had left me but my breathing started to get more laboured as I got tired breathing so heavily through the small tube in my mask. Again I tried to yell out for help but no one came. I started to get really scared as my breathing started to labour under the pressure of the tight Latex hood. I stood up and bumped into the bars of my cell, screaming into my gag for release until I collapsed on the floor hoping against all hope that Jennifer would return. I wriggled on the floor, trying to gain release from the straightjacket but I knew my struggles meant I needed more air. God, I was so horny as I panic for release. It only took another minute for my first orgasm to blast through my entire body. It must have looked like I was fitting as my entire body jolted with the magnitude of the orgasm piercing through every mussel. Suddenly the cell door opened and I could feel Jennifer releasing the valve to allow more air into my tube. “Did you enjoy that David,” she asked? All I got do was give a mumbled reply into my gag and again Jennifer played with the valve closing off all air to my breathing tube. Once again I struggled to breath but this time nothing, no air at all. I fought hard against my bonds but no release and more importantly no air. Within another few seconds another orgasm exploded and Jennifer opened the valve allowing me to breath again. This time she let the pressure down and unzipped the hood. I looked up and her and while I wanted to let rip, I decided that I would get my chance for revenge soon so I simply thanked her for letting me cum. I asked to be released from the straitjacket so that I could clean myself off. Within a minute or so Jennifer had unbuckled the jacket and I was free to head to the nearest toilet, pull down my tights and clean the mess from my pants.

As soon as I was finished, I relieved myself and headed back into the corridor to find Jennifer holding the straightjacket and waiting to put me into it once more. Without questioning her, I held out my arms and within a matter of two minutes, I was tightly restrained once again into the leather straightjacket. Next Jennifer re fitted the blonde wig to the Velcro on my latex hood. Finally she wound the long black woollen scarf around my neck and tied it off.  I then followed Jennifer into the corridor and back to the door of the padded cell that held Karen. Jennifer unlocked the cell door and I followed her in. Karen was sitting in the corner and as we entered, she quickly tried to get up to greet us. “No need to get up Karen,” explained Jennifer as she went over to her and unbuckled the leather gag that kept the captive Karen so quiet. “Im sure you two have loads to talk about,” and with that Jennifer left us, locking the outer door, leaving us contained within the padded cell, both wearing very tight, leather straitjackets.

“Jennifers got a strange sense of Humour David,” explained Karen. She went on to tell me that Jennifer often locked her into the padded cell for entire afternoons while she went off shopping. I was more interested to understand Simons involvement in Karens bondage games. Karen went on to explain that if Simon was at home, he spent most Saturdays locked in one of the American style cells; normally in some sort of restraint from heavy cuffs to medieval shackles.

“How do you feel about Jennifers fascination for you being cross dressed in layers of wool David,” questioned Karen? I explained that I was slightly concerned at the start but my self-consciousness soon disappeared and I was now enjoying the soft material that Jennifer so much liked me to wear. I went on to tell Karen about my love of bondage anyway and that Jennifer had just added a new dimension to my fantasies, which I now lived out with my new girl friend. I asked Karen if she preferred Simon to wear female clothing as part of their scenes? Karen told me that she loved Simon wearing womans attire, especially leather, latex and Lycra. Jennifer had been jealous of her for many years, as none of her previous boyfriends would ever consider Jennifers love of bondage, not to mention crossdressing for her every weekend. I then tried to understand a little more about Jennifer and her previous boyfriends but Karen didnt really want to tell me much and preferred it if Jennifer was the one to bring me up to speed on her previous affairs.

The afternoon went so quickly as Karen and I sat on the floor of the padded cell, getting to know each other better and understanding a little more about the bondage scene that had taken over both her live and the lives of Simon and Jennifer. Karen told me that another friend of theirs had bought an old Victorian prison a few years ago and they had many parties. In fact there was a party next weekend, which she hoped Jennifer would bring me a long to. We were then interrupted by the sound of the cell door being unlocked and Jennifer entering the padded room. “Jennifer, are you taking David to Caroline and Georges party next weekend,” asked Karen? Jennifer explained that she wanted to but hadnt approached the subject with me. Jennifer said she would update me on the way home this evening and if I happy with the arrangements, then we would both be going.

Jennifer first released Karen from the straightjacket and then asked Karen to help get me out of mine and ready for the drive home. While Karen unbuckled me from the leather jacket, Jennifer fetched my coat and asked Karen if she could borrow the heavy manacle set for the evening, which Karen agreed to without batting an eyelid. Jennifer then produced an evil looking set of shackles, which were bolted around each wrist and ankle, linked by chain to a collar that locked around my neck after Jennifer removed the scarf. As soon as the collar was locked, the scarf was then wound around again partially hiding the medieval device. The chain set was very heavy and the walk back to Jennifers car wasnt without its difficulty. Karen kissed me on the cheek and explained that she better release Simon from his sack and hoped that we would both by at Caroline and Georges party next weekend. We said our goodbyes and head back to Jennifers place with me locked in the most uncomfortable set of irons that I had ever comes across.

On the journey back I tried to understand a little more about the party next weekend but Jennifer simply told me that we would discuss it latter. For some reason, Jennifer seemed troubled about this party and was therefore very quiet for the entire drive back to her place. We pulled up into Jennifers back yard and she helped me out of the car and through the back entrance, which lead directly to the cellblock. Without removing my shackles or my coat, I was locked into my cell with no idea when Jennifer would return to release me.

It was probably an hour or so before my cell door was unlocked and Jennifer entered wearing the most fantastic black Lycra catsuit, which had matching leather knee high boots (High Heeled) and a leather cat mask. “You look superb sweetheart,” I explained and I could just about see the smile in return under the tight leather cat mask. Around her waist was a thick leather belt, holding several pairs of handcuffs, a tazer and a leather whip. “Right David, lets get you out of those heavy shackles and into something a little more comfortable,” said Jennifer. Each padlock was then unlocked from my wrist and ankle cuffs. Finally the long woollen scarf was unwound from around my neck and the collar unlocked to leave me completely free of the medieval bondage. I removed my wool coat and gloves but Jennifer asked my to turn around so that she could cuff my hands behind my back. I was then asked to sit on my bunk and she would explain the format of Caroline and Georges parties.

“To be completely honest with you David, Im not sure if you are ready for one of Caroline and Georges bondage parties at the old jailhouse.” Explained Jennifer. I was then told that all guys would be taken to the old prison by two of Carolines girl friends, in handcuffs and leg-irons, wearing roughly what I was wearing now. We would then be treated to some humiliation at the prison before wearing a hideous uniform and spending both Saturday and Sunday as sex slaves to our woman. The entire weekend would mean a lot of humiliation for me in front of strangers and I would probably be chained for most of the two days.  I asked if Jennifer wanted me to go and she simply nodded her head.

I asked if there was anyway out once the weekend began if it was too much for me but Jennifer stood over me shaking her head. Once I had been taken away during Saturday morning, I was at their mercy until 4pm, Sunday afternoon. I had to do exactly what was asked of me and refusing meant certain punishment and therefore even more humiliation. It obviously meant a lot to Jennifer if I went with her so I agreed. Jennifer through her arms around me and we kissed patiently. I soon fell on my back with my hands tightly cuffed meant I was going nowhere when Jennifer climbed on top. We kissed for a while as sex was impossible due to the simply fact I was still wearing thick wool clothing.

It wasnt long until Jennifer decided to release my hands from the cuffs and pulled my cloths off. Her black catsuit had a crotch zip, which meant easy access to her already wet pussy. We made love for over an hour that evening in the confines of my cell. Once we were done, Jennifer suggested that we go back to my place to enable me to get dressed into something more appropriate and we could then go out for dinner. I was so pleased because this meant we were doing something normal, not that I wasnt enjoying the crossdressing in wool and bondage. Jennifer left me to change into something more appropriate herself, while I simply put the cloths back on that I had been wearing all day. Remember, I was still wearing the female facemask and tight corset so I could still be excused for a slightly over-eight female.  The cell door was left wide open this time so I guessed our weekend was now effectively over. As soon as I was dressed, I wound the scarf around my neck and pulled on the cloths and coat. Free of all bondage, I headed up stairs to wait on Jennifer. This girl really amazes me as she was turned out beautifully in a long blue-grey sweaterdress, which reached from her neck to six inches below her knees. Her leather boots therefore disappeared up below the hemline for the dress! Like me, she pulled on a pair of gloves; wound her blue cashmere scarf around her neck followed by her long woollen coat. We then got into her car and drove to my place. Its weird as I was no longer really worried about being seen. I guess I was now used to wearing the tight female mask, which I knew completely hid my true identity. Once inside my house, I left Jennifer watching TV while I went upstairs to get undressed, have a shower and get dressed in my own cloths for the first time in two days.

It was a relief to be free of the tight corset and the mask, which I had forgotten how tight it was until my face for free of its confines. I was going to miss the relative warmth of the layers of wool so I decided to leave them in my bedroom, hoping Jennifer wouldnt ask for the cloths back. Once dressed in my own cloths, I headed downstairs and finally we headed out to dinner. While our weekend wasnt over, the crossdressing and bondage was.

Ed - UK


A Woolly Story

Part 3

Setting the Scene: -

Many thanks to everyone for their kind comments, which have spurred me on to write a third part to my story.

Ive recently move home and country so apologies for the delaying starting this third episode.

When we left David and Jennifer in part 2, they had just headed out to dinner on a Sunday evening after a weekend of woolly cross-dressing and bondage.

A Woolly Story Part 3

Sunday evening was wonderful, the first time Jennifer and I had gone out together as a relatively normal couple.  I kept reminding myself that we were normal but had a fantastic other life behind closed doors.  The only difference was I hadnt ever experienced the type of scene that Jennifer belonged to within her circle of friends. I was still so horny all through that meal as my wonderful new friend was dressed in such beautiful clothes; a long blue-grey sweaterdress, which reached from her neck to six inches below her knees. Her leather boots therefore disappeared up below the hemline for the dress!  The night ended when we retuned to my house. Jennifer didnt want to stay too long as she had work on the Monday morning. Unfortunately she asked for the clothes back that I had been wearing that day.  I reluctantly packed a bag and handed them to her.  She explained that we would talk during the week and plan for the holiday weekend with her friends at Carolines and Georges old prison.

The week was busy and we only managed to see each other once when we grabbed an Indian on the way home from work.  I was disappointed because Jennifer was still wearing her formal work suit from that day. While it was pure wool it wasnt what I had got used to her wearing.  Never-the-less her skirt was short with black tights and low heeled pumps.  Jennifer still seemed uneasy about how I would take this weekend and asked me to promise that I would stay with her no-matter what happened during the three days of captivity.  This concerned me slightly as I had no idea what I was to expect from this weekend but I had promised Jennifer that I would go along with whatever happened.  I agreed to go over to her house on Friday night with an over-night bag.  We would spend a nice evening together, go see a movie like a normal couple and spend the night in her bed.  Nothing funny would happen until Saturday so we had the Friday evening to ourselves.

As agreed, Friday was very nice, relaxing evening. We drank too much wine and went to bed fairly early.  Yes; we did make love, several times and slept through until ten on Saturday morning.

Once I was up and showered Jennifer had instructed me to go into the spear bedroom and put on the clothes she had left out for me.  I did as I was asked and there in front of me was an array of female clothing but not all wool to my surprise.  First thing was a pair of the usual black ribbed wool tights, followed by the tight Lycra bodysuit I wore two weeks ago. Once this first layer was on I had started to take the form of my slightly over-weight female side, curves in the right places, especially the enlarge breast forms that were built into the Lycra bodysuit.  Next item of clothing was a fairly short green and black tartan skirt. Once pulled up and zipped into place it sat well above my knees.  The next items were the masks that give me the face of Barbie, which was much nicer than my own face while in female dress. Even though the Lycra and Latex hoods were very, very tight, I had got used to putting them on during the last two weeks.  Next was a silk blouse, which was the biggest surprise to me, followed finally by a pair of low heeled black leather pumps.  Once I had checked myself in the mirror, I saw that I was missed a wig but Jennifer hadnt given me a wig to put on this morning.  As soon as I returned to her bedroom she explained that she knew she had forgotten something but couldnt think what.  Jennifer quickly went into another room and returned with a brunette wig, which was defiantly a change from previous weeks.  “I want you to be a brunette when were at these types of functions David, it separates are fantasies slightly from the normal.”  I didnt mind either wig as she placed the brunette wig on to the Velcro on the top of my latex hood.  I then looked at myself in Jennifers mirror and say a slightly over-weight brunette looking back with hair falling well below the shoulders.  I couldnt help but praise Jennifer for her choice in outfits but I was curious why the slight change from what Id worn over the past few weeks. We had breakfast in bed so I agreed to go downstairs and load the dishwasher while Jennifer got dressed.   She explained that she would be down shortly to set the scene for the rest of the weekend.

By the time Jennifer had joined me in the kitchen she was wearing that wonderful wool catsuit she had worn previously.  A tight wool neck which I guessed ended at her toes. The reason I wasnt sure about this is she had on her amazing Fuck-Me leather boots leather that were very high-heeled and ended half way up her thighs.  We sat at the kitchen table for our second dup of coffee and Jennifer explained what would happen.

“Imagine David that you have been arrested and shortly Ill lock you in a cell downstairs.  Sometime during this morning Caroline and another girl Paula will come over and take you over to Karens place.  You will be tried in her kangaroo court and sentenced to time at Carolines prison.   At some convenient time youll be transported over to the small jail house about twenty miles from here and then the fun begins.  Please dont be embarrassed because all the other guys will be cross-dressed and to be honest it isnt that usual for any of the guys to ever to see or even meet each other during the weekend.  Come on then well get you locked up?”

We headed downstairs together, Jennifer in front of me as she led me into the second cell on the left.  I had never stayed in this cell before; I guess because it is quite sparse with no manacles hanging from the wall or bunk bed made up.  “Youll just have to stay here David until Caroline and Paula arrive to take you to court.”  With those last words Jennifer left the cell, closing the door behind her and therefore locking it automatically.  I sat on the unmade bunk and pondered the reason why I had let Jennifer do this to me.  For the third weekend in a row, I was dressed like a girl and locked in a police station cell awaiting my fate at the hands of my beautiful friend.  On the plus side I had grown to love the feeling of wool and females clothing and to be honest it had started to feel quite normal.  Was I normal; was I turning gay or into some sort of misfit?  I relaxed, remembering the TV documentary that explained that guys who cross-dress were rarely gay and were just trying to get closer to their female side.  I had lost complete track of time as soon I heard several footsteps returning down the stirs and opening the first barred door to the tiny cell block.

I continued to sit on the unmade bunk as the cell door was unlocked and two hooded female figures in black catsuits (the same as Jennifer was wearing) entered the cell.  Both were slim with well formed curves and wearing thigh high leather boots.  Both their heads were encased within a leather hood that tightly covered their entire heads, leaving only two eye holes and tiny breaching holes at the mouth and nose. “Stand up David and turn around,” the left girl demanded?  With that I felt the familiar feeling of steel handcuffs being locked around each wrist.  I was then led our of the cell between the two girls, each one holding an arm, guiding me out of the cell block and into the back yard.  Already running and waiting was a fairly new Ford Transit van with the side, sliding door opened.  I was helped up and into the van where I found the first conversion of two steel cages.  In right cage already had a guy (I think) sitting on the wooden bench wearing a wool sweaterdress, black wool tights (like me) and his head covered by a thick wool hood.  The left cage door was opened and I was directed inside and pushed down on the wooden bench.  A short length of chain was padlocked to the chain between my handcuffs and before the door was locked closed one of the girls approach with a long black woollen scarf, which she wrapped twice around my head and tied tightly at the back.  My face was now entirely covered in a thick layer of perfumed wool.  I heard the cage door close followed by the sliding door.  We were now off to Karens place and court.

I had been to Karens before (last weekend) and knew it wasnt a very long drive.  The van weaved its way through the country roads and lanes so sitting on a hard wooden bench, blindfolded and with my hands cuffed behind my back and connected by a short chain the seat made for a rather uncomforted ride.  Thank goodness the journey was nearly over as I could now hear the van heading up the loose gavel driveway to Karen and Simons house. The other guy was first out of the van.  They must have removed his hood before taking him away as he muttered, “Good luck Buddy” as the girls dragged him from the van.  I sat there, all alone waiting for my turn and wondering what would happen to me?

I hadnt long to wait until I heard the cage door being unlocked and finally the light rushing back to my eyes as one of my female captors untied and removed the woollen scarf from around my face.  “Come on David, lets get you out of here,” one said and the padlock was unlocked from my cuffs and I was helped up and out of the van.  I recognised that I was being taken into Karens special out-house, where I had spent a few house last week.  Tightly held between the two hooded guards I was led into the out-house and straight into the room with the American style barred cells.  Three of the four cells had a guy locked inside wearing woollen female cloths. All were either hooded or blindfolded and sat on the small bunk awaiting their fate.  I was marched into the last cell and instructed to sit down, be quiet and as in the van, blindfolded again with the long black woollen scarf that smelled of very strong perfume.  The barred door was closed behind me and therefore I was once again locked up and waiting for my turn in the proceedings.

One by one each of the other guys were collected from their cell and led away to what I guess was Karens kangaroo court. Within five to ten minutes each prisoner was returned and put back into their tiny barred cell and the next taken away. Then I heard the guards return for the fourth time I knew it was my turn.  My cell door was unlocked, I was asked to stand up and the scarf removed before I was taken through the building towards the room at the end.  I was led into a smallish room with a single wooden chair in front of a long table.  On the other side of the table were two chairs.  I was led towards the single chair and before being asked to sit down, my handcuffs were removed.  I sat in the chair with both hooded guards on either side of me.  Two more girls wearing woollen catsuits and hooded with the same tight leather, masking their faces with only two eye holes.  I was told to stand while both girls took their seats on the other side of the table.  Very quickly to found out they were Karen and Jennifer.  “Be seated please,” demanded Jennifer? 

Karen then spoke: -

” Youve been brought in front of this court for your continuous lack of respect for your girlfriend, Jennifer, how do you plead?”

“Not guilty,” I replied.

“Why did you not release me immediately two Sundays back when Karen let you go from our day in the cell together,” demanded Jennifer?

“Come on Jennifer, you enjoyed that day as much as me, if not more,” I replied with a raised voice!

“Silence prisoner David,” yelled Karen from behind her leather hood! “

Youre obviously guilty and therefore this court sentences you to 72 hours in the maximum security facility belonging to Caroline and George!”

“Take the prisoner away,” demanded Jennifer! With those last words I was dragged to me feet by the two guards on either side.  Very efficiently they had my hands once again cuffed behind my back and I was led back to the barred cell where once again I was blindfolded and left to await transportation to the prison.

It wasnt long until they started taking each of the other three guys away.  I had guessed by this point that each of the other guys belonged to Karen (Simon), Caroline (George) and Paulas husband or boyfriend who I didnt know the name of.  Finally they came for me.  The scarf was once again removed so I could see where they where they were taking me.  I was led across the corridor to one of the padded cells where Jennifer was waiting for me, still wearing the beautiful wool catsuit but minus the leather mask.  She smiled at and asked if I was okay? I tried to kiss her but the two guards pulled me back and made me kneel on the padded floor in front of my gorgeous girlfriend. “David, youve been sentenced now and were going to pre-pare you to be transported to the prison.” Jennifer then went on to explain that because I was now convicted, I would have to be more tightly restrained for transportation. With that I felt the two guards lock my ankles into leg irons before they demanded I stand up. My hands were uncuffed and then I was told to turn around and other handcuffs were locked around each wrist but this set was connected by a chain to my ankle cuffs. I was now shackled and manacled and ready to go to jail or so I thought.  “All prisoners have no humility David so it is time to remove the female face, which youre hiding behind.”  With that Jennifer started to remove the head of brown hair, followed by the latex mask and finally the Lycra protection.  In some way I felt naked because the two guards could now see my face. “Ill explain the rules to you David,” Jennifer said.  She then went on to tell me that I was now completely at the mercy of the four girls who were the prison guards, Caroline, Karen, Paula and of course herself.  At all times when I was being moved around I would be cuffed and hooded.  As I was currently being moved for a slightly longer than usual journey, I was spared the discomfort of having my hands cuffed behind my back.  While in prison I was certainly not going to be spared that privilege.  As all four girls shared the same love of thick and very soft wool I would be hooded by a very thick wool balaclava, which had no eyes, nose or mouth.  Jennifer then showed me my hood of very heavy black wool.  On the back of my hood was my name (DAVID) with the number 004 below.  “This is your hood David and it is time to put it on!” Jennifer then pulled what was the heaviest wool hood I had ever worn. It covered my entire head and hugged my neck very slightly.  To remove any chance of me taking the hood off, a leather collar was placed around my neck and locked at the back by a simple padlock.  “When you get to the jail house David, you will meet your own uniform which must be worn for the entire stay!”  I was then led out and into the waiting van.  As before I was helped into the cage in the back but this time I was held to the wooden bench by a short chain.  I guess I was extremely unlikely to escape in my current position.

We then headed off on our half hour drive to Carolines prison.  I was still wearing the wool tartan mini skirt and silk blouse.  My legs were covered in the thick wool tights and my head encased in the very heavy wool hood.  It was a cold winter day outside but I was starting to get very hot as the heated van made its way through the English countryside.

I guessed we were nearing the prison when the van started to slow down and the noise of gates outside were being opened and closed.  We then seemed to go for another few feet before we came to a final halt and the engine was turned off. As before the guards helped me to be feet and out of the cage and finally the van.  I could only hobble slowly due to the short length of chain between my cuffed ankles and wrists.  I couldnt see a thing through the thick woollen hood so I had no idea about my environment at all.  Finally we stopped and I could hear Jennifer instructing the guards to remove the cuffs and collar.  My wrists and ankles were released first and finally the tight collar came off.  I was then told I could remove the hood my self, which was a tight pull due to the heat build up around my head.  I could now take stock of my surroundings.  I was obviously in a reception area with a bench where Jennifer stood behind. She was now wearing the leather hood again but I knew it was her from her voice.  There wasnt much else to see except for a barred door leading to another corridor straight ahead.  Jennifer explained that I would be taken to an area where I was to get undressed and shower.  I was then handed a box and told that my uniform was inside.  After I was showered, I must get dressed right away and place the cloths I was wearing inside the box.  With my box of cloths under one arm and the wool hood in another, I was led through the barred door and into the shower area.  A curtain was pulled which allowed me some privacy.

I undressed as quickly as I could, removing the leather shoes, wool tights and skirt, followed by the silk blouse.  It was a slight struggle to remove the Lycra bodysuit but soon I was naked and back in my true male form.  One of the guards yelled from behind the curtain for me to hurray up.  I didnt want to end up being punished so early on in my sentence as there was plenty of time to understand the limits later.  As quickly as possible I dried off and opened the box to see what my uniform looked like.  It was no surprise to find a heap of wool when folded out I could see it was a bright blue woollen catsuit.  Not that different to what the guards were wearing except for the bright colour.  There were unique differences to this catsuit as it had built in feet, hands and a hood, which had openings for both the eyes and mouth.  A single zip opened the suit from the top of the hood to the base of the back.  It wasnt long until I had pulled the tight but very soft material up over my body and finally the zip sealed the hood on top of my head.  I checked inside the box and found a pair of leather knee high boots but with cripplingly high heels.  I pulled each boot on over my woollen clad legs and zipped then up to seal them on.  I was happy that there was nothing else inside the box so I packed away my other cloths in the box and again with the box in one hand and the wool hood in the other, I hobbled out of the shower area to towards a waiting guard.  “That suits you David,” the voice said behind the leather mask.  “Time to put your cloths into storage and head to your cell so please put your hood on and turn around so that I can cuff your hands?”  I complied with her instructions and within a minute or so I had pulled the thick and very tight wool over my head and placed my hands behind my back in preparation for the handcuffs, which were locked in place seconds later.  I was then led in total darkness to what I guessed was my cell. 

I was instructed to stop while the guard removed the cuffs and allowed me the remove the hood.  I was standing in front of a locked cell door in a tiny cell block, not that different to that in Jennifers house.  I counted six cells in total but we must have been on the ground floor as stairs led up to a second level behind a closed barred door.  The guard unlocked the cell door and instructed me to follow her inside.  The cell was quite sparse with a bunk along the left wall and table and chair on the right and on the right beside the door opening a toilet and wash hand sink.  “This is your cell David, keep it tidy and you will be spared punishment!” The guard then asked me to sit on the bunk while she checked the toilet flushed and the sink had running hot and cold water.  “Thats fine,” she said and then left, closing the cell door behind her.  It didnt lock automatically as I heard the key turning in the lock and that unforgettable sound of the locking mechanism.  I looked around the small cell but there wasnt much to see.  There was a mirrored cabinet on the wall above the sink and inside was my toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving form along with deodorant and such like.  The winder could open as I heard cars passing in the distance.  It couldnt open far due to the heavy bars that were designed to keep me inside the cell.  I was hot under the thick layer of wool so I unzipped the hood and pulled it down around my neck.  I decide to just lie on the bunk as there wasnt much else to do until the guards returned.

It wasnt long until I heard footsteps outside my cell and quickly the door was unlocked and opened.  “You must keep you suit fully on at all times prisoner David,” the guard yelled and as I quickly pulled the wool back over my head and zipped the hood closed!  She then approached and padlocked it closed.  “I guess Paula forgot to padlock it and as you dont fully understand the rules, well let you off this time!”  She then left again, closing and locking the cell door behind her.  This time I had no option but the accept that I was covered from head to toe in a thick layer of bright blue wool.   At least my mouth was free of the wool along with my eyes.  Again I had no option but to sit on the bunk and await what came next.  It had been so long since I had been to the toilet; I had forgotten how bad I really needed to go.  How could I in this suit but to my surprise there was a zip, which did open my complete rear end so both functions could easily be performed.  It was starting to get dark outside so it must have been nearly four oclock when the cell door opened and Jennifer came in.  She was still wearing the black catsuit and her entire head encased in the leather mask.  She sat on the bed and asked me if I was alright. I explained that I was enjoying myself except I was now starving as I hadnt had anything to eat since breakfast.  She explained that dinner would be severed shortly so dont worry.  I asked her to remove her hood so that I could kiss her but she just leaned over me to show that it was padlocked on and therefore she couldnt remove it.  The leather mask was part of the girls uniform and while visits to their partners cells were permitted; to stop any kissing at all, the leather masks must stay on.  The single key that would unlock the hood was kept away from the cell block and therefore out of reach and therefore temptation.  Jennifer explained that the other girls felt I was settling well into their scene and she was very please that I was being accepted by all the girls.  I wanted to know when I would be allowed to remove the full body suit I was wearing but Jennifer explained that only once a day, in the morning when I would be allowed to shower and shave.  She explained that she must go and bent over to kiss me through her leather mask and then left, locking the cell door behind her.

It was very dark when a guard returned and told me that it was dinner time.  I stood up to leave the cell and was reminded that my hood must be put on before I could go anywhere.  Once on, she handcuffed my hands behind my back and I was led out of the cell towards dinner I hoped.  We walked for only a few minutes, through several doors that were unlocked and re-locked for us to pass through.  I was then uncuffed and allowed to remove my hood to sit down to dinner.  The dinning hall was quite large with four huge barred windows.  There were four small tables at each corner of the room where all four guys sat wearing exactly the same uniform as me.  I could now see that each suit had the name of the prisoner embroidered across the back.  We all had our backs to each other but when I turned round I could see George, Robert but the third was sort of next to me so I assumed it was Simon. Robert must be Paulas partner I thought I myself?  “Turn around now prisoner David,” yelled Karen from across the dinning room!  I quickly complied and turned around to face the wall across my table.  Dinner was really nice while slightly difficult to eat through the hole of the wool hood. Three courses in total and as we all ate desert each of our partners sat and talked to us.  Jennifer again was questioning me to ensure I was okay.  It must have been very important to her that I like this scene and obviously stayed with her.  I was beginning to love this girl so there was no way I would have put our relationship at risk.  Anyway, I was enjoying the scene so I was happy to accept whatever happened.

After dinner we were asked the put our hoods back on and immediately we were all handcuffed.  Jennifer told me that after dinner we got to have a walk together in the yard of the prison and tonight I would also get a tour as I hadnt been inside before. Jennifer asked me to stop just before we exited the building.  She locked leg-irons around each ankle and attached something to my cuffs. Jennifer told me that she was now attached to me by a pair of handcuffs attached to my handcuffs.  I could hold on to her hand (Through the wool gloves) as I hobbled around the yard in complete darkness.  We chatted about the scene and how Jennifer always wanted a man that would settle into it with her.  Previous attempts to find such a boyfriend has filed and several guys had called her a freak when they saw the fully equipped cells in her home.  I was not only happy to fit into this scene but I really enjoyed the feeling of been so helpless in her complete care.  We must have walked and talked for thirty minutes when I heard the other girls explaining that they were taking their prisoners back to there cell.  Jennifer said she would soon take me inside, remove the hood and chain that attached me to her.  I would then bee given a tour of the facility but I would still have the leg-irons on and my hands cuffed behind my back.  If I tried anything stupid the other girls would punish me in the way they saw fit.  I then questioned Jennifer about punishment but she refused to elaborate anymore other than saying I would regret any wrong doing.  I was then led back to the building and once inside Jennifer released herself from me and finally the thick woollen hood was removed.

We hobbled through the ground floor cell-block where all six cells were the same as mine.  BY now each of the other three guys had been locked in for the night.  The other three girls kept there distance as Jennifer showed me around.  She then unlocked a barred door that led to the stair and up to the second floor.  Climbing the stairs was quite difficult when you are wearing leg-irons!  The second floor was a replica of the ground floor but there were scuttle differences when Jennifer showed me the cells. Jennifer explained that this was the punishment block.

The first cell we entered had a single table in the middle with straps attached to keep the prisoner fixed to it. Jennifer explained that this was very uncomfortable after a few hours of being strapped down on the hard wood.

The next cell door was opened and immediately there was a barred door about a third of the way inside.  “This is the dark cell David, once you are locked inside, behind those bars and the outer door locked closed, no light gets in at all.  Can you imagine spending a day in there without even a toilet or bench to sit on?”  To be honest I couldnt imagine what it would be like to be locked in there for hours.

The third cell was the torture cell.  In the middle of the room was a dentists chair with all sorts of straps to keep the prisoner held tightly in place.  Jennifer told me that they had many hours of fun previously by tickling and torturing Karens husband Simon.  This was his favourite punishment cell.

Across the landing to the fourth cell which was padded inside just like the cell in Karens out-house.

The fifth cell had a very small cage in the middle, again similar to that in Karens outhouse. 

The sixth and final cell was the storeroom. Hanging from the walls was a massive array of manacles, shackles, handcuffs, leg-irons, straightjackets, ballgags, hoods, whips and stuff I had no idea about. 

“Right David, time to go back to your cell for the night,” explained Jennifer and with that I was led back downstairs and into the ground floor cellblock.  Once inside, she unlocked the leg-irons and handcuffs. She told me to have a good nights sleep and she would see me in the morning.  With that she left the cell, closing the heavy steel door behind her and ensuring to lock it before she headed off for the rest of her evening.  I couldnt wash my face because of the hooded catsuit that was locked on but I could with some difficulty brush my teeth.  Removing the high-heeled boots brought welcome relief to my sore feet and soon I was settling down to my first nights sleep, locked in Carolines and Georges private prison.

It was a long night for me locked in the small cell.  I could breath freely through the open mouth of my hood, which was attached to the wool catsuit, zipped closed and locked by the single padlock on the top of my hood.  I tried to get comfortable on the hard bunk but I guess it was in the wee hours of Sunday morning when I finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke on Sunday morning to the noise of cell doors being opened and prisoners being dragged off to somewhere, I had no idea.  I eased myself out of the small bunk and to the heavy steel cell door.  The peep hole had been closed over from the other side so I couldnt see what was happening on the far side.  I tried to listen but only the faint noise of the other guys being taken somewhere else in the cell-block.  I yearned to be free of the wool catsuit, which Id been wearing since my arrival at the jail yesterday afternoon.  I knew my short hair was greasy from hours trapped behind the thick layer of wool.  My beard has grown much faster with the build up of heat so I was desperate for that shower, which couldnt come quick enough.  Finally my cell door opened and in came one of the girls, wearing the same uniform as yesterday and face hidden behind the tight leather hood, with only here eyes showing.  “Good morning David, did you have a good nights sleep,” asked Jennifer?  I explained that I had been restless but never-the-less I had managed a few hours.  Jennifer then explained that she was going to remove the catsuit and take me to the showers so that I could get cleaned and refreshed for the day ahead.  She came over to me and unlocked the tiny padlocked that kept the tight layer of wool covering my entire body all yesterday afternoon and last night.  Soon I was naked and in desperate need of that shower but before I was going anywhere, my wrists had to be locked behind my back and my head covered by the very, very thick wool hood.  Needless to say the short walk to the shower block I felt very venerable in such a naked state.  At least I couldnt tell if any of the other girls could see my nakedness with all light blocked by the thick layer of wool that encased my entire head.

Once in the shower block Jennifer removed the hood and unlocked my wrists.  I was told that I had fifteen minutes to shower and shave before I would be taken to breakfast.  I was thank-full of the warm shower and the shave that followed.  Try being completely encased in wool for over twenty hours and see how you feel when youre finally released?  I guessed I would soon be back in the catsuit for another day but to be honest, I hoped it wouldnt be the same one.

How wrong I was because when Jennifer arrived she held a bundle of female cloths in her arms.  First of all was the standard pair of very thick wool tights, followed by a (black) wool bodysuit. This had a tight roll down neck and long sleeves.  Once pulled over my head and eased into place, poppers in the crotch closed the garment, which effectively covered me in another layer of wool.  Finally I was handed a blue denim mini skirt that cover my ass and about a third of third way down my thighs.  Just like yesterday, I had to wear the high heeled leather boots, which killed my feet so much.  “Time to go back to your cell David, where breakfast awaits you,” explained Jennifer as she handcuffed my hands behind my back and pulled the wool hood back over my head for the short journey back to my cell.  As soon as I was back in my cell the hood was removed and the handcuffs unlocked.  On the small table was a hot breakfast (sausage, bacon, eggs and fried bread), orange juice and coffee.  Jennifer told me that she would be back later for me and with that she left, locking the cell door behind her.

Breakfast was excellent and even better was the slight freedom I had without being encased in the thick layer of wool that I had been yesterday.  I would have enjoyed Jennifers company while eating my breakfast but I guess that was not to be.

I guess it was about one hour before Jennifer returned to my cell.  She ordered me to stand up, turn around and allow her to lock my wrists back into the cuffs.  I explained that I didnt need to be handcuffed but Jennifer insisted that it was one of the rules.  All prisoners would be handcuffed (hands behind their backs) and hooded while being moved within the prison.  That was the rules so once again she ordered me to turn around and allow her to handcuff me.  I thought it was time to have some fun so I let Jennifer think that I was submitting to her.  As she approached with the cuffs I quickly grabbed her wrists, spun her around, managing to get her arms pulled behind her back and trying to take control of the cuffs at the same time.  She wasnt a big girl so I easily over powered her as she yelled for help from the other guards!  By now I had her wrists locked into the handcuffs and the cell door pushed over.  All that I had to do now was get her bunch of keys, which would enable me to lock the cell door and therefore take control of my pretty hostage.  With Jennifers hands securely locked behind her, I didnt have any difficulty unbuckling her leather belt, which allowed me to remove the keys and lock the cell door.  “Sit down on the bunk my pretty one,” I demanded?  Jennifer told me that I would be punished for this as soon as the other girls got the situation back under control.  I explained that until that point, she was now my prisoner and she would do what I told her to.  I demanded to know where the keys were that would unlock her leather hood were.  Jennifer reminded me that all the girls hoods were locked on with the keys left outside the main prison.  This would mean that not even the guards or prisoners could remove their hoods, which would enable them to kiss.  I forgot about this minor detail, which frustrated the hell out of me as I wanted to kiss my girl-fried so badly.  By this time the other girls / guards had made to my cell, demanding that I release Jennifer at once!  I then replied offering my demands for her release.  I demanded that all prisoners would no longer have to be cuffed and hooded while being moved around.  Karen shouted back telling me that these demands would never be met and I should release Jennifer at once!  I refused so the stalemate began.

Jennifer did look very cute sitting on my cell bunk wearing her tight, body hugging wool catsuit and he head completely covered by the locked and very tight leather hood, which only showed off her beautiful deep blue eyes even more.  Her mouth was complete covered by the tight leather, with only two tiny holes for breathing.  Her breasts stood out even more, forced forward by the simple fact her hands were handcuffed behind her back.  I sat down beside her and started to rub my hands over her wool covered body.  I knew she was enjoying the attention as her breathing started to become more laboured from behind the tight layer of leather. She once again asked me to give up as prolonging the hostage situation would mean a much more severe punishment for me.  Karen once again yelled at me from behind the cell door to give up and release Jennifer!  I ignored her as Jennifer was starting to breathe even heavier as my hands caressed her crotch area from behind the wool catsuit.  I had no way to unzip the catsuit either because there was a small padlock, which Jennifer didnt have on her bunch of keys that I now controlled.

By now Jennifer was lying on her side, pushing her crotch hard against my hands as I did my best to make her come.  It didnt take long until her body jolted against the force of that first orgasm.  At the point of final release Jennifer lay on her side and I tried my best to kiss her through her tight leather that covered her face.  “There is no escape David, youll have to release me and give up,” Jennifer explained in a calm, relaxed voice.  I agreed that there was no way out of this for me so I then explained to the guards that were behind the cell door that I was ready to release Jennifer.  They told me to un-cuff her hands and allow Jennifer to re-cuff my hands behind my back.  I agreed with their demands so I helped Jennifer to her feet and turned her around so that I could unlock her wrists.  Within a few seconds Jennifer was free and I was back in handcuffs with the added frustration of the woollen hood being pulled back over my head.  Jennifer then unlocked the cell door.

I could hear the rush of the other girls as they all jumped me, taking me down to the hard, tiled floor of the cell.  When they all had me pinned down I could feel them fasten soft cuffs to both my ankles and very quickly my legs had become immobile.  They then confused me as they started to unlock the handcuffs that kept my arms pinned to my back.  Two girls then held each arm as they pulled me to my feet and very quickly I understood their plans as I could feel them feeding both my arms into a long canvas sleeve.  Very efficiently they had a straightjacket buckled tightly from behind and both my arms crossed in front of me and buckled at my back even more tightly.  My denim mini skirt was pulled down, which allowed them to buckle the crotch strap tight between my legs. The strap holding the soft cuffs was then released from between my ankle cuffs and I was marched out of the cell.  I could tell they were taking me upstairs to one of the more interesting cells and I wasnt surprised when we finally entered the padded cell as the cold tiles turned to soft padding.  I was forced to kneel as they re-fastened my ankles together and finally removed the wool hood.  “Youre a very silly man David,” explained Karen as she launched into a lecture about how stupid I had been.  She then explained that I now spend all day locked in the padded cell, restrained in the straightjacket and for added punishment I would have to wear the thick wool hood.  The heavy wool was once again pulled over my head and this time fastened in place by a locking leather collar.  The girls then left the padded cell, locking the door behind them.

I couldnt do very much except crawl on my side to a padded wall and sit there with my back supported by the wall.  I was comfortable even though I was completely held tight by the canvas straightjacket with my head starting to get uncomfortably hot from being completely encased within the very thick wool hood.  I could hear other prisoners coming and going on the second floor landing.  I guessed if I had not tried my little act this morning I would be spending some time here anyway.  There was no way that the girls wouldnt use the day to enjoy their overwhelming power of their men friends while they were imprisoned within their strict environment.

I had no idea how long I had spent in the padded cell when I heard the door finally open and Jennifer enter.  She asked how I was and I could only reply okay, as the heat being forced upon by wool clad face and head was now unbearable.  She explained that I was now going to the torture cell to be taught a lesion for my wrong-doings early today. She asked me if I was going to give her any trouble as she unbuckled the soft cuffs from around my ankles.  I explained that I had enough by this point and wanted to ease myself through the rest of the day.  I was then instructed to stand as Jennifer directed me out of the padded cell and into another adjacent cell.  At this point I could hear Karen and Paulas voices as they held me tight so that Jennifer could remove the straps holding me into the canvas straightjacket.  Jennifer then explained that they were going to direct me onto the dentist chair she showed me yesterday.  I then did as she asked as all three girls eased me on the chair and then started to strap my legs and arms into the attached leather cuffs.  All-in-all they used four cuffs to hold my ankles and thighs tight to the chair.  Wrist cuffs kept my hands in place and another pair held my forearms tight as well. The next strap held my upper body tight, which now meant I was completely immobile.  I heard Paula and Caroline say their goodbyes to Jennifer and I guess that meant we were along again.  Next I felt Jennifer start to unlock my collar and finally a rush of cool air surrounded my head as she removed the woollen hood that was now drenched in sweat from many hours of being worn over my sweat soaked face and head.  Jennifer didnt say a word as she walked across the cell, put down the woollen hood and returned with a latex hood and the familiar tubes that she tortured me with last week while at Karens place.  I tried to struggle as without saying a word, Jennifer started to pull the double layer of rubber over my head.  A long built-in penis gag was inserted into my mouth and the rest of the hood was then pulled into place and zipped at the back of my head.  The hood still felt fairly loose and I could breathe freely through a hole in the penis gag.  I mumbled to Jennifer as she fastened another collar around neck but this time the collar held my neck tight against the back of the dentists chair.  Finally Jennifer started to unbutton then poppers on the crotch of my bodysuit and with some difficulty she pulled down my thick woollen tights but only as far as my thigh cuffs.  I was embarrassed to say that my manhood was standing to attention as the situation I was in, was making me so horny.  “Do you regret what you did this morning,” asked Jennifer? “No,” I tried to reply through the gag as she started to pump up the latex hood, which got very tight around my head and forced my jaw tighter against the built-in penis gag.  “Ill ask you that question again in about ten minutes David,” Jennifer said as I guessed she closed the valve on my breathing tube a little, which started to restrict my breathing slightly.  Jennifer then took my erect penis in her hand and started working me very hard.  I cried out to her through the gag which filled my entire mouth as I breathed hard against the small amount of air that Jennifer was allowing me until she completely cut off the air to the penis gag.  I jolted against my bonds as I tried to free myself and get the valve, which would allow me to breathe. Of course there was no escape for me as Jennifer continued to play with my cock.  I began to panic as I knew I couldnt hold off breathing nothing for much longer but the feeling in my cock was incredible as I exploded into a massive orgasm.  Immediately after I came, Jennifer twisted the valve to my hood and I could breathe once more.  Jennifer then explained that she would be back in a few minutes. I guessed she left the cell?  She returned in a few minutes and asked me once again if I regretted my actions this morning?  I refused to regret so once again, she turned off the air to my gag and started playing with my cock.  Just as I passed out (I think) I blew another enormous orgasm.  Jennifer then left the cell and we repeated this torture another three times. 

I thought she was back for a sixth term but this time Jennifer entered the cell and pulled up my tights, covering my swollen and now very sore penis.   Karen and Paula returned now as well and they helped me out of the straps and off the chair, into the standing position.  Still wearing the latex hood, which was still pumped up tight, the three girls placed my hands into cuffs behind my back and my ankles into leg-irons.  “Weve never experienced any of the other guys lasting five times through that torture David so well have to try something else now,” explained Karen!  They then released the pressure from the latex hood and unzipped it.  I could now see my three captures as they were deciding how to torture me now.  Karen then said that she had an idea so she disappeared out of the cell and returned only a few minutes later.  “Put this on him girls,” she shouted as they shoved a massive ball gag in my mouth, which was attached to some sort of head harness.  They pulled and pulled on the straps as my jaw began to ache under the pressure of being forced round the rubber ball. “Well show him what he is now going to endure but please bring the woollen hood with you Jennifer,” ordered Caroline as I was taken from one torture cell to I guess what will be another?  I was led into the cell that had the tiny cage in the middle of the room.  The door to the cage was open so the girls directed me feet first into the tiny space.  Before closing the door, Paula took a padlock and connected it the chain from my leg-irons the tiny chain links between my handcuffs.  I was now in a pretty uncomfortable hogtie.   Karen then explained to me that I would now spend the next two hours in the cage and for added discomfort; the woollen hood would be once again pulled over my head and held in place by the leather collar. I shock my head in jury as Jennifer knelt down in front of me and slid the woollen hood over my head and locked in place by the tight leather collar.  The cage door was now closed and I could hear the girls leaving the cell and locking the outer door behind them.

My whole body ached as I tried to reduce the tension on my wrists and ankles from the tight cuffs being pulled by my sore and very stiff limbs.  My jaw was taking the worst of the pain, being forced around the massive ball gag that was trapped between my teeth and held in place by not only the head harness but the very thick leather hood that would once again drive me mad under the heat building around my entire face and head.  When I finally managed to roll on to my side, the arm that I was lying on started to ach under the weight of my body.  Rolling back on to my stomach required me to pull against the cuffs locked tightly around both my wrists and ankles.  They then ached as I pulled hard to roll back on to my front.  How would I survive two hours of this but I guess I had no option, I wasnt going anywhere being locked into the tiny cage, which itself was locked in the middle of a prison cell.  I was also dieing to take a leak.  The pressure of the past few hours was taking its toll on my bladder.  I had come five times and normally any guy would require to take a leak shortly after any orgasm. I cried out through my gag but I guess none of the girls could even hear my screams behind the enormous gag and thick layer of wool that muffled any sound from my mouth. I screamed out in agony until finally the door to the outer cell was opened.  “Are you ready to apologise for your actions this morning David,” asked Jennifer?  I nodded and repented furiously as best I could through the gag until finally she opened the cage door and unlocked the collar, enabling her to pull the woollen hood from my head.  It wasnt long until she had undone the buckles from the head harness and removed the fucking gag from my aching mouth.  “I need to take a piss real bad Jennifer,” I pleaded with her! Jennifer then explained that she would unlock the cuff to one of my wrists and allow me to use the toilet in the cell.  She would leave me to take the piss in peace but when I was finished I had to replace the woollen hood over my head and re-cuff my wrists behind my back before she would enter the cell.  I agreed with her demands and the padlock connecting my wrist to ankle cuffs was removed and my right wrist was unlocked.  Jennifer then left the cell, locking the door behind her.   Without going into too much detail, I shot out the cage towards the toilet and that the piss was so satisfying! Once finished I was very temped to see how far I could push the girls again but how could I take any more punishment today?  I therefore gave in and pulled the soaking wet woollen hood over my head and locked my right wrist back into the open handcuff just as Jennifer had directed me.

I didnt have to weight long until Jennifer re-entered the cell.  She explained that she had brought my denim skirt with her.  I had totally forgotten that I was only wearing bodysuit and tights so Jennifer helps me step into the skirt, which was very difficulty as I still wore a set of lock-irons.  Finally Jennifer said that I was respectable enough to take back to my cell.  She then directed me across the second floor landing and down the stairs, back to my cell.  The hood was pulled from my head and Jennifer explained that I would be left cuffed as a precaution to my earlier actions.  As a continued punishment I would not get my stroll in the exercise yard until later tonight, after dinner.

I sat on my bunk as pacing the cell was not easy being locked into leg-irons.  My arms were now stiff and sore from hours and hours of being cuffed behind my back all day.  I relaxed as this was the best freedom I had, had all day.  Two guards appeared at some time after sun down with a tray of food.  It was Jennifer and Karen.  Karen explained that she was there to support Jennifer if I tried anything stupid.  Before Jennifer unlocked the handcuffs, Karen pulled the woollen hood over my head and buckled a collar tight around my neck.  “This should keep you busy for a few minutes while we leave the cell,” explained Jennifer as she finally unlocked my sore hands from behind my back.  As soon as I heard the cell door close, I started to work on the buckles to the collar around my neck.  Within a minute or so I was free of the collar and finally the thick woollen hood. 

Like breakfast, dinner was a lonely affair.  I sat at the desk in the locked prison cell, eating alone.  I still wore the thick woollen bodysuit and tights, with the short denim mini skirt leaving nothing to the imagination.  My ankles were still locked in the leg-irons, which I was sure they would remove before bed-time. After dinner there wasnt a lot I could do except lie on my bunk, relishing the relative freedom except for the leg-irons, which to be honest I had gotten used to over the coarse of the day.  About an hour later I heard Jennifer at the cell door.  “David, if you would like a walk in the exercise yard, put the hood back on and buckle the leather collar around your neck?”  I guess I had no option so I pulled the thick and very tight woollen over my head and face but with some difficulty I re-fastened the leather collar as tightly around my neck without making it unbearable.  Jennifer, who was obviously watching through the small peak hole, unlocked the door and entered the cell.

I was ordered to stand in the middle of the cell and place my hands behind my back.  It was no big surprise when I felt Jennifer lock the handcuffs around my wrists once again before leading me out of the cell and out into the open air.  Once outside, Jennifer stopped and unbuckled the collar, before removing the woollen hood.   My face was once again free of all its bindings and the air smelled cool but very, very fresh as we walked round the small prison yard.  Jennifer was still wearing her red woollen catsuit with the locked leather hood leaving only her eyes free for me to see.  “I wish you werent wearing that hood Jennifer, as Im desperate for a kiss tonight,” I remarked as we walked round the yard for the fourth time.  I would have given anything to have seen her smile from behind the leather tightly covering her entire face.  “Maybe later,” she remarked.  We talked a lot about the day and Jennifer explained how much the other girls enjoyed punishing me after my attempt to get one over on them this morning.  Jennifer went on to say that the girls partners had all but given up on escape after a few years of playing these weekend games.  I explained that there was plenty more fun for me, trying to escape but I had no option but to play along while my hands were cuffed behind my back and my ankles were locked in the leg-irons.  Jennifer laughed and said she couldnt wait until my next escape attempt.  She also went to say that the game would be over for the weekend at around five tomorrow evening on bank holiday Monday.  “So Ive got most of tomorrow to hatch my escape plan Jennifer,” I muttered as we walked around the yard for the tenth or eleventh time.  “Plenty of time tomorrow David but lets get you back to your cell for tonight?”  Before we entered the cell block, Jennifer picked up the woollen hood from the table beside the door and pulled it back over my head.  “I dont think well need the collar,” she said as Jennifer led me back to my cell. 

Once inside, Jennifer asked me to kneel on the floor. With her help, I got down on to my knees and from behind I hear Karen enter the room and unlock my leg-irons.  Next I felt the handcuffs being unlocked also.  I asked if I could remove the hood but before I got the words out Jennifer had pulled the hood from my head.  “Okay you guys, youve got an hour before I come back for you Jennifer,” explained Karen as she left the cell, locking us both inside.  I got up and turned round to face Jennifer.  “Karen has unlocked the padlock to my hood David, would you like to take it off my head,” asked Jennifer as she turned around?  I then pulled the tiny lock from the zipper and eased the zip up to the top of her head and pulled the leather from her face, releasing a mass of blonde hair. “Ah, thats much better so kiss me,” she demanded!  It wasnt long until we were stripped from the woollen clothes and thrashing our bones on the prison cell bunk.  “All the guys get the chance to make love to their partners on the second night,” explained Jennifer as we chatted after orgasms ripped through both our bodies. Jennifer then explained that soon Karen would be back for her and she would have to leave me locked in the cell for the last night.  I asked what I would wear in bed tonight and Jennifer then explained that it was traditional for each of the guys to wear their partners uniforms on the last night.  Im a good bit larger than Jennifer so I was intrigued to how I would fit into her uniform.  With some encouragement I slipped each of my legs into the foot of the red woollen catsuit and pulled the very, very, very tight body over my torso.  I needed Jennifers help to get my arms into the sleeves and down to the built in woollen gloves.  Once fitted the hardest part was to come as Jennifer pulled and pulled on the back zipper to seal me into her layer of red wool.  Boy it was tight but then it was many sizes too small for me! 

Thinking that was me dressed for bed, Jennifer picked up the leather hood.  “No I said, I cant wear that too!”  Jennifer shock her head and said that I should least try it for size.  I was really stupid to allow her to pull it over my head.  I could smell Jennifers shampoo as the leather, still warm from a long day over her head, now fitted my head and with a lot of effort Jennifer had managed to pull the zipped down to the base on my neck. “CLICK,” I was now locked into the hood!  I watched in horror as Jennifer laughed at my discomfort but without a key, I was now locked into Jennifers wool catsuit and very tight leather hood for the entire night.  Jennifer quickly pulled on the clothes I had worn all day and it wasnt long until Karen had returned and Jennifer was on her way to freedom, while the heavy cell door was now closed on me for the rest of the night.

Not much for me to do but lie on my bunk and try to drift into sleep.  The catsuit was only slightly uncomfortable and the air holes around the mouth and nose of Jennifers leather hood provided a reasonable amount of fresh air for me to breathe comfortably.  I was hot and the catsuit and hood were not helping as Jennifer had been wearing them both for most of Sunday.  Certainly every time I saw Jennifer, her head was locked in the leather hood.  All this thinking did me no good as I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable and drift into sleep.

Next thing I knew was the sound of other cell doors being opened.  It must be Monday morning, the day of my release but I still had to endure several hours torture at the hands of Jennifer, Karen, Paula and Caroline.  Finally my cell door opened and in came Jennifer and Karen.  They were together a lot during this weekend but I guessed they were best of friends and therefore this wasnt out of the ordinary.  Both were wearing fresh, red catsuits but only Karen was hooded.  I guess Jennifer had to take her hood from me first.  From behind her leather mask Karen ordered me to stand up and put my hands behind my back to get cuffed before being taken to the shower block. I did as I was told and the now familiar feeling of having my wrists locked into handcuffs meant the start of a new day.  I was then ordered to sit back on my bunk while Karen unlocked the hood and removed it from my head.  She then turned to Jennifer and pulled it over her head, before pulling closed the zip and locking it in place using the tiny padlock.  “Jennifer will now take you for your morning shower David, dont give her any problems today or youll be sorry all day, do you understand,” demanded Karen in a strict voice?  I simply replied YES as Jennifer pulled a thick woollen hood over my head to enable me to be escorted to the shower block.

Like yesterday morning I was uncuffed by Jennifer and she also helped me to remove the tight catsuit, which would enable me to step into the piping hot shower. Like yesterday this was a fantastic relieve after hours of being hooded and being forced to wear layers of wool bondage.  Once I was finished showering, I shaved and generally cleaned up for my last day in the prison.  It wasnt long until Jennifer had returned holding the one piece woollen catsuit I had worn on Friday evening.  I stepped into the wool feet, pulled my arms into the built in gloves and soon Jennifer had padlocked the hood over my head, which simply meant I was locked into the suit for the rest of today.  After pulling on the high heeled leather boots, I was now ready to be re-cuffed, hooded and led to the dinning room where we would all have breakfast together this morning.

Breakfast was fantastic.  All four couples sat at their tables facing each other.  The guys (including me) were un-cuffed and able to eat their food through the mouth hole on the built in hood.  The girls ate with us this morning also.  Each had been able to unlock and remove their leather hoods.  Each couple kept their conversation to each other as Id been told that I would not get to meet the other guys while in the prison. While I finishing my cooked breakfast, I was hatching my next escape plan for the day.  When we finished breakfast we were asked to handcuff our own hands behind our backs while the girls re-hooded themselves.  This was my plan as I had only pretended to lock my wrists back into the cuffs.  Without noticing my free hands, which I was holding behind my back as if they were cuffed, Jennifer hooded me and led me out of the dinner room first, leaving the other three girls preparing their guys for escorting back to their cells. As Jennifer locked the barred doors behind her to the cell block, I very quickly removed my hood and within seconds, I had jumped Jennifer like yesterday and had her hands cuffed behind her back. I held her leather covered mouth as best I could and demand that she didnt scream.  I finally had control of the keys and I wasnt locked in a cell this morning.  Before the other guards had returned, Id managed to unlock the barred door, which led to the stairs to the second floor landing.  This meant for the next few minutes at least, I was clear of the others guards.  I then led Jennifer upstairs and into the cell with all the toys hanging from the walls and in cupboards along the walls.  This gave me the perfect opportunity to remove Jennifers locked hood and get her gagged.  Like she did to me yesterday, I used the head harness to silence her perfectly before pulling the leather hood over her head and locking it back into place.  Without another sound I was able to manoeuvre Jennifer into the cell with the cage and get her locked in without any distractions.

As soon as Jennifer was locked safety in the cage, I heard noises coming up the stairs.  It was Karen and who I guess was Simon.  She was taking him to the dentists chair but before she could strap him in, I had jumped her and had her wrists tightly cuffed behind her back. Like Jennifer, I unlocked and removed her hood, stuffing wadding into her mouth before taping it closed and re-sealing her head back into the locked leather hood.  I told Simon I would be back in a minute as I led Karen out of one cell and into the cell where I locked her into the tiny cage along side Jennifer.  They mumphed to each other through their gags but it was no use, they were tightly cuffed and gagged and now locked in a tiny cage, built for only one occupant.  This time I locked the outer cell door and returned for Simon.  “Are you prepared to go along with this escape attempt or do you want me to strap you into the chair, which will give the other girls the feeling that you were not in on my escape plan?”  Simon explained that the escape plan would never work and asked to take no part in it.  I respected his decision and helped him on to the dentists chair before strapping him securely in place.  He knew that I had to gag him so using another head harness, I silenced Karens partner leaving him strapped into the dentists chair.  I locked that cell door behind me before heading back out on to the second floor landing

Next was the difficult bit. How to get out of the prison without being detected?  I heard the other two guards shouting at other prisoners on the lower landing.  I had to get down there undetected, but how?  I headed for the stairs and looked carefully to see the other two guards placing the last of their prisoners in their own cells. I heard one of the girls saying it was quiet upstairs her colleague telling her not to worry as Karen and Jennifer were probably really enjoying themselves at the expenses of Simon and I.  All I could do was laugh quietly into my self as I definably knew better!  As soon as Caroline and Paula had locked their prisoners into their cells, they left the cell block.  Time for me to head downstairs and unlock the bars leading the lower landing.  Once there, I carefully locked the barred door behind me and headed for my escape, which was across the landing.  I heard the door unlocked so I very quickly dived into my open cell to avoid getting caught.  It was Paula as she shouted back to Caroline to say that she was going upstairs to check on Jennifer and Karen. Shit, I thought to myself as this meant my escape plan was now only minutes away from being detected and I had no way left to retrain Paula as I hadnt brought any extra handcuffs down with me.  My first big mistake!  I decided to let Paula lock the barred door behind her and head upstairs before dashing towards the locked iron door at the end of the cell-block and hopefully my freedom. I didnt stop to think that I was dressed in the most ridiculous prison uniform and I would have really looked out of place outside the prison walls but I didnt seem to think that small fact through at all, my second big mistake! I now had to find the correct key in the bundle to unlock the heavy iron door.  As usual it would probably be the last one on the bunch but as I tumbled, trying every key, an alarm started to sound. Double shit, I thought as finally the key turned and that fantastic click of the lock opening. As I pushed the heavy door open, stood four feet in front on me was Caroline pointing what looked like a gun in her right hand.  The next thing I felt was an acute stabbing pain in my stomach as the tazor delivered a massive serge of electricity straight into me and it was no use, I fell to the ground, completely incapacitated. By the time I regained consciousness, Caroline had my hands cuffed behind my back and I was being dragged by the feet, on my back across the cold slate floor towards my open cell.  As soon as she had me inside, Caroline ran out, closing and locking the door behind her.  I was left lying on the floor in complete shock at not only being back in the complete control of the girls but at how easy it was for one girl to regain control using what I thought was quite a dangerous weapom.

As soon as I had regained my composure, I eased myself back on to my feet and tried to look through the tiny peep-hole on my cell door.  There was some commotion outside my cell across the landing as Jennifer and Karen returned from the top landing.  Both must have been freed by Paula and all seemed amazed at the ease I got so far towards an escape.  All four girls were talking and I had to say disagreeing about the punishment I was to receive for my escape attempt.  I guessed whatever happened, I was in for a hard last day of imprisonment at the hands of Jennifer, Karen, Paula and Caroline.

It was about half and hour later when I heard Jennifer shouting at me from the other side of my cell door.  I was being ordered on to my knees, facing away from the cell door!  I did what I was told and within seconds of the cell door opening a number of the girls had entered my cell and the first thing I knew was the thick woollen hood being pulled over my already wool covered head from the thick all-over wool catsuit.  I was then ordered on to my feet and two of the girls held my arms on both sides as I was marched out of my cell. I thought we would be heading upstairs but clearly not this time.  We walked along several corridors and through several doors as we stopped for each to be unlocked and then re-locked as we passed through.  Finally the last door was unlocked.  We passed through and I was ordered to stand still, while the two girls on either side of me held my arms as a third unlocked and removed the handcuffs.  There was no rest from restraint as both girls on either side manoeuvred each wrist into cuffs that seemed to hang on either side of me. The noise of a motor running in the distance and the sound of the chains clinking as my arms seemed to be pulled away from my body and into the air.  I strained as the pressure against each shoulder told me that that was enough stretching but then the motor stopped and I seemed to hang there with my arms stretched out at eleven oclock and one oclock respectively. Finally the hood was removed and I saw who I guessed was Jennifer standing right there in front of me.  I was right it was Jennifer and she was angry.  I was told that my escape plan was as usual flawed and I would now have to be punished. Jennifer explained that this used to be the hanging cell in the late part of the 19th century and it was far away from the rest of the prison so no-one would ever hear the screams as the condemned prisoners were led away for very the last time. As Jennifer spoke to me the other two girls attached heavy iron manacles to both my ankles.  A motor then pulled them towards each side of the stone walled room.  My legs then stretched out away from my body, adding even more strain on my arms and writs.  Standing in-front of Jennifer with my arms and legs spread out like a star, the final punishment was about to be added as one of the other girls approached with an iron mark. Jennifer then explained that for my escape attempt this morning, I would now have to spend the next five hours in this stretched out position with the added pressure of a very heavy iron helmet locked on my head.  With that the other guard opened the hinged mask and placed it over my wool covered head. The final click told me that the iron mask was now locked tightly on my head.  Jennifer then approach and kissed my iron face and then left me alone in the locked room.

The next five hours were not going to be easy.  I was stretched out, standing up like a star.  My arms ached as they were pulled away from my body and the pressure seemed to make me feel as if I was hanging there in the middle of the locked room.  The iron mask was very heavy and this meant my neck started to ache as I tried to hold my head up straight to allow some rest from the strain against my bound body.  I have no idea who long I was standing there when I screamed out in agony, “I give up, and Ill do whatever you girls want, just let me down from these chains!”  No-one came and all I could do was continued to yell for help as the pain of my position started to become completely unbearable.  Tears started to dripped down my wool covered face and the claustrophobic feels of the iron mask meant there was nothing I could do but continue the yelling, in hope that some-one would come and release me.

Finally I heard the door unlock and Jennifer entering the room.  “Its okay David, your five hours are over, and I release you in a second”!  The motor came on and in reverse mode the pressure against both my arms and legs retreated as the chains let out and I could finally fall to the floor in sheer relieve.  Jennifer sat down on the stone floor beside me and held me telling me it was okay. “David, I didnt want to let the other girls do this to you but they demanded that you were punished for your failed escape attempt this morning,” Jennifer explained to me as she held me in her arms.  “Its okay darling,” I replied.  I wasnt angry because I knew that I would be punished for the escape if caught.  Jennifer then unlocked the manacles on both my wrists and ankles and finally I was free except for the iron mask.  Jennifer then explained that it was time to go home.  I asked why the iron mask wasnt being removed and Jennifer simply replied that she liked me wearing it and would I mind keeping it on until I was back in the cell block.  To be honest there wasnt much I could do about it and I stood up ready for the walk back to my cell.  As soon as I was on my feet Jennifer held up a pair of shinny handcuffs and suggested that I turned around to be cuffed.  I had been restrained all day and I didnt see why I had to be cuffed again but Jennifer insisted that I had to have my hands cuffed behind my back when been escorted through the prison. At least on the way back I could see a little of the corridor and where I had been when they took me down to the execution cell early today when I had been hooded and therefore couldnt see a thing.  It seemed quicker on the return to the cell block where the other guards were getting their respective partners ready for the trip home.  As soon as I was back in my cell I noticed the array of female clothing lying on the bunk, the same cloths I came to the prison wearing on Saturday.  Jennifer finally unlocked the iron mask and I was very glad to be rid of the ridiculous heavy thing.  She then unlocked the padlock on the top of the built in hood of my wool all over suit. The last thing she did was remove the handcuffs from my sore wrists from hours of tight restraint.  “Get changed into your cloths David and Ill be back in about twenty minutes to take you home.” explained Jennifer.  The cell door was then locked and I was free to get back into the wool ribbed tights, the Lycra female figure bodysuit, the tartan skirt, Barbie masks and white blouse, not forgetting the low healed pumps.

It seemed a long twenty minutes until Jennifer returned.  The cell door was unlocked and she entered still wearing the red wool catsuit, high-healed black boots and the tight leather mask that covered her entire head.  “Time to go sweetheart,” explained Jennifer as she turned me around directing my wrists back into the handcuffs.  “I thought I was being freed darling,” I questioned as darkness feel across my face as Jennifer tied a wool scarf around my face, cutting off all light to my eyes. “Were leaving the prison David and we dont want to you to see the exit route in case you might try and use it on your next visit!”  Jennifer then went on to say that I would soon be free and to relax and enjoy the last few hours of our long weekend together.  I was then guided out of the cell and out of the cell block and into the open air.  I heard her open a car door but rather than directing me into the front seat, Jennifer unlocked the handcuffs allowing me the first small part of freedom.  Before getting into the car, I untied the scarf and allowed the wool to fall around my neck.  Now that I could see, I got into the front passenger seat and closed the door.  As soon as Jennifer got into the drivers seat, she unzipped her mask and final I could once again see the beauty of her face and tied up blond hair.  She then looked at me and smiled before driving out of the old prison and back through the Cambridgeshire countryside towards the village where we both lived.  During the journey home Jennifer quizzed me continually, checking and ensuring that I actually enjoyed the weekend, which I obviously did.  I guess she was still worried that I couldnt handle her friends and their kinky lives.  I wanted Jennifer to understand that I was very, very happy to be part of their world and couldnt wait to be given the opportunity to try and escape their prison once again.  Jennifer just laughed and told me that no-one had ever escaped and the other girls really enjoyed the attempts that I made as all of their partners had already given up and were happy to remain locked up for a weekend and agree to whatever strict rules were set.

It wasnt long until we pulled back into Jennifers back yard and headed into her house. We went straight upstairs removed all our cloths and made love for several hours at the end of one of the most exciting weekends that I had ever experienced.

To be continued…………

Ed Kilpatrick

E-mail: -

A Woolly Story

Part 4

Setting the Scene: -

Once again, a big thank-you to everyone that wrote to me with their positive comments regarding part 3 of my woolly story about the factious characters David and Jennifer. 

At the end of part 3, David had been released from his weekend in prison at the hands of his girl-friend and her kinky friends. 

Im not sure if I can write another episode so for now as my inspiration runs out, Ill keep trying but forgive me for the time it is taking me to complete these fantasies.

Here goes anyway:

A Woolly Story Part 4

It had been a slow week since Sunday night when I finally left Jennifers and the fabulous weekend at the hands of her kinky friends at the old Victorian prison.  I had spoken to Jennifer on the telephone and via e-mail during the week.  We werent sure how much time we would get to ourselves this weekend coming as her sister Amanda was in town from London for a school reunion, which was being held at the villages, Catholic girls school  We did manage to get a meal out on Wednesday evening and did agree that I should meet Amanda this weekend.  I then agreed to spend the weekend with Jennifer at her house.  We had no kinky plans as we would be entertaining her younger sister.  On Thursday evening I received a call from Jennifer who was in a bit of a muddle.  She apologised for the late notice but explained that Amanda had only informed her that she was invited to an 80s school disco as part of the re-union on Friday night, starting at eight.  I agreed before Jennifer had time to explain that it was fancy dress and as it was a girls school, everyone, including the partners of ex students would be wearing the uniform of the school, which meant a girls uniform.  I told her that I thought it would be fun to dress up as a girl in public and explore our fantasies a little further, outside her immediate circle of kinky friends.  I asked if Amanda was bringing her boyfriend but Jennifer then had to explain that her sister was gay and she didnt know if she would be bringing her partner Samantha (Sam to everyone) or not this weekend. We just laughed and I agreed to go over to Jennifers immediately after work and bring a Chinese carry-out for four just in case Sam was there.

As with the previous two Fridays today was no different as the day dragged for me, working from home.  Jennifer and I talked during the day via e-mail but as it was our work accounts no kinky stuff was discussed online.  Five oclock came and I logged off for the weekend. I packed a sports bag for the weekend at Jennifers. Just a change of cloths and some clean underwear, not to mention the usual toiletries. It was still very cold outside so a coat was needed but being the lazy person I am, I decided to drive over there hoping that I would have some control over this weekend and therefore I had planned to drive us over to the school disco this evening.  I was ready to leave at six and before I headed over, I called Jennifer to ask her to order the Chinese so that I could collect it on my way round there.  She was full of beans about the disco tonight and asked if I would dance with her.  Stupid question, of coarse I would dance with her this evening.  I collected the Chinese about six twenty and was pulling up outside Jennifers house by six thirty.  As I walked up the path to her front door she was standing there waiting for me.  She apologised that she hadnt time to change out of her work suit yet but I wasnt displeased to see her wearing a tight black skirt and beautiful blue polar neck wool jersey and to complement the outfit her obligatory thick black Lycra tights. We hugged and kissed each other as I entered. I headed straight for the kitchen with the bag of food in hand, dropping my sports bag in the hall as I passed through.  As I entered the kitchen I was met by Amanda, Jennifers sister.  “Hi you must be David,” asked Amanda? I smiled at the slightly younger blonde in front of me with striking similarities to Jennifer, the girl I was now falling in love with. “Hi Amanda, its great to meet you at last, Jennifer has told me so much about you,” I replied.  What caught my eye the most was the fact that Amanda was already dressed for the school disco.  She explained that she had kept her school uniform all these years and hoped to find an excuse to wear it some day.  I just laughed and made a joke that there were always lots of reasons for a girl to wear her school uniform.  Amanda give me a sneer in return and quickly mumbled about how she knew Jennifer and I were so attracted to each other.  I guess she knew something about Jennifers kinky life but I hope she didnt know everything.  Anyway to her school uniform!  Being a Catholic girls school the uniform was the obligatory green colour.  A short; very short green skirt, white blouse and green wool cardigan.  Amanda was also wearing my favourite thick black wool or Lycra tights.  When I looked closer I could see she was wearing a black bra underneath as this most defiantly shown through the white blouse.  “Are you looking forward to wearing the uniform tonight David,” asked Amanda?  I smiled in return as Jennifer entered the kitchen and explained that she was happy that we had introduced ourselves to each other.  Amanda and Jennifer set the table and we sat down to eat the Chinese.  Amanda explained that Sam was working late tonight and would meet us all at the old school.  Jennifer said she would call a taxi as she knew there would be alcohol available at the disco.  Thank goodness it was a catholic school these girls went to or the uniform wouldnt be as nice and there would certainly be no alcohol severed at the party!  We sat at the table and ate the wonderful meal.  At about seven fifteen, Jennifer explained that she would go up and get changed into her school uniform.  She then suggested that I came up in ten or so minutes and she would have the uniform ready for me to wear tonight.  She kissed me on the way passed.

At just after seven thirty, I headed upstairs to get ready while Amanda finished packing the dish washer.  When I got to Jennifers room she was already sitting in front of her mirror doing her make-up wearing a black silk bra and her legs clad in thick black tights.  I approach from behind, smiling to her in the mirror and put my arms around Jennifer, kissing the back of her neck.  “Your uniform is in the spare room David,” explained Jennifer.  I headed straight there in anticipation of what I was being forced to wear tonight.  It therefore wasnt a big surprise when I found a similar school uniform to the girls lying on the spare bed, waiting for me to put on.  As with the previous weekends, I first had to negotiate the tight Lycra body former.  I had got used to getting my torso into this very, very tight garment, which got even tighter when I finally managed to pull up the zip on the back.  Once in place, my body was already taking on a female form.  Next, came a pair of thick ribbed black wool tights, which by now I was master at getting on and pulling up around my waist.  Like the girls, I pulled on a white shirt/blouse, which made me look slightly tarty with the black body formed underneath.  I had to negotiate a green skirt, which was a few sizes too small but never-the-less, I managed to pull it over my bum and pull the zip up on the back. The skirt was very short but then I was wearing really thick wool tights so it didnt really matter.  I tied the school tie around my neck and pulled on the green wool cardigan.  Finally I put on the low black leather pumps, which I had gotten used over the passed few weeks.  The only strange thing was my head, Jennifer hadnt left me a mask or a wig to wear so I headed back to her bedroom where by now she was already dressed in the same green uniform and putting her long blonde hair into two pig-tails. “You look fantastic sweetheart,” I said and Jennifer smiled at me explained that she would need to do something about my face and hair.  I asked if I wasnt just going to wear a female face mask like previous weekend but Jennifer explained that this was a fancy dress party and she felt it would look just a little staged and a bit too strange if I wore the Barbie-doll face mask.  Instead she instructed me to sit on her stool and face the mirror.  I hated make-up but Jennifer explained that if I didnt just accept the fact I was wearing it, she would handcuff my wrists behind my back and take me to the disco like that.  I thought Id just better accept the fate and put up with the make-up, which was never going to do a lot for my female looks.  By six fifty Jennifer explained that she was nearly finished and fetched a long blonde wig for my head.  Once in place she then arranges two pig-tails to match hers.  “Thats us finished now David, lets go and call a taxi!” I wanted to drive but Jennifer to me that I couldnt drink then and anyway, Sam would bring us home later.

As we reached the living room, Amanda burst out laughing saying that we look the right odd couple just like her and Sam.  We laughed as Jennifer headed for the phone to call a taxi.  Once done, she went to the cupboard under the stairs and picked out coats for us all to wear but as we were getting ready to leave the house, she dashed upstairs saying that he had forgotten something.  Within a few minutes Jennifer returned with three school scarves that she had managed to buy during the week.  At just after seven, the taxi arrived and we all headed outside.  The taxi driver laughed at me but explained that we were his third fare of the night to the same disco and I would be in good company.

Once at the school and into the disco I relaxed a little as all the other guys had had the same effort to dress in the official girls school uniform.  Our coats were taken at the cloakroom by current students of the school, also wearing the school uniform.  I was about to hand over the long wool school scarf when Jennifer explained that it complimented our uniforms much better and we  both should keep it on.  It was quite warm so I insisted that I unwrap it from around my neck and leave it hanging loose. Jennifer agreed and we headed into the disco.

Once in the main hall, everyone was dancing to eighties music and wearing the same school uniform. Some had blazers on instead of the green cardigan.  I guess some of the girls and their male partners were wearing suspenders and stockings but all-in-all everyone had made a fantastic effort.  Drinks were being served by current students just like at the cloakroom and we all settled down to a wonderful nights entertainment.  The only slightly embarrassing moments for me was when Jennifer introduced me to her old school friends but then their partners were dressed much the same as me.  We danced for a few hours and drank far too much wine and beer.  Sam finally arrived at around ten wearing her school uniform, which was very similar to that worn by Jennifer, Amanda and myself.

As the night progressed, Jennifer and I got more and more drunk and by the time the disco finished at around midnight, Sam and Amanda were having right good laugh at us both staggering around the school hall.  “I think it is time to get these two drunken love-birds home,” explained Sam. Amanda agreed and she directed us both back to the cloakroom for our coats insisting that we wrap out long wool school scarves round our necks and lower fasces, before heading out of the school and into the car-park and Sams waiting 4x4.  Once in the back of Sam Jeep, we drove back to Jennifers house where both Amanda and Sam were spending the night as well, before driving back to London in the morning.  To save Sam parking the Jeep in the street, Amada directed her round to the back yard where she could park the 4x4 nearer the house.  Amanda asked if Jennifer had her keys and she simply handed her hand-bag over to Amanda.  As we got out of the car, Amanda started to rummage through Jennifers handbag and produced a pair of shinny steel handcuffs. “I can see youre still as kinky as ever Jennifer,” explained Amanda as she swung the cuffs in-front of her.  Jennifer smiled and told Amanda that they were for me if Id misbehaved tonight at all.  Amanda then told Sam to grab Jennifer and allow her to cuff her hands behind her back.  It was really easy and I just laughed as the two schools made easy work of Jennifer in her drunken state.  We then entered the house by the cells entrance and Amanda again piped up, suggesting that we put Jennifer in one of her own cells for the night. I followed Sam and Amanda as they directed Jennifer into the first cell on the left, the one I had mist of my time in during previous weekends.  As soon as they pushed her inside, they pulled the cell door closed, locking it securely. I asked if they were not even going to un-cuff her first and take off her coat.  As soon as I opened my mouth both girls grabbed me and pushed me towards the open cell across the corridor.  I struggled as best I could but Sam jut grabbed my right arm pulling it behind my back and leaving me no option but go in the direction that both girls directed me.  As soon as I was in the cell, the door closed behind me, locking me inside.

As soon as Amanda and Sam had left the cell block on their way upstairs towards the kitchen I could hear Jennifer shouting to me from behind her cell door.  She wasnt amused by what Sam and Amanda had done to both of us but she was in more secure predicament with her hands cuffed behind her back.  It was about twenty minutes later when Amanda and Sam returned to Jennifers cell first.  I had no idea what was going on as they had closed the peep hole on my cell door.  It was only about ten minutes until they came to my door and demanded that I sit on the bunk, away from the door.  I did what I was told as both girls, still dressed in their school uniforms entered the cell with a whole stack of bondage things in their hands.  First they instructed me to stand up, remove my coat but not my scarf before turning around to enable them to cuff my hands behind my back. Once my wrists were secured they forced a red ball-gag into my mouth buckling it from behind.  They then loosened the long school scarf and tied it around my face, hiding the ball-gag and my face behind a layer of thick wool.  I was then led across the corridor to the cell where Jennifer was being held.  As soon as I entered I could see the love of my life was suffering the same indignity as me.  She was still wearing the green skirt, white blouse, heavy green wool cardigan and those wonderful thick black tights.  I assumed her mouth was stuffed with a ball gag just like me as her long wool school scarf was also tied tightly around her face, hiding whatever was gagging her.  We were ordered on to our knees beside each other to face both girls, our new captors.  Amanda spoke first in a very stern voice, “Sam and I have decided that we fancy some fun this weekend and we know that both your kinky apatite for all things wool, including bondage will play right into our hands and our plans!” Sam and Amanda then explained their thoughts, which were really fantasises for the weekend ahead.  We were then told that we would remain their captives until Sunday night and therefore be their slaves for the weekend.  We would be required to wear the school uniforms all weekend except at night, when we would be sleeping.  This surely meant that we would soon be released and allowed to remove the school uniforms for the night.  When Amanda added that we would be kept over-night in separate cells I could just guess the disappointment on Jennifers face, hidden behind the thick wool scarf.  Sam then dragged me to my feet and hauled me out of Jennifers cell and back to the empty cell I was held for the past half hour or so.  Once there, Sam untied the school scarf and unbuckled the ball-gag letting it hang loose around my neck.  “Right buster, Im going to unlock your cuffs and allow you to undress.  Ive left one of Jennifers wool dresses on the bunk, which Im sure will make a warm night-dress for you.” With that Sam unlocked the cuffs from my wrists and left the tiny cell, locking the door behind her.  It was only then that I saw that I was to wear the thick wool, red sweaterdress that got me into this trouble with Jennifer less than a month ago. With some difficultly I removed the school uniform, wig, tights and then the Lycra body-shaper.  Once naked I pulled the thick wool sweater over my head and climbed underneath the sheet of the small prison cell bunk.  At least I was free of any bondage, which would make for a fairly comfortable night in Jennifers basement cells.  Both going to sleep, I yelled goodnight to Jennifer in the cell across the corridor. She apologised for the predicament I was in as this was not the weekend she had planned.  The lights then went out and we were left to try and get some sleep from what was left of the Friday night / Saturday morning.   I was tired and have to admit very snug and warm in the thick layer of soft wool of the sweaterdress.

The morning came soon enough and I was awakened as the sun Shaun through the barred window of my locked prison cell.  I could hear Jennifer, very faintly calling to me from behind the locked door of her cell, across the corridor.  “David, are you awake?”  “Yes,” I replied and we basically could hold a conversation if we raised our voices and listened right up against the heavy iron cell doors.  Jennifer explained that she didnt realise that Amanda and Sam were kinky themselves so it was a massive surprise to her when they started this escapade last night. I asked her what she was wearing and she explained a thick black wool sweaterdress that reached from her neck to her toes. I explained to Jennifer that I was wearing the red wool sweaterdress that she first persuaded me to wear when I first visited her home.  Jennifer told me that she wished she was with me right now to see me in the dress.  She also admitted that it was her favourite dress and the one she liked me in most of all.  I asked Jennifer if she knew what Amanda and Sam would make us do through the course of Saturday and Sunday. Jennifer said that she didnt know but that we would probably be put into rather uncomfortable positions through the weekend.  At last we heard some-one coming down the stairs and unlocking the barred door to enter Jennifers basement cell block. “Right you two,” shouted Amanda! “Im going to unlock your cell doors and allow you both half-an-hour to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead. Ive left a fresh pair of the thickest wool tights I could find for you both to wear today so in thirty minutes I expect you both ready and willing to serve Sam and I for the day!”  First I heard Jennifers cell door being unlocked and then mine. As we both immerged from opposite cells, Amanda was already on the other side of the barred door and had it locked and on her way back upstairs. Jennifer and I hugged each other and kissed before heading for the shower and for me a shave.

It took me longer to get ready because of the simple fact I had to shave; Jennifer was already dressed in her school uniform when I finally immerged from the showed block. She was really beautiful, standing there in-front of me in her green wool uniform and wonderful, thick black ribbed wool tights, finished off by the low headed black leather pumps. As quickly as I could and with some help from Jennifer, I was back in the very tight Lycra body-shaper, white blouse, thick black ribbed wool tights, green skirt and wool cardigan. I finally slipped on the low headed black leather pumps and we just had time to kiss passionately before we heard Amandas voice once again from behind the barred door and the bottom of the stairs to the basement cell block.  “Come here you guys,” demanded Amanda so we headed out of my cell towards Amanda?  “Right, can you two get yourselves locked into these prison chains and be ready to meet me back here in fifteen minutes?  Can you also have yourselves gagged in exactly the same way Sam and I gagged you last night? Finally here is a small padlock each, to lock those gags on so that there can be no funny business through the day!”  With that she handed to us through the bars and heavy set of prison chains. Jennifer and I headed back to her cell to work out how we were going to put each other into the chains. Jennifer explained that it was best to help each other and as we had to gag ourselves first, she went through in detail how we both would get ready for our day in chains.

First thing first, I was to be gagged so I allowed Jennifer to put the big red ball into my mouth and buckle it from behind, locking the tiny padlock in place, which meant no release until either Amanda or Sam allowed it. Next Jennifer wrapped the long wool school scarf around my face and tied it tightly from behind.  It was now my turn to gag Jennifer and as she did to me, I buckled and locked the red ball gag in place followed by tying the long wool school scarf around her face, hiding the hideous ball gag that would keep her very quiet.  Next we put on our own leg-irons, which were attached by a short chain to handcuffs, which we were also able to lock in place ourselves. These were the real deal, a set of prison irons that would enable us both some basic movement but not much else.

As we were told, we both met Amanda back at the barred door when she reminded me that I had forgotten to put the blonde wig on. There was nothing I could do now so she entered the cell block and fetched the same wig I wore last night at the school reunion.  Once in place we were ordered to follow her upstairs to the kitchen, where we were directed to sit at the kitchen table.  It wasnt long until Sam arrived.  She was dressed very provocatively in one of Jennifers tight black wool sweaters that wasnt quite a sweaterdress as her black silk panties and black garter belt were both clearly visible, attached to a pair of black silk stockings.    Sam laughed at us both and started preparing breakfast while Jennifer and I sat awaiting whatever the girls had in store for us today.  As the bacon and eggs were set in front of us, Amanda finally arrived wearing a red wool sweater, similar to the one Sam was wearing.  Instead of black underwear, Amanda wore red to match her wool sweater.  “You have an amazing collection of toys these days Jennifer,” explained Amanda as she untied Jennifers scarf allowing her access to the padlock, which once removed enable the ball gag to drop, hanging around her neck along with the long wool scarf.  Once Jennifers mouth was free it was my turn to have my gag removed. We clearly couldnt eat as our hands were still cuffed in-front and attached to a short chain from our leg-irons.  Sam first spotted this inconvenience and suggested that Amanda unlock one of our wrists.

All four of us sat at the table eating breakfast. Jennifer explained her outrage at the way Sam and Amanda had taken control of her weekend and they werent going to get away with it! Both Sam and Amanda laughed, asking how Jennifer was going to re-take control in the position she was in. Jennifer didnt answer but she promised revenge.  As soon as breakfast was finished, our free hand was re-cuffed but the strange part was only Jennifers ball gag was replaced and re-locked before the long woollen scarf was retied around her face, hiding the ball gag. “Weve plans for you David,” said Sam as Amanda dragged a very angry and mumbling Jennifer away and no doubt back to the basement cells. 

Once Amanda returned she explained that nothing really bad was going to happen to us and I wouldnt be abused in any way.  They just wanted to give Jennifer the illusion that she was missing out in some fun with her boyfriend.  Both said that they were going for a walk today and I would be locked into the cell with Jennifer but first they wanted to add something to my bondage.  Amanda then disappeared upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a rather severe looking iron helmet / mask.  I told them that I had never seen that helmet before and I certainly didnt really relish spending the day with my head encased in it.  Amanda laughed as Sam held me tight.  Amanda then opened the hinged helmet from the back as Sam removed the ball gag hanging around my neck.  “Youre lucky were not gagging you first David but we are going to add some discomfort,” as Sam re-wound the long woollen scarf around my face covering my nose and mouth.  Once completed and happy, Amanda approached placing my entire head into the hideous and very heavy iron helmet. With a bit of pulling the helmet closed at the rear and with a click, I knew it was now locked in place.

I was then matched downstairs and directed through the open bars and told to wait while Amanda unlocked and opened Jennifers cell door. I followed Amanda into the cell, directed by Sam from behind.  Jennifer was obviously really angry but calmed down a bit when Amanda told her that the ball gag was going to be removed. Her ball gag was quickly removed but her woollen scarf was quickly retied behind her head covering her face also in a couple of layers of thick wool.  Sam then produced from behind her back a heavy wool balaclava and leather collar.  She pulled the balaclava over Jennifers head and secured it by locking the collar around her neck.  “Enjoy your day guys,” said Sam as both girls left our cell, locking the door behind them.  We also heard the noise of the outer bar door being locked and then the sound of stilettos heading back up the stairs to the kitchen.

We both sat on the bunk beside each other and a muffled sound from Jennifer behind the wool scarf and thick wool balaclava explained how sorry she was for getting me into this mess.  I told Jennifer in a muffled reply that it wasnt that bad; at least we were together even if our shackled hands and feet prohibited us from touching each other. I told Jennifer that my face was covered by the heavy wool scarf before the girls locked my head into the hideous iron mask.  Jennifer explained that she had thought about putting me into the mask before but was worried that is was that final step too far.  To tried to reassure her that she should never worry about taking our games too far and I would tell her if I wasnt enjoying whatever we were doing just as I would expect Jennifer to tell me if I was about to cross the line.  We tried to hug but it was no use, our chained hands were held too tight due to the short chain attached to our leg-irons.

As the hours past away, locked in the police station cell wearing the green school uniform and both our head covered, Jennifers in the wool balaclava and mine in the heavy iron mask we started to become ever more uncomfortable due to the heat building up around or faces and the discomfort of us both badly needing the toilet.  It was a welcome relief when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the outer barred door opening, followed by the heavy iron door to our cell.  To both our surprise, it was Karen.  “I thought something was wrong when I called you earlier Jennifer and there was no answer.” Jennifer explained her sister Amanda and her lesbian lover (Sam) had done this to us and could she let us go. Karen was more than obliging and reached into her handbag to find a handcuff key and remove our bonds.  Its great that all handcuff keys are made to a standard so in minutes Jennifers hands were free. While Karen tried to release Jennifers leg-irons, Jennifer tried to remove the wool balaclava but it was held tight by the locked leather collar that surrounded her neck.  As soon as Karen had freed my hands and feet, I asked Jennifer where the keys to iron mask were and Jennifer explained they should be upstairs.  

We all headed upstairs and into Jennifers bedroom.  She went straight for her jewellery box where she kept all her keys but to our disgust they were all gone. Panic started to set in as it was clear Jennifers wool balaclava and my iron mask was not coming off until we had the right keys. There wasnt a lot we could do but wait until Amanda and Sam returned.  We all then set about hatching a plan to take control of the two of them in revenge for our situation last night and this morning.  We headed back down stairs, not yet defeated even though our discomfort was beginning to give both us some concern. Jennifer told me that her breathing was becoming more laboured as the heat from her exhaling air was beginning to dampen the wool of both the scarf that was tightly wrapped twice around her face and tied under the thick wool balaclava that was held in place by the locked leather collar around her neck. My muffled reply to her explained that I wasnt much better even though I only had the scarf wrapped around my face but it was probably much, much tighter than Jennifers due to the to heavy iron helmet that was locked on my head.  Karen then suggested that she had a plan but it meant us all heading back to the basement and the cell block.  Both Jennifer and I followed in anticipation of what Karen had in mind.  We re-entered the cell that Jennifer and I had spent most of the day in and Karen suggested that both Jennifer lock me back into the cell. When Sam and Amanda returned they would enter only to find me.  Both Karen and Jennifer would then jump the pair of them, restraining them both and then releasing me. I had a funny idea that this would mean I was about to be put back into chains again?  I tried to protest but Jennifer supported Karens idea and she picked up the prison set that I had worn for most of the day already.  It took Jennifer only a few minutes to have my ankles locked into the leg-irons once more, followed by my wrists locked into the attached handcuffs.  Jennifer kissed me through her thick wool hood on to my iron mask and said that she hoped it wouldnt be too long until I was free and we could get revenge.  She also promised that both she and Karen would only be across the corridor in the opposite cell, awaiting Sam and Amandas return. I nodded in agreement and both girls left, locking my cell door behind them.

It was over an hour before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  I could feel the tension as whoever it was noticed that the outer bars were unlocked and they quickly approached my cell door. As soon as the door was unlocked I could see it was Sam, still wearing her red wool sweater, which barely covered her ass and clearly showing her red silk panties, attached to red stockings by a red garter belt. “Where the fuck is Jennifer,” demanded Sam? Before I could blurt out any response, both Karen and Jennifer ran into the cell bringing Sam crashing down on to her stomach. With a couple of easy and probably well practiced moves, Sams hands were cuffed behind her back. “Where are the fucking keys to these fucking hoods,” cried Jennifer?  Sam just lay on the cell floor with her hands tightly cuffed behind her back and laughed. “Right Karen, we need something to gag her while we go and get her dirty little co-conspirator,” explained Jennifer.  Karen quickly got up but neither of the girls had any idea and all Jennifers scarf and gags were on the second floor.  I then muffled a suggestion that if they released me, I could keep Sam quiet while they retrieved Amanda. Great idea thought Jennifer and while Karen kept her hand tightly covering Sams mouth, Jennifer unlocked my hands and feet. I then knelt down beside Sam and quietly whispered in her left ear, “You are not going to give me any trouble, are you?” Sam shook her head and both Karen and Jennifer headed upstairs to find Amanda.  As I sat on the cell floor beside Sam, she pleaded with me to let her go but I laughed from behind the iron mask and thick wool scarf, asking her if she had any idea what it was like to have her head imprisoned under this much bondage for so long?  Sam again just shook her and I explained that as soon as I was free of the mask she was going to have the same unfortunate experience thrust upon her. I could see the terror in her eyes but my mind was made up, Sam would face the same torture as she inflicted on me. I guess that Amanda would then have to wear the same head bondage that Jennifer was still wearing from just after breakfast this morning.  I was only a few minutes later when I heard the commotion of Karen and Jennifer bringing a very reluctant Amanda down the stairs to the cell block. Finally she was brought into our cell with her hands also cuffed tightly behind her back. “Amanda wont tell us where the keys are either David,” shouted and very frustrated Jennifer! “Then well just have to torture the truth out of them,” I replied. I then suggested that we cuff Amanda to the manacles hanging from the wall of the prison cell.  Both Karen and I then held her arms while Jennifer unlocked her handcuffs and we directed Amandas arms up and over her head, while Jennifer quickly locked both medieval manacles on to both her wrists.  “Okay you two, whoever tells us where the keys are will we spared the discomfort of having their head locked into the iron mask Im wearing. Whoever then doesnt speak up will have her head locked into it so I suggest one of you own up ASAP,” I demanded! “Fuck off,” replied Amanda; youll just have to wear that fucking hideous thing until one of us breaks and it will not be me!” I then said that I had an idea and left the cell block, and went straight to Jennifers spare room and the cupboards and drawers of toys.  I went straight to the drawer, which contained Jennifers myriad of hoods and picked out a double layer latex hood with breathing tubes sticking out of the face panel. I then returned back downstairs to the basement cell block.

“Right, whos first I asked,” as I held up the torture hood? “Fuck off you bastard,” yelled Amanda,” so I guess first to be tortured was going to be Amanda!  I approached and she started kicking out so Karen and Jennifer quickly secured her ankles to the shackles attached at the bottom of the wall.  I then suggested that they secure Sam ankles into a hog-tie while I prepare Amanda for some torture and then some answers to where the key was to Jennifers collar and my iron mask. Now that Amandas hands and feet were secured I didnt have too much difficultly slipping the latex hood over her head and zipping it closed from behind. I then asked her once more where the keys were. No answer so I started to pump the mask up, tightening it as the two layers filled up with a pocket of air.  “Right Amanda once more, where is the fucking keys?” No answer again so I closed the air tubes and within seconds Amanda started to panic. I counted to ten and then opened the air tubes, allowing Amanda to take another breath. I then asked her again and this time I didnt allow her much time to give me a barrage of abuse before closing the air tubes again. Sam started to yell at Amanda to give in and tell us but Amanda said nothing as she squirmed to take in air that simply no longer existed within her hood. “Sam, tell us and well stop right now,” asked Jennifer in a quiet relaxed voice?”  As Amada frantically tugged against her bonds screaming for air, Sam broke the stalemate and told us that the keys were in the pocket of Amandas overnight bag.  I then released the valve on the air tube and that life giving invisible stuff we call air rushed back into the mask and allowed Amanda to breathe freely.  Jennifer thanked Sam and left the cell block for Amandas overnight bag. While she was away, I released the air pockets that held the latex hood so tight around Amandas head. Finally I unzipped the hood from the back and lifted the hood from a very angry Amanda. Just as I finished Jennifer returned with the keys asking Karen to unlock the collar.  As soon as the padlock was removed, the wool balaclava was lifted off Jennifers head and she reached behind her head to untie the wool scarf. Jennifers face was pink from hours of relentless heat of her own breathing. Jennifer quickly came over to me and unlocked the iron helmet. The pressure of that thing coming away from my face was amazing but I also had to remove the scarf to complete the freedom of my head.

I then told Jennifer to put her head bondage on Sam while I put my head bondage on to Amada. Both girls could experience the discomfort we felt all day.  Jennifer complied and started to wrap the long woollen school scarf around Sams face and then slip the tight balaclava over her head locking it tightly in place using the padlocked collar.  Meanwhile I tied my soaking wet wool scarf around Amandas face and as she screamed from behind the double layer to thermal wool, I slipped the iron mask over her head and locked it from behind. “I think it is only fair that we allow both girls the same freedom that they allowed us so lets get them both into the prison sets,” I suggested so while Jennifer released Sams hands from behind her back and quickly re-cuffed them in front of her, Karen and I locked Amanda ankles into the leg-irons before unlocking her shackles.  We then had to get her wrists out of the manacles and into the handcuffs attached to her leg-irons but with Jennifers help this was a fairly easy process. Now that both Amanda and Sam were secured into the same discomfort as wed been subjected to all day, we left them together in the cell, locking the door behind us. We also locked the outer barred door and headed upstairs.  Karen told us that she had to go home to Simon who had been locked in one of her cells all day. We kissed her goodbye and waved her off. I had now completely forgotten that I was still wearing the school uniform.  Jennifer and I smiled as we both headed upstairs to change out of the uniforms and have a well earned shower together.

We spent the next half-an-hour messing around in the shower, playing and teasing each other.  Once out we dried off and then we had the dilemma of what to wear for the rest of the evening. I asked Jennifer if she could choose a sweaterdress for me to wear and she smiled as we headed for the spare bedroom. She asked if I wanted to out on a pair of tights first and I laughed telling Jennifer that was a stupid question.  Jennifer pulled out a pair of very thick black thermal, ribbed tights from the top drawer and as I was getting myself into them, she lifted of the hanger, a very nice grey sweaterdress made from the softest mohair I have ever seen. “This is one of my favourite sweater-dresses David, you will enjoy wearing it I know but please take good care of it as it cost a fortune,” explained Jennifer as she handed me the heaviest pile of wool Ive ever had the pleasure to hold!  Jennifer then left me to negotiate my way into the dress while she went off to change herself. I had some difficulty directing my arms into the thick and very long sleeves and then direct my entire body through the heavy weave and finally through the thickest and tightest mohair collar Ive ever experienced. Once in place I smoothed out the softest mohair Ive ever worn and rolled down the collar, which by now was covering my entire face. The dress came to just below my knees and all I can say is that it was very, very warm and comfortable.  I then headed for Jennifers bedroom and we met each other in the corridor.  She too was wearing a lovely black, cashmere sweaterdress but for a change her tights were red this time, still wool but certainly finished off her look very well.  We were both starving so we headed back downstairs to the kitchen.

While Jennifer prepared dinner I suggested that Id better go and check on Amanda and Sam who were still locked in the basement cell that they had both locked Jennifer for most of the day, not forgetting last night.  I very quietly headed down the stairs and as quiet as I could, I unlocked the barred door and peaked through the tiny hole on their cell door. Both Sam and Amanda were huddled up beside each other on the tiny cell bunk.  I could see they were not comfortable due to the restriction of the manacles and shackles they were both locked into, not forgetting the tight head bondage that both girls were being subjected to.  I re-locked the barred gate and head back upstairs where Jennifer had just about finished preparing a wonderful omelette and all that remained for me to do was open a nice bottle of Bordeaux.

During dinner we discussed what to do about both Amanda and Sam.  We were both in agreement that they would spend the entire night locked in separate cells but our dilemma was to make them wear (or not) the head bondage all night. Jennifer thought we should but I thought it was just a little cruel. In the end Jennifer and I came to a compromise.  Wed separate them around 7pm and tell them they were stuck in the head bondage all night but then release the hoods just before we went to bed.

It was about 7:30 when we finished our meal but should we head down right away or leave them for a little while longer. Before going down stairs Jennifer said that she had an idea and she got up and went upstairs, returning only a few minutes wearing a black cashmere balaclava to match her sweaterdress. She handed me a very thick grey mohair balaclava to match my sweaterdress and within seconds we looked a right strange couple with only our eyes showing through the two holes in each of the wool balaclavas. We were then ready to head downstairs and after unlocking the barred gate, Jennifer unlocked the cell door and we both entered the tiny cell to a barrage of verbal abuse from Amanda, who was still complaining about being locked into the iron mask. “Ill deal with her Jennifer, if you deal with Sam,” I suggested as I grabbed the whingeing little lesbian, dragging to her bobbled feet and out of the cell, into the other cell across the corridor. “You two are fucking warped,” mumbled Amanda from behind the iron mask! “Well you and Sam should have thought about your actions before locking Jennifer and I up last night,” I replied! I then asked Amanda if she would shut up and co-operate, while I removed her leg-irons and attaché handcuffs. She agreed and sat of the cell bunk while I unlocked her ankles and then her wrists. “Are you going to remove this fucking mask and the scarf that is wrapped around my face David,” asked Amanda? I told her that she would have to suffer the iron mask all night and Amanda really began to panic and she pleaded with me to take it off. Jennifer then arrived after locking Sam up for the night. She held in her hands the prison set that Sam had been wearing the woollen balaclava, leather collar and long woollen school scarf. “I decided to give Sam a break David. She was really beginning to panic about wearing it for so long and I just thought we could cut them both a break, right now!” I had no problems with that as I took the key from Jennifers hands and leant behind Amanda to unlock the iron mask.  Within a matter of seconds she was free of the iron mask and untying the scarf herself. “Thank you guys,” said Amanda as she was clearly glad to be free of the head bondage.  “Right Amanda, Ive offered Sam the opportunity to go home tonight or spend a night in our little custody suite and she has agreed to stay another night so Im sorry, youre here for another night also,” explained Jennifer. We then left the cell block, locking Amandas cell and the barred gate behind us as we headed upstairs for the night, still carrying all the various bondage toys that we had just removed from Sam and Amanda.  “Have you anymore toys Jennifer that you havent told me about yet like this iron mask,” I enquired?  Jennifer stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back at me, those two big beautiful eyes shining through the blackness of her cashmere balaclava. “Yes, of course David,” she replied! I then asked to see more and we headed back upstairs to Jennifers spare bedroom.

Jennifer put the various cuffs and leg-irons away; she agreed that the scarves needed to be washed like the rest of the school uniforms we had worn for the last two days and then she took the iron mask from me to put into a large chest, which was placed at the bottom of her wardrobe.

“Ive got one more iron mask David,” explained Jennifer as she handed me an evil looking black monstrosity. It was a cross between the iron mask Id been subjected to earlier today and something that Darth-Vader wore in the Star Wars Series. It had two small eye holes and a bulge where the mouth and nose were but only a black mesh covered the bulge. “Would you like to try it on David,” asked Jennifer? I wasnt going to turn down Jennifers offer and I asked her for the key.  Jennifer explained that this mask came with a remote control and as she demonstrated it to me, with the push of a button there was a bleep from the iron mask and a click told me that the hood was now unlocked. I asked if I could take off the balaclava before placing my head into the black hood and Jennifer smiled as we both pulled the wool balaclavas off our heads.  I eased my head into the black mask and pushed it closed from behind.  AS the two ends met, there was another bleep and the mask automatically locked closed. “Right Jennifer is that it,” I asked? Jennifer then started to show me the various features:

The first thing Jennifer showed me was the timer function.  She could set the time on the remote control and until the digital display showed zero hours and zero minutes, the hood was going to stay locked.  For the purpose of the demonstration I was locked into the hood for one minute and as soon as the minute was up, there was a bleep on the hood and the lock automatically clicked open.  As I pushed the hood closed it automatically locked again, sealing my head into the tight mass of black steel.

The next function Jennifer demonstrated was the visor system. With the push of another button two glass eyes closed over the two eye holes. I really felt sealed into the hood now but the turning off a knob set the tint of the eye visors from clear, through opaque to complete blackness.

The final function was the scariest. “Right David, pretend to run away from me, escaping your imprisonment,” demanded Jennifer? I laughed and turned away from her but another bleep on the hood told me another function had just been selected and it wasnt long until I knew I wasnt escaping anywhere. From within the bulge covering my face; came a screen of PVC that completely covered both my nose and mouth, cutting off all the air to the iron mask. I fell to the floor in defeat but another bleep sounded and the layer of PVC retreated back into the bulge and I could breath freely again.

I picked myself off the floor and headed back to Jennifer who was standing there, smiling at me and asking if I liked her hood of tricks. I was amazed that she was able to buy such wonderful toys and I approached her and pretended to kiss her through the thick steel covering my entire head.  She closed my eye visors again and completely blackened my vision before directing me on to the spare bed on my back. She first pulled up my mohair dress and then pulled down my thick woollen tights before removing her own layer of wool and then climbed on top of my extremely erect cock. With me lying on my back and Jennifer on top pumping away, it wasnt long until I shot my load into her wet and wonderful pussey.

As soon as I came, I asked Jennifer to unlock the hood, which she did immediately.  As she sat in front of me, I slipped the hood on to her head and closed the hinges, automatically locking the black monstrosity on my lovers head. I now had control and Jennifer looked wonderful so first I closed and dimmed the eye visors and then by accident, set the lock for one hour. Jennifer wasnt amused when I told her that she was going to be wearing the fucking thing for an hour so I silenced her by cutting off her air supply. As soon as the PCV face mask surrounded her nose and mouth she fell back on the bed and I proceeded to rub my fingers inside her warm and wet pussey. She frantically struggled for air as I rubbed harder and harder but so I didnt kill her, I pushed the button again and Jennifer was able to breathe freely. As soon as she relaxed again I pushed that powerful button on the remote control and once again Jennifer was thrusting against my prodding fingers deep inside her sex. Without air Jennifer exploded in only a few more seconds and as soon as her thrusting stopped, I pushed the button allowing air once again around her face even though she was to spend another thirty five minutes in the hood before the lock would release itself.

“David that was fantastic darling,” explained Jennifer. “Ive set the hood myself many times and masturbated but that was the best orgasm Ive ever had while wearing it,” Jennifer continued.  I explained that the timer was still only showing twenty seven minutes until unlock so we agreed to go downstairs and check on our captives in the cells. I opened the eye visors and Jennifer and I then fixed our woollen sweater-dresses before heading down to the basement. As soon as the outer barred door was unlocked both Sam and Amanda came running to their separately locked cells. Amanda pleaded to be released and Sam said that she had even had enough.  Jennifer went on to explain that she would release them both in just over half-an-hour as soon as she could get rid of her iron helmet. I told Jennifer that I thought it was best to let them out right away and Jennifer agreed to allow me to unlock their cell doors. Both girls were glad to be free and hugged each other, kissing patiently but I guess that was only natural as they had been unable to kiss all afternoon.  Both made remarks about Jennifers iron mask and I explained that the timer still had about 15 minutes to go before she could get rid of it.  Both girls then went upstairs to get dressed properly as they wanted to go home to their apartment in London.  As they appeared downstairs dressed in jeans and jumpers, Jennifers iron mask clicked and she was able to lift the monstrosity off her head. We both then kissed the girls goodbye and headed back into the living-room. I lifted the iron helmet, which was lying on the sofa and asked Jennifer what was the longest she had ever subjected herself to wearing it. Jennifer smiled and said twenty hours was the longest ever and to make things worse, it was last summer during the heat-wave.  I laughed at her and she explained that some day I should experience the same torture and I simply replied, “Maybe some day!” It was quite late now so Jennifer and I headed upstairs to bed.  No funny business tonight just a simple night together, in each others arms, in bed together. To be honest, it was a wonderful night of love-making and cuddling, just any normal couple.

Sunday morning came soon enough and we awoke together in each others arms. I went downstairs and made breakfast returning with it to Jennifers bedroom. We sat in bed for about an hour longer before starting to discuss what we should do today. We talked about going out as a normal couple, boy-friend and girl-friend for the day for a walk in a country park. After all, we had only known each other a matter of a few weeks and it would be good to spend some time getting to know our real selves. We then got up, showered and got dressed. I put on my jeans, T-shirt and fleece sweater.  Jennifer wore tight blue jeans as well, which shower off her ample sized back-side.  What finished her look off today was the fantastic black cashmere wool polar neck sweater that was also quite tight and showed off her wonder curves. We picked up our coats on the way out and Jennifer wrapped a bright red wool scarf around her neck.  She looked beautiful, even in her casual gear.  I simply couldnt believe I was dating such a beautiful girl!

As we drove through the English countryside Jennifer mentioned that she was planning an upgrade to one of the four cells in her basement.  I couldnt believe that there was a company that provided such services to kit out private dungeons but I suppose that I wasnt really that surprised as I had spent a weekend in a private prison and an afternoon in Karens bondage out-house.  I was interested in what Jennifer had in mind and she discussed having an illiterate timer based system installed that would seal the occupant in for as long as set-up.  “What if there was a power cut,” I enquired but Jennifer then explained that this had been thought of already and the timer system had a secure battery back-up system that automatically unlocked the cell and whatever else was set-up within the time system after one hour of no electricity.  Stupid me, all of this had clearly been though of and Jennifer had already discussed her plans with the company.

We continued our day by walking hand in hand through the forest continuing our discussion of Jennifers plans for a more secure, fourth cell.  She explained that she had planned to upgrade the second cell on the left, next to the cell with the manacles hanging on the wall, the same cell I spent my first afternoon locked in, dressed in that long red sweaterdress and thick black wool tights.  First there was to be a heavy steel rolling shutter installed outside the cell.  This would be closed and opened electronically using the time control system that would be fitted to the wall, outside the cell in the corridor. Next there outer cell door would be fitted with a timer locking and unlocking system as well.  Like the outer shutters, we could set the timer and enter the cell, pulling the door closed.  After three or four minutes the timer would lock the cell door and close the shutter outside, turning the cell into complete darkness.  We would be able to set the light in the cell independently so we could have light a bit longer if required.  Clearly Jennifers plans went a lot further to the shutters, outer door and the cell light!  The next upgrade was an inner barred cell door. This barred area would be situated four feet inside the cell and give the impression of an American type prison cell, just like the ones in Karens outhouse.  In fitting with the American theme, the barred door would open and close electrically and could be set on a different timer to the outer door.  On enquiring what function this would serve, Jennifer simply laughed and said, “Not a lot, it would just add to the secure feeling when locked inside but if she wanted to keep me inside the inner cell but decided to pass food to me, this would be possible through the bars!”

It was clear that Jennifer had it all figured out, an elaborate timer system just like the system on her black helmet. The next, more complex addition to this cell was a state-of-the-art manacle and shackle set that would be fitted along one of the cell walls, which would also be connected into the timer system.  Again a suitable time could be programmed outside the cell, you could then enter the cell and fit yourself into the manacle and shackle set.  After three or four minutes the timer would lock the outer door, the inner bars would slide closed, locking while the outer shutter would roll closed and the manacle and shackles would click, locking around the victims limbs securing then tightly until the set time allowed release; perfect for intense self bondage. I was amazed at Jennifers plans and I explained that I couldnt wait to see these plans put into action.  Jennifer explained that she had been saving up for this upgrade for a few months now and the building firm would be starting the job within the next few weeks.  It should only take about five days to install the upgrades to the cell as her order had been placed many weeks ago the bespoke fittings were already being made in advance of the installation work.

We were now getting hungry so it was time to head back towards our village and eat at a pub on the way. We would spend the rest of the Sunday doing nothing much apart from enjoying each others company.

End of part 4.

Ed Kilpatrick

A Woolly Story

Part 5

Setting the Scene: -

Once again, a big thank you to everyone that wrote to me with their positive comments regarding part 4 of my woolly story about the factious characters David and Jennifer.  Its clear that there is a lot of interest in my ideas surrounding electronic bondage and enforced feminisation.  I hope I manage to get most of everyones ideas into part five.

At the end of part 4, David had just learned of Jennifers great ideas about her new cell and electronic enforced bondage.

Part five now starts several months after part four.  David and Jennifer had continued to play their little games and poor David was being forced into more and more enforced feminisation, not to mention more restrictive and prolonged bondage at the hands of his girlfriend, Jennifer.

A Woolly Story Part 5

The passed three months had been the best of both Davids and Jennifers life!  They had continued to play and experiment more with enforced cross-dressing, bondage of all descriptions and another weekend had been spent at the old Victorian prison.  Last weekend Jennifer had even approached the subject of David moving in with her. It was clear that David liked that idea but also loved the reality of having his own place to go back to his own masculine life at the end of their kinky sessions.  Jennifer respected David decision and they agreed to explore again in another month or two. Jennifers new electronic cell was going to ready next weekend so David was looking forward to spending some time with his beloved Jennifer, exploring the possibilities of new bondage ideas.

It was Sunday night and David had been locked in the basement cell for the passed four hours, like most of the past four or five weekends, he was standing against the wall, hands manacled above his head and wearing a long and very heavy wool sweaterdress, made of the most beautiful thick cashmere. Underneath his male figure was hidden using a very tight silk with steel boning corset.  His legs were clad in the usual thick Lycra tights. Like most weekends his face was covered using the female latex mask. During the past three weeks or so, Jennifer hadnt even bothered to put on the protective Lycra covering below the thick latex. She told David that he should get used the hot, sticky plastic. His feet had been encased in high healed knee high leather boots so after four hours, his feet were killing him! No point calling out, Jennifer had gagged him using a long black cashmere scarf with a knot tied in the middle and held tightly between his aching lips, tied tightly behind his blonde wig.

It was getting dark outside; it must have been after seven as spring now meant the nights were getting much longer in rural England.  Finally I heard the footsteps of Jennifer coming down the stairs to the tiny cell block, the outer barred door opening and the cell door being unlocked.  Jennifer was magnificent in her bright red wool catsuit covering all of her body, legs, arms, hands and high collar. Her legs were encased in the same knee high, black leather boots that I wore but her head was free of any covering, leaving her long blonde hair to cascade down her shoulders.  “How are you feeling my dear,” questioned Jennifer? All I could do was mumble a muffled response about my aching jaw and aching feet.  Jennifer just laughed and explained that she had a surprise for me.  She left the cell temporarily for a few minutes with a box in here hands. “I think well blindfold you first David,” explained Jennifer as she untied the scarf that was gagging me, undid the knot and then wrapped the wet cashmere rag around my face, cutting out all light. Then she hoisted up the long and very heavy cashmere dress until she was able to pull down my Lycra tights and silk panties.  She massaged my aching prick, which had risen and fallen all afternoon with over four hours of nothing to do except fantasise about my current position. I then heard Jennifer fiddling with something in the box and few clicking noises. The next thing I felt was a thin layer of plastic around my waist and I knew immediately that she was fitting chastity belt. “NO,” I screamed, not a chastity belt!!!  Jennifer just laughed and basically told me that if I wouldnt move in with her, she wanted control of me during the week when I wasnt with her. I screamed again as she washed my prick down with an ice cold cloth. It shrank immediately and Jennifer then fed my best friend into a long plastic tube that came from the front of the waist band and tucking him away underneath. The waist belt hung loosely as I guessed it hadnt yet been locked in place. Jennifer then removed the cashmere scarf that blindfolded me so well. She explained that I should have to watch the final locking process.  I looked down in horror as Jennifer fitted a plastic skin coloured blanking plate that curved my abdomen, effetely removing any sign of my shrunken man-hood, now held tightly place, tucked well out of the way. This is the best bit David as she produced a rectangle, very slim digital display.  On the red LED, it displayed ZERO but on the reverse side Jennifer starting to set the timer.  I then knew I was soon about to be set into the fucking chastity belt for a prescribed length of time. “Well David, Im away at a conference next week so to add to your frustration, Im going to set this to release on Sunday evening, in exactly one weeks time.” I watched as Jennifer set the time to seven days, no hours and no minutes. She then reached round behind me and with a sudden click, the timer locked in place closing the back of the chastity belt and firmly locking it closed.  Because the buttons were on the reverse side of the plastic LED read-out, the time couldnt be changed until the lock had opened, now seven days away or should I say, “Six days, twenty three hours and fifty nine minutes away!”  Jennifer then pulled up my silk panties, followed by the thick Lycra tights and smoothed the cashmere dress back down.  “Thats better,” she said with a massive grin on her face.

As she unlocked my hands from the iron manacles Jennifer explained that it would be fun, well maybe not for me.  She explained that I could easily take a piss, have a shit but suggested I keep the belt clean for hygiene purposes but as it was plastic, I could easily shower or bath while wearing it. Jennifer then explained that I couldnt cut it off. The belt was made from the latest Teflon material that her company made. She then picked up a spare piece and demonstrated the durability of the plastic.  All I could do was just stand there and watch in horror. After we were both happy, well Jennifer only, we headed upstairs for our usual Sunday dinner. We sat and ate together for the first time this weekend and I have to admit that I soon forgot about the chastity belt locked around my waist. Before leaving Jennifer allowed me to dress in my own male cloths and leave her for the next seven days.  She was going away to Düsseldorf with her company for a conference first thing on Monday morning and wouldnt return until Saturday lunchtime.

A week off hell!

The next days were painful.  Im typically a very horny person but every time I got an erection I understood the full potential of my enforced imprisonment.  Jennifer called several times and turned me on even more by explaining what she was going to let me do to her next weekend. The plastic tube that encased my man-hood was rigid and didnt allow any option for masturbation.  By the time Friday came round, I was frustrated beyond anything I had ever experienced before!

The weekend

I woke on Saturday morning around nine by the noise of the front door bell.  I quickly pulled on a towelling robe and headed downstairs, it was the mail-man with a package, a jiffy bag. I thanked him and then headed to the kitchen to open my package. A front door key fell out, along with a letter from Jennifer:

Good morning my dear David,

If youre reading this note on Saturday morning, my plan has worked. I actually came home from Germany last night; I couldnt wait to try out my electronic cell.  You should have a front door key to my house. Please keep it because it is now yours, I want my home to be your home.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, Ive planned a short stay in my cell to understand its potential.  You will find the keys to the basement cells on the step, kitchen side of the barred door which will be locked. Please use it to come and go as you please in the cell block area. You will not be able to gain access to the timer control unit on the wall outside the new cell; the timer has it locked until Sunday morning, eleven AM.

Ive actually set quite a complicated first programme.  The outer cell door will stay locked until seven tonight.  Youll then be able to enter the cell but not beyond the locked barred wall. Youll be able to see me standing with my back to the wall, locked hand and foot to the shackles, which will not release me until nine tonight. I hope you enjoy the sight but remember, youll not be able to help yourself until seven PM on Sunday, when your chastity belt is automatically unlocked.  I set the inner barred door not to open until ten on Sunday morning, along with the shutters on the barred window. If you feel any way sorry for me, you will bring me a Chinese and pass it through the bars after nine, when the shackles come off tonight. 

Ill be quite frustrated myself as Ill have been locked here since nine this morning.

I picked up the front door key to Jennifers house and had some breakfast before showering and getting dressed to head over to her place.

I arrived at Jennifers around midday and couldnt wait to head downstairs and gain access to her cell block.  Sure enough the keys to the cells were lying ton the step as described in her letter and a peak through the iron cell door, I could hardly make out the wool covered figure of Jennifer shackled to the wall of the inner cell. I then decided to get dressed myself so I went upstairs to Jennifers spare room to locate something appropriate for me to wear for a day like today.  First I found all the cloths that would turn my figure a little more feminine so I decided to wear the sexy school uniform that Id worn to Jennifers school reunion several months ago. One slight change was a pair of thick white Lycra tights that provided a slightly different view of my legs below the short tartan skirt.  A white blouse provided a slightly sluttish look when left open just above my black Lycra cleavage. A pair of low pumps would mean a fairly comfortable day in cross-dress heaven.

Not a lot to do until around seven tonight when the outer iron door to Jennifers cell would open and I could gain access and a good look at the beauty held securely within. I simply made myself some lunch and watched TV until around five.  I would love to play with some of Jennifers toys but there was no point with my prick locked securely between my legs. Seven oclock was a long time coming! I headed down to the cell block at around six thirty and that last half hour lasted forever.  I paced up and down the short corridor, looked around each of the three empty cells reminiscing about good times locked within them,  I went to take a piss until finally I heard a loud “BLEEP” and the sound of the outer iron door unlocking.

I ran in to see Jennifer hanging there wearing the thick red catsuit she wore last weekend when she locked me into the chastity belt. Her head was completely covered in the really, really thick wool hood that she forced me to wear on several occasions and held in place by a very thick cashmere wool scarf, tied very tightly around her neck. “Are you okay Jennifer,” I enquired behind the barred wall?  “Yes,” replied Jennifer but it was clear that she was now very uncomfortable, standing there all day, gloved hands shackled above her head.  She explained that the heat from her wool body covering was overwelllming but she was enjoying the restriction. She badly needed to take a piss but clearly didnt want to mess herself or the cell. There wasnt much I could do but sit on the floor between the outer iron door and the inner bars of Jennifers electronic cell.

The Chinese arrived at half eight and Id completely forgotten about my female attire when I opened the door to the astonished delivery boy. I hadnt bothered to cover my face today, rather lounging around in a very comfortable state of partial cross-dress, not even a wig!  At about five to nine I headed downstairs with the tray of food and got there just in time for another loud BLEEP and Jennifers shackles to release her from the wall where shed been held all day.  First thing she did was untied the wool scarf, removed the thick wool hood and take a piss. When she had reset her composure Jennifer explained that she loved my outfit but wasnt pleased about my male face. Jennifer then explained that she would be doing something to change that in the very near future. I slid the tray of food under the bars and we sat and chatted, while we ate our food on the floor of the new cell. Jennifer said that the timer was a massive success, as long as the final parts worked, the inner bars and the shutters, which should open tomorrow morning. After dinner I told Jennifer that I was going to leave her for the night to rest as she had a busy day tomorrow.  I asked her what she wanted me to wear in the morning and she explained that I was to wear a read catsuit just like hers but to put on the tight corset and leather hood to hide my face. I would find a steel timer collar with a hood lying on her bed and I should set the timer on collar to seven tomorrow evening to unlock around the same time as the chastity belt. I smiled and left Jennifer to rest.  Before leaving the cell area, I didnt take any chances by locking the barred gate closed.  I headed upstairs, checked all the doors were locked to Jennifers house and went up to Jennifers bedroom for a good nights sleep.  I first removed al the cloths Id worn today and checked her second spare room and sure enough all the cloths Jennifer expected me to wear were all lying on the bed waiting for me tomorrow morning. I had a close look at the stainless steel collar with the locking device on the rear. On the front was the inscription, “Property of Jennifer.” I went back to Jennifers bedroom climbed into bed and turned off the light hoping that sleep would come soon, followed by Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning:

I awoke around nine and was pleased that day break had been and I could get up, get showered and dressed before heading down to make breakfast for both Jennifer and I.  Her shower was fantastic and woke me up fully while I fantasised about plans with Jennifer later today. My prick tried to rise but now on the seventh day, I still had to fight to hold back my composure at been locked into the fucking chastity belt. After a shower and a shave, I went into the second spare room and first picked up the leather corset, which was a struggle to pull on but never-the-less I managed to pull the lace tight enough to form a fairly reasonable hour-glass figure for a guy.  I then pulled on the red wool catsuit, which covered my entire body, including my head, leaving only two eyeholes.  I wondered why Jennifer was asking me to wear the leather mask, which also only had two eyeholes and a couple of small holes around the mouth for breathing purposes. I then thought about it for a minute. If I put on this hood and lock it, I will not be able to eat so before Jennifer was getting her breakfast, I was going to have my breakfast first! As Jennifer requested, I pulled on the knee high leather boots, zipped them closed before unzipping the top of the catsuit hood so that could pull my head out and enable myself to eat freely. I then went downstairs and ate and reasonable breakfast as it would be a long time to dinner. It was only then when I heard a loud bleep coming from the cell area. I looked at my watch and sure enough it was now ten oclock and that meant Jennifers cell would now be bathed in sunlight and the barred door would be automatically unlocked. Ah, but I had the keys to the outer barred door so Jennifer wasnt coming upstairs until I had unlocked it.  I could hear Jennifer shouting from behind the locked bars, demanding that I let her out.  Needless to say, I ignored her while I finished my breakfast.

Before going down to the basement to let Jennifer out, I headed back upstairs, brushed my teeth before pulling the hood of the catsuit back over my head and closing the zip on top. The leather hood was very heavy and limned inside.  I pulled the mask over my head and eased the zip down to the base of my neck. Picking up the steel collar, I set the timer to eights hours and forty minutes, which should mean that it would unlocked, just in time to co-inside with my chastity belt. I then placed the steel band around my neck and pushed closed the locking device.  With a click and then a loud BLEEP, I knew the collar wasnt coming off until around seven tonight, along with the leather hood and catsuit. Time to go and get Jennifer, I thought.  As I made my way down to the basement, Jennifer was standing with her hands holding on the bars like a frustrated prisoner, which of course she had been for the last day or so. “You look great David,” she complemented as I unlocked the bars.  “Would you now like to try out my electronic cell,” she asked?  How could I refuse as we headed towards the control panel, which was now open?


Jennifer then started to explain as she set up the programme, “Right, lets have you shackled and manacled until five this afternoon.” Next she set the inner door until four-thirty and the outer door until three, around four hours away. The shutter was set until noon so I would experience complete darkness. I headed into the cell while Jennifer followed behind. She explained that I should slide my hands and feet into the shackles and manacles as soon as I heard the bleep.  I had only three minutes to get ready and then the steel cuffs would automatically close over, setting themselves to fit my ankles and wrists tightly but not too tightly. Jennifer then left the cell, sliding closed he inner barred door and finally closing over the outer door. Sure enough I then heard a loud BLEEP and I quickly eased myself into position and within a few minutes (three to be precise). I heard another loud BLEEEP and the cuffs started to close around my wrists and ankles. Jennifer was right they were tight but not uncomfortable. Next another loud BLEEP and the inner barred door locked.  Another loud BLEEP signalled that the outer door was now locked also. Finally a fourth BLEEP and shutters came down outside the barred windows and the cell fell into complete darkness. It took a few minutes for my eyes to become accustomed to the pitch black of the cell.  Even when I got used to the darkness, I still could barely make out the features of the small room that I was now to be a prisoner of until later today.

The cell was very dark and I tried in vain to pull my arms and legs out of the tight steel bindings that fixed me to the wall so effectively. It was going to be a long afternoon.

I stood there in the same place, hour after hour until finally the first BLEEP and I heard the outer door unlock. Soon my beloved Jennifer had turned on the cell light, which took me a few moments to readjust my eyes. “Good afternoon my dear, I trust you are okay,” enquired Jennifer?  I explained that I was dieing to take a leak and get out of this bondage.  Id been locked into the fucking chastity belt all week and I was dieing to gain some sort of release from a weeks pent-up frustration. Jennifer just laughed, “All in good time darling.”  We chatted for ages until finally I heard the second BLEEP and that formidable sound of the inner bars unlocking.  Jennifer was now free to slide open the bars and enter the tiny cell. For the final half hour Jennifer lay on the bunk, removed her cloths and taunted me, by using a vibrator inside her hot and by now (Im sure) very wet pussey. “Oh David, oh David, I bet you wish you were in hear right now,” she screamed until an organism finally took over her concentration. Finally five oclock arrived and the loud BLEEP told me to prepare to be released from my bonds.  Sure enough the manacles and shackles automatically loosened off and I was able to slide out my hands and feet. As soon as I was free, I rushed over to a very naked Jennifer who started to rub my entire cashmere covered body.  She continued to taunt me as I got no release from the plastic chastity belt or the suit that was locked firmly in place until seven oclock.

After I took a well earned leak Jennifer and I played with each other inside the unlocked cell.  I had an idea and left the cell for two minutes and set the inner barred door and outer doors for two hours allowing me to lock both Jennifer and I inside the cell until I was free for the hood, suit and the chastity belt.  As soon as I entered the cell again I pulled over the outer door, followed by sliding the inner bars closed.  A loud BLEEP, BLEEP told us both that we were locked inside until the programme had run its course.  “How long did you set the timer for David,” Jennifer enquired? “Never you mind darling,” I replied and again we started fondling each other, Jennifers naked body and my soft wool covered body.  I noticed Jennifer getting excited again as I rubbed the soft cashmere against her pale, sensitive skin.

BLEEP! YES I thought to myself, the chastity belt has unlocked itself but there was no way I could get it removed until the wool suit that covered my body was removed.  Another BLEEP sounded and the collar around my neck released. I was now able to remove the leather hood, followed by the red cashmere body suit that I was encased within most of today. Next I slid the timer unit off the back of the chastity belt and removed the plastic belt itself.  I was now free to fuck Jennifer and gain release from a week locked in the fucking awful thing.

We made love for the next hour or so.  I came several times before collapsing beside Jennifer on the small prison cell bunk.  Another two bleeps sounded, which meant we were now free to leave the cell. I gathered the wool cloths and headed out of the cell a few minutes behind Jennifer.  The sneaky bitch had then turned and locked the barred door to the cell block area and suggested that I showered down here.  She would be back in twenty minutes and we could prepare Sunday diner. I couldnt really do much but agree to Jennifers demands and I headed for a long and very refreshing shower. When finished I exited the shower area and returned with the towel around my waist to the locked bars. It wasnt long until Jennifer arrived on the other side of the bars.  “David, go back to the electronic cell, set the shackles and manacles for ten minutes and lock yourself into them please?”  I wondered what she was up to but as normal, I followed her demands and within a few minutes, I was once again locked hand and foot in the new electronic cell. It didnt take me too long until I released Jennifers devious plans as she approached and fitted the plastic chastity belt around my penis and waist.  I screamed at her to stop but she just laughed and set the belt to lock until Friday. We had agreed to take a week off work and spend a few days with each other and Jennifer wanted me free from the belt on Friday, another five days away, locked in within the fucking awful belt. Within a few minutes Jennifer was done and suggested when I was free, I should go up to her bedroom and put my male cloths back on.

Sure enough I was free in only a few minutes and dressed again on a Sunday evening, when I would leave this wonderful girl again for a week on my own.  Now the whole idea of moving in with her sounded so tempting but that was not going to happen for some time yet.  We finished the weekend as usual, kissed good bye and we went our separate ways but for a second week I was still, completely within Jennifers control.

End of part 5.

Ed Kilpatrick

Woolly Story part 6

This part comes hot on the heals of part 5 and my thanks to Speedy from Germany for his input into all the ideas that has made this story transition from just wool bondage to a cornucopia of enforced cross dressing and now 21st century, electronic bondage.  I hope you enjoy this transitional story.

The Transition:

Like the previous week, this week had been long, the chastity belt was so fucking annoying but yet it heightened my sense of belonging. The simple device that held my urge to cum was kept out of reach and in the complete control of my girlfriend, Jennifer. She didnt own me but she did now control me, well the most important part of my being; my ability to orgasm and therefore my ability to satisfy the urges that I previously took for granted.

We had agreed some time ago that I would take next week off work and we would therefore spend the whole of next week together to explore our relationship and where else it might lead. I knew that around 6pm this evening (Friday) the chastity belt would unlock and I would be free once again to make my own choice whether or I should masturbate and enjoy that wonderful sense of freedom that had been taken away from me. It was around 5pm when the doorbell rang; the DHL deliveryman at the door with a reasonable sized box in his arms.  “Good afternoon sir, a delivery for you,” he said as I took the heavy box from him and signed the electronic signature pad. We said our goodbyes and I headed upstairs in the knowledge that this would be another box from Jennifer and yet another strange change to my enforced belonging to the girl that I was now in love with. I opened the box and lifter out the first jiffy bag with a note stuck to the outside:

Dearest David, like your move to enforced chastity two weeks ago, please follow my instructions to the letter and we can enjoy the exploration that waits us both this weekend and into next week. First of all, Ive requested this package to be delivered to you just before 5pm, an hour before your belt is due to unlock. Please do not open any of the other parcels but I beg you to follow each of my instructions and we can both enjoy what this weekend and all of next week will hold for us?

The note then went on to ask that I didnt open the first parcel until the belt had unlocked and I had a bath or shower to completely clean myself.  It was now 5:15 and I was going mad with anticipation on what Jennifer had in store for me during the next week.

Soon enough, I finished my e-mails and the phone rang around 5:55.  It was Jennifer who was glad to hear I was still following her instructions and she reiterated how important it was for me to carry them out exactly. We were chatting for around five minutes when I heard that familiar bleep and the chastity belt unlocking. I asked Jennifer to hold on a minute or so while I quickly removed the plastic device that forced me to withhold my urges over the last five days. As soon as the chastity belt was off, I could hold my man-hood while talking to Jennifer on the phone and dont worry, I told her that I was doing just that.

We then started to talk about Jennifers work. It was strange but wed really not talked a lot about each other professional lives during the past few months that we had known each other. I knew that Jennifer was a senior director in a plastics firm and the she explained that the chastity belt had been one of their most successful inventions during the past two years and her company had decided to move more into the sex business as the profits were so high and business was now so easy using the World-Wide-Web. Jennifer then told me that the item in vthe first package was a new invention that was currently going through the final stages of R&D and I would love it. We then agreed that I would get off the phone and get to work doing whatever Jennifer requested in her instructions. We agreed to see each other later and I then headed for the en-suite and a long, luxurious shower with my now, completely naked body, free from the plastic chastity belt that had imprisoned my man-hood all week. As soon as I was dried, I headed back into my bedroom to open the first jiffy bag. I was surprised to find a lightweight body stocking made of very thin Lycra or maybe even Nylon material.  It had a zip down the back, which would allow me to easily get into the suit and place my feet into the built in tights and place my arms into the arms with built in gloves.  The suit had a built in hood with no eyes, nose or mouth. This didnt surprise but what did was the material. It was very lightweight, maybe 10-denier so the need for eye or nose holes didnt seem necessary. It was only strange because Jennifer was normally getting me to wear wool suits and this lightweight garment was far away from the normal.

The body stocking was easy to pull on! I slipped my legs and arms into the various sleeves and slid my head into the hood before pulling the rear zip closed at the back of my neck.  The body stocking was tight but because of the thin material, it was very comfortable. Jennifers note then asked me to open the small box with a number-2 marked on it. I opened the box and lifted out a very thin plastic collar with a locking device on the back, not dissimilar to the locking device on the chastity belt, without the timer. Instead of the timer, the panel seemed to have what looked like a typical USB port on a PC. It also had a small red button. Again following Jennifers instruction, I placed the thin plastic collar around my neck, placed the end of the zipped into the locking panel and then closing it, “CLICK!” Jennifers note then explained that the collar couldnt come off until she plugged her laptop into the panel but for the suit to start doing its real job, I had to push the red button on the back of the collar, which of course I did immediately.  The BLEEP was then sounded.

Jennifers note then suggested I sit on the bed for ten minutes while the magic of the suit happened.  What magic I thought so al I had to do was sit there and wait. She then explained that the collar could not be cut off, just like the chastity belt and the suit was made of a brand new, super nylon with Lycra mesh, which couldnt be cut off either so not to even try it.  I trusted Jennifer so I decided to lie on the bed and make good use of the time and play with myself through the thin nylon covering my body. As I rubbed my manhood I began to get warm very quickly. I also got hard very quickly but then the strangest thing started to happen. My legs started to get very stiff and I noticed the thin material trying to shrink around them. The same happened to my arms and torso but not only did the material begin to strangle my entire body but it started to bond with my skin.  I began to panic but it as too late, I couldnt move a muscle and then I started to find it impossible to breathe as the hood started to get tighter and tighter around my entire head, including my face.  Panic then really started to set in! What was happening and could I actually die here on my own.  Next I got very sleepy and it wasnt long until I collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep.

I had no idea when I woke up but it was dark outside so I scrambled to find the light switch on my bedside cabinet. What had happened to me but as soon as I switched on the light, the real horror of my situation sank in. The nylon suit had disappeared and I now seemed to be completely naked but when I examined my torso I realised that I was no longer a man for somehow I was wearing a females body.  I jumped up and looked in the mirror and what was staring back was a girl. Yes it was me, I knew it was me. I had the same male feelings but the girl staring back at me looked to be in her early thirties, like me with long brown hair, in fact the same colour hair I had but now there was a mass of hair hanging down, just below my shoulders. I now had tits and a pussey where my prick once was.  I couldnt do anything but rub my hands over my new body and caress my new plaything, which immediately started to make me hot in a completely different way. I rushed to the box and opened the envelope marked three.  It was a note from Jennifer:

Good evening darling, I bet youre wondering what has happened to you; well you are now part of our latest product and the testing phase of it!

Dont panic, I have the power to reverse the body changer as soon as I plug you into my laptop.  You will notice the collar is part of your skin but the black panel on the back is still visible.  Go-ahead, have a feel. 

Sure enough it was there, the red button and the USB port, now welled in as part of my new body.

Youll obviously have to cover it at all times with a high neck collar or a scarf but knowing our history, that shouldnt be too difficult.

Anyway, now to the next package, number-4:

Package number four was a large box with female clothing in it but not the usual thick, heavy wool attire that Id been wearing previously while playing Jennifers games.  This time she had provided me with everyday womans wear. A pair of white silk knickers and a white bra.  I put these too items on quickly and they fitted perfectly. Next I lifted out a pair of Lycra 10-Denier skin coloured tights, which were much lighter than the think black tights I had been used to wearing.  Of course I had now got no hairs to hide behind thick opaque tights so I guess it wasnt really a surprise. Next item was a pick short wool dress, which was made of the softest cashmere wool and fitted perfectly over my new slender body.  It was a short dress with long sleeves.  The hem line fell half way down my legs and while it had a collar, it was made of thin wool and no-where near as intrusive as the previous wool garments Jennifer had forced me to wear. It felt so nice and I could feel myself getting even hornier but now no prick to stand up and ruin the image that faced me in the mirror.  Jennifer had supplied a silk scarf made of the softest, floral patterned material that I wrapped tightly around my neck, tying it at the back and hiding the black panel of the collar that was now embossed into my skin. Finally, I removed a pair of high healed shoes that again fitted so perfect over my now, much smaller feet. I walked around my bedroom, admiring myself and feeling so horny but then panic started to set in; what if something now happened to Jennifer; would I be stuck inside this female body forever?  I was a man; I enjoyed being dressed as a woman so had this now gone too far? I then picked up the last envelop, which said:

By now David you are temporarily a woman, well as temporarily as I allow it! I have booked a table in Charmers Restaurant in town for ten tonight, so go-a-head, call a taxi and Ill see you there. Ive enclosed some false documents that will allow you to get around, a Credit card, driving license and Switch-card, all in the name or Sonya Smyth, not really too strange an English name. 

I wondered if Jennifer or her company could not have set-up a more impressive name for me? Anyway it was now nine-thirty so Ill called the village cab firm and booked a taxi for 21:55.  I was then struck by the sound of my voice, it was so feminine and so not me! It was still quite chilly outside and Jennifer had provided me with a long brown leather coat.  Not too heavy but came down, level with my knees so my pale Lycra covered legs.  A black over-the-shoulder hand-bag was also left for me, I popped the purse with my new ID inside and noticed Jennifer had thought of everything. A small bottle of perfume and a spare pair of tights. I sprayed myself with the sweet scent and closed the handbag throwing it over my shoulder. The hoot of the car horn outside signalled that the taxi had arrived.  I stepped out of the house, locked the front door and climbed into the back of the Ford Mondeo, “Chamers Restaurant please driver?”

It was only a 5-minute drive to the restaurant.  The driver was chatting me up, I couldnt believe it but then maybe I could because now I passed for a chick! We arrived at the restaurant at a minute or so after ten.  I paid the driver the fare and few quid extra for a tip. I entered Charmers and approached the waitress standing at the bar. “Im here to meet a friend, Jennifer Owens,” I explained.  The waitress smiled and led me over to Jennifer who was already sitting at the table for two with a glass of white wine in her hand. “Hi Sonya, you look fantastic,” said Jennifer as she stood up and approached to kiss me on both cheeks.  I nearly forgot as I was about to land her a kiss on the lips.  That would now look really out of place in rural England. We sat down and Jennifer poured me a glass of white wine from the bottle of Bordeaux, chilled from the ice bucket on a stand beside our table.

Jennifer was grinning from ear to ear! She simply couldnt believe how good her companys invention was and told me that I would never require putting on make-up as the suit provided all the correct facial textures, pre-programmed, which could be changed at any time when plugged into her laptop. We ordered our meal and chatted, not noticing the time go by.  She assured me that everything was completely reversible and it had been tried time and time again at her companys lab in North London. She did admit that they had never tried a female suit on a male before I was therefore her experiment.  I was a little worried by that statement but the wine was doing its job and I really didnt care right now about anything. I asked about the ID and Jennifer explained that it was all linked back to her company and while I was Sonya, I had full access to the funds available on the credit card and switch card. It was time to pay the bill so Jennifer suggested that I use her companys credit card.  The waitress approached and I handed her the MasterCrad. I was a little concerned when the waitress didnt return immediately. I told Jennifer I needed to use the bathroom and I would return in a few minutes to sign the coupon.  It was very strange when I now had to use the Ladies!  I must have only been in there about five minutes but when I re-entered the main restaurant, there was two policemen standing with the waitress, all looking at me as I headed back to Jennifer who was sitting at the table. “Ms. Smyth, could we have a few minutes of your time please,” requested one of the officers.  Perplexed, I approached them both.  The other, more senior sergeant then asked me if I was Sonya Smyth.  I said YES and he explained that the credit card I had just tried to use was a fake and there was also a warrant out for my arrest. I was dumbstruck and turned to seek some help from Jennifer who had noticed my situation and had stood up to come over and see what was happening. “Jennifer, these police officers are telling me that my credit card is a fake!” I then showed the officers my ID but they explained that I had to go back to the police station with them and all could be investigated in good time. I started to panic as they read me my rights and the younger officer started to remove a pair of handcuffs from his utility belt. “Those will not be necessary officer,” I pleaded but they would have none of it as the sergeant held me. I lifted my hands to offer them to the young policeman but her shuck his head as the sergeant pushed me around, allowing my hands to be handcuffed behind my back.

British police handcuffs are not the most comfortable restraints but they are really effective.  Embarrassed as I was, the two police officers told Jennifer that I would be taken the police station on the edge of the village where I would be questioned either later tonight or in the morning. They then led me out of the restaurant and pushed me into the back of a waiting police car. It was only a short, 10-minute drive to the new police station where we pulled into the rear car park and I was usurped out by the younger officer.  This was weird as I had entered Jennifers old police station in handcuffs many times but now this was real and I was very scared.

We entered the custody suite where a police woman stood behind the counter.  “Thatll mean a promotion for you Bob,” she explained.  “I cant believe it Barbara, shes had an extradition order against her for some moths now and no-one has been able to find her but we have now!” Now I was in trouble and I desperately needed to talk to Jennifer but I was told I wouldnt get my telephone call until the morning. I wasnt pleased and struggled against he handcuffs. “Just put her into number five guys and leave her handcuffed, shell be safer that way!”  The two police men then led me into a long corridor with closed cell on either side.  I was then pushed into cell number five and the heavy iron door was closed behind me, locking just like Jennifers cells.  I was now in real trouble and how was I going to get out this? I paced up and down the small modern cell with a bunk, toilet and sink.  It smelled of disinfectant and there I was, effectively a man trapped in a womans body, dressed in a gorgeous black wool mini dress, with a silk scarf tied tightly around my neck with my hands cuffed behind my back.  I then moved over to the bunk, sat down and tried to get comfortable. If you have ever had your hands cuffed behind your back using British standard police cuffs, they are rigid and very, very uncomfortable!

It was a very long night. I was left there until day break when another female officer entered the cell to check I was alright.  I complained bitterly about getting no sleep and my wrists were killing me.  She was shucked that I had been left handcuffed all night and asked me to stand-up and allow her to remove them. “Youll need to take off your tights and scarf dear,” said the female custody officer. I understood the rule as a scarf or tights could easily be used to hang a person wishing to commit suicide in a police cell. I was petrified that the female officer would spot the panel on the back of my neck to I refused. “Very well then,” she said as she left the cell, slamming the iron door behind her, locking me up again and leaving my poor hands still cuffed tightly behind my back. I badly needed to take a piss but there was no way I could pull down my tights, pants and lift the dress to allow me to go to the toilet.  I had to wait anther half hour before the cell door opened again.

The same female officer returned with Jennifer. She let Jennifer into the cell and closed the door locking us both inside. “What the hell is going on Jennifer,” I asked? “Ive spoken to my company and they are very apologetic but they hadnt authorised the credit card so that is why it got refused.  The police would have released you last night but for some reason there is a warrant out for the arrest of Sonya Smith an American girl fitting your description,” Jennifer explained. “That couldnt be right, they would just have to take my fingerprints and find out that I am not her,” I replied. Jennifer then explained that she had no idea why but the British police just wanted rid of Sonya Smith as soon as possible and I was going to be deported to Chicago later today. Panic really started to set, “What has Sonya done that is so bad,” I asked?  Jennifer then told me the bad news that Sonya Smith had killed her millionaire husband in cold blood for his money. She was arrested two years ago but while being transferred to a maximum security prison for life, Sonya somehow had managed to over-come the guard, kill him and escape across the Mexican border. It was reported that she had gone to the UK and started a new life. The news got worse because once back in the USA Sonya would be out on trial for the murder of her guard and a guilty sentence would mean the death penalty. “Jennifer, you need to get me out of this, can you not reprogram me the collar and get me back to my previous self, I asked? Jennifer then explained that it wouldnt be that easy as she couldnt even get a PDA into the cell or she would reprogram the collar and release me from Sonyas body. “The guards have suggested that I get you something more comfortable to travel in, it is going to be a long journey.  Theyre checking the cloths that Ive brought you, which should be okay,” explained Jennifer.  She then said that she would catch the next flight out to the Chicago where her company HQ was. The female officer then reappeared with bag in her hands. “Im going to release your hands Sonya so you can get changed. Im going to allow Jennifer to stay for an hour or so until Special Branch come to escort you to Heathrow airport.” She then approached and released my hands that had remained cuffed since I was arrested last night.

Jennifer then removed from the bag various assortments of female clothing.  It wasnt a surprise but most of the clothing was wool and a lot heavier than I was wearing at the moment.  I guess Chicago was still going to be much colder than the UK? I first of all removed the silk scarf and then pulled the thin wool mini dress over me head. Jennifer had thought of everything as she even brought me a clean bra, panties and tights.  These tights were more like the thick black opaque wool/Lycra tights I had been used to wearing over the passed few weeks. I give my body a wash using the water from the sink in the cell and then got dressed in the new cloths Jennifer had brought me. The bra and panties were made of the most beautiful black satin material. They felt wonderful against my bare skin. The wool tights had stretchy Lycra through them so pulling them on was a warming experience.  Jennifer had brought me one of the thicker wool dresses, made of the softest cashmere wool. I slid my arms into the long sleeves and pulled the mass of wool over my body.  The dress was longer than the mini dress I had been wearing since last night. The dress came down to just about my knees. I slipped on the low healed pumps Id been wearing and I was now ready to go but to where I wasnt quite sure.  I have to say that I was very, very scared.

It wasnt long until the cell door was unlocked and the female guard approached with two plain-clothed officers behind. Both were female and wore casual jeans and thick wool jumpers.  I guess they knew that Chicago was going to be cold as well. Jennifer handed me a long wool scarf to wrap around my neck and hide the panel on the back of my neck. The scarf was bright red and I was able to wrap it around my neck once and loosely tie it to my front, leaving the wide loose knot dangling just ample chest. Jennifer then handed me the leather jacket Id worn to the restaurant last night.  I had left it there when I was arrested. The first female plain-clothed officer approached. “Im Sylvia and this is Dorothy, I assume you are not going to give us any trouble today Sonya?”  I shuck my head as she took a pair of British police handcuffs and locked them around my wrists in front of me. “Were going to be nice to you Sonya as the journey is long but give us any problems and those cuffs will be used to lock your hands behind your back.  Eight hours on a flight would be very uncomfortable in that position,” explained Dorothy! Sylvia then showed me her tazor, which she assured me, would be used the second I stepped out of line. I was then led out oft eh cell block, through the custody suite where a couple of ugly looking guys were being processed and both complained about police brutality and the fucking awful handcuffs that held their arms pinned to their backs. We then left the police station and Dorothy directed me into the back seat of a waiting Vauxhall Vectra.  Dorothy sat to my right and Sylvia to my left.  Jennifer and I said our goodbyes and she assured me that she would get out to the States within the next day or so. We then drove off towards the M1 and Heathrow airport.

The journey to the airport took about an hour and a half. The M1 was clear and so was the M25 until around the M40 junction, where it always slows down to a snails pace. We turned off the M4 and went through the airport tunnel.  We then approached security where we had to stop and get out.  Both Sylvia and Dorothy held on to each arm but as soon as we were out of the car, Dorothy produced another pair of handcuffs, locked one around her wrist and slipped the open cuff around the plastic between my locked wrists. I was then stuck to this girl until she unlocked me. We entered the security hut and we had to pass through the usual airport scanners while the car was been checked by British Transport police. Happy that everything was in order we got back into the car and another police car led the two car convoy air-side and towards Terminal 3. We stopped beside a United Airlines 767 and I was taken out of the car and escorted up the stairs to an empty jet-way; thank goodness I thought.  It could have been very embarrassing being led on to the aeroplane in handcuffs.  We entered the aircraft and while the two officers greeted the cabin crew, they glared at me as I was led, still handcuffed to last row at the back.  We had three seats in the middle to ourselves. They did remove the cuffs for a minute to enable me to remove the leather coat. I asked that I keep the scarf on and they re-cuffed my hands in front and we took our seats.

The other passengers boarded the aircraft, completely unaware that they were in the company of a convicted murderer, who was handcuffed in the back row of the plane for the next eight hours. Nothing strange about take off. We taxied out to runway 27 right at London Heathrow and within a few minutes, we were airborne and on our way to Chicago. As we climbed out of the London area, the seat belt lights went out and then I started to panic as several people got up and headed to the toilets at the back of the aircraft.  I only lifted my cuffed hands once to loosen the scarf that was tied around my neck. It was starting to get warm with the heavy cashmere wrapped around me!  It was then time for our meal and I have to say that was going to be a little awkward. I begged the guards to unlock my wrists. In the end, we were stuck in a tin can at 35,000 feet over the north Atlantic so where was I going to go? Finally after about ten minutes of struggling with the plastic knives and forks, Dorothy felt sorry for me so she unlocked both my wrists.  I was then free for the next twenty minutes until I finished the food. Dorothy was about to re-cuff my hands when I asked to go to the toilet so I couldnt be cuffed.  She got up and led me to the unoccupied toilet and stood outside the locked door, allowing me a few minutes privacy to do my business. Once back in my seat, she re-cuffed my hands in front. About six and a half hours into the flight, somewhere over Canada, I requested a trip to the toilets again.  This time Sylvia unlocked the cuffs and escorted me the few feet to the toilets before handcuffing me again when we had returned to our seat. Other than that, the flight was uneventful and soon we were preparing for final approach into Chicago OHare International.

We taxied up to the new International Terminal and we sat in our seats while the other passengers got off.  When the aircraft had emptied, we stood up; Dorothy pulled my leather cost from the over-head locker.  She draped the leather over my shoulders, which meant she didnt have to unlock the cuffs. She then attached herself to me in the same way when we boarded back in London. We then started the long walk down the isle and out on to the empty jet-way, passed the cabin crew that at least acknowledged me this time and even wished me good luck. We then entered the main terminal where we were met by two men in suits and two police-women in black uniforms. Sylvia and Dorothy introduced themselves to the American officers while the two uniformed woman approached me, “Welcome home Sonya!” I announced that I was not the Sonya they were looking for and if they took my fingerprints they would soon learn the truth. They just laughed and produced a large number of chains.  First thing they did was lock my ankles into a set of ugly leg-irons, which were attached to a pair of empty handcuffs on a short chain. They locked my hands into the cuffs before unlocking the ridged British cuffs and handed them back to Dorothy who by now was removing a locked cuff from her wrist. Dorothy and Sylvia then said their good byes and headed for baggage reclaim while I was led off, very slowly by the four American officials. I had been locked into prison chains by Jennifer several times but I never had to walk very far in them; these were really uncomfortable and difficult to walk in. Now came the embossing part as I was matched through a busy immigration hall, packed with people staring at me, hobbling in the most intrusive manacle and shackle set.

Soon we were out of the terminal and I was ordered to get into the back of an unmarked prison van. I sat on the bench between the two women in uniform who said nothing to me except to order me to sit down and shut up! The journey took around two hours, I guess in traffic but I wasnt really sure as the van had no windows. We finally came to a stop and the back doors were opened.  I was ordered to stand and then man-handled out of the van and into what could only be described as the most oppressive prison yard Id ever seen. Razor wire and barking dogs not to mention the concrete building that I stood in front of before being prodded to move forward in the direction of a doorway, cut off by a barred door. A loud buzzing noise meant the door was now opening and I was led inside to the reception area. I stood at the bench where two other guards approached me for processing. They asked me my name and I could only reply,” Sonya Smyth, with a Y.” They asked who I was kidding because my last name was spelt with an I, (SMITH). I then reminded them that they had the wrong Sonya and they all laughed as they led me by one arm and locked me in a holding cell that faced the reception bench. All that now separated me from the guards at in reception was a one inch thick door made of Perspex. I was obviously still handcuffed and chained by the ankles so I was going nowhere!

I guess it was about an hour when another guard approached, opening the Perspex door and ushering me out into reception. I was taken through another bared door and into a long corridor.  I was taken into a small room with a shower and finally they unlocked my wrists and ankles.  I was ordered to strip before being told to take a shower. I was done within a few minutes when the female officer ordered me to turn around as she locked my hands into a pair of handcuffs, behind my back.  I felt very vulnerable, standing there naked, very naked and only my long hair hiding the control panel to my identity. I was then led out of the shower room and into another room where a male doctor stood right in front of me. Now I did feel naked!  I was ordered to stand still while he examined me.  It wasnt long until he found the control panel and started questioning what it was.  I quickly explained that it was a new type of pace-maker and then he told the guard that Sonya Smith had a perfect heart. The guard laughed and told him not to be stupid, I was Sonya Smith and I would soon be put in the chair for murdering the guard during my escape.  Now I was even more scared and the whole experience was so real and maybe they could put me to death, an innocent person! As soon as my medical was complete I was led back to the shower room where my wrists were unlocked and I was told to dress in the standard prison uniform.  A sweat bra and pants with the prison logo on them and an ugly orange jump suit made of the most horrible nylon material that Im sure I would soon stick to even if it was a cold day outside. My hands were once again cuffed behind my back while I was taken to another room for my photograph and finger-prints, at last maybe they would soon realise I wasnt Sonya Smith?

They had to unlock my hands again to take my photograph and fingerprints.  I held up the usual identity card, I was prisoner 960504, State of Illinois Penitentiary. Happy all was complete, they ordered me to turn around again and my hands were once cuffed behind my back. Why bother I thought? I was then told I was being taken to see the governor so it meant a long walk through many remotely controlled doors that buzzed loudly as I was taken through each one. Finally I was led into a room where a really beautiful looking prison governor sat behind a solid oak table with a file on top and a PC to one side. She had long blonde hair and wore a very nice tight blue suit and had a fantastic floral print, silk scarf tied tightly around her neck. She then stood up and spoke in a very official voice:

Prisoner 960504, youve been returned to the Illinois State penitentiary where you will be incarcerated until your trial for murder of the guard during your prison escape of two years ago. You are already a convicted prisoner for murder and therefore you will be treated as such until your trial and subsequent sentence, which under the state of Illinois could mean death by lethal injection. Have you anything to say?

I could only look this beatify straight in the eye and plead my innocence:

“Please Governor Hunt; I am not the Sonya Smith you think I am.  I am Sonya Smyth with a Y, I am English and if you only checked your finger print records, you would soon understand!”

She looked back at my with a glare

“Your records are in the hands of the Illinois state prosecutor and will not get back to the prison for a day or so. You will also stand trial for the escape of two years ago and as such you will only be permitted to leave your cell once a day and during that brief period, you will be handcuffed and most probably shackled, do you understand? “

I could only sob and nod as I was led out of the governors office, hands cuffed behind my back and into a long corridor with barred cells on one side and a concrete wall on the other with small hatch windows at the top. The last cell on the left was then mine.  “Open number 12,” the female guard yelled and the cell door electrically slide open and I was told to step inside! She then again yelled, “Close number 12,” and the bars slammed closed, with a terrible, haunting sound, CLUNK! I was then ordered to turn around to enable the officer to remove my cuffs that locked my hands behind my back. She walked off and I was then able to explore the tiny cell that I would now spend 23 hours a day, locked inside. The cell was tiny, a bunk along one side, a toilet and wash hand bassoon along the back wall and that was it.  Not even a TV like you see in American movies so what was I going to do; locked in here for 23 hours every day?

To be continued………

Have at a look at my Woolly Story Part Seven to see how and if David can escape this mess.

Ed Kilpatrick

Woolly Story part 7

In part six, had Jennifer gone too far? She had introduced David to her latest gadget, a plastic suit that has transformed him into a female, Sonya Smyth. The only problem being that Sonya has been mistaken for an American killer, Sonya Smith so poor David had been arrested and deported to Chicago to finish Sonyas sentence and maybe even face the death penalty for the murder of a prison officer during her escape from prison.

Davids Escape from a Foreign Land:

The next two days were unbearable! I was locked inside the tiny cell 23 hours every day.  I was taken out for an hour, once a day. Each trip out meant my hands being cuffed behind my back even before the cell door opened and then my ankles into standard leg-irons for my one hour of exercise. It was cold outside, very cold so I didnt even get the option to go outside. Instead I was led cuffed and shackled along several corridors to a large exercise hall where other female prisoners were left to their own initiatives for only one hour, one very short hour. The other girls were all wearing the same orange nylon jumpsuit that I wore.  All had their hands cuffed behind their backs but only a few had the added indignity of having their ankles locked in leg-irons. No-one spoke to me; in fact none of the female prisoners ever spoke to anyone, not even each other!  They simply walked around the wall of the exercise hall, some faster than others depending if their legs were chained or not. As each prisoners hour was up, they were called by surname and number and then escorted out of the large hall and I guess back to their tiny cell. Like the other girls I was called and then taken back to my tiny cell. Each time I was ordered to stand just inside the open door or bars as they could best be described and the leg-irons were unlocked and removed. The door then closed with that chilling CLUNK and then my hands were freed before being left inside for another 23 hours.  The food was crap! At around nine each morning a prisoner with her ankles in chains came round pushing a cart and stopped outside my cell.  She dumped on to a plastic tray look-warm sausages, hash-browns and what was once an egg.  A cup of black coffee was pored into a plastic beaker and she slid the tray and cup under my bars.  Breakfast was truly terrible! I kept the tray until around noon, when the same prisoner, still with her ankles in chains came around again. She collected the breakfast tray and then dumped cold ham and some bread on to the same tray, which was again slid under the bars.  I was expected to drink water from the sink in the cell.  It was appalling treatment and I wondered just how long I could survive such terrible conditions, maybe for years or maybe until my death sentence? At six each evening the same prisoners came round again and using the same tray I was given what could only be described as shit on a plate.  Each night seemed to be different and it was completely awful! The empty tray or on most nights my still full tray was taken away around seven before I was then taken for my evening exercise in he large hall.

What time did mean was I could explore my new body, the body of Sonya Smyth.  Even though I was locked up in the most appalling conditions, it did make my horny. I love bondage and while this was a little too real, it did make me hot. I love playing with my breasts, they felt wonderful and the harder I squeezed my pert nipples the hotter I got and the more moist my pussy became. My pussy was the strangest thing!  I was sure I could just about feel the head of my prick, trapped within my female body,

By Tuesday evening I had been locked in the cell for quite a few hours when I couldnt hold back any more, I had to play with myself so as you can imagine one hand massaged with my tits and the other slipped in and out of my by new very, very moist pussy.  It wasnt long until I was in full motion when I heard the noise of the outer bars sliding open and the sound of running in my direction.  I quickly pulled my hands out of my sweat pants and bra. “Having fun are we prisoner Smith?” All I could do is give the guard back a very sarcastic response, “What the fuck else do you expect a girl to do in here for 23 hours idiot?”  I was then ordered to my feet and told to turn around and allow the guard to lock my hands behind my back.  I thought I was being taken out of the cell but to my dismay she just laughed at me and walked away, leaving me not only locked in the miserable cell but now unable to explore my female body anymore, with my hands now cuffed behind my back.

Tuesday night into Wednesday morning was a very long night. I tried to sleep as best I could but it was very uncomfortable lying on the bunk with my hands cuffed behind my back. When I heard the familiar sound of the breakfast trolley I thought Id be uncuffed but the prisoner just laughed at me and before passing breakfast under the bars, she cut the food up and suggested I eat it on the floor like a dog.  To be honest, I had no option but to get down on the floor, on my knees and east the horrible breakfast from the bowl on the floor. By the time I had finished I badly needed to take a piss so I had to struggle and pull my pants down the best I could and sit on the cold toilet seat. At around 11:00AM an officer came to my cell and told me that my lawyer had arrived to see me.  I thought that I would be allowed to dress but oh no, the cell door was opened, my ankles were locked into leg-irons and I was led out of my cell wearing the sport bra and pants that Id been wearing all day yesterday and all last night. We approached a large iron door where a female guard stood outside.  The guard escorting me then ushered her to open the door and I was directed inside where Jennifer was sitting at one end of a square table with her laptop open and a massive smile on her face. The door then closed behind me and I could hear the lock being turned.

“Jesus, Jennifer, Im glad to see you!”

Jennifer asked me to sit down and then asked why I wasnt wearing one of those wonderful Nylon prison jump suits.  I then had to tell her that I had been caught playing with myself last night and how the guards handcuffed me and since then they had been locked behind my back. She laughed at me and asked how I was finding my temporary body.

“Its a wonderful experience Jennifer but Im really, really scared and I would prefer it if I could explore the body back in England with you, in your prison, not stuck in this hell-hole in the States!”

“Right David, Im hearing rumours that the various agencies now realises that you are not Sonya Smith but they are very embarrassed so rather than letting you go, they intend to mess with the paperwork and take you through the judicial process but we have a problem!”

Jennifer then explained when she set the suit on Friday night, she had programmed an automatic exit route in seven days so on Saturday afternoon Central time, night time in the UK, the suit would automatically release me and return Sonya to David. This had always been Jennifers plan to ensure if anything had happened to her that I would be free at the end of my week off, ready to go back to work on Monday morning.  I thought it was great that I would be free on Saturday afternoon but Jennifer reminded me what would the guards think if they found David locked in the cell instead of Sonya?  Jennifer had a point but what can we do?

“There is no way Sonya we can introduce the guards to David so we have two options:”

“Number one, I can reprogram the suit to remain on until I manually reprogram it and therefore you would remain Sonya and let the American judicial process run its coarse or;”

“Number two we set in motion an escape plan for you.”

As you can imagine, I was more interested in option two, an escape plan so I asked Jennifer what she had in mind.

“To be honest David, I think if you were to escape it would make them feel a whole lot happier but I now have a much, much better plan.”

“I can reprogram your suit now and sometime during the night your skin will harden and you will therefore appear dead to the guards in the morning.”

I thought that was a brilliant idea but what about my breathing and what if I said anything? Jennifer then went on to tell me that she can program the suit to close my mouth and effectively gag me. The suit would become so hard that they couldnt detect breathing at all. She then explained that her employers have arranged with a local funeral company to have my body removed from the prison and then some reprogramming at HQ would have me back to normal. The only problem then was getting me out of the States because David never entered and therefore no visa to let him out, never mind a passport to get him back into the UK.

“Fantastic Jennifer, go-ahead and reprogram the suit, please hurray up before the guards come back for me?”

Jennifer then took a USB cable and attached one end to her laptop. She then connected the other end to the USB port on the back on my neck.  A punch of the enter key and the suit had been reprogrammed. I was told that the suit was still set in UK time so at around 8am Thursday morning UK time, 2am US Central time, while I was asleep the suit would then take over and by morning time they would find a stiff in my cell. Jennifer then quickly repacked the cables and it was only a few minutes until a guard unlocked the door to the room and asked Jennifer if she had finished? Jennifer put on her serious lawyers voice and demanded that they allow me to dress and I shouldnt ever be handcuffed over-night, again.  She then told them that she would put in an official compliant about the appalling treatment and she then stood up to leave the prison. We left each other, Jennifer on her way out and me, back along the many corridors to my cell. Once inside they did remove my handcuffs and left in relative comfort for the rest of the afternoon. By the time my evening exercise time came along the guards had ordered me to take off my jump suit. I thought this very strange just before my once a day exercise but they explained that I was going to be punished for Jennifers outburst this afternoon and they might not be able to handcuff me for long periods of time but they could make my life miserable and put me into a straightjacket. I tried to struggle as the two guards forced my arms into the canvas jacket and pulled the various straps that would contain my body until only they removed the punishing jacket.  A final strap was pulled between my legs and the jacket was now in place.  Happy with their work, they locked leg-irons around each of my ankles and led me out of the cell, towards the exercise hall.  It was a humiliating hour because this must have been an accepted punishment for girls caught masturbating in their cells.  I was laughed at and various other inmates made disgusting comments about me being a fagot. As soon as the exercise hour was over, I was taken back to my cell where the leg-irons were removed. As soon as they were removed the guards replaced them with tight, very tight leather ankle straps that in effect tied both my ankles together so all I could do was hop back to my bunk and fall on to it.

Because the previous nights sleep was nearly impossible due of the handcuffs, I was so tired I did manage to get over until I heard the loud BLEEP from the panel embedded in the back on my neck, I woke up, still held tight within the canvas straightjacket and my ankles secured tightly together by the leather straps. It was only a matter of minutes until I felt thy skin begin get much, much tighter and then began to harden until I could no longer open my mouth or even my eyes for that matter.  My breathing did start to labour but soon I was able to compensate and relax into a very shallow rhythm. I was so relaxed I even fell asleep.

I awoke abruptly the next morning with the sound of the breakfast trolley coming down the corridor. I panicked when I couldnt open my eyes. I even tried to scream out but I couldnt open my mouth or even make a sound. I then remembered the reprogramming yesterday and in effect to the guards, I was dead. I then heard the prisoner delivering breakfast to my cell. She yelled at me to wake up but of coarse I didnt.  To my dismay she just laughed and while I heard her slip breakfast under my cell bars, she just moved on to her next delivery. I was to remain in my current state until lunch time when lunch was being brought round.  I could hear the female prisoner shouting this time to the guards that I hadnt moved since breakfast. They sent her on her way while two of them quickly entered my cell and starting swearing at each other in a panic when they realised I wasnt breathing and my skin was now very, very cold and hard as if I was stiff already.

“Maybe we went too far with the straightjacket,” shouted one!

“Lets get it off her before the governor arrives,” said the other!

They then tried in vein to get the straitjacket off me but I was far to stiff for them to manipulate the canvas jacket and all the straps that had held me so tight last night. It was then I heard the voice of the governor:

“What the fuck happened hear,” she yelled!

They then explain that I was dead and she obviously approach me and tried to find a pulse but there was none.

“Oh Fuck,” she whispered.

“The FBI are just going to love this as she was the wrong Sonya and we badly need to get rid of the body!”

“Right guards, just go and get a trolley and well take the body down to the cold room where we take the stiffs after execution,” the governor demanded!

There was then about ten minute silences in my cell until the guards arrived and manhandled me on to a trolley. They obviously threw a blanket over my now stiff body, still wearing the straightjacket and ankles still held tight in the leather straps. They then manoeuvred me into the cold room and boy it was cold! There was nothing I could do until they took me out of the prison and I just prayed that Jennifers plan worked and I was picked up by her team before they buried me alive in this terrible state.  I also hoped the suit was strong enough to ensure they couldnt break my arms to remove the straitjacket or even worse cut me open for an autopsy.

It was a few hours until some other people came for me.  I could feel them lift me off the trolley and place my body into one of the plastic body bags.  I then panicked; what if I couldnt breathe in the body bag?  I soon found I could as they zipped it closed and lifted me on to another trolley. I was then wheeled along some long corridors and through various doors until I felt and heard them load me on to a waiting van. A few stops and starts and then we seemed to be on the open road.  I then heard the zip being pulled down on the body bag and Jennifers voice:

“Its okay David; were free of the prison and on our way to my companys headquarters.”

“As soon as we get there, Ill get your suit re-programmed and get you out of the straitjacket but until then, can you please hold on?”

There wasnt a lot I could do.  I was effectively dead.  I could move or even respond to Jennifer.

It was about an hour until I felt the van stop and within a few minutes they had me out of the van and being wheeled into a warm building. Jennifer then explained that I was being taken to the company hospital where they would get me out of the bind. I was then removed from the body bag and placed on a soft hospital bed.  I then felt Jennifer ask her colleagues to turn me on to me side so that she could plug her laptop in. A bleep told me that the program had been changed and all I had to do was lie there and wait until the computer program did its work.  Slowly but surely I felt my body start to loosen up. First I could open my eyes and see the beautiful Jennifer standing over me, looking down and smiling as I came round from the strange coma like state. Next I started to feel my arms and legs begin regain some control but I still couldnt move as the canvas straightjacket and ankles straps still held me tight. Finally I regained my voice.

“Hello my love, am I free of that hell-hole,” is all I could think to ask?

Jennifer simply said YES and gave me a kiss on the lips, which was the most wonderful kiss I had received from her in ages or what seemed like ages. Another woman then entered the room:

“Hi David, Im Marie, Jennifers colleague in the States. How are you feeling?”

All I could say in response was FUCKING WONDERFUL and could they get me out of the straightjacket! They both laughed and said in a little while, which took me by surprise. I then asked to sit up and regain some movement from a long time stuck in the horizontal position as a stiff.  They both helped me up and Jennifer even removed the leather straps holding me ankles tightly bound together.

I managed to walk around the small room to get some feeling back into my legs.

“Why will you both not remove the straitjacket,” I enquired.

Marie then responded:

“Its quite simple David, youve just escaped from prison and there is no way we can let you run around now as we now need to get you back to England. We cant send you back as David because we dont have your passport.  We cant send you back as Sonya Smyth either so we need another plan, which you may not like so it is easier for all of us if you remain bound, for a little longer.  Anyway, Ive known Jennifer for a long time and I therefore know that you like being tied-up.”

I give them both a strange look and asked how they planned to get me back to England?

Jennifer then smiled at me and laughed:

“Well David, the team here in Chicago have been doing some work on the program and we think we now have a solution. What we plan to do is program your suit to go very, very stiff again and change its properties into a thick plastic like state. This will in effect turn you into a mannequin and then we can ship you back air freight.”

I just smirked and asked them if they were mad? It was a terrible plan but I soon guessed it was the only plan that might at least work. Marie then reminded Jennifer that she would have to take off the straightjacket if the plan was to fully work. Jennifer asked me if I was okay with the plan and as I reply OKAY, she approached and unbuckled the straps that final enabled my arms to fall free of the suit.  Marie then called her shipping department and asked them to arrange a very, very urgent delivery to Jennifers house in Cambridgeshire for tomorrow, Friday. Before Jennifer set the program in motion we hugged and kissed but then it was time to put our plan into action so Jennifer plugged me back into her laptop. She then asked me if I wanted to be able to see when I was in the mannequin state.  I replied YES and she typed another command into her laptop. Soon there was a BLEEP and I lay on the hospital bed top await the final change that would allow me to get home to England. Soon I felt my arms and legs go very stiff again.  My voice disappeared and two glazed windows formed in the suit, which would enable me to see out. I could hear Jennifer and Marie discussing the metamorphosis and even comment that my mouth had disappeared and just formed part of the hard plastic shell that now imprisoned my body. Jennifer then told Marie that she had set the program to completely unlock the suit and free David on Sunday evening if anything happened during the shipment. Marie thought that was a good idea and then stared to remove my prison issue bra and pants.  They then laughed when they saw my female cracks had all disappeared like my mouth and just formed part of a plastic shell.

Jennifer and Marie then packed me into a packing case, not dissimilar to a coffin. It was very dark and I wondered why they had given me eyes at all but never-the-less I was now on my ay back to England.

The journey was very uneventful. The packing case was opened once to enable the US customs to check the contents. It was then closed and the neck thing I heard was the noise of aircraft engines as we took off of an overnight crossing of the Atlantic and back to England. I was warm and very comfortable locked within my hard plastic shell.  I even managed to fall asleep and was awakened by the bump of our landing back in England, I hoped. The next movement was the UK customs opening the packing to check its contents. They did take me out and made some smutty jokes about me being a doll. I was then packed back into my box and I hoped on my way to Jennifers house. It was still several hours until I heard her voice signing for me at the door.  I also heard her ask the delivery men to carry the box inside and put it on the floor in the living room. She thanked them both and I could hear her closing the front door behind her.


“Dont worry David; Ill have you out of there in a few minutes.”

As soon as I was out of the packing I could see the beautiful Jennifer kneeling over me wearing one of her wonderful cashmere sweater dresses and her smile as she turned me over to plug in the USB cable.  Soon there was another BLEEP and the plastic shell covering my entire body started to soften and soon I was able to move and talk. I could see that I back in her living room in rural Cambridgeshire. As soon as the program had done its job, I got up grabbed my beautiful girlfriend and we began to kiss for the next ten of fifteen minutes.

“So David, now youve explored your female body, how do you like it,” she asked?

I was honest and while I loved the feeling of being able to now cross-dress and go outside, looking like a real woman, I hated the week that I just gone through and I now wanted out of the body and free of being Sonya Smyth. Jennifer then plugged the USB cable back in and typed a few commands into the laptop.  Another BLEEP signalled another change and I very quickly felt my face change shape but rather being changed back into David, my boobs grew slightly larger and I could feel my hair growing slightly longer.

“There you go David, have a look in the mirror, you are now Tanya Taylor and both the company States side and here in the UK have checked to ensure there are no arrest warrants out for Tanya Taylor.”

Sure enough, I had now changed slightly.  I was now blonde with long hair and pert little nose and great big smile.  My breasts were certainly larger and I loved the figure that Jennifer had now given me. I told her that it was amazing and asked if she could set the program so that I could be Tanya another time but for now I wanted to be David, more to satisfy my constant worry that the program wasnt reversible. Jennifer seemed a little disappointed that I didnt want to explore Tanyas body but understood that Id had a very difficult week and it was probably better that I was turned back into David. She once again, hopefully for the last time this weekend, plugged me back into her laptop and set the program in motion.  As loud BLEEP, once again told me that the suit was about to change. Jennifer then suggested that I go upstairs and lie down before pressing the red button which would release me from the suit.  We both headed upstairs to her bedroom and I sat on her bed and pressed the button on the back on my neck.  Another BLEEP signalled that ht program was now in motion. The change took only a few minutes and the suit started to change form, back into the Nylon and Lycra mesh that I pulled on last Friday night. Soon I felt my manhood get released from its tight imprisonment and that was it, I was once again David.  Another loud BLEEP and a click told me that the collar was now unlocked and I removed the zip from the mechanism and removed the plastic collar. Next I pulled off the catsuit and soon I was all man again, lying beside my beautiful girlfriend, Jennifer.

I explained to Jennifer that I wanted to explore Tanya some other time but for the rest of this weekend I just wanted us to be a normal couple, enjoying each others company.

The rest of the weekend was just that.

End of Part 7.

Ed Kilpatrick

Woolly Story part 8

Its been several months since David returned to England after his nightmare in the States. Jennifer thought she might have gone a little too far by temporarily changing David into Sonya Smyth.

Since his return, both David and Jennifer have remained the best of friends and now lovers in the true sense. David has still resisted the temptation to move in with Jennifer and enjoys his relative freedom when he isnt with her. During the last three months David has been forced to wear one of Jennifers plastic Chastity belts during the week, when he isnt with her. Jennifer feels that she has more control over David and in truth; David quite enjoys the feeling of belonging to this beautiful blonde. Jennifer has been forgiving when David needs to go away on business. During a week that he is away on business, she allows David a reprieve from the imprisonment of the plastic belt. The technology her company has developed now means when David drives more than thirty miles from his house the belt now unlocks automatically using an impressive GPS system that detects when David has left the vicinity of their Cambridgeshire home town. 

It is now early August and the temperature in rural England is well into the high 70s, low 80s and there has been very little call to wear heavy wool cloths during the past few weekends.  Jennifer and David still play in her basement cells and enjoy heavy bondage sessions but without the discomfort of warm cashmere. This week David decided to try and trick his plastic belt into unlocking itself so on Monday morning he drive towards London, which caused the belt to automatically unlock. He quickly pulled into a service station on the M11 and removed the belt before heading back to his village. He felt proud of himself, free of the damn chastity belt and now free to masturbate whenever he liked.  More importantly, he now felt that he has managed to get one over on his girlfriend, Jennifer.

But has he really?

Davids Enforced Transformation

It was Friday night and my weekend routine started. Before I could go over to Jennifers, I had to get the chastity belt back on. It only took a matter of minutes before my prick was imprisoned once again and I could finally get dressed and pack my weekend bag to head over to Jennifers. Like all of my previous weekends, I didnt pack much as I would probably be forced to wear some female clothing, provided by Jennifer of course. I then locked my front door and drove the few minutes over to the old village police station and with my own key; I let myself into Jennifers house.

“Down here,” called Jennifer from the direction of the basement cells!

I dropped my bag beside the stairs and headed through the kitchen and down the stairs towards the basement cells.

“In here darling,” I heard Jennifer call from the first cell on the right.

I entered the tiny cell to find my gorgeous girlfriend putting the final touches to making up the prison cell bunk.  I had a bad idea that it was being made up for me this weekend? Jennifer then asked me lock my wrists into the manacle set hanging on the wall; the same manacles that I has mistakenly locked myself into, the first day I had met Jennifer. I did as I was told so al I could do was stand there, cuffed to the prison cell wall and wait until Jennifer made her next move.

“Im very disappointed with you David,” explained Jennifer.

“You took your chastity belt off this week, didnt you?”

All I could do was nod in shame but how did Jennifer know?

Jennifer then approached me with a massive grin across her face:

“Darling I not only have the technology using GPS to unlock the belt but I can also track the belt also.”

Jennifer then told me that she knew the belt was in my house when I called her from the pub on Wednesday night and she was obviously displeased. I then gave my response:

“Sweetheart, I had the opportunity to be rid of the fucking belt for a week so what do you expect me to do?

Jennifer then told me that I had to accept whatever punishment she had in mind this weekend but as I was a little restrained at the moment there wasnt a lot I could do.  Jennifer then left the cell, closing and locking the door behind her. It was hot in the tiny room, very hot but I was only wearing a very light t-shirt and shorts so it wasnt too uncomfortable. It must have been around eight when Jennifer returned to the cell and unlocked me from the manacles. She explained that I wasnt going to have any freedom this weekend and she asked me to turn around and allow her to lock my hands behind my back into a pair of handcuffs. I loved being handcuffed and especially when my hands were put behind my back.  It is a massive turn on to be so vulnerable and so accessible to the woman that has restrained you in that way. We went upstairs to the kitchen and sat down for dinner. Only when the food was put on the table did Jennifer release my left hand and then locked the free cuff to the back on my chair, forcing my right arm behind my back.  As I am right handed it made an interesting way to eat my evening meal. 

During dinner Jennifer explained that she loved being in control of me and it was now so much part of her life.  She still wanted me to move in with her so that I could be in her control, all of the time but Jennifer knew that I also loved been a normal couple, enjoying the things normal couples do and therefore I enjoyed my independence when I wasnt with her.  I accepted that if I was to keep Jennifer, I had to accept her terms and that meant the plastic chastity belt, which she explained was to gain an upgrade this weekend. After dinner I was re-cuffed and allowed to watch some TV in the living room before being taken back downstairs and locked into a cell for the night around 10pm.  I first had my hands uncuffed and allowed to wash before putting on a long silk nightdress that Jennifer had left on the bunk while I was in getting washed. We kissed goodnight and I was then locked into the cell for the night.  The outer barred door was also locked before I heard Jennifers footsteps disappear upstairs. I was very tired and even though the cell was very hot and no air getting in due to the barred window not opening, I did manage to fall asleep very quickly.

Boy, I must have been tired because I slept right through the night and only woke when I heard Jennifer unlocking the door to my cell.

“Good morning sleepy-head, here is some breakfast,” explained Jennifer.

Before I could wake-up enough to react, she was gone, locking the cell door behind her again. I managed to eat the warm buttered pancakes and drink the ice cold orange juice and warm coffee but I couldnt understand why Id been left locked up like this!  Was this part of my punishment for escaping from the chastity belt this week?

It was warming up outside and I noticed the heat begin to build in the cell as the sun rose higher into the summer sky. It must have been an hour before Jennifer returned with a pile of heavy cashmere in her hand.

“For fuck sake love, it is to be over 30 degrees outside today, you dont expect me to wear that, do you,” I asked?

Jennifer then laughed and told me this was part of my punishment so if I was to keep her, I had no option but to pull on the thick black wool catsuit. As I had done many times before I slid my feet into the soft wool, eased the cashmere over my body and pushed my hands into the built in gloves.  All that I had to do was pull the heavy hood over my face and head and pull the zip up and over my entire head.  It was only then that I noticed I had two eye holes and a hole for my nose and mouth. Jennifer then approach and demanded that I turned around to enable her to handcuff my woollen clad arms behind my back.  That done, I was led out of the my cell, through the barred gate but instead of heading upstairs, we turned right and through the open door and out into the back yard.

In the corner of the garden, against the back wall was a shed made of corrugated iron and soon I was to know my fate as I was taken inside. It was already well over 30o inside and there I was going to spend some time. In the middle of the shed was an old wooden chair with various straps placed in strategic places but before I was told to sit down Jennifer had some other ideas. First she lifted the ugly iron helmet that had the timer and placed it over my head. Very quickly it was closed and locked. A loud BLEEP told me that it was on for some time but on request, Jennifer explained that it was locked for the next six hours.  She then told me if I played her up, at the push of a button on the remote control the mask would slide into place, cutting off all my air so I was to good and allow her to un-cuff my hands and then I was to sit on the wooden chair, which wasnt that different to an old electric chair. She was most efficient in her execution of my misery. Within five minutes I was sitting on the wooden chair, my wrists strapped to the arms, my ankles strapped to the legs and a strap around my waist, which meant any movement was now nearly impossible.


“Okay David, its now 10:30 and for your punishment, youll be here until 6:30 tonight.  Before you say anything, it will be very, very hot in here today but then, this is your punishment.  Im going lie in the sun today and work on my tan so if I here any noise from you, Ill cut off your air and you know that will be even more uncomfortable! This door to this shed has a timer lock so even if I wanted to give you a break, I will not be able to until 6:30 when the lock releases followed by the helmet you are wearing.  Have a nice day my love!”

With that Jennifer exited the tiny corrugated iron shed, locking the door behind her.  Within ten minutes, I was regretting the chastity belt incident but to be honest, I guessed that Jennifer would have found a reason to lock me in here today anyway. I could faintly here music in the distance so I guessed Jennifer had a CD player with her in the yard but the heavy steel helmet that encased my entire head meant not a lot of noise was going to make it through from outside the shed. Within an hour I was miserable. It was well over 1000F in the shed and it was like a sauna. At least in a real sauna I would be nearly naked but here I am, strapped to a wooden chair, wearing a thick cashmere catsuit that covers my entire body, not to mention the horrendous helmet that traps my head in a thick cushion of hot padding surrounded by steel. By the time it was noon Id had enough. I was sweating so badly that my entire body was sticking to the wool that encased me. My breathing was becoming laboured through the discomfort of the steel helmet so I had to cry out for Jennifer, I panicked and badly needed out of this bondage! I was only a matter of seconds until the latex mask slid up over my face and stated to cut off the air to my nose and mouth. Within second I was struggling to breathe and the harder I tried the more panic that overcame me. Finally the latex mask retracted and some air re-entered the oven that imprisoned my entire head.

I took my warning and sat their in silence for what had become a completely miserable afternoon, slowly cooking and loosing more and more fluids as my body sweated its way through the hot afternoon. I hadnt really noticed but it was starting to cool down, ever so slightly when a loud BLEEP sounded, one from the door. It was about ten minutes before Jennifer came to rescue me from my oven. First she removed the straps holding me to the chair and as she did early warned my not to fight her while she re-applied the handcuffs, locking my wrists behind my back.

“Jennifer, what about the helmet, Im fucking cooking in this catsuit and badly need a drink and a shower, please take the helmet off?

She told me that once I was inside I could have a drink and have the helmet removed but I had to say, that I hadnt heard a BLEEP from the helmet yet.

“I have to admit something David; I have set the helmet for ten hours so youre stuck in it until eight tonight, another two hours and I cant even offer you a drink and remove your catsuit, which even I can see is drenched in sweat from your day in the shed.”

I was not happy so I struggled against Jennifer but a push of a button on the remote control signalled that the latex mask was once again cutting off all air to my face.

“Okay. Okay, Ill do whatever you want Jennifer, just give me back the air, please!”

The latex mask then retracted and I could breathe again as Jennifer led me back into the cell block and back to my cell.

“Ill be back for you at eight, dont go anywhere!”

Once again she left my, locked the cell door and headed out of the cell block, leaving me imprisoned in my sweaty cashmere catsuit and steel helmet. The cell was cooler than the shed but not by much!

The next two hours passed slowly. I was very, very uncomfortable, still wearing the thick cashmere wool catsuit that clung to my entire body due to hours and hours of sweating in Jennifers shed. My arms ached from the steel handcuffs that held my wrists so tightly behind my back. At last, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the familiar sound of keys jingling as they unlocked the outer bar gate and finally the door to my prison cell. Jennifer entered wearing a fantastic short blue satin dress with floral print all over it. She explained that she would unlock my handcuffs so that I could get rid of the helmet myself when it self-released at eight oclock. She also explained that she had left cloths for in the opposite cell so I could get dressed after a warm shower. She then left me again, locking the outer gate and headed upstairs.

The fantastic sound of the helmet BLEEPING, told me I was now free of it after ten long hours. I quickly removed the heavy helmet and pulled the zip on the cashmere catsuit from the top of my head to the base of my back.  I could feel the cool (ish) air rush around my entire body as I pealed off the sweat soaked cashmere covering. I then headed to the toilet to relieve over ten hours build up of water and finally I stepped into a wonderful hot shower. As soon as I entered the cell where Jennifer had left my cloths, panic started to set in. I immediately recognised the thin Nylon / Lycra material that was the transforming body-stocking that got me into so much bother during the spring time.  I was frightened that it would happen again but I was keen to once again transform myself and better understand who Tanya Taylor was.  I then slipped my legs into the thin, stretching material and pulled it up and over my entire body.  Placing my hands into the built-in gloves and my head into the built-in hood, I felt there was something different about this particular costume. The feet of the suit seemed to be much thicker than the suit that turned me into Sonya. The same could be said for the built in gloves that now covered my hands. The part that covered my prick was a lot thicker and could nearly been described as built-in Nylon / Lycra panties. The hood was much thicker and I struggled to see out of the material but in the end, I was able to pull up the rear zip until it closed on top of my head. I then picked up the plastic collar that would seal my fate. I placed the thin material around my neck like a plastic choker and finally pushed home the clasp. I knew, all I had to do now was push the button and my fate would be sealed.  I was nervous but I still managed it and the LOUD BLEEP told me that the program was now set. Like before I first notice the tightening around my legs. Unlike before, my manhood was pressed out of the way while my cunt formed and then my body started to grow tits. The most uncomfortable part was always my neck and face.  The Nylon / Lycra material squeezed my face and neck tighter and tighter and my breathing started to become more laboured but unlike the first time, I didnt pass out.  Suddenly all became clear, I could not only see but I could also breathe easily through my nose and mouth.  I looked down and my massive breasts had formed beautifully but what was happening to my head? Oh yes, I remember the long blonde hair was now cascading down the back of my head and stopped just below my shoulders. I guess, I was now Tanya Taylor?  I then started to pick up the cloths Jennifer had left me. All satin and no wool in sight this time! I pulled on the white satin panties and bra and to my surprise she hadnt left me any tights.  I therefore felt slightly naked as I pulled on the purple floral dress, not that different to the one Jennifer was wearing over my head and let it fall half way down my thighs, not covering much at all.  I slipped on the open toed leather sandals and then headed towards the locked gate and called for Jennifer.  She came running down the stairs as fast as her legs would move.

“You look fantastic Tanya,” Jennifer shouted as she unlocked the barred gate and took me in her arms.

Jennifer then explained that we would have dinner upstairs before going out to nightclub in Cambridge itself.

Dinner was fantastic and I have to admit oddly that I felt very comfortable as Tanya, probably because I had spent so those horrible days in an American prison as Sonya back in the spring. Jennifer suggested that I put my hair up in a ponytail but I reminder her that I was self conscious of the panel at the back of my neck.  She still suggested that I put my hair into a ponytail but also suggested that she get me a silk scarf to wrap around my neck. I agreed and we went upstairs.  Jennifer then pulled my hair up and tied a very short silk scarf into my hair and then tied another much longer silk scarf around my neck.  From behind Jennifer wrapped it once around my neck and tied a tight knot at the back and allowed the rest of the silk material to cascade down my back. We then made our way outside.  Jennifer said she wanted to drive tonight so we got into her car and drove the ten miles to Cambridge. When we got to the nightclub, it was only then did I realise why I was Tanya.  The nightclub was for Lesbians only and I have to admit, I wasnt complaining. Even though my body was now a female, my mind was still the brain of a man and I loved the environment.

“I thought you might love this place,” said Jennifer.

We danced for several hours and while I drank girlie Alco-pops, Jennifer remained on Orange-juice, Coke or just plain old water. We met several people Jennifer knew from her work and they all smiled at me as if they knew that I was really David. It was around one oclock when Jennifer introduced me to Sharon, one of her staff from the firm.  Sharon then invited us both back to her house for a party and without consulting me, Jennifer agreed and within a few minutes we were back outside and in Jennifers car heading into to suburbs. We arrived outside a suburban bungalow where there was obviously a party well under way. It was only then that Jennifer explained that Sharons parties meant a bondage theme and all he sub girls would be handcuffed.  I knew that meant me too so as we got out of the car and allowed Jennifer to come around and cuff my poor hands behind my back for the third or fourth time today.

We entered Sharons home to find at least ten couples (all female) dancing away to 80s and 90s music. It was a strange site because one of each pair was had her hands cuffed behind her back.  Some wore masks to hide their identity but it was clear that I was probably the only guy (of sorts) at this party.  Very quickly Jennifer and I joined in but I can tell you, it is very difficult to dance with you hands cuffed behind your back.  I could only take so much; I needed a drink so Jennifer got me a Smirnoff Ice and popped a straw in the bottle.  She then held it up to my mouth and allowed me to drink. It was at that point, I was introduced to Sharon but it was clear that she already knew my real identity.

“Its wonderful David that youve agreed to try out our new transformation suit.  Weve already met nearly all our R&D requirements and you are the last obstacle between test and final release of the suit that you are currently wearing.”

I didnt really feel as I had much choice in my current situation. I had been locked into the suit and until Jennifer programmed the release, I was stuck as Tanya, never mind the fact I was now at a lesbian party with my hands cuffed tightly behind my back. We chatted for about an hour when Jennifer suggest that we head home as she was tired and wanted to enjoy a long weekend with her new girl-friend. We said our goodbyes and headed outside where I expected Jennifer to uncuff my hands.  She didnt (surprise) so she helped me into the front passenger seat and we drove the ten minutes back to her place. Once wed pulled up outside Jennifers house, she came around to help me out of the front passengers seat.  It is nearly impossible to get he seat belt undone yourself, when your hands are cuffed behind your back!  Once free of the car she held my arms and guided me up the steps to her front door.  It was as if she had actually arrested me and was taking me back to the police station for an interrogation. Once inside she locked the front door behind her and guided me upstairs towards her bedroom I was then told to lie down on the bed, which is another task that is easier said than done when your hands are cuffed behind your back. Jennifer obviously felt sorry for my poor hands as she eased me on to my side and unlocked the cuffs.  I then removed my dress, followed by the scarf tied tightly around my neck, my bra and finally my pants so I was completely naked, lying on Jennifer large bed. As I expected, my freedom was short-lived as Jennifer re-cuffed my hands above my head, to the frame of the bed.  Jennifer was naked herself as she came down on top of me, licking my tits and sucking hard on my nipples. There was a glint in her eyes as she reached over to her bed-side cabinet and lifted her IPaq with the USB cable hanging from it.  The cable was plugged into the socket on my neck and the suit was obviously being re-programmed.  Within a few seconds my man-hood sprang free from the imprisonment of my female body so now I was effectively a girl with a prick and a very hard prick at that!

“Thats much better,” said Jennifer as she came down on me once again, pumping harder and harder as she slid my best friend, in and out of your wet pussey.

I came first but that wasnt a surprise as my feelings had been kept locked up far too long this evening.  Thank goodness Jennifer wasnt far behind me as she finally burst into orgasm. She slumped down on top of me and we kissed passionately as my man-hood shrunk once again.  Jennifer then reached behind my neck and pushed the red button that was embedded into the back of my neck.  A few seconds later my prick had disappeared and my female bits once again took over my entire body. She finally reached over to her bed-side cabinet once again and lifted a key for my handcuffs. I was free once again to hold Jennifer tight and hug her until we both fell asleep in each other arms.

We wakened around nine on Sunday morning.  I then realised that I was still Tanya and asked Jennifer when she was going to allow me to become David again. 

Jennifer then explained:

“Well now my love. This is a very special, new version of the transformer suit.  It will allow me to switch you backwards and forwards between Tanya and David whenever I like. You see now that you have the suit on, you cant take it off until I re-programme it and I want to test its possibilities for a wee while longer, maybe a week or two, Is that all right?”

I could only respond:

“Do I have any choice darling? Im locked into the suit until you let me out. I have to say that I enjoy being Tanya and would love to explore her body a little more. I have never experienced a multiple orgasm, like girls can and Ive never been fucked by a girl wearing a dildo so can you help me experience those feeling sweetheart?”

Jennifer said that she would help me find my inner most feminine feelings over time and then told me that I would change back to David automatically on Monday morning at 06:00. The suit had a built in GPS facility so it would know if I was home at 19:00 each evening, when it would transform me back into Tanya until six the next morning.  If I had to go to the office and was late home, I would remain David until twenty minutes after I got home.  Jennifer assured me that the GPS was accurate to one metre so I had nothing to fear. On Friday night at 19:00, I would become Tanya until Monday morning or until she re-programmed the suit. I guess that I was trapped as Tanya or maybe even David, completely under the control of Jennifer.  I wasnt really a sub so was I becoming her sub? We fell asleep in each other arms two lovers entwined but what were we (Girl and boy or girl and girl)?

Jennifer then got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. I lay there on Jennifers bed; I was still Tanya but felt 100% David, who was locked inside the female body by my lovers invention. We ate breakfast in bed together and then Jennifer suggested that I get up and shower while she prepared cloths for me to wear today.  The shower was wonderful against my soft and shinny plastic, hairless skin. Once finished I headed back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my chest, which covered the entire middle part of my body. Jennifer then approached with her IPaq and started to set a new programme, which immediately dried my long blonde hair to the straight style she wanted and also set the skin tone around my face. This meant I didnt have to bother with the mundane application of womans make-up. It was then time to get dressed so we headed for the spare bedroom where Jennifer had already located what she had in mind this morning.

First things first was a beautiful soft black leather corset with suspender belts hanging from it. I held the silky inner lined material against my bare plastic skin as Jennifer started fashioning each of the tiny clips on the back.  It was a long process but I have to admit that it wasnt as bad when she last corseted me as David. It was good twenty minutes before I was snugly held within the fantastic corset, which gave me a wonderful hour-glass figure and held tightly in place my exceptional cleavage. Next was a pair of stockings.  I had never worn stockings before for Jennifer and I sat on the edge of the spare bed as she rolled each of the super soft silk stockings up each of my legs and clipped the lace tops on to the suspender belts hanging from the leather corset. It was then I started to notice I was getting moist down below.  I was horny as hell and Jennifer knew this and teased me as she lifted a short light-weight black wool dress off a hanger.  This was made of very thin black wool and as I slid it over my head, I smoothed the luxurious material over my new corseted body and the hem came half way down my thighs so it wasnt too sluttish at all and hid the tops of my stockings. Next was a pair of high-heeled shoes but these were different than the shoes Id ever worn previously.  These were open and held on my silk covered feet by a web of leather straps.  By the time I noticed the tiny locks, it was too late as Jennifer sniggered when she pushed the clasps home, securely locking my feet in these high-heels for as long as she wanted. Finally she produced the floral patterned silk scarf Id worn last night.  She wrapped it twice around my neck and tied a tight bow at the side. My control panel was now effectively hidden behind my long blonde hair and tight silk scarf. All I had to do now was practice walking in these new high-heels.

“Thats you ready Tanya.  Can you take the breakfast dishes downstairs, pack the dishwater and Ill be down in ten or fifteen minutes.”

Jennifer then went on to tell me that we were going out to see Karen, who she was dying to show off her latest invention that trapped my poor male body.

It was around midday when we headed outside to Jennifers car. Shed handed me a light blue jacket to wear over my black wool dress and I have to admit I felt very comfortable heading outside today.  Jennifer was dressed in a similar outfit to the one I wore last night. A short floral silk dressed covered her body. She was wearing either silk tights or stockings, I couldnt tell but she looked fantastic.  We drove quickly to Karen and Simons place. As usual Karen met us at the door to their fantastic house and explained that Simon locked in the cage for the rest of the day and wouldnt be seeing visitors at all today.

“So what do you think of David, I mean Tanya, asked Jennifer as we headed inside to the living-room?

Karen took a second look and basically told Jennifer to wise-up as there was no way that I was David!

Jennifer then started to tell Karen about the new transformation suit that her company was developing and she had already tried it out on me several months ago with terrible consequences due to my arrest and subsequent deportation to the States. Karen then asked Jennifer to take her time and explain all but she then suggested that they get rid of me first.  Jennifer thought it was a great idea so they both took an arm each and led me outside towards the outhouse and no doubt a cell where Id end up spending the next couple of hours.  I complained bitterly about being locked up today and as I struggled Jennifer let go of me and took out her mobile phone.  Ive no idea what she typed in but in a few seconds my collar BLEEPED and my face began to take on a new form as my mouth and nose became a single piece of solid plastic and I could no longer breathe. This stopped me dead in my tracks and I started to fall as breathing became more laboured. Another code typed into Jennifers mobile phone caused two tiny holes to appear in my nose allowing me to breathe again but my arms and legs became quite stiff.

“This is my latest weapon Karen.  The collar on the suit where I control David inside, has been upgraded and now includes a built in GPRS receiver so I can SMS / TEXT any number of pre-programmed codes to the collar from anywhere in the world so I now have absolute control!”

Karen thought this was absolutely fantastic as the two girls man-handled my stiff body into the out-building to then into one of the small American style barred cells.

“He, oh sorry I mean, she should feel right at home in there Karen,” explained Jennifer who was referring to my stay in the Illinois jail back in the spring.

The two girls laughed as they pushed me on to the small bunk.  Jennifer then asked Karen if she wouldnt mind getting a pair of handcuffs, which of course Karen was able to do within a minute or so.  In fact Karen had better ideas as she returned with not only a pair of handcuffs but also a pair of 19” leg-irons.  The two girls then fastened my legs and arms to the ends of the bunk and left the cell, sliding the barred door over, locking it securely.

“Watch this Karen,” explained Jennifer as she typed another programme into her mobile phone and the BLEEP on my collar told me yet another change.

Within seconds my arms and legs were no longer stiff but completely useless as they were cuffed to the bunk. My mouth was free again but only for a minute or so as another BLEEP meant yet another programme.

This time my mouth started to fill up with a massive ball gag that appeared from my plastic face.  The same thing started to happen in my crotch as a massive dildo appeared and grew into my wet pussy. It then started to vibrate and I started to moan as the feeling became completely incredible but as I was getting close to an orgasm, my first real female orgasm, the vibrating stopped.

“Dont Fucking stop, I screamed into my gag!”

“That should keep him, I mean her amused for the next few hours Karen. The vibrating will start every five or ten minutes and stop just before orgasm. She cant even reach her wet CUNT so the frustration will drive Tanya mad!”

The girls then left the small cell block, locking the outside door and leaving me alone to my frustration.

Fuck, was the next few hours a combination of pure fantasy and then let down by misery as I simply couldnt get to orgasm!  I fought my bonds but no use, what did I expect. Every time I though I was about to explode the wonderful feelings stopped and I was left in doubt that Jennifer was being even more evil and shed ever been before.

It was around three oclock when Karen returned alone. I hadnt really noticed but by then the relentless torture had been stopped for the past fifteen or twenty minutes.  Karen then unlocked one of my wrists and asked me to sit up before securing my hands behind my back. She then unlocked both leg-irons and led me out of the cell. She guided me by the arms towards and her favourite cell, the padded cell where Jennifer was lying on the padded floor.  The padded cell door was quickly closed and locked behind me and it was only then did I study Jennifer more closely. She was wearing a neck to tow black Lycra body suit but the best bit was she was held tight in one of Karens white canvas straightjackets. She also had a massive red ball-gag wedged in her mouth but suddenly I noticed the black dildo, which was strapped on around her waist and appeared around the side of her leather crotch strap.  It was only then I heard another BLEEP and my internal gag and dildo disappearing from within my plastic body. I needed to come and I needed it badly! My hands were cuffed tightly behind my back but I thought I could position myself over Jennifer who was lying flat on her back. I had no panties on at all under the corset and the smooth short wool dress would be easy to pull up using my hands behind my back. This was obviously their plan as I manoeuvred myself over Jennifer and eased the black rubber dildo into my socking wet pussey.  Oh fuck it was good as I eased my entire body up and down on top of the bound and gagged Jennifer! She moaned into her ball gag and I just laughed as I squeezed as hard as I could against the rubber dildo as it began to get very, very wet with my enthusiasm.

It wasnt long until my rhythm got faster and faster and I knew I was close to climax; my first orgasm as Tanya Taylor. Oh, fuck, it got better and better until finally I knew it was there and fuck was it fantastic as my first female orgasm ripped through my entire body and it stayed and stayed until I thought I could cum no more but it wasnt over as the climax built again and once more ripped through my hot and bound body. It finally subsided but I knew Jennifer was now as frustrated as I climbed off still handcuffed and still very horny.  I wondered, could I help Jennifer to climax or should I just leave her to sweat in her bondage as she left me early today? I tried to straighten my dress but it was nearly impossible as I simply couldnt reach far enough with my hands cuffed behind my back. It was then that I heard the padded cell door opening and Karen returning.

“Did you enjoy that David,” she asked?

I replied:

“Yes, Karen, fucking incredible! You girls have it soooooo good when it comes to multiple orgasms!”

Karen just laughed as she helped me to my feet and led my back to the barred cell I had spent the last few hours. I complained but I knew it was no use.  I was still handcuffed and as a girl, I hadnt the strength to fight her off. It was only a few minutes later when she re-appeared with Jennifer, still wearing the white canvas straightjacket but no longer was my gorgeous girlfriend gagged by the enormous red ball that had been previous staffed in her mouth and held tight by the black leather strap. Karen placed Jennifer in the next cell to me so now we were only separated by steel bars and at least now we could talk.  Karen closed Jennifers bars to her cell and left the small cellblock, locking the outside door. Jennifer then sat on her bunk and turned to speak to me:

“So David, how did you like your first female orgasm?”

She knew what my response was going to be:

“Fucking incredible sweetheart! Ive never experienced a multiple before and I cant wait to experience my next one!”

We then sat on our respective bunks in our separate cells and chatted for the next hour or so, waiting for Karen to return and unlock us both from our steel cages.

It was around sic oclock when Karen returned and unlocked my cell first. She entered and removed my handcuffs before handing me the keys to the cells and allowing me to free Jennifer myself. She wanted to check on Simon who by all accounts had been locked in the cage all day! As soon as she had left, I unlocked Jennifers bars and entered her cell. It was clear that Jennifer wanted me to unbuckle the straps to her straightjacket but I had other ideas as kissed her hard on the mouth.  It didnt take long to get her going and within a minute or two she was urging me towards her sex and to unbuckle at least her crotch strap, which would give me access to her clit. I removed the strap and pulled off her panties. Karen had obviously removed her dress to allow the straightjacket to be worn properly and as she bucked her groins, I slipped my new long finger nails into her pussey and played with her clit under she was moaning in support of my caressing. She started to scream as her orgasm built and built until she could hold back no longer.

“That was fantastic Tanya, thanks! Will you please removed the straightjacket,” she demanded?

I thought about it for a minute and asked Jennifer why should I? She certainly wasnt being very nice to me with her demands and Jennifer was in no position to demand anything as it was her that was sealed within the canvas straightjacket. It was just then when Karen returned holding Jennifers dress in her right hand.

“Karen, Jennifer is being a bit of a bitch tonight so can I keep her in the straightjacket and take her home like this?”

Jennifer complained bitterly but Karen agreed that I could keep Jennifer in the straightjacket so I re-buckled the crotch strap as Jennifer twisted a turned to try and hold me back.

“Sit there and shut up Jennifer,” I yelled as I also slapped her across her bare thigh, which I must admit took us both by surprise.

While I guided Jennifer out to her waiting car, Karen followed up from behind holding Jennifers empty dress and her hand-bag.  I eased the bound Jennifer into the passenger seat of her car, buckled up her seat belt and got into the driving seat myself. It was weird not having to reposition Jennifers seat because we were now a similar size.  On the way back to Jennifers house I decided to stop at the local Indian take-a-way and get a curry for dinner. Jennifer was really embarrassed sitting in the passenger seat of the car, still wearing the white canvas straightjacket. There were a few interesting double takes from people walking past the car but I was getting my own back to weeks of torture and now my imprisonment in the body of Tanya Taylor.

Finally we were back at Jennifers house.  I picked the food, Jennifers dress and her hand0bag from the back seat before helping her out of the passenger seat and up the stairs to her house.

“You bastard David, what if some-one sees me in this straightjacket,” she barked at me as I unlocked the front door and pushed her inside.

“Shut the fuck up Jennifer, or Ill put you in one of the cells and youll get no dinner,” I shouted back at her!

Jennifer then sat quietly at the kitchen table while I set the table and put the curry out for us both to eat.

“How the fuck, am I supposed to eat when wearing this straightjacket, you shit,” Jennifer barked again!

I had just about had enough of her moaning when I started to feed her like a baby while I took it in turns to eat myself.  Dinner was a very slow process but it had the desired effect as I managed to feed her while at the same time eat myself. When we finished Jennifer was still moaning at me and I just about exploded at her and reminded Jennifer that I was still imprisoned in the body of Tanya Taylor.  Jennifer laughed so I decided to seek revenge and led her downstairs to her cell clock. I pushed her down the corridor to the control panel outside her electronic cell.  I programmed the inner bar door to lock until six thirty tomorrow morning and then I pushed her inside, just in time for the loud BLEEP and the cell door to lock behind her.

“If you apologise for your ignorance today, Ill unbuckle you from your straightjacket and at least youll have a fairly comfortable night locked inside here!”

Jennifer then turned and looked at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes:

“Im sorry sweetheart, please let me out because Im about to piss myself?”

She reversed herself hard back against the bars of her cell and I unbuckled the straightjacket. Soon her arms were free she unzipped the black Lycra catsuit and stepped out of it. She was naked except for her black sating panties.  She handed me the straightjacket through the bars and I said my goodnights to her. I explained that I would leave the outer barred door to the cell block unlocked but I was going to set the outer iron cell door and shutters, including lights to stay off until six tomorrow morning.  She would then have half-an-hour before the bars would unlock and she would be free to get ready for work.  I could tell she was a little pissed off with me but then Jennifer had to remember that I was still trapped as a girl and would be each night this week and probably all of next weekend until this last piece of R&C went on. We kissed through the bars and I was off, locking and setting the rest of the programming to Jennifers cell for the night.

I got home around ten but as I was about to turn into my house, I bumped into Mrs. Doyle, my next door neighbour as she was taking her dog for a walk.

“Oh good evening dear,” she said.

I had to think quickly:

“Ah, you must be Mrs. Doyle; David has told me all about you.  Im Tanya, his new lodger.”

Good thats her satisfied.  She then said that she hadnt seen a lot of David recently so I explained that hed been working away a lot and spending most weekends with Jennifer, his new girlfriend. Mrs. Doyle then said goodbye and I slipped quietly into the house. Within only a few minutes of entering the house I felt a strange sensation in my pants.  I quickly pulled up my dress and slid my tights and pants down to see the next nasty surprise Jennifer has unleashed on me! My suit had changed the area covering my pussey and all there was a hard skin coloured plastic grill that would allow piss out but no prying fingers in. I was now angry and lifted the phone to call Jennifer but then she couldnt answer, she was locked inside her electronic cell tonight. I guessed Jennifer explained it perfectly before: Tanya was her toy and only she could please Tanya! I was therefore going to be unable to masturbate and enjoy my own company but if I lived with her, she would allow me freedom to do what I pleased. I thought it was a nice try and I still wanted to live on my own during the week. I guess that I was her slave! I then prepared myself for bed and fell asleep quite quickly, completely wrecked from a busy weekend with Jennifer.

Monday morning and I woke to the sound of my clock radio as I did every weekday morning and the dulcet tones of Sarah Kennedy on BBC Radio 2. I dont know why I listen to her, she is a really dull radio presenter but I guess Im just waiting until 07:30 and Terry Wogan. As I came to life, I remembered my weekend and being Tanya when I went to bed last night.  It was now 06:45 and YES, my tits were gone! I was David once again but a much fitter, leaner, meaner David but only one problem, where was my dick? The lower part of my body was exactly the same as Tanya last night.  A hard plastic grill covered what I still knew was a girls pussey. I still had no access to myself, even as David. All I could think of was that bitch Jennifer and what tricks she was playing on my.  What had my life become?

End of Part 8.

Ed Kilpatrick

Woolly Story Part 9

Setting the scene:

It is now early November but when we last left David and Jennifer it was August and rural England was basking in the summer sun. Since then David has been wearing the bodysuit that keeps him completely under the control of his lover, Jennifer. He has only been let out for brief spells but only when Jennifer decides to provide a new and improved version of the suit.

When we last left Jennifer back in August she had been locked into her electronic cell on Sunday evening. True to his word and programming of the various timers, Jennifer had been released on Monday morning, in time to prepare herself for work.  As you can imagine, Jennifer was very pissed off with David and for the next week she refused to talk to him and made his life a misery by continually providing the suit with new GPRS messages that caused him both pain and stimulation but at all the wrong times.

During that miserable week David had to go to his office in London for various project meetings and while at of his important meetings Jennifer provided stimulation for David causing him great distress. He left the meeting several times. He tried to call Jennifer to call the misery off but she refused to listen.

Each evening when David returned home, his body took on the form of Tanya Taylor and he spent those long and lonely evenings in doors wearing what female attire he had picked up from Jennifer. By Friday night he had resorted to his own male joggers and a t-shirt. Not great cloths for a beautiful blonde girl but comfortable for sitting in front of the TV.  That evening the familiar bleep on his collar caused his body to stiffen up and take on the form of a mannequin just like it did when he was shipped back to England by cargo after his incarceration in the States.  Jennifer appeared by 10pm and after reading him the riot act for locking her in the cell and embarrassing her by letting her remain in the straightjacket for so long. Jennifer agreed Davids punishment was over and they resorted to their usual routine.

A change of career and home:

By now Jennifer and I were spending more and more time together. I was practically living with her but completely under her control.  As I described earlier, I had been wearing one of her bodysuits since the summer and only was released to wear a new improved version.

By now Jennifers company had finished the R&D phase of the suit and they had entered the marketing and sales stage. Early figures had surpassed all predictions and Jennifers company was growing on both sides of the Atlantic.  So was her bank balance and ego.

As you can imagine, the authorities were very sceptical about the suit. The wearer could take on any appearance, commit a crime and probably get away with it.  To combat this issue and receive a license to sell the Transformation Suit, Jennifers company had agreed that the collar would record details of who wore the suit, when they put it on and even a GPS history of where the suit was. The person buying the suit would have to sign a detailed contract and each suit could only be worn by up to two people, who were registered with Jennifers organisation.  Any attempt to put the suit on to an unregistered person, would cause the collar to lock and keep the poor wearer trapped in a layer of nylon like material that could not be cut off until the registered owner called Jennifers company.  The collar could be unlocked via GPRS and the owner fined £500 as per the contract.  The cost of each suit was £2,000 so the fine was steep but necessary to ensure the license to operate remained. Since the launch of the transformation suit, over 100,000 had been sold worldwide but only two fines had been issued so far. The contract also meant a monthly charge of £50.  This covered maintenance and online 24x7x365 monitoring of each suit, who was wearing it and the condition.  Any problems and there had been none so far, would alert the control centre in England and the owner could be informed right away.

As for me, I had been David during the week and Tanya at the weekends for ages.  Jennifer and I remained lovers and spent hours making love and me spending even longer locked in one of Jennifers basement cells. I even started to help Jennifer with her business. I designed and set-up the monitoring centre and the technology to allow all the suits to be monitored. By now Jennifer wanted more IT on her project and she could afford it with over half a million coming in each month from the suits.  I agreed to give up my job and started working for Jennifer both at home and at her facility just south of Cambridge. All Transformation staff knew that I was wearing one of their creations and therefore I had no problems going to the office as either David or Tanya. The decision to this was completely under the control of my lover and now boss. I was a non-executive director with options and therefore I had it written into my contract that if I was required to attend a board meeting, I would be released from the suit and attend as my real self. Jennifer had no issue with this but worried that she wasnt going to get me into the suit again.  I really hope by now she trusts me as Ive so far given her nothing to be concerned about.

First Friday afternoon in early November:

It had been getting colder as the days grew shorter.  My favourite time of year as the girls started wearing wool coats, jumpers and scarves once again. The black Lycra clad legs in long leather boots also were in fashion and I was in ecstasy! This year as Tanya, I could also wear these wonderful layers also and did as often as possible. I guess Jennifers love for all things wool was well known throughout the Transformation staff. Most of the employees were female and out of 100 or so, I was one of only a few guys. Most of the time I was Tanya and as a senior Director, I had access to who in the staff was wearing one of the companies Transformation Suits. Only one other and that was Susan, who was John most of the time.  I guess the company had to ensure both sexes were covered by the R&D of the Transformation suit.

Moving on. 

It was around 4pm on Friday afternoon and it was getting dark outside when my desk phone rang from Jennifers extension.

“Hi Sweetheart, what can I do for you,” I asked?

“Do you fancy leaving early, grabbing a Chinese and an evening in front of the TV,” she replied?

“Sure love, anytime youre ready.”

Jennifer then explained that she would meet me at my office in about fifteen minutes when I should be ready to leave. In about ten minutes I was just getting ready to leave when Janet in R&D called:

“Tanya, could you come down here on your way out please?”

I agreed and finished winding the long blue cashmere scarf around my neck, letting the two ends hang loose on the chest of my black wool sweaterdress. I then pulled on my black woollen coat and headed downstairs and through to R&D.

R&D was like a laboratory with several mannequins wearing various versions of the Transformation Suit and the plastic chastity belts that put Transformation on the map several years ago. I saw Janet at one of the lab desks working on something in her hands.

“Hi Janet, how can I help you,” I asked?

“Yes Tanya, these are our latest research and I need you to allocate an IP address to them,” asked Janet?

Sure Janet, no problem, what are they,” I enquired?

Janet then turned around and showed me a pair of plastic cuffs with a thin steel wire holding them together.

“These Tanya are going to be our latest invention.  Prison services around the world have been looking for a new type of handcuff to use when moving prisoners around the prison and to and from court.  Theyre made of the same high grade, unbreakable plastic that our chastity belts are made from and theyre connected to each other by high tensile steel wire that can be shortened or lengthened by up to two feet if required.”

“How do they work Janet,” I asked?

“Quite simple Tanya. Each set of cuffs have a serial number and an IP address that youre going to programme for us now.  Using remote control, GPRS, SMS or the usual wireless LANs, you can programme cuffs to open and close when you want.  For the sex toys world weve even set-up a timer based system, just as you would expect.”

As Janet was explaining this to me, I logged on to one of the lab PCs and brought up the R&D control software. It only took me about five minutes to set-up the cuffs but by the time I had finished Jennifer had entered the lab.

“Ah, there you are Tanya.  I can see youre helping Janet with our latest invention.”

“Yeap Jennifer, glad to be of assistance whenever I can, I replied with a sarcastic tone!”

Jennifer then asked Janet if they were ready for trial and Janet said, “YES!”

They both played with the cuffs for about twenty minutes.  Opening them, closing them, locking them and pulling them closer together. I guess each cuff had a small motor built in to pull in the steel cord and therefore pull the cuffs together.

Then the moment that I guessed would come:

“Tanya, come over here please and be our first prisoner to try them out, asked Jennifer?”

Janet smiled at me as Jennifer instructed me to turn around and she placed the plastic cuffs around my wrists. Just like the collar and chastity belt, there was a formidable red button and when pushed the cuffs clicked and a rubber padding automatically expanded to trap my hands in the cuffs. I was asked to try and break free but I couldnt. Janet held the remote control and by the push of a button the cuffs pulled together and tightly held my arms behind my back.

“How do you feel Tanya,” asked Jennifer?

“Theyre quite comfortable Jennifer, in fact they are a lot more comfortable than steel handcuffs,” I replied.

“Thats great dear because Ive just set the timer for two hours so well see how comfortable they are when they automatically release!”

Jennifer then thanked Janet and told her that she would give her the results of the first test on Monday morning. Janet just laughed and wished me luck as Jennifer and I left the building with my hands tightly cuffed behind my back.

When I got into the passenger seat of Jennifers car she very kindly released the cable on the cuffs out to the full two feet. This meant a much more comfortable ride home with her. Jennifer did tell me that they were developing in parallel leg cuffs as well. The English and Scottish prison services had guaranteed a large order if they proved successful. Who was I to complain as the business would increase our stock price and therefore my own personal stock options. By the time we reached Jennifers house I had nearly forgotten about the plastic cuffs that held my arms behind my back. That was until Jennifer pushed the button on her remote control and the steel cable pulled the cuffs together once again I was completely at the mercy of my beautiful girlfriend.  We headed into the house and Jennifer explained that there was still 75 minutes until the cuffs would release and there was nothing she could do to reduce this time or unlock them now. I didnt really say much as she suggested that I stay in one of the cells while she has a bath and wait for the cuffs to unlock.  I could just as easy sat and watched some TV but Jennifer thought it was a great opportunity for me to spend some time alone, in one of her basement cells. There was no point complaining as I headed through the kitchen and downstairs to the cell block.  I turned left into the first cell and Jennifer followed behind to close and ensure the cell door locked behind me.  She also locked the outer bars and headed back upstairs.

There wasnt a lot for me to do during the next hour and a half.  I was getting very hot but no big surprise as the central heating had started to heat the whole house, including the basement cell block. I was still wearing the heavy wool coat and the black sweaterdress.  My legs were clad in 90D black Lycra tights and I was wearing heavy, high-healed leather boots. Finally the long blue cashmere scarf was still wrapped around my neck. Bored of pacing up and down the tiny cell, I decided to sit on the made-up bunk and await the return of Jennifer.

My time in the new handcuffs was up before Jennifer returned. A bleep from behind my back signalled the end of the time selection and the rubber padding loosened off my wrists and the lock clicked open.  At last I was free! Free to remove the heavy coat but I loved the feeling of the long cashmere scarf so even though I was hot, I left the wool wrapped around my neck.

Finally the sound of footsteps coming down the stone stairs outside the tiny cell block meant the return of my captor and beautiful girlfriend.  As soon as the cell door opened, I was amazed to see the wonder in front of me.  She was certainly dressed to please. There in front of was Jennifer, wearing a tiny red (wool) sweaterdress that had a roll down neck, long sleeves but only covered her backside and no more.  Her legs were clad in similar thick Lycra tights that I wore but she only wore low healed black leather shoes. Finishing off her outfit for this evening she had a wool scarf folded over into a tiny band, tied tightly around her heck and draping down her back, nearly the entire length of her micro red, sweaterdress. She was stunning and she knew it!

“So you like what you see darling,” she purred?

“Oh yes,” I replied, “you look absolutely fantastic.”

“Thats good because I have a matching outfit in blue for you to wear tonight. Oh by the way, how were the handcuffs?”

I explained that they were very comfortable and I couldnt wait to try the entire prison set with both ankle and handcuffs.  Jennifer explained that she hoped the beta versions would be ready within only a mater of a few days and she would be delighted to try them out on me.  She even explained that she might use them during another weekend at the old Victorian jail. Sounded fantastic but I was now free to go upstairs and change into my Friday night gear while Jennifer cooked dinner.

As described. Jennifer had left on her bed, a matching sweaterdress to the one she was wearing but in bright blue.  I unwound the cashmere scarf, removed my boots but decided not to change anymore but simply pull the softest wool sweaterdress over my head. It fitted perfectly, covering my ass and not much else. She had also left a long black wool scarf beside the dress, which I quickly lifted, folded into a thin band and tied it behind my neck. It all felt wonderful. I then brushed my long blonde hair, put on a pair of low healed shoes, and then headed back downstairs where Jennifer had just pored a glass of wine for us both.

“You look wonderful Tanya,” explained Jennifer.

“Yes dear, just like you.  I could get used to wearing this female stuff but please dont forget that Im really David and behind all this false cover, Im still a guy.”

Jennifer did explain to me while we prepared dinner that she understood that I was still a man underneath the transformation suit and while my new female form turned her on so much, it was still the fact that I was a guy trapped behind it all that turned her on the most. She loved bondage and soft woolly garments and she loved the fact that I was prepared to wear them for her. We then sat down to dinner and after clearing up we discussed what to do for the rest of our Friday evening. It didnt take a lot to simply agree to put on a DVD and sit in the living room in front of the TV. At around 11:30, we headed up to bed and like many Friday nights before, as soon as I was undressed, Jennifer changed the programme on my suit and I returned to David.  We then made love several times in a conventional way.

Saturday morning came far too fast and when I awoke, I was Tanya once again. I showered while Jennifer made breakfast. One of the most fantastic features of the transformation suit was that my long blonde hair dried in only a matter of seconds, in whatever fashion Jennifer wanted. I put on fresh underwear but I loved the mini sweaterdress I wore last night so much, I decided to wear it again today. Black silk panties, a black silk padded bra and a pair of thick 90D, black opaque Lycra tights. I then pulled the bright blue mini-sweaterdress over my head and smoothed out the soft material.  I loved wearing high-heeled boots so that is what I decided to slide my Lycra clad legs into this morning. Finally I took the same black wool scarf I wore last night, wrapped it around my neck and tied it behind my neck leaving the ends dangling just above the base of the wool mini-dress.

Jennifer was delighted with my choice of attire this morning and complemented me the whole way through breakfast. I asked what she was wearing today and it was then she announced that she had to go into work this morning for a few hours. She had to return the new handcuffs to R&D as the English Prison Service were going to the Transformation offices on Monday morning to see the cuffs to date.  Jennifer knew that I was unhappy but explained that I would probably have spent a few hours in the cells anyway this morning so it didnt really matter if she was in or out.  We then discussed the possible order of the new handcuffs for the English Prison Service.  I was interested if Transformation was planning to install any special features. Jennifer laughed and told me that I knew more about them than I let on. The cuffs and leg-irons would have several new and interesting features:

GPS:        It was clear from market research that GPS locking was a very important facility. The prison Service wanted cuffs that would lock at one location and be programmed to remain locked until they got to another location. This meant that prisoners being moved between prisons or even courts would remain locked until they got to their destination.

Escape: -        Staff within the Transformation R&D department were close in perfecting some special features that would only kick in if a prisoner tried to escape. The steel cable holding the cuffs could shorten as I experienced last night but this could also happen on the leg-irons.  Reducing the cable from the normal 19” to practically nothing would render leg movement impossible and the prisoners escape would end before it really began. In only a few days Transformation would have a joined prison set ready of both the handcuffs and leg-irons. A cable joining both sets could also be recoiled ensuring movement was completely impossible. This meant that really dangerous prisoners could be relatively free, secured in the new prison set and by the touch of a button reduced to no movement at all. Yes it could be dangerous causing the prisoner to fall over immediacy but then the set would only be used on the most dangerous prisoners. I was amazed at what Jennifer was telling me she assured me that I would probably be one of the first staff members to try out the new prison set.

Shock: -        The final surprise for any nasty prisoner was the possibility of shocking them using a tazor type technology built into the cuffs.  This could be used in conjunction with recoiling to ensure any escaping prisoner was subdued ASAP.

Breakfast over and it was time for Jennifer to get ready to go to work.  I cleared the dishes away while she headed upstairs to shower and get dressed. I had just finished when my gorgeous girlfriend returned wearing a pair of blue jeans that really showed off her ass and a thick black wool sweater that moulded to her body, showing off all her wonderful curves. Wrapped round her neck was the same long blue cashmere scarf I wore yesterday. It was clear it was time to go downstairs. I followed down behind Jennifer and she turned left into the first cell Id ever stayed in. She suggested I stand against the wall while she fixed the heavy iron manacles around each wrist, securing me to the wall in a standing position. Jennifer then left the cell for only a few moments and returned with a red ball gag that she quickly fixed around my head and buckling it

“Have a nice day sweetheart.”

And with that she left the cell, locking the door behind her and the outer bars on her way upstairs.

It was going to be a very, very long morning. Nothing to do but stand with my back against the cell wall, my arms held above my head by the heavy iron manacles that incarcerated my sore wrists. I was standing in a pair of high-heeled leather boots that encased my Lycra clad legs and I have to say that within twenty or thirty minutes, my feet were beginning to ache. The bright blue cashmere mini-dress was pulled up by my arms held above my head, revealing my Black Lycra covered ass. Finally my jaw was in agony very quickly by the red ball gag that filled my mouth.  I could only moan into the gag but I knew this was in vein as there was nobody in the house to hear by muffled cries.

I have no idea how long I stood here locked in the basement cell, shackled to the prison wall. I got excited when I heard footsteps on the stone steps outside my cell door. The outer bar door opened and was soon locked closed behind. Finally my cell door opened and panic filled my entire body.  Standing in front of me was a strange woman, dressed in a black leather catsuit with high-healed boots, just like mine. Her jet black, long hair cascaded down the back of her leather suit and her heavily made-up face smiled right in front of my wool covered face.

“Ah; you must be David or should I call you Tanya? Im Joanne, one of Jennifers colleagues at work, from the R&D department.  We havent met but Ive heard all about you and how Jennifer has tricked you into wearing one of our Transformation suits. I also hear that you are a fantastic lover and since Jennifer is at work, I thought Id try you out for my self.”

There was no hiding the simple fact that Joanne was gorgeous but in reality I wanted nothing from her.  As far as I was concerned, I belonged to Jennifer and I wanted Joanne to leave my cell right now.  On the other hand, there was nothing I could do, standing in front of this leather clad beauty, shackled to the cell wall, with my hands held high above my head.  I screamed into my gag for her to leave but she just laughed at me:

“Jennifer has done well here; leaving you all tied up and gagged like this.  Maybe we can help you a little,” she whispered in a low seductive voice.

Joanne then began to lean in close to me, kissing on the red rubber ball gag and rubbing her hands down my cashmere mini-dress and the Lycra tights that covered my ass and legs. All I could do was yell into my gag even harder and try to pull away, fighting against the iron cuffs that held me so tight.

“I think we can dispense with the gag David, oh sorry, I mean Tanya.”

With that Joanne reached behind my head and unbuckled the ball gag and I was free to speak.

“Please Joanne, leave me alone, I belong to Jennifer and I do not want this.  You are a beautiful girl and I guess Im in no position to really refuse your advances but please, please understand, I love Jennifer and I cant do anything that might put our relationship in risk!”

Joanne then had a look of rage in her face as she grabbed the red ball gag and even tighter than before, she buckled it back up, shutting me up immediately. She then left the cell. Joanne was only gone a few seconds when she returned with a mobile phone in her hand.  I was petrified that she was going to cell Jennifer but instead she began to remove all her cloths.  Joanne set the mobile phone down on the bunk. She then sat down and unzipped her thigh high leather boots. Next she unzipped her catsuit and pulled the leather material from her body. She stood up in front of me and asked me if I liked what I saw. I nodded and moaned into the gag as she removed the final layer of underwear and revealed her completely naked and absolutely gorgeous body. Joanne then danced in front of me and she knew how much she was driving me mad. Within a matter of only a few minutes she picked up her mobile phone again and then she sent a text message to some-one.  I then heard that familiar BLEEP but it wasnt coming from my collar, it was coming from Joannes. It didnt take long for me to realise that Joanne was wearing one of the Transformation Suits. Once she removed the electronic collar, followed by the nylon like material to reveal that Joanne was really Jennifer. I once again screamed into my gag and Jennifer simply approached and kissed me on the lips, which were hidden behind the horrible red ball gag.

“Oh David, you are the best thing that ever happened to me,” explained Jennifer.

She kissed me once again and then in a moment of complete emotion:

“David, will you please marry me?”

I was shocked and tried to reply from behind the gag and it was only then did Jennifer apologise and quickly unbuckled the red ball gag that kept me so quiet.

I looked at Jennifer straight in the eyes: -

“Yes, sweetheart, I would love to marry you but that should really be a question I asked of you.”

Jennifer then looked at me and suggested that I then ask her to marry me but I pointed out that I wanted to get on one knee but I was a bit tied up at the moment.  She laughed and quickly retrieved the key to the cuffs and within a few seconds I was free of the manacles and down on one knee.

“Jennifer, sweetheart, I would be the happiest guy on the planet if you would do me the honour of being my wife?”

This was little bit surreal as I was still Tanya but this didnt really mater as Jennifer knew that I was really David, trapped in one of her Transformation Suits.

“David, I would love to marry you,” responded Jennifer and then as I stood up, we kissed hard and finally fell down on the tiny cell bunk.

We kissed and hugged for nearly thirty minutes. I was horny as hell, lying on top of my beautiful naked girlfriend, or should I now call her my fiancé? I was still trapped in Tanyas body and covered in wool and Lycra.

I then looked at Jennifer below me, “Why dont we go into town and buy you an engagement ring?”

A tear fell on Jennifers cheek as she kissed me again and nodded her head.

“I have only request darling. I would like you to release me from the Transformation Suit and allow me to take you into town as David and not just David in the suit, but the real David?”

Jennifer agreed and I followed her naked body our of the cell and upstairs, through the kitchen and up the hall stairs to her bedroom. She asked me to remove my cloths while she typed the relevant SMS into her phone and soon the BLEEP meant I was free of the Transformation Suit. Being free of the Transformation Suit was strange because Id been wearing this particular suit for many months and I had to admit that Id grown fond of it.  Jennifer put on the cloths she wore earlier when she left me locked in the cell to go to work. I also put on a pair of blue jeans and a fleece sweater. We wrapped scarves around our necks, pulled on heavy coats and headed out to the car for the short drive to Cambridge.

There really isnt a lot to write about re our visit into Cambridge on this cold Saturday afternoon. We did go to jewellers where I bought Jennifer a Safire and Diamond engagement ring. On the way out of jewellers shop and towards a café for a cup of hot coffee, we passed an estate agent. There was one property that caught both our eyes, an old nineteenth century country house. Jennifer explained that she was sure that shed seen the house advertised in one of her society magazines.  I was interested in what society and she just laughed. 

“Come on David, if you want to buy or sell a house that has some added features such as prison cells, you cant really put it in a normal house schedule, can you?”

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we went into the estate agents shop and within only 10 minutes of reading the schedule and talking to the girl, we had made an appointment to view the house that very afternoon. The schedule didnt mention anything strange but Jennifer pointed out that the 3,000 square foot basement was detailed in her magazine and it looked very interesting.

After making our appointment we headed next door and into the café. The house was the main topic of our conversation. We were planning to get married and maybe we should get a house of our own. It would be nearly impossible to find a house like the old police station Jennifer currently owned and it would be strange selling it but Jennifer explained that she knew a long list of fetishist friends that would queue up to buy the house with basement cells. I laughed and suggested she advertise her house in her society magazine.

Three oclock came around very quickly and we were back in our car and heading out of town to the south.  As per the directions, we turned right into a country lane and then right again to a set of gates, “Hawthorne Estate.”  Very grand I thought. I put my arm out of the window and pushed the call button. A voice on the speaker introduced himself as Jack Ryan and once we introduced ourselves, we were instructed to drive up to the front of the house.  At least we did look the part. With my work move to Transformation, the obvious promotion it brought, I had taken delivery of the latest BMW X5 Jeep, which really blended in well to this country lifestyle. Jack and his wife Sarah welcomed us and we were shown around the seven bedroom home in just over 3 acres of it own ground, which was completely secluded by a high wall all the way around the parameter. Jack had just been promoted to CEO of a large multinational software company. With the promotion came a move to the States and therefore the selling of their beloved home in rural Cambridgeshire.   The house was totally amazing and had recently being brought into the 21st century using state-of-the-art computer servers to drive the management of the entire estate, including the Environment (heating and lighting), Digital TV, CCTV, frozen food inventory  and all connected using the latest web based technology.

By four oclock, we had seen the ground floor and upstairs.  All the rooms were fantastic. Old style high ceilings but still the house was warm on this winters day by the fantastic heating system.

Jack then asked us where we had seen the house advertised. Jennifer explained that she had seen it in one of her magazines and then again in the estate agents window. Jack smiled and then asked Jennifer what she knew of the games-room.  They seemed to be talking in code but within minutes everyone was best friends and Jack and Sarah were leading us to the cloakroom in the downstairs hall. The cloakroom was massive, with several other rooms off the main square area. There was a walk in closet, a WC and the air-conditioned server room with a rack unit housing a number of Dell servers. There was then another wooden door with a keypad on the outside.  This wasnt unusual as all entries to the house from the outside used a pad entry system instead of a key.  First you place your right thumb on the pad.  The system then read the print.  A 10 digit keypad then displayed and Jack typed in four numbers. The door then unlocked and we all followed Jack downstairs to a much heavier iron door with a similar keypad. Again the same access routine opened this door and we were entering a basement prison complex. 

We entered a small holding area where Jack explained that the iron door behind us had to be closed before any of the other doors could be unlocked. Being last, I pushed the heavy door closed and with a thud and a loud BLEEP it had successfully locked itself automatically. Straight ahead was a set of barred doors and to our right was a control room, which Jack told us he would show us later. Again a combination of finger print and keypad entry was used to unlock the barred door and we entered the main cell block.

Jack then explained.  “The cell block is divided into three zones. The bar door cells, straight ahead.  The iron door cells to our left and the play-room to our right.  Each of the three zones had their own toilet, bath and shower facilities. First we take you into the Bar door cell area.”

We followed Jack through another heavy solid iron door with the same access system as the others. In front of us was four American style barred cells with solid cement block walls between each cell. Within each cell was a single bunk, a toilet and a wash hand basin.  There was also a strange looking hook in the cell wall, opposite the bunk. The keypad access to each barred cell was on the opposite wall to the bars. A clear covering had to be unclipped to gain access to the keypad.  Again the same thumb print followed by a key pad entry brought up a GUI menu with two options. Option one was the door and option two was the hook.  Jack pushed on both and soon two loud CLICKS & BLEEPS signalled the cell door was unlocked and the eye bolt in the wall had sprung out. 

Sarah then explained that she would demonstrate and with that she slid the bars side-ways to gain access to the cell.  Sarah then slid the bars closed again and the CLUNK and BLEEP told her that she was now locked in. She then took from her pocket a pair of regular police handcuffs and locked then around both her wrists in front.  She lifted her cuffed wrists up to the open end of the hook in the wall and once there, she pressed the bolt back into the wall. With a click the bolt was once again locked in place and Sarah was cuffed with her hands held above her head and connected to the wall. Jack then demonstrated the same procedure to release Sarah. His thumb print read and the four digit code typed in, he could select the unlock mode for both the hook and the barred door with unlocked and Sarah was free, except for her cuffed hands.  Jack produced a set of keys and soon had those removed. As mentioned earlier, each cell had its own toilet and wash hand basin but at the end of the small block was a bathroom with shower cubical, bath and another toilet and wash hand basin. Access to the bathroom was via another barred door using the same keypad access system,.

“Okay folks; thats the barred door cell zone, Ill now take you through to the solid door cell zone,” explained Jack.

With that we all followed Jack out into the hall again and turned right towards a barred door, which led us into a block of four cells with exactly the same locking system as the other zone. The first two cells (both left and right) were fairly basic. About twice the size of the barred cells, each had a bunk, toilet and wash hand basin but these cells also had a desk, chair and a small TFT television. The door was made of similar heavy iron as Jennifers basement cells. Each door had a keypad access and yes, there was also a hook embedded into the wall of these cells also!

The next two cells were slightly different. The one on the right was simply, an empty padded cell. Nothing in the cell at all, just padded floor, padded walls and padded ceiling except for the grill over the low voltage light. The last cell on the left was the same as the first two except the bunk held within a cage. The end of the bed was open and again Sarah demonstrated.  She climbed into the caged bed from the open bottom, pilled the bars up and, CLICK, they locked automatically. Jennifer was clearly very interested in this facility and took a much closer look at poor Sarah locked in her caged cot. Again the same thumb print and keypad menu system on the outside of the cell, unlocked the cage and Sarah was once again free.

“Would you like to try it Jennifer,” asked Sarah?

Jennifer simply said, “No thanks, maybe later,” and we headed out of the solid door cell zone.

We then walked down the corridor, passed the exit and control room on our right, the entrance to the barred door cell area on our left and finally we came to another solid iron door with the standard access system. Once through this final door we entered the labyrinth.  A room full of toys that would keep even the most active of playmates happy for days, maybe even years.

First of all in the middle of the room was a cage, just like the cage back in Simons and Karens outhouse. Nothing more really to say about that!

In the middle of the far wall was the strangest looking cage like contraption.  I had never seen such a thing before and Jack knew I was interested.

“Ah David, the body cage is one of our favourite toys.  As you can see, the steel cage is shaped quite similar to a body.  Ill unlock it and show you how it works.  Would you like to try it?”

I was intrigued and had no hesitation to try this thing out. Using the same keypad, menu system as in all the other rooms (this one just a little bit more complicated), Jack unlocked the wall cage and Sarah eased the bars open just like a door.  She then guided me to stand against the wall and she closed the steel body cage around me, pushing it closed and like everything else, it automatically locked.  Jennifer just laughed, she loved it.

“Lets just leave him there, please, he looks great locked in that thing, I love it!”

Jack and Sarah agreed to leave me in he body cage for a few minutes as long as Jennifer agreed to try the electric chair. Jennifer agreed and Jack helped her sit down and he closed the steel wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs that now held her firmly in place. The final item to be locked around Jennifer was the head cage, which Sarah guided into place, ensuring she didnt catch Jennifers long blonde hair. Jack then went back to the keypad by the door and started applying light electric shocks to the wrist cuffs.  Jennifer was taken back when the first small charge hit her.  Jack explained that he could direct the shocks to all or any of the steel cuffs but not the head cage, which was just used to keep the person that little bit more secure while they were being tortured. Standing in my body cage, I laughed at Jennifer stuck in the chair and getting a little bit of her own medicine. Soon Jack was back at the keypad and both Jennifer and I were released from our bondage.

Two more toys to go: -

In the far left corner of the playroom was a tiny cell, about the size of a shower cubical. Instead of a Perspex shower door, their was a barred door.  Sarah explained that it was really nothing more than a tiny cell, where the occupant would even find it difficult to sit down.

The last toy looked to be the most dangerous but yet the most impressive. It was a solid steel casket.  Jack demonstrated the casket opening and the heavy steel lid rose on four runners that went up from the four corners of the casket to the ceiling. I had a closer look inside. It was padded all around in the most luxurious quilted black, silk material.  Again Sarah suggested I try it out so I first decided to take my shoes off before stepping into this black box.  Once in, I lay down and Jack pushed the bottom on the keypad. The lid quietly slid back down until all my light and sound had gone.  As soon as the lid closed, I could hear the locking mechanism click into place and a dull sound but a reassuring sound of air being pumped into the casket. I lay there for what seemed like ages.  I was only to get a demonstration of this casket, not stay in it! Then the sound of Jacks voice came over a speaker somewhere in the box:

“David, sorry to be so long. I brought Jennifer through to the control room, where we can communicate with you.  Ive also left Sarah in the playroom just in case you panic and need out in a hurry.”

I could hear Jennifer telling Jack in the background that Id be fine and given David everything that the box can throw at him.

Jack then went on, “First of all, the sound you heard as the casket locked was the air system coming on but we can very easily turn it off.”

Sure enough the fan stopped and then I guess so did fresh air. Within only a matter of minutes I was feeling a lot warmer and starting to realise that there really was a lack of air. As I laboured by breathes Jack explained over the comms system that a gauge in the control room told him how much or how little air I had and how dangerous the situation was in the box was. Soon the fan was on and I was breathing fresh air once more.  The next trick caught me completely by surprise as the black silk material inflated all around my body and I was now completely held tight in this strange silky cocoon. It was fantastic as I could still breathe so easily; I love it! Even though I was held so tight in a completely dark casket, I felt somehow relaxed that there was nothing I could do to change my predicament unless my captors allowed it. They also demonstrated that Music could also be piped into the box and Jack said a timer could be set to keep me captive for as long as needed.

Soon my fun was over and the silk cocoon pealed away and the steel lid rose above me, allowing light to once again enter the black box. Sarah stood over me and helped me out. Once my shoes were back on, she led me out of the playroom and through to the control room where Jack was demonstrating all the facilities to Jennifer. She obviously loved this place and was laughing with and teasing Jack as he showed her the remote cameras, the timers and how all the keypads could controlled from the control room.

The welcome screen was split into two, SUB and DOM accounts. As we could see, both Jack and Sarahs personal details were captured on the system E.G. Thumb print, keypad access PIN and even their chosen safe word. If for whatever reason that person yelled out their safe word, an alarm would be sounded in the dungeon and the DOM would decide how to deal with the situation. Both Jack and Sarah explained that they had yet, never used the safe word facility. The fantastic feature of the system is that you simply drag the persons profile from DOM to SUB and their rights to the dungeon are changed. Basically they now have no thumb print or keypad access as theyll be held in the dungeon until the DOM account changes their status. Jack finally explained the safety theyd built into this dungeon. The basement was ten metres below ground and completely sealed from the rest of the house.  In the unlikely event of a fire in the house, this was one of the only times the dungeon system would unlock everything. It was powered separately from the house via a separate power source and the whole estate even had a back-up generator. I asked about the servers being upstairs, what if they got destroyed in the fire. Jack explained that the dungeon control servers were down here and even if disconnected from the upper house network, the system down here would function fully.  They had thought of everything!

The last thing Jack and Sarah had to show us down here was the store room at the back of the control room.  In the store was a myriad of bondage toys, cuffs leg-irons, hoods etc. Jack and Sarah explained that while the stores obviously stayed in the house, the toys would be going with them to the States. Jennifer laughed and simply explained that she would be re-stock the store on moving in. We all laughed and then headed back upstairs to the main house and the offer of a cup of coffee. When we got upstairs we noticed that it was now pitch black outside and wed spent the last two hours in the dungeon. While they both made coffee, Jack and Sarah allowed Jennifer and I to take a walk around the house on our own and we were like two kids at Disneyland.

There was the small problem of the price.  This house was on the market for £1.75m.  Even when we both sell our houses, well only raise about £800K.  Jennifer on paper was now worth a lot and if she wins the prison deal on Monday, this house was now well in reach. We hugged each other and explained that we could see ourselves living in this mansion.

Over coffee, Jack and Sarah asked us what did for a living and as soon as they realised that Jennifer was the CEO of Transformation, they burst out laughing.  They had both ordered a Transformation suit each as they had fantasies of being each other and playing reverse roles. We all laughed and Jennifer and I left for the village and her house to spend the rest of our weekend together. Hawthorne Estate dominated our conversation over dinner and that Saturday night we went to bed together as our real selves.

Sunday morning brought another cold winters day in rural England. I made breakfast for us both in bed and we discussed what to do today while reading the Sunday newspapers in bed.

“Do you know what I want to do today darling,” I said to Jennifer? “I would love to get up, get showered and then put on a thick wool catsuit, high-healed, knee high leather boots, a leather hood locked on.  I would then love you to put me into a canvas straightjacket and keep me as your sex toy all day?”

Jennifer just smiled and said as long as I was Tanya, which of course I had no problem with except that it probably meant Id be locked into the Transformation suit for at least another week. I then got up and took my last shower as David for some time to come. I eased my body into the Transformation Suit and Jennifer placed the locking collar around my neck. Within only a matter of a few seconds I was Tanya Taylor once again. It was then time to get dressed. Nothing too exciting underneath, a simple pair of black silk pants and a black silk bra. By the time I had both on; Jennifer had come back into the room with a red bundle of wool in her arms.  It was a bright red wool catsuit, the same one she wore at the old Victorian prison. I pulled me legs into the built in feet and pulled the lovely soft wool over my entire body. My hands slipped into the built in gloves and soon with Jennifers help the zip on the back was pulled right up to the top of my high turtle neck. Next came my first layer of leather, the fantastic high-healed, knee high leather boots.  I slid each wool covered leg into the soft leather and zipped each boot closed. Jennifer then approached with the leather hood, the same one she had to wear at the Victorian prison. Once my head was safely sealed in, Jennifer pulled my long blonde hair into a ponytail on top and then zipped the hood closed, locking it with a small padlock. I could see through the two eye holes and breathe easily through the nose holes. Remember this hood had no mouth but a grill covering where my mouth was, this enabled me to breathe easily but no kissing or eating. We headed into the spare room where I knew Jennifer would find a straightjacket.  True to her word, she pulled a white canvas jacket from the closet and she held it open directing me to slide my wool covered arms into the long sleeves. Once completed, I turned around and Jennifer began the long process of tightening up all the straps that would keep me sealed in until Jennifer saw fit, the right time to release me. The crotch strap was the last but as she tightened it up, Jennifer explained she had to do something as quickly headed back to her bedroom so I followed.  Once there I noticed her grabbing her mobile phone and typing in an SMS message. Within a minute or so, my Transformation Suit had accepted the SMS and turned my groin area into solid plastic.  This meant I could gain no sexual release from the crotch strap.

“Tanya, while I get showered and dressed, will you go down to the cells and lock yourself into the first one that I open please,” requested Jennifer.”

As requested I merrily headed downstairs, through the kitchen and down to the basement cell-block.  I used my body to push the barred gate close, automatically locking it. I turned left into the first cell, the same one I spent yesterday in. The cell door opened out so there was no way that I could even use my body to push it closed so I just went in and sat on the bunk to wait on Jennifers arrival.

When she did arrive, about an hour later she was wearing the same red wool mini-dress, thick black tights and low pumps that she wore on Friday night.  She even had the black wool scarf tightly folded again and tied around her neck, leaving the ends falling down her back. I was told to wait about ten minutes, she would cal me and I was to go to the electronic cell. I agreed and once again sat alone, wondering what programme she would have sat for herself today?

I did hear her calling in the distance so I eased myself back on to my feet and headed for the last cell on the left. Once inside, I saw my beautiful fiancé, pinned to the wall via the remote wrist and ankle cuffs.

“Come in sweetie; do you like what you see?”

I did but there was nothing either of us could do. Jennifer was manacled and shackled to the cell wall and my body was incarcerated in the soft canvas straightjacket. I then heard the BLEEP and both the outer door of the cell and the inner bars began to close. CLUNK, they were locked!

“What programme have you set Jennifer,“ I asked?

“Well Tanya, Im pinned to this wall for the next two hours and then we have another two hours locked in hear together.  I hope that meets with your approval,” responded Jennifer?

Truth be told, there wasnt a lot I could do about it.  We were both locked into the cell for the next four hours, until the programme had run its duration. I couldnt escape the straightjacket and Jennifer cant escape her bonds for at least two hours so we now had some time to relax and talk to each other.  I therefore positioned myself on to the small prison cell bunk and sat with my back against the wall and my legs stretched out on the bunk. We had now got two hours to converse before Jennifer would be free from the wall.

Our conversation rarely drifted from the wedding, Hawthorne Estate and the deal in work with the English Prison Service. If Transformation got the deal, we can sell both our homes and buy Hawthorne Estate. If the deal didnt come in, Id probably end up renting my house out and move in here with Jennifer.  We would still be happy together but I agreed with Jennifer, Hawthorne Estate would be fantastic. After an hour I was getting hot. A layer of wool, a canvas straightjacket, the leather boots and my head encased in the leather hood were all taking their toll on me.  Jennifer said she was getting hot too but at least I wouldnt sweat. Another great feature of the Transformation suit is that the material absorbs all body odours and therefore no moisture actually makes it through the second skin. The hotter we both got, the hornier we both got.  We both loved wool and we both loved bondage. Being locked in this cell together wearing the cloths we both loved so much, meant we began talking about our fantasies, what we would do to the other person if we were free. Even if my head had been free of the hood, I could have pulled Jennifers tights and panties down using my teeth and licked her to an orgasm. Jennifer laughed and told me that even when she gets free from the wall, she cant remove the hood because she had forgotten to bring the key down with her. She also had no access to the phone to change my suit so the grill that covered my pussey or dick, which ever she wanted me to have was hidden behind hard plastic. She did say that she would contemplate removing my straightjacket and I told her not to bother as it didnt make any difference to me. She laughed and told me that at least I could finger her.  The conversation then broke into a fit of the giggles.  What were we both like?  Were locked in a prison cell, bound and unable to satisfy each other but our conversation was enough to keep us going.

As we slipped into the third hour locked in the cell, the BLEEP told me that Jennifer was being automatically released from the wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the wall. She then came over and sat beside me on the prison bunk.

“If you will not satisfy me then, Ill have to do it myself,” explained Jennifer in an extremely sarcastic voice!

With that she raised her dress and pulled off her thick black tights, followed by her black silk panties.  Her fingers were then caressing her most sensitive parts. There was nothing I could do and Jennifer knew that it would drive me mad! She began to moan and tease me even more as her fingers started delivering her pleasure. I could only yell at her to release me from the confines of the canvas straightjacket. Even though any fun for me was impossible due to the fact I was locked into the wool catsuit, at least I could use my wool covered hands to pleasure my love.  I pleaded with Jennifer to release me but she laughed and reminded me that I asked to spend all afternoon locked in the catsuit with the leather mask and I even demanded to be put into the canvas straightjacket. It was clear my predicament was really turning Jennifer on as she exploded into an orgasm.

“Fuck that was powerful,” Jennifer explained as she pulled up her silk panties, followed by her thick black Lycra tights.

I could only remind her that it was good for her but not really for me, just sitting, watching and wishing that it was me that was caressing her most private of areas. She laughed and should up and paced the tiny cell for a while.  Jennifer was absolutely beautiful. Her red wool mini-dress clung to her every curve. Her ample breasts bulged through the tight soft red wool and her fantastic long legs clad in the finest thick black opaque Lycra Shawn in the winter sun light that glared through the barred window of our prison cell. She then sat down on the bunk beside me and we talked about how fantastic Hawthorne Estate would be if we could just seal the deal tomorrow with the English Prison Service. I asked if there was anything I could do to help Jennifer and her team with the deal. She smiled at me and looked right into my blue eyes, behind the thick leather mask that covered my entire head. She reached over and stroked me head, running her hands through my blonde mane that poked through the top of the leather hood.

“Tanya, there is something you could do for me and the company tomorrow.  You could model the cuffs for us as we demonstrate there effectiveness,” asked Jennifer in her most wonderful pleasing voice.

Of course, I would be delighted to help Jennifer and Transformation in which ever way I could. If modelling the cuffs was all that was needed to seal the deal tomorrow, then I would be there for Jennifer and the company. Jennifer threw her arms around me and we kissed as best we could through the thick padded leather that covered my face. Jennifer was so pleased and she showed me as we hugged and kissed.

The familiar BLEEP told us that the 4-hour programme was finished and the bars slid open just as the outer solid iron door clicked unlocked. Jennifer then helped me to my feet and we left the electronic cell. As asked Jennifer why she wasnt releasing me from the straightjacket and she reminded me that I wanted to spend all day in it so she was just doing what I asked. Then as we walked past the last cell before the barred gate, she nudged me to the right and I fell inside the open cell.  The door then slammed closed behind me, locking automatically. I was shocked at what had just happened as I tried my best to pick myself up of the solid stone cell floor. By the time Id made it to my feet, the barred gate had being locked and Jennifers footsteps disappearing up the stone steps towards the kitchen.

By now Id been wearing the wool catsuit, leather boots, leather hood and straightjacket for around five hours.  I was hot, horny but most importantly, I needed to take a piss.  I yelled at the door but obviously Jennifer handed heard me. All I could then do was pace the small prison cell, trying to take my mind off the discomfort.

It was pitch black outside when Jennifer finally came back down for me and turned on the cell lights. The solid door opened and I pleaded with her to free me from the straightjacket so that I could take a piss. She laughed and told me to turn around. It took her around five minutes to release all the straps from my straightjacket and finally she unlocked the small padlock to the leather hood that kept me looked in the wool catsuit. She then left me to remove the catsuit so that I could take a leak, which I did as soon as she left the cell. As soon as I relieved myself, I eased my body back into the catsuit, pulled up the zip on the back and left the open cell and headed upstairs towards the kitchen and the wonderful smell of dinner being cooked.

Jennifer turned and smiled at me as I entered the kitchen. She was still dressed in the tight red mini-dress and her neck was still covered by the long back wool scarf that hung down her back. I then approached and we kissed properly for the first time all afternoon. She asked me if I wanted to go and get changed but I responded by asking her if it was okay if I continued to just wear the red wool catsuit that covered my entire body, except her my head. Naturally it wasnt a problem and we then sat down to eat our Sunday dinner. There isnt much else to report that Sunday evening.  I stayed with Jennifer all night at her place and we slept together as two girls because I was still trapped within the body of Tanya Taylor.

End of Part  9.

Ed Kikpatrick

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