“Good morning” said Betty as she raised me from the tank then left the room. After the day I had been in the tank my body was covered with the juice and felt full of it, but slowly the excess drained down and back into the tank. I felt much better the pain in my body had reduced to a dull ache and my head felt clear. After about ten minutes Jack and Betty came back with a cup of tee and some buttered toast.
Jack pressed buttons on the machine into which the tubes that ran out of my mouth pipe were attached. A wave of giddiness swept over me but soon thing settled down. Betty explained that the machine was supplying oxygenated blood to my brain, it would keep me alive, feed me and clean my blood etc.
Jack then pushed a needle into my groin to let the blood flow out of my body down a tube into the tank under me. This would add a bit of body to the mixture I though. No pun intended. Another needle was pushed into my neck, a pipe was connected and they started to pump the juice from the tank into my blood stream. I could feel it move around my arteries as it was colder than normal blood temperature. Of course this fluid did not carry oxygen to my mussels etc and nerves started to scream in pain. As my heart was starved of oxygen it started to spasm and waves of extreme pain sized my chest. I realised that this must be what it is like to have a heart attack. Then it stopped. In the ceiling mirror I could see the look of fascination in both their faces as the heart beat monitor flat lined.
The metal trolley was placed back under me. Then I was lowered down so that I lay on my back and they remover the harness. A padded rubber mat had been placed under me to make life more comfortable and straps were place around me to stop me moving.
Jack removed the pipes from between my legs and inserted a steel set of surgical instruments used to stretch a women open for an internal examination. An injection into the mussels around my virgina made them relax and he pulled me open. The opening was huge wide enough to get two hands into me.
Sitting on a low stool with his head between the remains of my legs he was able to insert his hand into my Pusey and with a scalpel cut out my womb. Placing this in a tray he continued to remove the organs from my body via this opening. Blood and the juice cover his arms as his hands entered me time and again. The excess flowed onto the metal table and drained through the hole and dripped into the tank bellow. Betty was kept busy changing the trays and taking the organs over to the worktop.
As he worked I could feel his hands moving around inside my chest, a weird feeling. The main problem was his arms would rub my clitoris and despite trying to control my self I was becoming aroused. To my embarrassment Betty noticed this and told Jack. He stopped working and set about masturbating me. Betty stroked my breasts and within a few minutes despite the last three days I exploded in multiple orgasms. Like waves the pleasure rolled through my body and I started to cry.
What sort of a deviant was I if a man butchering my body with a knife could arouse me? But did I not deserve some small pleasure as in a few days time I would never have an orgasm again or any thing else for that matter.
When Jack had cleared my body of organs he stood up and examined the trays up and down the work surface. “A very good job Jack” said Betty “you never cease to amaze me with your skill you should have been a surgeon”. “Doing it full time would be a bit boring; this is much more fun" said Jack.
Jack returned to his stool with two pipes one long the other shorter but much thicker. The longer was about 4 foot long and 2 inches in diameter but hollow through its centre. It had two small linked chains attached to it. About two foot from one end was a hole with a small bore pipe sticking out. The thicker one looked a bit like a ‘silencer’ box on a car. It was about a foot long and 4 inches in diameter with a two-inch hole running down the centre. At one end it had a small short thread pipe sticking out of it Jacked placed the thicker pipe into me and let it rest against my spine.
Betty was pouring olive oil over the end of the longer pole and handed it to Jack. I felt him place the end against my arsehole and push. As he applied more pressure the oil helped it slip inside me. With this hand inside my body he guided the long pole into the centre of the ‘silencer’ box. It passed all the way through and out the other end. With a bit of fiddling he managed to push the end of the pipe into my throat tube till the ends were level. “All this bending is getting to my back,” said Jack to Betty lets stop for lunch and crack on this afternoon. I was left to just lie on the table.
On their return he insured that the tube running right though me was lined up with the end of the pipe that had been in my mouth for several days. The inserted two small grub screws to stop the pipes moving. Returning to the large pipe inside me, he connected the small tube that came out of the long pipe into the threaded pipe on the ‘silencer’. The chains he attached to the inside of my hipbones. Betty handed him a two-foot metal skewer, which he pushed into my armpits then between my ribs, through the pipe, through the ribs on the other side and out the other armpit. Washers were pushed over the ends to ensure that the rod could not come out. This will ensure that you don’t slip on the spit said Betty. We don’t want any part to be burnt because we couldn’t turn you and it look so unprofessional if you don’t turn smoothly. Thank a bunch I though, your all ways so helpful.
You may find the next part a bit uncomfortable said Betty. What in relation to just having your guts ripped out could be more uncomfortable I though. Jack and Betty lifted me from the table using the ends of the poles and I had my first sense of being on a spit. Betty at my head put her end of the spit into a tube mounted in the centre of a platform with wheels on it. With a heave Jack lifted up his end and the spit slipped firmly into the pipe. I was now looking at the platform about 4 inches from my face with my arse pointing to the ceiling. Not a very elegant position I though.
Jack lifted the large bowel containing the stuffing down from the worktop, were I had placed it two days ago, putting it on a small table next to me. This allowed Betty to scoop up the mixture and push it into my pussy and it dropped down inside with a plop. Half an hour later and all the mixture was inside. She had poured jugs of the marinating juice in as well. I could fell it swelling up as the dry stuffing adsorbed the liquid. Jack then removed the clamps keeping my pussy open and sewed up the inner lips of my virgina. This way he explained no external marks would show and the guests would have a nice surprise when my belly was cut open and the cooked filling came out.
They turned me over and connected the cable to the end of the pole and hosted me over the tank. Betty then got her big syringe out and sucking up the juice injects my bum and tits again, this time she also inserted it into my body adding more liquid to the stuffing, this caused it to expand even more. I was lowered back into the tank and they toped up the juice till it came to my neck. Now she’s back in the tank lets have a night off and go to the Bar in town for a drink said Jack! OK said Betty. Ten minutes later I was in the dark being marinated for the second day running. It must have been very late when the returned and Betty came into do my Tits, Bum and Belly with the juice. They were both very drunk.
It was not a pleasant thing to listen to two over 60s making love to each other when both are drunk. The result was that we all woke up later than normal, me about 5 and them about 10 o’clock. Those 5 hours felt like 2 weeks as my head was out the juice in the tank I could look into the ceiling mirror and see my organs lying in the trays. It made me feel sick, not that I had any stomach to be sick from as it was lying on the worktop.
On Betty’s arrival I could see she was the worst for wear from the drink. I felt angry; she had put me in peril I though. What if an accident had happened they would not have been around to help me? Then I realised the stupidness of this after what had happened over the last few days.
I watched as Betty explained that she was going to use some of my organs to make a Haggis with my womb. The tubes and ovaries were removed from the outside. My Heart, Lungs and Liver were chopped up and mixed with suet, oatmeal and onions and stuffed into the bag formed by the womb lining. She sewed it up and placed it in a saucepan and put it on to boil.
She carefully took the rest of my organs. Put them through the mincer, then with some vegetables, potatoes etc were mixed with the leg/arm meat she had prepared before. The whole mix was put into a machine and using my intestines as the skin she produced sausages for the BBQ.
Well that used all the odd bits she said as she cleaned the kitchen. Washing the trays and other items before putting them away. Turning down the Haggis to simmer she lifted me from the tank and once again did my Tit, Bum and Belly. After she returned me to the tank and turning off the Haggis I was left alone for the rest of the day. She came in around 9 and again the old TBB routine was performed. The lights were turned out and she heeded for and early night. It had been a lonely day as they had turned off the mike to my ears. Night and then dawn came very slowly.
When they both came in I was glad to see them as I was so board just looking at the ceiling. Jack said, “I am going to have a trial run to day to check that every thing is working OK”. This filled me with expectation, as I was not quite sure how you roasted someone alive.
Betty operated the hoist and lifted me from the tank. I hoped she would not do the TBB routine, as my body was bloated with the stuffing that had swelled up inside me. It looked like I was pregnant. To my relief she just left me to drain down. Jack had gone into the garage and came back with a long metal frame on wheels. It had two upright posts at each end with u brackets at the top.
I was lowered on to the metal trolley and lay on my back. I was glad about this as the injections of the juice into my tits had swollen them to almost double their normal size and I had been a 38D before so as you can imagine big was an understatement. Jack came back from the garage with a 10 foot steel pole and slid it into the pipe running through my body. The pipes from my mouth was laid into a grove and covered with a metal sleeve. The same was done with the tube at the other end.
As Jack and Betty took hold of the ends of the spit I felt excited at the image of being suspended from the spit pole. With a quick lift I was in place and the weight of my tits made be turn belly down. A most odd sensation. Jack got Betty to lift the pole at my head end and pushed a large metal box down the spit pole. The same happened at the other end with a smaller box.
The small box was clamped to the spit pole and the upright post. The tube from what I called the ‘Silencer’ was just looped around the spit pole, which did seem odd. I was only a foot away as Jack connected the box in front of my head to the spit pole and to the upright. I could see that it had motor in it, which would turn the spit, and me. It also had other parts, which I could not understand but could see Jack attaché the pipe and box that cleaned and oxygenated my blood and feed me. Your heart, lungs and stomach all in this one small box explained Jack.
Jack said “You press the button Betty” With a huge smile she reached out with her finger and pressed the button on the top of the box. Nothing happened. A look of horror passed across Betty face as she though she had broken it. Stupid sod said Jack I forgot to plug it in. You did that deliberately said Betty and they both laugh. With it now plugged in at both ends she again pressed the button and the two motors turned the spit pole and I begin to revolve on the spit. Round and round I went. If you feel dizzy close your eyes and don’t forget you can’t be sick no matter how you may feel. All heart I though not like me.
He stopped the motors with me facing the ceiling. Betty had put a large bowel next to me and with a brush painted this substance on to my body. Ever so often the motor would turn me a bit more to make it easer to paint me.
Betty said this is a special glaze made mostly from Honey and some other ingredients; that make it go hard and shrink a bit. The reason is to seal your skin and keep in the juice so it does not get boiled off when you’re over the fire. The special ingredients also stop the honey going soft when you get hot. The hard case also helps to stop your skin blistering etc that way you will go a nice golden brown. Betty was careful around my eyes not to get any on the contact lenses or my eyelids so I could see and blink our code to them. It would also let the guests know that I was alive
Jack inserted a small tube into my nose and down into my mouth. Betty connected a syringe to the tube and squeezed in neat Honey till my mouth and nasal passages were full. Two small bungs were pushed up each nostril and the Honey was trapped. I could taste it on my tongue the first food for days to enter my mouth.
Jack put the spit on very slow speed and off I went, all the time they kept painting on the glaze till a quite thick later was built up. Several heat lamps were placed next to me and they helped to harden the glaze. They did another stint in the afternoon. The pressure of the shrinking glaze stopped my tits and belly moving as I turned on the spit.
When the glaze was finished Jack stopped the machine, again I was facing the ceiling to enable me to see what was happening. He connected the tube from the ‘Silencer’ to a box on the floor, which he plugged into a power socket. He poured water into the top of the box and switched it on and a pump started to work. He continued to pour water into it as the level went down. The pump pushed water up into the cylinder I called the ‘Silencer’ and I figured out it must be some sort of water jacket instead. When the level stopped going down he screwed a cap on to the filler and pressed another button. I could see nothing happen.
About ten minute later I could feel the jacket was getting warmer. “Have you guessed yet?” said Betty. I could not talk so I blinked twice for no. We need to cook the stuffing and we though the best way was once it was safely inside you so the flavour will seep into your flesh. So Jack came up with the water jacket, the water in the box is heated up and pumped into you. The heat will slowly cook the stuffing and the inside of your body. Special lamps will cook your bottom and the remains of your thighs.
Evidently it’s a fact that most meat at BBQ is not cooked properly so the intention is to pre cook you, and then heat you up over the fire on the day. This should insure no funny tummies for our guest’s. Well funny tummies would not be problem for me I knew. As the day due to a close the coking had started and I could feel the heat building up inside me.
It was another long night and dawn, but I did get some sleep. The warmth from the water jacket was not to hot and in fact gave me a pleasant feeling. The idea was to cook the stuffing slowly over the course of a night and day. By not getting me to hot they did not get a problem with the steam from the juice making me pop. I could not figure out why my nerves were still working when by body had no blood flow and the cells must be dead by now. It had to be me who was the lucky one.
Betty and Jack popped in from time to time and checked me over as I slowly cooked. About lunchtime Jack called to Betty that he could smell me coking now and it was a very nice smell. With my nose blocked I could not smell anything. Betty had turned on the mike and placed it by a radio so I could listen to it. Night came and went.
Jack and Betty could hardly contain themselves the next morning. Is she done said Betty? Hold on said Jack I am checking. The heater and the lamps were switched off. “Yes I think she is well done,” said Jack. They left me to cool down as they had breakfast. I had figured that they must have been keeping the blood flowing to my head at the correct temperature by cooling it, to counter the effect of the slow cooking. During the course of the day Jack and Betty fussed about. Betty strained the juice they had used to marinate me into four large glass bowls. In one she put Vodka, in another Gin, one had Brandy the other she left as plain juice.
Jack drained the cooking jacket and removed the pipe and heater. Betty said to me “I get so excited the day before the BBQ it gives me a sleepless night. I don’t know if you’re excited but we could have a girly chat tonight if you like?” I blinked once. We talk for a large part of the night, Betty asking me questions and I blinking the answers. Some how it made sense to me.
Jack had set up the table and chairs and most of the other party furniture the day before. This only left them to light the BBQ fire and to put out the food during the day, which I suppose included me. The day had certain crispness to the air as Betty and Jack opened the big double doors to the Kitchen and to my surprise Jack and Betty pushed the trolley with me out into the patio area.
The sky was without a cloud, that rich blue colour. I could hear birds singing and I realised that after today I would never hear or see these sights or sounds again. It made them more pleasurable than ever and I tried to savour them to the full. It occurred that this must be the feeling that someone condemned to hang must feel as they walked to the gallows.
They pushed me till I was near to the BBQ pit and parked the trolley in some tracks that lead to and over the pit. The Pit was about 2 foot deep and about 10 foot square with these metal tracks to guide the spit trolley into place. You could see that the spit could be move over or back from the heat of the pit as required to allow basting or to remove cooked food without the chef being burnt. On the far side of the pit some 20 feet away was a very large pile of logs. The pit was on a raised peace of ground about 4 feet higher that the patio and swimming pool which allowed me to see all the area very well.
About 1030 the first couple arrived and they chatted for a few minutes with Betty and Jack. Betty offered to show them their room. Couples keep arriving and Jack and Betty were kept busy showing every one the sleeping arrangements. Slowly the couples came out on to the patio area and selected seats or sun beds and helped them self to drinks and nibbles. As they mixed with each other I could see that some of them looked on this as a swapping party as well as the unique BBQ food on offer. Several made their way over to me. They discussed me as though I was not present, commenting that it looked like Jack and Betty had pulled off another special prize for the BBQ. Suddenly one of the Girls jumped back and said “Brian she blinked”. No you’re wrong no one could be alive spited like that. Well you just look she said. As he bent down in front of my face I closed one eye and then the other. The look on his face was a picture. Your right he said she is alive. Within a short space of time people surrounded me. At this point Betty and Jack arrived and confirmed to the crowd that I was alive. Ask her a Yes No question suggested Jack, one blink for yes and two for no. I went through the party piece. After a while they drifted away and got back to the business of partying.
The amount of drink some had was staggering and several decided to push girls into the pool. Most of the time the men held on to the bikinis and not the women so it was not long before the pool was full of naked females. At this point they just dropped their short and jumped in as well. It did not take long for an orgy to develop and I saw Jack fucking a woman who was not Betty. Betty was standing by the pool with 3 other women encouraging the men to see who could keep going the longest and Betty did not appear the least concerned at what Jack was up to.
After the winner was announced most left the pool still naked. The women settling on the sun beds and chatting. Most of the men came over to the BBQ pit and started to load wood into the bottom. What’s the time, one asked and someone said quarter to one. What time do you want to start cooking Jack he asked? About 5 for an hour should do the trick said Jack then we can eat at 6. I reckon it will need about 2 hours to get a good bed in the pit so we light at 3? OK every one? There was a general murmur of agreement and people started to talk and drift over to the Patio area and the pool table.
I could not help feeling how bazaar the situation was. On the one hand you had a poolside BBQ and except for most people being naked, which was not that unusual at parties I suppose, and on the other hand a naked, spited woman, with no arms or legs. The party people did not appear bothered one little bit.
I watched as they light the fire in the bottom of the pit. Men take these things very seriously. I suppose if you can’t light a fire with one match some how you’re not a real man. For the next two hours they tended the fire like it was a woman that they had to make love to. A caress here a poke their. If it had not been for the fact that I was soon to be cooked over it, I would have found it funny.
I was not sure if I wanted 5 o’clock to come or not. On one side the waiting would be over. But I was sure that some how, painful as it would be, being cooked alive would be fun.
I realised that it must be 5 o’clock as three men and Jack were moving the trolley containing me down the track to the fire. As I got near the pit Jack pressed several buttons on the box at my head end and the spit started to turn slowly. As I moved out over the pit I could see the glowing embers in the bottom. It was like looking into hell, which in my case it was. With long poles that had ladles on the end they poured oil over me to baste me and stop burning. Some time the oil would drip into the hot ash and small flames would rear up towards me.
Round and round went the world. I did not know how things were going, as I had no sense of smell so I could not sniff the aroma of my body being roasted, nor could I feel the heat on my body. My face did feel hot and the shield Jack had place around my neck kept some of the heat at bay. I realised that Jack must have had a cooler in the machine that pumped and took care of my blood for my brain was not over heating.
During this period people kept asking me questions and as I blinked the required Yes or No they were amazed that I was still alive. The hour came to an end and they pushed the trolley back from the pit. Some how I was on a high, being the centre of attraction. The spit was lifted off and one end inserted into a hole in the middle of a table with a metal serving tray on it. With a quick flip I was in the vertical position with the stumps of my legs pushed out in front of me, my arse was on the tray. All the couples had gathered around for the carve up.
A knife was pushed into pussy and pulled up to my Brest bone. The contents of my body cavity poured hot and steaming on to the metal tray, they cheered. Betty was pilling it on to plates as Jack set about carving of both my breasts into slices. My tights and bum cheeks followed this. It was not long before most of the meat on my ribs and back had been removed and my rib cage showed. People keep coming back for more helpings.
I was able to get a glance of my self and was shocked to see that mostly only the bones were left from my body and hips. Jack had a hand held electric saw and was cutting off my ribs for people to suck on. One person wanted a thighbone to get the marrowbone jell from and another wanted to suck the arm bones.
After about an hour all that was left was my neck and head that was still in one peace. Several of the group had congratulated Jack and Betty about the quality of the food to which Betty said that credit was due to me for the stuffing. A number thanked me and I blinked a yes.
People drifted off and had sex on the grass, some swam in the pool and others just drank and talked. I realised that I was board and no longer the centre of the party and would have cried if that had been possible. I wished that I could have joined in the party but with just a few bones left of my body that would have been a hard thing to do. Time dragged.
About 10 o’clock Jacked announced that it was the Brain Game. The group gathered around with a murmur of excitement. Jack held up a bag and asked one of the girls to draw out the first entrant. She called out that Caroline was the winner.
As they gathered around Jack took a red-hot knife from the burner on the table and cut around the top of my scull, the pain was blinding and unexpected, as I had not felt a thing when they had carved up my body. He removed the scalp from the top of my head and exposed the skull. Using an Electric disc cutter he cut into the bone and was able to remove the bone down to what would have been my hairline in one bit. My brain was now exposed to one and all and I realised that my time was short.
Caroline picked up a small spoon, which had the edges especially sharpened and approached my head. With some help from her Husband she pushed the spoon in and removed a part of my left lobe. Some how I could feel my legs jumping, but I knew that this was just a nervous reaction. She drew the next name and he came forward.
Again the spoon was used to remove a part on my brain. People stared into my eyes and asked me if I was alive, I blinked yes. The game was to remove a tee spoon of brain and eat it, but the one who killed me would have to pay a forfeit.
My head was on fire and I could feel different parts of my body give nervous reaction to the destruction of the control centre. It was becoming difficult to concentrate when my left eye stopped working. When I blinked yes the eyeball did not respond and the girl who had just had her turn gave a groan. One of the men with great glee used a spoon to remove my eyeball and she had to eat it as the forfeit. The look on her face as she put it in her mouth said it all and she was nearly sick but managed to bite down on it, chew it and swallow it. She had to open her mouth to show she had passed the test.
Only 4 people remained and …………………………….
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