A Day at the Office
Author: Chas
(Added on May 17, 2004)
(This month 68668 readers) (Total 101981 readers) |
Says Jasmine: "In the hustle and bustle of the Chasti-Permalock world, where the Corporation continues its bid to reduce overpopulation, extend lifespans, create a lot of sexual excitement and denial (and other more ominous things, if you believe the rumors), a major promotional deal is going down. I just didn't expect that it was going to change my life so drastically...." |
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Average (?): (7.5/10) |
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Rating: (6/10) |
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Mar 25, 2005 |
While I don't usually read femsub fiction, I really like sci-fi and this had enough sci-fi for me to keep wanting to read more. It was well-written and I recommend it to anyone who likes science fiction. (7/10)
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Aug 8, 2004 |
It seems the author was in a catch-22. This needs to background of the C-P foundation to really understand it, but the background would be a poor read. Hopefully the reader has read other stories in the series to understand. Much as I don't get off on nano-technology, or whatever the "in" term is, it is a nice touch about needing vaginal fluids; such that she needs to do something she doesn't like. The dialogue needs something more erotic to it, it was close to generic bump and grind. The humiliating suit at the end was also a pleasant read. (8/10)
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Jun 24, 2004 |
Good story and excellent writing. Not really what I was looking for though. (7/10)
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May 21, 2004 |
Despite the author's detailed explaination re: Chasti-Permalock and its uses, "A Day at the Office" starts out as though it is just one more nod toward political correctness in the work place. Readers making such a rash conclusion could not be more wrong as the story further shows. Well done and recommendable to all in search of a good read. (8/10)
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May 18, 2004 |
Enjoyed this well written short story. Although if this is the future its pretty depressing. We'll all be the slaves of pompous corporate fatheads like your Mr. Sternwallow or whatever. Not too unlike the present, actually. (8/10)
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May 18, 2004 |
As I am a White submissive lesbian woman, this story really struck home! The more I read of her submission to the Black woman, the more I truly, and deeply envied 'Jazz (Muffy)'! I can hardly wait for ensuing chapters and only wish I could read his initial story 'Castity-permalock'! JaneenMarie O'Brien (10/10)
lex ludite
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May 17, 2004 |
The background for this story was very well done,and the writing skills were above average but the story was kind of hoo hum, including the dismal ending. There is some good stuff here, but not enough to suit this reader. This story illustrates the problems associated with trying to combine science fiction/futurism with the erotic. In this case the former overwhelmed the latter. (6/10)