BDSM Library - Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A three-part story set in both the mid-nineteenth century and the present day, recounting the tale of two young ladies at the mercy of a desperate ship�s crew stranded on a desert island. The parts will all be posted over the next few days. (M/f, M+/f, BDSM, historical, nc, slow, serious).
Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun

Part One


by Velvetglove



The blade slid silently across young Grommet�s throat.

�What you looking at, boy ?�

The Ship�s Lad froze in terror at the unexpected sound of the Second Mate�s growl. The erection, which the fourteen year old boy had been fisting through a slit in the inside pocket of his breeches, softened almost instantaneously in shock.

But not fast enough.

The iron grip of Master Wallis, the Second Mate, spun the fourteen year old lad around effortlessly.

With a wordless snarl, the bear-like older man stared coldly down in amusement at the petrified young voyeur�s bulge, then he quietly leaned forward so that he too could take a turn peeking through the hole.

Left-handed, he kept the sharp gutting knife poised in position, still pricking the vulnerable underside of young Grommet�s neck, while he pressed his right eye against the wood.

They were below decks in a dark, dingy storeroom adjacent to the most privileged part of the vessel; the passengers� quarters.

The tiny eyehole looked into the cabin of the only male and female couple on the voyage.

Wallis grinned at the display of Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby enjoying a cramped, afternoon fuck on the narrow double-cot. It was their honeymoon, after all. They were on their way to start married life together in South Africa.

He studied them, guessing the red-headed, red-blooded male was older than his wife, at around thirty. His �Sir� was an inherited title. The young fuckwit obviously hadn�t done anything himself to merit an honour except hunt, shoot, fish and screw scullery maids. He was still wearing his cream silk shirt, riding up his back, as his pale buttocks hammered up and down on top of his young, nubile love.

The new Lady Helen Rigby was no more than twenty two, with a lovely glossy skinned face totally devoid of pockmarks and blemishes, a tousled mop of toffee coloured curls, brown doe-eyes, and tits like ripe grapefruits that were barely confined by her bodice.

Wallis couldn�t see her face at that moment but the position of her ankles drumming her husband�s back suggested the slut was probably enjoying her new afternoon pastime.

Wallis slowly pulled his eye away from the hole and stared back down at the anxious lad. He chuckled, sheathed his knife and ruffled the teenager�s hair.

�Run along, boy.�



*** *** ***


I laid the knife meaningfully along her throat.

Her lovely emerald eyes stared back up at me, saucer-wide and evidently full of terror.

�Open wide.�

My knees were planted firmly either side of her shoulders, my butt across her ribs, my sweaty balls bouncing on her cleavage. I was holding the knife in my right hand so that I could pump myself in a frenzy with my other fist.

The piece of cutlery I was pressing into her skin was blunt but she parted her jaws and hesitantly opened her plump red lips regardless.

I literally laughed aloud as the first huge rope of pearly semen uncoiled out of my cockslit and landed with an audible splat on her forehead, backfilling along the bridge of her nose, upper lip and into her gaping mouth.

She shut her eyes but not fast enough. A second jet pulsed in a straight line directly into her right eye then hosed her cheek.

She gasped as her eye stung, instinctively wriggling to try and use her hand to wipe it, but I had pinned both her arms still by her side.

In the throes of my orgasm, I couldn�t help her, even had I�d wanted to. I kept frantically jacking my dick with my left hand, aiming for the other side of her face, watching the third of my customary �big three� dollops land in her other eye socket, leaving a trail from her chin to her eyebrow.

Oh boy, do I love a face painting session !

My balls still had a couple more bullets in the chamber. Not as messy as the opening triple torpedo salvo but just as tasty. I concentrated my firepower into her mouth, looking down as it coated her tongue, gums and palate.

A few seconds later, I was done.

Phew !� I exclaimed, lifting a knee, climbing off her chest and collapsing on the mattress beside her. Pheweee.�

I glanced up at the digital clock by my side of the hotel bed. The green numbers told me I�d timed everything perfectly. The pay-per-view movie I�d selected was starting at seven.

She was reaching out to her bedside table for a tissue. Her fingers fumbled about, eyes shut tight due to my stinging juice.

I watched her a moment, getting my breath. At last she found the box and extracted a tissue, pulling it over to her face.

�Let me.� I said, softly.

I used my fingers to scoop as much of my coagulating spunk as possible into a puddle and eased it onto her upper lip.

�Open up.�

Obediently, she made an �o� with her mouth.

I tipped the goo in and only afterwards used the tissue to mop up the residue from her eye sockets and nostrils. I laid the useless knife on my bedside table. It was one of those cheap, blunt ones that airlines used for meals before 9/11, and hotels still do. It had come with our room service tray of tropical fruits, fresh breads and a wonderful cheese plate.

Cautiously, she blinked open her eyelids. Her mascara had smeared into a detonation of dark streaks.

We smiled at each other.

This was a special holiday. We both knew it. Chances were we would return to London engaged, unless something went very wrong. I�d spent over ten years looking for �the one�. And my numerous adverts had finally found me Misty; stunning, sexy, fascinating, funny, bubbly, inquisitive, only 22 but adult beyond her years.

And - obviously above all - kinky and submissive.

I turned on my side and ran my hand down from her smeared face, over her elegant neck, between her ample breasts, stretching my fingers over to thumb her erect, hard nipples, then across her flat stomach to her tousled pubic curls. We�d already done the shaved pussy thing and now I�d let her grow it back into a luxuriant dark triangle.

I teasingly fingered her aroused clit.

She gasped and tilted her head back fractionally. �Facial rapes� never failed to get Misty going.

�You want to come, baby ?�

Her eyes rolled gently.

�Please ��

I glanced over at the clock.

18:59. Movie time ! She loves it when I deny her release. Makes her do all sorts of things to earn it.

I pulled away from Misty�s clit and ruffled her hair.

�Well, you�ll just have to wait. Run and fetch the TV remote.�


*** *** ***


The year was 1859.

Exciting times. Around the globe, the French Navy�s �La Gloire� was being launched as the world�s first ocean-going ironclad warship, Oregon had been admitted as the 33rd US State and John Brown�s raid on Harper�s Ferry in Virginia was about to signal a general slave rebellion and thus indirectly trigger a Civil War in America.

Meanwhile, in Second Mate Wallis�s home port of London, the great bell Big Ben had just chimed for the first time, and the British Naturalist Charles Darwin was putting the finishing touches to his book �The Origin of Species�.

In the Spring of that year, a Merchant Packet Ship, The �Descendant�, had left Southampton, pausing in Lisbon, and it was now on its way to Port Elizabeth in South Africa, carrying a cargo of equipment, dry goods, port wine, and a small number of passengers, brave or foolhardy enough to make the journey.

They included the aforementioned honeymooners Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby and the good knight�s younger sister, Rose, whom he was escorting south to join up with her fianc�, Major Seaton of the British Army. The other three passengers were all male, all ordinary, and shortly never to be heard of again.

The �Descendant� was an honest merchant ship of sturdy construction, with three officers, namely Captain Bates, First Mate Lubbock and Second Mate Wallis. Her crew comprised a cook, a carpenter, a boatswain, 11 able seamen and 12 ordinary seamen. Plus one Ship�s Boy.

Like most of her journeys, this one had been uneventful so far. She rode out the few storms, negotiated the Doldrums, and was making good time in a strong breeze for Port Elizabeth when disaster struck.

Just before dawn on the morning after Second Mate Wallis had spied on the happy couple making love in their quarters, the ship shuddered to a halt with an ear splitting crash.

The �Descendant� had become helplessly impaled on an uncharted rock. Her hull was opened up as completely as Grommet�s throat might have been by the Second Mate�s blade. Seawater gushed into the engine room and then a freak wave twisted the knife, condemning the ship to the depths.

There was only sufficient time to launch two of her three lifeboats. The First Mate, three passengers and eight of the crew clambered into the first.

The Second Mate, three passengers and another eight crew had a few moments to gather some equipment and belongings before jumping into the second.

Captain Bates himself went down honourably with his ship, while the remaining crew flailed in the foaming water until the sharks put an end to their suffering.

A century and more later, the �Descendant� had become one of South Africa�s ten most popular diving wrecks.


It is not known what happened to the first lifeboat. There is no historical record of a First Mate called Lubbock surviving nor any of other the three passengers who climbed into his boat.

But the second lifeboat made it to land. Of sorts.

It drifted for 30 hours, as the ocean swell raged, then dwindled into steady rollers under a gentle rain. Inside the boat the ten men and two women huddled dejectedly on the floor. The men stared at their feet glumly and the traumatised women wept, then slept.

Wallis surveyed the motley crew and decided he was �Second Mate� no more. The Captain had gone down and Wallis doubted he would ever set eyes on the First Mate again. He studied the sole male passenger, Sir Rufus, and surmised that any leadership skills the man might have were suited to shiny redcoats, cavalry charges and a formal military structure.

No, in this situation, Wallis was definitely in charge.

Mid-afternoon on the second day, young Grommet, taking his turn as watch, spied a solitary island. It emerged slowly from below the endless horizon, until they could all make out a silhouette resembling a fat man floating on his back in the water.

As they drew closer, Wallis saw there was a mountain rising like a paunch, covered in lush foliage, and a second smaller hill reminiscent of a head, with sandy beaches and palm trees fringing the entire island.

Without consulting anybody, he formally assumed command.

�To starboard.� He bellowed, peering into the crystal clear waters for any sign of rocks as they navigated to shore.

His lifeboat crew comprised several of his best mates; Greaser, Donkey and Stoker from the boiler room, and Limey Jack, an able Seaman. Only �Doc�, who was the Ship�s Cook, and the old carpenter and another crewman were unknown quantities. Grommet, the Ship�s Boy would do as he was told. The men paddled using the two oars combined with other bits of equipment to row the longboat towards the shoreline.

The three passengers, Sir Rufus, Lady Helen, and Rose huddled in the back of the boat and behaved as if they still believed they were paying passengers. Wallis growled.

You !� he snapped at Sir Rufus. �Get your head down that side of the boat and look out for rocks.�

The pompous, carrot-topped, freckled face looked up at him aghast.

�Do it. Now.� Wallis roared, snarling until the man obeyed.

Carefully, they made it ashore and beached the longboat.


Wallis, accompanied by Greaser, the engine room oiler, took a tour of the island. It covered a few square miles and was almost completely surrounded by white sandy beach. They managed to use their cutlasses to hack through the scrub forest that covered most of the inland ridge and there, to their immense relief, was a natural spring stream running along the side of the mountain. They also spied a few goats, rabbits and a mass of wild berries.

As they were walking back to the beach to convey the good news to the other members of the party, they spotted the two women who had removed their sodden dresses and were drying them behind a clump of rocks. They were sharing a woollen blanket that Lady Helen had produced from her sack of possessions.

Greaser exchanged glances with Wallis.

Both men smiled stained and gap toothed grins.


But there was no rush. At first there was too much to do.

Wallis organised them into pairs to perform the most suitable roles.

The carpenter had brought a few of his tools with him in the lifeboat. He and a crewman set to work constructing a shelter.

Greaser and Donkey collected wood for the hut and also built a fire.

Stoker and Limey Jack strung bows and cut arrows, with flint tips, and took them and the cutlasses to catch food.

Wallis and Doc completed a thorough inventory of everything they possessed; each individual crewman�s possessions and the general supplies from the boat; knives, bowls, rope, needles, thread, candles, cutlery, seeds, a mariner�s clock and a compass.

And there was a single firearm that Wallis kept for himself; a fine 12-bore sidelock hammer pigeon gun that could be used to shoot animals - or man - as required.

With water, some food, their equipment, and luck, they had a chance of survival, as long as another ship came by to rescue them within a few weeks, or perhaps even months.

In the meantime, Wallis studiously ignored the three �passengers�. Their fare had run out when the ship went down.

Now they were on their own !


That first meal of goat and berries, and freshwater, tasted as good as any ship�s rations. The men stood around in a circle, grinning as the bloody meat soiled their straggly beards and rags.

Eventually Sir Rufus approached.

Er � may we � join you ?�

Wallis looked at him coldly. �You want to share ?�

�Yes, rather.�

�Sure.� He said eventually. �We�ll all share everything then.�

Wallis watched him start to pull off a leg of goat meat to take it over to the two women huddled together thirty yards away.

�Nah. Tell them to come over here, nice and warm like, by the fire.�

The man�s eyes sparked in the firelight. �But they are not dressed properly !�

There was a tense hush. All of the crewmen had stopped eating.

Wallis allowed ten, fifteen awkward and menacing seconds to pass before he replied.

�No. They�re not are they ? Okay, you take them some food. Tonight.


The next morning, Wallis pulled the old carpenter over to one side.

�Choice, old timer. You for me or against me ?�

The old man�s rheumy eyes glanced at him. He didn�t need to speak. The eyes said �for�.

Wallis drew with a stick in the sand. He smiled.

�Can you build these. Nice and sturdy ?�

The carpenter nodded silently.


The second evening, they had found wild yams and Greaser had fashioned a harpoon with which he had speared a fish. Alongside a rabbit and more berries, it was a veritable feast.

Rufus approached again.

�I�d be ever so grateful ��

Wallis interrupted him.

�Bring them over here.�

�But ��

�They don�t come here, then none of you eat.�

With a gulp, Sir Rufus Digby turned around. Wallis spat out a fishbone. Take these pompous lords and ladies out of their fancy houses with no servants and see how they cope.

Slowly the two young women in their sun-dried dresses came over with their chaperone.

Wallis scratched behind his ear.

Lady Helen and young Rose hesitantly stepped into the circle around the campfire. The crewmen took just a step or two back, no more.

�Last night,� Wallis said, grinning at Sir Rufus, �we all agreed to share everything, right ?�

�Well ��

Without warning, Wallis seized Lady Helen by her collar. There was a shout of approval from his men and an anguished groan from Sir Rufus. Rose screamed and tried to run from the enclosure of burly men but she was caught by Limey Jack, who had been ready, on account of the sign Wallis had given by scratching his ear.

�Well, then you are going to share your wife with us !� Wallis announced over the tumult, hurling Lady Helen down into the sand, ripping her dress.

Noooo�� Sir Rufus roared, charging, but a cudgel blow to the head knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, the world would never be the same again.





Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun

Part Two


by Velvetglove




They waited the necessary few minutes until Rufus had regained consciousness. By which time however, he had been tied between two sturdy wooden posts that the carpenter had buried deep into the sand.

His own clothes had been ripped from his pale body and then strips of rags torn from them, soaked in seawater, were used to tie his wrists and ankles to the posts, leaving him spread eagled and totally naked. His shrivelled penis hung down limply in a tangle of ginger hair.

Next to him, his screaming, frantic, 21 year old sister Rose was tied in exactly the same dire predicament, except that the strips tying her had also been made of her dear brother�s clothes. She had been left wearing her creased and soiled dress. For now.

Meanwhile, Lady Helen, was staked out in an �x� on the sand, her delicate wrists and ankles tied to four wooden pegs, and her upturned, sobbing face was almost directly underneath her husband�s widespread feet. Her feet were near the fire so that its crackling warmth and light could cast a special glow on the forthcoming event.

Wallis finished chewing casually on a rabbit bone and gestured for his men to all kneel in the sand either side of Lady Helen, so close they could reach out and touch her when the moment was right. They arranged themselves so as to leave two gaps, one for the flickering firelight to pass through, and the other to allow Sir Rufus an unencumbered view.

Wallis wandered over to Lady Helen�s husband, leaning into his ear.

�I�m not an unreasonable man � Rufus.� He made a point of leaving off the man�s title. �Back home was your world. But this is my island, and so you will learn to call me King Wallis. And on my island, we all share and share alike. So, when you want to share your wife with us, you can. But from now on you rank the lowest of all the males here.�

Wallis looked round and smiled. �Yes, even lower than young Grommet there, the Ship�s Lad. Once he�s had his regular daily turn on your missus, if you ask nicely, you can follow him. Is that understood ?�

Wallis paused calmly to wipe the saliva off his face. Rufus had turned his head and spat a thick, insolent wad.

He shrugged. �You will regret that, I assure you. You see, I only brought a few things off the ship with me. But one of them is being held by my mate Greaser there.�

The gormless and disfigured crewman held up a six feet long, leather �cat �o nine tails�.

�So I shall fuck your missus and, when I�m through, then I�ll flog a little sense into you while we both watch our friends here enjoying a little party.�


Wallis took his time gutting every last shred of dress and undergarment from Helen. She wailed and cried, and twisted and writhed, as all around her hungry male faces grinned down. Hands and fingers curled out round her young and perfect, ample breasts as they flopped and jerked, while foul breath enveloped her face and nostrils.

Wallis splayed open her labia with his left hand, lifting his index finger to taste. She was salty from washing in seawater.

Salty and tight.

It had been a long time since he had fucked anyone so young and never so fancy and flawless.

He was 44. Never married although he had a couple of �wives� in ports he no longer visited. A sailor�s life was not suited to romance and he had spent more evenings with loose women and even looser whores than he cared to remember. Maybe it was time to settle down ?

In truth, it was Rose, the other lass he preferred, more for her demure attitude and manner than any advantage in looks. Both women were lovely.

He could tell this one had barely been fucked.Probably a virgin right until her wedding night. Her mound was covered in a pretty triangle of brown hair, her tender flesh brackish, soft and sandy; her cunt bone dry.

He let a drool of his saliva curl down from between his moustache and beard to land between her thighs. Then he sensuously worked the fingers of his left hand to smear it up inside her.

Finally, taking a moment to grin up at Rufus, he crouched over her and eased his stiff, engorged helmet into the entrance to her cunt. It had been a long frustrating voyage after Lisbon and especially since the moment he had watched this minx in her cabin with her husband.

The crew�s raucous cheer was even louder than the terrible wails and groans from all three passengers as Wallis plunged his arse downwards and sunk himself up to the hilt inside her mutinous but helpless flesh.


*** *** ***


�Where do you reckon they come from ?� Misty asked.

We were sat on our balcony, staring out at the sea and sky, two virtually identical shades of blue, one sparkling, the other cloudless.

�You know,� she continued, �your dominant drive, my sub feelings.�

It was a question we�d touched on a few times in the past, in different ways, never probing too deep. I�m no psychoanalyst. I mean, it�s interesting, in a way, but ultimately no more significant than why I prefer wine to whisky or big tits to poached eggs. We all are who we are. She liked to ask a lot of questions. I liked to humour her. For a while.

�Nature or nurture.� I replied, sipping my coffee. �I suspect it�s a bit of both. I must have been born with a natural predisposition to sexual dominance and I expect things in my life have developed that innate urge more fully. Not that I�ve a damn clue what those things were. Same for you, in reverse, I guess.�

She was silent a moment, enjoying the sunny South African morning and endless horizon. I caught her lovely profile, with classic bone structure and a delicate jaw, softly framed by her mane of hair, tumbling over the towelling white robe she was wearing.

�But have you ever thought if your parents were the same ? Or one of them ? Or a grandparent ? Maybe my grandma desperately wanted to be spanked, say, and be forced to give sluttish blowjobs.�

I chuckled, enjoying her laughter as much as the idea.

�Do you know much about your ancestors, Ben ?� she asked.

I shrugged, ignoring her cheeky use of my nickname.

�No more than I�ve told you before, really. We are originally Scottish or English. Apparently Gunn is a name that exists in both countries. And Norway too, for that matter. But somebody emigrated to South Africa in the middle of the last century. It was only during apartheid that my parents moved back to UK, where I was born.�

She took my coffee cup and got up to refill it.

�There you are.� She replied triumphantly. �Somebody ! You said somebody emigrated to South Africa. It�s strange how the most important people in the world to us are our own children, our parents, our grandchildren and grandparents. Yet travel just a few generations forwards or back and we don�t give them any thought. I mean, your great-great-grandparents, say, and you don�t know anything about them, or care !�

I looked at her. Her robe had slipped open revealing a tit.

�Don�t worry.� She continued, sitting back down. �I�m the same. That�s the problem with the future though. Things like Government Debt and Global Warming. If it were our own great-grandchildren we specifically thought about having to pay for our current borrowing or pollution, we�d care more. Yet somehow just a few generations ahead and ourbloodline ceases being important to us. A few generations back and we don�t care what terrible things might have happened to our forbears.�

I looked at her again. I had other things on my mind. She was correct. Go back 150, 200 years and, right, I didn�t give a shit. But she was on a roll. Only one way to shut her up.

I pulled my robe apart. I was rock hard.

She was about to continue her diatribe. Her green eyes glanced down and she didn�t speak. Her mouth made an empty �pop� as the word died in her throat. We had a rule.

She jumped out of her chair as elegantly as a cat and dropped to the balcony floor at my feet, her head rubbing gently against my inner thighs.

I felt my guts churning the breakfast I�d eaten and coffee I�d drunk.

But I slapped my erection against her cheek.

Time to see exactly how much my girlfriend wanted me.


*** *** ***


Rufus hung in his bonds, his chin lolling forwards onto his chest. By the standards of the mid-nineteenth century fleet, it had not been a brutal flogging. But a cat is a cat and, applied to the soft flesh of an aristocrat, it was highly effective.

The crew laughed as the lashes soon changed the arrogant passenger�s tune; one minute cursing and blinding them, the next sobbing and begging them to do as they all they wished with his lovely lady.

Wallis gave him �nine nines� across the back; nine strokes with nine tails based on the trinity of trinities that all good Christian sailors considered a harbinger of good fortune, then a further three strokes across his front. With his back shredded, the vicious leather opened up the young man�s stomach, groin and genitals ensuring that it would be weeks before he could bear to touch himself there, even for the purposes of his own relief.

Meanwhile, in keeping with the numeric symmetry, the hapless Helen endured nine fucks. Her own �trinity of trinities�. After Wallis had finished with her, the other eight crewmembers lustily followed him. It is likely that, in different circumstances, one or two of the individual men might not have so dishonoured a lady. But a combination of mob mentality, certain death if they objected, and the appetite engendered by a long sea voyage, overcame any misgivings they might have felt. The last to go was young Grommet, the embarrassed but visibly excited Ship�s Lad.

�Another round ?� Greaser asked Wallis afterwards with a leer.

The ugliest member of the engine crew had insinuated himself into the position of Wallis�s deputy. He was sinewy but strong, with puckered skin down one side of his face and torso, from an engine fire many years earlier. He looked stupid yet had uneducated cunning.

�Help yourself.� Wallis replied, shrugging. �She has to learn to satisfy all her new �husbands� properly so she might as well start now.�

�What about the other lass ?� Greaser nodded at Rose.

Wallis turned. �King�s privilege, my friend. For a while.�

Greaser made a disapproving face with his skewed lips turned down, as if to object, but catching sight of Wallis�s glare, he merely grinned.

�Suppose there�s no problem us all sharing just one woman if she can�t ever say no.�

Wallis nodded magnanimously.


The first round had been a quick gang rape; an impatient flurry of dick after dick buried in the increasingly soupy mixture between Helen�s parted thighs, punctuated by frantic grunts, groans, moans and �aaahhhs�.

Steadily all resistance was pounded out of her and she lay deadpan in her bonds, mouth gasping quietly for breath like a landed fish dying on deck, eyes glazing over.

The second round was more leisurely. Relieved of their heavy loads, the men were able to enjoy it more, encouraging each other, patient and good humoured, as each casually took his turn. The only thing missing was a keg of rum. This time they were gentler too, taking their weight on their elbows, allowing Helen to breathe, although she appeared only half-conscious in the firelight. They drove their erections into her at different speeds and angles, cheered on by their mates, in the misguided impression that somehow their skills could make the act more enjoyable for the young lady.

Eventually she became so sodden and slack that the last few men could not get sufficient purchase to reach orgasm. After some frustrated banging away the men climbed astride her chest and masturbated themselves over her face, hair and into the sand.

After the second round had finished and each man curled up round the fire to sleep, they left her tied in an �x�, with a blanket thrown over her. During the night, several times, various men woke and took their third turn with the woman who had once been Lady Helen Rigby.


The next morning, she was marched naked down to the sea to wash in the salty breakers. Greaser had knotted a rope round her neck and he held her like a bitch on a leash as she wiped her body clean as best she could.

Next she was put to work. She was made to perform the menial duties around the shelter and camp; clearing up the bones and detritus from the evening meal and arranging the pile of wood into a new campfire for later.

The men also washed themselves in the sea, hunted and cut trees, but they still had time for lying under palm fronds and relaxing.

Greaser used his knife to carve a rota into the trunk of a tree; each notch represented an hour�s segment of the day. He cut nineteen notches to represent eighteen �one hour slots�. The remaining six hours of darkness were reserved for Helen to sleep.

Each man drew twigs of different lengths to rank them in order. Then, the nine of them chose one available �early slot� from dawn to early afternoon, and one �late slot� from afternoon to midnight.

As soon as the rota had been finished and initials carved into the palm tree, the brass ship�s clock was placed under it as the official timepiece.

With a whoop, Limey Jack clicked his fingers at Helen to let her know she was his �wife� for the remainder of that hour.

She wailed in despair and started to shiver, then beg, to no avail.

Fucking was all very well but Limey had a penchant for a woman�s mouth. Using a clump of her hair as a handle and his other palm to slap encouragement into her face, he taught her the rudiments of oral sex.

It was only the first of many times Helen would learn that lesson.

Naturally, it had been a long time since most of the crew had visited Senhora Amizade�s friendly bordello in Lisbon during the stopover. Her raddled putas were experienced and cheap but they didn�t compare with the lovely young English aristocrat who was inexperienced and free.

For many women coping with one horny husband is a challenge enough. But life for Helen was to become one long relay race. No sooner had she satisfied the amorous attentions of one of her admirers, than another rigid baton full of stamina was lovingly placed in her palm.


Meanwhile, that first morning, Rufus hung where he had been tied, in the searing midday sun. The rays had broiled his pale skin to a bright lobster red. Saltwater had been used to cleanse his wounds and now his lips were parched and cracked. In agony, he had croaked his eternal allegiance to �King Wallis� who was considering his apology, along with that of his younger sister Rose�s.

Wallis himself was lying under a shady tree, a few hundred yards from the rest of the camp. He had begun to create his own �King�s Quarters� separate from the main camp. He had a good view of Rufus, and of the crew enjoying themselves with Helen. But the view that particularly interested him at that moment was only a few feet away.

Rose Rigby, fianc� of Major Seaton, hung by her delicate wrists from the horizontal branch of a gnarled baobab tree. She was naked except for her creased and soiled dress and, underneath it, her drawers.

Wallis lay whittling a long stick into a cane with his knife. The cat was good for the likes of Rufus but the ladies required a more subtle instrument. Eventually the thirty inches long cane had been trimmed to his satisfaction.

He stood up and planted his feet directly in front of her. He was naked but for a torn shirt he had fashioned into a loin cloth round his ample girth.

�Rose. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, my dear.�

She whimpered, seemingly too terrified to speak.

�Cat got your tongue ?� he smiled. �The cat certainly took away your brother�s tongue.�

�Please ��

He raised his knife to the top of her dress. Her breasts were smaller than Helen�s but not by much. The pleated fabric crushed them together exaggerating her cleavage.

�One way, you get to be a Queen.� He said. �The other, a whore.�

�No. Please. I beg you Sir ��

He grinned, revealing his stained and gapped teeth. �Well, that�s a start, lass. You�ll be doing plenty of begging whichever way.�

With a skilled twist of his blade he popped the top button of her dress and opened up a breach. With barely a pause, he carved downwards slicing the fabric to her navel.

�Let�s have a look shall we ?�

He tucked the knife in his belt and seized each side of her dress with his hands, then tore it asunder, unleashing her tits like oranges from a knocked over basket.

Noooooo.� Tears sprang from her eyes.

He stood back to admire her perfection. As he suspected. For his taste, better even than the Helen bitch.

He drew his knife and touched the sharp point to her left tit. The shock focused her attention, dried her eyes. She gawped at him.

�That�s better. Now, I want some answers.�

Slowly, she exhaled and nodded.

�Are you a maiden, lass ?�

She stared, then her eyes closed. He pushed slightly on the knife and they fluttered open.

�A maiden. I shall make myself clear. Are you a virgin ?�

She nodded.

�Are you just a legal virgin or the real thing, lass ? Have you ever had any form of sexual relations with any man ? Have you touched a male organ with your fingers or mouth or any part of your body ?�

Wide-eyed, she looked at him and nodded again.

�The real thing ?�

She stayed nodding, confirming his dearest wish.

�Your fianc� was a patient man.� Wallis observed with a smirk. �Just holding hands and maybe a stolen kiss, right ?�

Flushing crimson, Rose bit her lip and nodded.

Wallis let his knife wander down her skin and then he carved open another length of her dress until it was splayed to the top of her drawers.

With a fierce wrench he opened it up completely until the fabric was in two separate pieces and it fell into the sand, puddled at her feet. She stood, arms above her head, in just the off-white undergarment around her middle.

Phew. Wallis exhaled with approval and lust. Her waspish waist and porcelain skin were perfect. She had the kind of curved but slim body that made one wonder exactly where a large erection was going to fit once it was inside her.

�Please, Sir, do not treat me so. I am engaged. I � please ��

Wallis guffawed. �Yes, my dear, you certainly are engaged.�

He gently eased the hem of her undergarment down over her hips until her mound was revealed, then peeled it over the top of her thighs, before a flash of his knife sliced the fabric in two and he tore it off to reveal her complete nakedness.

Dadaah !� he said, like a conjurer finishing a trick.

Rose stood in stripped despair, eyes rimmed with tears.

He showed her his stubby left middle finger, licked it in front of her eyes, then lowered and inserted it between her downy-haired cunt lips.

�Tell me, lass, do you ever masturbate ? You know, diddle yourself.�

She edged back as best she could, avoiding his probing digit. �Nnagh !�

No ? Really ?�

�Never S� Sir. I assure you, on my mother�s honour, I would never do such a thing.�

Mercilessly, Wallis pushed his finger upwards until she could resist no more and he penetrated her to the second knuckle. Two inches or so.

He grinned and leaned forward to nuzzle her tit in his mouth, clutching her round the bottom with his right hand, pulling her to him.

Aaahhhnooo � please �� she wailed again.

Impatient, he pulled his left hand from her cunt and slapped her across the face, then a backhander that split her lip.

Her head spun and she gasped but then she suddenly became silent.

�That�s better.� He announced. �As I said, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your marriage is off, young lady. I don�t know if you have noticed but you are stuck on a desert fucking island. You are no longer engaged to your stupid army officer. You are now engaged to me. Fucking King of this fucking island !! Got that ?� he roared into her face. She winced at his rage and foul breath.

�And I�m not bloody well satisfied with holding hands and pecking your cheek, miss. Your have a choice. Now ! Either you will willingly make love to me, your King and husband, as often and whichever way I like. Or you will unwillingly be fucked by me and my men as often and however we like. Do I make myself fucking clear ? Those are your two options. Decide now.�

She shook her head, trying to clear it, attempting to understand what she had just heard, the awful language and dreadful images.

He picked up the cane her had prepared earlier.

�I think a bare breasted whipping will concentrate your mind wonderfully.�

His erection had loosened the loin cloth he had fashioned round his gut. Unashamed, Wallis tore it off so that he stood as naked as his �fianc� and she could see the manhood he was offering to pleasure her with.

�No, I beg you kind Sir, have mercy ��

The whip hissed with a whoosh through the sultry air and then smacked loudly across her flat stomach.

It took only four strokes before she was wailing, shrieking, begging, offering herself as wife, mistress, whore, whatever.

But Wallis was in a grim mood now. The cane rose and descended in a fearful barrage across her upper legs, thighs, abdomen, ribs and breasts. No blood was drawn, no flesh torn, but the light cane turned her skin a deep crimson as it seared a livid memory into Rose�s mind forever.

Then, before she had realised what was happening, he was stood directly in front of her, lifting her firm buttocks in his palms, jabbing his swollen erection between her thighs.

She gave one last heartrending wail and then gasped as he penetrated, hitching her into a more comfortable position for him, up on her toes. Two of his fingers penetrated her anus and he shoved them deep. A heck of a way for a lass to lose her maidenhead.

He was so ready, so full, the feeling so good, that it took only a few moments before he released his seed and properly consummated their union.



Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun

Part Three


by Velvetglove



�Question Seven.� I announced. �Explain the phrase, to kiss the gunner�s daughter.�

I watched Misty suck seductively on the pencil and then scribble.

It was a game we sometimes played. I would give her �homework� and then test her on it. A sort of �school teacher and pupil� scene.

The only thing was that a real teacher would be rightly locked up for inflicting any of the punishments for bad marks that I made Misty suffer when she got answers wrong !

Not that she disliked the game. It had the added benefit of preventing her wasting her evenings and weekends with watching rubbish on TV or reading crappy novels. I always chose what she watched and studied and insisted she score high marks in every test.

As a keen footballer, sailor, diver and sportsman generally, I naturally gravitated towards improving Misty�s understanding and knowledge of my world. Thus she had brought two books with her on this trip; The �Complete Almanac of Football Facts� that she had already studied and scored 87% in a test of names, dates and useless data over 130 years of soccer history.

Now she was struggling through a turgid but informative 350 page tome entitled �The Authoritative History and Dictionary of World Navies; 1745-1945�.

Not, I grant you, A light read to pack in your vacation suitcase, but much more useful than the latest thriller or some glossy fashion magazine.

�Question Eight.� I continued. �Where does the phrase, �no room to swing a cat come from� ?�

I smiled at her grin of recognition. My questions were �topical� to our own interests. To �kiss the gunner�s daughter� meant to be flogged. Sailors were lashed face down over the breech of a gun or canon to receive the cat.

We all know that �no room to swing a cat� describes a small space. But it doesn�t refer to a feline with four legs. It refers to the cat of nine tails that was six feet long including the handle and the lashes. When swung in a full arc by a man�s arm a further three feet of space was required to flog somebody. Thus any room smaller than nine feet by nine, was deemed as �too small to swing a cat�.

Time to move on. Here was a favourite. Popular on certain websites and nowadays more commonly known as the Spanish Donkey. But in naval times to �ride the Spanish Mare� meant the culprit of a crime was put astride a boom with the stay slackened off as the ship sailed along in a strong breeze. If the person survived the perilous ride, he was released. If he fell off �

�Question Nine. What was to ride the Spanish Mare ?�

I checked my watch. I�d give her twenty questions with a pass mark of twenty out of twenty. If she failed and got even one wrong �


*** *** ***


Gradually, the days settled into a routine. It became clear that the island had been visited by mankind sometime before, which gave hope for eventual discovery. They found an empty ship�s chest on the far side of the island and animal bones and a rusted blade from a cookout.

Meanwhile, Wallis and the carpenter constructed a timber �Palace� for Rose and him to live in, while the main shelter housed Helen and her crew.

A cage was constructed for Rufus to be tethered into during the cold nights.

During daylight hours, the three ex-passengers were made to earn their rations. Helen as communal skivvy and missus to her various �husbands�, including Wallis, who often visited the main shelter to take his own turn astride her, alongside the crew.

Rose stayed a few hundred yards along the beach, a so-called Queen on the island but in reality a slave to her mate, performing every demeaning and lewd duty. She was frequently threatened with being �turned over� to the crew if she didn�t do her utmost to please Wallis.

Meanwhile Rufus was granted the role of the island�s �Chief Sewage Officer�, meaning he had to dig, clean and care for the latrine system.

He had dug pits behind the fencing built by the carpenter for the mens� privacy. There was a tin bucket installed as a urinal and also two wooden �seats� above the pits for more serious matters. Each morning Rufus had to empty the pits and, escorted by two crewmen, transport the ordure to a compost heap set up in the middle of the island.

However, the Ladies �bathroom� was not afforded the same degree of privacy. Both women were obliged to squat over a wooden rail set up on the beach in the open air. The men would quite often stop their whittling or games to escort Helen down to enjoy her shame at performing all her ablutions in public.

But it was the decree given by Wallis on their fifth day on the island that caused the women most grief. He declared the fresh spring water to be a rare commodity and instructed that Helen, Rose and Rufus would quench their thirst only on �second hand� fresh water from then on.

Thus it was that the tin bucket urinal became the only source of drinking water for the �paying passengers�.

At first, naturally, they baulked at the idea but, the madness of thirst being what it is, it took only a few days to train them to slurp the fetid and sun-broiled amber nectar and be thankful.

In time, Wallis relented and allowed the two ladies to drink fresh water, as they steadily earned his approval by being a good and obedient wives. Rufus survived solely on piss until the end.


Each day, men took turns at the watch in a crow�s nest constructed in the roof of the baobab tree that gave a 360 degrees view of the horizon. They had constructed a bonfire to light in the event that the mast of a ship was espied in the distance.

Needless to say, the three �passengers� were caught between a sharp rock and a very hard place. The �rock� was staying on the island but alive. The �hard place� was knowing that if a ship did appear it was unlikely all of them would be allowed to live.


Two months into the daily and nightly orgies, during which Helen lay on a coarse blanket on the sand and received all her husbands one after the other, she awoke one day and was sick. The next morning she was sick again. On the third day, the crew knew enough for it not to be a coincidence.

Their communal wife was going to have their child.


*** *** ***


Misty held up her glass.

Cheers !� I said, holding my own champagne.

She stared at hers. This was a first; drinking my urine. I had pissed over her several times in the shower before but never in her open mouth. Now the moment had come. But rather than pee my fresh and frothy brew between her lips I had wanted to crank up the challenge. So my darker, dawn urine had stood in the room�s mini bar all day and it was now cold and stale and, frankly, extremely unappetising.

Meanwhile I had ordered a bottle of South African fizz and a plate of cheese nibbles for myself before dinner.

�Cheers.� She replied unenthusiastically.

Why is it that seeing somebody swallow your piss gives such a sexual buzz ? After all, it�s not like your dick is in their cunt, or mouth or arse. You are not connected to them by any direct sensations. I guess that�s why the �vanilla crowd� don�t rate it. Their lovemaking is all just touchy-feely.

I studied her as she lifted the glass to her lips.

�Not in one, baby. I want you to savour it. Sip it. Taste it.�

I took a small swallow from my own glass, swishing the bubbles across my tongue noisily.

Delish !� I murmured.

She tilted her head back slightly and sipped. I watched a dollop of my liquid waste enter her mouth and disappear. Her nostrils betrayed her, flaring with distaste, just as her green eyes glinted with excited shame.

�Delish.� She echoed hollowly.

I waited until she repeated the cycle, tilting, sipping, swallowing, several times.

�Please tell me that�s unpleasant.� I said.

She grimaced. �You want the truth ?�

�Oh yes. One hundred per cent.�

�It�s horrible. Chilled, but I can still taste the brine. I can�t decide if it would be worse hot and fresh or like this.�

�Don�t worry, you�ll get the chance to compare.�

She stuck out her tongue, not insolently, just in silent, obedient reply.

�It thrills me that you will do this.� I said.

She took another, longer slug, her glass now less than half full.

�Well that�s all I ask for then.� She replied.

I reached for the jug. �Here, let me top you up.�


*** *** ***


Helen was five months pregnant when she heard the shout from the top of the boabab tree.

She was down on all fours in the sand so that the man called Limey Jack could fuck her from behind, now that her belly was swollen.

�Ship Ahoooooyyy !�

And even then, instantly, she feared for her life, and Rufus and Rose. And above all for the life of her unborn child. She knew already she would offer anything for her and her offspring to be allowed to live.

She felt Limey Jack jerking his slippery thing out of her and running to join in with the shouts and frantic waving. There was a crackle of arid wood and seconds later the bonfire tower burst into flames.

Then she caught sight of the blur of Wallis running down the beach towards them all, dragging Rose after him. Rufus�s sister was two months behind Helen and her stomach had only just started to show. And at least Rose knew who the father of her child was.

�She�s turning !� came the next euphoric cry from the crowd of men behind her, clustered on the shore. �She�s seen us !!!!�

It was only now that he was close enough to them that Helen�s eyesight was able to focus on Second Mate Wallis clearly.

He was carrying the gun.


*** *** ***


We are both lying on the beach, dripping seawater, sweat and suncream onto the edges of our books. I am enjoying the late afternoon Southern Hemisphere sun and flicking through Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. It�s an old copy that Misty found in some second hand bookshop in England and brought out here with her. She has inscribed inside it �To my Master and Lover, Ben, with all my love, March 2007.�

Ben isn�t my real name, of course. But when I began my internet dating career in search of submissive women, the moniker I chose was �Ben�. It�s been my nickname since I started at school. With a family name of Gunn and my liking for cheese, it didn�t take a particularly sharp schoolboy to come up with �Ben Gunn�, after the character marooned on Treasure Island.

Of course, �Misty� isn�t her real name either. �Shrouded in the mists� was the name that Mary chose as her internet moniker. Our first emails and phonecalls were all done from Ben to Misty and vice versa. Her name has kinda stuck, especially when there�s just the two of us.

She is lying next to me now, her arm on her forehead shielding her eyes from the rays, studying the dreaded �Authoritative History and Dictionary of World Navies; 1745-1945�. Occasionally she reads me titbits.

Tomorrow I am planning another test on the second half of the tome.

She looks over at me quizzically.

�Can I read you something interesting ?�

�Sure.� I close my own book and pull my sunglasses off my nose. They are prescription lenses to bring things in the distance into sharp focus. My family�s all got slightly dodgy eyesight.

�Have you ever considered this ? Apparently, the term �son of a gun� comes from a time when women were allowed on ships and if they gave birth at sea it was usually in the wider part of the ship, under the big midship gun.�

Her green eyes squint over at me, and she�s smiling.

So ?�

�Well, if paternity was uncertain, the child would be entered in the ship�s log as the �son of a gun�.�

She�s giggling now, mischievously.

So ?�

�Well do you think there�s any chance that�s where your family name Gunn comes from ?�

Sonofabitch ! I mull over her comment for a full five seconds.

�Are you by any chance calling me a bastard, Misty Shrouds at yahoo dot com ?� I ask, putting down my book and sunglasses in the sand and preparing to give chase.

�I guess so, Big Ben at hotmail dot com. In fact, a complete and utter bastard !�

And with that she is off, scrambling along the beach, and I�m after her, knowing that when I catch her will be �the moment�.

The moment I will ask her to become the newest member of the Gunn family tree.




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