BDSM Library - A Long Weekend

A Long Weekend

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Two school girls decide to skip school for the day and see how many rules they can break. Unfortunatly for them someone is watching and recording everything they do

A Long Weekend

By Eisfor…

Authors Note: This really is just a prologue, its purely scene setting for the next three parts no sex no violence not even much in the way of foul language Im afraid, there is a scene with drugs for which if your reading it and laughing saying “itd never be like that” or “thats not what that does to you etc etc” then I bow to your greater knowledge it is not a subject I have any real experience with but in an authors defence it is a means to an end nothing more or less. After all that if you are still going to read this then thank you I assure you the next three parts will contain sex and violence and the 15 minutes you spend on this bit will greatly enhance your experience with those parts.

Thursday: Prologue

So far the day was working out perfectly for the two high school girls who had decided to skip class that day. Neither were the best behaved or most studious girls in their class and both had received numerous final warnings from their parents and teachers about what would happen if they were caught breaking the rules one more time but neither of them listened and when Sarah woke up that morning and had seen the first bright and sunny day of spring shed instantly messaged her best friend Megan telling her to pack a change of clothes in her school bag as theyd be going to the beach. This being England and still early spring neither would be wearing a bikini and sunbathing but still a day in Margate sounded 100 times better to Megan than yet another GCSE class on war poetry or crop rotation. Theyd done this a few times before having worked out that they could get changed in the bathrooms of the train they caught to school from their village outside Canterbury then just run across platforms and get the next one going straight to Margate without any ticket inspectors, or even worse nosy classmates, spotting them.

Sarah was the taller of the two girls and the usual ringleader, at 510 with short cropped blonde hair, large green eyes and a slim athletic figure she could easily look older than her actual 16 years. Although shed always been disappointed with her A cup breasts, little more than pink bumps with nipples on, she knew that she had great long legs and so always tried to draw attention to them and her pert firm bottom and away from her chest. Today was no exception and after quickly taking off her school uniform she changed into a blue and white striped dress which stopped just above her knees and a pair of light tan tights. She adjusted her make up and paused to check herself in the small mirror, smiling to herself, she was sure no one would suspect she should still be in school before opening the door and swapping places with Megan.

No one would ever mistake Sarah and Megan for sisters they could hardly be any more different. Where Sarah was tall, blonde and athletic strikingly almost classically beautiful Megan was smaller with more pronounced curves and dark brown curly hair that flowed down past her shoulders to the small of her back. She was definitely curvy not fat and if not classically beautiful then certainly very cute. Only 54 with silver rimmed glasses over her brown eyes and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and top of her cheeks. She was very pleased with her full firm D cup breasts with large brown nipples knowing that for every guy who checked out Sarahs legs there was one checking out her chest. She quickly changed the simple white cotton bra shed left the house in to her secret black wonderbra that took everything god had given her and made it unmissable. If her mother even knew she owned one shed go mental, her mother being one of those people who consider women who wore anything but the most subtle makeup to be cheap and trashy. She then put on a simple pair of black jeans and a tight scoop necked purple top which showed off all of her cleavage. She added a little more makeup than her mother would think acceptable and adjusted her top for maximum effect in the mirror. She could pass for 18 she reckoned shed just make sure she bent over a little bit extra if anyone started to get suspicious; mens minds were so easily distracted.

The first thing the girls did after arriving in Margate was buy a packet of cigarettes and walk along the sea front smoking and gossiping. Neither were smokers particularly but it was a good test to check you looked 18 and it somehow felt right to them on a day like today to try and break every rule they could. The talk went from boys to bitching about other girls in school back to boys again and the two girls strolled along the promenade without a care in the world. At about 11:30 Sarah decided shed had enough of the seafront and suggested they try and find a pub that would serve them without ID. Megan of course instantly agreed with her friend and after trying two pubs unsuccessfully they finally found one on the outskirts of the town where the barman didnt seem to care who his customers were as long as they were paying. They sat down with their double vodka and cokes and were quickly onto a second round which on their empty stomachs was starting to get them quite nicely drunk when a strange man came over to their table. He introduced himself as Jeff and asked if they were having a nice time in Margate. Their brains a little blurred from the vodka the two girls giggled and flirted a little with Jeff chatting away harmlessly for five minutes as they told him they were old school friends home from their first year in university for a long weekend just catching up with each other. Jeff smiled and nodded and then looking around him said “well as your both students Im sure youd like something a little stronger than that vodka to keep you partying this weekend” the two girls looked confused for a second but desperate to keep up the pretence nodded in agreement without really knowing what they were nodding for. “I thought so I saw you two over here and I thought to myself there are two ladies who know how to party, and I know exactly what you need to help you keep partying so what is your preferred stimulant blow, speed, pot, e? I have most things on me but if there is anything in particular you require Im sure I could find it for you” a light suddenly went on in Sarahs fuzzy head this man was offering to sell them drugs, shes smoked a few joints once but that was about it she knew she couldnt just ask for that she wouldnt even know how to roll a joint for a start, what else did he say, there was no way she was letting this opportunity pass “ummmm well some E for my friend and myself would umm” she petered out suddenly realising she had no idea what else to say or ask, luckily Jeff seemed mostly interested in closing his deal so just smiled at her and said “well its your lucky day I happen to have some very good ecstasy here I can give you four for thirty pounds, but you girls be careful now this isnt some cheap trash half cut with cement or anything just a half each to start with now be careful” and with that he had a plastic bag out of his pocket and pressed into Sarahs hand before she had registered what he was saying. Almost automatically her hand went into her purse and took out three ten pound notes. Jeff grabbed them from her and quickly stood up “well its been a pleasure doing business with you ladies, you ever need anything else at all just remember me, ask anyone in this place for Jeff theyll know how to find me” and with that he left as quickly and strangely as he had arrived.

After he had left the two girls quietly finished up their drinks and without saying a word to each other ran out of the pub holding their breath wondering what the hell had just happened. They kept running until they got down to the beach then they both stopped looked at each other and started giggling. “I cant believe you did that!” exclaimed Megan, “my god I cant believe we just bought ecstasy it cant surely be that simple can it.” Sarah just looked at her for a minute before reaching into her bag and taking out the little bag of pills “well,” she said, “we have paid for them and he did say to take half each they are tiny just half of one each cant do us any harm and we are supposed to be breaking ALL the rules today” with that she took out one of the little white pills snapped it in half and gave one half to Megan. Without waiting for Megan to say anything Sarah popped the pill in her mouth, stuck her tongue out to show it to Megan and then made a big show of swallowing it showing her empty mouth to Megan. “There see nothing to it its tiny you wont even notice it I bet” Megan hesitated for a minute but not wanting to let her best friend down she closed her eyes put the pill in her mouth and swallowed. “Now open your mouth let me check youve actually swallowed it.” Megan opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue theatrically before breaking down and giggling again. “Oh my god if my mother could see me know” said Megan “I think this would actually kill her, quick lets get some lunch from somewhere Im starving and who knows whats going to happen when this kicks in”

The two girls grabbed a couple of burgers and fries taking them out to a bench by the seafront and quickly got back into their usual pattern of gossiping and giggling, although this time with a lot more giggling and a lot more animated talking. Both girls had to admit to feeling pretty good about themselves and as time passed both were feeling more confident and excited than usual. “So Sarah weve skipped school, dodged train fares, bought cigarettes, alcohol AND drugs what other rules can we break between now and the three thirty train back” said Megan. Sarah looked at her watch it was gone two thirty and the train station was the other side of town, still it would be a shame to end the day on such an anticlimax as just a quiet walk through the high street. It was then that an idea came to her. “Well there is just time for one more rule to be broken I think come with me” Sarah said cryptically. The two girls walked down into the high street before coming to a large girls clothing store. “Wait here for me Megan I wont be long” saying that Sarah walked into the store, Megan only had to wait about five minutes before Sarah came strolling out again and saying nothing walked straight passed her and down a side alley. Megan followed confused “Sarah hey what is going on?” Sarah looked all around her before opening up her bag and showing Megan the bra and panties shed stuffed in there. “Oh my god did you just go in there and steal that stuff!” Squealed Megan, “I cant believe you did that are you sure no one saw you.” Sarah laughed

“Trust me no one saw its crazy busy in there no one saw a thing it was easy! Anyway I got these for you your always saying you dont have enough nice underwear as your mother always picks yours out so here is a nice red lace set, now you have to go steal something for me, I need some more makeup you know the kind of thing I like some lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow really theyll be much easier than these you can always say they fell into your bag by mistake if you get caught.” Megan found it difficult to say no to her friend at times like this anyway, she hated the idea of being thought of as the wet blanket she wanted her friend to know she was at least as crazy as she was if not twice as crazy, with 4 shots of vodka and half an ecstasy tablet inside her there was no way she was going to let her friend down. “Wait here then” said Megan as she ran back to the high street, she saw the shop she wanted a big high street chemist with plenty of customers in and walked inside. She browsed around for a few minutes, seemingly interested in make up remover wipes then fake tan lotion before quickly walking past the shelves of lipstick and eyeliner and quickly placing some in her bag. She stopped and looked around but saw no one around so went round the corner grabbing some eye shadow before walking out as slowly and calmly as she could. As soon as she got outside she collided with Sarah who had got concerned with how long Megan had been and had gone to see what was happening. “Did you get it?” asked Sarah, Megan nodded and the two girls ran and giggled all the way to the train station.

They made it onto the train with barely seconds to spare and quickly changed back into their school uniforms, wiping the make up off their faces and trying to look as

normal as possible. They were both far too lost in their own world of giggling and excitement to notice the man take a last couple of photographs of them as they sat back down as schoolgirls once again. The two of them had failed to notice him or his friends as theyd followed them from the train this morning, photographing before and after their change of clothes, getting off the train at Margate, buying and smoking cigarettes, buying and drinking the vodka, buying and taking the ecstasy and finally both of them shoplifting and getting changed back on the train back to Canterbury. Theyd struck gold this time usually you just got a couple of silly scared schoolgirls swapping blow jobs in exchange for their parents not finding out theyd been skipping school or smoking or whatever but these two had gone out of their way it seemed to provide enough evidence to threaten them with jail let alone disapproving parents, theyd even been dumb enough to buy the drugs off of Jeff he had to admit he never thought that would work but there was even an audio and video tape of it to add to their growing file. Oh this was going to be worth a lot more than a few blow jobs. He immediately started phoning the rest of his group theyd have to have a special meeting immediately to work out exactly how much they could get out of these two stupid little girls.

A Long Weekend (part one)

By Eisfor…

Authors Note: finally finished this! Sorry its taken so very very long but it had turned out to be quite a lot longer than I ever planned. I hope you will all think it worth the wait, do read the prelude if you havent already it will explain a few things and wont take long really. Im going to take a break for a week then start part two, I suspect it will also take a month or so but I will be as quick as possible.

Thursday Night: A brief look at how to become slave owners

The need for extra skills had been quickly realised on the first phone call that had been made concerning the two girls. The youngest of the group who had taken care of most of the surveillance of the girls, still at this point known only as target A and target B, immediately phoned the second oldest in the group, who had been unable to assist in stalking the two girls but had been kept informed through text message, to discuss exactly how much they could actually get from A and B. This gentleman in turn started to see a plan that went way beyond their normal operation and he knew they would need help so he had called up the oldest member of the group. As soon as he had heard the plan he knew exactly who would be best to help them and as he sniggered to himself these two do bring something to the table we could never bring. Once those phone calls were made and the two new comers had expressed a strong interest in being part of the project the rules for ambitious project were agreed upon and the fourth member of the original group started to look for a suitable property to house them during the weekend. Assembling the group took less than half an hour from the first call being made.

The first rule agreed upon was that no real names will be used during the whole process from planning to completion, they knew the girls didnt know them personally and that at least one person in the group knew all their names but everyone agreed they would feel better behind some form of anonymity. As such a 25 year old private investigator became Mr Spade. A 29 year old building contractor became Mr Bull. A 31 year old police officer Mr Filth and a 34 year old lawyer Mr Shark. After the four of them had finished laughing at each others name they agreed to meet up in the empty, recently completed house being provided by Mr Bulls company in just two hours time where they would meet the two new members of their group Miss Spark a 23 year old computer expert and Miss Shock a 30 year old psychiatrist.

As agreed Mr Bull and Miss Spark arrived an hour before the others and set about turning one the largest upstairs rooms into a work area. By the time the others arrived they were amazed to find a large conference table with six chairs around it, a projector and screen and a huge computer work station in the corner with six monitors and a nest of wires, keyboards and mice. “I hope you gentlemen, and lady, dont mind that Ive made a start without you but once I brought my baby in here and got her connected to this houses broadband I had some time to kill so Ive been compiling information on A and B or should I say Sarah and Megan. Would you like to see what Ive got so far?” said Miss Spark without turning her head from the monitors in front of her. Mr Shark smiled to himself Miss Spark really was everything hed been promised this boded well he felt. “Well Miss Spark I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we cant wait to see what youve learnt so far, and Mr Bull a perfect location chosen and where did you get this office furniture from at this time of night! An excellent start to proceedings but we have a lot to get through and only about 13 hours to go before Sarah and Megan was it?” Miss Spark nodded “Only about 13 hours then before Sarah and Megan get back on board the train to Canterbury lets make sure theyll be visiting us in Margate in say 23 hours time. Miss Spark if you would like to dim the lights and get started.”

Several hours later Mr Shark turned the lights back up himself having just run through the most sadistic, ambitious and erotic project he had ever heard of. He had a sip of water watching the reaction of everyones face. Theyd all worked on it together of course but each so concentrated on their own little bit they hadnt noticed quite how exciting what they were putting together was. Now as the pieces started to fit into place they all broke out into broad grins. There was applause then laughter then cheering before Mr Shark raised his hands for quiet, still grinning himself from ear to ear. “Wait now before we do anything else just one final check please. Mr Spade can you get everything we need in time” that got a big thumbs up. “Mr Filth you are sure that all of this will fly underneath your colleagues radars?”

“My colleagues couldnt find a real criminal if he handed himself in with a signed confession at the police station but just in case I will make absolutely sure this goes without any interference from anyone at any level. Those two girls will be all ours alone Ill make sure of it”

“Mr Bull with a little help can you get this house ready to receive our guests by 6pm tonight?”

“Ive already contacted my men told them there was a major mistake in the plans for this house that well need a lot of man power to be paid cash in hand to correct it before the owners site inspection at 6pm otherwise my company will be liable to a potentially devastating lawsuit. They and their cash in hand untraceable workforce should be here in half an hour well be finished with time to spare. Although Mr Filth if you could just hang on here to check the workers as they arrive. Last thing we need is some undercover vat men hanging around” Mr Filth just nodded and smiled. Mr Shark turned to the two women “Miss Spark you can work around the structural alterations to get the communication and security systems in place?” she just nodded and grinned, shed done the hard part of her job getting all that information out of secure computer systems all over the country it would probably only take her 2 hours or so to get everything installed and working she would have time for a nap before the prizes arrived and she got to truly enjoy herself. “For my own part” continued Mr Shark “I am confident I can take care of the girls today while the rest of you are setting up, I will personally drop off the parcel and make sure Sarah receives it as early as possible then I will help the girls prepare for the weekend ahead of them. Which leaves just one last question, the big one. Miss Shock are you sure that in just less than 63 hours you can really have the desired effect on these two girls?” Miss Shock just smiled.

Friday Morning: Anticipation

Weekday mornings in Sarahs house were always hectic. She was the oldest of four and her father had left them a couple of years ago for his secretary. Today was no different and Sarah tried desperately to hang on to the last few minutes of sleep as she heard her mother shouting at everyone to get downstairs right now if they wanted any chance of having breakfast before having to leave for school. Sarah had avoided breakfast for over a year now, her Mother having decided it was just easier to let Sarah sort herself out in the morning than spend all morning arguing over a bowl of cereal, so she was a little surprised when five minutes later her mother was banging on her door. “Sarah come on get out of bed your package has arrived and I dont have time to be your personal secretary if you know your friends are going to be leaving things at our door at the crack of dawn you could get up and get it yourself, or at least warn me I nearly broke my neck on it getting the milk.” Sarah hugged the duvet around her and told herself she must be dreaming, no one was supposed to leave her anything and honestly as if anyone she knew would be wandering around this place at 7 in the morning. The second time her mother banged on her door she started to realise that there really was a package marked urgent waiting for her by the front door, her mother having moved it inside but refusing to move it another inch. Oh god she thought to herself if this is some strange practical joke of Megans I will kill her, she knows what mornings are like in this place. Still she mused at Megans any parcel would have been opened and inspected by her mother before Megan got anywhere near it, at least her mother was just too busy and distracted in the morning to even wonder what was in the package, all she cared about was that it was in the way. Still none of this explained the brown box with her name, URGENT and PRIVATE written on it sitting under the phone in the hall. She blinked at it sleepily a couple of times before drawing her dressing gown around her and carrying it back up to her room.

When she got into her room she carefully closed the door behind her and opened up the box. Inside it she found another smaller box with BOX 2 written on it and a large A4 sized manilla envelope with OPEN ME FIRST written on it. She tore the envelope open and five sheets of paper fell out blank side facing up at her. Now very confused she turned one of the sheets over only to find herself looking at a A4 sized picture of herself and Megan sitting on a bench having a cigarette, the next one was her and Megan sitting in the pub with Jeff as she handed Jeff the money and took the bag of pills from him, next was her stuffing the bra and panties into her bag and finally Megan putting the lipstick and eyeliner into her bag. Sarah felt all the colour drain from her face and her hands started shaking, she knew that none of these pictures on their own was all the damning but seeing each of their silly rule breaks like this in full colour and it looked like the two of them were drug dealing, shop lifting common criminals! She turned over the final sheet of paper it was a neatly typed letter addressed to herself.

Dear Sarah

For some time now my group has been monitoring teenagers who have decided to skip classes during their compulsory education period. We have been collecting evidence of exactly what this group of teenagers has been engaged in while they should have been at school. As you can see yourself and your friend Megan Jones were recently spotted by our group during your trip to Margate. I can assure you that we have collected evidence that shows as well as skipping school that day you; purchased and smoked cigarettes while under the legal age, purchased and consumed alcohol while under the legal age, purchased and consumed Class A narcotics (namely ecstasy) and finally committed two acts of theft on stores in Margate town centre. We have photographic, video and audio evidence of all of these activities, activities which we are sure you would prefer to remain just between my group and yourself and Miss Jones.

In order for you and Miss Jones to ensure that the evidence mentioned does not end up in your parents, teachers or the polices hands you must be willing to submit yourselves to our group from end of school today until the beginning of school on Monday. You will inform your parents that you will be away at each others houses for the whole weekend and then present yourselves in a place and manner chosen by us this evening. You will both obey each and every command a member of my group gives you without hesitation otherwise you will be punished. We have already found out both of your names, your addresses and details about your family and school life. It was no coincidence that we chose Sarah to receive this package in this manner as it was felt by our group that it would be the safest way to ensure a fast yet secure delivery. We know that Megans mother would of opened this package immediately and read this letter before saying anything about it to Megan, like we know that Sarahs mother wont have time to deal with this package in the morning as she has three small children to get to their primary school. I hope the fact that we made this crude distinction demonstrates how very good our research is. Please do not think you can lie, bargain, flatter charm or con your way out of this we know how to destroy your lives completely and we will do it. Step one we will send the photographs of you purchasing and smoking cigarettes to your parents, step two we will send evidence of you cutting class and drinking alcohol to your school, step three we will send evidence of your theft to the managers of both the stores you stole from along with your names and addresses, step four we will send audio and video tapes of yourselves soliciting, purchasing and imbibing Class A Narcotics to the police.

Inside Box 2 of this package is a mobile phone you are to keep it on your person at all times. It will ring at 12:55 just before the end of your lunch break. You will both answer it and one after the other will repeat yes sir I accept your terms that will be your acknowledgement that you will submit to us for the period we require, any other response will be taken as a sign that you would prefer us to release the evidence than submit to us and so we will do so immediately. Assuming you answer correctly you will then be given further instructions; I suggest making sure you have a pen and paper with you as they will not be repeated. If the phone is not answered we will carry out all four steps immediately. If you do not both repeat the phrase correctly we will carry out all four steps immediately. If you do not then carry out the instructions for after school exactly then we will carry out all four steps immediately. Finally we are watching you if we think you have spoken a word about this to anyone else, asked anybody for help or have tried to trick or mislead us in any way we will carry out all four steps immediately. However please us, do everything that is asked of you for one weekend and all evidence will be handed back to you and you will never hear from any of us again. I look forward to making your personal acquaintance later today.

Sarah sat and stared at the letter, she kept thinking she must of misread it so would check it again and again the truth slowly sinking in. Her head spinning she kept aimlessly flicking between the photos and the letter waiting for someone to jump out and tell her it had all been some kind of sick joke that this couldnt really be happening to her. Finally it was her mothers car driving out of the garage that snapped her out of it this little piece of normality reminded her that she had to get to school and see Megan which meant she had to be on the train in just half an hour. Still pale and visibly shaking she opened the second box. Sure enough inside was a mobile phone, one of those cheap pay as you go models you can get in any supermarket. A post it was stuck on it “Turn me on NOW.” Barely able to keep her hands still enough to press the button she turned it on. It lit up and played a surprisingly upbeat jingle, Sarah was so highly strung she nearly dropped it when it made a noise but she kept hold of it and let out the breath shed just realised shed been holding while turning it on. It was fully charged and Sarah quickly put it into her bag, then she put all the sheets back into the envelope and put that in her bag. She ran into the shower and was out getting into her school uniform five minutes later, grey pleated skirt, white blouse, red and grey tie and grey blazer with white socks and plain black shoes. She had never gotten ready so quickly in the mornings before, she took pride in her appearance and did every little thing to make the school uniform, and her, as good looking as possible. But today she didnt have the heart for it she just knew she had to make that train. 

She took the phone and the envelope back out and stared at them for a minute. She had to take the phone she knew that, Megan had to see the letter but where was the best place for the photos. On her so she knew where they were but risked anything happening with them at school or here where they might be safer but what if Megan spotted something on them she hadnt that could help or her mother got home early and came into her room looking for washing or… Round and round her head went until she finally decided to take it all with her, she had never ever felt like this, she couldnt remember when shed been so scared before it was making her question everything she couldnt make any kind of decision anymore, couldnt think of anything but the photos and the letter but somehow couldnt think of them clearly either. She had always been confident, self assured, she always knew what to do and she was always sure she was right and now in the space of an hour all that had changed and it sent a cold shiver of helplessness up Sarahs spine.

After all her indecisiveness over what to take and what to leave Sarah made it onto the platform as the train was stopping. She didnt have time to look for Megan she just had to jump through the nearest door and pray shed find her before they arrived in Canterbury. When Megan wasnt in the first carriage Sarah started to worry, what if Megan had decided not to come in today as well, she would of sent a message to her wouldnt she, maybe not if she was really unwell at home in bed her mother would probably take her phone off her tell her it would make her sicker or something. God what if she didnt come in, would they let Sarah act for both of them, would the understand wait for another time or day or would they just hang up and ruin their lives. By the time Sarah found Megan halfway up the third carriage sitting by herself looking out the window Sarah almost cried with relief.

“What is up with you Sarah you look terrible, what happened the twins making mornings even worse for you than usual or have you found out that … My god Sarah is everyone ok is it your mother or?” Megan stopped in her tracks as she watched a very dishevelled Sarah run up to her, shed tried to be upbeat to start with thinking she probably just didnt get enough time in the bathroom or something but something about Sarahs expression, the pale cheeks and the shaking hands made her stop dead. Sarah looked around the train the carriage was only about half full and no one was on any of the seats overlooking her and Megan. She took in a deep breath. “Megan I have to show you something, believe me I wish I didnt but I do, please just try and read it and then take a deep breath you need to remember where you are there are people around you have to just wait for the screaming and shouting until were alone ok. I just want you to know I am really really really sorry for all of this and if I could have avoided you being involved in anyway I would of I swear.”

“Ok Sarah enough youre scaring me now what are you talking about”

“Here it is Megan just read it Ill show you everything else when we get off the train we will go into the park opposite the station and sit there and work all this out but now please deep breath and remember you must not draw attention to us, no matter what your feeling so please just dont say anything for now.” Sarah took one last long look around her; sure that one of the mysterious groups members was watching them even now, waiting to see any sign of the two girls attracting attention and possible help before pulling the single sheet of paper with the printed letter on out and handing it as unobtrusively as possible to Megan.

Megan sat staring at the letter in total silence all the way to Canterbury, Sarah didnt know what to say so just sat next to her occasionally squeezing her hand or arm encouragingly, trying to act braver than she was feeling right now. When the train arrived at the station the two girls walked like zombies to the small park over the road from the station, one corner of it in particular was well sheltered from view and was a long way from any casual passersby. Instinctively they made for that corner put their coats on the floor actually under the large trees and sat down on them. Ironically it was the first spot they had ever hidden while cutting class, it had just been one class back then and theyd thought they were amazingly adventurous hiding from their school under here but neither of the two girls could think back to how their lives had been last week everything seemed to have been a wonderful dream up until this morning and now theyd awoken to a terrible nightmare. Finally Megan looked up at Sarah and said “do you have the phone?” Sarah just nodded miserably. “Are the pictures as damaging as they sound?” Sarah nodded again and this time tipped the four photographs out of the envelope onto the soil. They landed face up and Megan couldnt bring herself to touch them she just stared into her own eyes looking up at her as she stole make up from the chemists. Finally all the tension, fear and misery building up in Sarah broke through the sight of her best friend staring at the pictures of their stupid games utter misery and fear etched onto her features was the final straw. She started to cry which quickly became great hysterical sobs as Megan joined in. The two girls clung onto each other screaming, bawling and crying for half an hour as their minds slowly turned over the idea of having lost their own free will, the true horror of what that could mean for them and the acceptance that they had no choice in at all. Then their minds started shutting it out refusing to let all the horror in, doing what it does best and rationalizing it. They couldnt let this group destroy their lives like this so theyd give up a weekend of their lives in order to keep the rest of their lives intact. They told each other platitudes like this between sobs, how it probably wont be that bad they are probably just a bunch of kids or old men who just want the washing done. How whatever happened it was just for one weekend then that was it and theyd be able to move on as if this never happened. That at least theyd be together and whatever was thrown at them theyd get each other through this. Deep down though even as they said it they knew they didnt believe any of it. Deep deep down Megan realised she was starting to blame Sarah, skipping class was her idea, the pub was her idea, shed brought the drugs and shed suggested the stupidest idea of all the shoplifting. Megan knew that she couldnt absolve herself of all the blame she didnt have to go along with everything Sarah said did she, but every single one of the ideas that had got them into trouble had come from Sarah. Actually most things were Sarahs ideas and then Megan just went along with them but right now her gut twisted just a little bit extra at the thought that shed of been happily in school right now getting on with her work with barely a care in the world if Sarah just hadnt sent that stupid text.

The girls decided that as there was nothing specific in the letter about actually attending school today it would make things much easier to just stay in the park until the phone rang. It was 11:00 and they had a notepad and pens in their school bags, it made sense to just stay put for now at least. So they both sat there and waited, whereas the other day theyd managed to spend the whole day laughing and gossiping today they barely seemed to have 3 words to say to each other. They just both kept staring at the phone then looking at each other, Sarah would start to say something but Megan would get this funny look on her face and Sarah would just start petering out. Megan would try to say something back to Sarah, supposedly her best friend, tried to tell her that it was all ok she forgave her. That in some ways she was glad it was the two of them that if Sarah was going to face something like this then she would of insisted in being part of it whether she was involved or not because thats what best friends do for each other. At least thats how it all sounded in her head because by the time she tried saying it before shed even gotten to I forgive you the words had turned hollow and bitter in her mouth and she just stopped with “its going to be ok.” Eventually Sarah couldnt even look at her best friend because every time she did she could see the hurt, the betrayal, the fear and the anger and she just started crying again. So they watched the clock on the phone as it made its way past 12:00 counting upwards to 12:55 each girl trapped inside her own head the swirl of emotions going around them stronger than anything theyd ever felt before until they started to want the phone to ring as they were torturing themselves with anticipation far worse they thought than anyone could ever do to them. They were of course wrong and it wouldnt be much longer before both girls would be wishing that phone had never ever rang at all.

Friday Afternoon: Preparation

At exactly 12:55 the phone rang they both stared at it for a moment before Sarah reached down to answer it. A male voice on the other line started speaking immediately “So Miss Brown and Miss Jones do you have something to say to me?” He spoke in a deep but strangely neutral voice, it reminded Sarah of the kind of voice you heard on the BBC announcing what programs were next, the accent could of come from anywhere in the UK but each word was pronounced clearly and precisely. Taking a deep breath Sarah hurriedly picked up the letter and read from it to make sure she was word perfect “yes sir I accept your terms”

“Very good” replied the voice “and now pass the phone to Miss Jones” Sarah handed the phone over to Megan along with the letter, her finger pointing at the required phrase. As soon as the phone was to Megans ear the voice said again “Miss Jones do you have something to say to me?” Megan felt dizzy as if she was about to faint but somehow managed to get “yes sir I accept your terms” out. The voice on the other line replied “excellent now I think perhaps if you would pass the phone over to Miss Brown I will run through some rules and what you will be doing for the rest of the afternoon and I think she might be better prepared to pay attention and copy them down than you are right now.” Megan gladly passed the phone back to Sarah before suddenly standing up running a few paces further into the trees and throwing up. Sarah didnt have time to worry about her friend as the voice started talking immediately “Now Miss Brown do you have your pen and paper, there is a lot to go through and I wont be repeating myself. We are well aware that you are not in school so there is no excuse for missing anything is there.” At this Sarah started how could the group know they werent in school already were they being watched even here? She looked around but could only see Megan a few paces off trying to clean herself up as best as possible, surely no one could see them here could they but she made a swift mental note, this group meant business it was probably best to assume they were everywhere always watching and listening better that than being caught in a lie and them carrying out their four steps. “Miss Brown I asked you a question please dont tell me I have to repeat myself already if you arent going to take this seriously then I will hang up now and you can deal with the consequences” question what the hell how had she missed that oh the pen and paper yes ok deep breath Sarah she told herself come on you can do this you have to. “Er no no dont hang up dont hang up it was just Megan she was throwing up and it distracted me for a moment thats all but yes yes we have pen and paper as you asked.”

“Now Miss Brown that answer wont do at all. The correct way to address a member of the group that now owns you until 9am Monday is Sir or Madam. Do you understand” Sarah quickly understood that even if the idea of being owned terrified her the idea of what they would do with those pictures and supposed tapes terrified her even more. “Yes Sir I do” she replied.

“You and Miss Jones now have six owners; we will all introduce ourselves to you in person very shortly but first I am going to give you your first set of rules for the weekend, write these rules down and DO NOT break them; Rule One-All owners will be addressed as Sir or Madam. Rule Two- The slaves will not speak to an owner unless specifically spoken too first. Rule Three- The slaves will answer any and all questions asked by their owners immediately and truthfully. Rule Four- The slaves will not communicate with each other unless given specific instructions that they may do so, I am giving you those instructions now Miss Brown you may continue to communicate with Miss Jones until 6pm tonight. Rule Five- The slaves names will no longer be Sarah Brown and Megan Jones from this moment until 9am Monday morning, in the unlikely event of the slaves encountering someone who knows them as Sarah or Megan the slaves may respond to those names in order to keep that person from suspecting anything is wrong otherwise they may only respond to their new slave names. Sarah Browns name is now cocksucker. Megan Joness name is now big tits.” The names were almost childish but with a sudden edge of coarseness that sent a shiver down Sarahs spine. The man on the phone had been perfectly firm but so far polite; the letter was firm but perfectly civil. Their new names were a short sharp reminder that their new owners were unlikely to be polite or civil for most of the weekend. “So cocksucker has big tits stopped throwing up yet?” asked the voice on the phone. Sarah quickly looked up at Megan seeing her still a few paces away but standing upright and seemingly recovered for now “yes Sir she has” she replied nervously “then ask her to take the phone from you, and cocksucker dont make a mistake this quickly the result of a mistake would be quite terrible for both of you.” Sarah knew exactly what he meant by not making a mistake, hed be able to hear everything she said and probably everything Megan said. Sarah grabbed her notepad and circled the bit about calling the owners Sir and Madam then the bit with their new names not daring to take a moment longer she closed her eyes and called out “big tits one of our new owners would like to talk to you.” There was a pause that to Sarah seemed to stretch out indefinitely while Megans eyes widened in surprise. Sarah grabbed the notepad again and waved it at Megan pointing at the name section. Megan started to walk forward a look of total confusion and a bit of hurt on her face. She looked to where Sarah had circled on the pad she was waving so desperately at her. Megan only took 30 seconds to read both parts but again to both girls it seemed an age as they both realised they had left their new owner on the phone for what seemed to them to be 10 minutes but was in reality probably less than 1 so jumpy disorientated and confused were these girls. Megan jumped forward picking up the phone “yes Sir Im here.”

“Who is here slave you must be more specific” Megan felt her heart sink as she realised she was going to have to refer to herself by that ridiculous name. Of course she knew that the boys at their school had quite a few names for her, all similarly themed and she suspected that the girls even had their own name for her related to her chest. She had always told herself it didnt bother her, she had started developing early and anything that had you standing out from the crowd in secondary school taught you to be thick skinned at least from the outside. So almost before the names had started, back when she was a B cup and the rest of her classmates were just starting to wear training bras, Megan sat down one day with her breasts and felt that she came to terms with them yes they were larger than her friends and yes since they had spurted shed noticed a lot of the older boys in particular giving her funny looks. But she knew the women they were just envious and the boys well who knew what boys were thinking but if something of hers could capture their attention it could only be a help in the long run so what was a bit of name calling when she clearly had what they all wanted. However as the years had gone on and her breasts had kept growing she started to suspect that the breasts were all anyone ever saw of her anymore. She was Massive Megan or they were Megans Melons or of course, usually shouted by some 13 year old boy from across the dining hall, Big Tits. The pact she had formed with her breasts when it first became clear they were going to be more noticeable than other girls breasts was starting to strain the breasts were getting all the attention and the rest of Megan felt neglected, except now of course for this weekend at least her ego had to wave a little white flag as she was now totally identified by her breasts.

“Sir it is big tits” Megan just managed to blurt out without throwing up.

“Slave I didnt understand a word of that, I do hope youre not being deliberately difficult Id hate to have to start posting these letters off so soon into the weekend.”

“No sir of course not sir I would never be deliberately difficult, I am very sorry for not speaking clearly enough for you sir I said Sir it is big tits” she didnt dare blurt anything out there, just hoping the extra Sirs might be enough to take his mind off those letters for a moment. Sarah gave her a very panicked look through the whole speech and seemed to be holding her breath every time Megan spoke. Quickly Megan realised she didnt know the rest of the rules so read through the notepad Sarah had handed to her.

The voice spoke again “Now big tits do you think you can take over writing down these rules I want to make sure you both have a chance to understand them.”

“Yes Sir” replied Megan with her pen and the notepad ready.

“First” said the voice “lets make sure cocksucker didnt make any mistakes I want you to read exactly what she has written down.” Megan read the five rules out loud hoping neither of them had made a mistake. “That seems to be satisfactory big tits so we will continue with Rule Six- The slaves are to be dressed exactly as outlined in the timetable in their changing room for the weekend unless an owner gives specific orders to them to change into another outfit in which case they must do so as soon as possible. Now as you obviously dont have access to your changing room until this evening you slaves will have to be creative to make sure that you meet our dress code or we wont let you in and the letters will of arrived before you finish your very long walk home tonight do I make myself clear big tits?” Megan felt the blood drain from her face they had no idea where they would be going tonight, if they failed to even get let in would it even be worth trying to get home again there was no way her parents would ever speak to her again. “Yes Sir, Sir what is the dress code for us this evening?” she asked hoping if she looked keen he might remember this and go a little easier on them later on. “big tits do you remember anywhere in the rules it being ok for slaves to ask any question that comes into their heads.” The voice sternly corrected Megan “No sir Im sorry sir I just thought that.”

“Well dont think slave it is not what you are for until Monday, your owners will do all your thinking for you from now until then. You do not think, you do not question, you simply submit, or are we wasting our time, should we just start ruining your lives now if you cannot cope with that simple idea?”

“No sir” said Megan between sobs “please dont it wont happen again sir I will just submit sir”

“Clearly I overestimated big tits didnt I, you need to have everything spelt out for you, you obviously still dont understand your position this weekend so I will make it very clear for you, write these down Rule Seven- Slaves do not question. Rule Eight- Slaves do not think for themselves. To make sure you understand this big tits I have just thought of a new rule for you and cocksucker but before I tell you it why dont you explain to cocksucker that I am introducing new rules because you were too dumb to understand a slaves position without it being spelled out for you. Go on tell her now big tits RIGHT NOW!” Megan nearly dropped the phone so shocking was the sudden change in tone. Tears were streaming down her face she didnt understand, she was actually trying to be a good slave, the very idea sickened her but she wasnt going to allow herself to fail and have the rest of her life ruined just because she couldnt be a good slave for three days. Damn it she was thinking again she had to stop thinking and start submitting that was how to get through this. “Cocksucker he is introducing new rules because I didnt understand a slaves position” Sarah looked straight at her and a dark look crossed her face. Shes cross with me Megan realised she gets us into this mess and she is cross with me for a few extra pointless rules. “Okay big tits I hope you have your pen and notepad ready again, rule nine- slaves may only refer to themselves in the third person, no more using the first person big tits the words I or we are no longer in your vocabulary. Do you understand big tits” This time Megan saw the trap before she walked into it “Yes sir big tits understands.”

“Excellent” said the voice “now lets get onto your agenda for today shall we, now obviously we cant have your parents worrying about where you are for the weekend so youll need to call home and leave messages for them explaining your spending the weekend with friends to study for the big test you have Monday, I suspect theyll be so pleased at the idea of you two lazy bitches studying they wont question any further but if they have more questions tell them to ring 1202340934 someone will be available to answer that who can put their mind at ease. Im sure you two have lying to your parents down as a fine art so do make it convincing, wed hate to have to tell them the truth wouldnt we. Next we need to get you appropriately attired and packed for the weekend. I trust you both have school bags with you I want you to put all your belongings, including your mobile phones except this one, into your bags along with your bra and panties and leave them in the east car park next to the litter bin along with your coats within an hour to be picked up by us.” Megan paused while writing down the instructions, not only would they be totally cut off from the outside world but the voice had said they wouldnt be at the groups house until six, that left 4 hours as least walking around without underwear. Megan hadnt been braless in public since she was 11 with the size of her breasts and the thinness of this white school shirt it was going to be very noticeable to everybody! And shed have nothing at all to cover herself with. She swallowed hard and told herself just to keep writing and not to give them any reason to get cross with her. “When you drop off the bags and coats taped to the back of the sign next to the bin will be an envelope in it will be some money your to use this money to buy yourselves your arrival outfit. A complete list of everything you need to purchase will be in the envelope. You are to have completed your shopping and be on the 5:43 train to Margate, once you arrive at Margate I will phone again with directions, understand? Well it doesnt really matter if you dont do exactly as Ive said you will very much regret it big tits very much. Now I must go I have my own preparations for the weekend, but please remember you are being watched at all times.” And with that he hung up.

Megan took a deep breath and put the phone down. Sarah had been watching as she wrote and they just looked at each other for a moment. “Well I dont feel like calling his bluff, anything they do to us has got to be better than going to jail right?” said Sarah. Megan just nodded at her too shaken to speak. “Ill phone home first then we had best get started on all this, I suppose youd best get changed and get your bag sorted out.” Megan just nodded again and with her eyes closed put her hands behind her back to undo her bra, she opened her eyes and looked around her, at least they were alone for now she thought as she pulled the bra out of her shirt sleeve. She looked down at herself, her nipples were clearly visible through the thin school shirt, there was a chill in the air and without the bra they were starting to stiffen making her even more self conscious. Then as quickly as she could she pulled her panties down her legs and put them into her bag with the bra. She felt absolutely naked now, the breeze was blowing up her skirt and around her pussy. She clenched her legs tightly together and crossed her arms over her breasts. She didnt want to move at all for fear someone might see her. Sarah came back and without saying anything passed her the phone. Megan took the phone and dialled in her home number, waited for the beep on the answerphone, and as her friend removed her underwear left a quick message on it explaining she wouldnt be coming home until Monday night.

They pulled their coats on before moving, knowing that soon that shield would be gone but appreciating it for the time being. Hurrying out of the park and down towards the car park they made it with fifteen minutes to spare. “Well best get this over and done with then” said Sarah. She unzipped her coat placed it down on the ground and put her bag on top of it. Megan reluctantly followed suit. Looking behind the sign she saw the envelope. Leave the car park now and then read me was written in big letters on it. Megan looked around thankfully there didnt seem to be anyone in sight so she grabbed the letter and said “We might as well go back to the park at least its quite there.” Shrugging Sarah started off for the exit. Megan took one last look at her possessions and followed her. Two minutes after they had gone a  car pulled up, Mr Shark stepped out picked up the bags and coats and drove off, all the while smiling to himself, it was all go so well he almost couldnt believe it.

The two girls got back to their little hiding place in the park having run almost the whole way. Megan in particular had attracted looks from pretty much everyone she passed, her breasts bouncing freely under her shirt, she had never felt so exposed before in her life. She just hurried on as quickly as possible and by the time theyd stopped her chest and back were aching. She collapsed onto the grass Sarah quickly sitting down next to her. “You want to take a minute before we open this?” asked Sarah. Megan shook her head “no lets just get it over and done with if I stop to think too much right now I dont think Im going to make it.” Sarah ripped open the envelope inside were two neatly typed up sheets one marked Big Tits the other Cocksucker and four twenty pound notes. Sarah handed Megans over to her “you want to go first or shall I?” Sarah asked. Megan shrugged “Ill go like I said I just want to get on with all this” she started reading the sheet out loud her voice shaky and quivering.

Big Tits-Outfit for arrival

T-shirt (white) at least one size too small

Skirt (black) at least one size too small not to be longer than your knees

Shoes (white, plastic) with at least a 3 inch heel

Hair to be tied back in a tight pony tail

This is ALL you are permitted to be wearing by the time you board the train, leave your current clothes in the bin once you are changed

Other items to be purchased

Nipple clamps

Red ball gag (inflatable)

Butt plug (inflatable)

YOU are to buy these items personally, they must all be purchased together, make sure you have all three before boarding the train.

Remember you are constantly being watched, any deviation from the instructions will result in instant punishment.

“Oh my god they cant be serious I cant buy those things” said Megan crying.

“Im sure Ill have my own list of other items” said Sarah “Ill be with you even if I cant actually go up to the till for you, well get through this really.”

“But if they want these things surely they are going to use them, how am I supposed to get them knowing theyll be used on me.”

“We dont know anything; maybe they just want us to get them you never know they might just bin them as soon as we hand them over. Lets look over my list ok then well just have to work out a way of getting it all before 5:43 ok?” Megan sniffled and nodded, part of her strangely hoping Sarahs list was worse. It was.

Cocksucker-Outfit for arrival

Dress (black, pvc)

Fishnet stockings (black)

Knee high boots (black, platforms) at least a 5 inch heel

Collar (black, leather)

Makeup- lipstick (blood red) eyeliner (black) mascara (black, heavily applied) nail varnish (to match lipstick.)

This is ALL you are permitted to be wearing by the time you board the train. Make up must be applied exactly as written here then kept, leave your current clothes in the bin once you are changed.

Other items to be purchased

Dildo (large, black, life like)

DVD (Blondes suck blacks)

Magazine (Large black Studs)

Paddle (black, leather)

YOU are to buy these items personally, they must all be purchased together, make sure you have all four before boarding the train.

Remember you are constantly being watched, any deviation from the instructions will result in instant punishment.

Neither girl said anything, Sarah was totally horrified if anyone she knew saw her shed never be able to explain the outfit, as for her other purchases she couldnt even start to think about having to take them all up to the till, even one in a sex shop. Megan was also silent, but mostly because she was worried shed laugh. She felt both relieved that that list wasnt hers and also strangely pleased. She didnt want her friend to suffer did she? Maybe it was just she didnt want to be the one suffering most. Her emotions were decidedly ambivalent right now and she really didnt know what she was feeling. All she knew was the she wouldnt be the one getting the most stares on the train. Eventually Sarah spoke up “right we have about 4 hours before we need to get to the station I suggest we go to the sex shop first, itll make getting the other things seem like a breeze and also that will probably be where most of our money goes. I have no idea how much all this will cost but wed better have something left for your clothes and my shoes and makeup or I dont know what well do. Its not like we can shop around for this stuff there is only one sex shop here so whatever it costs well just have to go with it.” Megan looked at her and nodded, she was glad to let Sarah take charge right now she just didnt want to think at all anymore.

Mercifully for the girls the sex shop was empty apart from the owner. A large balding man in his late forties he couldnt believe his luck when the two girls entered his shop. It didnt take him long to notice the lack of bras and as the two of them huddled together grabbing things off shelves he leered at the two of them. By the time they came up to the counter with their purchases he had a quite obvious erection, not that he cared. When he saw what the first girl put down he nearly came right there and then! He looked up at her and picked up the first item “Nipple clamps, Inflatable ball gag, Inflatable butt plug. Is there anything else you were wanting?” he said running the items through the till. Mortified Megan just shook her head. “Ok well thats twenty five pounds, of course if you want to come to an alternative arrangement” he said grinning at her. Megan just handed over the notes saying nothing. As he passed her the change his sweaty hand touched hers for just a little too much, a little too long. Megan thought she was going to pass out as she quickly jammed the items into a black carrier bag. Next came Sarah. The owner nearly did a double take at what shed purchased. Damn if only he was black he thought this girl clearly had a series fetish for sucking black cock, and what hed give to see her in that dress. He smiled at her “ok and lets see what youve got here a pvc dress, very nice selection there its both attractive and practical easy to wipe clean you see. And one of our larger dildos, a dvd lets see Blondes suck blacks you know we have the whole set of these for when youve finished with this one. A magazine Large black Studs this one is out every month. Ill keep a copy behind the counter for you if you like. And a paddle good sturdy looking one this excellent choice. And some of our fishnet stockings too, these will go well with your new dress.” Sarah was bright red and completely speechless “Thats thirty five pounds all together, unless of course you would like to arrange something between ourselves. I have a room in the back with a dvd player if that would help you.” Sarah shook her head and handed over the money, pushed everything into a couple of carrier bags and the two girls ran out of the shop in tears.

“Sixty pounds, that leaves us with twenty there is no way were going to get everything with that, they must of done this on purpose what are we supposed to do!” Megan said between sobs. Theyd both run straight back to the park after the awful experience with the sex shop owner. “Well have to try the charity shops for your clothes. Although where I am going to get boots for less than twenty pounds I have no idea” said Sarah. “But we really are running out of time and were going to have to trek round every charity shop here to find everything so we really have to go now Megan please we just have to get through this, they want us to fail we cant let that happen come on.” Megan sniffled and followed her friend back into the town center.

Several charity shops later the two girls were loaded down with carrier bags. Somehow theyd found all of Megans clothes, in the right sizes and the shoes for her. And incredibly Sarah had seen a pair of boots in the last charity shop for five pounds. They just about had enough for a hair bobble for Megan and the make up for Sarah and the two girls were starting to feel much better, maybe theyd get through this after all it certainly seemed as though their luck was changing. Theyd even forgotten about their lack of underwear. Of course the two girls werent to know that conveniently all the charity shops had received those items just this morning as Mr Shark went around placing them. Hed bought them all first thing and was only too happy to drop them off ready for the girls. They were very slutty, very cheap looking; there was little chance of anyone else buying them. God especially these boots he thought laughing to himself.

The two girls found themselves at the station by five, the smiles were soon off their faces as they realised they had to get changed. “Come on well go into the toilets here and get this over with we cant miss the train” said Sarah. Megan just nodded miserably shed almost enjoyed the shopping in a way it had been a bit of a treasure hunt and a good distraction. Trust Sarah to kill the mood the thought to herself, bossing me around as usual oh well I did say I didnt want time to think but she could at least pretend she valued my opinion. The two of them walked slowly into the toilets, took a cubical each and started to get changed.

Megan was done first. She couldnt believe how she looked when she stepped out of the cubical and looked into the mirror opposite. Her breasts looked enormous in the t-shirt and her nipples were clearly visible she might as well of not been wearing it. With the skirt just coming down to mid thigh and the cheap looking plastic white shoes she looked like a cheap whore. She started pulling her hair back into the pony tail when she saw Sarahs door open. As Sarah stepped out Megan almost burst out laughing, she instantly felt guilt about taking any pleasure in this when she noticed the tears running down Sarahs face. “Its not as bad as it seems Sarah really” said Megan trying to comfort her friend. If Megan looked like a cheap whore then Sarah looked like some kind of bondage slut. The black pvc dress was skin tight, very short and sleeveless. Sarah, already quite a tall girl for her age, was with the boots almost six feet. Then with the collar and fishnets there was no doubting she was dressed for something kinky. Sarah said nothing as she walked, a little unsteadily, over to the mirror. She did her best to dry her eyes and wipe the tears away with some toilet paper and then set to work on her makeup. The blood red lipstick and black eyeliner went on first, followed by the mascara then the nail varnish. The overall effect was slightly gothy, very sexy and totally unmissable. Sarah told herself whatever happened now she couldnt cry, the last thing she wanted was streaked makeup too that would probably be against the rules for a start. The two girls, looking as though they were about to go ply their trade in the red light district walked out of the toilets as though walking to the electric chair, leaving their school uniforms in the bins.. Almost as soon as they got out, thankfully for them, the train pulled up. They both hurried onto it trying to find the emptiest carriage. Taking a seat at the back they both sat down and contemplated what waited ahead for them in Margate.

As soon as they stepped out of the station in Margate the phone rang again. Sarah quickly pulled it out of the sex shop carrier back she was carrying and answered it. “I see you two made it then, and dont you both look wonderful. You are causing quite a stir already I see cocksucker.” It was true the train ride had been awful, women would see them and shake their heads and whisper and mutter to themselves, trying to sit as far away from them as possible. Anyone male just stared and quite soon their carriage was full of men sitting in any seat there that had some kind of view of the two. Now standing outside the station the taxi drivers waiting outside were staring, the customers in and around the station and a number of passers by had just stopped and started staring. When the phone rang it seemed to break some kind of spell and pretty soon everyone was talking about them. Not all of it in whispers either. Megan could here snippets of conversations. Whores and sluts seemed to be everyones name for them and she heard a couple of guys wondering “how much it would be for both of them.” Luckily no one approached them but they all kept staring and talking. “Now cocksucker youve got quite a walk ahead of you.” Mr Shark gave them directions to the owners newly acquired house. He made sure it took them through all the busiest parts of the town and would have them quite disorientated before they finally made it. Sarah wrote the directions down on the back of the list of rules. “Now remember well be watching no dawdling now cocksucker we think your delaying your arrival deliberately by a second and you will regret it. Although it is going to be quite a chilly night so that should motivate you two sluts” Mr Shark said laughing as he hung up. Sarah turned to Megan “come on lets get going before something else happens, at least well be inside soon.” The two girls started off for their new weekend home.

Friday Evening: Acclimatisation

It took the two girls an hour to reach the house. As expected theyd been stared at, shouted at, jeered, whistled, called every name under the sun and even followed on the way. By the time they reached the house they were totally humiliated and just wanted to get inside as quickly as possible. The house itself was in the middle of a housing estate that was still being built. None of the other houses looked as though anyone had moved into them yet. It was a large modern looking detached house and the two girls hurried up the drive. Once they were outside the door they stopped and just looked at each other. What were they supposed to do now, just wait or ring the bell. After a couple of minutes Sarah turned to Megan “well at least well be inside and its just until Monday then its all over ok?” Megan nodded. Sarah reached up and rang the doorbell. After another couple of minutes, which to the girls seemed like hours the door swung open.

“Ah Bigtits and Cocksucker arrived at last come in and meet your new owners” said Mr Shark. The two girls nervously walked into the house. Mr Shark shut the door behind them and made sure to double lock it and put the chain on, no one would be going in or out of this door tonight. The two girls found themselves in a hallway with a couple of doors leading off of it and a set of stairs. “This way you two” said Mr Shark as he opened the first door off the hall. It lead into a large room empty except for six chairs and five more people. There were two crosses marked on the carpet with tape and spot lights shone onto that spot. Mr Shark took the empty seat and pointed to the crosses. “Stand on those crosses NOW so we can get a proper look at you and then introduce ourselves slaves.” The two girls quickly stepped onto the crosses and looked at the small audience in front of them. “Now first of all well need to teach you two to stand properly I see. Clasp your hands behind your backs and spread your legs out. Now anytime your told to stand anywhere if you arent told differently thats how you are to stand this weekend understand?”

“Yes sir” the two girls said quietly.

“No that wont do speak louder when your answering a question.” Mr Shark snapped at them. “Yes Sir” the two girls repeated louder this time.

“Thats better, if we ask you a question we expect to hear your answers clearly slaves. We own you this weekend dont forget that. Now let me introduce you to your new owners. At the end there is Miss Spark then Miss Shock. Next to her are Mr Filth and Mr Spade. Im Mr Shark and this is Mr Filth” he said gesturing to each person in turn. Remember those names slaves. Now pass over those carrier bags to Mr Spade.” The two girls handed over the carrier bags that theyd put down on the floor next to them. “Mr Spade I trust everything is in order?” he looked through both bags very carefully and nodded “yes Mr Shark everything we asked for is here.”

“Well slaves so far you are obeying us well, keep that up and it will make the weekend a lot more bearable for you both” sneered Mr Shark. “Now we have quite a busy night planned for you both the first thing we need to do is get you both cleaned properly. Cocksucker you are to go with Miss Shock, Big tits with Miss Spark. They will take you to youre bathrooms and get you clean and properly attired for the rest of the evening.” The two women stood up silently and walked out the door ignoring the two girls. The two girls quickly followed them up the stairs where the women separated. Miss Spark went left and Miss Shock right, the two girls realising they were going to be split up for the first time looked at each other and followed their respective owners into their new changing rooms.

Megan found herself in a small room with another door in the opposite wall, two large wardrobes with notices pinned on them and a large chest of drawers. “Now bigtits pay attention this is your changing room. On the wardrobe doors is the clothes is your clothing timetable. In the future we will just tell you to get changed to the proper clothes and you will come here and get out the correct outfits. For the first time though I am going to supervise to speed up the process. The first thing you are to do is go into the bathroom there” she pointed to the other door. “And shower and shave off all your body hair from your neck downwards. You will then dry yourself and come out here so I can inspect you. You will take off your clothes out here NOW.” Megan jumped at the final shout and quickly started taking off her clothes. As she pulled off her t-shirt she bashfully put an arm across her breasts. “Oh no none of that Big tits, you are not to cover any part of your body at all this weekend if we say you are to be naked you are to be completely exposed move that arm.” Megan quickly moved her arm not liking the look in Miss Sparkss eyes and took off her shoes and skirt quickly. “Well what are you waiting for go in their and get yourself cleaned up now!” Megan gladly ran into the bathroom. Inside there was a toilet and a shower. Some soap, some shampoo, a towel and a razor and shaving cream. Megan not wanting to get in any trouble this soon quickly turned on the shower and go to work cleaning, then shaving herself.

Sarah had had much the same treatment in her changing room, and was also in the shower shaving off her body hair. Miss Shock had made it quite clear that she didnt want to be kept waiting so Sarah moved quickly. She had always trimmed her pubic hair but never shaved it all off before. Still it wasnt the worst thing in the world and at least she was out of that awful outfit. She sprayed on the shaving foam and got to work.

Megan finished drying herself off. It felt very strange not having any pubic hair anymore but she didnt really have time to think about it as Miss Spark opened the door. “Get a move on Big tits!” she ordered. Megan jumped again and followed Miss Spark out the door. “Leave the towel behind” Miss Spark said without looking. Megan dropped the towel on the floor. “Now lets start off with the correct accessories shall we” said Miss Spark with a sudden smile on her face, a smile which made Megan very nervous indeed. She bent down and Megan suddenly realised the sex shop carrier bag had appeared in the room. Megan stood in shock as Miss Spark pulled out the inflatable ball gag. “Open wide slave” she ordered. Megan opened hr mouth as tears started to form in her eyes. Miss Spark roughly shoved the red ball gag into her mouth, and fixed the straps tightly around Megans head. She then produced a small air pump, attached it to the ball and started pumping away. The gag inflated quickly forcing Megans mouth wide open and completely filling it. Her jaws ached and she couldnt breath through her mouth at all. She took panicked breaths through her nose as the large red ball forced her jaws painfully apart. She was crying heavily by now but Miss Spark didnt react at all. Eventually when Megan thought her jaws were going to break under the pressure Miss Spark removed the pump from the gag. Megan suddenly realised as well as crying she was starting to drool a little too, there was nothing she could do about it as she felt tears and drool drop fall down her face and drop onto her breasts. Miss Spark went back into the back and Megan started backing away. Quick as a flash Miss Spark slapped her across the face. “Did I say you could move slave NO I DIDNT” she slapped Megan again. “Stop fucking snivelling and stand still unless you want to go find out what happens in the punishment room.” Megans head was spinning from the two hard slaps but she stopped moving and the shock even stopped her crying for a moment. Miss Spark quickly reached out and grabbed her left nipple. Pulling it towards her she roughly attached the first nipple clamp. Megan had never felt pain like it. It shot through her like electricity. Miss Spark quickly repeated the process on the right nipple and then gave both clamps a squeeze. Megan screamed into the ball gag but all that came out was a quiet gurgle and more drool. “Thats nothing compared to what Ill do to you if you disobey me again Big tits. Do as your told and this will go much much easier. Believe me it could be a lot worse.” Miss Spark pulled open a drawer and removed some KY jelly. “Now Big tits this butt plug” she waved the inflatable butt plug in Megans face “is going up your ass, you can either stand still stop whining and let me put some of this up their first to help it or Ill just fucking ram it up without any lubricant ok?” Megan nodded she had never had anything up there before and didnt even want to think what it would feel like without lubricant. Miss Spark squirted some lubricant onto her hand and walked behind Megan. She rubbed some around her arsehole and then started to slip a finger in. She pushed the finger up into Megans arse a few times, applying more lubricant each time. Megan was mortified a strange woman had a finger up her arse. She felt so humiliated and dirty, worst of all the second and third time the finger went up it felt kind of good. She blushed bright red but stood still letting Miss Spark finger fuck her arsehole for a couple of minutes. Eventually Miss Spark stopped and applied a bit more lubricant to the buttplug. “Ok Big tits now stand still and try to relax if I was you.” Miss Spark half inflated the plug and then started to force it up into Megans arse. It felt huge to Megan and this definitely didnt feel good. But it was going up the well lubricated passage. Eventually she felt her arsehole close down on it leaving just a flat disc with the pump still attached to it on the outside. Miss Spark started pumping. Megan squealed again, again with little effect. The plug expanded in her ass growing and growing. Miss Spark pumped it until it was as big as it could possibly go. Megan was in tears again, the giant invader in her ass was the only thing she could think about. Miss Spark disconnected the pump and slapped Megans butt cheek. “There now just your collar to go, some shoes, some restraints and youll be all ready for dinner.” Megan barely heard her she was in so much pain and discomfort. Miss Spark pulled open another drawer and pulled out a large black collar with a D ring at the front. She lifted up Megans hair and pulled the collar tight around Megans neck “Put your hands behind your back slave” she said. Megan almost automatically put her hands behind her; she wasnt surprised when she felt the handcuffs tightly fasten around each wrist. Next came the shoes. They were the same cheap white pair she had worn to the house. Miss Spark finished off by attaching a hobble chain to her ankles; it was carefully measured to make sure she could get up and down the stairs, just, but no more. It wasnt like she could run anywhere anyway.

In the other changing room Sarah was finding herself similarly violated. First had come the penis gag, the size of it nearly choking her. Just as she was getting used to this Miss Shock had brought out the rubber panties. Black shiny rubber with two built in dildos the front one slightly larger than the back. Miss Shock had applied a little lube to each of them and passed them to Sarah. “Well cocksucker what are you waiting for?” she asked. With her head bowed Sarah slowly pulled the panties up her legs until the two fake cocks were pressing against her holes. “Take any longer and Ill throw you outside wearing just what you are now” warned Miss Shock. Tears running down her cheeks Sarah pushed and pulled until the panties were tightly fit around her groin the two dildos deeply imbedded in her. Next Miss Shock passed her her boots back and then started to restrain her the same as Megan, hands cuffed behind her back, collar around the neck and hobble chain attached around the boots. “There perfect your all ready for you dinner now” smiled Miss Shock and the pulled out a lead, clipping it to the D ring at the front of Sarahs collar. Without saying a word she started walking towards the door. Sarah quickly shuffled along behind her terrified that she would fall over at any moment.

The two girls left their changing rooms at almost the same moment, and both just stared at each other in their new get up. The two owners led them by their leads down the stairs and into a new room where there was a large table with a feast set upon it. The two girls stomachs started rumbling as they realised theyd barely eaten all day, and were suddenly famished. The two owners had other ideas though; they led them up to the table and pointed to a small set of steps pushed against the side of it. “Get up their and stand on your crosses” Miss Shock said pointing to two crosses set in the middle of the table with black tape. Very carefully first Sarah then Megan made their way up the steps and across the table, each standing on a cross. Miss Spark picked up a bell and rang it “dinner is served everyone” she shouted, the doors immediately opened and the other four owners made their way into the room. Each of them stopped to have a good look at the new centrepieces to their feast. The two girls stood there cheeks red as each of the guys made their own little comment about them “Very nice indeed” said Mr Filth, “I wonder how large did you get that inflatable butt plug in Big Titss arse I wonder? Think if we pulled hard enough we could get it out without deflating it?”

“By the end of the weekend shell probably need a larger buttplug with what she is about to go through” Miss Spark said laughing. The six owners settled down to their dinner, occasionally mentioning the two slaves in passing but for the most part ignoring them as they enjoyed the feast laid out in front of them.

After an hour of standing on the table while the owners around them feasted the two girls were tired, aching and still very hungry. As the owners finished off the last of the food Mr Shark stood up “ok slaves you can come down now and well fix your dinner” he said. The two girls stiffly started shuffling back down off the table. Mr Spade rose and went through another door into a room at the back of the dining room. After five minutes of so he came back with two dog bowls filled with rice pudding. He placed the two bowls down in front of the girls “hmm this could be a bit bland for you two, why dont you let us add a bit sauce to it” he said and pulled open his flies. His already hard cock sprang forth and he started to masturbate it over the left bowl. Mr Shark joined him at that bowl while the other two male owners masturbated over the right bowl. Within five minutes both bowls had a fresh double dose of semen floating on top of the rice pudding. Mr Shark, readjusting himself, reached behind both girls and undid the straps on their gags. “Now girls get eating, I expect clean bowls in ten minutes or there will be trouble.” Both girls looked down at the now very unappetising dog bowls not knowing what to do. “What are you waiting for” said Mr Shark “get on your knees and start eating your time has started please dont make us start punishing you already!” Start punishing them! The two girls already had been through hell and were about the stick their faces into cum and cold rice pudding, the owners idea of punishment was truly terrifying to them. Kneeling, both girls slowly dipped their heads into the bowls trying to suck in or lap up as the rice pudding as quickly as possible. Neither of them had ever tasted sperm before but there was no missing it here. “Come on you two only five minutes left, maybe you want to be punished?” asked Mr Shark. The two girls saw no other choice and pushed their faces down into the two bowls trying to get as much rice pudding and cum into their mouths at a time as possible. As they neared the bottom of the bowl Mr Shark reminded them “lick the bowls clean I want them to be sparkling and spotless in the next minute or else.” The two girls stuck out their tongues and lapped all around the inside of the dog bowls desperately trying to get them clean in under a minute.

Shaved, plugged, humiliated, collared and now made to lick up strange mens sperm from a dog bowl the two girls were totally devastated by the evenings activities. They had convinced themselves it surely wouldnt be too bad and had found themselves thrown into a world so degrading they were no longer thinking like two normal teenage girls. As they held their mouths open to have their gags reattached they both just stared off into space, their minds shut down and their bodies completely submissive playthings for their new owners. Of course the pills from Miss Shock ground into the rice pudding helped but the ordeal seemed so surreal and overwhelming they almost couldnt believe it was happening to them.

“Right then lets get you two settled in for the night, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow” said Mr Shark. The leads were reattached and Mr Filth took Sarah and Mr Bull took Megan. They were led out the door they had entered the room through and off into yet another new room. It was completely empty except for blackout curtains on the windows and two horrifying looking contraptions on the floor. Each was identical, consisting of a long flat bench with a number of straps across it about a foot off the ground. There were a number of pulleys and ropes hanging from the ceiling over them and two posts at the bottom of each bench diagonally out from the ends. Positioned at the end of each bench was a terrifying looking machine, the two girls just stared at them numbly. Each consisted of two large dildos connected to poles running back into the machines body. Every part of the machine it seemed could be adjusted or changed, they were Mr Bulls pride and joy and he had had wanted to try building them for quite some time. The plans had been locked up in his house safely and as soon as they knew they had the girls he had started work on them. Mr Filth pulled Sarah over to one of the benches “Were going to uncuff you two briefly now, try anything and youll find out just how unpleasant life can be here.” Tied Sarahs lead to an eyelet in the floor and uncuffed her. Mr Bull repeated the procedure with Megan. “Now as you can see weve spent quite some time getting your night time arrangements correct, I cant guarantee a very peaceful night but you two certainly wont be bored at least” he said grinning from ear to ear. “Lie down on the benches each of you so we can get you strapped in for the night.” Each girl laid down, Mr Bull bent down and pulled off Megans nipple clamps. The sudden rush of blood returning to them made her scream into her gag, drool running out of the sides of her mouth and her vision went blurry, he then deflated the buttplug and removed that from her finally unclipping her hobble chain. Mr Filth removed Sarahs hobble chain and pulled off the rubber panties. Both girls were pleased to have their orifices temporary empty and started to breathe a little easier. The two men then started to strap the girls in. Their arms were tied tightly down to the side of each bench and a straps were placed across their stomachs, above their breasts and foreheads pulling them tightly down onto the benches. Their legs were then harshly spread apart and tied off to the two poles at each end of the benches. Mr Filth then removed Sarahs penis gag and replaced it with an O ring. Reaching up he pulled down another dildo on a pole, lined it up with the O ring and pushed it into Sarahs helpless mouth. “Here you are cocksucker, we know how you like to have something in your mouth” he sniggered. Mr Bull pulled down two ropes with large clips on them “And for you Big tits lets see if we cant make you even bigger tits” he roughly clamped the clips onto each of her nipples and then started to attach weights to the other end of the rope suspended from a pulley straight above her. When he had finished her breasts were painfully pulled upwards from their nipples while Megan couldnt even bend her back to take some of the strain off them. Mr Filth then moved to the dildo machine, positioning each one carefully in front of Sarahs holes he flicked a switch and each dildo moved forward slowly allowing him to line them up exactly with her ass and pussy. As they filled Sarahs holes Mr Bull did the same thing to Megan. Finally Mr Bull hit a button on a remote control and dildos began to move slowly in and out of Megan and Sarah “dont worry girls these machines are programme to randomly change speeds, depth even angle slightly throughout the night so you will never quite get used to the fucking, now one last dildo to go” he said and pressing another button started the dildo in Sarahs mouth moving in and out. Miss Shock came in and looked at the two slaves “Mr Bull you really have outdone yourself they look wonderful” she said smiling. “Now girls I just have to give you your shots before you go to sleep.” Both girls started screaming no and trying to shake their heads but found it impossible to do either. Picking up a hypodermic needle Miss Shock first came over to Megan and pushed it into her left breast half emptied it then pushed the rest into her right breast. “There dear something to help you keep lubricated through the night mixed with a little something to make sure you dont get too tired and finally a special mixture of hormones thatll help those big tits get even bigger, and hopefully by tomorrow evening they should be ready for milking” she said. Walking over to Sarah she stuck another needle into Sarahs butt cheek “no point trying to improve your tiny breasts I feel but these drugs should help you have a more interesting night, just to be fair Ive upped the dosage of the lubrication drug in you it should make you really very horny indeed Im afraid so I also included a drug to make sure you cant orgasm for 8 or 9 hours. I suspect you will very much want to by morning and youll just have to wait for it to wear off I suppose, ok you two sleep well.” The three owners left the room and turned out the light.

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