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The Old Courtroom Author: Master Mick
(Added on Mar 22, 2005) (This month 123983 readers) (Total 218543 readers)
Mick lives in a big old house, which is a former courtroom. One day he finds an old diary written by the former owner of the house. After some boring reading of the initial pages he finds out that the woman had kidnapped a young woman and punished severely while she had her trapped in an old medieval likely dungeon. Mick is very excited reading all this and he decides to try to find the place where all this has happened if it still can be found. He plans to kidnap one or more women and trap them in this dungeon. He also plans to find a cruel and evil Mistress who will help him punishing the "poor" victims in his dungeon.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 42
19 Votes
19 Votes
19 Votes
19 Votes
19 Votes
10 Votes 19 Votes
10 Votes 19 Votes
6 Votes 10 Votes 19 Votes 7 Votes
6 Votes 10 Votes 19 Votes 7 Votes
6 Votes 10 Votes 19 Votes 7 Votes
6 Votes 10 Votes 19 Votes 7 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 14% 24% 45% 17%
Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: Arlina (Edit) Rating: Jul 19, 2014
i really enjoy your story so far i am almost to the last chapter.. i find myself in place of the sub imagining it happening to me.. what you write about is what i dream in some ways happening to me. though i know it can never happen in real life the story makes me wet reading about it. (10/10)

Reviewer: redwrangler (Edit) Rating: Apr 21, 2010
The use of a hidden trapdoor, female humiliation and anal dildo stools was exciting to read. Where I did find great storytelling of anal humiliations, soiled panties, the story lacks detail in ass paddling scenes, which are not treated with the same rich description development as the corporal punishments of the whip.
I spent several hours reading and re-reading your story, which is a complimet to your efforts. (9/10)

Reviewer: jazmine232 (Edit) Rating: Jun 21, 2008
This story great. It is a pity that it has not been continued. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Sep 25, 2008)
Thanks a lot for your review and the ten vote!!!
I know I have let all you loving this story down and I don’t know if I ever will have it completed.
It’s a long story but to make it short I can tell that my life has changed drastically over the past years going though divorce, feeling depressed, being sad etc.
Another issue sometimes making me a bit sad while writing it is that it is so hard to find peoples being ready to help and to be a part of it. I almost begged for proof readers but I never succeeded finding one really ready to do it. I spent a lot of hours writing it and hoped it would be pretty easy finding a ‘beta’ reader or more for doing it.
I truly loved the women who joined me ready to be a part of the project and have fun. I don’t know if they felt it was too time consuming or what happened but they quickly turned cold again.
If you have read Janet’s Ordeal I can tell that this one really was a pleasure to me. ‘Janet’ (was not her real name) was a real woman writing chapters as well and we had a lot of fun doing it. The only thing I regretted with that story was the plot as I never wanted to offend anybody. It did offend some though the huge difference in this story compared to this dark side of our history was that nobody ever is killed in my stories. After Janet’s Ordeal we also wrote Janet’s Extreme Slave Training together. We enjoyed writing it but it never became as success full as Janet’s Ordeal. ‘My’ sweet ‘Janet’ left me after this story as she faced some personal problems she had to solve. It was a sad day when she did as I really loved the time with her. She lives in Australia and me in Denmark so we never saw each other for real.
I’m truly sorry about the break with The Old Courtroom and I have not totally abandoned the project. I just have the feeling I won’t have the spirit back for writing again. But I promise all of you I will consider doing it.
If it is the end I will thank all of you who have been a part of my projects. I loved to read all your reviews and tried to answer all of you. It really has been fun. I have mostly had nice reviews but I also have had some bad. I actually loved to receive them as well because if they were carefully written it actually sometimes helped me improving. The only thing annoying me was readers who had nothing else to tell than mention my bad English. They never offered to help me with the proof-reading, even if I asked them.
I remember one guy doing it. He continuously came back and I wrote in my answer for him that I was sure he was a true masochist and he surely jerked his dick off being more and more excited while reading my bad English; otherwise it made no sense continuing to come back.
Bye for now

Reviewer: skullblade (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2006
i have just found this story and wish that i had found it earlier on. i really have enjoyed everything i have read of it so far. (10/10)

Reviewer: redhot33 (Edit) Rating: May 6, 2006
Very good story. I have enjoyed following this story! It is an excelent read. One thing though some of the grammer can be a bit better. I have found several places where you left out letters and others where they were misspelt. Some people will find this bad and not read any more. I would hate to see this happen has it has ALOT of potental (9/10)

Reviewer: rubensqueredhead (Edit) Rating: May 3, 2006
Ireally love this story. One thing I would change though. I love the fact that is is wrtten from both the DOm and SUb point of view. But instaed of just reaeating the story with a few add in I wouold be easier reading if the sub talked about how she flet and the pain and humiliatation. It got a little boring reading the same thing twice. WOuld love to see some of the picture you talked about. I did join your yahoo group under the same name. (9/10)

Reviewer: deeree01 (Edit) Rating: May 1, 2006
Hi, I've just read all the chapters. This is definitely the best story on bdsmlibrary right now. Really looking forward to more chapters. The use of more mummification and head restraint devices would be really great. It's an excellent story! (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (May 2, 2006)
A ten vote!!!! Thanks a lot. This is simply the best review I have ever received for any of my stories. Nobody has ever valued my story as the best story on the site. I have some ideas concerning the next chapter and I have written some pages for it. I will surely take your request concerning mummification and heavy head restraints into consideration.
I will use this reply for telling a little about my present condition. I’m still suffering some personal problems that I have to work out and that means less time for writing the next chapter, I’m sorry to tell but that is the fact. I hope you all understand.
I can imagine that all of you nice friends and readers of my story are interested to hear if I have had luck concerning my request for real. I haven’t received any mails yet but I’m still hoping the right woman will show up. A woman who wants to feel some of the treatment and humiliation carried out in the story but some of it just in a scaled down version in accordance to her limits. I still think it is possible to find a woman ready to combine these desires with the real life. As I love children I don’t think they need to be a show stopper as long as it was possible financially. The info necessary is at the end of chapter 6 and if more info is needed than just ask for my profile at the site.

Reviewer: slaverose (Edit) Rating: Feb 21, 2006
I have just finished reading all 5 chapters and find them very well written, I could actually feel I was there and wished to be. Master Mick is a very good writer and his story should be made into a movie, I would go see it. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Feb 26, 2006)
Thanks a lot for your review and for voting it 9; it means a lot to me. I don’t know if it ever will be possible to have somebody making a movie of the story but I would certainly love to see it as well…smile. It wouldn’t surprise me if you will learn slaverose better to know in the future. She has contacted me and I’m quite sure she will be kidnapped and stored safely deep underground in the old medieval prison….smile.
It has disappointed me a bit that your review is the only one I have received after uploading chapter five. I have tried to make clear that the reviews mean a lot to me and that they are my ‘fuel’ for continuing. Please think about it and take the few minutes need to review it. It takes me a long time to write it and therefore I don’t think it is too much to ask you readers to spend a few minutes to review it.

Reviewer: Dick the Slaver (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2005
We need more chapters (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 19, 2005)
Thanks for your review. Of course we need more chapters. That’s the main idea with a role-play! The story is meant to be a dynamic story continuously changing in accordance to the role-players ideas and in accordance to ideas written in the reviews. Your review isn’t that much help for future chapters. We would be happy if you would be kind to tell what you think about the story so far. In order to make you happy and excited I can tell that we have already written about 25 pages for chapter five. We will upload as soon as possible but due to Christmastime we can’t promise it to be completed before New Year but we will do what we can.

Reviewer: mariposamalvado (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2005
I have only read the first chapter so far, and it has been a great story. I have really enjoyed it and can’t wait to read more of it. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 19, 2005)
Thanks a lot for voting the story nine!!! It’s really nice to read that you after only a few pages had to tell us your opinion. We will do what we can to cope with your expectations and keep future chapters exciting as well.

Reviewer: reninyellow (Edit) Rating: Nov 30, 2005
I think this story is an awesome one. One of the better ones that I have read on this site so far. Please please do finish it.
This story is told in explicit detail, and that is what I like. The story teller has made it very easy to imagine the humiliation of the victim, and the control of the dominintrix. (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Dec 3, 2005)
The third ten vote!!!! Thanks a lot!! In order to make you happy I can tell that chapter four will be uploaded in a few days as it is finished save for minor details. Furthermore I will upload a corrected chapter three as I have found some ‘real’ victims for the story as well as I has found a Mistress for helping me. Finally I have found proofreaders for making the story more reader friendly. This entire means that I’m sure you will love chapter four and the adjusted chapter three as well. We are all looking forward to read more reviews for the story giving us the feedback, which is important for future chapters as it helps making sure we keep the story on track.
I’m happy you think the story is as detailed as you want it because details is one of my key points. The more detailed it is the easier it is to imagine how it is for our ‘poor’ victims.
Please remember that it is possible to adjust already uploaded reviews if you have more to tell.

Reviewer: sdp flyer (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2005
kept the reader's interest (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 29, 2005)
Thanks a lot, it’s nice to read that the story keeps the interest during the reading of it.

Reviewer: indianslave (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2005
i loved this story..couldnt stop reading it..cant wait to read the rest of your stories..PLEASE keep up the good work.. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 29, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind and positive review and your nine vote!!!! It always makes me happy to receive reviews from submissive women who love the story and your review leaves no doubt that you like the story. I will try to keep it going. What makes me a little sorry is the fact that though more than 10000 peoples has read the story since I updated it I still haven’t received any indications from submissive women, Mistresses or male or female proof-readers ready to help me making it even more exciting and a pleasure to read. I still keep on hoping!!!!! Please think about it s it doesn’t have to mean that much work. Furthermore I can assure all of you that it is exciting and fun to be a part of it.

Reviewer: rex_mundi (Edit) Rating: Oct 26, 2005
Pretty good (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 29, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your short but nice review and your nine vote!!!! It tells me I’m on the right track

Reviewer: rigeek (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2005
Very good story. The device of the diary is very good. I look forward to the main character living out a fantasy life, but please nothing too violent. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 24, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your nine vote!!! I hope I can cope with your expectations. If I succeed finding a co-writer it’s easier to make sure the story remains on track. My stories normally are bit violence but I try to keep them exciting as well. I don’t like blood as this is a turn of to me. I accept a little due to a needle and so on but not more than that. Furthermore I never include any killing in my stories as snuff is a turn off as well. My final turn of is child porn. Save for these limits I accept it all though I of course have my favourites. Hope this cope with your expectations and desires.

Reviewer: bbaker198 (Edit) Rating: Oct 21, 2005
This is a very good story. Keep up the good work. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 21, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your short but nice review. It leaves no doubt that you like the story and that you want me to continue. I hope I will succeed finding the persons interested in helping me with the story, because if I do I don’t think there will be any more troubles continuing the story. Though more than 5000 peoples have read the story since the update I still haven’t received any letters from any women interested in being a part of the story or from any persons interested in doing the proofreading.

Reviewer: fischy7 (Edit) Rating: Oct 19, 2005
I enjoyed the Janet novels a lot already and I am glad you keep up writing, I would really miss your work. Also thinking about the co-writer offer, but I am not sure yet, wil contact you about it. And don´t worry about your english, it´s not bad! (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 19, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review and your nine vote!!! It’s kind of you to tell you would miss my writing if I stopped. I actually have had the thoughts from time to time for instance when my co-writer just left me without even tells me why. I’m excited to receive a letter from you telling your decision concerning being a part of the story. Please remember that it always is meant to be fun and pleasure. Consequently, I just adjust the plan for uploading the next chapter if needed. Sometimes our normal life makes it difficult to get the time needed for it.
Thanks for your kind words concerning my English.

Reviewer: bobanddianne (Edit) Rating: Oct 19, 2005
An absolute jem... many faceted with master and slave scenarios that titilate and excite. A true joy for the kinky ones among us.
Looking forward to more
Bob & dianne
AKA B&D Forever (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Oct 19, 2005)
A ten vote!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot. I’m truly happy that you love the story that much and that you consider it “as a true joy”. Though it sometimes can be quite time consuming writing the stories I can tell that reviews like yours makes it worth continuing.

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Apr 22, 2005
I don't know how I missed this story first time around, but I'm sure glad that I found it this time! Anyway, I think this story has two great things going for it - an original 'plot' (ie the diary aspect), and also very inventive, cruel writing. I'm looking forward to further installments very much. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review. Originally, my plan was to make this story unique involving aspect that hasn’t been included before. I haven’t read any stories yet on this site that has used my diary idea. When reading all the nice reviews I think I am right when claming that you all like the different plot compared to the other stories. I also wanted to make this story appeal to readers who love hard treatment.
I really think it is positive that I have received a lot of nice reviews from submissive female readers who love the treatment and the equipment I have included in this story. I hope some of them will write to me and ask to be included as one of the ‘poor’ victims in the story. I have received letter from a few who sound interested in being a part of the story. It is more fun writing it if you have ‘real’ victims included.
I really think it is great that the average vote for the story is 8.5 with only two chapters uploaded. I hope you know that you are able to change the vote if you change you mind later after reading more chapters. One of the reviewers already has written more to the review after reading chapter two.
I don’t know why you missed my story the first time around either but I’m of course happy you found it after chapter two was uploaded. I will continue with chapter three as quickly as possible. I have it all safely 'stored' in my head. I just need the time for writing it.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (May 7, 2005)
Hi all friends of the Old Courtroom
I'm sorry to tell that the group for the story has been deleted again. I will think about making the group by using another provider as it seems to be difficult using the present provider. I hope to have it ready when uploading chapter three otherwise I will tell you about my plans in the introduction of the story.
I have found a co-writer for the story. She will be introduced in the story soon. Her slave name in the story will be smelly piglet or just piglet as she seems to be a soiled dirty slut who needs both ordinary slave training as well as training in proper hygiene if she ever is supposed to be well trained slave. In the beginning I’m not that sure that she will even be ready to accept that her future position as human being is to be a slave if you even can call her a human being. But that will be her problem not ours… I’m sure that all of you will love her and that you will agree with me when claiming that “real” victims introduced in the story makes it even more exciting.

Reviewer: sensadist (Edit) Rating: Apr 22, 2005
Most excellent. Keep up the good work. More chapters please. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thank you very much for your review and your 9 vote!!! Though your review is short it leaves no doubt that you want me to continue.

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Apr 22, 2005
This was a good start. I hope to see more soon. dont what to find a co-writer as they could take the story in a direction you may not care for.
This story gets better (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 25, 2005)
Thanks for your vote. I’m happy you like my initial chapter of the story. I have already begun writing the next chapter of the story and I’m sure you will love this chapter as well.
I disagree with you concerning co-writer as I have done it before without problems. The advantage using a co-writer for the story is that she will be able to realize if I am about to loose track. When using a co-writer for writing it I still control the development of the story as I always make sure it reflects my basic idea with the story. But though I have some ideas it really can make it more exciting with a co-writer as she sometimes writes a chapter that really surprise you and that is a challenge to cope with. During my time with sweet Janet (Janet’s Ordeal) she sometimes did challenge me and I had to figure out some new ideas to beat her again. I really think this was an excellent combination as long as I was able to control it.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
I really think it is great that you write more to an already uploaded review. I really hope I will be able to continue in ‘the right track’ as this might encourage some of you to adjust the vote for the story as well (hopefully to a higher vote….smile)

Reviewer: kingme (Edit) Rating: Apr 21, 2005
Have enjoyed reading very much, plot is interesting and finding that the discription of the victims perils exciting. I concur with the later reviewers that the 2nd chapter is much better written with the assistance rendered. Keep up the fine work. I am looking forward to the next chapter. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review. Your review is just another review that makes it worth continuing the story. It’s just great!!! I’m happy you have noticed the change concerning language in chapter two. I’m too happy that I have found a proof-reader for the story. I will continue with chapter three as fast as I can.

Reviewer: jaeangel (Edit) Rating: Apr 20, 2005
Plot and story are good! I liked it. For a non-native speaker you're doing an excellent job. Hopefully you can find a proofreader soon. The only problem I can see is that the victim's speech is verbose and slightly stilted; I hope you can find a good female coauthor who will be able to portray the 'victim' believably.
Very good, and I hope to see more soon. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thank you very much for your kind words. I’m happy to read your comments concerning my writing and I’m happy to tell that I have found a proof-reader as you maybe already have noticed. Furthermore I might have found one or two submissive women for helping me making the victim’s speech more realistic. With proof-reader and ‘real’ victims I really think it look promising.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Apr 20, 2005
A good story in chapter one, and chapter 2 is much better now that you're having the editor assist you.
A very 'extreme' story which will scare some away, but attract lots of others who like the stricter punishments and treatment. I really like the idea of the dildo stool; true humiliation. Very much looking forward to additional chapters!
And high compliments on your writing in a non-native language. Impressive! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words especially concerning my writing a story as a non-native English writer. I have no problems that the story scares away readers who love softer bdsm stories. This is meant to be one of the harder ones appealing to readers to love it hard and cruel. When reading the reviews for this story and for Janet’s Ordeal I’m sure we are a lot of peoples who share this desire. I’m happy you like the special chair that ‘poor’ Pat presently has the ‘fortune’ to sit on during her nice rest. I will write the next chapter as fast as I can but sometimes I have to take care of my family and work as well….smile.

Reviewer: Reddbunnz (Edit) Rating: Apr 19, 2005
Good story, but a little slow. The story theme is great, but just a bit hard to follow for the average reader. I am looking forward to the sequal. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 23, 2005)
Thanks for your review and you 8 vote. It might be a bit slow in the beginning but I think it is necessary in order to make the perfect fundament for the story. I’m sorry if it is hard to follow and hope it will be easier in the future after I have found a proof-reader for correcting the chapters before uploading them.

Reviewer: fa20c650 (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2005
Nice start Mick. Looking forward to long ride's on wooden pony and sharpe edge on wooden horse and forced self impaling on pole with dildo and plug. I'm shure there is a dubble dildo saddle in the courtroom. How much can you force a mother then a daughter is pained. But first he has to find the room. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 13, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words. I’m really impressed that it has been possible to receive so many mice reviews for the first chapter. I really think the story has a great potential to be a favourite for a lot of you.
Concerning equipment I really don’t think you will be disappointed and a double dildo is an excellent choice for some ‘kind’ and ‘caring’ treatment of the slut that might be used later. Concerning the mother and daughter idea I really don’t think this will be included. I have not planned to include this aspect but who knows? I just can tell that it isn’t one of my favourites but it isn’t a turn off for me as long as both are adults.
I’m happy to tell that I have found a reader ready to help me with proofreading and he is presently correcting chapter two of the story. Maybe I will ask him to do the same with chapter one as this probably will mean I will get rid of bad reviews due to language. It hasn’t been a great problem with this story yet but I have received some comments about the subject. When I uploaded Janet’s Ordeal on this site I actually considered having it removed again as it was extremely low voted and all low votes had something to do with poor language but it really changed later. Now it is the most voted story on the site and the average vote is 8.5, which can’t be considered as bad for a none native English writer. I might have found one co-writer ready to help me but I still need more. It’s more fun writing the story with ‘real’ victims included that it is writing it with fictive victims. I promise to make sure it doesn’t affect my main idea with the story.
I’m happy to tell that I have made a new group for the story and I think it will be ready when uploading chapter two. Maybe I will still lack some more preparation but I hope the initial preparation will make you all satisfied.

Reviewer: gatorq2000 (Edit) Rating: Apr 10, 2005
This is a great start and I would like to see you finish it without a co-author. I like the idea of reading about someone reading about what someone else's deeds. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 11, 2005)
A nine vote more!!!! Thanks a lot!!! I’m happy that you like the idea of another person reading a diary. I haven’t found any stories on this site using this idea.
I can’t promise to finish the story without co-author but I can promise that I will make sure it will continue to reflect my main idea with the story. I think I understand why you want me to finish it myself and I do agree with you. But first I think it is more fun and exciting for me with a co-author and second a co-author will be able to help me keeping the story on track and make sure it continues to be exciting and enjoyable to read it.
Concerning the group I’m sorry to tell that Yahoo has banned my Yahoo ID meaning I can’t approve you anymore. I have planned to make a new one and I will let you all know when it is ready.

Reviewer: lord_kerry (Edit) Rating: Apr 6, 2005
The content and thought of the story is outstanding, the only real problem is your english (I understand that english is not yor native tounge) with a comptent editer this story would be truly awesome (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 11, 2005)
Thanks for your review. I’m happy you have read my comment concerning language. I’m happy to tell that I think I have found a reader ready to do some proofreading before the upload. He is from Zimbabwe…….just kidding…. He is from UK meaning English is his native language. Then I hope the problem is solved as I have the feeling that some lower votes is due to language. He is presently (hopefully) doing some proofreading of chapter two before I will upload it. I’m sure you will all love chapter two as well, just wait and see.

Reviewer: slavek (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2005
Master mick. Im very in to this story, I just love all dungeon talk as I lay bound in my own steel, my Master has me read BDSM storys all day. I almost felt like her. As it is very hard to type I have to keep it short. Please keep going. And i would love to join your group
Thank you Master Mick
slavek (10/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 6, 2005)
My first ten vote!!!!!! Thanks a lot!!! As I only have uploaded the first chapter of this story I really think it all looks very promising and that the story has a great potential for being a popular story.
I always love to read about women who imagine that they are the ‘poor’ victims in my stories. It actually is a turn on for me and it makes it worth continuing. If you can make an agreement with your Master letting me ‘borrow’ you for the story it really would be perfect. We would of course make the necessary agreements concerning your help and participation in the story. If it is possible then please send me a letter using the email address mentioned in the story. Then I will write you back.
I have completed chapter two for the story. I’m a bit sorry that I haven’t succeeded finding a female co-writer ready to help me doing some proofreading for making it more reader friendly. I have received some nice suggestions from male readers and I might decide to ask one of them to help me in the beginning. I know I still make a lot of faults but I also know that my writing has become better during the practicing of writing stories. Furthermore some readers have told me that the fact that the English isn’t perfect sometimes is a part of reading stories written by me. They know I’m not a narrative English writer and therefore they a kind of accept it as they love the content and as it always remind them that I’m the author during the reading. But I still think you all deserve a story that is written as good as possible in accordance to grammar and so on.
Love, Master Mick

Reviewer: peter de sade (Edit) Rating: Apr 2, 2005
I like the cages and the deep cellar and I think all the equipment in the cellar is suitably terrifying. I like Jennifer dressed as a Mistress in her tight fitting black leather suit .
The main problem is I think the story takes a long time to get going but I can hardly wait for Mick to get his own slaves and sadistic mistress in real time and have some great fun in the cellar.
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 2, 2005)
Thanks for your review Peter. Your review clearly indicates that I have achieved what I want and that is to make the cellar sound like a terrifying place for any victim placed in it. Furthermore I also think that a Mistress dressed in tight fitting leather is just oozing of dominance and pain. You are right that it might take some time writing it. I just hope it is worth waiting for. Right now I need a little help for making some corrections in chapter two before uploading it.

Reviewer: mstrger (Edit) Rating: Apr 1, 2005
Excellent first chapter. Love all the detail. Hope there will be more chapters shortly. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 2, 2005)
Thanks for you review and your nine vote!!! I will do what I can to keep it going. I'm happy you like my details. I still hope to find some women ready to be a part of this story.

Reviewer: Robert39746 (Edit) Rating: Mar 30, 2005
This has the makings of a good story. I like the mind games you play with the victim. You drag things out really well. A very long hard punishment enema session would be very "helpful" for the victim. (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 2, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your review Robert. I’m happy you love the mind play I try to introduce in the story. I really think this is an important aspect in a story. For instance I can mention the fact that the kidnapped woman gradually realise how hopeless her situation is. I don’t think you will be disappointed concerning enema as a slave needs to be throughout cleaned doesn’t she?….smile.

Reviewer: racy (Edit) Rating: Mar 28, 2005
Great first chapter. The details of the restraints make this story easy to visualize. Waiting for more chapters. Thank You. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 2, 2005)
One more nine vote, GREAT!! Sometimes I have been told that it is too detailed but I have continued to make it as detailed as possible. Your review clearly indicates that it’s appreciated. Once again thanks!

Reviewer: kiketor (Edit) Rating: Mar 28, 2005
hope to see more chapters. Very credible. grows in interest as the reading goes on. Keep the good work. Improves since your last writings... (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Apr 2, 2005)
Thanks for your review and your nine votes! I’m happy you like it and I will do my very best to keep on. I’m happy you think it ha improved since last writing though I of course hope you like the other stories I have uploaded as well.

Reviewer: rodperes_7 (Edit) Rating: Mar 25, 2005
I love the way you connect the story between the fictional writer, the Mistress and the slave... Very clever and very well articulated..
Please keep sharing your talent.. Best regards..Rod (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 25, 2005)
Hi Rod and Thanks for your nice review and your nine vote!!! Both your review and our nice chat today leave no doubt that you love my story and that is really lovely to hear. You even wanted to join my group and be a fan of the story. I’ll continue with the writing of the next chapter as I have the feeling that you all hardly can wait for more. I still hope it will be possible to find a female co-writer who will be ready to be a part of the story and help me making sure we keep it on track. Don’t worry that much about the writing as I of course will help you if you are in lack of ideas.
Replied by: SubDanny (Edit) (Mar 25, 2005)
I loved the Story it is well written hope to many more chapters

Reviewer: oldoky (Edit) Rating: Mar 25, 2005
one of the best i've read. cant wait for mick to find the secret cellar and have some fun of his own. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 25, 2005)
Thank you very much for your review and your nine vote!!! This is just music for my ears. I just hope you won’t be disappointed but right now I really think I have some great ideas concerning future chapters. You just have to be a little patience as it will take some time writing it.

Reviewer: master53 (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2005
I found this story to be well thought out and very interesting with lots of possible ways to go. The author has a strong grasp of mystry and female comtrol. Keep up the good work & looking for many more story parts and stories from this author. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words and your high vote master53. What you are writing is exactly my idea with this story. I really wanted it to be open for any new ideas and to keep the reader in a curious condition just begging for more. In my opinion your review clearly indicates that I have succeeded doing it.

Reviewer: shelnique (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2005
The corporeal restraint mixed with the cerebral restrained forced submission was absolutly appropriate for the slut.Enjoyed the story. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thanks for your nice words. I’m happy you think like Jennifer that this slut just deserve to suffer. Just wait and see; her ordeal has not even begun. I’m relatively sure you won’t be disappointed. It’s a quite amazing interest that this story has reflected. It has only been uploaded for two days and it has already been visited by almost 5000 readers, great!!! Now I just hope there will be some female readers who are ready to be the ‘poor’ victims in this story and help me making sure the story continue to be exciting and enjoyable to read.

Reviewer: backwoodsman1952 (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2005
This is a great story and I look forward to reading more. You are building a lot of anticipation and interest with your descriptions and the inner thoughts of the diary writer. Please continue, I am enjoying your writing. (9/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thanks a lot backwoodsman. What you have written is exactly my idea with this story. I want it to be a story oozing of excitement, mystery and surprises and I want it to be a story leaving the reader dying to read more as I hope that I will be able to leave the reader in a condition of curiosity exciting to read what happens next to ‘poor’ Pat and other women who has the ‘fortune’ to find themselves ‘dressed’ in some of these nice devises.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2005
As in the past, you always do great stories ie: Janet's ordeal, as this story progresses, i will be intrested to see if this reaches the same latitude as that one did (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 24, 2005)
Thanks a lot for your kind words mkemse. You have been with me from the very strart and it is always a pleasure to read your comments. Now I just hope I will be able to cope with your great expectations.

Reviewer: masterdriver60 (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2005
I liked the story very much. The next chapters have strong possibilities to make this story a classic! (8/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 23, 2005)
Hi Masterdriver, thanks for your kind words. I really hope I will be able to cope with these expectations. I still think I have a great fundament to make this an exciting and enjoyable story. I have some great ideas concerning new chapters. I still hope I will be able to find one or more female co-writers ready to be a part of the story as a co-writer both make it more exciting writing it and it is easier to make sure it is kept on the right track. It really was fun and excitement writing the two other stories I have written with sweet Janet as my precious co-writer. I guess you have seen the links for these stories in the last pages of the first chapter of the story. If I don’t succeed finding a new co-writer ready to be a part of the story I might still decide to continue it by my own. Then I will try to find someone ready to help me doing some proofreading before uploading it in order to remove grammar faults and so on. But I really hope this initial chapter will encourage some women to be a part of the story and be one of the ‘poor’ victims in the story and an author as well. I really hope I have made clear that it isn’t that difficult and that I will make sure we don’t use more time writing future chapters than we want to spend. I’m sure the readers will be ready to wait for each chapter no matter if they have to wait one or two months or maybe even more if needed.

Reviewer: niper (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2005
Good start to the story. Will be interesting to see how it progresses between the 'diary' and what Mick proposes to do. (7/10)
Replied by: mickni2000 (Edit) (Mar 23, 2005)
Hi Niper, thanks for your review. It's great to receive some feedback for my efforts. I do of course have some ideas concerning how to combine the diary with reality. Think this remains quite clear when reading synopsis for the story. My idea was to make this story a bit different from the other stories by making this combination of something that is history and something from the “real” life involving Mick. Now I just hope I will be able to make it both exciting and realistic.

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