Jasmine’s story
Jasmine loved her life. She was 21, in law school, was beautiful, and had everything she thought she needed to succeed in life. She never hesitated to use her beauty to get what she wanted and it was just a tool to her especially when it came to men, young or old. To her, she was the queen of the world and rightfully so. One day, she was in the university library’s study room alone, having just chased away the nerd she had been using recently to complete her homework for her. “Hi Jasmine!” came a voice. Annoyed, Jasmine looked up to see the plump figure of Alice. The two had been high school classmates. Jasmine was vaguely aware that Alice had come to the same university as her, but she did not even know what course she was in and she could not care less. Alice had never been popular at all, she had always been too plump, and not good enough at everything else. Jasmine herself had made her the brunt of her jokes plenty of time. Jasmine was about to give Alice a piece of her mind, and she never felt the small needle pierce her arm..
A fog seemed to clear over her head and Jasmine groggily looked up. “Damn, I must have dozed off.” she thought to herself. Then, she saw Alice grinning smugly in front of her and she remembered what had happened just a few hours ago.
After injecting Jasmine with the brain serum, Alice had sat down in front of her. “Well, well. First of all, don’t speak unless I tell you to do so. I’d like to enjoy the moment. I’ve never been much good at anything compared to you huh, and you always made me aware of that. Well, bitch, the tables have turned. Just recently, my dad hit the big time. Never been particularly rich have I? Fortunately one of his risky investments have paid off, and one of his small pharmaceutical corporations has successfully developed a serum that completely wipes off the human brain’s ability to reject suggestions. And you, bitch, have just been injected with it. Its permanent you know. Now of course, lets begin with the ultimate humiliation for you. Take off all your clothes. You can scream if you like, but that would just attract more people to see you completely naked on the school campus.” Alice gave her a wink. Jasmine was stunned. She tried to do anything but touch her own clothes, but she could not even reach up and touch her nose. All she could do was hurriedly strip off her casual wear, until she was standing in her full naked glory in the school library. “Shoes off too, slut!” Alice was obviously enjoying herself, “Oh, and put your hands above your head and spread your legs wide. That will be your neutral position from now on!”
Alice gleefully walked a few circles commenting on Jasmine’s bare body. “Just for the record, I’m far from a dyke. But wow, you are hot.” She reached over and felt Jasmine all over. “Wow, do you wax yourself regularly? You’ve virtually hairless from your neck down!” “Yes I do! I do take care of how I look unlike you, you fat shit.” Jasmine retorted angrily. “I see the temper’s still there, you have no idea how hilarious you look right now. Totally naked and flashing your shaved pussy at me while you get snarky.” Alice calmly said. “So tell me about your shaving and tanning habits, and in detail too.” “I go to a waxing salon every two weeks. I hate hair anyway except on my head. I play touch rugby quite a bit so that gets me tanned but I try my best to go to the beach at least once a month to try to make the tan more even.” Jasmine could not stop herself from speaking. “Ah well, the tanlines are still there. Pretty unfortunate, because you look so deliciously golden brown with your clothes on. Thankfully, the brain serum’s really strong. So basically, I not only control what you do, but also how you grow and its rate too. Science is amazing huh. You’re already curvy enough so.. Alright now your tan’s going to be perfectly even. Oh and all your hair from neck downwards is going to drop off and it won’t grow anymore. I said you were virtually hairless but not smooth enough to be the slut I want you to be. And hmm, your hair’s too dark for a slut.” Alice gestured towards Jasmine’s raven black hair. “So you’re going to have platinum blonde hair from now on. I hope you realize all these changes are going to be permanent like I said, so it should be pretty amusing. “
When Alice had finished speaking, nothing happened. Jasmine could not even feel anything changing, and a flash of hope hit her that it was because the drug had worn off. “Oh don’t get your hopes up, it IS permanent. Unfortunately, such physical changes take time to happen so I would say in about six hours they should be complete? In the meantime we’ve got some travelling to do. First of all, you’re never coming back to school. You’re going to be my personal maid. You’ll live with me from now on and do everything I tell you to. So we’ve got to get you expelled. What you’re going to do is walk slowly down right how you are, and take a taxi home. Write a note for your parents saying that you’ll be on an overseas internship and won’t be home for a while. Then, take a taxi over to this address.” Giggling, Alice said, “Now, go! And no covering tits or pussy at all. ” Jasmine could not stop herself.
The formerly proud woman walked the familiar path out of the library and she could hear the shushed, stunned voices of people all around her. The haughty young woman who had scolded them for disturbing her countless times was now completely exposed, her shaved crotch blatantly winking at them with every step she took, her arms casually by her sides. Jasmine tried to ignore the stares and rude comments, but she could not stop a bright red blush from spreading all over her body. Thankfully, no one approached her. It was just her luck that she bumped into the Dean of the Law Faculty on the first floor, who chastised her loudly but she could not stop herself from walking away towards the main road. She heard him say the dreaded words, “You’re expelled.” She had, however, bigger problems at hand as cars along the crowded road all honked at her. When a taxi finally stopped, she climbed in, her thighs parting to expose her inner pink flesh to the world. “A dare?” the young driver inquired. Jasmine forced a smile and told him her address. Halfway through the journey, a thought hit her. She had left all her belongings in the library with Alice, along with her wallet. She had no money to pay the driver.
As they drove along, Jasmine was still unable to cover herself. She sat there looking at the rearview mirror, where she could see her legs spread at least 20 inches. She finally understood the implications of Alice’s command “no covering tits and pussy at all” and realized that she could not even restrict a single inch of her most private region from casual view. The driver carried a wide grin throughout the journey, smiling at her, embarrassingly visibly wet pussy, and also at other drivers when they honked. When they reached her destination, the driver turned around expectantly.
“Thank you so much.. Can you wait a while? I just have to collect something from home then I’m off. So I can pay you too.” He frowned, but luckily, nodded his head in the direction of the house. The busty naked beauty got out and she felt yet another wave of humiliation as she walked slowly along her suburban driveway. She could not help feeling afraid that the driver would follow her in. After all, she was naked and totally available for the taking. He did not, however, and was nice enough to wait for her to come back, although he attentively watched her titts and butt jiggle as she hurried back into the shelter of the taxi. She was secretly thanking her lucky stars that it was a weekday and no one from her neighbourhood saw her naked form. Jasmine slipped the driver the money, and told him Alice’s address. Being naked in public for the first time in her life had made her realize how safe she felt within the confines of the taxi, where at least the honking cars outside felt further away.
When they reached Alice’s house, Jasmine was about to get out when she suddenly felt her arm reaching across and grabbing the driver’s arm. As though watching a movie, she guided his fingers toward her mildly lubricated pussy. Just then, he pulled away, muttering “I’m about to get married.” Jasmine hurriedly got out, and looking back briefly she saw an embarrassing moist patch where she had sat. She was about to press Alice’s doorbell when she realized she couldn’t. All she could do was stand in her neutral position outside the door, turning her body slowly to face the road. Jasmine was completely exposed and flashing the neighbourhood, and she was panicking. “Oh my god, what’s going to happen.” she thought to herself. She was in that position for nearly ten minutes when she heard a loud laugh nearby. Alice rounded the corner around her house and was pointing at Jasmine and laughing. She opened the door and said, “Get your slutty exhibitionist ass in.”
Alice sat down on one of the comfortable looking sofas, and told Jasmine to stand within touching distance in her neutral position. Eyeing her naked form and obedience, Alice could not help but start giggling again.
“Found yourself doing anything extra in the past few minutes?”
“Oh my god, yes. I almost used the taxi driver’s hand to rub my pussy. And I couldn’t ring the doorbell. What did you do, you bitch?”
SLAP. Jasmine saw Alice’s hand but she could do nothing to stop the slap coming across her face. “Alright, time to correct that foul mouth of yours. Although I’ve already got a really good idea from that. Anyway, you will address me as ‘Mistress’ from now on, in the manner of a scared maid. You’re forbidden from covering up your armpits, tits and pussy at all times. Of course, this means no clothes at all for you forever. So, whenever you’re doing nothing, you are to be in this neutral position. I put those commands in your head and told you to forget that you heard them, that was why you tried to seduce the taxi driver and also why you were exhibiting your lovely body to all my neighbours. Unfortunately no one saw you, but of course that will be arranged soon. Are we clear?”
Jasmine felt horrified at what she had just heard, but had little time to process it before she felt herself answering, “Yes, mistress.” meekly, her head inclined slightly forward as though in a respectful bow. She could feel her impotent rage welling up inside, but could do nothing as she acted like a slave for Alice.
“Did you fuck the driver?”
Stunned, Jasmine replied, “No, mistress.”
“He didn’t request for payment?”
“I paid him in cash.”
SLAP. “Worthless sluts like you do not deserve to use money. In the future, you will only pay for things using your body.”
“My body….Mistress?”
“Yup slut! Your fuckholes will all be used as payment for whatever I ask you to buy. Are we clear?”
“Yes, mistress.. Please, can I ask, this means I will be fucking strangers?”
Alice reached across and absentmindedly slid her finger across Jasmine’s slit. “Oh, by the way, your pussy is really wet for someone who seemed so upset. How does it feel to have me just touch your slutty slit like this?”
“I hate it, mistress. It makes me feel like a complete whore. My pussy is reserved for only the most beneficial of guys for me to completely enchant them. Now you’re just casually touching me in my most precious and private area..”
“You can speak normally for now, just continue to call me mistress. I think I like that. To answer your question, yes you will be fucking strangers. I think that will be the least of your embarrassments though. You will be fucking friends and enemies too, I’ll make sure of that. So, of course this means that your precious pussy and in fact your whole body, will be offered to whoever I want, whenever I want.”
“Oh my god please mistress, don’t make me do that. I’ll be so embarrassed!”
“Of course you will be. I will ensure that everyone knows that you’re totally fuckable and my slave. But one thing at a time.”
“Mistress, I’ve only ever fucked three guys and that was when they proved that they were really useful to me.”
“Well, now, slut, your three fuckholes will be used as and when I say so.”
“Three fuckholes, mistress? I’ve only let my exboyfriends use my mouth and pussy.”
SLAP. “Its good that you think of yourself as being used. I can tell you you will definitely be used in ways you could never fanthom. I don’t give a damn about how you don’t like it up your shithole. If someone fucks you up the ass and you have to clean his cock, you do so. Enough talk now. Let’s see how the changes are taking place.”
Wordlessly, Jasmine stood there in her neutral position while Alice walked a few rounds around her. She was still trying to process what she had just heard. All her life, she knew that men would die just to get to first base with her. Now, her precious ultimate reward would be offered to others at the whim of that fucker, Alice? Of course, she could do nothing but stand there. At least until Alice told her to lie down on the floor and spread her legs in a wide V while lifting them up. Alice clumsily groped around her pussy, and near her asshole as well. Jasmine embarrassing realized that her body was being checked for pubic stubble. She felt just like a toy.
“Hmm, its slower than I expected. Maybe I should let your body get some rest. Ok slut, tut tut.” Alice gestured at Jasmine like she was a dog, and Jasmine obediently followed. Jasmine could not imagine how her life had been completely transformed in the past few hours. She had been expelled and was now just a slave to a girl that had meant totally nothing to the world in high school! They were now back in the living room. “Lie down on the floor, slut. That’s right, right in front of the door. Hands vertically above your head and legs spread like a split. Should be no problem from your dancing in high school. Good, that’s it. Now, from now on, if you are sleeping alone, you will sleep exactly in this position. Your pussy’s so wet anyway, in this position you’ll get plenty of air to dry it out. Ok now sleep, slut!”
After all the memories came flooding back, Jasmine groggily looking around. Alice did not give her time to acclimatize though, and, tossing her a hair rubberband, told her to tie her hair up in a messy bun. Reaching around for her blonde locks.. “OH MY GOD.” it hit Jasmine all of a sudden. The transformation had really happened. Her originally dark hair was now platinum blonde. “Neutral position, bitch.” came Alice’s voice. Alice rubbed Jasmine’s arms, armpits, legs, pussy, asshole, and seemed satisfied. “Told ya! Completely hairless and platinum blonde. My god, you do look like a guy’s wet dream if I did know what one was. Go on, feel your pussy!” Jasmine could not stop herself from touching her own nether regions. Despite her embarrassment at being observed by Alice, she could not help marveling a little at her smoothness. It was as though she had just been waxed an hour ago. “And its permanent too, so whoever fucks you will get to enjoy a completely hairless experience!” Alice’s humour at her embarrassment jolted Jasmine back to reality.
“Please, please, I’ll be your slave. Just don’t let anyone know that I’ve become like that!” Jasmine said.
“Well, you certainly didn’t hold back even when I begged you to stop making fat jokes about me in high school. The thing is now, slut, you are my slave. And I want people to know about it. So I shall.” Alice said with a grin. “Go on, fix me some dinner, I’m starving.”
Like a maid, Jasmine marched towards the kitchen to prepare some food for Alice. She never had much need to cook, but was pretty good at it anyway. Smelling the pleasant fumes of food, her stomach growled as Alice tucked in. Alice could not hide her smile at Jasmine’s predicament, eyeing the naked woman standing in her neutral position. “Alright, you can have some bananas.” she tossed two at Jasmine and Jasmine gratefully ate them, trying to ignore Alice’s amused stares. After ‘dinner’, Alice gave Jasmine instructions for the next day. Just like a good pet would, Jasmine listened to the orders obediently. Then, Alice had an idea. “I told you I’m far from a dyke, but..” she pulled off her jeans and panties, exposing a very hairy pussy. “Kiss my pussy and take a picture using my phone! We’ll need it soon.” Utterly disgusted, Jasmine forced her face into the huge bush and carried out the orders. “Doesn’t that bitch know what proper hygiene is?” she thought to herself. “Alright! Go take a cold shower, 5 minutes will do. Then, spread yourself out nicely and sleep as I told you to!” Alice said.
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