BDSM Library - Awakening in the Mist

Awakening in the Mist

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A frustrated man learns he needs to dominate his lovers to find contentment. He encounters his first willing victim, when given an offer he cannot turn down.
Awakening in the Mist

By Dr. Spankenstein (, all rights reserved.

Chapter 1

This is the story of my first Scene, the night I discovered who I really was. 
It was very much an epiphany.  Now the situation left a lot to be desired from
some important practical standpoints.  I had never heard "Safe, sane and
consensual."  I had no experience at all dominating a lover. Indeed I ran
roughshod over quite a few safety rules that I now hold dear.  We didn't even
practice safe sex.  We were caught up in some very strong passions.  Thankfully,
fortune held us in her bosom that night.  There were no great mishaps, and it
became the first step on a very rewarding journey for both of us.

My previous love life was filled with misadventure.  I was the type of guy
always getting crushes on the wrong kind of women; women who were, in one way or
another, inaccessible to me.  More often then not they were women with serious
self-esteem problems. 

Like many young Dominants, my instincts lead me to get tangled up with women
that were habitual victims.  I suppose you could call them total submissives,
rather than sexual submissives.  It's very much like an addiction too, getting
involved with people like that.  Obsessing about how to solve their problems
really just becomes a way to avoid working through your own.

Like any addict, you eventually hit bottom.  Something finally snaps and you
decide to put your life in order.  Around the time I reached that point, and had
said farewell to my last vanilla girlfriend, someone else entered my life for a
very brief but incredible time.  I had known her for a few months; she was the
night clerk at the convenience store across the street from my apartment.  Her
name was Karen.

She was a dark eyed brunette, with a pixie like face, and a sleek body.  I had
talked to her many times, keeping her company in the dark hours just before she
would close the store.  The store was in an out of the way spot, and rarely did
much business when it got late.  So we had lots of time to swap stories, and
flirt, and just generally talk about everything, including our pasts. 

She had been an exotic dancer for several years in Atlanta.  Which at first she
loved, because she enjoyed being a man's fantasy; "serving his fantasy needs,"
she would say, with no chance of entanglement.  She also made a lot of money at

But then she ran into trouble.  Another dancer, a self-proclaimed Domanaitrix,
caught her fancy and snared her mind.  This other dancer kept her in a state of
sexual bliss (at first), but also took control of every detail of her life. 
This woman was no Domme, she was a complete control freak. 

She took all of Karen's money, all of her day to day decisions away from her,
and eventually began to pimp her to the less savory customers in the clubs they
danced at.  Finally, when Karen learned she was pregnant, she decided to take
her life back.

It had been a long road for her.  She was raising her child on her own.  She had
to fight to get some of her money back from her "ex-girlfriend" as well.  She
had to patch her wounded mind and put her life back together, very much the in
same way I was trying to put mine back together.  I had even helped her fill out
financial aid forms so she could apply to college, and get some education.  She
was well on the road to being a strong person, with a good future.

One foggy night, just an hour or so before she was to close the store, we were
deep in conversation as usual.  She was telling me about missing one part of her
old life.  She felt if she could just have that one part of her old life back,
and still keep all the accomplishments of her new life, she would be very happy. 
She thought it might be possible, but she needed the help of someone she could
trust to find out for sure.  I asked her if I could help.

She asked me if I kept my promises.  I said, "I do, It's one the few things I'm
reliable about."

 She said, "I knew that, I want you to make me a promise, if you keep that
promise, I'm yours."  She offered me her total submission.  The promise was
simple.  I had to promise to possess her for one night, and then let her go
completely free.  Her aim was to see if she could be a sex slave again, and
still keep her self-esteem.  In order to feel safe with this experiment, she
needed her experimental Master to promise that he would not keep her, that he
would let her be after it was over.

I had to think carefully about this.  I held her in high regard, and the
prospect of a long-term relationship with her would be a sore thing to give up. 
On top of that, I was after all, completely new to this.  Beyond reading some
erotic stories about BDSM, I had no experience at all. 

I sensed she had a powerful expectation, and I did not want to be found wanting. 
As these thoughts rushed through my mind, I looked up, and saw her eyes: Deep,
brown, soulful eyes.  The offer of her servitude was written in those eyes.  For
the first time in my life it felt like my blood had caught on fire.

I answered only, in a voice so imperative it almost startled me, "Close the
store now." 

In a demure voice she answered, "yes Sir." It was a sound that sent a new wave
of fire coursing through me.  That two little words could cause such a profound
effect in me was astounding. 

I watched her go about the mundane tasks of closing up her store with intense
interest.  I recorded every move of her sweet body in my mind, and it reeled
with the possibilities. 

She put on her jacket, and stood before me with her eyes downcast, and asked,
"Shall I walk behind you or beside you Master, what would please you?" 

I think that moment was the first time I entered Domspace, where among other
things, my mind works with incredible speed.  A complex and wicked idea had
formed in my mind in the instant after her asking me that simple question.

I decided to put her submission to the test before we even got home.  "Walk
before me girl, just five steps in front of me, and do exactly as I say.  Do not
look back under any circumstances!" 

Again she answered, "Yes Sir." 

We walked out into the darkened parking lot, into the misty night air.  The fog
was dense but being driven in tatters by a strong breeze.  We had only to walk
across the highway, and through the apartment parking lot to get to my rooms.  I
ordered her to walk slowly.

Just before she stepped out of the store parking lot, I said, "Stop!"  She did.
"Take off your jacket Karen, I want to see you better." 

A shiver coursed through her body that had nothing to do with the weather.  I
realized that the sound of my voice was having a profound effect on her too.  It
thrilled me.

She complied with my order.  "Drop it on the ground behind you, and start
walking... slowly," I said.

I quietly picked up her jacket and followed, as she walked down the drive
towards the side of the highway. 

"Stop!" I again ordered, as she reached the edge of the highway. 

"I wish to see you better Karen."  Again her body shivered with anticipation. 

"Take off your sweater girl!"  She looked up and down the deserted road,
obviously anxious that a car might come around the bend. 

"Now!" I barked.  She complied.  I again ordered her drop her clothing to the
ground, and I quietly picked it up as she crossed the highway.  I could tell by
the cadence of her breath that she was thrilled.

Just as she entered the drive to the apartment complex, I told her to stop
again, "I still don't see you well enough in this misty air girl." 

She answered, her voice still demure, but also excited, "what shall I take off
for you Sir?" 

"Your shoes and jeans" I said, and I heard an audible gasp from her. 

However, standing there in the night air, she quickly complied.  I picked up her
clothes as she again started to walk across the parking lot.  Now anyone there
could have seen her, had they bothered to look out and try to pierce the misty
night air, with nothing on but a nearly sheer bra and panty set.  She stood
before the door to my building now. 

"Your underwear Karen, now they come off." 

Again I heard her gasp, but she answered, "Yes Master." and took them off.

"You are lovely." I told her.  My words alone brought a moan from her lips.

Then I ordered her to open the door and enter the building.  She walked down the
hallway towards the door to my apartment, her steps very much like those of a
frightened kitten, apprehensive yet still graceful.  I dropped her clothes in a
heap by my door. 

"Fold them neatly" I said, "and leave them here by the door.  You will have no
use for them in here. Then kneel before the door, and knock when you are ready." 
Then I entered my rooms and closed the door behind me.  Only a minute passed
before I heard the knock, but I waited.  For the first time I used a technique
of timing that I have used ever since in my scenes.  I knew the anticipation was
building in both of us.  So I waited until I couldn't stand it anymore, and then
slowly counted to ten.

When I finally opened the door, I saw a perfect vision of female submission.  A
nude beautiful woman, on her knees, with her arms behind her back, her eyes
demurely downcast yet sparkling with energy, and her legs spread as if to offer
up her womanly flower for my perusal.  That flower was already glittering with
the evidence of her profound arousal.  Softly she asked, "Master may I please
come into your home now?" 

The sound of her voice lit a fire in me that has not gone out since.  "You may
crawl in" I answered, "and go kneel beside my chair."

To be continued...

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