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The Replacement Model Author: Smackmagnet
(Added on Jan 11, 2008) (This month 35137 readers) (Total 46451 readers)
By the way, there was no code for who is dominating who which matched my actual story, or at least the story as it could continue after this. The real code would be, I think, F+M+/f "The Replacement Model" is intended to be an intensely cruel story of an innocent girl's gradual exploitation and humiliation. Lilly is an innocent, somewhat unpopular girl who's been raised by a mother who despises all things liberal, particularly any hint of the pornographic. Lilly is courted by a new friend, Carmine, who shows her a couple of porns sites on the internet. Lillly gets the wrong end of the stick however, and thinks Carmine is telling her that she, Carmine, has modelled for porn sites. Regurgitating her mother's prejudices, she offends Carmine by referring to porn models as "sluts." By extension, Carmine reasons, that means Lilly thinks that she is a slut. Lilly is mortified to realise that she's unintentionally given such offence to someone she hopes will be her friend, and, as she apologises beyond what's actually necessary, Carmine realises that however much she may have lusted after Lilly at first, the attraction is now long past. Lilly, instead, is the kind of girl who Carmine loathes - one who lives her life in apology for everything she thinks she isn't, and will never dare to be.Carmine manipulates Lilly into posing - at no more than topless level at first - for her uncle Cyril, who, Carmine knows, runs a small internet spanking site. Shortly after, a shoot Cyril has set up goes haywire, with one of the actors not turning up and another arriving with a debilitating hangover. Cyril tries to rejig the shoot, but he's away from his studio, it's a Saturday, and he can't locate any models. He finds a replacement director through an agent called Dickie, but can't scare up a model anywhere. On the offchance, he tries Carmine to see if she thinks she can get the girl she brought in the other day to perform for them. Carmine takes up the challenge, and tricks Carmine into believing that the only way she can retain Carmine's friendship is by "being brave" and doing some more posing. She railroads her into doing the shoot and gets her to sign a model release.Once the shoot starts, the crew, consisting of Cyril's nephew Billy, the new director Malcolm, a cameraman calld Clive and Mel, a far more experienced model, realising just how gullible Lilly is, and believing that she's somehow been a terrible bitch to the innocent Carmine, start to take full advantage of the girl. Carmine temporarily leaves Lilly to her fate, since she had prior commitments before the call from her uncle. Mel meanwhile, a model who's sick to death of the low intelligence of her co-performers, is promoted to dom for the day, and with weasel words gets Lilly to believe that all glamour models inevitably have to pose in very revealing ways, and that in spanking shoots nowadays, it's always standard for models to take a prolonged and apparently open-ended caning. Since Lilly is so raw and has barely ever looked at porn before, she has no way of knowing that she's being conned.So Lilly's modelling career begins for real. Mel exploits poor Lilly with lie after lie. She canes her cruelly with a "long, thick cane." But the hired cameraman Clive takes exception at Mel's severity. Billy, Cyril's nephew and ultimately in charge while his uncle is away, sacks him, then calls his young friend Kinks, who like himself enjoys all things spanking (especially when it's good and hard) to come and replace the cameraman. But the only way Kinks can get to the studio is to ask his girlfriend Nicks to give him a ride. While Kinks and co don't arrive in this section, they are on their way.In private, Billy thinks Lilly's stressed reactions "awesome." If they keep on milking her, they can get enough material for Cyril for months of releases, and at very low cost in modelling terms. But in public the crew are starting to treat Lilly badly. Mel convinces her that it's essential for continuity that she hold whatever final pose she ends up in at each change of setup or pause in the spanking. Lilly is thus denied any real break from her ordeal.Mel starts to cane her on bare skin. The crew, Mel, Billy and first time spanking director Malcolm, have never had power like this over a gullible girl before, and admit to each other tha they're having too much fun for words. They agree to continue exploiting the girl beyond the normal length of a shoot like this.Mel, at the end of a severe caning, poses Lilly in a particularly explicit and degrading position, then instructs her not to move under any circumstances until they resume filming. Mel and Billy go off for a short break. Malcolm meanwhile, falone for the first time with Lilly, focuses his camera on her face. The girl is very upset by all that's happening and is crying. Malcolm gets her to look directly into his lens. She does so, believing perhaps that he's sympathising with her. He then turns his camera onto her breasts and begins roaming lasciviously around her body, gloating at her predicament, dekiberately hunting for shots where she looks most degraded.One snowflake falling can set off an avalanche. Lilly, in the blink of an eye, is transformed from an average girl into the thing she fears the most: an object of ridicule, forced to become the type of low-moraled person that her mother detests.The story is set firmly in the real world. It tries its best to maintain a believable psychology throughout, with multiple well-described characters, tight plotting, and a high general standard of writing. It takes its time and builds its premise slowly, We follow Lilly's exploitation and corruption every incremental step. The tale is intended to continue, with the next section already partly written. In this section, Kinks will arrive with his goth girlfriend Nicks, Nicks' friend Cal, and Cal's girlfriend Sammy. Nicks and Cal recognise Lilly as having been two years above them in the school they left a while ago. Kinks is drafted in on camera and encouraged to gloat over Lilly with intrusive close-ups of her face as she suffers. Nicks plots what she's going to do to Lilly after the shoot is over, since, as she knows Lilly's mother and brother, she ought to be able to bribe the girl into doing whatever she wants. Sammy, meanwhile, is quietly horrified by what she sees. She's particularly shocked to find her boyfriend Cal's unpleasant underbelly revealing itself. At first she tries to get Lilly to stand up for her rights and walk off the shoot. When the girl proves too cowed though, Sammy's upset over Cal turns to a sudden despising of Lilly. As the initial shoot ends, Lilly will discover that her true nightmare is just beginning.

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Reviewer: maxsmart (Edit) Rating: Oct 1, 2015
I think that the three stories on bdsmlibrary by smackMagnet are excellent, some of the best writing that I've ever seen in the world of
erotic literature.
As a writer of spanking erotica myself, I can only imagine the time and effort that went into, in particular, Chastening Day. The author provides so many characters and they are actually developed, actually go through changes and have epiphanies - almost unheard of in erotica.
I also disagree with the reviewer of The Chastening Day who admired the craft but didn't think there was much that was "titillating." For me Chastening Day, by and large, achieves what I think is a desirable goal of erotica, to add to the erotic picture that is developing, and to the suspense, IN EACH PARAGRAPH. That is not so easy to do - because you also have to provide background for the characters and plot - but it's the way you provide it and how you let the excitement and suspense build that is key. Humor is also important.
The author does all of that very well.
Now it is true that I would have preferred more focus on Anja's punishment IN DETAIL, but nevertheless it was fun to hear her distant screams wafting over the hills!
I hope that smackMagnet continues this story, as it has at least one very obvious loose end - what happens to Marta when she is caught!
Note to author: I would like to correspond with you, if you're willing. I've tried every variation on your email address given here, without luck. You can reach me at (10/10)

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2008
Interesting. You have an introduction longer than some finished pstories on this site, and 188k of actual story that doesn't appear to be finished. I'm not sure what you revised; there are still some punctuation mistakes (quotes where no one's speaking, commas left lying about), but this is a really professional bit of writing. It's a STORY, not a porn piece. Concommittant with that, there's very little of a tittilating nature in here. It's well written and interesting, but not compelling or 'hot'. Still, I'm a little surprised to see that I'm the first reviewer. This piece deserved better than that. By the way, the formatting is PERFECT — the best I've seen on this site, though I do wish the font size had been larger (12pt minimum and preferably 14pt). (8/10)
Replied by: smackmagnet (Edit) (Feb 8, 2008)
Curtis, thanks for the review. Firstly, I wrote the story over Christmas, but at the time didn't know where I'd place it. When I found this site, I put the story up in a hurry without really checking the site out in depth. So I figured the synopsis was for the benefit of the web master not the readers. When I realised the reality, I sent an update (it did have some spelling corrections, honest) plus a much shorter synopsis, with a request to the web master to update story, synopsis and my email address which I'd wrongly written as It is, in fact,,uk
So far as titillation goes, yes, the story does take its time to build what I hope is a believable setup for the sub character's descent, but, even though the titillating sections are spaced out, they are definitely there, and I believe that by the time I get to them, I've fully earned them.
Sorry about the remaining typos, I'll winkle them out eventually. They're a side effect of the speed at which I write. And to an extent, this piece was an experiment to see how fast I could write a decent length story. The titillation was there as a goal to help draw me onwards.
Does a story like this belong on this site? I like spanking movies, where there's generally little plot and a lot of action, but I also love the movie Secretary, with lots of plot and very little action. They're both entertaining. Maybe this is one of the latter.
- Smackmagnet

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