BDSM Library - Chateau Noir

Chateau Noir

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Synopsis: His uncle was a sponsor to a private discipline school and he was sent to this school to meet the head mistress. This was definately an unexpected and exciting experience for him.
CHATEAU NOIR by Frank Watson


When I first came to the Chateau Noir it was in the role of
special emissary from my uncle, Lord S., a long-time
contributor of funds to that special school for wayward young
ladies and secret training institution for possibly the finest
courtesans the world has ever known.
   Although I certainly had no reason to suspect it at the
time, my first visit to that well-isolated estate was to be
for me the beginning of a life-long fascination.  There are
those today who no doubt suspect the existence of places like
the Chateau Noir, and there may very well be some similar
institution operating even now on some other secluded country
estate somewhere in the wide world.  But if such a place does
in fact exist, I am unaware of it.
	Like many another disillusioned older person finding himself
uncomfortably stranded in these lamentably "modern" times, and
who spends his declining years lamenting the imagined or
actual glories of the past, I believe that among the many
other precious treasures lost the privately trained courtesan
must be counted.
     Someone compelled to observe the competitive struggle, in
the world of business and in private life that is the current
state of affairs between the men and women of today could, I
fear, scarcely hope to comprehend the simple beauty of a young
woman strictly trained from early youth exclusively for the
pleasure of a man.  And that is the reason, I suppose, that
drives me to pen this account of my own personal experience of
those fair and distant days at that dark chateau.
	Something truly wonderful in the world was lost with the
death of Mademoiselle Marie T., and the subsequent closing
forever of the Chateau Noir, the most singular and most
secretly revered institution which she managed for nearly
twenty years, all told.
     I do not at all intend what I am about to set down be an
historical account of the Chateau Noir.  The exact location of
the isolated country estate upon which the school was founded
and the various biographical facts regarding the persons who
made up the school's remarkable staff are, I believe,
unimportant to my story, and at the time I write there are
many of those who were intimately involved with the school who
yet remain among the living, although, with very few
exceptions, their exact whereabouts are unknown to me.  There
are, at least, relatives of those involved alive certainly,
and I have no wish to complicate their innocent existences by
officially connecting them with what will undoubtedly be seen
by some as most shameful and, perhaps, even criminal events.
     All of the names and most of the places mentioned herein
will therefore be entirely fictitious.  The events themselves,
you may be assured, are true; they were personally observed by
myself, and the memories of those days are visions that will
haunt me, unfaded and unblurred, until the day of my death, a
day that I am informed by my physicians will not be long in
     The few brief background facts regarding the Chateau Noir
which I will relate are simply as follows.
	My uncle, the fore-mentioned Lord S., had enjoyed a career
of some distinction in the Her Majesty's foreign service, and
had, in consequence of that career, some frequent dealings
with some of the darker Arab nations.  During the course of
those dealings he had had the opportunity to observe first-
hand certain singular, ancient and time-honoured methods used
by the men of that region in training their young women for
service, both within the most unique Arab version of the
institution of marriage and without, a system which involved
the carefully balanced application of the strictest, indeed
sometimes most cruel forms of corporal discipline, combined
with the exaction of the most intense and utterly pure
experiences of sexual pleasure the female of the human species
has ever known.Those who are familiar with relationships
between the sexes as they existed in England during the reign
of our late Queen Victoria will readily understand the
startlingly attractive contrasts such an exotic and altogether
foreign structure of sexual relationship presented to a man of
my uncle's repressed and, I believe, wholly unnatural era in
British society.
     To put it simply, a Great and Singular Idea at length was
formed, and with the help of certain other men of great means,
acquaintances who shared a similar fascination for the more
exotic Arab way of life, my uncle, upon returning to the West,
founded on the Continent what was to become the world's finest
school for the training of what the French call courtesans,
though the splendidly unique product of this particular school
would expand and fulfil the meaning of that word in such a way
as would put any courtesan in service before that time to
humble shame.
     The Chateau Noir enjoyed many years of successful and
profitable life before the school was dismantled due to an
impending investigation by the French government.  As
governments become ever stronger, life in the main becomes
ever duller.
     There are those who maintain that there is something to
be learned from any history.  The task before me here is but
to simply and as accurately as possible relate the events
encompassing my experience with the Chateau Noir exactly as I
saw and felt them.  The interpretation of those events, what
they might mean for society, indeed, what they may might mean
for all of Mankind, what these events have to teach the World,
I leave for the reader to decide for himself.


                      CHAPTER ONE

Nothing my uncle had said to me previous to my departure for
that distant part of the continent could have prepared me for
my first experience of the strange and beautiful Chateau Noir. 
Really, I had been told very little; simply that, as I was now
a young man of eighteen years of age, it was high time I had
some practical experience of the world.  And for that reason,
it was my uncle's intention to send me on an errand of
business to the continent.
     I was told by my uncle that I would be staying for some
few weeks at the residence of a "very dear friend" of his, a
friend who held the most respected position of Head Mistress
at a special finishing school of some sort or other that my
uncle helped to support.
     I was also told, somewhat suspiciously I thought, that
the exact location of the place to which I was to be sent was
forever to be held in the strictest of secrecy.
     From this I secretly assumed that I was in actuality to
be the guest of one of my uncle's immensely wealthy
acquaintances on the continent, perhaps at some highly
exclusive pleasure resort, and that the story regarding the
"business errand" was simply a bit of fiction to allay any
suspicion on the part of my parents.
     My uncle's considerable reputation for sometimes
associating with some of the rougher elements of what is
called "low" society, as well as with the higher echelons of
"decent" society, was well known to me through various hints
and allegations overheard throughout my childhood.The ruse of
the "finishing school" had no doubt been designed to deceive
my mother as to the true nature of my journey; she had never
wholly approved of my uncle, and had agreed to my coming under
his influence, even for so brief a time as a few short weeks,
only after the strongest warnings and protests.
     And so, with all these delightful and intriguing
suspicions in mind, I prepared myself for some weeks of
extended parties, revels of all-night dancing and delicious
sport among the pleasure-fields of luxury among my uncle's
forbidden "acquaintances", and nothing more.
     When I took leave of my uncle at Victoria Station, I
carried upon my person from him a letter of introduction
addressed to one "Mademoiselle Marie T.",  but the most
important cargo I carried was another series of letters
addressed to the same lady, some from my uncle and, as I was
to learn later, others from many of the richest and most
powerful men in Europe.
     I also carried among my luggage a small wooden case,
locked and bound in iron, it's interior most heavy with gold. 
I was told that this considerably weighty amount of money was
to be a charitable donation to what I was again given to
believe was an exclusive finishing school for young girls. 
The money, according to my uncle, was to assist this great and
laudable institution in the many and various works of charity
with which it was frequently connected.  I, of course, assumed
the money was in fact intended to pre-pay my uncle's
"acquaintance" for the expenses that would be incurred during
my luxurious holiday; the exquisite food, the exotic
entertainment would, no doubt, cost a small fortune.
     When I arrived at the Chateau itself, after many long
days of travel by train and boat and ornate private coach, and
a surprisingly long ride along an extensive stretch of private
road, which rolled through the hills for some miles even after
we had passed through the main gate of the estate, I soon came
to realise that this "school" was something much more larger
than I had expected.
     I shall always remember huge great pile of stone and
wood, silhouetted against a fiery summer sunset, as the
carriage approached along the cobblestone drive to the rear of
the great building, a rambling three-story complex, surrounded
by high hedges, which also enclosed one of the most beautiful
and well-tended gardens I have ever seen.  There was a coach
house, and many other outbuildings on the estate as well. 
Overall, the Chateau Noir gave the impression of a pleasant
combination of absolute beauty and total isolation.
     Mademoiselle T. met me as I descended from the coach and
approached the Chateau's carved oaken doors.  She was a tall
woman, dark, with a certain, slight, indefinable touch of the
exotic about her calm, thin mouth and quiet, watchful eyes. 
I felt myself thoroughly examined, as a great physician might
examine a patient, that physician knowing instantly and
instinctively all there is to know about the patient, his many
quirks and ailments, both physical and spiritual, and having
no need whatsoever for questions or answers.  It was not the
sort of look one expects in a woman, and I have never known a
woman to look at me that way since.
     Wordless and respectful servants took my bags, all except
the one containing the portfolio of letters and the small
wooden case of gold, which I attended to myself, and I was
conducted by the Mistress alone down a long candle-lit hallway
and into an ornately beautiful drawing room.
     This drawing room was richly decorated, the walls of dark
panelled wood covered with fine, dark tapestries with traces
here and there of fine gold embroidery that glittered in the
light from many thick and exotically scented candles mounted
in gold and silver candlesticks, which were scattered here and
there throughout the room.Deep, rich oriental carpets covered
the stone floor.  A fire crackled in the large fireplace,
beside which there stood a brass and iron rack containing the
usual poker, cinder shovel and hearth brush.  The same rack
also contained some curiously fashioned instruments that I was
at the time at a loss to identify, among them were what
appeared to be a variety of pokers that ended in round, rather
than pointed, tips.
	Mademoiselle T. and I made ourselves comfortable on plush
velvet chairs and, after glancing for some moments through the
pack of letters I had presented to her, my father's letter of
introduction included, and having sent the heavy case of gold
away with a servant, who had entered the room in response to
a bell that rang somewhere far within the depths of the house
at a single, gentle pull of one of the many-coloured bell
ropes that hung along the wall near where she sat, the
Mistress began at last my education as to the real nature and
purpose of the Chateau Noir.
     "You appear to be a fine young man, Thomas S.," Mlle. T.
said with a tight smile.  "I do not know your mother, but I
knew your father very well indeed."
     Marie T. was a singularly beautiful woman.  Her age would
have been hard to guess precisely; perhaps thirty, perhaps
thirty-five.  She wore a simple dress of the day.  She wore
her dark hair high upon her head, tightly, but not severely. 
No, the detail of her aspect that suggested severity was the
cold darkness of her eyes, and the somewhat cruel line of her
mouth.  Even when she smiled there seemed to be a message of
warning.  She appeared proper, finely mannered, and perfectly
controlled.  Her entire aspect sent the message that this was
a woman of great and singular Will.
     "Did your father tell you much about my school?" she
     I told her that I really knew very little, other than
that the school was a very private and very exclusive sort of
finishing school for young ladies.  Frightfully expensive, I
would imagine.
     The Mistress smiled. "The Chateau Noir is indeed a
finishing school for young ladies.  Wayward girls, mostly. 
And it is, as you say, frightfully expensive.  We have nearly
twenty students attending at this time."  The Mistress's smile
widened slightly.  "Would you like to meet some of them?"
     I replied, politely, that I would be delighted, if to do
so would not interrupt the young ladies' studies.
     "Oh, no," said Mlle. T., with a tight smile.  "In fact,
Thomas, I try consider meeting the few, rare visitors we
receive here at the Chateau to be an integral part of the
education of my young ladies."  So saying, the Mistress put
her hand to the group of coloured bell ropes, selected the
blue one on this occasion, and pulled it sharply six times.
     After a very few moments, there was a cautious tapping at
the drawing room door and, at the Mistress T.'s bidding, there
entered six timid young girls, aged approximately fourteen to
eighteen years, who quickly arranged themselves in a straight
line, shoulder to soft shoulder, across the centre of the
room, facing Mlle. T. and myself.
	They were all six dressed alike, but in no girls' school
uniform the like of which I had ever seen before.  They each
wore instead a short, brief tunic of some gossamer fabric,
silk perhaps, beneath which it could be readily determined
that there were no undergarments of any kind whatever covering
their variously sized young breasts. And since the hem of
these tunics extended not far below the girls' waists, the
small white panties the girls wore beneath were almost
completely exposed.
     I stood silently astonished.
     Mlle. T. smiled at my reaction.  "The Chateau Noir is the
world's foremost training school for courtesans, Thomas.  Your
father and I began the school five years ago, and we have
procured and trained over a hundred girls since then." 
     The Mistress walked slowly up and down before the line of
girls as she spoke.  "My girls are carefully instructed in the
ancient ways of pleasure gathered from cultures from all
points of the globe.  Cultures easily as ancient as that of
Old Egypt."  She stopped and stood for a moment, facing a red-
haired girl of about sixteen.  "Did you know, Thomas," the
Mistress said, continuing to speak to me, even as she stared
directly into the bright, nervous eyes of the girl before her. 
"Did you know that in ancient Egypt there was a cult which
explored the sexual pleasures that could be derived from the
bite of the common adder?"
     "Snakes?" I murmured in response.
     "Oh, yes," the Mistress whispered, into the face of the
red-haired girl.  "You see, they observed that the convulsions
preceding death due to snake bite closely resembled the
tremors of the deepest climax of sexual pleasure.  So they fed
snake venom, in ever increasing volume, to certain young slave
girls, until eventually they were rendered immune to the
poison, but not to the intense convulsions following a bite."
     The Mistress gazed even more intently into the eyes of
the now trembling girl before her.  "Girls who had been
rendered so immune were brought into the temple of the serpent
god on special days.  They were tied down spread-eagle on a
stone altar and jars filled with poisonous adders were pressed
over their young breasts."
     The red-haired girl before her gasped, suddenly, earning
her a quick look of contempt from the Mistress in response.
     "Then," Mistress T. continued, "while they held the first
two jars in place, the priests would press another jar of
serpents between the girl's legs."
     A slight whimper came from one of the other girls in
line, perhaps from the youngest, a small-breasted brown-haired
girl of fourteen.
     Mlle. T. did not seem to notice the interruption.  "It is
said that the girl slaves would appear to orgasm for hours at
a time after being submitted to the Worship of the Snake,
being repeatedly bitten and bitten and bitten again.  Most
died, due to a lack of educated supervision on the part of the
priests.  But do you know what, Thomas?"
     I did not respond.  And the girl before Mlle. T. stood
tremblingly silent as well.
     "I have perfected those techniques!" the Mistress said
with a cold smile.  "The snake-induced orgasm can continue for
days without undue damage to the individual.  I have even
determined that for some reason, as yet unknown to me, red-
haired girls seem to have the ability to endure the most!"
     A look of inexpressible horror swept over the red-haired
girl's face as she heard this, a look which Mistress T. seemed
to drink in with great relish.
     "Carl!" Mistress T. called, suddenly.  Almost instantly,
there was one of the servants I had seen earlier, standing
behind the red-haired girl, with a firm grip upon each of her
     The girl struggled with a fierce effort, but was helpless
in the servant's iron grip.
     Mlle. T. then turned away from the girl, to face me, and
continued her speech, most casually.  "This is Karen, Thomas,"
she said, indicating the red-haired beauty.  "Karen has been
consuming a most special diet since her arrival here, some two
months ago.  You see, there is very little taste to distilled
snake venom, as Karl, here, prepares it."  This was apparently
the name of the tall, dark servant who held Karen up before
us.  "Just one of our Karl's many talents - he is also a
Master Chef, you know.  Well, Thomas, our Karen here has been
practically immune to serpent venom for nearly a week now. 
And as soon as our shipment of live adders arrives this week,
Karen is going to experience pleasures that no woman has known
in over two thousand years!"  Mlle. T. laughed, coldly.
     The girl, upon hearing this, issued forth with the most
piercing scream I had ever heard, and she then fainted dead
away in the servant's arms.  At Mistress T.'s bidding, the
servant hoisted the unconscious girl over his shoulder and
carried her from the room.
     "I'm afraid our Karen will have to be watched very
carefully until her little playmates arrive," Mistress T.
said, laughingly.  "Our last red-haired girl hanged herself
with her own bed sheets when she heard of my intentions toward
her.  A shame, really.  I understand the Worship of the Snake
was thought of as quiet pleasurable for some of the Egyptian
slave-girls.  There are rumours, in fact, that the Queen of
the Nile herself, the great Cleopatra, put an adder to her own
breast in envy, after observing one of her slave girls endure
a ceremonial snake-induced orgasm that latest for an entire
     I shivered, but did not know whether I did so in horror
or in fascination.  A quality, a sensitivity, that I did not
realize I possessed had been planted within my being, and was
even now beginning to grow and take root.
     "This... is Stephanie," Mlle. T. said suddenly, awakening
me from my brief revery.  "Isn't she lovely?"
     The Mistress was now standing before another of the
girls, a brown-haired nymph of about sixteen.  Her breasts
were smallish, but of a taughtness that promised greater
things to come as she grew and developed.
     The woman lifted one hand to the young girl's cheek and
wiped away a single tear that hung there.  "Are you
frightened, Stephanie?" the Mistress asked, softly.
     "Y... yes, Mistress," the girl in question replied,
     "No, Stephanie," Mlle. T. said, comfortingly, as her hand
stroked the girl's pale cheek.  "Why be afraid?  Is there
anything to be afraid of here?"
     As she spoke, Mlle. T. began to slowly trace one finger
down the girl's cheek to the pulsing softness of the girl's
neck, from the hollow of her neck down to the softer swelling
of the girl's left breast, its subtle shape clearly defined
under the wispy fabric of the short tunic.  Then, bringing the
fingers of her other hand into play, the Mistress stood,
lightly stroking the tips of both the girl's young breasts
through the thin tunic.
     "Thomas," Mistress T. called, softly, but insistently.
"Come here."
     I came, as if in a dream. I walked along the line formed
by the other four girls, standing nervous, but docile,
watching what was taking place, until I came to stand by young
Stephanie and her Mistress.
     "Stand behind her, Thomas" the Mistress said softly.
     I did so.
     "Now, Thomas," continued Mlle. T., in a soft, hypnotic
whisper, "do you see the small catch at her shoulder?"
     I saw it.  A tiny, silver hook against the thin fabric,
which I now identified as fine silk.
     "Release it, Thomas."
     I did so and the filmy white tunic slipped from
Stephanie's smooth shoulders and fell unheeded to the carpet
at her feet, leaving the soft breasts bare, and the girl's
entire quivering form, except for the brief, white silk
panties she still wore, nakedly exposed in the shimmering
     "Now, Stephanie," said Mlle. T.  "Do you feel better?"
     "Oh, Y... yes, Mistress," the girl whispered, a
frightened look in her eyes.
     "That's fine," said the Mistress.  "Now, I want you to do
something for me, Stephanie.  Something very simple.  Do you
     "Yes, Mistress" she murmured.  Stephanie's eyes were now
closed, and her soft breathing had become heavier."
     "Listen to me, Stephanie," said Mlle T.  "You are not to
come.  Do you understand?"
     The girls whimpered suddenly.
     "Stephanie," the Mistress said again, this time most
intensely.  "You are not to come!  Do you understand?"
     "Pleeeeeeeeease, Mistress!" the girl cried, suddenly,
     "No, Stephanie... you are not to come!  You know this
game.  Do you understand?  Answer me!"
     For some moments, the young girl seemed beyond words, so
intense was her anguish.  Warm, glittering teardrops rolled
down her cheeks, unheeded, as she was suddenly racked with
     I could simply not understand why the girl's reaction
should be so despairing.  From what little knowledge I had of
the female sex, this gained from the pages of certain
disreputable and forbidden books obtained from one of my
schoolmates, girls, on the whole, seemingly had to struggle to
attain their illusive female orgasms.  Why, then, was this
young girl so afraid of disobeying her Mistress by succumbing
to an unwanted climax?
	On the other hand, I was struck with a certain admiration
for Mlle. T.'s establishment of unquestioning discipline in so
young a girl.  Stephanie obviously had an absolute horror of
disobeying her Mistress, in any matter whatsoever.
     "Stephanie?" the Mistress continued.  "You must answer
me.  Just because you lost this game the last time we played
it does not mean you cannot win it this time, does it?"
     More sobs, but somewhat quieting now.
     "So, do you understand the rules?  Do you accept?"
     "Y... yes, M... Mistress," Stephanie snivelled, finally.
     I saw a look of triumph in the Mistress's eye.
     "Very well," said Mlle. T.  "We can begin.  Thomas,
please remove Stephanie's panties."
     "Noooooooooo, Mistress, pleeeeease," Stephanie shrieked
at this.
     "Stephanie!" Mistress T. yelled, suddenly, shocking the
young girl into a quivering silence.  "Shut up this instant! 
Just because you have never played the game bare doesn't mean
we can't now!  You are being trained to control your sexual
emotions.  You must control your emotions so that you can
concentrate on pleasing your future partners!  Do you
     "Yes, M... Mistress, but..."
     "There are to be no qualifications, Stephanie!" said
Mlle. T., cutting through the girl's objections.  "Now, tell
me, Stephanie.  How many love strokes from the Tongue was your
punishment the last time you lost?"
     "N... nine minutes worth, Mistress", the girl sobbed,
     "Very well, for this game the penalty for losing will be
     "Nooooooo, nooooooo, oh, you cannnnnnn't..." Stephanie
cried, in absolute panic.
     "Quiet, now, Stephanie!  The penalty will not be
inappropriate for a girl of your strength and age, and you
have had more than enough training by now to be able to fight
temptation.  Stand still, Stephanie.  Thomas, remove
Stephanie's panties."
     I stepped forward once again, uncertainly.  At last, I
stood so close as to feel the young girl's heat.  I could
readily scent her sharp perfume.  It was not some expensive
scent from one of the world's great perfumeries.  It was,
instead, the natural scent of fear, softened, I thought, by a
faint but perceptible hint of feminine arousal.
	Though but a girl of sixteen, it was clear enough, through
the evidence of my own senses, as well as from the very nature
of the "test" Madame had devised for the young woman, that of
resisting giving in to orgasm, that Stephanie had a more than
readily aroused appreciation for the pleasures her firm, ripe
body could afford herself.
	It was from this, however, still unclear to me then whether
Stephanie was a stranger to physical love with men, although
it was certain that she was more than acquainted with the
pleasures that another of her own tender sex could provide. 
It was, in fact, the purpose of Mlle. T.'s experiment to see
if the girl could restrain herself from enjoying such
attentions to the point of spending.
     My mind filled with these rushing thoughts, I did as
Mlle. T. instructed me.  I approached the girl from behind,
knelt, and I must confess that it was with hands that trembled
nearly as much as the young girl herself that I gently drew
down Stephanie's single remaining garment, my fingers brushing
lightly against the damp flesh of the girl's outer thighs, my
face mere inches from the soft, plump curve of her firm, young
behind.  Her warmly radiating flanks shivered at the
sensation, and a soft fretful whimper escaped from her tightly
closed mouth.
     "Come, Stephanie," Madame laughed chidingly.  "We have
not yet even started!  Do you think the Tongue so light a
penalty that you would succumb so early?"
     "No, Mistress!" answered the young girl, pitifully.
     "Very well," said Madame.  "Thomas, place your hands upon
Stephanie's shoulders.  You are to steady her from behind."
     I followed her instructions.  A shiver ran through the
girl's body as I gripped her soft shoulders lightly, but
prepared myself to tighten the grasp should it be required.
     Mlle. T. stood facing the girl.  From where I stood,
behind Stephanie, I could observe the Mistress's gaze, as she
stared intently into the eyes of her young student.
     "Now, then, Stephanie," said Madame.  "We shall begin."
     With both hands, Mlle. T. began to lightly caress the
girl facing her.  Her fingers lightly stroked from the girl's
soft young shoulders, where I held her, down along her willowy
arms to where Stephanie's hands hung trembling at her hips,
then up again along those narrow hips to pause ticklingly near
the girl's tender underarms.  I could feel the tension in the
girl's shoulders as she fought to show no reaction to her
Mistress's caresses.
     Madame's hands now moved inward, brushing lightly to the
tips of Stephanie's pert breasts, where they paused for a
moment to draw light concentric circles around the girl's
pink, puckered young nipples.
     "Hard as little diamonds already, are they not,
Stephanie?"  Mlle. T. commented, quietly.
     "Y... yes, Mistress," the girl answered, her voice the
tiny squeak of a frightened mouse.
     I leaned slightly forward over the girl's shoulder to see
that the small points did in fact look painfully hard.
     "Hard as little diamonds," Madame said again, quietly. 
"I wonder if that most precious of jewels is equally hard,
Stephanie.  You know, the one you keep between your legs?"
     The young girl whimpered once again at this hint of much
more intimate caresses to come.
     "Well, Stephanie?" Mlle T. demanded, teasingly.  "Can you
feel your little ruby of delight becoming firm, becoming hard
for us?  Does is ache, Stephanie?  Does it burn?"  Madame
asked, with a smile.
     "I... I... oh...,"  the girl struggled for words with
which to reply.
     "Answer me, Stephanie!"  Madame demanded threateningly.
     "It... it feels... it feels..."
     "How?"  Madame asked again.
     "I... I... I..."
     Madame appeared to have lost patience.  "Is this as much
as you have learned about expressing the feelings of love?  Is
it for this that you have received your education in the
literature and poetry of love?  So that now you can say
nothing?  I ask you again, Stephanie... the jewel between you
legs, how hard does it now feel?"
     "I... I..."
     At this point Mlle. T. appeared to lose her control and
chose a most direct way to express her anger.
    "Does it feel as hard as this?"  Madame cried, suddenly
grasping the girl's small nipples between thumbs and
forefingers and twisting them sharply in opposite directions.
     The girl lifted beneath my steadying hands, still planted
firmly upon her shoulders, and shrieked loud enough to deafen
me for an instant.  Where my inexperienced hands found the
strength to hold her I shall never know, but I held on
tightly, a fact which Madame seemed to notice with a mix of
pride and admiration, as if pleased to note the first inkling
of a possible shared nature between herself and the young man
who had so recently entered her world.  There was also to be
read in the fiery look within her eyes the promise of further
shared adventures to come.
     At last, Stephanie became quiet again.  I looked once
more over the girl's shoulder and found the reddened state of
her tender breast tips to be as clear evidence of her pain as
had been the sudden violence of her reactions.
     "Since words appear to fail you, Stephanie," Mlle T.
continued, "I suppose we shall have to investigate the state
of that lower treasure ourselves."
     With this, Mlle. T. lowered herself to her knees upon a
plush purple cushion she had placed before the trembling girl. 
Mlle. T.'s face was now on a level with the very treasure
house of which she had spoken.  She looked up into Stephanie's
now tearful face and began her exploration.
     The woman's left hand circled behind and around the
girl's left thigh in order to further steady the girl during
what was to be the final stage of her test.  Her right hand
now slipped slowly up between the downy thighs in inevitable
approach to the light brown curled delta above.  Her hand
paused as the fingers softly brushed the first wispy tendrils.
     "Now, Stephanie," said Mlle T.  "This is the test.  This
is the moment.  You must not think of the pleasure.  You must
not enjoy it.  You most ignore it.  You must think only of the
payment you must make if you fail.  Think only of the Tongue. 
Think only of how that will feel.  I promise you that you will
not be able to so much as move for days afterward.  Your
little jewel will feel the size of a grape.  It will be erect
and burning both day and night with that strange combination
of constant arousal and the most excruciating pain you have
ever known, Stephanie.  You will seek release from your
arousal, but will be unable to do so because that achingly
swollen little fruit will be impossible to touch.  You will
try to play your little private midnight games with yourself
and the entire household will be awakened with the intensity
of your screams the moment your soft little finger makes the
slightest contact."
     "No, Mistress!"  Stephanie cried in horror and fear, her
tears now a torrent.  "No, pleeeeease!"
     "It is what awaits you, Stephanie," Mlle. T. continued. 
"Untold pain... unless you can ignore the pleasure.  Now, be
brave.  Be strong!  We begin."
     With these words I felt young Stephanie's shoulders
stiffen beneath my hands, as the Mistress's fingers made their
first contact with the warm flesh at the apex of the girl's
thighs.  Her head tossed back, lifting a cascade of chestnut
softness into my face.
     "Uhmph," the girl moaned as Mlle. T. began a thorough and
methodical massage of the soft woman-flesh she'd found.
     "She is wet," Mlle. T. commented, for my benefit.  "She
is very wet.  I fear she will she will not stand the test this
time.  A pity.  The Tongue is such a cruel mistress.  Much
more cruel than myself.  I would wish nothing but love and
pleasure for my little charges.  But pleasure... true
pleasure... comes only through discipline.  A young girl, to
become a true courtesan, an true artist of the flesh, must
never become a slave to pleasure.  Pleasure must serve her. 
I have known many young women capable of experiencing the
exciting peak of the most intense erotic pleasure for great
lengths of time, and to hold themselves at the brink of
fulfilment for as many days without succumbing.  The intensity
of the final orgasm at the end of such a period is something
that men can never know, and few women, and then only through
carefully cultivated discipline and absolute control.  That is
what our Stephanie is learning now.  She has been deprived of
pleasure since the last opportunity she had to prove herself. 
She has been watched throughout the day so that she has had no
chance at pleasure.  At night she has lain tied in her bed
with her hands unable to reach that place between her legs
that so pitifully begs to be soothed.  The natural pressure on
a healthy young girl of our Stephanie's age to masturbate is,
I assure you, Thomas, something strong beyond our ability to
measure.  On her last night she was actually observed to
experience a small, insignificant orgasm spontaneously, while
still tied in her bed.  It was not a release, actually, but
some sort of a physical safety valve, apparently.  We
administered a light sedative to her after that which has
prevented any future occurrences of that sort, and so the
pressure has been left to increase unabated, until now."
     All this time, as Mlle. T. explained all this, she
continued with her skilful ministrations, while young
Stephanie, the subject of the little lecture, remained
standing stiff and trembling between us, I holding firmly to
her shoulders, and Mlle. T. tightly in charge of the girl's
lower portion.
     Now and again, as her Mistress's fingers caressed some
particularly sensitive spot upon the girl's young womanhood,
Stephanie would suddenly stiffen into an even greater
tenseness, as she fought against her every tendency towards
pleasure that nature had endowed her with.
     I now noticed that by looking across the room to a into
the glass of large wall-length mirror that hung there I could
look full into young Stephanie's face.  The girl stared,
vacantly, as if into an great, infinite distance.  Only now
and again, as her Mistress's caresses brought forth some more
intense stimulation, would a slight tick around the eyes, or
a small trembling of the lip betray the violence of her
private, interior struggle.  Then, an instant afterward, her
eyes would once again harden, and her stare would focus at
some object even farther removed from this fire-lit room, and
there she would find the extra measure of control she needed,
and both her face and her passion would become controlled once
     "Well," said Mlle. T., as she observed these same facial
changes from below.  "We may have underestimated our
Stephanie.  She is really doing rather well."  There was, I
thought, a note of disappointment mixed with the pride in her
tone.  "Perhaps our Stephanie has learned what must be learned
after all."
     I noted a slight hint of relief pass over Stephanie's
mirror-reflected face.
     "Just a moment more, Stephanie, and you shall have proved
your metal." said Mlle. T.  "Just a moment more... and..."
     Stephanie suddenly erupted beneath my hands.
     "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" she shrieked, as I struggled with great
effort to maintain my hold.  I could not imagine what had
happened.  Then I looked down and saw that while Mlle. T. had
spoken those soothing words, to the effect that Stephanie's
trial was nearly at an end, she had moved the hand that had
been steadying the young girl's left leg around to cup the
girl's hind cheeks, and apparently, while the girl had been
least prepared, she had, all in a motion, thrust one long
forefinger deeply into the girl's hind-most nether opening.
     Mlle. T.'s strategy was now all too plain.  The
unannounced intrusion into the young girl's behind had been
designed to so startle the poor girl that her tenuous self-
control would be at last broken, and with that would come the
     The plan succeeded admirably.  No sooner had Stephanie
recovered from her shock and surprise than she instantly
became aware of her broken concentration.  I looked once again
into the mirror.  Stephanie's face registered both shock and
surprise, and then, finally, horror and panic. Then young
Stephanie made what proved to be her fatal mistake.  She
dropped her gaze to look down into the powerfully burning eyes
of her Mistress below.  She saw her Mistress smile, knowing
that all was lost.  She appeared to struggle once again, in a
last attempt to regain her failed concentration and control,
and then, with a shriek as full of hopelessness and despair as
any soul bound in the tortured caverns of hell could emit, she
stumbled for a second upon the crest of her release, and then
gave herself over to it fully.
     For a full five minutes, Stephanie screamed and convulsed
in our hold, as the carefully avoided climaxes of weeks past
churned through and bubbled forth from the girl's strong young
body, until she collapsed with a final, wailing shriek that
trailed out, long and mournfully, its dying echoes absorbed
and consumed by the thick and unsympathetic walls of the
Chateau Noir.

                      CHAPTER TWO

Once again, the manservant, Karl, was called upon, this time
to remove young Stephanie from the room.  She fell from our
arms into his, unknowingly, for she was still in the
unconscious bliss of the devastating climax that had been the
result of her failed test.  She would, Mlle. T. assured me,
have much time in the next few days to regret her failure and
to contemplate the price she must pay.
	"You shall see how our Stephanie adapts to her restraints. 
We shall visit her this very evening," said Mlle. T.  "And, of
course, time permitting, you may be present at Stephanie's
Tonguing when the event occurs.  In any event, there will be
many other opportunities for you to judge for yourself the
effects that intense discomfort may have in stimulating erotic
satisfaction in a girl of Stephanie's unique sensitivity."
	Mlle. T. now turned to the four young girls who remained
with us in the room, and who had watched the proceeding events
with a mixture of horror and, I suspected, at least some
slight degree of excitement.  The girls shivered in the
firelight, dressed as they were only in their short tunics and
brief white panties.
	The Mistress approached the first girl in the line of four,
the youngest of all, a blonde-haired darling of about
	"This is Beverly," Mlle. T. informed me.  "She is our
youngest.  Please remove your tunic, Beverly, so that Thomas
and I may examine you."
	The girl shifted a side-long glance in my direction,
obviously new enough to her training to be embarrassed at the
thought of displaying herself so intimately before a male. 
But no doubt fearing the wraith of Mlle. T., she quickly
unfastened the silver clasp at her shoulder and the silk tunic
whispered to the ground at her feet.
	The girl's young breasts were barely developed, small and
firm as ripe summer pears, too small for the picking.  A tiny
red nipple pointed away from the tip of each, swelling,
hardening visibly with this sudden exposure to the room's
chilly atmosphere.  The girl watched Mlle. T. as the woman
quietly circled, examining each delicate curve, each subtle
nuance of Beverly's ripening femininity.
	"She is beautiful, is she not?" the Mistress asked softly,
seemingly in actual awe at the young girl's tender loveliness.
	I did not answer.  It was not necessary.  Nor, I must
confess, would it have been possible.  The sights and sounds
of the Chateau Noir that I had experienced thus far had left
me quite incapable of speech.  I could scarcely think, much
less translate my confused thoughts into the spoken word.
	"Now, Beverly."  Mlle. T. continued.  "We must show Thomas
that the rest of you is no less a vision of perfection.  Your
panties, now, my dear."
	Beverly closed her eyes with a small whimper, hooked her
thumbs beneath the waistband of the tiny garment, and quickly
slid them down her slim thighs and on past her knees, where
they joined the little white pile that was her previously cast
off tunic.  She then righted herself, and stood awkwardly
under her Mistress's gaze.  The girl was truly beautiful.
	"There is only one thing that unfortunately contrasts and
mars this girl's perfection."  Mlle. T. said at this point,
again demonstrating the air of professional detachment she had
shown earlier when young Stephanie was being tested. 
"Beverly, please assume the Cat position."
	Instantly, the well-disciplined girl dropped to her knees
upon the hard floor and sat in the manner of the classic
Egyptian feline presented in much of the statuary of that
period, her feet tucked beneath her small, bare bottom, knees
pressed tightly together, hands resting palm downward upon her
thighs.  Her head was bent downwards in the subservient
attitude of an obedient slave.
	Mlle. T. stood before the girl, and motioned me forward as
	"It is a small imperfection, it is true, but one which can
be easily rectified.  Knees apart, Beverly, as wide as is
	The girl instantly did as she was told.  Her knees spread
apart, with a motion that somehow touched a secret place deep
within my person.
	"Now, lie back, just as you have been instructed, far back."
	Some degree of gymnastic training was apparent in the way
young Beverly now bent her supple body backward, until her
shoulders actually touched the hard floor.  The tender divide
of the girl's young sex was now prominently displayed before
us.  Beverly was well aware of this, of course, her eyes
remaining tightly closed in embarrassment.
	"You see the imperfection, I suppose?" Mlle. T. asked of me.
	Not waiting for a reply, she continued on.  "Our Beverly,
although to all other respects a barely developed young
female, has one trait that has developed somewhat prematurely
in relation to her other physical attributes.  Notice the
foliage that is already most prominent about her mons venus. 
It is abundant for a girl Beverly's age, is it not?  Oh,
forgive me Thomas!  I forget that your experience in these
matters is somewhat limited.  Do not be ashamed, my dear
Thomas.  All that will soon change.  But you must accept my
judgement in this matter.  This precociousness on the part of
one portion of Beverly's development is most impertinent.  It
spoils the effect of purity and innocence.  A simple shaving
of this area can, of course, eliminate an imperfection of this
sort, but it also makes the problem even more noticeable,
unless the procedure is repeated at least twice per day.  And
even in the event of such careful maintenance, the result
would still far from the pristine effect we desire.  Something
must be done.  And it will be done.  Up, now, Beverly!"
	The girl quickly unbent from her awkward position and stood
again stiffly before her Mistress.
	"Tonight, Beverly, you will report to my chamber at
midnight.  Do you understand?"
	"Yes, Mistress," the girl replied, quietly, obviously as in
the dark, as was I, at what Mlle. T. had in mind for her. 
Indeed, apart from a shaving, a procedure which the Mistress
had already denigrated, what could be done to remedy the
problem of the girl's voluptuous vulval curls?
	Mlle. T. caught my look of perplexity, and winked at me
slightly, with an almost mischievous smile.
	"Thomas, I would like you there tonight as well."  she said. 
"My chamber, at midnight.  Then all will become clear."
	Mlle. T. then proceed to introduce the remaining three
girls, who stood quietly awaiting their Mistress's command. 
They each disrobed for our examination, as their two sisters
students had done before.  Each was as lovely in her own way
as the others had been in theirs.
	There were two girls of sixteen, Ariel and Jennifer, who
appeared to be exact opposites in temperament, if not in
looks.  Both were dark.  Both displayed a certain timidity,
but that timidity was somehow manifested differently in each. 
Ariel, for all that she was described by Mlle. T. as being
currently virginal, gave the impression of an already awakened
sensuality that was quite palpable in the confident way she
stood, unconcerned over her nakedness.  Jennifer, on the other
hand, although reportedly the more sexually experienced of the
two, seemed somehow less comfortable with her knowledge of
eroticism.  She had, in fact, "known" a man.  But for all of
that, she seemed somehow more untouched than her compatriot of
the same age.
	The last girl to be introduced was Allison, an overtly
haughty and proud young beauty of seventeen.  Her hair was cut
in a saucy page-boy.  Her shoulders she held straight and
defiant under our intimate visual examination.  Of all the
girls, Allison alone had the courage to meet our gaze, and
when my own eyes met hers, it was I who felt the challenge and
looked down, feeling defeated, and even somewhat embarrassed. 
That a naked and vulnerable young woman could inspire such a
chastened reaction in a fully clothed male said much for the
girl's spirit and power. Mlle. T. seemed to notice my reaction
and, calling me aside for a moment, informed me whisperingly,
while out of the girl's hearing, that just as there were ways
to correct young Beverly's imperfection, there existed means
just as effective for curbing the unattractively daunting
hostility toward males that marred the attractiveness of this
older girl.  Wait, she said once again, and I would see and
understand all in time.
	The faithful Karl imposed his presence upon us at this point
to announce that dinner was served.  The girls were dismissed,
stooping to gather up their wispy garments as they went, and
Mlle. T. and I went in together.
	There was good food and good wine, and a few hours of much
needed rest to look forward to.
	And midnight would come, all in due time.

                     CHAPTER THREE

Dinner at the Chateau Noir was both simple and elegant. 
Simple in so far as the food, itself, was concerned,
consisting of a brace of fine roast ducklings, with a
singularly delicious savoury cream sauce, garnished with
chestnuts, raisons and various other dried fruits,
complimented perfectly with an excellent dark burgundy.  But
the presentation of the meal was a study of elegance, even
disregarding the unusual "decorations" with which the dining
chamber had been fitted.  These delightful trappings I will
describe momentary.
	The ever present Karl was our only servant, and he did
admirably well in that role, moving silently around the great
oaken table, and never allowing the wine glass of either
myself or the Mistress to run dry.
	I suspected at the time that this Karl also held the
position of cook at the chateau, but I later discovered the
presence of another servant, a much younger man than Karl, but
of apparently the same national origin.  In fact, the
similarity between the complexion, features, and build of the
two men led me to believe them to be actually related by
blood, but the exact nature of that relationship, whether of
brotherhood or, perhaps even, of father and son, I never quiet
discovered.  I did learn, however, that it was this other I
had to thank for the exceptionally fine meals at the chateau. 
This other servant, answering to the name of Alex, I was also
to discover possessed quite a few other specialized talents,
and I would have ample opportunity to observe many of them
demonstrated over the course of my stay.
	As to the room in which this dinner was held, it was of a
large and luxurious capacity.  The massive oaken dining table,
although presently set for myself and Mlle. T. alone, could
easily have accommodated a party of twenty or more.  Mlle. T.
and myself sat facing one another across one far end of the
long, polished expanse.
	And here I must begin to describe the most unusual
decorations that had been arranged to embellish our dining
enjoyment.  The light in the chamber, other than that provided
by a massive stone fireplace situated near the centre of one
long wall, was provided by the flames of eleven flickering
candles.  Eight of these candles were held by four exquisitely
naked young girls.  Two of the these, in age not more than
fifteen, stood on either side of me at the table, and the two
others stood flanking Mlle. T. as she sat opposite.  The four
stood motionless with a silver candlestick held in each hand. 
Their stares were unflinching and entirely frozen, as if they
were not even aware of our presence.
	I did not recognise these girls as members of the group to
whom I had been earlier introduced, and Mlle. T. informed me
that these were students much farther along in their training
than the newer arrivals I had met.  The concentration and
self-possession these four young women demonstrated spoke
eloquently of the effectiveness of their Mistress's training.
	These four, as I have stated, accounted for eight of the
eleven candles which provided the glowing light for our meal. 
The remaining three candles were held by an even more unique
human candelabrum.
	Upon the centre of the table, between Mlle. T. and myself,
there lay another young girl, perhaps a year older than her
sisters who stood.  This girl, a beautiful blonde-haired nymph
of exquisite feature and composition, lay upon her back, in
profile, between her Mistress and myself.  In each small, bare
hand she held a single lighted candle, the melted wax of which
ran freely over her clenching fists, so that by mid-meal the
fists, themselves, were all but covered with the congealing
	This alone would have accounted for more than a small bit of
discomfort on the girl's part, but there was a further reason
for the girl to regret her current situation.  The girl had
been forced to pull her knees so far forward that they
actually rested upon the table at each side of her head.
	The reason for the girl's placement in this uncomfortable
position was this:  the eleventh candle in the room had been
inserted deep within the young girl's naked, up-turned sex. 
The position the girl had assumed was necessary to keep the
lighted candle upright.  And the upright attitude of the
candle was extremely desirable, it was more than apparent,
because an upright candle tends to drip the less.
	By carefully balancing upon her shoulders and upper spine,
the girl could keep the candle somewhat erect and the hot
dripping of the wax to a minimum.  The laws of physics being
what they are, however, a certain amount of dripping wax was
unavoidable, thus complicating the girl's situation.  It was
imperative that the girl remain motionless in order to
minimize the flow of wax.  But whenever that unavoidable
minimal droplet finally came, the tracing of that searing
rivulet, running either forward and down across the girl's
tensing belly or, more alarmingly, coursing to the rear to
trickle down between the girl's trembling nether cheeks, the
reflexive bodily tremor at the intense pain resulting would
only serve to shake loose even more of the hot wax to be
scattered in both directions.
	Throughout the meal, I watched the progress of the flame
from this eleventh candle as it moved ever downward with its
melting.  From time to time, as the dripping wax produced the
effects I have described, the girl would emit a slight whimper
or, at a particularly copious precipitation of hot wax, an
even sharper cry.
	Mlle. T. casually informed me that the young girl was
undergoing another of the Mistress's intricately designed
tests of will, and I could well gather from the Mistress's
frowning looks in response to the girl's restrained outbursts
that the subject's performance was not considered
	Finally, Mlle. T. called for brandy, which the faithful Karl
immediately brought.  The Mistress herself poured the amber
liquid from its ancient, dust-covered bottle.
	The candle between the legs of our "centre-piece" had by
this point, our meal being now nearly at an end, burned down
almost to within an inch of the soft pink lips of the girl's
young sex, and I had been silently concerned that the girl
might actually suffer some more acute pain, and possibly even
actually disfigurement, should the Mistress's "test" continue
much longer.
	It was at this point, however, that Mlle. T. apparently
intended to bring the test to a conclusion.  She was now
reaching forward across the girl's upturned and tensing young
buttocks and endeavouring to warm her half filled snifter of
brandy in the heat of candle flame now nearly guttering
between the girl's trembling legs.
	"You have done well, my dear," said Mlle. T., although her
expression, as seen by me, and not by the girl to whom she
spoke, demonstrated that she felt just the opposite of the
approval she expressed.
	The Mistress swirled the warm brandy in the glass above the
candle flame, as the young girl seemed to relax somewhat at
the apparently nearing end of her extended discomfort.
	"But, perhaps," purred Mlle. T., "one final test is called
	With this, the Mistress sloshed the swirling brandy out from
her glass and onto the loins of the young girl, whereupon the
entire pool of sweet liquor exploded into bright blue flame
which washed instantly down across the girl's belly in front
and into the sweet crack of her raised buttocks behind.
	The girl shrieked as loudly as I have ever heard any animal
cry in anguish either before or since.  She bucked and writhed
mindlessly for an instant as if galvanized.  Then, flinging
away the candles she had held so patiently in her hands, she
plunged her wax-coated digits into her now fiery, wax-covered
loins in a disparate effort to extinguish the anguishing
flames that curled luxuriously about between her legs.
	At that moment, the servant, Karl, arrived once again upon
the frantic scene, no doubt at his Mistress's earliest
instructions, equipped with a large pitcher of water, icy cold
from a neighbouring stream, which he summarily splashed across
the lower body of the screaming young girl, extinguishing the
blue alcohol flames, but causing with yet another eruption of
startled cries, these at the too abrupt transition or
temperatures, from fiery hot to icy cold, upon the girl's
tender young flesh.
	"You have failed the test, do you hear!" cried Mlle. T.,
with scream of her own.  "Take her away!"
	In a few moments, writhing and sobbing, the hysterical girl
had been carried out of the room and away to some other part
of the building.
	Collapsing back into my chair and sipping my own brandy, in
order to regain my composure, I became aware of an amazing
fact.  Throughout the entire melee, which had climaxed our
dinner, even when our female centre-piece had been shriekingly
set alight, none of the other four girls, who still remained
standing by our chairs with lighted candles of their own, had
ever made the slightest move, had shown not even the slightest
change of expression.
	No emotion.
	Total control.

                      CHAPTER FOUR
                  APPROACHING MIDNIGHT

In the final hour before midnight of that first day at the
Chateau Noir, I was summoned from my bed chamber by Mlle. T.
herself.  She held in her hand a single lighted candle in an
ornate silver candlestick, which cast a misty glow over her
strong features, softening them a bit, it seemed, though it
could well have been an illusion.  Indeed, an illusion it must
have been, for I cannot say for certain that, during all the
many years I have known Mlle. T., I have ever seen her
demonstrate any true emotion other than what would suit her
strict adherence to her philosophy of stern severity as
concerning the training of her students.  Severity, not for
it's own sake, but as the best means for attaining a very
specific end.  An end which on that first night at the Chateau
Noir remained a complete mystery to me, but that would later
on become clear.
	There was method to Mlle. T.'s cruelty.  And her methods
almost always attained her desired results.
	"At midnight," reminded Mlle. T., "our young Beverly is due
in my chamber for an exercise that I believe you will find
quite interesting.  But there is yet time now, I should think,
for a brief tour of the sleeping arrangements we provide for
our students."
	"But will we not disturb their sleep by visiting them in
their bed chambers at so late an hour?" I asked.
	"Not all of them are asleep, I believe," she responded, with
a tight, knowing smile.  "And besides, we have here at the
Chateau a means of observation that would not disturb the
lightest sleeper among them.  Come," said the Mistress,
leading me out into the corridor.
	Our way dimly lit by the flame of her candle, Mlle. T. led
me through a virtual maze of darkened passageways, passing
though a number of doors, and finally arriving at the base of
a long, narrow, winding staircase.  This staircase ascended to
a small landing where we were confronted by a tall, narrow
door, covered in what appeared to be a plush black velvet.
	"This is the door to our observation corridor," Mlle. T.
said, quietly, as she fitted a small iron key into the door's
lock.  "Because of our methods of instruction, Thomas," she
continued, "it is of the utmost importance that we be able to
observe our young charges at all hours, day or night, in order
to assure that their training is proving effective.
	"A strong-willed, stubborn young girl can very well pretend,
by day, to be accepting the lessons of her training, when in
fact, by night, she is a private resistor.  We therefore make
it a practice to see that all our girls behave in private as
they are instructed to do in class.  They do not know that we
watch them, you see, so in their assumed privacy, they
unknowingly reveal themselves for what they truly are.
	"Also, there are lessons and activities we assign the girls
to perform on their own, which we would have no other way of
determining their accomplishment were it not for the ability
to directly monitor those activities.  
	"Most of the girls, for instance, during some point in their
training, are forbidden the private pleasures of self-love. 
We do this in order to teach them control of their senses
through self-control and self-denial.  After many hours of
direct and indirect stimulation they must lie in their beds at
night with the day's accumulated passions simmering within
them unquenched.
	"At other times a student is ordered, after a full day of
repeated stimulation and climax, to continue the activity on
her own, within the assumed privacy of her own bed chamber,
until she has attained a set minimum number of masturbatory
orgasms before she can surrender herself unto the balm of
	"All these activities are secretly monitored for completion
and any failures are thoroughly punished upon the following
day, although it is always a complete mystery to the girls
themselves as to how their failures have been detected.
	"Here, you see how it is done," Mlle. T. said, as she
quietly pushed open the velvet door.  It slid in with a hush
of air and I soon found myself within a long, dark corridor,
the ceiling and floor of which were lined with more of the
same plush black velvet material that had covered the heavy
	Along the walls of this corridor I could just make out large
sections of black velvet drapery, which framed what appeared
to be windows of some sort, in height about six feet and in
width about four.  Something, certain vague shapes, that I
assumed to be in the night-shrouded courtyard outside the
building, glimmered and shifted beyond these windows.   My
eyes could barely make out these indistinct shapes, for my
vision remained somewhat dazzled by the flame of Mlle. T.'s
candle, which flickered near our faces.
	But now, with a single puff of breath, Mlle. T. extinguished
this candle and, very gradually, my eyes grew accustomed to
the deeper darkness.
	I now saw that the velvet framed rectangles of glass, which
lined the corridor as far as the nebulous darkness permitted
my vision to reach, were not windows giving onto the outside
of the building at all, but were windows that gave view rather
into the insides of a long series of bed chambers, which
apparently were situated along either side of the corridor. 
There were no doors leading into these rooms from the corridor
in which we stood, but, as one walked along within the velvet
lined corridor, one could look through the series of gilt-
framed windows, and easily see into each of the bed chambers,
and so observe the activities of the occupants within.
	As my vision became more and more adjusted to the faint
illumination that now came from out of the bed chambers
themselves, the purpose of the corridor became more clear to
	"But how can they not know that they are observed?" I
whispered to my guide.  "If we can see in through these
windows, then surely they can see out."
	"But, you see," replied Mlle. T., not at all bothering to
keep her voice low, "these are not windows.  They are
	"What?  Mirrors?", I exclaimed, still endeavouring to keep
my voice down.  "But, I don't understand."
	Mlle. T. smiled slightly at my confusion. "Specially
constructed mirrors," she said.  "If fact it was your uncle,
himself, who bought them from a glass maker in Egypt and had
them sent here for the very purpose of constructing this
chamber.  You see, these mirrors are so designed as to appear
as mirrors from one side, that side facing inward to the
girls' bed chambers, but to function as a clear glass window
from the other side, that side on which we now stand.  The
inner chambers are always visible because they are always
lighted, however subtly, as we insist the girls keep at least
a single candle burning in their rooms throughout the night,
as a further exercise in discipline, as we tell them.
	"And the unusual thickness of the glass, as well as the
close velvet wrapping with which this corridor is lined, makes
them impervious to the slightest sound.
	"We can, however, due to a special vent which opens into
each chamber through a complex series of air baffles, hear
sounds from within these chambers as clearly as if we were
standing within the rooms themselves.  But no sound we make
here can be heard by the occupants within.  It is an ingenious
design, is it not?"
	Indeed it was.  And, as we drew near to the first
mirror/window that presented itself to our view on the left
wall of the corridor, an even truer appreciation of the
architect's gift filled me with unqualified awe.
	The scene through this velvet framed window, lighted from
within by the single candle Mlle. T. had predicted, showed a
small bed placed lengthwise not two feet from the inner
surface of the glass.  There was a small night table placed at
the head of the bed and almost against the glass window.  And,
as the lighted candle had been placed upon this table, and so
burned between the window and the bed, the figure upon that
bed was as ideally illuminated for our view as if she had been
lying on the lighted stage of a theatre.
	I recognised the girl immediately.  It was young Allison,
the haughty and proud brown-haired girl of seventeen, the one
who had held herself so aloof from our examination earlier in
the day, and the one who's defiant spirit Mlle. T. had hinted
to me would be effectively broken in time, no matter how
wilful and self-determined the girl appeared now.
	Here again, however, the girl was displaying yet another
side to her self-absorption.  Where earlier she had maintained
an attitude of total self-control and emotional restraint,
while under the gaze of her Mistress and myself, and had
suggested the attitude of a young lady for which the display
of anything like uninhibited passion would be unthinkable, she
was now quite obviously involved in just such an undisguised
act of passion.
	Allison lay upon her narrow bed, her short sleeping tunic
worked up above her smooth hips, and both her hands were
busily occupied between her widely parted legs.  The gleam of
the candlelight upon the shiny wetness upon her inner thighs,
and upon the fine sheen of perspiration that graced her
intently creased brow where a few damp brown curls lay
plastered, told us clearly that the girl's private passion was
already nearing it's peak.
	The approaching crisis was heralded as well by the regular
little moaning grunts and gasping exhalations that reached us
easily through the conducting baffles of the sound vents.
	"See the passion of which this one is capable?" Mlle. T.
said, a hint of admiration in her voice, as a proud art
instructor might speak of a rough-talented new student who,
despite a decided need for polish and refinement, showed the
clear promise of a bright future.
	"Such power!" she exclaimed.  "When her spirit has at last
been broken and the true extent of her passion released, our
Allison will something to reckon with, I assure you," she
said.  "I can see great things in this one."
	An sudden increase in the intensity of the young girl's
self-induced sensations manifested itself at this point by a
general stiffening of all her limbs.  Her eyes, which had
previously been squeezed tightly shut, now flew open in an
expression almost of fear at the climax that was quickly
rising within her.  Her back arched, and one hand reached
violently out to clutch a handful of the white bed sheet
beneath her, as the other fairly flew in a rapid back and
forth movement against the tender summit of her young
	Then, with a sharp scream, her body erupted inward upon
itself, hunching and contorting.  Again and again came the
arching of the back, the scream, and the subsequent writhing
collapse back onto the bed.
	At last the girl's exhausted hand fell away from her wet
centre, though for some seconds afterward a tremor of isolated
after-shock now and again radiated out from her fluttering
centre to tremble the girl's strong young body from head to
toe, as she gradually recovered her composure.
	Allison looked somewhat dazed in the aftermath of her
passion, and perhaps somewhat ashamed of her temporary loss of
control.  Finally, she sat up and in a thoroughly businesslike
manner pulled her brief tunic back down to modestly cover
herself as best she could, arranged herself primly, and
folding her hands chastely above her waist, settled herself
for sleep.
	"Look at her," remarked Mlle. T.  Her voice now held a trace
of disdain.  "She regards herself as pure as the driven snow. 
In the morning she will no doubt deny to herself that such a
thing as private passion were possible.  It must have been a
wicked dream, she will tell herself.  Such false prudishness
is very difficult to eradicate.  Very difficult, indeed.  She
will take much work, this one," said Mlle. T. as we stepped
away from this window and approached the next.
	Here we saw young Stephanie once again, not many hours since
her "testing" by her Mlle. T.  This was the brown-haired girl
of sixteen who, as I had then observed, had been unable to
resist the intimate caresses of her skilful Mistress.
	Stephanie's chamber as well was lighted by a single
flickering candle, and by it's light I saw that she lay bound
to her small bed with straps of soft leather in such a way
that, as Mlle. T. explained it to me, the girl could have no
manual access either to her soft breasts or to that sweet
secret treasure between her legs which was her great weakness.
	The girl's wrists were tied, bound together at the head of
the iron bedstead, and her ankles were similarly fixed to the
frame's far end.  The only movement possible for Stephanie was
the one she made now, a sort of writhing effort, which caused
her finely muscled thighs, which she pressed close together,
to abrade each other in a slow and deliberate manner.
	"There are many in the world like our Stephanie," said Mlle.
T., thoughtfully.  "Girls who have known the pleasures of men
at too young an age, when their bodies have fully developed
but their minds have not.  She is therefore unable to control
her primitive desires and thereby, the true power of her sex. 
See how, even now, with the ordeal of the Tongue awaiting her,
she is unable to resist the insistent demands of her body."
	It was true.  Even though bound in such a way as to prevent
the direct stimulation of her nether intimacies by way of her
own hands, it was apparent that Stephanie was seeking release
by other, less direct, means.  The slow, deliberate
frictioning of her inner thighs was clearly having a self-
pleasing effect on the girl, as she quietly struggled towards,
at least, some semblance of orgasm.
	As we watched, she appeared to approach the achievement of
her goal with a slight gasp and trembling shudder that flowed
upward through her tense frame.  But all deteriorated
suddenly, and she fell back from the summit of her release
with a small, lamenting cry of frustration.
	Stephanie's near climax had not satisfied her and, after a
moment, during which her body lay limp against the coverlet,
she again began the same slight shifting of her thighs as
	"She knows she cannot obtain any real release through such
indirect efforts.  But see how she tries.  She will be
absolutely frantic by morning.  The Tongue will teach her to
control such impulses."
	At this, I inquired as to the nature of this ordeal to which
young Stephanie was to be subjected, but Mlle. T. only smiled
and demanded my patience.  I would see for myself, she assured
me, soon enough.
	The two of us then passed further along the corridor and
soon stood before another of the gilt-framed windows.  The
chamber into which we now gazed was somewhat larger than those
we had seen so far, evidently because it was intended to
accommodate two of Mlle. T.'s students instead of only one. 
There were two of the small iron beds, although only one of
these was occupied.  Two young girls lay upon this bed, their
coltish limbs intertwined in a lethargic embrace, their lips
pressed softly together in a tender kiss.
	When the two faces separated at last, I recognised the girls
as Ariel and Jennifer.  Ariel - the dark, virginal, but
somehow knowing young one, whose innate sensuality had been
provocatively obvious in her sensuous movements and shy
glances.  And Jennifer - the somewhat timid, though apparently
physically more experienced of the two.  So much alike did
these two girls appear that only through the contrasting
difference between Jennifer's short-cut straight black hair
and Ariel's somewhat longer mane of raven curls could the two
be readily distinguished one from the other.
	"The Blissful Idylls of Lesbos," murmured Mlle. T., as we
gazed in upon the entwined couple.  "Our Ariel has long
maintained a taste for female games.  This is something we
encourage here at Chateau Noir, as part of every girl's
training.  Many of our customers wish to see the girls they
purchase entertain each other in that exotic way from time to
time.  However, in Ariel's case there is a slight
	"You see, a certain French gentleman, who's name would no
doubt be familiar to you, and for that reason I will refrain
from mentioning it, has already chosen young Ariel as a future
acquisition, subsequent to the completion of her training, of
course.  This gentleman's tastes are quite specific.  He
wishes the girl to be totally devoted to the pleasure of men,
to the exclusion of her own fulfilment by any other means.  He
requests that Ariel be conditioned, not only against the
pleasuring of other women, but also against the solitary
pleasuring of herself.
	"Our reputation at Chateau Noir rests on our unfailing
ability to meet out client's requests, and so our Ariel has
been destined for a most unusual treatment.  Rather severe, I
am afraid, but one which I must admit I have always found
	"Ariel has been designated for pruning.  The procedure shall
take place within a few days."
	This "pruning" signified nothing more to my mind than had
the earlier mention of the "Tongue."  But I did not direct an
inquiry toward Mlle. T.  I assumed that all, as she had said
before in response to my inquiries, would be made clear to me,
if the Mistress so intended.
	Meanwhile, the girl we had been considering removed herself
smoothly from the embrace of young Jennifer, and turned head-
to-tail with her companion, in order to join with her in an
even more intimate embrace, covering the inner thighs of the
somewhat reluctant girl with a series of precocious kisses,
starting at the girl's knees, and then moving quickly upwards
to areas of more vulnerable sensitivity.
	With these insistent caresses, Jennifer's reluctance seemed
to melt like a frost before fire, and soon she began to emit
soft sounds of love, followed by increasingly urgent cries of
devotion and, at last, a sudden and almost despairing wail of
release, after which she collapsed into the arms of her
amorous bed mate, who now comforted her tenderly through the
shuddering sobs that followed the pleasure-storm's peak.
	"These two will spend most of the next few nights at these
amusements," said Mlle. T., "even though such games have been
specifically forbidden to them both, due to the circumstances
I have described.  Jennifer's punishment has already been
selected.  And as for Ariel, she must, I suppose, be allowed
these last few nights of girl-play, for after her destined
treatment, such games will be quite beyond her."
	Once again, as I followed Mlle. T. further down the
corridor, I found myself wondering at the nature of Ariel's
"impending treatment", the "pruning", and, indeed, Stephanie's
promised "session with the Tongue."
	The "Tongue?"  "Pruning?"  What could such words mean?
	It was soon after this that our my tour of the student bed
chambers of the Chateau Noir came to an abrupt end, for the
small gold watch that Mlle. T. carried on a chain at her waist
soon began to chime softly with a musical, crystalline pinging
	Twelve notes.  It was now midnight, and Mlle. T. and I had
an appointment to keep.

                      CHAPTER FIVE

A small fire had been lighted in Mlle. T.'s private chamber,
a richly appointed, luxurious room panelled in dark wood, as
were most of the apartments at the Chateau Noir.  Upon one
wall of this chamber stood the head of a very large bed,
constructed of ornately carved mahogany, and curtained in red
silk hangings, so that nothing of the mattress or the bed
clothes could be discerned.
	The fire had been set in a medium-sized brick fireplace in
the wall opposite.  And directly in front of this fire,
arranged in a most intriguing position, was young Beverly, the
petite nymph of fourteen who had been the third of Mlle. T.'s
students to whom I had been introduced earlier in the day.
	An ottoman, upholstered in padded leather, with a sort of
frame attached, had been placed lengthwise before the
fireplace.  Into this frame Beverly had been strapped in such
a way as to hold her lying nakedly upon her back with her slim
legs elevated and the junction of her thighs spread into a
very wide "V".
	Mlle. T. approached and spoke, quietly, to the girl.
	"Are you comfortable, Beverly?" she asked.
	"Y-yes, Mistress," Beverly replied timorously.
	"Very good," said Mlle. T.  "We want your position to be
comfortable, Beverly, so that you may concentrate more fully
on the sensations which you are about to experience."
	Mlle. T. knelt down and spoke more softly into the girl's
	"Some of it will be hard, my dear, but you must be brave. 
Most of your sisters will know ordeals much more serious, so
you must not lose courage.  Remember Karen's appointment with
her serpents of the Nile."
	The girl shuddered, visibly, at the thought of what Karen,
the red-haired student, had been promised earlier.
	"You must not lose your courage.  The discomfort you must
now know will be only prelude to the delights that will follow
soon after.  Without evil, my dear, there cannot be good. 
Without pain, there can be no pleasure.  Do you understand?"
	Young Beverly looked nervously about her, sniffing back a
tear.  "I ... don't know, Mistress."
	"You will understand in time, my dear,"  Mlle. T. said
finally.  "For now, simply, be brave."
	Mlle. T. rose and crossed the room to a bell cord which hung
near the chamber door.  No sound was heard within the room,
but a bell must have rung somewhere in the building, because
in a moment there was a knock and a beautiful young woman of
oriental decent quietly entered with a covered tray.
	"Thomas, this is Jo Lin.  She is one of our special tutors
here.  She is from China.  Our Jo Lin was apprentice to one of
the great houses of Fu Won, and was brought to me, at very
great danger and expense I shouldn't wonder, by your very
	The face of the oriental beauty remained composed, but there
was the slightest flicking glance of interest directed towards
me, perhaps in attempt to detect any resemblance between
myself and the relative she had known, I gathered, so
intimately.  There seemed to be a slight note of warm
recognition in the instant before her face returned to an
expression composed peacefulness which I was to learn was her
	"Jo Lin is a master of certain... therapies... that were
developed by her great people thousands of years ago.  She is
the only expert of her kind in the world."
	Jo Lin smiled, ever so slightly, and gave a barely
perceptible bow of her head, in acknowledgement of a
complement fully deserved.
	"You may make your preparations," said Mlle. T., and the
beautiful oriental, with an economy of motion inherent in the
best of her race, crossed the room, and seated herself upon a
small upholstered stool that had been placed between the
spread-eagle Beverly and the fireplace.
	Mlle. T. motioned quietly for me to follow, as we approached
as well.
	Jo Lin, having settled herself upon her stool, and having
placed the covered tray she had carried with her upon a small
table to her left, turned to examine - as did I, you may be
certain - the naked "V" formed by the widely spread and
upturned legs of the naked girl before her.
	How can I describe the sight that the three of us beheld? 
Beverly, a slight, through undeniably athletic, girl, at the
first fresh bloom of her womanhood, spread openly before us,
the delicate lips of her young sex presented to our view
unhidden, except by its light covering of a down-like fur,
this just slightly darker than the golden tresses that flowed
from the girl's head.
	Although Mlle. T. had described the wisps of Beverly's
nether covering as something which marred her otherwise
perfect beauty, I confess I could not share that opinion. 
Indeed, the delicate strands seemed to me quite few in number. 
And these few yellowish curls seemed to me a pleasant
augmentation, a compliment to the girl's beauty, instead of a
detraction from it.
	I mentioned this thought, quietly, to Mlle. T. and, at the
same time, was somewhat surprised to find myself so bold. 
"You must trust my judgement in this," Mlle. T. replied,
noting my boldness with some pleasure.  "To the client for
which our Beverly is intended, it is a defect.  A defect which
must be corrected and shall be corrected now."
	"Am I to be shaved, Mistress?"  It was Beverly, herself, who
spoke in a small voice that was breathless in timidity.
	"No, my dear," Mlle. T. said, soothingly, and then added,
"Trust me, my dear, and all will be well.  Karl!"
	Karl, the Germanic servant, who had been standing, arms
folded, in another part of the room stepped forward.  In his
hand was a black cloth which I saw to be a large scarf of fine
	Mlle. T. took the scarf from the large man and once again
knelt by the head of the young captive.
	"Now, my dear, you must wear this cloth as a blindfold.  Do
not be afraid.  It is simply a custom, a part of the
ceremony," said Mlle. T., as she placed the silken blackness
across the young girl's eyes.  In the instant before they were
covered, I saw in those sweet, wide, blue eyes a remarkable
mixture of trust and apprehension, and once again noted the
extraordinary effect that Mlle. T. had upon her young charges. 
Then the eyes were covered and the black cloth knotted tightly
behind the girl's head.
	As soon as Beverly's eyes were covered, there came a change
in Mlle. T.'s expression.  There was a coldness, a cruelty,
that she must have been suppressing while under the young
girl's gaze, but which now radiated in her manner and filled
the room.
	"Karl!"  Mlle. T. spoke again to the manservant, this time
a bit more sharply.
	The man came forward, without a word as always, and in his
hand this time was a short bar of India rubber, some six
inches in length, at each end of which had been attached a
small-linked silver chain.
	The use to which he put the device defined it's purpose.  It
was a "bit", like that used on small ponies, except that this
bit consisted of hard rubber instead of hard steel.
	Before the young Beverly knew what was happening, if, in
truth, she had the slightest idea even then, Karl had placed
the bit securely between her jaws, and he had hooked the short
chain at either end to small, matching eye-bolts set in the
ottoman to either side of the girl's blonde head.
	Now somewhat alarmed, Beverly now reacted with some degree
of fright, struggling to twist her head about, in an attempt
to displace the rubber intrusion.  But the attachment of the
small chains holding the bit in place also served to keep the
girl's head in a fixed position, facing straight forward. 
Finding this side-to-side direction of movement was now
restricted, Beverly tried for the first time to move the rest
of her body.  This was equally impossible.  The straps which
held her hands firmly at her sides, those which secured her
shoulders and upper torso to the padded ottoman, and those
which secured her legs to the frame of the apparatus, all held
Beverly in place, quite immovable.
	For the first time now, the girl began to show elements of
real panic.  But she soon gained possession of herself and,
with some great effort at self-restraint, became still again.
	It was then that Mlle. T. nodded to Jo Lin, and the oriental
beauty slipped the cover from the silver tray placed at her
side.  Upon this tray were an assortment of metal instruments,
which the woman's delicately strong and elegantly manicured
fingers moved among for a moment before selecting from their
midst a small pair of tweezers.
	Now I guessed the exact nature of the ordeal awaiting the
trembling young girl before us.
	"The plucking may begin, Jo Lin," said Mlle. T.
	Beverly's partially covered face registered confusion upon
hearing this word, "plucking."  Then, as Jo Lin leaned close
between the young girl's legs, carefully selected a single,
golden wisp with the silver tweezers, closed its jaws upon it
securely, and slowly began to pull, the girl was in mystery as
to her fate no longer.
	With the first, gentle tug, she let out a startled gasp,
followed by a sharp yelp as the pull gradually became
stronger.  Then there came a wild shriek as the single hair
was pulled, "plucked", rooted from its socket, and Jo Lin sat
back, depositing the plucked curl in a small crystal bowl,
which also lay upon the silver tray at her side.
	As the realisation came upon the girl that this slow,
excruciating process would continue on until every errant
tendril had been plucked from her stinging young womanhood,
she became very frantic indeed.
	There was a continuous screaming, mewing and yelping now,
only slightly muffled by the rubber bit between her tightly
clenched teeth, as these first few curls were extracted from
the sweet junction of her thighs.
	As the process continued, however, Beverly seemed to
somewhat reconcile herself to her discomfort, and manifested
the fact by reacting to the tugs and nips of Jo Lin's tweezers
with only a steady whimpering, punctuated by an occasional
sharp gasp as a particularly reluctant curl put up special
resistance before succumbing.
	Then, as her oriental tormentress moved in to attack those
tiniest of threads, sprouting closest to the very lips of
Beverly's small sex, the girl's earlier shrieks were renewed,
and soon surpassed in volume those that had proceeded them.
	On two occasions the process had to be stopped altogether,
as Beverly's consciousness failed her and she fainted, falling
limp within her bonds.  She was soon revived, however, with a
single whiff from a small bottle which Mlle. T. held beneath
the girl's nose.
	On another occasion, and this as Jo Lin had come to those
final few tendrils that adjoined the girl's nether lips
themselves, the girl became quite hysterical, convulsing in
her bonds and thrashing against her restraints in such a
manner that Mlle. T. actually seemed to fear the girl might
suffer some injury.  Extra restraints were brought in,
attached, and the process was some resumed.
	The entire ordeal lasted for over two hours.
	For some moments after it was finished, I stood by the side
of Mlle. T., as she examined Jo Lin's handiwork.  The
trembling cuntal lips of the nearly exhausted young girl were
now puffed and brightly inflamed, and not one single curl
remained upon the girl's nether region, from lip to mid-thigh. 
To be sure, it was a most arresting sight.
	The girl, herself, was almost insensible by this time.  Her
cries had all but died out by this time, though once every so
often she would give a start and a gasp as if a last forgotten
hair had been plucked.  Mlle. T. explained that these "ghosts"
of her previous pain would return to the Beverly now and
again, possibly for many weeks, but were no real cause of
concern.  Indeed, she assured me that the entire experience
would have no harmful effect on the girl whatsoever.
	"On the contrary," Mlle. T. continued, "the lasting result
of what our Beverly has just undergone will be one that she
will find quite pleasant.  There will be an extra sensitivity
in those tender regions that will manifest itself in an almost
instantaneous state of animal arousal whenever that area is
	Mlle. T. laughed shortly.  "In fact, you will find little
Beverly will be very busy with herself over the next few days
simply striving to keep her sweet, girlish hungers adequately
satisfied.  She will awake at all hours of the night with a
twinge of her ghost pain, which she will then seek to soothe
with a comforting touch.  Touch will turn to caress, and then
she will be lost, tossing and turning, with her fingers wetly
busy between her legs until dawn.
	"The same thing will certainly happen to her in her bath. 
An innocent effort at cleanliness will result in an veritable
orgy of passion that she will be utterly powerless to resist. 
She will have to be physically carried from her tub, so
delighted will she be with the masturbatory opportunities it
provides her.  She would remain at it all day otherwise!"
	When I seemed doubtful about this, Mlle. T. smiled, somewhat
indulgently, and made a sign to Jo Lin, who, in response,
removed the cover from a small porcelain jar on her tray,
extracting a dollop of what appeared to be some exotic variety
of scented cream.  She proceeded to apply this preparation
gently to the sensitive, reddened lips of sex of the girl who
was the subject of our conversation.
	Beverly reacted with a start, bucking violently against her
restraints, no doubt believing that her ordeal was not yet
over, and was now to be continued.  This startled reaction was
soon transformed, however, into a simple, slight shifting to
and fro of her hips, as far as the still tightly bound young
girl was able to move them.
	"Mmmmmm."  Beverly released a small moan, which was barely
	Then, as Jo Lin's caresses became somewhat more insistent,
there came a shuddering exhalation, followed by a heaving
intake of breath... a pause... and then a scream that fully
equalled those we had previously heard only in response to her
most intense discomfort.  It was a scream of absolute,
unrestrained orgasm.
	With that, the girl collapsed once more into
	Mlle. T. gave me a look of pride at the vindication of her
claims.  "Our Beverly's young body will soon learn to endure
such intense pleasures without lapsing into insensitivity. 
Then, for a time, she will sleep only when completely,
hopelessly overcome with exhaustion."
	She chuckled, "She will be quite a little noise-maker until
then, though.  Karl, we must place Beverly in one of the
silent rooms for a few days, so that her cries at self-play
will not disturb our other students.  See that she has food
and water when, and if, she wants it."
	The servant nodded and, with an approving nod to Jo Lin, and
with a final affectionate glance at the unconscious Beverly,
Mlle. T. led me from the room.
	Mlle. T. escorted me along the many twisting corridors back
to my own bed chamber, where she soon took leave of me, and
where I lay down instantly upon the welcoming bed, exhausted
by all I had seen on this, the first day of my visit to the
Chateau Noir.

                      CHAPTER SIX

I spent my second day at the Chateau Noir in touring what
Mlle. T. referred to as her "training chambers", these being
several rooms scattered throughout the building that had each
been furnished and appointed according to its own specific
purpose.  There were chambers fitted out in the finest luxury,
and then again there were those which were styled more to the
tastes of the strictest of Spartans.
        One large room, this upon the building's ground floor,
I perceived to have once been a music room, as it included
among its decorations and appointments several ornate and
antique music stands, large bookshelves upon which there were
still stored tall stacks of printed music.  There was even a
small harpsichord, standing closed and silent in one corner.
	   In this room also, upon the deep, plush oriental
carpeting, no doubt originally laid for the purpose of
absorbing the harsher reverberations a bare wooden floor would
have merely amplified, stood a long, narrow table of heavy
wood.  And stretched naked, belly down, along this table, and
bent sharply forward at her waist, another of Mlle. T.'s young
students, a blonde-haired nymph of about sixteen, had been
tightly bound.
        The girl's legs were held widely spread apart and her
ankles tightly strapped to the legs of the table at one end. 
Other tight straps extending from the opposite end of the
table and fixed about the girl's wrists served to stretch her
body to the tautness of a bowstring.
        Behind the bound girl there stood the manservant Karl,
a long, black leather buggy whip in his hand.  This whip he
was vigorously applying to the young girl's naked backside in
firm, regular, solid strokes that cut the air with a audible
whooshing sound before cutting into the girl's soft bottom-
flesh with a sharp, cracking report that was, in turn,
followed close by a gasping, wailing shriek from the girl
        These punishing strokes were spaced well apart,
however, measured out according to the voice of a small,
golden clock, about seven inches tall and encrusted with
bright jewels, that had been set to chime once with the
passing of each minute.
        Upon this regularly paced chiming of the clock, the
whip would descend with the same whoosh and crack I have
described.  And after each cruel stroke had been delivered,
the tormented girl's sharp cry of intense discomfort would
erupt and then subside into soft, tearful sobs, as she stared
into the unsympathetic visage of the clock and endured the
fearful wait as the next minute swiftly ticked past.
        "It is a lesson in anticipation," Mlle. T. murmured,
quietly.  "By the regular striking of the clock, by knowing,
to the second, precisely when she may expect the next bright
pulse of pain, the girl is learning to experience her
discomfort to the fullest, and thereby will soon know, by pure
instinct, to apply that same capacity for anticipation to the
more exquisite experience of pleasure."
        Mlle. T.'s remarks were here punctuated by another
crystalline chiming of the clock, the cracking report of the
buggy whip and, finally, the alarmed cry of the tortured young
girl, this cry somewhat louder than before.   My position, to
the rear of the student being trained, offered an unobscured
view of the sweetly proffered backside, and I could readily
observe the clenching and working of the girl's flanks as she
responded to the whip's crashing stroke and then awaited in
dreadful anticipation of the next.  The halved pear of the
tender sex of the young girl seemed to open and close,
winkingly, as did that more secret, lower, nether opening, as
if in complete disregard for the lascivious display these
movements presented to those present.  The discomfort of the
ordeal must, indeed, have been severe to so obscure in the
young girl any thoughts of the immodesty of her position.
        "The sensation intensifies with each stroke, and with
each minute of the girl's anticipation, do you see?" said
Mlle. T.  "She has endured but her first few minutes.  This
lesson is stipulated to last for a full hour.  Soon she will
be at the bare edge of her mind's ability to even perceive her
discomfort.  It will all, by hour's end, become one with her. 
She will, of course, have to be more tightly bound at that
point than she is now, her fingers wrapped in cloth so that
she will not damage the table's finish with the clawing of her
nails, and her mouth properly bitted to prevent damage to her
sweet tongue."
        The next stroke of the leather against the girl's
backside occasioned just such a response as Mlle. T. had been
predicting.  The girl now made a desperate effort to free
herself from her bonds, wrenching fiercely about, what little
she was able, until Mlle. T. motioned for Karl to take the
precautions she has described.  The bitting of the girl's
mouth, the wrapping of her hands and the tightening of the
strong leather straps were all accomplished in less that a
minute, so that the lesson was resumed with no respite beyond
the single minute prescribed.
     Again, with the circuit of the clock's small second hand
to the top of the numbered face, the indefatigable Karl swung
the buggy whip widely out and back, winding up to once again
bring the length of supple, black leather and bamboo snapping
viciously into the soft, curving flesh of the now most
repentant young girl bent helplessly before him, at nearly the
same instant as the clock emitted its coldly innocent and
uncaringly chiming "ping."  And, again, the girl erupted as
before with the same frantic grunting squeals of desperation
and bitter struggling against her unyielding bonds.
     There was something almost calming in the observation of
this process that is difficult for me to describe even now. 
Somehow, though one could not escape identifying with the
unpleasant plight of the girl undergoing this extreme form of
punishment - one could easily discern, for instance, from her
panicked cries, the discomfort she was undergoing under the
servant's harsh, regular lashing - there was something in the
very regularity of those punishing strokes that proved somehow
soothing to those observing the process.
     At the time, I looked about me, into the countenances of
both the administrator of the painfully whipping strokes and
the woman who had ordered them, and could see either face
nothing other than a quite serenity.  There was no glint of
salaciousness about the eye, as might have been suspected in
one who might actually relish, in a voyeuristic manner, the
scene they were both witness to and participants in.  There
was not the slightest hint of empathy, no flinch of muscle at
the sharp cracking report of leather against female bottom-
flesh that might signal any regretful affinity with the girl's
obvious torment.
     In the faces of both Karl and Mlle. T. there was but an
expression of certain, glowing calm, a radiant peace that
pervaded all.  And I soon found myself as well falling under
the same spell that mesmerised these others, lured into a
strange, calm, and undeniably pleasant peacefulness which
progressed unaccountably with the regularity of the ticking
clock there on the table and the tolling of the bell and
punishing whiplash that came inexorably with each sixty second
interval that passed.
     Chime, whip, scream.  The ticking of the clock, the
whimper of anticipation from the blonde sixteen-year-old. 
Chime, whip, scream.  On and on, for exactly how long I am
uncertain.  But the endurance of the young girl was
     My reverie was broken as a meaningful glance passed
between Karl and his mistress just as the student being dealt
with yelped at the most recent chiming of the clock and the
snapping blow of the buggy whip across her trembling young
mounds that so closely followed.  And a second afterward, just
as the girl had begun to relax for the blessed sixty-second
interval of reprieve before the next anticipated crashing
blow, the servant Karl exploded into a whirr of motion,
planting upwards of ten to perhaps fifteen rapid-fire strokes
of the whip along both cheeks of the girl's divided rump.
     The student detonated into a frenzy.  The panelled walls
of the music room echoed, reverberated and rang with the
shrillness of the surprised betrayal of the young girl.  She
shrieked around the gagging bit between her teeth, her mouth
and eyes widely opened in wild panic, and her entire frame
bucked upwards against the leather restraints, howling and
writhing for the duration of Karl's furious and wholly
unexpected attack.
     It was as if a thousand wasps had taken the few seconds
the dozen or so strokes required to plunge their venomous
stingers all at once into various points along the sweet
curves of soft woman-flesh, causing the poor thing a combined
agony the possibility of which the previous widely spaced
strokes could only have suggested.
     When, at last, the quick, cracking flurry of shocks gave
way, the girl's tearful shrieks carried on, for having once
been betrayed as to the rules of her ordeal the girl could not
now be entirely certain some new, and even more exquisitely
painful surprise awaited her.
     But after a moment all was silent, save for the ticking
of the small jewelled clock and the gasping, sniffling sobs of
the girl as her panicked cries finally subsided.
     As I watched, Mlle. T. nodded to her servant, indicating
her satisfaction with this proper performance of his duties. 
Karl, betraying as always not the slightest hit of emotion, of
sympathy or otherwise, calmly and wordlessly placed the well
used buggy whip upon the wall rack where it apparently
belonged.  This was a kind of storage unit similar to racks
commonly seen in billiard rooms, designed for the storage of
cue sticks, and the space in which Karl placed the instrument
was the only niche remaining unoccupied by brother and sister
appliances of the same nature.
	The rack held whips of all sizes and materials, as I noted
some time later, when I had leisure to examine its contents
more closely.  There were long, thin rods bound in supple
leather such as might be seen in use in the finest stable
yards.  There were also various lengths of new cane, polished
and glistening with fresh varnish, or wax.  Mlle. T. mentioned
on that later occasion that a waxed cane offered a sensation
upon the backside or breasts of an errant female as different
from that of a like instrument layered in varnish as the taste
of salt is distinguishable from that of sugar.
     As I have said, the wild cries of the young girl strapped
to the music room table had ceased to assail our ears as it
became understood to her that the stinging smacks of Karl's
buggy whip had, at least for the moment, ceased to assail the
burning flesh of her tender rump.  All that could be heard now
were the quiet sounds of the girl's tearful, sniffling sobs as
she attempted, only somewhat successfully, to recover her
     Mlle. T., however, took this very moment to interfere
with the girl's efforts at self-control by approaching the
young student from behind and placing one hand, palm
downwards, upon the glowing redness of the girl's lined and
whelp-covered left rear cheek.  Approaching, as I say, from
behind, this touch came as a complete surprise to the girl,
and as the touch appeared to be most gentle and soothing, I
was startled by the student's precipitous reaction.  At the
first gentle contact of hand against rump the girl bucked
upwards against her restraints and again screamed wildly
around the hard rubber bit as if Karl's punishing whip strokes
had abruptly begun anew.
     It was, I believe, a combination of surprise at the
unexpected touch and a very real tenderness of the darkly
flushed and redly marked rump-flesh that caused the girl's
fearful reaction, for now, having realised that her Karl's
"instruction" was for the moment done - she had watched with
obvious relief as the man had passed out through a door within
her view - and as Mlle. T.'s touches rapidly demonstrated
themselves to be only the tenderest of caresses, the girl's
panic once again subsided.
     Gentle palm and fingertips now lightly brushed and
stroked the red-hot looking curves of girlish buttocks with a
soothing and calming regularity.  Small sobs and tearful
sniffles soon gave way to quiet whimpers begging sympathy from
her harsh Mistress.
     Continuing her ministrations, Mlle. T. turned to me and
motioned me forward.  I came to her side, trying to avoid
staring directly at this delectable, closer view of the
student's openly exposed sex.  Mlle. T. caught my embarrassed
glance and smiled, somewhat chidingly, diverting my eyes again
to the very object I had endeavoured to modestly ignore.
	The lightly furred peach of the girl's young sex stood open
before me, the lips still slightly parted as a result of the
contortive gymnastics her lithe figure had performed moments
earlier under the lash, a young girl's unpainted pink lips
parted with breathless excitement in anticipation of her very
first kiss.  The wispy blonde curls fringing the delicious
aperture added a gentle sweetness to the sight, and the
solitary eye of that tightly closed rosebud above appeared
strangely even sweeter in its particular exposed
  Another quietly amused glance from Mlle. T. invited me to a
closer inspection, this time by way of direct touch.  The firm
right hand of the Mistress of the Chateau Noir gathered in my
own, as the palm and fingers of her left continued to lightly
stroke the curves of the abused young cheeks.  Reluctantly I
allowed my hand to be placed upon the soft right half of the
girl's tender rump.  The young blonde caught her breath as
this stranger's palm settled onto the sensitive flesh.  I
glanced up along the narrow range of her bare back to catch
her looking over her right shoulder at me, my eyes caught for
an instant by her two tear-filled pools of deepest blue
beneath the short golden bangs plastered to a somewhat darker
shade by the perspiration that wetted her forehead.  There was
a hit of weary exhaustion there, and something more, an
emotion I could not quite read.  The lips around the hard
rubber of the bit seemed relaxed now and the face appeared
calmer than before.  One interlocking glance, and then the
girl turned away to rest her head, left cheek downward against
the smooth-varnished surface of the table to which she was
     The female flesh seemed to burn my open palm with it's
heat, the redness of the punished rear cheek radiating outward
to cause a sympathetic vibration within my own system.  I felt
the girl's painfully throbbing as if it were my own.  The
numerous interlocking welts that criss-crossed the tender
curve of delicate flesh told in a language even a blind man
could readily decipher.
	I gently traced one of these lines from in-turning centre
valley on outward to the girl's side, where it at last came to
an end, and I imagined I felt the single, lashing stroke of
the whip that had written there its tale of bright, flashing
torment, now replaced by a pulsing heat in the aftermath, the
healing of the female flesh already begun.
     Mlle. T. again directed my gaze downward into the sweet
divide of the young girl's rear.  The woman leaned close in,
to whisper briefly in my left ear."Remember.  With pain must
always come pleasure.  That is the lesson we impart here.  No
matter what unpleasant torments the lives of these girls hold
in store in the future, it is the pleasure, the deliciously
intense pleasures they are here learning to give, and to
receive, that must become the centre of all their attention. 
Soon, with careful training, each with learn to dismiss the
former and embrace the latter.  When they have mastered that,
there in no unpleasantness they will not be able to overcome. 
They will become the mistresses of their own lives, and more."
     I must have looked as if I were about to respond with a
whispered request for some clarification on this point - which
I was, indeed, later on to learn was the true heart, soul and
secret of the Chateau Noir and of Mlle. T.'s philosophy - for
the Mistress immediately silenced my coming inquiries with
another communicative glance.
     Once more she directed my attention to the posterior of
the girl strapped prone before us.  Mlle. T.'s caresses
continued as they had throughout the preceding few moments,
but now her long, tender strokes seemed to be progressing ever
downwards into the crevice that separated the girl's
lusciously reddened bottom-cheeks, fingertips now and again
venturing into the sweet divide itself, now, at last, brushing
lightly against the outer ridges that formed the delicate lips
of the female sex itself.
     I saw the muscles along the back of the young girl tense
at this, and there was a small sigh from her bitted lips,
barely audible from where we stood.
     The next instant drew a small, sharp cry of, "Oh!" from
the girl, drawing my attention again to Mlle. T.'s caressing
fingers, which I noted had now parted the tender lips of the
young blonde's inner sex.  One fingertip had entered a
fraction into the interior of that sweet channel, and was now
toying mischievously with the delicate flesh just inside.
     "Oh!" the girl cried again, as I saw Mlle. T.'s efforts
rewarded with a sudden flow of wetness at the lower boundary
of the girlish opening, a small spring beginning to flow
outward there, tricking downward toward the electric button of
the girl's clitoris, which was beginning to poke its small
head out from under its protective hood in curiosity, seeming
to invite a further, deeper exploration to the secret source
of that flow.
     "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," the girl whined, in a highly-pitched
tone, her narrow hips now beginning a slight, slow writhing
under her mistress's touch.
     Mlle. T.'s fingers were now teasing lower along her
student's now wetly parted love lips, and in a moment it was
the girl's small clit itself that was being manipulated and
stroked as the mistress worked expertly to coax the little nub
more and more into view.
     "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"  The girl was becoming
more animated now in her movements in response to the older
woman's fondlings, her hips writhing so that it was only
through careful attention to those frantic motions that the
Mistress was able to maintain constant teasing contact with
the small target of her manipulations.
     It was clear that the young blonde was approaching a
sexual climax under the masturbatory hand of her knowledgeable
instructress, her entire body now overcome by a frenzy of
erratic motion, hips nearly awhirl before us, back arching
upwards as if she were a young mare being mounted for the very
first time by a rampant young stallion.
	Her blonde hair tossed in a deranged manner, first
backwards, as her head arched upwards in response to some
delectably delightful caress from her Mistress's fingers
against the small bud of her clitoris, then forward, shrouding
her face in a golden curtain, a yellow veil of silken tresses
momentarily concealing a facial expression of wild, tormented
passion, then all at once that long, golden hair was whipping
from side to side in a frantic blur as the poor girl's passion
threatened to reach it's final, unsurpassable peak.
     "No.  Nooooooo!"  A small denial, then a panicked,
begging, pleading, caterwauling cry to the gods as that
passionate peak finally overcame her.
	The walls of the music room rang once more with a wild,
girlish shriek of unendurable emotion, this current cry of
sweet, passionate pleasure as piercing as the cries of
horrible pain which had preceded it but a short while earlier,
and no doubt the pleasure of this present moment was as
intense and exquisitely powerful as had been that earlier
torment, for the girl's physical reactions appeared remarkably
the same.
	The observation of this fact brought me once again to the
very brink of understanding another of Mlle. T.'s training
principals, the almost mystical relationship - indeed, the
intimate correlation - between the subtle and primitive
experiences and essences of pleasure and pain.
     The young student bound before us continued to writhe and
cry out in mounting shrieks of painful, pleasurable
anticipation until, her body tensing suddenly and silently for
a single trembling instant, she exploded into a convulsive,
all-consuming and undeniable orgasm.
	She shrieked, her high, mournful howl to the heavens
surpassing even the cries she had given at Karl's final
barrage of whip strokes at the conclusion of her preceding
ordeal.  For nearly a full minute her cries assailed our ears,
as the girl's earth-shattering come continued unabated until,
her endurance at a frazzled end, with one last, final,
exhausting scream the little blonde sixteen-year-old collapsed
into a spontaneous unconsciousness, her body sagging,
insensible, against the perspiration-soaked surface of the
long table.
     I watched as Mlle. T. calmly withdrew her hand from the
valley of flesh she had been so pleasurably tormenting, her
hand now wet with the freshly pooling, lubricating juices of
the girl's rampant spend.  She wiped her hands methodically
upon a red silk handkerchief she pulled from somewhere about
her person and stood for a moment, calmly gazing at the
fainted young girl.
     "Karl will awaken her in a few moments," she said.  In
the quiet of the aftermath the ticking of the small clock was
again detectable over the sound of the unconscious girl's
ragged breathing.  "Then her instruction will begin again."
     I imagined with surprise and awe the young student's
despair at being awakened to find that her ordeal had but
	I myself, however, was not to witness this awakening and
resumption.  Mlle. T. informed me in the next moment that my
tour of the Chateau's training rooms was now to continue.

                     CHAPTER SEVEN
                    THE WATER-CLOCK

Time.  As I reflect back upon my days at the Chateau Noir, I
am arrested by the images and symbols of time that surrounded
me always.  The clocks, which seemed to be everywhere, upon
mantels, in the girl's bed chambers, in the long, meandering
hallways and in the secret passages winding throughout the
building.  Even the neighbouring stables were equipped with
timepieces of one kind or another.
     And apart from this, the ever present reminders that
time, as well as the regimentally designed and controlled
experiences of the girls at the Chateau Noir, was bringing
subtle changes in the girls themselves.  The slow, gradual,
almost imperceptible changes from young girlhood into blooming
young womanhood, the swelling of breasts and hips to the riper
fullness of approaching maturity, the darkening of bright
countenances as age and experience carried the students at the
Chateau from the sparkle of fresh innocence through the
slight, unavoidable tarnish of gained experience and knowledge
and then, finally, into the full and fruitful blossoming of
real awareness of the true and irresistible power of the
female sex.
     But I am getting ahead of my story, for none of the
truths, none of the real truths about Mlle. T.'s purposes at
the Chateau Noir had become known to me at the time of this,
my first morning's tour of the school's training rooms.
     Having left the beautiful young blonde student of the
events of the preceding chapter resting in preparation for
another session under the lash, I followed Mlle. T. through a
small passage connecting the Chateau's music room with
another, much larger chamber beyond.  Like the room we had
just vacated, this chamber was panelled in dark, polished
wood, but unlike the other room the walls of this chamber also
appeared to have been lined with cork at certain points.  Odd-
shaped squares and ovals of this material had been inlaid here
and there.  Mlle. T. offered an explanation for this some time
later.  The sections of cork had been placed upon the walls as
a means of dampening down the acoustics of the room.  As a
result of these installations, even the sharpest, most
piercing cries uttered within this chamber would amount to but
the tiniest of squeaks if heard from outside the building.
     I say that Mlle. T. offered this explanation of the
room's unusual-looking decorations at a later occasion.  That
is because when I first entered this particular room my
attentions were exclusively drawn to a truly extraordinary
apparatus that had been constructed upon its northernmost
     This machine consisted of a huge wooden frame, the dark
wood of which appeared to have been polished to a smooth, rich
gleaming finish that glowed warmly in the candlelight, for the
room had no windows at all in the high panelled and cork lined
walls and so, the bright sunlight of autumn from without
having been sealed away, candles provided the only light
within.  These candles stood in elaborately wrought artifices
of iron, standing at each of the room's for corners, and
holding the shafts of at least a dozen candles each.
     Apart from the aforementioned massive frame of polished
wood, so massive, indeed, that it appeared to have been
securely, and necessarily, anchored to both floor and ceiling
with a series of equally massive iron bolts, the device
consisted of a mysterious conglomeration of interlocking cogs
and wide leather belts running in a circular confusion, the
design of which I found completely unfathomable.
     Centred at the top of this amazing apparatus was a large
wooden clock face nearly three feet in circumference, the
hands of which, both hour and minute, were currently joined
straight up at the number "Twelve" painted in black Roman
numerals, as were all the symbols upon the clock's polished
face.  The hands of the clock were not in motion at the
moment, as I discerned from glancing up at the face a moment
or so later as my examination of this baffling device
     Also near the ceiling of the room's north wall I noticed
a configuration of tubes and water pipes descending from just
below the ceiling and running downward until they were lost in
the confusion of the apparatus itself.  The uppermost pipe
opened out into a sort of funnel just below the ceiling, and
just above this upturned funnel I now took note of a small
hole in the ceiling itself.  Both funnel and the hole under
which it had been arranged appeared to be somewhat water-
     The lower portion of the complicated apparatus consisted
of a sort of table, upholstered and padded in dark, well-worn
leather to which leather straps had been bolted in a
configuration much like on other such tables I would see
elsewhere in the various other training rooms at the Chateau.
     At one end of this table and levelled an inch or so above
its surface there appeared to have been positioned a long,
smooth shaft of what looked like the finest, polished steel,
nearly three feet in its total length as it protruded from the
clockwork of the machine and extended over the end of the
leather-padded table for the final foot of that length.  This
smooth, metal shaft, which gleamed mirror-like in the
candlelight, tapered from a three-inch width at its source,
where it disappeared within the machinery to about an inch at
its rounded near extremity, that being the portion which
overlapped the table.
     Mlle. T. stepped toward the huge device and with a
knowing hand sought out a small hand-crank beneath the foot of
the padded table.  There was a well-oiled, but slightly
ratchety sound as she turned this crank and, as I watched, the
aforementioned steel shaft slowly withdrew its protruding
length, which a moment before had overlapped that end of the
table.  With a final turn of the crank the shaft was now drawn
back to two or three inches beyond the table's edge.  Mlle.
T., still offering no explanations, then stood back and
returned casually to my side.
     As I say, the purpose for such a bizarre apparatus was a
complete and utter mystery to me, even as I now stood before
it, Mlle. T. close by my side, the lady no doubt bemused by my
     The mystery was not prolonged, however, for a moment or
two later that other servant at the Chateau, the hitherto
unseen Alex, son or brother to Karl, arrived at the chamber's
other door, an apparently hidden panel opening into the room
at its right-hand wall.  With the servant was a beautiful,
dark-haired woman of about twenty, dressed in the usual
student uniform of short white tunic.  Her raven tresses fell
well beyond her white shoulders, bare but for the single
narrow shoulder strap which held the tunic in place.  There
was a sheen to these long, dark wavelets which seemed to glow
with an inner light all its own, and her face held a certain
indefinable calm which I had to that point seen in none of
Mlle. T.'s students before.  From her age, and from this self-
possessed demeanour, I guessed this young woman to be one of
Mlle. T.'s more advanced pupils.
     Alex led the young woman forward.  Standing at the head
of the padded table, she stood motionless as the servant
loosed the shoulder strap of her tunic and the woman let it
fall heedlessly to the floor about her feet.  With Alex's
assistance she then stepped away from the puddle of white silk
and turned to seat herself upon the edge of the padded table. 
Alex's strong-looking hands gently but firmly guided the young
woman into a supine position, her fine bottom centred nearly
at the table's edge facing the huge cluster of machinery I
have described, her legs drawn up and supported for the moment
by her heels.
     The servant busied himself for a few moments with the
various straps which were fixed to both the table itself and
which also hung from each side of a wooden frame which stood
overlooking the table's foot.  Soon the dark-haired beauty lay
strapped down to the table, her wrists shackled into soft, but
strong-looking leather cuffs fixed with silver buckles that
drew her hands and arms back above her, her head now rested
upon a sort of leather bolster that served to raised her so
that her gaze could readily take in the complicated mechanism
arranged before her.
     The woman's heels, which at this point remained resting
upon the padded table's edge, were now lifted by Alex into the
waiting ankle cuffs which hung from the two straps suspended
from the wooden framework above.  Yet another crank, this one
fixed to one side of this framework was now employed by Alex
to reel these two leg straps slowly upward until the woman's
thighs were drawn into a taught, spread-eagle position, her
hips resting at the bare edge of the table and her legs
separated in a wide, upright "V" position at right angles to
her reclining torso.
     One more measure was apparently necessary before whatever
was about to occur could begin.  Three wide leather straps
were now drawn across the young woman's reclining form from
left to right, two positioned over her bare chest, one just
above and the other just below her ripe bosom, causing these
twin globes to lift themselves even more proudly than had been
their want.  And the third of these strong leather body cuffs
was drawn across the young woman's belly or, more precisely,
just below that gentle rise and just above the proud jut of
her full, feminine hips.
     All three of these restraining straps were then cinched
tight, so tight in fact that for the first time I noted the
slightest hint of reaction from the young woman, who until now
had appeared a perfect study of aloofness.  Now she gasped
audibly as the twin straps framing her breasts from above and
below were forced upward and outward from the combined
pressure.  I noted that this pressure had also precipitated a
tightness within those sweet girl-fruits themselves, causing
the small berries of her nipples to ripen into such an erect
hardness that it must have been somewhat painful for the girl
who bore them.
     The combined effect of all these restraints was that the
dark-haired young woman was fixed tightly to the padded table
before us, motionless, completely incapable of movement, no
matter what fate should befall her.
     Mlle. T.'s soft voice, now cold again as always when in
the presence of any of her students, spoke at this point for
the first time since we had entered the room.
	"This," she said, indicating the machinery that her bound
young student now faced before her, framed between her own
widely splayed legs, "This... is our water-clock.  It is a
design of our own, ingenious Alex.  A wonder of invention, is
our Alex.  Though it took him nearly a year to perfect the
     There was not the slightest change of expression, not the
slightest hint of pleasure or satisfaction from the tall man
at his Mistress's kind words of praise.  He merely continued
moving about the machinery that made up his device, his
"water-clock."  He tightened a fitting here, adjusted a
setting there, as if her were some factory worker left on his
own, dedicated to his job, quietly capable of running the
apparatus up to his own, careful, competent specification,
with or without the approval or unneeded supervision from
     "The principle of the device is simple," Mlle. T.
continued.  "You will notice the small opening in the ceiling,
just above the intake funnel."
	I looked upwards to the water-stained opening and funnel-
shaped pipe end I had taken notice of earlier.  "That opening
is connected, through a series of sluices and conduits, to the
fresh-water spring which flows near the rear of this main
building.  A lever here within this chamber can be shifted to
allow water from that spring to be channelled at a varying
rate of flow through that aperture in the ceiling and into the
pipe-work of the clock below.  The water then drives the
mechanism at varying speeds accordingly."
     I looked at Mlle. T., who at that moment had glanced
toward me.  My remaining lack of understanding must have been
clear upon my face, for she nodded reassuringly, indicating
that I should be patient and that all would be clear in good
     "This particular student," said Mlle. T. as our silent
exchange was completed, "is undergoing a series of treatments
designed to enable her young body to withstand the rigours of
extended copulation.  The gentleman who has enlisted her
services upon completion of her education here has specified
his tastes to me very clearly, as I insist all our clients do,
for how can I hope to perfect our training regimes to the
satisfaction of each of our client's needs if I do not clearly
understand what those needs are?"
     Mlle. T. approached the head of the table to which the
pupil in question had been strapped.  She lay the cool fingers
of one hand upon the brow of the dark-haired beauty, stroking
the few stray commas of silken night away and to the side as
she continued to speak.
	"Melody was this creature's name, though she has no name at
all now.  Her new master has expressed his wish to christen
her himself when she is delivered up to him.  We shall comply. 
We have also complied with this gentleman's wish that his new
acquisition be capable, on occasion, of enjoying - of
surviving, as he puts it - quite a large number of male sexual
partners, in rapid succession, sometimes up to a ten or so at
a time.  Apparently this particular client enjoys the
pleasures of voyeurism above all others."
	Mlle. T. smiled somewhat tightly.  "I myself suspect that he
secretly wishes to break the spirit of this, his new
courtesan.  There are men like that in the world, you know. 
But I believe he will find such a goal very difficult to
attain in the case of our Melody, here, for she will come to
him, when she does so, completely capable of taking on
partners by the dozens without complaint.  Fifty rampant males
will not break this one.  In fact, even now, with her training
as yet incomplete, she could accept the plunging of dozen male
members to their utter exhaustion and be quite fresh and ready
for a dozen more.  And when her time here at the school is
done, a hundred mountings will not phase her."
     There was an unquestioned expression of pride in the
countenance of Mlle. T. as she said these words, and I felt a
growing understanding of the fierce pride the Mistress of the
Chateau Noir felt for her students, for all the effort she
made, for discipline's sake, to shield this from her charges. 
Probably she only allowed herself to speak with such openness
before this particular student now because the dark-haired
Melody's training was, as I gleaned from the content of her
remarks, nearly complete, and so nothing was to be lost from
such candour at this point.
     But still I was increasingly anxious to learn the precise
nature of the training ordeal I was apparently now to witness. 
What had this "water-clock" to do with maximising the sexual
endurance level of the young woman lying bound before us?
     My answer came with but a few more moment's delay.Mlle.
T. applied a final, almost loving, caress to the brow of her
young student, and then nodded perfunctorily to Alex, who had
finished with his adjustments and tunings to the
instrumentation of his mechanism and now stood patiently
awaiting his Mistress's command.
     The servant came forward and approached a large lever set
against a side wall.  With some effort he moved this lever
slightly from the left to the right, so that the wooden shaft
of the lever was aligned to the first of several various
markings upon the wall to which it was fixed.  There was a
slight rushing, the sound of water I guessed, the water
flowing from the fresh-water spring Mlle. T. had described. 
And a second or two later a moderate trickle of this clear
liquid began to flow from out the hole in the ceiling above
and to fall down into the waiting funnel end of the upturned
intake pipe of the water-clock.
     There was a sound of movement, first a grating of
machinery coming reluctantly to life, then a soft, groaning
rumble as the full mechanism of the clock began to come into
motion.  Gears turned against gears, wide leather belts turned
huge wooden wheels, and all the while there was that rushing
gurgle of water flowing throughout the mechanism like blood
pumping through the body of a living being.  For the machine
was, in a sense, alive now, churning and pulsing, though in
the creaky, stiff manner of some ancient turning out for his
accustomed morning stroll, his joints and muscles protesting,
still stiff from sleep.
     Alex, father of this machine, sprang about making some
further adjustments, adding the lubrication of some oily
looking substance where needed, and soon the complaining
creaks and groans of the contraption were replaced by a
smooth, untroubled rumble of quietly controlled power.
     But still I could not for the life of me ascertain the
purpose of the mechanism.  That is, until my eyes were drawn
to what Mlle. T. was now doing by the foot of the table near
the upturned "V" of her student's widely splayed legs.  My
curiosity overcame my timidity, and I moved closer to see at
what task Mlle. T. was now occupied.
     What I now saw was Mlle. T. briskly, though carefully,
applying some sort of thick, clear substance at the joining of
the young woman's parted thighs.  I blushed to see her at work
so diligently with a small brush, spreading this substance
assiduously around, and even between, the intimate lips of the
sex of her pupil.
     The foliage surrounding the girl's nether openings had
been carefully shaved, or perhaps plucked, as I had seen the
much younger Beverly plucked just the night before, and the
clear substance now being applied to the smooth, delicate
woman-flesh seemed to cling wetly to where it was brushed.
     I looked toward the upturned face of the young woman
being so intimately attended to and saw in those moist, night-
dark eyes an expression that communicated a subtle mix of
pleasure at these intimate, brushing caresses, and a note, as
well, of carefully contained anxiety, no doubt in anticipation
of whatever ordeal lay immediately before her.
     Mlle. T. noticed my presence at her shoulder and spoke
quietly to me in explanation.  "It is a preparation, Thomas,
a lubricant, that I have designed myself for this particular
procedure, a mixture of natural vegetable oils pressed from
almonds and various other ingredients.  I have found it
superior to all other substitutes, especially for its lasting
quality.  It is not absorbed too quickly by the skin, nor does
it evaporate over long periods of time, and therefore it does
not require replenishing as often as most.  That is
particularly important in the procedure you are about to
     It was now that the true nature and purpose of Alex's
water-clock suddenly became clear to me, as I happened to
glance away from the pink, tantalising delights now wetly open
between the dark-haired Melody's widely spread thighs, which
had held my gaze like a magnet will draw iron, and into the
gleam of the polished steel shaft, which I have described as
positioned parallel to and just above the table's padded
surface had come into motion through the mechanism of the
clock.  The gleaming rod was now moving smoothly and silently
back and forth in an unmistakably thrusting manner.  One
glance from the smooth, rounded tip of this rod to the now
luxuriously lubricated orifice of flesh at which it was aimed
left no doubt in my mind whatsoever as for the purpose of
Alex's miraculous water-clock and the "training" ordeal the
raven-haired beauty upon the table was about to endure.
     I stared from the rod of steel to vulnerably exposed
underflesh of the young woman as if transfixed, mesmerised. 
I knew what was going to happen and felt myself aroused at the
prospect of seeing it happen as nothing I had seen at the
Chateau Noir had done before.
     Having apparently satisfied herself as to the adequacy of
the state of her young student's sexual lubrication, Mlle. T.
withdrew her brush and returned it, along with the jar
containing the oily preparation, to a small cabinet set in the
room's left-hand wall.  Back at the foot of the padded table
now, she reached below to the small hand-crank I mentioned
before, the one which she had used to cause the steel rod of
the mechanism to retract away from the table's end.  A reverse
rotation of this crank had the expected effect of reversing
that action, and now every turn of Mlle. T.'s firm hand
brought the aggressively thrusting shaft an inch or so closer
to the waiting mouth of Melody's tender sex.
     I looked to the face of the girl to ascertain her
attitude as the moment of her inevitable violation grew ever
nearer, and saw in that face only the slightest hint of
anxiety.  It was perhaps true that there was more of an
excited anticipation there than actual fear.  But whether of
pleasure or of discomfort there certainly seemed there a
definite knowledge of an ordeal soon to be undergone and
endured.  Later I was to learn that the young woman had, in
fact, undergone this training ritual at least three times
previously, so it was true that the girl did, indeed, know
full well the rigours of the ordeal about to befall her.
     Closer and ever closer came the rounded tip of the
trusting shaft of metal.  Now each inward thrust came within
a single inch of making actual contact with the delicate lips
which awaited its intrusion.  The girl at this point had begun
to tremble a bit, her upturned face becoming tightly closed,
her emotions contained with much outwardly displayed effort
and determination.  Her lower lip was caught tentatively
between her teeth, her eyes frozen to the pulsing movement of
the approaching steel.
     Mlle. T. watched the girl's expression as well, judging
for herself the exact moment when that crucial turn of the
crank would bring the tip of the metal phallus plunging into
the waiting girl-lips and into the sweet channel beyond.
     That moment arrived.  With a slow twist of her wrist,
Mlle. T. performed the final necessary movement of the crank,
and at it's very next thrust the glittering steel of the
shaft... touched... and... penetrated... the glistening wet
opening which had stood tremblingly awaiting it.
     The girl gasped audibly at this initial intrusion, for it
occurred to me at that moment that the metal rod must be
somewhat cold, especially as applied to the warmly intimate
flesh of the girl's most tender part.  But, as this first
thrust only penetrated that delicious part only to the shallow
depth of but a half an inch, the girl's gasping reaction could
not as yet have been caused by any more serious discomfort.
     My suspicions proved well founded, for with the
application of ten or so additional thrusts at the same
limited level of intrusion the girl became somewhat used to
steel's cold insinuation, or perhaps the intense heat from
within the girl herself served to reduce the chill of the
metal to a more endurable temperature.  At any rate, the young
woman seemed to settle down to the regular repetition of the
rod's intrusion until the point was reached where there was no
reaction to the metal's thrusting at all.
     After a few moments of this, Mlle. T. addressed the
reclining girl.  "Are you ready, Melody?" she asked.  The girl
paused but a moment and then, setting her teeth and bracing
her body for what was to come, she nodded shortly.  "Very
well," said Mlle. T. and began again slowly to turn the crank.
     Slowly, ever so slowly, the thrusting of the metal
slipped farther into the open loins of the young woman.  First
a single inch of depth was attained, then two, then three. 
Melody seemed now to be straining somewhat against her bonds,
not in an effort to escape the oncoming thrusts, it appeared,
but to brace herself more fully to withstand the carnal
sensations such intimate intrusion was certain to arouse.
     Another slow inch, then another, and then the plunging
rod of steel was sinking with each extremity of its
penetration to the depth of seven full inches into the
trembling tunnel of the young woman's flesh.
	Melody was incapable of suppressing her emotions now.  Each
thrust brought an low, gasping grunt of effort form the girl. 
Her legs shivered and strained in the leather straps which
held them so tightly aloft.  Her toes alternately pointed,
then curled as sensations seemed to roll outward from her
violated cunt in waves of pure, electric excitement that
shivered and vibrated now throughout her entire frame.
     Mlle. T. quietly noted these reactions, and all the while
continued with the slow, steady turning of the crank until, at
the penetration level I estimated at about ten full inches,
young Melody's attempt at quiet calm seemed to break down with
a sudden exclamation.
     "N...noooooooooooooo!"  She screamed.  It was not,
however, a cry of pain.  It was, instead, the sound which
heralded the approach of girl's first orgasm under the
stimulation of the water-clock.
     Then the girl screamed out in earnest, in a full, soul
wrenching girl-cum.  The high rafters of the chamber rang and
reverberated with the mournful, piercing shriek.  The sound
set the small hairs at the back of my neck erect, and caused
the faint shadow of a smile to appear upon the tight red lips
of Mlle. T.  It was smile of knowing admiration.
     Melody's cries of passion continued for some minutes as
the intensity of her orgasm maintained it's high, timorous
peak, the limbs of the young woman convulsing uncontrollably
within her bonds all the while.  And all the while the working
of the mechanism of the water-clock and the thrusting of its
smooth metal shaft maintained its slow, measured penetrations.
     Finally the young woman's orgasm seemed to have run its
course.  All at once she sagged back against the padded table,
her body suddenly slack within her binding straps.  There was
a fine patina of sweet perspiration covering the alabaster
whiteness of her skin.  The tossing of her head during climax
had scattered a few wisps of her dark hair back across her
perspiration-damp forehead where they now lay plastered in
that sweet moisture.  The dark eyes of the girl were closed in
an almost peaceful repose, but flew open again at second later
in abrupt alarm.
     What had happened?  I soon saw.  Mlle. T. had selected
that very moment of repose, the dropping of the young woman's
guard, to apply several additional quick turns of the control
crank, sending the smooth metal of the plunging shaft up
inside the girl to an total increased depth of nearly fifteen
     The girl erupted into a true frenzy of emotion, calling
out to her Mistress in frantic, wordless pleas for mercy.  The
steel shaft of the water-clock's false phallus had been
designed, as I have described, not only to be of great length
but also to possess an increasing width the farther one
progressed away from its protruding end.  That is, the farther
up inside the woman the shaft travelled, the wider the
receiving orifice was forced open, so that with this sudden
new depth of penetration Melody found her cuntal mouth
stretched ever wider at the completion of each of these ever
deepening thrusts.
     Another adjustment was now made to the mechanism of the
clock.  At a word from Mlle. T. Alex moved the lever which
controlled the flow of water, which powered the device, an
additional two or three notches farther on the scale.  There
was a new, stronger rush of water through the ceiling and into
the intake pipe of the contraption, and an instant later I
heard and saw the huge machine kick into a much higher gear. 
The thrusting of the steel shaft within the depths of its
female receptacle, which to this point had been at the same,
slow, steady, consistent pace, became suddenly faster,
plunging to and fro, in and out of the young woman with a much
increased frequency.
     Melody screamed out now at a higher pitch and frequency
to match this new alteration in her ordeal.  Her entire body
shook in convulsive pleasure.  For pleasure it certainly,
ultimately was.  Her second orgasm upon the padded table,
under the ministrations of the water-clock, began almost
immediately.  Piercing, panicked cries turned into great,
long, gasping intakes of breath, which then became extended
timorous periods of silent shaking, as the blissful spasms of
orgasm held the girl motionless and incapable of voicing her
delight.  And then would come at last the final choking,
guttural scream of release.
     Again and again this cycle of orgasmic rise and release
was repeated with no sense that the energies or the passions
of the young subject were flagging in the least.
     Mlle. T. drew me aside, where her voice could be heard
above the cries of the girl.  She then spoke into my ear. 
"Melody will endure a total of three hours under the clock
today."  She indicated the huge wooden face of the clock above
us, the hour and minute hands of which I had noted earlier to
have been standing straight up at the "twelve o'clock"
position.  Now the minute hand had moved down to nearly twenty
after the hour.  Obviously the clock-face was designed to
display the length of time the machine was in continuous
operation.  Melody had over two-and-a-half hours yet to go.
     Mlle. T. spoke again into my ear.  "This will be our
Melody's final session.  She had done exceedingly well at her
exercises and in a few days she will leave us for her new
home.  I believe her new master will find her most
	I looked into the face of Mlle. T. and into the face of
young Melody.  The contrast of ultimate passion and ultimate
     We remained there in the candle-lit chamber, witness to
Melody's final ecstasies under the wooden face of the water-
clock for nearly an hour longer.
	Mlle. T. roused herself then, announced that it was well
time for our lunch, and I followed her, rather reluctantly,
out through the door and back down the winding passage, as the
impassioned cries of Melody faded gradually in our wake.

                     CHAPTER EIGHT
                       THE WATER

On the preceding evening, as you may remember, by way of the
Chateau's "observation corridor", that magical hall of
transparent mirrors - windows, opening onto the private lives
of the school's inmates - I had had the opportunity of
observing two of Mlle. T.'s younger charges, the virginal,
though promiscuously-natured Ariel, and Jennifer, the timid
friend to the former, both dark-haired angels of sixteen, as
the two roommates engaged in lascivious play together in one
of their chamber's single beds.
     Mlle. T. had mentioned, as she stood at my elbow there on
the shaded side of the glass, that, while the more aggressive
of the two, the wickedly pleasurable Ariel was to have her
promiscuity towards her sister females curbed by a
mysteriously hinted at procedure which would take place in the
very near future, the reticence of Ariel's partner, young
Jennifer, where activities of a sexual nature were concerned
were to be dissuaded and her natural proclivities toward
carnality enhanced by a likewise mysterious procedure to come.
     On the evening following my introduction to the
fascinating workings of the Chateau's amazing water-clock and
the ecstasies that mere water pressure could provide a young
female when creative modern technology and the directed
willpower of Man were thoughtfully applied, Mlle. T. invited
me to become witness to the manner in which a much simpler
application of that same, simple, liquid element of nature
could be utilized toward the purpose of turning the above-
mentioned Jennifer from a shy, tentative creature into one for
whom not even the most extreme excesses of sexual pleasure
would adequately satisfy her soon to be whetted appetites.
     The chamber into which Mlle. T. led me for the viewing of
this procedure was, indeed, very much like that which had
contained the apparatus of Alex's ingenious water-clock, as
was not too surprising given that the principle element of the
room's design came from the same watery spring that had
powered the first.  However, in the case at hand, the water
flowed into this particular chamber, not through the ceiling
at the far end of the room, but rather from an opening at the
room's very centre.
     There, just under the ceiling at this point, and below
the opening of a pipe connecting with the Chateau's nearby
spring, had been fixed a sort of oblong tin basin of about
five feet in length and about three feet in width.  Down from
this basin there dangled three long hoses of stiff India
rubber, to each of which small gradiated clamps had been
attached a few inches from their ends.  These hose ends, in
turn, hung to a level of about a foot or so above the surface
of a polished wooden table fixed to an immovable platform in
the room's centre.
     The purpose of the snakelike configuration of hoses above
was unfathomable to me, but the design of the wooden table was
clear from my observance of other such devices at the Mlle.
T.'s school, for this table was fitted out with the same
series of silver-buckled leather straps that by now I
immediately recognized as being for the purpose of restraining
the Chateau's young charges.
     The redoubtable Alex was there when we arrived, his
visage calm and emotionless as ever as he went about adjusting
the stiff hoses and their clamps with the loving care of the
inventor for his invention.  And a moment or two after myself
and Mlle. T. had arrived, Karl entered the room as well,
accompanied by the beautiful, though painfully timid young
     She came without compunction, padding along behind the
silent servant acquiescently enough in her bare feet, though
her eyes were wide and wary, no doubt wondering what new
"lesson" her harsh Mistress had planned for her.
     I watched her approach.  She met my gaze and I felt
myself blush uncontrollably.  After all, had I not observed
this same young girl just the night before rolling blissfully
in the arms of her wicked little roommate, Ariel?  Had I not
watched and listened as the girl had writhed and tossed under
the delicious assault of her friend's busy tongue, until at
last this same innocent-looking young nymph, as tender and
fresh as any mythical denizen of some far off enchanted
forest, had cried and screamed out her orgasmic pleasure,
echoing the rich, full passion of her young womanhood again
and again?  Had I not seen this same girl's head of raven-dark
hair bury itself between the even darker curls of her
mischievous companion, the virginal but promising Ariel, until
she too was bucking and gurgling with equal pleasure?
     And yet, it was still this impression of innocence that
overcame all my intimate, though clandestine, knowledge of the
girl and, as Karl assisted with the removal of the girl's
short silk tunic and Jennifer's nakedness was unfolded once
more unto my view, I confess I blushed like a bridegroom.
     However it was not to me, but to the polished table
before us that Jennifer was now to be wedded, and it was to
the three down-hanging phalli above that the young "bride's"
eyes were now drawn in clear incomprehension, the purpose of
the apparatus still as much a mystery to her as it was to
     The girl was lifted onto the table and the hands of both
Karl and Alex made quick work of securing the supple leather
straps across the much more tender hide of the girl.
     I must note here that the configuration of straps upon
this particular table were, in fact, somewhat unique from
others I had observed previously at the Chateau.  There were
about ten separate straps, as I recall, more than upon any
like table I had seen before.  First there were the usual
straps restraining wrists and ankles, the former fixing wrists
tightly to the table, not with the girl's arms stretched high
above her head as I had come to expect, but binding them
immovably to the table at the girl's sides.  There were, in
addition, two straps binding the girl's upper arms tightly to
the table as well.  Jennifer's legs, widely spread, so that I
could easily observe the delicate folds of the small, soft,
girlish slit between, had been draped over the table's end,
bending at the knees, so that her ankles could be strapped to
the table legs below.  Again, as in the case of her arms, an
additional pair of straps crossed the girl's legs, just at
mid-thigh, fixing both appendages in place as immovable as
     Now came the application of additional restraints.  Two
wide leather straps were drawn across the girl's torso, one
just above, and the other just below, her small, tender-
looking breasts, and were pulled tight, causing the twin,
sweet pears to bulge upward more pronounced than was their
want, the small, rose-coloured nipples ripening to impetuous
points forcibly directed toward the ceiling above, from which
dangled the India rubber hoses, their ends not six inches
above those tender nubbins of flesh.
     Yet another, wider, strap was now buckled across the
girl's narrow waist, just above her hips, and when all was
done at last, young Jennifer lay fixed to the smooth surface
of the table so tightly and immovably that not even a violent
earthquake would have moved her body out of position.
     A small leather pillow was brought, and this was placed
beneath Jennifer's head.  All that remained to be done was to
fix the usual hard rubber bit between the girl's fine, white
teeth, and then all was truly ready.
     It was then that Mlle. T. explained the "ordeal of the
water" to me in full.
     I have noted that two of the dangling hoses from the
ceiling above now hung just a few inches above Jennifer's taut
young nipples.  The third of these hoses was now positioned
about six inches or so above the sweet junction of the girl's
widely splayed thighs, its end was now aimed, by Alex's
knowing hand, directly at the small folds of flesh at the
summit of Jennifer's slit, below which the girl's delicate
clitoris lay hidden.
     The Ordeal of the Water.  I suppose my own innocence and
naivete must have been giving way as my education at the
Chateau had progressed so far, for now, even as Mlle. T. went
about explaining the nature of the "ordeal", I had already
begun to guess at it.
     The procedure was perhaps the most simple, and yet the
most ingenious of all the many operations I observed in my
years at the Chateau Noir.  It was as follows.  Water from the
neighbouring fresh-water spring was pumped through an opening
in the chamber's ceiling and into the large collection pan a
few inches below.  From this collection pan there were
suspended the three hoses fed by the water from above.  The
flow of that water through the stiff rubber hoses could then
be regulated by way of the graduated clamps near the end of
each of hose.
     And finally, the water falling from the hose ends would,
with a force and regularity that was adjustable by the fine
degrees of the each hose's individual clamp, spill onto the
tender flesh of the girl strapped immovably below.  The three
intended targets of the dripping water?  The little red
nipples at the summit of those twin pear-shaped breasts, and
the small nub of the girl's sensitive clitoris.
     The girl who lay strapped before us listened to Mlle.
T.'s explanation as intently as did I, and as the purpose for
the apparatus above became clear to her, I saw her wriggle a
bit against the confinement of her restraints, or attempt to
wriggle, that is, for this slight testing of her bindings
proved absolutely fruitless.  Jennifer was held quite
motionless, her tentative struggle amounting to results that
were little more than a slight vibration of her small frame,
a sort of shiver.
     Indeed, there must have been in the girl's mind no real
need for struggle.  The "ordeal" she now understood herself
about to induce surely must have seemed something much less
uncomfortable than many other procedures she had no doubt
heard rumoured, or even reported to her first hand, by her
sister students.  But for all that, the bit, the security of
her restraints, all this must have yet given the girl pause to
wonder if something more alarming perhaps lay ahead in the
"ordeal of the water."
     Mlle. T. now approached the head of the table, as I had
seen her do before and have seen her do uncounted times since,
in a brief, controlled expression of care and feeling for her
young charges just before an important lesson or test in their
training.  She stood for a moment, stroking the girl's
forehead, brushing away the straight, dark hair, mopping at
the small glint of moisture the warm dampness of the room or
the girl's apprehensive excitement had precipitated.
     "Now, my dear.  This will test you more than you
anticipate, I fear.  And that is good.  For what you are to
learn here is the excitement of the flesh that you must not
attempt to escape.  It is the source of man's pleasure, and
the source of a woman's power as well.  That is the lesson of
the Water.  It is the pleasure that cannot be avoided, that
should not be feared.  It is the great truth that there is no
degree of pleasure that a woman cannot endure.  Once you
accept this, once you experience this, you will never run from
ecstasy again.  You will seek it in the beds of men and women. 
You will not be able to live without it.  It will become as
necessary to the sustenance of your life as food, as air, as
water itself.  And throughout your life you will know no
single pleasure as intense as the pleasure you are about to
experience now."
     I saw Mlle. T. smile indulgently at the obvious look of
panic from the girl lying before her.  "You will struggle, my
dear.  You will attempt to escape the caress of the water with
all your heart and soul, so intense will be the pleasure it
affords.  But, after a time, you will transcend that pleasure,
you will overcome that panic, that fear.  And you will be
stronger for it, as are all my girls when their training has
come to an end."
     Mlle. T.'s brief smile had come and gone in an instant. 
"So be brave, my dear Jennifer," she called, stepping back
from the table and motioning to Alex to set the "ordeal" in
motion.  A small, brave whimper came in answer from the bound
girl, as Alex moved to the far wall, into which was set a
small hand-crank.  Two quick turns of this and there was a
liquid rush of water into the reservoir pan just beneath the
ceiling.  The servant waited a moment or two, then backed the
incoming current of water of slightly with one-and-a-half
reverse turns of the crank.  He then walked back to the
restraining table and began to adjust the clamps fixed to the
three rubber hoses.
     Jennifer gasped through her gagging bit, as the first
cool droplets of water fell from the end of the first hose and
landed with a soft plop upon the tip of her straining left
breast.  The girl's eyes watched as the dripping became a
steady plop... plop... plop against the little rosette nub. 
Her eyes darted right as a second stream of droplets opened
onto her other breast as well.  Her reactions were not of
panic now, or of alarm.  She simply seemed to attune herself
to the strange feel of this new sensation, collecting her
impressions, absorbing the sensory input and apparently
judging it to be easily endurable.
     It was not until the adjusting clamp on the third hose,
the one suspended above the tender apex of the girl's parted
sex opening, that Jennifer seemed to have pause in her
acceptance of her unusual circumstances.  As the first few
droplets pattered down upon the pink hood covering her sweet
clit, the girl genuinely tried to wriggle away from this new
watery stimulation, much as I had seen her attempt to squirm
away from the first, tentative lapping of her roommate's
little tongue the night before.  But here, of course, there
was no room to squirm away.  So tightly was our Jennifer
bound, as I have said, that not even the most violent
undulation of her frame could have moved any of the three
fleshy targets from the precise aim of the continuously-
falling spring water.
     Adjusting to this additional stimulus to her lower
regions, as I say, appeared to be somewhat more difficult for
Jennifer to reconcile herself to.  Her eyes now held more than
a note of panic.  It was the voluptuous tickle of water
against the top of her slit that was torturing her now, the
sensation having not as of yet been converted into a
sensuality of a more sexual nature.
     Such a conversion was not more than a few minutes in
developing however, as Mlle. T. attracted silently my notice
to a small, physical change in the girl.  As I watched, I
witnessed the change at the moment it occurred.  The droplets
of water upon Jennifer's young nipples had caused those red
nubbins to grow almost instantly stiff and erect, the natural
result of the cool temperature of the water falling against
warm flesh.  Such a reaction would have occurred in a cool
bath or a brisk northern breeze.  There was nothing at all
sexual about it.
     But now, again, as I stood witness, the falling water
from the third hose, the one directed to the girl's parted
sex, was having an effect that could only have been one of
true arousal.  Slowly, as if by degrees in strict accord to
the number of droplets as they fell upon the hood of flesh
above, Jennifer's young clitoris began to put forth an
appearance from beneath that hood.  Soon it stood proudly, and
hugely for such a small young woman, all a glowing pink, a
little nub, like a large pink pearl, pulsing with every new
droplet of water that fell.
     Jennifer, while perhaps not aware in her innocence the
physical manifestation her arousal presented us, was most
certainly aware of the emotional reactions bubbling sweetly
within her at the watery stimulation of her young clit.  She
had begun to breath pantingly around the gag of her rubber
bit.  There was a more definite sheen of perspiration upon her
soft brow.  Indeed, her entire body was covered by this sheen
of newly aroused passion.
     No doubt her body would by now have been tossing and
writhing with great abandon had her binding restraints not
prevented any such motion.  As if was, only a trembling, a
violent tightening and releasing of young muscle in coltish
legs, arms and heaving torso alike announced the sensations
coursing through a body coming suddenly, reluctantly, alive
with lust.
      I was about to direct a question to Mlle. T., who stood
at my shoulder, as to how long the girl's torment was
prescribed to endure, when a new sound from Jennifer silenced
     "Guh... guh... gawwwww...!"
     She seemed to be experiencing some difficulty in
breathing around the obstruction of her rubber bit.  There was
then a massively drawn intake of breath, followed by a sort of
muscular convulsion throughout her entire body, retrained to
a mere protracted tremor beneath the tight leather straps.
     Then, a scream as from the depths of hell itself caused
me to jump back in alarm.
     Mlle. T.'s whispered at my side.  "Now it has started,
Thomas.  And so soon!"
     A cry begun as a gagging, choked intake of breath was
followed by a two-note shrieking wail, as if of unendurable
torment.  The cry echoed through the chamber again and again,
blending into new cries from their original source.  The young
girl's orgasms must have been intense beyond anything one
could imagine.
     Much later, when my knowledge of the Chateau Noir and the
methods of its mistress had grown, Mlle. T. told me that it,
indeed, was the opinion of many experts the world over and the
testimony of many an ancient text down through the ages that
the pleasures of orgasm for the woman, when property
precipitated, are of an intensity completely unachievable by
the male of the species.
     My observation of young Jennifer, as she glided from one
high summit of orgasmic response to the next under the Ordeal
of the Water bore this out with impunity.  And I will go
further, and say that I believe to this very day that no male
would be able to endure such intensity of pleasure without
losing his life or, at least, his sanity.  And it is this, I
believe, this incapacity to experience the apex of human
pleasure, that apex reserved exclusively for the female, that
ultimately accounts for the male's primordial fascination with
the female orgasm, the fear of it, and that based in jealousy
of course, which often leads to the baser compulsion to
dominate the female and, in more purer male souls, to a heart-
felt reverence for the ultimate sacredness of the female that
is the just basis for her clear superiority over the male.
     So it was that, without quite knowing it then, I was this
day becoming a giant step closer to discovering the deeply
underlying philosophy, the basic underpinning as it were, of
the Chateau Noir and all that occurred there.
     As for young Jennifer?  Her ordeal lasted over two entire
days and two entire nights!  Sometime during the closing hours
Mlle. T. and myself visited that chamber once again.  By this
time the girl seemed barely sane.  Her voice had long hours
since grown hoarse from her prolonged screams of orgasmic
release, and now each of Jennifer's successive peaks of
passion was accompanied by only a harsh whispery exhalation of
breath around the lubricated bit between her tightly clenched
     Likewise had the soft leather restraints which still held
her so tightly bound been carefully lubricated to prevent
chafing through the long hours of desperate struggle for
release and the convulsive spasms of pleasure attained.
     Jennifer's hollow eyes stared straight ahead now, except
for when the clenched tightly shut against each on-coming wave
of passion.  The timbers of the wooden table creaked and
groaned as each of these waves swept across the young woman
held bound to them, so strenuous were her muscular tugs and
strainings against the leather straps.
     At the conclusion of each of these spasms, a fresh
trickle of drool would escape from the sweet, bitted mouth,
and fresh beads of sweet-scented perspiration, the dew of
female orgasm, would blossom along the length of Jennifer's
tensed, naked flesh.
     The water from the three torturingly pleasuring hoses ran
steadily across the table's waxed surface to run away into a
collecting earthenware vessel placed unto the floor beneath,
a sweet mixture of fresh spring water with the luxuriant,
perfumed effluvia of a beautiful young woman undergoing the
absolute ultimate in earthly pleasure.
     What a sweet libation such liquid would make!
     Not surprisingly, Mlle. T. was well aware of this truth,
as indeed the woman seemed aware of all great truths.  The
sweet liquid in the jar below the table was to be bottled at
the Chateau Noir and sold, at quite an exorbitant price
naturally, to one or two of Mlle. T.'s most affluent

                      CHAPTER NINE
                   NIGHT OBSERVATIONS

Not many nights later, Mlle. T. once again invited me into the
"observation corridor" of the Chateau Noir, in order to view
again a few of her charges in their most private moments.  It
was late in the evening as it happened, just an hour or so
before midnight.  Mlle. T. again lit our way along the dark
corridor with a single lighted candle held aloft before us.
     This time it was a completely different range of hallways
into which the Mistress drew me.  Black velvet tapestries
lined the walls of the narrow passage as before, and similar
material covered the oaken floorboards, the combination
serving to insulate the rooms the corridor followed from any
sound that we, the hidden observers, might make.  Here the
same large, gold framed "windows" - the Chateau's ingenious
two-way mirrors - looked in on chambers within the building
that I had not heretofore seen or visited.
     "This is our Bathing Chamber," said Mlle. T., again as
before, assuming the role of tour guide.  "I believe we have
arrived too late for our Ariel's bath, but no matter, we will
see her again later on."
     I looked to the Mistress for further explanation, but her
perfunctory nod, directing my gaze back towards the window,
silenced any inquiry.
     Indeed, we did seemed to have missed seeing young Ariel
at her bath.  The raven-curled sixteen-year-old was already
stepping from a large, deep, rock-lined pool of steamy,
bubbling water, which had been constructed below the level of
the floor of the large room.
	This waters of this bathing chamber were heated to a
comfortably fevered temperature, I was told, my a natural
underground spring, the sultry twin of that cool-water spring
which the resourceful Alex had employed to drive his water-
	"The temperature of this spring is quite hot throughout the
year," said Mlle. T.  "The soothing heat and natural
effervescence of the water is quite therapeutic."  
	The girls at the Chateau were bathed here once each day, the
newer girls, like Ariel, at the attentive hands of some of the
older students.
     Having stepped from the bubbling water, this same Ariel
now stood nakedly exposed before our hidden eyes in all her
tantalising young beauty.  She could have been some delicate
young faun, pausing by a misty, still pond, caught by
moonlight and captured upon canvas by one of our more Romantic
painters, her skin all aglow from the warm light of the many
candles which illuminated the room.
     Ariel's enticing nakedness was quickly concealed from our
view by huge towels wielded by two of Mlle. T.'s older girls
dressed in the customary brief, white silk tunics.  The hands
of these two busied themselves vigorously in rubbing the soft,
heat-moistened flesh of their younger sister until she flushed
and glowed even warmer in the candlelight.
     A third attendant approached as the drying of the girl
was completed, this girl baring a tray that held several
crystal jars of various interesting and exotic shapes.  The
towels were now withdrawn from the Ariel's form, revealing
her, naked once again, before our welcoming eyes.  The first
two attendants assisted the younger girl from a standing
position into a bending stance across the back of a wooden
chair which stood nearby.
     Bent low at the waist and facing away from our viewing
window, Ariel unknowingly presented to us her bare backside
and the delicious secrets for the moment concealed between the
apple cheeks of that fine, taut bottom.
	Firm, feminine hands drew the girl's knees gently apart. 
What a glorious sight was then revealed!  A small, narrow-
lined slit of pink, nestled within the dividing crevice of her
up-turned behind, crowned by the tiny aperture of her girlish
nether hole.  Tiny curls of darkness, glistening with moisture
where the fluffy towels had failed to venture, surrounded this
garden of delight, making the sight a pure tantalisation of
the senses.
     From the corner of my eye, I noticed Mlle. T. quietly
observing my reactions, and I struggled silently to maintain
at least an appearance of propriety under the stimulation of
what I was observing.
     I should perhaps mention here that my senses by this
time, but a few short days into my first visit at the Chateau
Noir, had indeed been undergoing a gradual quickening unlike
any I had known in my life previously.  True, I had at my
young age experienced the normal urges and desires of my sex,
the secret, midnight yearnings toward release that all young
men know and grapple with daily.
	But now, as each day, as each hour, at the Chateau Noir
passed slowly by, I felt these dark desires and impulses from
the erotic side of my nature slowly growing, as if with each
new sight and sensation the Chateau presented before my view
a seed had been planted, and the vegetation now sprouting up
from that fertilisation was being carefully tended and
cultivated by the dark spirit of Chateau itself.
     I focused my gaze more intently upon the activities
beyond the mirrored glass before me, trying to suppress any
outward show of the emotions I was experiencing.
     The two attendants were now engaged in perfuming the
secret flowers of young Ariel's exposed backside.  Thin glass
wands were withdrawn from two of the oddly shaped crystal
vessels, one containing a fluid of dark red and the other a
light, golden amber.  The girl seemed to start and tremble at
the first touch of the small glass rods to her bare flesh. 
The two older girls murmured calming reassurances as the glass
traced thin lines of perfumed wetness along the pinkness of
the girl's young sex, the lips of which seemed to contract
under the cold sting, this, I assumed, from the alcohol
contained in the exotic mixtures.
     I thought I heard a slight whimper of discomfort from
Ariel, as one of the glass rods entered presumptuously into
the area of her tiny nether hole.  The attendant applying the
perfume to this area seemed to hesitate there, as if reluctant
to withdraw to other, less forbidden precincts, the tip of the
glass wand tracing wetly all around the tight opening, and
then, just as I expected it to move away as the entire area
surrounding the little aperture had been thoroughly wetted by
the perfume, the attendant's wrist suddenly moved to send the
tip of the glass applicator fully two inches into the channel
of that aperture.
     Ariel gasped loudly at the unexpected intrusion, nearly
bucking up from her trembling stance over the chair.  The
third female attendant had, however, a few moments before set
down her tray of crystal jars, and had positioned herself to
quickly catch the younger girl about the waist and hold her
firmly should just such a reaction take place.  This young
woman strongly wrestled the younger girl against the chair
back, holding her with strong arms until the undoubtedly
intense internal burning of the perfume had somewhat subsided.
     The two perfuming attendants continued with their duties
undaunted, until their work was complete.  The glass wands
were withdrawn, including the one that had been slipped up
Ariel's young backside.  I confess I was somewhat disappointed
that one of the rods had not ventured into the channel of the
girl's sex as well, but it was apparently not to be.  My
lascivious and voyeuristic desires were soon to be gratified
in a nearly similar manner, however, as Ariel's position was
now rearranged upon the smooth wooden chair.
     A moment later, Ariel was seated upon the chair she had
been bent across.  One of her attendants stood behind the
chair back, while the remaining two knelt between Ariel's
widely splayed thighs.  Apparently the young girl was now to
be rewarded for her patience and endurance, for the two
crouching young women began to offer gentle caresses to the
smooth flesh of the girl's inner thighs, while their sister
above commenced to soothingly massage Ariel's graceful neck
and shoulders.
     Ariel's sweet eyes fluttered closed as the combined
caresses began to relax her.  Her shoulder muscles became
slack, warm clay to the student sculpting her from above.  But
Ariel's relaxation became altered somewhat as the caresses
from below ventured ever closer to the apex of her coltish
thighs.  The gentle, feminine fingers stroked along these
delicate inner surfaces, in and back, in and back, sliding
with each inward, tickling stroke nearer and still nearer to
the pink flower that lay waiting.  The soft, pink petals of
that young flower had now become slightly swollen in delicious
anticipation of what was to come, and when the fingers at last
reached their destination, the girl erupted in her sat with an
instantaneous climax that wetted the faces of both kneeling
     "Aghhhhhhhhh!"  The kneeling pair welcomed the warm rain
of their subject's orgasmic response quite eagerly, and dipped
forward their heads to offer duel tongues to the source of
that sweet stream of moisture.
     Ariel felt the attack of the twin tongues and again
bucked upwards powerfully in the chair, but the firm hands of
the attendant above quickly restrained her with a gentle
downward pressure upon the girl's shoulders, forcing Ariel to
keep her seat and endure the fierce onslaught of her pleasure.
     "Ghuhhh... Haaaaaaaaaaaa!"  Female fingers now joined
female tongues as the two attendants attempted skilfully to
prolong the pleasures their younger sister was experiencing. 
For some minutes the orgasmic surges within Ariel's small
frame rolled on, and still onwards.  The girl seemed capable
of climbing the very walls in her explosive excitement, had
she not been adequately restrained by her sister above.  Her
eyes flashed open widely again and again, only to clench
violently shut as each successive wave of intense pleasure
came crashing over her young body.
     There was a virtual lake between the legs of the young
girl now, and the two kneeling attendants seemed to struggle
valiantly to catch every renewed spurt at its source, not
wanting to miss an ounce of the precious fluid.
     Another series of sharp cries.
	Again and again, did the seated young girl writhe up in her
seat to cry out with another, and yet another peak of girlish
passion, until it seemed that such a small body could not
possibly contain such pleasure.  It must have been so, for
with one, final upward surge, which forced the young girl
nearly from the restraining grip of her attendant above, Ariel
was suddenly convulsed and racked with a quaking and inward
churning surpassing all those that had gone before.  She
strained and stretched upwards into a near standing position
above the chair, her two kneeling sisters rising along with
her in order to maintain their teasing contact within the
valley of the girl's sex.  There was one, final, heart-rending
     A screaming wail of heart-breaking note and intensity. 
The cry trailed off after several long seconds, coming to a
end in a soft, tearful whine, as Ariel fell back into her
chair, her overwrought young body collapsing into
     We watched, Mlle. T. and I, as the insensible Ariel was
carried from the steam-shrouded bathing room by her three
	"Young Ariel's night of pleasure has just begun," said Mlle.
T., again watching my now breathless excitement at what I had
just witnessed.  She turned away, however, before I could meet
her glance.  "Her three sisters students will pleasure her
again in her own chamber.  So intense and exhausting will be
her lesbian delights this night that ammonia will be used on
more than one occasion to bring her up from unconsciousness. 
I have given strict orders that between now and midnight, our
Ariel is to have to respite whatsoever.
	"For you see," said Mlle. T., this time meeting my
inquisitive gaze, "this is to be young Ariel's final night of
passion, at least of the passions she has heretofore known:
the pleasures of other girls and the more secret delights of
her own fingers between her legs.  Tomorrow, all those
familiar pleasures will be beyond her.  As you will see, come
     My eyes displayed my complete lack of comprehension. 
"You will recall that I said our Ariel had passions that must
be curbed?" said Mlle. T.  "That Ariel has been destined to
become the companion of a certain individual, an Arab
gentleman, who insists that she be open to the sexual
enjoyment of men only, and so not inclined to the pleasures of
other girls or of herself even, through solitary
	I nodded, remembering.  "Well, tonight, Thomas," she
continued, "you will witness the curbing of those passions in
our Ariel forever.  After tonight, only a man will be able to
please her, and only in a certain very specific way."
     Of course, I did not understand.  But I knew by now not
to inquire of Mlle. T. what she would not willingly reveal. 
The Mistress of the Chateau Noir would not be rushed.
     I checked my watch.  Midnight was but an hour away.

                      CHAPTER TEN

I spent the remaining hour before my second midnight
appointment in Mlle. T.'s bed chamber wandering alone along
that velvet-lined corridor of transparent mirrors, pausing
here and there to gaze through several of the portholes onto
the various scenes beyond.
     Here were two of the Chateau's younger students, one
dark, one light, both blissfully entwined in one other's arms,
squirming anxiously head-to-tail in a girlish wrestle, each no
doubt seeking to surpass the other in the pleasures she was
affording her sister.  I wondered for a moment whether the
activities in this case had been proscribed by their Mistress,
or whether the two were engaged in affections that had been
forbidden them, and so were accruing punishments to become due
later on.   Punishments that I might be witness to.
     Another shaded window looked into the bed chamber of
little Beverly, whose smallish form I recognised instantly
from her short, bright, blonde hair above, and her complete
lack of it below.  This was the same girl I had seen "plucked"
on my first invited visit to the Mlle.'s bed chamber.
     The young girl lay upon her narrow bed now, both hands
clutched between her fine, coltish thighs, rubbing and teasing
herself insistently, just as Mlle. T. had predicted she would,
the systematic removal of her fine pubic curls having
stimulated the girl to a state of near constant arousal.
     Indeed, the girl showed much evidence of the long hours
she had spent at this secret self-play since her midnight
operation.  Her strong inner thighs looked somewhat bruised
below the wetness there, and there were unmistakable dark
circles beneath the girl's eyes that held told a tale of
several days lack of sleep.
     Later I would mention this to Mlle. T., who would then
explain that the girl might be sedated should her youthful
endurance of such over-extended periods of pleasuring prove
detrimental to her health.
     Several windows further down the corridor I came upon a
view of a room I had seen once before.  It was that occupied
my Allison, the solitary masturbator Mlle. T. had shown me
through this same corridor window earlier.  Though wild with
passion then, the curly-haired brunette now appeared most calm
and angelic in sleep.  Careful observation of the exposed
curls peeking from under the hem of her white tunic, however,
clearly demonstrated that this was only a temporary pause in
Allison's secret activity, for the slight foliage there was as
wet with recent excitement as had been the bare pubice of
young Beverly.
     At the base of Allison's "window" in the corridor I now
noticed two small plaques had been hung by little loops of
golden chain, draped over a nail.  The plaques had been cut
from thin sheets of wood, painted black, and lettered with the
following two legends:  "THE POLE" and "THE BRAND."
     My brow furrowed as I wondered what these pronouncements
might signify, but could come to no certain conclusion.
     Further still along the corridor, I found the window into
the chamber assigned to young Stephanie.  This was, I
remembered, the girl I had seen on that earlier occasion as
well lying restrained in her bed, forcibly forbidden the
pleasures of her own fingers until some later date.
     The brown-haired girl still lay restrained as she had
been then, some days before, but this time there were a few
changes.  Stephanie's position had been changed.  She had been
pulled down the bed until her small behind rested right at the
mattress edge, her legs hanging over its far end and strapped
into place against the bed's iron legs.
     Something else was different as well.   A most singular-
looking device of some kind had been placed upon a cart, which
had then been wheeled into place between the girl's parted
thighs.  This device, I quickly realised, must be "the Tongue"
which I had heard Mlle. T. mysteriously allude to.
     It consisted of an unfathomable configuration of clock-
work, no doubt designed my the ingenious Alex, maker of the
Chateau's water-clock, as well as many other clever devices I
was to see as my stay at the Chateau drew on.  This particular
device appeared to be powered by an inner spring that could be
wound up and left to run unattended, for there was no one in
the room but Stephanie.
     The purpose of the device was clear.  At the centre of a
conglomeration of churning and ticking gears there was a two-
foot length of soft leather, about two inches in width, which
flew through the air in a continuous circular arc, bound to a
central flywheel of the device.
     The remarkable gadget had been placed close enough up
between Stephanie's splayed thighs so that each whirring cycle
of the clock-work send that strip of soft leather - that
"Tongue" - smacking down with some considerable force into the
exposed centre of the girl's defenceless vulva.
     I say the "Tongue" whipped into the girl's sex with some
force, but it was apparent that that force had been carefully
regulated so as to cause no serious damage to Stephanie's
delicate membranes, but to deliver quite a stinging blow there
     There was no sound from beyond the glass.  I gathered
that this must have been one of the Chateau's soundproof
chambers.  However, had I been able to listen to the sounds
within, no doubt I would have heard the most alarming shrieks
from the girl within.
     Stephanie's eyes were wilder than they had been at the
orgasmic moment when she had failed to withstand the "test" of
her Mistress's stimulation, which I had witnessed upon the
first day of my arrival at the Chateau, and which I have
described earlier in these pages.
     The girl's arms and legs struggled with a fierceness
remarkable for one of such tender age, the straps that held
her arms stretched back along the bed pulled to the tautness
of bowstrings.
     But no amount of wild resistance would do the girl a bit
of good.  The straps held her fast.  She could but raise her
unbound midsection upwards from the mattress, but that would
only bring the stinging lash of the "tongue" down upon the
full length of her girlish slit, instead of upon the uppermost
portion near her clit alone, and so no respite was to be
gained at all through that.
     How long had the girl's punishment gone on?  How long
might it yet continue?  To these questions I had no answer. 
I looked on for a few more minutes there, and then left the
silently screaming girl, to continue on down the corridor in
search of another particular window.
     Finally, I came upon the shadowed mirror that looked into
the chamber of sixteen-year-old Ariel.  The dark-haired virgin
was seated upon a wooden straight-backed chair at her beside,
just a few inches beyond the glass through which I gazed.  She
appeared worried, her head down, the curling bangs of her
sweet dark hair nearly obscuring my view of her eyes.
     She seemed to be struggling with some troubling thought
or other, her hands gripped tightly upon her knees.  Suddenly
she threw back her head and gave a little whimper of
frustration.  Her eyes now revealed from behind the dark
curtain of her hair were feverish with emotion, though with
what specific emotion I could not as yet determine.
     The answer became apparent in the next moment, as the
young girl seemed to come to some decision, released her
knees, the tight grip of her hands there leaving the dark
remnants of a slight bruising, and slid those hands instead
quickly up along her thighs to their sweet junction, veiled by
the hem of her short silk tunic.
     Ariel had been attempting to restrain herself from
touching the area her hands were so avidly exploring now,
possibly following a prohibition from her Mistress.  But now
her resolve was scattered to the winds, as she obviously
worked diligently to bring herself off as quickly as possible.
     The girl's effort was to prove all in vain, however, for
the next instant the door to the chamber flew wide open.  It
was the servant, Karl.  Without preamble, he lifted the girl
bodily from her chair and carried her from the room, the door
swinging closed to latch behind him.
     I quickly dug my watch from my pocket.  Yes, it was ten
minutes 'til midnight.  Ariel had an appointment with Mlle. T.
     And so did I.
     I hurried back down the corridor toward the stairway, but
before I did so, I turned back to the window I had just
looking through, and noticed for the first time the little
plaque which dangled from the lower frame.  It read:  "THE
     I thought for a moment of the plaques I had seen earlier,
and then hurried on my way.

                     CHAPTER ELEVEN

The clock on the mantelpiece above the fireplace in Mlle. T.'s
bed chamber was just striking midnight as I rushed
breathlessly into the room.  Mlle. T. was there, along with
the servant, Karl, and one other.  The mysterious Jo Lin, she
of the exotic oriental beauty and sure knowledge of many
ancient and forbidden practices, was present as well.  She was
dressed in silk robe, a kimono, of the blackest silk I had
ever seen.  There seemed to be a slice of midnight in that
dark garment, and the glowing firelight, and the many lighted
candles which also burned within the room, scattered an ever
changing, ever flowing, field of stars across its curving
     Young Ariel had already been placed and bound in position
on her back along an oddly-shaped table, upholstered in dark
leather.  This unusual piece of furniture had been constructed
in the shape of a horizontal "Y", consisting of a main section
about three feet wide, branching out in opposite angles into
two narrower wings, each about seven inches in width, at one
     The manner in which the young student had been strapped
onto this table made the idea behind its strange design very
clear.  Ariel lay with her back against the wider section,
that being the head of the ottoman, and wide her legs bound to
the two off-shooting wings at its foot, so that her body was
positioned to form the "Y" as well.  The angle of her widely
parted thighs matched the angle of the table's wings, so that
Ariel lay naked now, with her open, virginal sex exposed to
the view of all in the flickering light of the log fire.  Open
indeed, for apparently Ariel had been carefully shaved of the
dark, downy moss that had until recently grown there.
     The usual silver-buckled leather straps bound the girl in
her place, arms stretched high over her head, waist held
securely against the leather-padded table, and each leg was
wrapped in a circling spiral of straps which kept them
absolutely immovable against their padded supports.
     Such configurations of straps I had by now, of course,
seen many times on other of the Chateau's students, but there
was one unusual addition in the case of young Ariel.  Instead
of the rubber bit I had become accustomed to seeing used
alone, which, as Mlle. T. had described, would leave a girl
free to orally express her discomfort or her excitement, while
at the same time reducing the danger of any unintentional
self-inflicted damage to her teeth or tongue, the mouth of
young Ariel, once bitted as usual, had also been swathed in a
white bandage, circling her head in many turns until it the
girl's mouth had been wrapped to a thickness that would
undoubtedly preclude her emitting even the slightest sound.
     This baffled me, as Mlle. T. had expressed to me the
importance of hearing her girls' cries of passion, or of
torment, as one means of judging the degree of the severity of
those emotions.  Here, however, it was apparent that Ariel was
to be allowed to make no noise at all, except for the huffing
of air through her unobstructed nostrils.
     All this I took in within a second, as I entered the
chamber.  Mlle. T., having noted my abrupt arrival with a
tight, but indulgent smile, nodded to Jo Lin that whatever
ceremony was to take place here could now begin.
     Jo Lin glided across the floor, and paused to stand
before the dark and silent manservant Karl.  A slight shift of
her shoulders somehow released the black kimono, which fell
into Karl's waiting hands, leaving the dark-haired oriental
naked and beautiful in the firelight.
     A hint of some enticing fragrance drifted to me from Jo
Lin's uncovered form, a delicious scent which told eloquently
and temptingly of dusty, far away lands.   The woman moved
around with measured, graceful step to face the reclining
Ariel, who lay, as I have described, spread-eagle before the
open hearth.
     The woman looked for a moment into the eyes of the young
girl bound before her.  There was fear there, although I later
learned that Ariel had been informed about what was about to
occur, and had fully assented to the procedure I was here to
witness.  Still, there was a look of threatening panic in the
girl's dark eyes.
     Jo Lin must have seen the girl's apprehension as well,
for she moved now to soothe that emotion.  Delicate fingers
stretched forth into the sweet apex of the straining "v"
formed my the girl's narrow thighs.  The touch of a single
long-nailed fingertip to the tender hood of the girl's
clitoris, sent a ripple of sensation upwards and outward along
Ariel's young body, raising a pattern of goose flesh from
inner thighs to flat, taut stomach to cherry-tipped breasts. 
Both the bud of the girl's little clit and the twin nubs of
her breasts were almost instantly erect and straining, wanting
the caresses of the oriental beauty to continue.
     Jo Lin now knelt down, her face just above the level of
the girl's open sex.  The knowing attentions of the woman were
having the desired effect upon young Ariel.  There appeared
now a faint trace of moisture at the pink aperture at the base
of the girl's slit, and the smooth-muscled plain of her belly
was stirred by the flutter of arousal.
     The huffing of air in and out through Ariel's nose became
more noisome, as the fingers of Jo Lin continued to trace a
teasing, soothing path up and down in the delicate furrow,
stopping now and again at the top to flick for a moment or two
against the tight bud of the girl's clit.  The sounds of her
rough breathing became also intermingled with small, faint
moaning sounds from deep within the girl's throat that no gag
or bandage would muffle.
     I watched as the colour of the flesh bordering Ariel's
delicate cunt began to change subtly, the faint pink conch-
colour deepening into a darker shade of red, the lips parting
there as well to emit a thin trickle of wetness that
lubricated the steadily stroking fingertips of Jo Lin's right
     It was the left hand of the older woman that now
attracted my attention, however, as I noticed it reaching
slowly downward in the direction of the floor.  It searched
for a moment just beneath the curtained underside of the
table's end, found what it sought, and returned from beneath
the curtain with a small rosewood casket.  There were many
intricate designs upon this small box, a few of which I
recognised as script in what I believed to be Arabic.
     Jo Lin, without pausing in her caressing of the
increasingly excited young Ariel, sat the box upon the floor
between her knees and silently opened the hinged lid.  Silver
light seemed to gleam from within, and the flickering
firelight reflected off of several objects of glittering
     I felt a hand upon my shoulder, and Mlle. T.'s arm guided
me into a better position to view what was about to occur.  We
soon stood side by side just behind the kneeling Jo Lin and
the spread-eagle Ariel, and slightly to one side, so that the
light from the fireplace would now be blocked in its
illumination of the young girl's exposed sex.
     Mlle. T. leaned in close to my ear to whisper, "You will
remember, Thomas, that I mentioned earlier that young Ariel's
tendency to enjoy the caresses of other women and at her own
hands was unacceptable to the master for whom she is
intended?"  I nodded, my mind full of suspicions and
conjectures as to what the word, "PRUNING," lettered upon the
small plaque I had seen hanging beneath Ariel's mirror/window
might signify.  Was this what I was about to learn?
     "After tonight," continued Mlle. T., her voice still in
a whisper, so as not to distract the two women before us, "our
Ariel will be unable to enjoy such caresses, and will be able
to find erotic relief only under the attentions of her
intended male lover."
     I moved my head slightly in a manner that indicated my
failure to comprehend, but froze when I saw the fingers of Jo
Lin's left hand remove one of the glittering silver items from
within the rosewood box between her knees, and knew instantly
what that object was.  A razor.
     The resonance consisted of a long, intricately carved
silver handle, fixed to a small crescent-shaped metal blade
measuring but an inch from horn to horn.  I could easily see
that this blade was exceedingly sharp.
     Now I knew, even without the further explanation that
came from Mlle. T., the full truth and nature of what was
about to occur.  A "pruning."  Ariel was to be deprived of
those delicate, sweet toys that she was so adept at employing
for her own private enjoyment of her young femininity, and
that made her susceptible to the girlish caresses of her
sister students.
     It was true.  Mlle. T. confirmed it so, quietly, before
moving apart from where I stood to dissuade any further
questioning upon my part.  Left with no means of relieving her
own natural feminine desires, either on her own or in the
company of others of her own sex, young Ariel would
necessarily turn her attentions toward her male master,
finding her pleasure there where she had sought it elsewhere
throughout her youth.
     My emotions were a turmoil of wonder and, I must admit,
arousal, as well as a heart-felt pity for the young woman who
lay before me, rippling and squirming within her bonds as Jo
Lin's caresses neared their inevitable conclusion.  Though
Mlle. T. assured me, then and later, that the pleasures young
Ariel would experience in her new, altered, life would exceed
by many expanses the joy she had know previously, I still
thought it a hard cost for the girl, or any girl, to bare.  I
did, however, see flashing upon my mind a sudden vision of
Ariel, her dark curls tossing, her body upheaving, her legs
scrambling to hold onto the hips of her future male lover, his
rampant member plunging again and again into the girl's sex to
its very depths, as her screams of unimaginable pleasure rose
higher and higher as deliriums of pleasure rose within her.
     A sudden upward increase in the huffing breath through
Ariel's widely flaring nostrils drew me back to what was
occurring before me.  The knowing hands of Jo Lin were about
to bring the girl she attended to a crisis, the final rushing
orgasm she would know under the caresses of any woman, her own
self included.
     Breath whistling now in its intensity, Ariel froze,
straining against the leather straps, as the first crashing
wave of her climax rocked her from head to toe.  A whining,
keening cry from beneath the her gag and mouth bandage
accompanied the release of this first wave, as Ariel began her
way convulsingly downward from her high summit of delight.
     "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," the girl moaned contentedly beneath
her gag.
     I had glanced upward into Ariel's partially masked face
at that moment, and saw her already wide eyes suddenly fly
open even wider, her whine of joy suddenly replaced by a
gurgling eruption of pure panic.
     "Guh... Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
     I glanced instantly back towards the gaping juncture of
the girl's thighs, and readily saw the reason for Ariel's
abrupt alteration of emotion.  Jo Lin had skilfully chosen the
moment before, the instant that young Ariel had been
descending from the throws of her orgasm, to make the initial
necessary incision into the girl's delicate girl-flesh.
     What followed was nearly a full minute or writhing and
bucking and high, shrill keening that no gag or muffling mouth
bandage could restrain, as the practised, knowing hands of Jo
Lin went about her careful, neat trimming of Ariel's intimate
pinkness.  Throughout the hardest parts of the ordeal, Mlle.
T. stood near the head of the table, holding her charges face
between her hands, whispering soothingly to the girl, and
applying cool, damp clothes to the girl's fevered young brow.
     One particularly crucial slice, this at the very top of
the girl's sex, sent Ariel, with a final, muffled shriek,
suddenly downward into blissful unconsciousness.  There
remained but a few, neatening touches, and the work was soon
     Jo Lin replaced her bright razors in their rosewood
casket and, having draped Ariel's weary loins with a red silk
cloth, glided emotionlessly from the room, pausing only to
accept upon her calm shoulders the silken folds of her
midnight black kimono, placed there as she passed by the ever-
attendant Karl.

                     CHAPTER TWELVE

Several days later, I was invited by Mlle. T. to attend her at
another of the Chateau's training sessions.  Once again, it
was to be seventeen-year-old Allison to whom this session was
dedicated, she of the haughty, superior air.  The proud,
unshakable girl who, for all her cool aloofness when in the
company of her superiors, was the same girl I had watched
entertain herself upon her own fingers in the supposed privacy
of her bed chamber. 
   Young Allison was to be "broken" of her feigned disinterest
in matters sexual by what Mlle. T. described as "a long and
quite arduous series of procedures designed to reveal to the
girl her true erotic nature." Today's event, however, was to
be more of a demonstration, for my benefit more than for the
benefit of the girl, herself.  Mlle. T. explained that she
intended to show me the 'natural, feminine heat lurking just
below the girl's carefully controlled exterior facade.'
   "Beneath Allison's mask of disdain for the erotic," said
Mlle. T. "our Allison is quite the little wildcat.  And though
she remains a virgin, her inner drives are tearing the girl
apart.  These drives must be aroused to the point where she is
no longer capable of denying them, to herself or to the
   Allison apparently was not only a virgin where men were
concerned, but she also remained innocent of the caresses of
her sister females.  And it was the natural, inborn tendency
toward female-to-female lesbian intimacy that Mlle. T.
proposed to demonstrate. The experiment took place in the
dining room of the Chateau, just after the mid-day meal.  The
table had been cleared - the same heavy oaken dining table I
have already described - and young Allison was brought in by
the servant, Karl, accompanied by two of Mlle. T.'s students
that I did not remember having seen before.  They were two
lush blondes of about eighteen.  Twin sets of sparkling blue
eyes looked openly and boldly into my own as the two girls
entered.  From the relaxed, casual attitude of the two, I took
it that these must be of the Chateau's senior class, if not
actual graduates.  Mlle. T. later confirmed my assumptions. 
They were, indeed, very near their graduation dates, and would
soon be shipping off for the orient, the two contracted as a
pair to one of the Chateau's leading sponsors. 
   The two blondes came to stand quietly near the wall
opposite where I and Mlle. T. sat waiting.  Allison looked
from the two older girls to her Mistress, obviously wondering
what was about to occur. Mlle. T. lead over to whisper, so
that the others in the room could not hear. 
   "Watch," she said.  
   She then rose and approached her dark-haired charge, who
stood apprehensively awaiting her Mistress's command. "Remove
your tunic, my dear," said Mlle. T., perfunctorily.  There was
but a barely perceptible hesitation on Allison's part as she
did as she was told.  The wispy silken garment was shrugged
from her shoulders, and it fell with a hushed rustle into a
snowy puddle about the girl's feet.  Then Allison stood
motionless again, waiting for what might happen next. I have
described young Allison earlier.  Beautifully framed, her
breasts proudly standing upon her out-thrust chest, the pink
nipples small and erect, now, from their sudden exposure to
the cool air of the room.  Short, curly hair, the colour of
rich, well-oiled mahogany crowned her sweet head.  A swatch of
the same colour showed at the junction of her well-muscled
thighs, which she now pressed modestly together as she stood.
All in all, the girl was quite as beautiful as any of the
girls I had seen at the Chateau, or anywhere else in my young
life, for that matter. "Now," continued Mlle. T., once her
charge had disrobed.  "Stand and face your sisters, my dear." 
Allison looked to her Mistress in confusion, but then
understood that she was referring to the two blondes standing
across the table from her.  She did as she was told, and stood
facing the two. 
   "Ladies," said Mlle. T.  
   This apparently was sufficient instruction for the two
young blondes, for they instantly cast off their own white
silk tunics, casually tossing them aside, exposing two more of
the most magnificently beautiful creatures I had ever seen. 
It was clear that their Mistress had discussed her plans for
this event with the two in advance, for most of what came
after this point occurred with very little direct instruction
from their instructress. It was equally clear that young
Allison had not idea at all as to what was afoot.  The girl
stood there, her eyes directed toward her two schoolmates,
nervously waiting for Mlle. T.'s next command.  It came soon
   "Allison, I wish you to look at your two sisters here."
said Mlle. T., approaching the young girl.  "They are
beautiful, are they not?"
   Allison did not reply at once.  There was more than a
degree of hesitation before she mumbled, uncertainly, "Y...
yes, Mistress." 
   "Quite beautiful, wouldn't you say?" Mlle. T. asked. 
    "Y... yes, Mistress." 
   "Then say it, Allison!" Mlle. T. demanded, sharply of the
girl. Allison swallowed audibly.  
    "Y... yes, Mistress.  They are... they are... beautiful...
    Mlle. T. smiled, coolly.  "That is fine, Allison," she
said.  "And since they are so beautiful," the woman continued. 
"No doubt you would consent to make love to the two of them,
yes?" Allison's eyes widened in shock.  
   "N... no, Mistress!" Mlle. T. moved in quickly.  
   "No?" she asked, in feigned surprise.  "Do you mean to say
that you would not like to lie with these two beautiful girls,
right here upon this table, and make love to them?" 
   Allison seemed to be fighting to keep an expression of
clear disgust from spreading over her face, still not certain
of what her Mistress had in mind here.  Was it some sort of
test?  What answer was she expecting to be given?  The girl
merely stammered for some moments without replying at all. 
   "I ask you again, Allison," Mlle. T. said, insistently. 
"Do you not want to lay these two beautiful young women upon
this table, and make love with them, kiss them, lick them and
suck them between their legs until they explode with delight
all over...." 
   "Noooooooooooooo!" shrieked Allison, her shock at Mlle.
T.'s words driving the cry of denial seemingly from the depths
of the young girl's very soul.  (Later evidence was to
demonstrate that the actual feelings of that soul were in
strong disagreement with this strong denial, as will be seen
shortly.) Mlle. T. moved closer to the Allison's side, quickly
soothing the girl in her obvious alarm and consternation.  
   "Very well, Allison," she said, calmly.  "It's all right. 
We will have you do nothing at all that you do not wish to do. 
Your desires are what concern us here, and if you do not wish
to make love to other women, that is fine." Mlle. T. turned
away from the girl to face me, catching my eye with an amused
expression in her own, as she casually drew an object from
somewhere about her person.  It was a necklace, a long chain,
of what appeared to be fine gold, from which dangled a single,
glittering black stone, fully an inch across. This stone had
been cut to display many facets, so that, as the stone hung
there, gently turning, it sent out from its dark centre many
hundreds of flashing sparkles of reflected light.  It was
arresting, a fascinating phenomenon to observe. Mlle. T.
smiled, knowingly, at my reaction, and turned back toward the
still-trembling Allison.  The eyes of the young girl were
instantly attracted to the glitter of the dark stone, just as
mine had been, and the instant hers locked onto the sparkling
gem, an unmistakable calm seemed to descend upon her, her
breathing subsided somewhat, and some degree of her previous
anxiety appeared to settle out. I watched as Mlle. T. slowly
raised the dangling back stone to bring it closer before
Allison's eyes.  She leaned in to whisper some words to the
girl that I was unable to decipher from where I stood. 
Allison's eyes became wide and transfixed by the shining rays
emitting from the dark jewel, as Mlle. T.'s whispered words
continued.  Then her eyes seemed to grow heavy, the lashes
dropping gradually downward, ever downward, until Allison's
eyes were closed completely. Mlle. T. now moved quietly back
from the girl, who stood where the woman left her, seemingly
asleep, or in some sort of trance. Mlle. T. returned now to my
side, speaking to me.  
   "You are familiar with mesmerism, Thomas?" she asked,
quietly. I nodded.  I had indeed heard of the strange work of
M. Mesmer and his remarkable discovery. "I have learned the
similar procedure you have just witnessed from Jo Lin," she
continued.  "As is usually the case, the oriental world has
known of the process for many thousands of years.  Our Allison
is now under the influence of that procedure." I looked at the
girl, standing motionless now, seemingly oblivious to what was
happening around her. "The important aspect of the process,
Thomas," continued Mlle. T., taking my arm and drawing me
closer to the entranced young girl, " is that, while the doors
unto Allison's subconscious mind are now open, and therefore
Allison herself is now open to any suggestion we might make to
her, we can cause her to do nothing whatsoever that she would
not ordinarily, in her nature, be inclined to do.  We cannot
force her to behave in any way that is inconsistent with her
own inner nature.  Do you see?" I did see.  Mlle. T. went on
to explain that all that had been pierced by the mesmerisation
process were Allison's outward defences.  The unnatural
restraints, by which the young girl held her natural self in
bondage, could now be temporarily overcome.  Under her
Mistress's suggestion now, Allison would behave just as she
would naturally be inclined to do if it were not for those
unnatural and, therefore, false and unhealthy, restraints that
kept the girl thus enslaved, a slave to her own unhealthy
inhibitions. Mlle. T. turned once gain to her subject,
standing close by her ear to whisper low.  "Now, Allison, my
dear.  Can you hear me?" The girl murmured indistinctly, as if
in sleep.  "Louder, Allison.  We cannot hear you." 
   "Yes, Mistress."  The voice was audible now, though still
	"Allison," said Mlle. T.  "I wish to ask you a question. 
But first, I want you to open your eyes."  The girl did so,
her eyes appearing to stare straight ahead without seeing
anything at all. "Do you see your two sisters, here?" asked
Mlle. T., gesturing towards the two young blondes. Allison's
eyes seemed to focus, now, her gaze directed at the two fair
beauties across the room.  
   "Yes, Mistress," said the girl, without hesitation. 
   "Do you think they are beautiful, Allison?" the woman
   "Yes, Mistress," answered Allison, again without pause. 
    "Do you find them exciting to look upon?" Allison tilted
her head to one side, as if considering the question.  
  "Yes," she decided, and said so succinctly.  There was
nothing whatsoever remaining of the girl's former reticence at
such intimate questioning.  As Mlle. T. had predicted, now
that Allison's inhibitions had been magically removed through
the miracle of mesmerism, the girl's deepest, most private
natural impressions and inclinations were now entirely open to
our examination. 
   "Now, Allison," said Mlle. T., lowering her mouth to
whisper more closely into the girl's ear.  "I want to ask you
another question." I sensed that a moment of crisis, or truth,
had come, as I heard Mlle. T. whisper, "Would you like to make
love to these two, Allison?  Would you like to hold them, and
lick them, and cause them to spend into your adoring little
	Allison's breathing seemed to grow instantly deeper, more
laboured, but it was not the excitation of fear and
apprehension such remarks had instilled in the girl a moment
or two earlier when her Mistress had posed her the very same
question.  No, this time Allison's small breast was rising and
falling with an excitement she had denied herself until now,
excitement at the thought of making love to one of her own
sex. Again, the dark-haired girl's answer came instantly,
though breathlessly, as I have said.  "Yes," the girl
	Mlle. T. smiled with evident satisfaction.  "Then you shall,
my dear.  By all means, you shall."  She motioned to the two
naked blondes, who moved at their Mistress's bidding to seat
themselves, side by side, upon the long edge of the oaken
dining table before the three of us.  Their knees parted
without instruction, and I gazed, I must admit, somewhat
lustily at closely trimmed fur of bright gold which crowned
the summit of each girl's pink nether lips as they revealed
them before us. Mlle. T. moved behind Allison, and pressed the
girl downward into a kneeling position before her two seated
	Again, the Mistress spoke whisperingly into the young girl's
ear.  "Now, Allison, my dear.  You know what to do.  You can
easily please another girl as you would go about pleasing
yourself.  The playful caresses you bestow upon your own pink
loveliness each night beneath your bed sheets can be employed
upon these, your sisters.  You know what these sensations are,
and you know how to achieve them.  Simply follow your
instincts and you cannot go astray." 
	Mlle. T. moved back from the kneeling girl, nodded to the
seated young women, and then said, simply, "You may begin."
Young Allison dove instantly forward between the parted thighs
of the girl seated to her left, as quickly as if she had been
propelled there!  I saw her sweet young tongue dart from
between her parted lips in the second before her open mouth
plunged down upon the seated girl's pink vulva, engulfing the
whole in an almost frantic, deep kiss! The blonde being so
attended to arched her strong back, her spine actually
creaking under the stretching strain of what the worshipping
girl was causing her to feel.  
	"Ahhhhhhhhhh!"   The seated girl sighed, her head thrown
back, and a smile of delight spreading like sunshine over her
exquisite face. Next to her, the second blonde gazed upon her
sister's pleasure with calm approval, serene in the knowledge
that her own pleasure would come soon enough. Audible slurping
and sucking sounds came to us all from beneath Allison's bowed
young face, her head turning slightly to the left or to the
right with quick movements, like a small bear, burrowing for
honey within the hollow mouth of a cone-laden tree, eager not
to miss a single stray drop. It was not long before the ripe
melons upon the chest of the young blonde began to heave with
the approach of her crisis.  Ecstatic gasps swelled into
small, high, up-turning cries of joy, as the young woman
reached her critical moment. 
   "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the golden-haired girl screamed out
at last, as her young body began to shiver and quake in her
tremendous orgasm. Allison obviously noted her first subject's
time had for the moment passed, for now she shifted, knee-
walking to the right in order to provide the same tender
services for the second blonde-haired beauty, as the first sat
absently petting her well-attended slit, eyes closed in
peaceful post-orgasmic bliss. The adoration of Allison's
second conquest of the evening was completed even more quickly
than the first.  Obviously, the girl, while already having in
her possession a precocious natural ability at such things -
as, Mlle. T. assured me, all young females possess - she had
developed even greater proficiency with the small degree of
experience she was now accruing.  The girl learned quickly,
and there was even a hint of panic in the wild response of the
second young blonde as Allison brought her home, kicking and
screaming, into orgasm.  There were even a few tears sparkling
there in the wide, deep blue eyes, as the gratefully welcomed
contractions went on and on, threatening, perhaps, never to
   The evening was far from over, for Mlle. T. instructed
Allison once again into the sexual breech of the first seated
young woman.  And then, having delved deeply there and found
yet another, stronger, orgasmic response, Allison returned to
the second pretty pink mouth proffered, until, at length, the
two fortunate young women had spent their pleasure upon the
tongue of their younger sister a full dozen times, and lay
upon their backs along the table, exhausted and begging for a
much-needed respite. And throughout all, the trance that still
lay upon the dark-haired Allison remained unbroken, the girl
unaware in her conscious mind of what long-withheld fantasies
she was playing out here for her Mistress's observance, and my
education, as well.

                    CHAPTER THIRTEEN

I have now to describe briefly the strangest scene I was ever
to witness during all my years at the Chateau Noir.  For,
indeed, this, my first visit to the black Chateau, was not to
be my last.  I have returned again and again to that dark
estate throughout my life.  But in all that time, in all the
many midnight ceremonies and forbidden, secret rites and I
attended, nothing was as strange or as wonderful as what I saw
on the night that the fiery-haired Karen was to be trained.
     Karen, you will recall, was the red-haired young woman of
eighteen years, one of the girls I had been introduced to by
Mlle. T. on my first night as her guest.
     Mlle. T. had mentioned that in certain ancient
civilisations there had developed the practice of utilising
adders in dark, religious rites concerned with the worship of
sexual ecstasy.  It was the sting of the adder that was so
used.  Mlle. T. had noted as well that Cleopatra, renowned
queen of the Egyptian Nile, was herself rumoured to have died
while attempting the art.  It was reputed to have been the
bite of one of these snakes upon the nipple of one of her
breasts that had stilled her heart at the peak of a poison
induced state of erotic splendour.
     But Mlle. T. had claimed upon the occasion of relating to
me these supposed historical facts that she had found out the
flaw that had proved fatal to that ancient queen.  The
solution to the problem of achieving this serpent induced
ecstatic state was to prepare the subject with gradually
increasing doses of the very poison that made the dark adder's
sting for deadly.  It was further revealed that, through many
trials, it had been discovered by my host that women of the
red-haired trait were, for some as yet unknown reason, more
immune to these refined poisons, and so more likely to possess
the strength and endurance to experience the exquisitely
painful pleasure induced by the serpent's sting without
succumbing to that sting's more deadly side-effect.
     Karen, indeed, wore a crowning glory of hair as red as
fire.  And for some months previous, and totally unknown to
herself, she had been consuming ever-increasing doses of the
deadly essence of those strange and exotic Egyptian Black
Adder, imported at much expense to the Chateau and carefully
distilled by the mysterious Jo Lin, who among her many other
exotic talents, was a skilled medical chemist and herbalist,
and had been working with the Chateau's Mistress for some time
in effort to bring their experiment to the conclusion I was
now about to witness.
     I had not seen young Karen, she of the flaming tresses,
emerald eyes, and strong, full breasts, since that first night
when we had been introduced.  I remembered how the young woman
had screamed and struggled in unrestrained fear and horror at
her fate when it had been revealed to her my her Mistress, and
I recalled my last glimpse her as she was forcibly born from
the room within the strong, confining arms of the servant
     From that day until now, Karen had been kept bound and
locked away within the Chateau's nether vaults, deep beneath
the building's stone foundations, a portion of the Chateau to
which I, as yet, had never been invited.
     But I instantly recognised the young woman I now saw as
that same Karen, and the same wild look of insane panic
screamed out from the face that I now saw, mouth rubber-bitted
and tightly gagged, and bandaged from upper lip to chin.
     The girl hung in the small room into which I had just
been led, suspended upright in the air from four long lengths
of heavy chain, one shackled to each of the girl's
extremities.  It seemed that no bindings of simple leather
were to be trusted with restraining the young woman through
the fantastic ordeal she was about to endure.  Her chained,
naked body formed a human "X", arms stretched high and apart
by the two spans of chain running upwards and outward to a
system of pulleys fixed to large, wooden beams at the
chamber's ceiling.  Identical sections of linked iron
stretched outward and downward to where they were padlocked to
iron rings set into the chamber's stone floor.
     Once fixed, and the upper stretches tightened through the
workings of the heavy pulleys, young Karen was drawn into the
aforementioned "X" figure as tightly and unyieldingly as a
bowstring about to snap.
     The red-haired beauty was entirely naked, her large, full
breasts and sweetly open nether mouth were vulnerable to
whatever the Chateau's Mistress might desire.  She hung with
tears of panic and dread already coursing down her cheeks to
drip wetly from her fear-erected nipples.
     I will make quick work of describing the singular rite
which was now performed with out dwelling upon the indelicate
details.  Suffice it to say that the dark Jo Lin entered the
chamber, accompanied by two younger orientals, who I later
learned were apprentices to this mistress of many unusual
     Each woman carried, carefully cradled in her arms, a
small, earthen-wear jar with many strange etchings in some
uncertain language upon it's curved outer surface and capped
with a heavy-looking lid of the same earthen material.  These
three jars, I guessed, must each contain the small serpents
that were to serve as triggers for the Mistress's experiment.
     Now, as Mlle. T. had described in those mystic rites of
old, the three women approached their subject and, as one,
quickly unsealed the wide mouths of their three jars and
pressed them into their prescribed places upon the body of
young Karen.  Jo Lin's two apprentices held the mouths of
their two jars so that the circling mouths encompassed the
girl's twin, red nipples.  And the oriental beauty herself
pressed the opening of the remaining jar into the junction of
the girl's straining young thighs.
     All three held the vessels tightly in place, while all in
the room, myself, Mlle. T. and both her servants, Karl and
Alex looked silently on.  There was a hush throughout the
chamber, as all eyes focused on the naked form of the red-
haired girl hanging suspended before us.
     Karen, herself, looked wildly around at us all,
beseeching us in an unspoken plea to show her some mercy. 
Then the young woman's eyes darted down to the jar at her left
breast.  She wriggled at some odd sensation that was
undoubtedly centred at the flesh beneath the earthenware
mouth.  Then her eyes grew huge, and a loud, unearthly scream
erupted from beneath her gag and muffler.
     It was known instinctively by all that the first of the
three serpents, that one within the jar at Karen's left
breast, had found the sweet pap of the girl's erect and
tempting nipple, and had bit home.
     Scream followed scream, as the girl wriggled an bucked
the little she could within her bonds, her face red with the
exquisite pain that was shooting out from her molested breast
to radiate through her entire body.  Then her eyes shifted
abruptly to her right, her torso whipping instinctively in the
opposite direction, and another, stronger scream of horror
exploded from her obstructed throat.  The serpent at her right
breast had struck.
     The body of the young woman whipped and shimmied about,
though her movements were restricted to those such as a
plucked harp string might be capable of, as her already
overloaded system fought to accept and somehow deal with this
new intensity of searing, torturous, discomfort.
     Then, even in her excruciating pain, a realisation seemed
to come to her, and she froze in her unavailing struggles to
concentrate all her attention to the jar that Jo Lin stiff
held immovable at the junction of the girl's tautly opened
thighs.  Karen had suddenly realised that this third jar,
placed so suggestively at the very centre of her vulnerable
femininity, must certainly contain the coiled form of a
serpent as well.
     She seemed to attempt to pull herself heavenward with all
her womanly strength in a frantic, though futile, effort to
escape the inevitable.  Then her entire body froze in a ridged
spasm of unendurable agony, her emerald eyes rolled upward
until only their snowy whites showed, and Karen let forth a
sudden scream that would have rivalled the cry of a dying
banshee.  Dogs throughout the countryside would have no doubt
echoed her cry as coming from one of their own in dire
torment, had the chamber not been heavily soundproofed and so
hidden from all ears beyond, human, animal or otherwise.
     The unearthly cries followed one after the other, for
many long minutes, and perhaps the angels heard poor Karen's
cry, or possibly those long-sleeping gods and goddesses of Old
Egypt, so a gradual change seemed to come over young Karen. 
The terrible, racking torment of the triple adder stings began
having their secondary, and more desirous effects upon the
subject of Mlle. T.'s experiment.
     The Mistress herself seemed to note this before the rest
of us, for she now moved forward to more closely examine her
young subject.  Karen's head was lolling slowly from side to
side, though her green eyes remained as wide as ever.
     Mlle. T. motioned for Jo Lin and her two attending
apprentices to remove the serpent jars.  The three did so,
pulling the open mouths of the their jars away and quickly
resealing them with their heavy lids before the small
creatures could make good any escape.  When Jo Lin pulled the
open mouth of the jar covering Karen's sex, it was found that
the serpent within had remained attached to the girl where it
had chosen to bite her.  It now hang, all thirteen inches of
it, from the small pink morsel of Karen's young clitoris.
     Even the two apprentices gasped at the sight of this, and
the ever calm Jo Lin gave them each look that clearly
communicated her extreme displeasure at their squeamish
reaction.  The two girls were immediately cowed, and I
wondered what dread form of chastisement would certainly await
these two later on.
     Jo Lin's careful hands skilfully caught up the dangling
serpent, a delicately manicured thumb and forefinger catching
the creature just behind it's clenching jaws.  The adder
involuntarily released its hold on the clit of the red-haired
girl, and the older woman returned the thing to its jar,
capping the mouth with the fitted lid, and drawing away from
the suspended figure, along with her two assistants.
     Mlle. T., however, took no note at all of these
happenings.  Her attention was fixed the changed state of the
young woman who hung chained before us.  The bitten flesh at
Karen's nipples glowed a hot red against the pale softness
that surrounded it, and the small bud of the poor girl's adder
bitten clit had swollen and extended itself redly nearly half
an inch in length above the wetly divided lips below.
     But Mlle. T. was watching the young woman's eyes.  The
wildness there appeared to be rapidly fading, replaced by a
vague expression, almost of wonder or surprise.
     "It is happening," Mlle. T. murmured, as she continued to
observe her experiment closely.  "Soon, now... very soon," she
said, her voice quiet, but tinged with an excitement I had not
heard her emote at any time previous.
     It was just then that Karen gave a surprised little gasp
from beneath her gag.  Her body stiffened, as it had done
before when each of the three stinging serpents had driven
home their twin fangs, but this time, instead of a cry at some
unimaginably tormenting pain, the stiffening of Karen's body
preceded what appeared to be a small shiver of pleasure.  The
young woman actually gurgled in delight, as the rippling
shiver passed through her naked frame, leaving a field of tiny
goose flesh across the pale skin in its wake.
     A small laugh was heard, and there was a clear expression
of joy in Karen's eyes, which was suddenly shattered by a look
of renewed panic as another, even stronger ripple of pleasure
shivered through the girl's strong frame.  Soon Karen's body
was convulsing almost constantly in what had the appearance of
one, long, extended orgasm.
     Mlle. T. was smiling and nodding her head quietly, as if
this is what she had hoped for and expected.
     In a few moments, Karen was bucking and writhing against
her chains as insistently as she had earlier under the painful
triple sting of the adders, but now her shrieks, as high, long
and heart-rending as those she had emitted previously, were
not cries of pain but those of the most intense pleasure.
     Again and again, the girl rose, strained, and screamed
her pleasure to the heavens.  Sometimes a trembling,
shivering, gurgling laugh would separate one long cry from the
next, as if the girl could not restrain her wonder and delight
at the pleasures she was now experiencing.
     "H... how...?" My dry throat nearly choked off my
question.  "How long will it last?" I finally managed to ask.
     Mlle. T., her eyes still upon the orgasming girl,
shrugged.  "No one can tell," she said.  "A young woman of
Karen's youth and virility... she should last longer than her
sisters who have gone before.  If her heart can hold up
without bursting, we will at last know how long the
pleasurable symptoms can last.  That would be most desirable."
     I wondered for a moment about all those "sisters who have
gone before."  I considered asking as the details of their
fate, but thought better of it.
     The detailed results of the Mlle. T.'s experiment with
Karen will wait for another time.  It is a long story in
itself, and I must move on now to bring my own story to a
	The rest can wait.

                    CHAPTER FOURTEEN

It was some few days later that I came to know the larger
purpose for my presence at the Chateau Noir.  I had dined
early one evening with Mlle. T., not in the great dining room
as was our custom, but in the small sitting room adjoining her
own bed chamber.
     When the plates had been cleared from the small table by
the ever-silent Karl, Mlle. T. sat me on a leather upholstered
sofa, offered me a small neat brandy, and stood facing me.
     "Thomas," she said.  "There is an important part of our
training regimen here at the Chateau that I have not yet
mentioned to you.  You are aware that our purpose and goal is
to raise up the finest courtesans in the world."
     Mlle. T. turned to pace slowly back and forth before me,
as she continued.  "Our girls, once they have left these
premises, will know all there is to know about pleasing a man. 
They must be experts, therefore, not only in receiving
pleasure from a man, but in offering pleasure as well."
     The Mistress of the Chateau Noir stopped her pacing, and
stood facing me once more.  "You have seen some of the many
methods we employ here to teach our girls to enjoy the
pleasures of the flesh, but we have said little about how we
instruct our students in giving as good as they get."
     Mlle. T. paused a moment for effect, then said, "And that
is why you are here, Thomas."
     My mouth fell open, not comprehending what the Mistress
was saying.  "You, Thomas, were sent here to my school for two
purposes.  One, your uncle wished you to have some knowledge
of the world as your full adulthood approaches, and so you
were sent to me to see what you have so far seen.  You will
see and know much more, if you consent to fulfil the second
purpose for your presence here."
     I sat, the fine brandy in my hand forgotten, as I waited
to learn what this second purpose might be.
     "The girls," said Mlle. T., finally, "at a certain stage
in their training, need first-hand experience of the male
     A glimmer of what Mlle. T. might be implying sparkled at
the edge of my mind.  "First-hand... physical... experience,"
added the Mistress, making her purpose clear at last.
     "There is simply no substitute for it," she continued. 
"And, while Karl and Alex certainly have the qualifications to
do what is necessary, they would find it all quite too
exhausting to fulfil such duties and attend to the
requirements of their regular jobs here.  The male chosen
must, I feel, be someone younger, whose youthful energies can
be dedicated solely to these specialised activities in the
training of my girls.  Someone like you, Thomas."
     Mlle. T. sat by side now on the dark leather of the sofa. 
She spoke seductively in my ear, so that I flushed warmly at
each of her words.  "Think of it, Thomas!" she whispered,
intently.  "You will go back into the world as knowledgeable
in the ways of love as any man alive.  There will be no female
anywhere in the world that you will not know how to win.  The
choice will yours, for all women will fall at your feet,
demanding the love that in all their lives only you will know
how to give."
     Mlle. T. looked upon my stunned countenance for a long
moment.  "Do not answer as yet, my dear boy," she said.  "I
have promised your esteemed uncle that I would expose you to
at least a few of the experiences a young man should have
before entering the world.  It is the least I owe him for the
many years of support he has given our school."
     Before I could offer any protest or comment, Mlle. T.
clapped her hands three times, sharply, and there entered into
the room three of the Chateau's older students, these being a
blonde, a brunette, and a red-head, each appearing to be of
about nineteen-years of age.  All three were dressed the usual
short tunic of wispy white silk.
     "These students are to be your instructors, my dear
Thomas," said Mlle. T.  "Daphne, Rebecca, and Sabrina," she
added, by was of brief introduction.  As each of their names
were called, the girls shrugged out of their tunics, and
revealed themselves in all their glorious nudity.  All three
had hair cut into short pageboy styles, and the colour of each
was accented by the brief shadow of matching colour between
their long legs.
     Daphne and Rebecca, the blonde and the brunette,
respectively, approached my person without the slightest
hesitancy, and perfunctorily began unbuttoning my waistcoat
and shirt.  The red-headed Sabrina went to work at the buttons
of my pants.  I had not the opportunity to ever consider
escape, but was in the very next moment entirely as naked as
my instructresses.
     My member was hugely erect before me, as the three young
women pulled me toward the Mistresses bedroom.  I was somewhat
alarmed that the three obviously intended me to invade the
sanctity of their Mistress's bed for what was to follow, but
one despairing look toward the Mademoiselle herself assured me
as to her willing consent to this intrusion.  Swirling her
brandy absently in the large glass snifter, she moved
unconcernedly to follow the four of us into the other room.
     The girls and I fell upon the bed as one, and instantly
I felt the delicious sensation on a warm, welcoming mouth
enveloping the straining length of my ridged member.  I felt
as if I might explode, so intense was the intimate caress,
one, of course, that I had never before experienced.  The
other two nymphs began to offer kisses all along the rest of
my quickly overheating body.  Their lips touched and sucked at
me everywhere, first up around my neck and then down across my
heaving chest to my stomach.  Once, the lips of both came to
rest momentarily upon that tight, wrinkled sack beneath the
ever-straining shaft that plunged so affably within their
sister's mouth above.  My fingers lightly caressed the blonde
hair of that sweet worshipper, as I felt my trembling young
balls sucked into the mouth of first one, then the other of
her two accomplices.
     Suddenly, I knew my moment of crisis was approaching,
that I was about to spend my startled passion into the mouth
that was servicing me there.  But at once the blonde seemed to
recognise the moment as well, and she pulled away before the
final rush had been triggered.  My poor lance twitched and
throbbed in disappointment, but exulted anew as the girl swung
above me to plunge the wet sheath of her warm cunt fully down
upon the rod her young mouth had adored but a moment before.
     If what I had felt before was a wonder, then what I was
experiencing now was a true miracle!  Nothing I had known in
my brief life had thrilled me to this amazing extent.  My
heart, my mind, my very soul echoed the cries of exquisite
pleasure that now coursed throughout my person.  I felt that
I might die here and now, and be glad of it, passing into the
next life fully satisfied that I had known the absolute best
that this earthly life had to offer.
     Again, the moment of my pleasure began to arrive, and
this time there was no attempt to delay its completion. 
Indeed, when the knowledgeable young blonde recognised my
approaching climax, she doubled the already rapid speed of her
riding, and it was she that first achieved the state of
orgasm, writhing up high upon my passion tortured shaft to
come crashing down again with high scream of delight.  This
cry triggered my own, and I felt a fiery bursting within my
straining loins that radiated throughout my entire person,
finally exploding in a huge, gushing rush of sperm from my
resounding balls up through the length of my granite-hard
prick, filling the sweet cavity of the young blonde with
juices of my own to mix with her squirted spendings from
     Before I came to myself, before the stars that obscured
my vision had dispersed, I felt myself being shifted over onto
my side and then over further, onto the top of one of the
other girls.  I opened my eyes to find myself face to face
with the deep, brown, knowing eyes of the Rebecca, the
brunette, her arms embracing me tightly, as I felt other
feminine hands guiding my still ridged cock into the soft,
warmly engulfing, wet pussy of the girl, in the second manly
conquest of my young life.
     This ecstatic ride was at a slower pace than the one that
had proceeded it.  The loving hips of the young girl churned
and writhed with a deliberate, measured insistence beneath me,
while I instinctively matched pace with slow, deeply rooting
plunges from above.  I have no idea how long our pleasure
simmered along below boiling point, but eventually I felt
again the ageless rise of urgency signalling a quickly
approaching eruption.  The knowing young woman seemed to sense
as much, just as her sister had done a few moments before, and
the churning of her hips became a demanding series of fast,
sharp, staccato hunchings, clearly designed to pull from me
that which I was willingly about to give.
     The two of us exploded and crashed together, my vision
once more becoming a bright universe of flashing stars, as I
collapsed in exquisite bliss.
     Once more, I was pulled up from my repose.  Rebecca and
Daphne, the two thieves of my previous virginity, held me from
each side, guiding me onto my knees before what I now saw was
the kneeing form of Sabrina, the fiery red-head.  She faced
away from me, and looked at me over her shoulder.  It was the
rear of this girl that was now offered me, I now understood. 
But understanding was unnecessary.  The slender fingers of
Sabrina's companions did the work of guiding my, as yet,
somehow unreduced erectness to its nest intended target.
     For a moment, however, I suspected their aim to less than
true, for I looked down to find the tip of my young cock
nudging, not the red curl-fringed gate of the girl's cunt, but
the narrower opening above.  My hips braced, lest I be prodded
from behind into entering that forbidden channel before my two
attendants noticed their mistake.
     But there was no mistake.  I saw the hand of the owner of
that dark passage, herself, reach from below her divided rear
to spread apart the cheeks there, and so make my entrance all
the easier.  Before the shock of the realisation had passed,
the two girl pushed me from behind, and the long, hard shaft
of my manhood was plunged in a single thrust to depths of the
third young woman's waiting bottom.
     The red-head threw back her head and screamed, though
with pain of pleasure I knew not.  I suspect now that it was
in response to a combination of both.  Encouraged by the
urging hands of the girls now at my side, I entered into a
fast, almost violent thrusting and plunging, the kneeling red-
head pushing back eagerly to meet me with each long stroke. 
It was mere seconds before, for the third time within the
hour, I felt my gushing essence come rushing up and out into
a welcoming female orifice.
     I was a virgin no longer.  All promises from Mlle. T. to
my uncle had been satisfied, and now it was up to me as to
whether I would leave the Chateau Noir now and take my newly
acquired knowledge out into the world, or whether I would
remain, and experience far more than I could now even guess.
     I made my decision even as I knelt there upon the bed, my
face cradled along the sleek, sweat-dampened back of the red-
haired young woman I had just conquered, and I communicated my
answer to Mlle. T. with a single silent look.
     The Mistress of the Chateau Noir smiled her approval.

                    CHAPTER FIFTEEN
                      INTO SERVICE

There began at this point some weeks of training for me at the
Chateau Noir.  Mlle. T. informed succinctly me that before I
could be employed in the preparation of her young students I
must come to know much more about eliciting the pleasuring of
the female than what I had discovered so far.  I will skip
past most of this period until, perhaps, another time, and
will relate instead an event which occurred when my training
was finally complete.
     One morning I was called to report once again to Mlle.
T.'s bed chamber.  As I entered, I saw young Allison, the
seventeen-year-old beauty that I had seen undergoing the
Mistress's mesmerisation treatment many weeks before, and had
seen nothing whatsoever of since.
     The girl had been strapped, face downward, along a
narrow, leather upholstered ottoman, about seven inches wide
and four or five feet in length, supported at each end by two
equally padded legs forming a wide inverted "V".  The dark-
haired girl had been positioned with her belly along the top
of this ottoman, with her legs tightly strapped to the wide-
spread legs at one end, so that her two rear entrances were
readily exposed and vulnerable to whatever attentions, or
intrusions, her Mistress might desire.  The young woman's arms
had been stretched tightly forward along the ottoman by
leather straps fixing her wrists together to the ottoman's far
end, leaving her with very little mobility above her waist and
none at all below it.
     The girl was not bitted or gagged, and it was clear from
the frightened way in which she stretched her head to see what
we did behind her that the girl was not on this occasion under
the calming effects of mesmerism
     Besides young Allison, only Mlle. T. awaited me there in
the small room, and without prelude she explained my purpose
for being there.
     "You remember our Allison, don't you, Thomas?" asked
Mlle. T.  I nodded silently in response, as I had been taught. 
Whatever part I might take in any proceedings regarding a
girl's training at the Chateau, I had been cautioned that only
Mlle. T. was to speak aloud.  So I awaited Mlle. T.'s pleasure
without comment.
     "You have seen young Allison at play with some of her
fellow students," reminded the Mistress.  I did, indeed,
remember how the nervous, dark-haired girl strapped prone
before me had licked and tongue-tickled the two blonde
playmates into dozens of orgasms while in the mesmerising
spell of Mlle. T.'s black pendant.
     The girl, herself, knew of the event her Mistress was
speaking about.  She blushed furiously in acute embarrassment
at the very mention of it, her entire body reddening all the
way into the sweet divide of her widely parted buttocks.
     "You have seen our Allison at play while under the
effects of mesmerism, but since that time, Thomas, I have
observed her enjoying those same games, but without the
influence of M. Mesmer's process.  Young Allison has become
quite the young slut where her sister students are concerned. 
Once the floodgates of her secret, natural passions were
opened, the girl you see before you has embraced those
lascivious delights with as much enthusiasm as I have ever
noted in a student."
     The girl being so intimately discussed wriggled
uncomfortably upon the ottoman, her motion causing a small
creaking sound of leather against leather, as she attempted in
vain to shift her position.
     "But now, my dear Thomas, the time has come to for our
Allison to move forward into new frontier, a move which she
has adamantly resisted for some time."
     Here Allison gave a small start, as if knowing what "new
frontier" her Mistress was referring to, and demonstrating
exactly the reluctance the older woman had indicated.  She
twisted and writhed against her bonds.  But all held fast.
     "I will ask you again, Allison.  Will you now willingly
submit to the initiation into the frontier you have for so
long avoided?  I promise you the pleasures are even greater
than those you have experienced so far."
     The response of the girl was very clear. 
"Noooooooooooo!" she screamed, in defiance.  I knew this to be
a mistake upon her part, and was surprised that the girl did
not seem to know it herself.
     "Very well," said Mlle. T., amicably enough.  "If that is
what you wish, so be it.  It is most certainly your decision
to make, and I will faithfully abide by it."
     Allison dropped her head forward in obvious relief.  But
her face rocketed abruptly upward in the very next instant, as
Mlle. T. brought the length of a long, thin, black buggy whip
down across the young girls widely parted rear cheeks in a
quick, single stroke with the sharp, cracking report of a
pistol shot.  The whip had apparently been secreted somewhere
beneath the ottoman, and Mlle. T. had retrieved it without
having been seen doing so by Allison, so that the smacking
stroke across her delicate behind was completely unexpected.
     "Aghhhhhhhhhhhh!"  Allison screamed in horrible pain, her
entire frame bucking and tossing upon the ottoman, the tight
straps of her binding stretching even more taught than they
had before.  Nearly a dozen equally forceful strokes from the
thin whip quickly followed the first.  The howling, straining
young woman was given no quarter whatsoever.  There was
scarcely sufficient tome to catch her breath at the end of
each long scream of torment.  At the end, the girl was
babbling incoherently, and it was apparently to hear the
content of this pain-garbled communication that Mlle. T.
finally paused in the whipping.
     For some moments, Allison appeared now incapable of
speech.  She continued to screech and gasp as the pain of
those last, final strokes continued to reverberate through her
system.  Long, thin lines of deepest red in a criss-crossing
mass if whip-brands covered the girl's sweet behind from its
lower curve all the way to the base of her spine.
     The frantic writhing under the crashing whip had made one
other alteration in the appearance of the girl's young rear. 
The plump, pink lips of Allison's small pussy had been
separated by the wild motion of her hips, until now the
doorway to that honeyed channel was invitingly open before our
     "You wish to say something, Allison?" asked Mlle. T.,
somewhat mockingly.  "Perhaps you wish now to give your
consent to my wishes?"
     "I... I... Oh!" the girl still could not quite find her
tongue, though she clearly struggled to do so.  Her eyes were
frantic and wide, though perhaps unseeing.  "I... I..."
     "I see," said Mlle. T., calmly, and without preamble
began suddenly again with the whip.  Allison's shrill,
surprised shrieks were almost deafening this time, as again
she writhed and bucked under a fast, fierce whipping from
     A dozen or so strokes later, Mlle. T. paused once again,
but the girl strapped before her continued to wail and
caterwaul as if the whipping was still in progress.  Her
discomfort at this point must have been extreme.
     "Now," said Mlle. T., somewhat breathless now from the
effort of swinging the long whip in such a number of rapid
strokes.  "Is there something you wish to say to me, Allison?"
     The girl drew a single, convulsive intake breath... and
screamed out her answer.  "Yesssssssssssssssss!"
     "Might you wish to say that you will willingly submit to
what I desire, what you, yourself, desire, if you were but
honest with your own self?  Might that be what you wish to
say, Allison?"
     Allison once again drew a long breath, and shrieked her
     "Very well, then," said Mlle. T., as if expecting the
girl's agreement all along, not having doubted it for an
     "Thomas," said Mlle. T., as she put aside her whip and
motioned me forward.  "Thomas, Allison here is no virgin where
her sister females are concerned, but she remains so where the
opposite sex is concerned.  I wish you to remedy that
situation, Thomas, and I wish you to do so now."
     I looked at Mlle. T., and then at the girl bound before
me, paused but an instant, and then preparing my self to obey.
     I was stripped below the waist an instant later, and now
stood before the proffered, whip-marked cheeks of young
Allison, prepared to forcibly remove the virginity that
remained deep within her.  Mlle. T.'s instruction of the past
weeks had been thorough on this subject, and I knew well the
careful techniques that would make the experience as pleasant
as possible for a young woman being mounted for the very first
     First I knelt down behind the girl, and examined the
parted pink lips that stood sentry at the gates though which
I was about to plunge into the sweet virgin channel beyond. 
The lips were full, but delicate, and a simple caressing and
stroking of these tender tissues was soon rewarded my a honey-
scented flow of moisture from between them.
     The girl's hips were trembling now, as her in-born
feminine nature began to take hold, as Mlle. T. had assured me
it would, and the small thrills of arousal began to raise
goose flesh along her whip-reddened buttocks, and upward along
her smooth back as well.  She began to murmur to herself
indistinctly now as well, the small sounds she uttered nearly
too low to detect.
     I now added the caresses of my lips, by this time well
practiced upon the intimate flesh of dozens of the Chateau's
students, to those of my fingers, and felt a deep shiver erupt
throughout the body of the bound young woman.  I had to this
point avoided the pleasure point of Allison's little pink
clitoris, saving such direct stimulation for the critical that
was fast approaching.  The little bud trembled and vibrated
just above my lips, eagerly stretching forth it's sweet head,
as if actively seeking out such direct attentions.
     I decided then that the moment had arrived, and took that
sweet bud of erect flesh between my lips and sucked in
suddenly as far into my mouth as it could be drawn.
     Allison gasped, as if she had been touched there with
flame or with ice, and called out to the heavens in a wordless
announcement of impending orgasm.  Her cry shifted up an
octave or two, as I added the flicking of my tongue against
the little node to the sucking caress of my pursed lips.
     Then the force of Allison's crisis exploded upon her in
full, and for nearly a full minute she writhed and bucked and
tossed against her leather bonds, and screamed and screamed
and screamed.
     Before the girl had time to recover, I stood up behind
her, my lust-enraged manhood perfectly aligned with the
opening of Allison's young cunt, looked to Mlle. T. for her
approval and permission, obtained both in a brief nod, and
then plunged forcibly home.
     The girl went insane against my pressing loins.  Her
shrieks grew higher and higher until they were beyond the
capacity of men's ears to hear them.  Hunting dogs for miles
around would have been tortured my those cries, were it not
for the soundproof corking in Chateau's thick walls.
     Suffice it to say that when I finally withdrew my spent
member, Allison was no longer the untouched virgin she had
been moments before, and I am happy to note that the tears she
shed after were heartfelt tears of gratitude.  Indeed, it was
at the girl's insistence herself that she remain in her bonds
until I had once again plunged my re-awakened manhood into her
sweet orifice for another, longer session.
     That night young Allison slept with me in my own chamber,
and in my own bed, blissfully enjoying the newly discovered
pleasures of male-female eroticism.
     My period of active participation in the instruction and
training of the future courtesans of the great Chateau Noir
had begun.


I wish to add here a note or two about the underlying nature
of Mlle. T.'s great theory regarding the proper training of
young courtesans, as that nature has been revealed to me over
my many visits to the Chateau Noir, both in my youth - the
time of the narrative I have penned here - and in my middle
years, now long gone as well.
       The scholars of ancient Greece, among others, have
noted that it is the female, and not the male, that holds the
true secrets of Nature.  For all of man's thrusting and
parrying about in the world, it is always the female that
finally, ultimately rules, for without Woman, mere Man is
     Mlle. T. taught her students that the female, even when
held in bondage to the male, must assuredly become the
Mistress of her master.  So, by perfectly aligning her girls
toward the ultimate pleasuring of the male, she made those
girls mistresses, both of themselves and of any man who might
one day contract for their services.
     There are many men, many great men, throughout the world,
both in the East and in the West, who have been ruled by the
girls of the Chateau Noir, and yet have remained blissfully
	They, and I believe, the world have, on the whole, been much
better for it.

                        The End

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