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A New Slave Emerged Author: Lewis Chappelle
(Added on Jan 3, 2009) (This month 54016 readers) (Total 68745 readers)
A desperate woman rids herself of an unfaithful husband and finds submissive happiness in the bonds of a harsh Master

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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 12, 2009
Excuse me, but there's something not quite right here, folks.
There's way too many liberties being taken at the start. A woman goes swimming, absentmindedly, and swims too far. Does she? That's what we surmise as she's being gripped from behind and lifted out of the sea. Lifted? Wonder how he did that, lifting her out of the deep water. I also wonder how he was able to drag her all the way to the beach without Sarah resisiting. But he doesn't stop at the beach, no, he carries her all the way to his house. Okay, so the house is on the beach, but you must be more than absentminded to let yourself be pulled and dragged for a couple of hundred yards.
And why is this Jim character doing this anyway. He's not a rescuer. He lives there. So it's a coincidence he spotted Sarah. Or he's a guy in need of a medal who combs the beach with his binoculars to catch damsels in distress. While in his spare time, he's a cardiologist. Okay.
To make matters worse, this Jim-dude knows the accidental almost-drownee. Another nice coincidence. To make it even less believable, his Jimness is the one guy who has a grudge against Sarah.
Not only has Lord Jim a grudge, he also has dominant tendencies, and since he's half psychic as well, he knows Sarah has a submissive streak.
But wait, it gets even more weird, because, barely have the two flippers spoken to each other, Jimbo starts shouting 'Slave' at sarah, and believe it or not, but Sarah shudders and grovels at his feet. Somebody please pinch me. Hard.
So, again, excuse me folks, but I can't go along with this.
No, it's not badly written, I agree. And no, I'm not trying to ridicule Lewis Chappelle. I even find what I read from the man very enjoyable. Not this one. Cuz, come on, there's limits to suspending disbelief.
JJ (5/10)

Reviewer: plzletme (Edit) Rating: Jan 18, 2009
I really enjoyed reading this story. (10/10)

Reviewer: Lady Marissa (Edit) Rating: Jan 10, 2009
Great story. Very well written and very erotic. Great detail! (10/10)

Reviewer: milaura (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2009
a very good story from start to finish. (7/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2009
your stories are almost always very hot, well thought out and great to read and review (10/10)

Reviewer: BDMjane (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2009
This is a WOW!!! Can't wait for the next chapter. (9/10)

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