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Phases of Submission Author: Sir Thomas
(Added on Dec 22, 2007) (This month 88499 readers) (Total 125629 readers)
Ellie Kinstondesires a more adventurous relationship with her boyfriend. Her adventure becomes much more than she bargined for when her boyfriend uses his extensive experience in BDSM to take her through the various stages of sacrifice until he molds her into the slave of his dreams.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 12
9 Votes
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: tellmeyourstory (Edit) Rating: May 8, 2015
This was very well written. There were some elements that were different from that were different from the typical stories. These include mixing the dog and pony roles, as well as the [SPOILER ALERT] sweet "Notebook" ending. So often the future of the characters of these BDSM stories are never addressed. Great job. Please keep writing! (10/10)

Reviewer: Laura.Dane (Edit) Rating: May 15, 2011
Fabulous story, well-written and it hit my submissive fantasies beautifully. I definitely would read more. (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 15, 2009
Must go along with Naug here, as I find the start of this story to be rattling on all sides.
For starters, we have a miss-everyday wallflower who wants to 'spice things up sexually' after, what, a couple of months? Seems 'routine' set in rather quick at the Hacker residence.
Secondly, Ellie is okay sniffing around BDSM sites and becoming her fiancé's slave, but refuses to perform oral sex? Makes me wonder what kind of stories they had at ''. It is rather normal that a couple wants to 'spice things up', but going from a non-oral, supposedly missionary screw-a-night, to wanting to become a slave, seems to me like going from a pinch of salt directly to gulping down a pot of black pepper. Talking about upping the spice, that can count.
And Hackie not wanting to talk further about an eventual marriage, because in her state of slave Ellie doesn't want to perform oral sex, seems a tad odd. Because, the way things were going before Ellie mentioned her willingness to dive into the obscure side of sexplay, a marriage would heve seemed the obvious thing to do. But when Ellie mentions marriage after her mentioning wanting to get spiced-up, all of a sudden Hacker is reluctant.
It also would imply that Hacker would never have asked for a blowjob, shouldn't Ellie have come up with the slavery thing.
I mean, that Hacker dude is one hell of a weird guy...
For instance, Hacker can spot that Ellie is 'obsessed' (after the vast expanse of about two days) with the slave thing, but still lets Ellie drive a Saturn, of which it is known there are more specimen sitting in dumps and ditches than there are actually driving.
Am I nit-picking here? Am I too harsch? Maybe. But that's the way I feel after having read the first chapters of this here story.
On the other hand, I cannot forego the fact that the tale is well-written (although a synonym dictionary might come in handy). Nor the fact that the pace is right.
Nevertheless, I cannot go higher than a nice eight, which still makes the story 'recommendable'.
JJ (8/10)

Reviewer: Velma (Edit) Rating: May 19, 2008
my favorite story - it was wonderful.
i even cried at the end. (10/10)

Reviewer: ozzystoy (Edit) Rating: Dec 29, 2007
Excellent Tale. It was so easy to wrap any of the characters around oneself while reading this adventure. Well Done.
Ozzystoy (10/10)

Reviewer: masterdw (Edit) Rating: Dec 27, 2007
I am going to pick a nit. Second paragraph "2 weeks ago I met my boss etc." We started dating and I eventually moved in with him. In two weeks? I don't know what you meant, what the time frame was supposed to be, when she is writing this, but it is not two weeks. But as I said, I am nitpicking. A tremendous story. The juxtaposition to the training camp was a little rapid, but so is much fiction and so is real life sometimes. a herculean effort that I reward with a 10. (10/10)

Reviewer: Naug (Edit) Rating: Dec 25, 2007
An excellently written story both with respect to its content as well as its technique. Noting only one misspelled word (which is great for a story of this length) as well as what seemed as a very thought through structure made this story a blissful read.
The only reason i am giving this a nine instead of a ten is the somewhat jagged transition between the sweet everyday 9 1/2 weekish first part and the almost Bensonesque, piercing, slavetrainingfactory styled second part. I really wasn't expecting this. Even though i like both styles individually I'm not so sure how i feel about them taken together. If they are to work seamlessly i believe a smoother transition is required. Perhaps the existence of the slave trainig facility should have been hinted earlier in the story?
However, excellent read. I'll keep my eyes out for more from Sir Thomas.
Cheers. (9/10)

Reviewer: polle (Edit) Rating: Dec 25, 2007
a time well spent (10/10)

Reviewer: slave_juice (Edit) Rating: Dec 24, 2007
wow... ive never reviewed a story, but this one is something else... i think that it encourages/ forces each sub or slave to reconsider the real meaning of submission... thank you, Sir Thomas, for sharing...amazing (9/10)

Reviewer: deva (Edit) Rating: Dec 24, 2007
Thanks a lot. Still have to get used to this poney mind and it's enlightening. (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Dec 23, 2007
outstanding (10/10)

Reviewer: skp2bear (Edit) Rating: Dec 23, 2007
extremely emotional. I cried at the end. (10/10)

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