Author: Dockink
(Added on Oct 7, 2003)
(This month 109638 readers) (Total 145579 readers) |
A woman fulfills her need for complete dominance at the hands of her doctor. |
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Average (?): (7/10) |
Rating: (7/10) |
Rating: (9/10) |
Rating: (5/10) |
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Dec 30, 2003 |
Impersonal action, that is lacking in descriptions – Master did blah blah. Judy did yadda yadda. That is to say there were very few adverbs, adjectives, and other descriptions. The author clearly has different thoughts about caring and marriage than I do. (5/10)
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Dec 21, 2003 |
Maybe it is like a lot of the other stories out there – but it was nothing like that for me! I love the story, it is doable, it is real and possible. It got me hot and I truly enjoyed it in a totally different way than other (fantasy) stories I love to read. There is lots of space for development. He is doctor and he could apply that on the subject. I would love to see more toys, but I would just love to see more chapters. Do get someone to proofread it before posting, lots of simple little mistakes could be avoided! I am writing this part of review after reading additional 3 parts. I have to say I enjoyed first 3 more. This parts are more humiliation based and very cold. I will not change my rating since it is still easy to read and the original chapters deserve high mark. Sorry to see it go downwards with the additions. :( (9/10)
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Nov 16, 2003 |
Good story. The ending seemed a little rushed. The story was well written, easy to follow and understand. (7/10)
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Oct 18, 2003 |
I agree with wabbit -- I was planning on giving an '8' through part 4, but the last two chapters seem like an entirely different story to me (and one that doesn't seem to me to match the story codes). I liked the odd, spare style of story telling. It's informative but emotionless and different enough to keep me satisfied until it became a different story. (7/10)
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Oct 16, 2003 |
Moves a bit fast at the beginning--hard to believe she would go off so quickly with this man. But very very very hot, with the right blend of sex, domination and humiliation. Also I like that it is respectful of the slave. Very well-written and a turn-on. I look forward to the rest. (7/10)
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Oct 14, 2003 |
i have just now come across this story, having missed the original 3 chapters when posted. If this review had taken place at that time, my rating would have been an 8, with my only comment being that the story moved too fast.Judy's character and her submission not being allowed to slowly build. These last 3 chapters with all the added new twist, when there was still so much more to explore about Judy and her slavery was a big disapointment to me (6/10)
lex ludite
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Oct 10, 2003 |
There is absolutely nothing new or different in this tale of master/slave. The two characters are cookie cutouts, the plot is very predictable, the activities totally unoriginal. The writing is quite acceptable, which is a plus. To sum it all up, reading this is like eating a large bowl of tapioca. (5/10)
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Oct 10, 2003 |
Good story, but we expected more after the first part. It moved too quickly without the buildup to what is happening. (8/10)
Alex Bragi
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Oct 10, 2003 |
Adding to the feedback you have already received, all I can really say is, yes it feels 'mechanical' to me too. There's plently of action and dialog, but nothing to really intrigue the reader. Is the good doctor really doing her a favour, or is he just sleazy sexual deviate taking full advantage of the situation? Doesn't she at least have a few reservations about what she's doing? Readers are nosey people, they like to know these things. Ok, now on the really nit picky side, there's quite a bit of punctuation missing. And please don't use brackets, people who know a lot more about it than me say they break the reader's feeling of 'suspended belief'. So don't use 'em. Overall, its a hot theme, but I would have liked more character definition. (7/10)
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Oct 9, 2003 |
Good so far, is there more to come?? (8/10)
e.e. norcod
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Oct 8, 2003 |
Flat and mechanical. After the first section there was little attempt to get inside the head of the submissive. And no attempt was made after the first section to use the medical knowledge and skills of the Dominant to make this story novel and interesting. The second and third downloads could have come from any one of a hundred standard, grind them out, SM stories. The author's technical writing skills are fine. If future sections show some spark and novelty (and maybe medical knowledge or psychological insights) I will be more than happy to change my review. (6/10)
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Oct 8, 2003 |
I love it so far! I hope that you are writing more. (9/10)