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Blackmailed into slavery Author: Master carlos
(Added on Jan 29, 2012) (This month 68730 readers) (Total 89398 readers)
Two young guys blackmailing young girls and women to be their sex toys

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Number of Ratings: 1
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Weighed Average (?): (5.5/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (6/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 30, 2012
When I see an 8Kb file with 26 story codes, me, I start getting suspicious.
Because, usually, this means that the author has a lot of sexual shenanigans on the mind, but not a lot of story to tell.
"Blackmailed Into Slavery" proves me right.
A rather pedestrian first few paragraphs introducing randy Andy and his pal Carl.
And then a few paragraphs where some goils are having a dip in a pond. And artsy Carly takes a few pictures while sporting a hard-on cuz the lasses were nekkid and getting touchy-feely with each other.
And then the first part ends because we've ran out of kilobytes...
It's still early days of course, so who knows where things might lead.
Well, everybody knows in fact. It's in the title and we already have the pictures... but not a story. Yet.

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