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A Star is Torn Author: Captive1
(Added on Nov 27, 2007) (This month 92223 readers) (Total 134863 readers)
Candice, an aspiring actress, learns the hard way that Guatemala is not the place to break into the movie business, get kidnapped, or go to prison.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 8
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2 Votes 4 Votes 2 Votes
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2 Votes 4 Votes 2 Votes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: CrazedDog (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2008
Looking for more beyond 3 (8/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 3, 2008
good basivc story, not suprised where it's location is, everyting happens in countries like that, be they fantasy or reality (8/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Dec 21, 2007
Kind of slow in the beginning, but it fills out the plot. Continues getting better... hope there is LOTS more! (9/10)
Replied by: Captive1 (Edit) (Dec 23, 2007)
Lots more! Just have to write it. :D

Reviewer: bmtphoenix (Edit) Rating: Dec 7, 2007
Excellent story, well written, I look forward to more! (9/10)
Replied by: Captive1 (Edit) (Dec 16, 2007)
Glad you've enjoyed it. With Chapter 3, things begin taking a much grimmer turn.
Replied by: bmtphoenix (Edit) (Dec 20, 2007)
Yes they have! This story is great!

Reviewer: MissPiss (Edit) Rating: Dec 3, 2007
Not a bad story, it's very well written and interesting. (8/10)

Reviewer: Venom (Edit) Rating: Nov 30, 2007
It begins slowly with some backgrounds, but then, with the airport scene's early part, the story builds up the suspense and starts to get hotter and hotter - and ends in a nice twist! (7/10)
Replied by: Captive1 (Edit) (Nov 30, 2007)
This is a much longer tale ... Chapters 2 and 3 are in final edit.
Replied by: Venom (Edit) (Dec 7, 2007)
That are good news...!
Replied by: Venom (Edit) (Dec 7, 2007)
That are good news...!

Reviewer: hiwiz4u3 (Edit) Rating: Nov 29, 2007
interesting story...well written... (8/10)

Reviewer: susankarl (Edit) Rating: Nov 28, 2007
More, please. Don't those South American gaols have a nice pair of sadistic wardresses who like to give their Commandante a show of how easily they can get a pretty Gringo girl to admit she is a trouble-maker needing extreme punishment? Susan. (7/10)
Replied by: Captive1 (Edit) (Nov 30, 2007)
As you will soon see, this goes much further than that. Candice needs to recover before I can subject her to Chapter 3. :)

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