The Thralldom Sperm Donation Center-Part 12
This story is intended as sexual fantasy entertainment for ADULTS ONLY
During the next weeks, under intense therapy by the sarcastic self fellatio crew, Jim's spinal configuration and ligament stretching capabilities were altered and increased exponentially, and he was now able to suck his own cock without the necessity of training equipment.
The proud women responsible for this achievement in the self fellatio lab were ecstatic to say the least, and the huge bonus they received from the Corporation through Dr Becka was not only mind boggling, but life changing. That is if you consider a million dollars tax free life changing.
Their primary goal had been achieved but they were on retainer in case any other transformation miracles were required at some later date.
Jim was sucking his own cock constantly now as he jacked off, to the vast amusement of the Thralldom crew, and he was allowed to swallow as much of his own cum as he desired.
He could actually deep throat himself now, and the enigmatic look of ecstasy and puzzlement on his face while eating his own scumload was beyond description.
The ladies watched him in amazement as they laughed hysterically, and his antics were videotaped to be sent to Corporation headquarters each day and added to his worldwide online humiliation venue.
After a few days of this unabated self cocksucking Becka changed the schedule so that Jim's progress as a factor x sperm producer was allowed to continue, with new activities scheduled daily.
Nurse Jill and Kathy were in love with Jim, truth be told, and they kissed his face and forehead affectionately as he guzzled mouthfuls of his thick dribbling gonad scum while jacking his huge pecker.
All of the ladies were extremely entertained by Jim's oral efforts, and spared not a moment to embarrass and humiliate him in front of each other.
After the extreme 'sex orgy' that they had all participated in Dr Becka eased back and relied more heavily on experimental activities of a more subdued nature, since the results of Jim's ingestion of anal and vaginal sperm were less than encouraging.
The smell of a woman's anus and fecal residue were certainly effective for Jim while producing sperm milk rich in x factor, but it was obvious to Becka that there was much more than this to be explored and tested.
Jim's raging sexual reactions seemed to be more intense when various stimuli were introduced in just the right quantity and form. As an example having Jim suck her finger clean after sticking it up her butthole was truly hot for him, but having him eat her feces out of a stool, (which she had never tried), was overkill, and counterproductive.
She felt that performing annilingus on the crew, or beautiful volunteer females might be highly productive, and she planned to test this idea thoroughly. Becka was almost insane with lust at times now, and she really really wanted to feel Jim's tongue up her rear hole. She would see to this soon when the time was right.
The smell of Jim's anal sphincter also had been alarmingly erotic to Dr Becka, and she had entered a whole new world of sexual arousal by virtue of the most base orifice in the body, our pungent rear waste opening.
Back at Corporation headquarters Ailene and her staff were in the middle of one of the most stunning projects envisioned so far.
A new facility had been constructed at a hidden location, that was identical to the Sperm Donation Center in LA, or at least it would seem so to the whole Thralldom crew.
The decision had been made out of desperate fear that Jim's special semen production activities might be endangered at the present location if he were there much longer. Far greater security and a much larger facility and a hidden location were necessary to continue the whole project, and the new complex had been constructed very quickly in a well hidden region away from human habitation.
Commercial espionage among the drug companies was common, and if Jim's capabilities and location ever became known it would be all over. Although Jim was about the most unobtrusive individual you could imagine, and his actual identity completely unknown to the world, it was possible for some disgruntled employee in the Corporation to leak information for personal profit.
Ailene insured that Corporation employees had the most stringent security investigation possible, and secret information was guarded with extreme prejudice, but one never knew what could happen in a large conglomerate like Unizan Drugs and Scientific Enterprises. Known to employees and others in the industry as 'The Corporation'.
A thick state of the art outer security barrier had been constructed around the new facility and the main building was replete with security personnel. Ailene wanted to make certain that Jim and the whole Thralldom Crew were completely protected.
Ailene envisioned that Jim and the Thralldom staff could be sedated and transported to the new location without their even being aware of it.....if done carefully.
It was a seriously calculated risk and Mandrake Lassiter had left the final decision up to Ailene. Ailene knew that a move of any kind was extremely risky but she also knew that protecting one of the most important scientific assets in history was worth any risk.
There had been dangerous security breaches at the LA Thralldom facility and it was just a matter of time before something catastrophic happened.
The new facility had a phony Donation Center Facade and the living and other areas were exactly identical to the LA building. Under hypnotic suggestion the crew could be told anything, and would believe it. They were living in a waking dream state in which their only truth was given them by Dr Van Brukin during their regular hypnotic enhancement treatments.
Ailene felt that Jim would not have any awareness of the different location and his treatment and milking could continue indefinitely using the large state of the art treatment center.
The complex was vast, and was carefully guarded by many security personnel and monitoring devices. There were very special areas in the facility, some of them quite bizarre, all designed for Jim's factor x sperm production, and the very unusual research and experimentation that lie ahead.
Jim was monitored by video cameras 24 hours a day, and any movement he made, or any contact with another individual was carefully observed.
Fortunately Jim seemed to be doing very well in the hands of Dr Becka and her beautiful helpers, and by trial and error Becka had gradually increased Jim's x factor out put concentration to a plus 90% average level. The new DXD had been phenomenally successful and Jim's body had remained healthy and ever producing more sperm for Dr Becka's group.
The whole crew would be put into a deep sleep, and flown to the new facility on a company jet. No one would be the wiser when they woke up in their new home.
This project was given absolute top priority and security, and Lassiter Mandrake himself was kept informed by his friend and chief executive, Ailene Joyce. The cost of the whole operation was enormous, but a pittance compared to the history making profits that would come to Universal Zanex drugs. The large drug company owned by Mandrake Lassiter had been founded by his late father, Zanex Lassiter.
Mandrake Lassiter was recognized as a true visionary, and his large group of scientific research enterprises were famous worldwide.
Unizan would surpass Pfizer and the other large drug companies within a relatively short time once their new class of cancer treatment medications were approved by the FDA.
The truth is, thanks to Jim's unique enzyme contribution, Unizan had discovered a cure for cancer, and no one knew about it yet.
After careful planning and setup procedures at the LA Thralldom Sperm Donation Center Ailene's security people had managed to drug Jim and all of the Thralldom ladies almost simultaneously, and then gave them a deeper sedative by injection.
They would be completely oblivious to all around them for at least eight hours, plenty of time to transport them to a private airport and load them aboard a 727 jet bound for a secret location in Nevada.
The operation went off very smoothly, due to Ailene's expert handlers and good planning. The group awakened exactly as they had fallen asleep, having no idea whatever that they were in a completely different location.
The new and massive complex built exclusively for Jim's milking and factor x extraction had capabilities and facilities that were mind boggling. The staff at the new facility had the situation well in hand and would carefully guide and monitor Jim and Becka's crew in their new environment.
Neither Jim nor Becka suspected a thing, and life went on just as if nothing had happened.
One of Ailene's team leaders at the new facility had the task of revealing to Dr Becka the existence of whole new areas supposedly added to the LA complex, and used the special key hypnotic words to put Becka in a state where she would believe anything she was told. In fact this would not even seem strange to Becka but completely normal.
The woman's name was Darna and she also instructed Dr Becka concerning the proper way to tell Jim and the others about the many new areas that he would be visiting, without disturbing or alarming them.
Jim and Becka's ladies would be told that the new rooms and sections were just additions built onto the LA Thralldom Center and did not concern them.
Darna was a very pretty woman in her thirties, and she was quite good with people and social interactions. She was a former PR expert now working for the Corporation. As with all the women at the facility she was very highly sexed and deviant, and had never married or had children.
Darna proceeded to describe the many kinds of new treatment rooms added, and their potential for increasing factor x production.
Becka was quite impressed and a little shocked but by suggestion believed that she had just not been aware of all the construction going on.
When Darna paused, Becka looked at her with a puzzled expression and repeated the words, "horse and canine areas".
"Did I hear you right Darna....'horse and canine areas'?"
Darna grinned slightly and looked down....
"Why yes.....we have an animal wing now in which we conduct various kinds of semen research."
Becka was not actually shocked but had been informed on another occasion that horse and animal semen did not work to increase factor x output in donors....
Becka looked curiously at Darna and spoke quietly....
"I see."
Darna sat forward at once and reassured Becka....
"There have been new developments in this area Dr Becka.....Ailene will explain this to you in your meeting with her and Mandrake Lassiter."
"You are to meet with them in the main conference room in one hour."
Becka made a strange expression with her pretty face and looked vacantly at Darna...
"Mandrake Lassiter no less.....what a surprise."
Darna smiled broadly and put her hand on Becka's.....
"He is quite anxious to meet you and only he and Ailene Joyce will be present at the meeting."
Becka stood and smiled....."One hour....ok."
"I'll be there....but now I have a few things to take care of....I have more research that I want to do with Jim's libido and I need to talk to him."
Darna smiled and left and Becka stood for a moment to reboot her psyche, and take stock of her schedule. She shook her head as if to set her mind to default mode again, and left for the masturbation area.
She found Jim sucking his cock as her crew stood around, apparently bored with his constant oral activity....
Becka had installed several Kotex machines to dispense thick pads to anyone who needed them, and Tia had her tight skirt pulled up and panties down wiping her soaked pussy lips. There were foot operated trash receptacles nearby to dispose of soiled pads.
Becka pulled Jim's hair and lifted his mouth off his swollen cock. He was trying to masturbate himself but had apparently drained his balls completely in the past day or two and could not get more juice from his large inflamed pisshole. His gut was swollen from the large amount of semen he had ingested and he belched loudly.
Becka twisted her nose at the rank odor and slapped him lightly on the head....
"Ok no more self fellatio for Jim unless otherwise directed by me," she said in her most irritated voice. Go get Jill and Kathy for me please."
Becka stood over Jim as he tried to suck himself and finally had to cuff his hands behind him to get him to stop.
"Son of a fucking bitch!", Becka yelled, "I want a cocksucker but he is completely out of control."
Jim looked up at her with a sad expression on his face and peered into her dark eyes....
"No more cocksucking until I tell you to slave boy!"
Becka smoothed his hair over and rubbed his cheek with her hand.....
"Just be a good whore and do what Becka says, ok?"
Becka smiled and kissed him on the top of his head....
Jill and Kathy came to them and Becka gave them strict instructions for Jim.
"Ladies no more self sucking for awhile and I want his supplements and stimulants increased until he builds his seminal fluid again. Keep him cuffed until tonight and we will let him jackoff and give us a lab sample. We will see if his own cum has raised his x factor level to any degree."
"We have a lot of work to do and I don't want him blowing himself until further notice!"
Kathy and Jill burst out laughing, unable to control themselves, and the rest of them joined in and all had a long well needed belly laugh .
Even Jim grinned at them, thinking how ridiculous they were.
Becka kissed Jim on the head again.....
"Alright nurse Jill and nurse Kathy, do as I told you, ok"
"Yes mam."
They took Jim back to the showers and scrubbed him and fed him nutrients and sex stimulants. In Jim's state his nuts would fill with cum very rapidly and in an hour or two his gonads would be swollen with spunk again.
Becka proceeded to the conference room and found Ailene there and a very impressive man named Mandrake Lassiter. He was in his fifties but obviously in excellent physical condition and as a matter of fact appeared to be quite muscular.
His smile was genuine and when he shook her hand she actually felt goosebumps.......something she had not experienced since junior high school.
He was very handsome and seemed to have a warm personality. According to what she had been told he was a super genius with a personality to match. She was quite taken with him and grinned stupidly into his deep eyes.
He kissed her hand......"Dr Becka I presume?"
They both laughed and Becka found herself fawning and staring at his eyes, transfixed.
"I'm really glad to meet you Mr Lassiter", she gushed, "I've heard so much about you!"
"Oh please Dr Becka, call me Mandrake."
He smiled sweetly....."and I've heard a great deal about you Becka....I am your humble servant and admirer!"
They sat at the conference table and Ailene grinned knowingly at them.....Ailene curved her eyebrow upward....
"What did I tell you 'dinky', isn't she just gorgeous!"
Becka grinned widely.....'Dinky', she thought, 'must be some kind of affectionate nickname....'but dinky'?
Mandrake smiled softly at Becka....."Indeed my dear Ailene, and she is much more than you said!"
Becka felt quite out of her depth now, and the two powerful people before her were frightening....not in the real sense, but though she was one of the best in her field in the world, still she felt patently inadequate to be speaking to them.
Mandrake surmised this at once and put her at ease with his friendly manner.
'He might be a vicious corporate shark', thought Becka, 'but I don't have the same negative feeling about him that I do about Ailene'.
'Could this actually be a nice guy?', she mused, 'careful Becka, focus on the business at hand.'
Ailene put her fingers on Becka's and indicated that she wanted to begin more serious discussion.....
"Dear, we have added many new areas to the 'Thralldom Center', and don't feel self conscious if you don't remember all of them."
"The important thing is that you have complete unhampered access to them, and Darna will take you anywhere you want to go or answer any questions you may have. You may design your own programs and activities to your heart's content."
Mandrake smiled and gently touched Becka's hand.....
"That's right Becka.....you are an extraordinary genius in your field and you have compassion and intelligence!" "Believe me I admire that!"
Becka smiled at them and a puzzled expression came over her face......
"Ailene saw it at once."
"Yes dear......"
Becka spoke slowly...."I know I should have stayed more in touch with the Center's activities and I will surely know all the new areas soon. I am very excited about this."
"I was wondering, however, about the 'horse stables and dog kennels'. I was led to believe that animal semen is ineffectual in stimulating donor production of x factor."
Mandrake immediately responded to this and Ailene quickly shut her mouth and let him speak....
"New research has revealed something of incredible importance to our project Becka......we have found that animal semen, particularly horse, bull, and dog semen becomes supercharged for our purposes when the animals are given a new compound that we have discovered using x factor that our scientists call Ferralamine7."
"F7 is a compound that is vaguely similar to testosterone and acts in a like manner but with a strange molecular configuration that amplifies sexual drive exponentially. We gave very very low doses of the compound to horses and great danes at our research farms and they went insane with lust and had to be put down. It is so powerful that it has to be given in tiny almost undetectable doses."
"Our continued research allowed us to double sexual appetite in the test animals merely by inhalation of a very very diluted vaporized mist containing F7."
"We collected many samples of animal semen in these tests and tested them for x factor but found none."
"However, when we had our male donors ingest the animal semen after the animals were given F7 the donor's production of x factor was increased by 200 percent in their ejaculations."
"Going further......"
He looked sheepishly at Ailene and she merely looked at the ceiling.
"Going further.....when we had our donors to ingest the animal semen at it's source....meaning fellatio......the production of x factor was increased by 700 percent.....and this was with very low producing donors. The results were still barely usable."
Dr Becka sat there unable to move and a stupid grimace on her face....
She looked at Ailene and when their eyes met Ailene looked at the ceiling again....
Becka looked at Mandrake in disbelief as he continued....
"If Jim were to ingest the animal semen from it's source.....(he looked down as though he were deeply ashamed, and then up at Becka), the resultant product would probably be off the charts for x factor concentration. This could have an astronomically powerful effect on our whole program, and bring miracle drugs onto the market years earlier that would revolutionize medicine for the whole world!"
"We may never get this opportunity again, especially if something happens to Jim, God forbid, and our source is gone. Frankly the thought is terrifying to me! We've stockpiled every gram of x factor possible but it's simply not enough......not even close, if the unthinkable happened."
"Also, Becka, if our donors here ingested the animal semen from it's source, incidently we have forty male donors now, then fed their semen to Jim when he performed fellatio on them, this should also greatly increase Jim's x factor output."
"Does Jim seem to be in good health and spirits now?", he asked.
"Yes....at least for now, but doesn't that put a tremendous responsibility on someone who is treated like a dirt slave?"
Mandrake sat there feeling very bad and very inadequate as Becka looked for the words to speak.
Becka smiled gently at the handsome mulitbillionaire.....
"Well Mandrake", she said respectfully, "right now Jim is sucking his own cock and I had to cuff his arms behind him. He's with his nurses now who are seeing to his needs and preparation."
She looked at Ailene and Mandrake and a tear was barely visible in the corner of her eye.....
"I actually enjoy humiliating the cocksucker now, and my vagina is so wet I have to wear depends most of the time. Please excuse the smell!"
Mandrake had not felt this awkward in his memory and his lip trembled just the slightest bit as he tried to maintain decorum.
He was actually turned on by this pretty little surgeon genius, and her nasty language stimulated what might end up as an erection in a few minutes and it was quite unsettling to him.
"I know you have given so much to our project Becka.....I just admire you more than I can say", he managed.
Ailene was not far from tears, knowing what she had done to Becka, but to detect this in Ailene one had to know her very well. Her eyes watered a bit and she sat straight and composed herself.
Becka sighed....."It's ok.....I understand the importance of this whole thing and I will do my duty and do it well as concerns Jim. You know I actually love that pathetic bastard but I find no conflict with my duties here. I can love him and use him like scum too. He knows what is going on, and no one can tell me different."
"I would love to see the cocksucker eat horse and dog pecker, and I will watch him and probably masturbate myself at the same time."
"I guess you know that nasty sex odors drive him into a sexual frenzy and make him want to beat off.....sucking horse and dog dick should smell pretty swampy to him....I think he'll go berzerk!"
Ailene and Mandrake sat there transfixed and were just unable to speak. Both were stunned by Becka's total candor. Indeed the erection Mandrake feared was beginning and he knew he must leave soon.
Mandrake moved closer to Becka and he could smell her perfume over her womanhood.....
"Then you are with us all the way Becka?", he asked respectfully.
Becka grinned and looked down at his crouch and the bulge that was beginning to form.....
Mandrake noted this and shifted uncomfortably as he grinned sheepishly into the eyes of the cute surgeon before him....
"Yes I'm in all the way Mandrake", Becka said finally. "Just think how much suffering we will stop and how many lives we will save in coming years."
Mandrake's expression softened......"Indeed", he whispered.
He squeezed Becka's hand briefly and left the room, his male bulge entertaining both women. Ailene laughed when he was gone, and Becka chuckled with her...
Ailene touched Becka's arm......"Oh my dear there was a day when I could do that to a man.....you are so pretty sweetie!"
Becka smiled and stood and headed back to the masturbation area. They would be extracting semen from Jim this evening one way or the other, and she was certain he would be fully ready to ejaculate another copious load by then.
Her libido was buzzing with ideas to humiliate and embarrass James.
By evening Jim had regained his full complement of nut slime, and was ready to pop his load again. He was watched closely by Jill and Kathy to make sure he didn't suck his own dick.
Becka had been waiting for this opportunity and decided to take Jim to the animal building for some special oral service. She attached his collar and leash and two facility staff and two armed guards met her to escort her and Jim and the rest of the girls to the area. Ailene felt that the guards were essential and were within close proximity to Jim at all times, keeping descretion and the particular situation in mind at all times.
Dani was cracking jokes continually and all the others were doing the same as they walked over to the stables which were separated from the main complex but attached by dimly lit corridors.
They went inside and though the building was clean and well maintained, the smell of horse manure and dog doo filled the air. There were ten great danes there, most of them barking now, and as they passed the cages Jim looked at them uncomfortably, and continued on to the horse stalls.
The two staff who were acting as guides chose a stallion and secured it with large straps front and back so that the horse was largely immobile. Alicia held her nose and laughed as a special chair was fastened to the floor halfway under the horses rear quarter.
The horse's cock was massive and hung low, nearly a foot and a half long soft. The animal was apparently used to this and waited patiently for the pleasure he knew was coming.
Jim sat in the chair and his ankles were locked in and a large semen capture tube was slipped tightly onto his cock. Jim was almost fully erect now and slid his long penis slowly in and out of the tube as the staff helpers grabbed the huge horse dick and began to masturbate it. Before long amid pleasureable sounds from the animal it's massive penis began to expand and drop down.
Jim could smell the funky odor of the horse pecker and was becoming excited quickly. Becka looked down at him in disgust and watched as the slick horse prick began to slide out of it's sheath. One of the staff rubbed the smelly dong over Jim's face and he went into a frenzy at once.
He began to grunt and moan as he masturbated himself with the tube device, and grabbed the thick slimy red horse pecker and shoved the dripping end of it into his mouth. The ladies were going wild by now laughing and giggling and making disgusted sounds.
The horse cock was draining precum heavily and Jim gulped it down and began to jack the big penis off and suck on it. The horse was obviously enjoying himself and Jim sucked harder on the pungent, slimy, foamy horse dick. He licked it from top to bottom coating his mouth with a scuzzy layer of white cheesy residue and sucked the nasty dong for all he was worth.
Jim put his head down and moved in and out letting the odorous prick fuck his mouth. The smell was becoming overpowering now and that only made Jim suck harder. The unwashed horsecock became even more erect and Jim sucked mouthfuls of precum out of the smelly dickhole and gulped it down eagerly. His face was a slimy yellow mess now as he ate more mouthfuls of drainage from the enormous pecker.
Jim was in a frenzy now and cleaned the messy cock from top to bottom eating the thick natural lubricant like pudding. He peeled back the leathery foreskin all the way to the top and licked every inch of the huge pecker clean.
The horse actually began a fucking motion and Jim sucked it's massive cock even harder as he stroked his own dick off. Jim's fully erect penis was enveloped in the large thick capture tube for the coming discharge.
Just as the horse grunted loudly and pumped a massive river of horse cum into Jim's wide open mouth nearly drowning him, Jim got his own nuts off inside the special tube, and gasped and gulped mouthfuls of unspeakable slime as he humped and emptied out his own load. The large tube filled nearly to over flowing and Becka finally pulled it off and quickly capped it.
She stood there with a truly disgusted look on her face and held the warm dripping semen receptacle in her hands.
"Son of a fucking bitch Jim.....you're going to make me puke!"
Jim's next load tomorrow though would tell them if the disgusting horse cream had an effect on his x factor concentration. If it worked as predicted she swore she would gladly hold that smelly horsecock for him to suck!
Jim was removed from the floor seat and the staff helped him to walk back to the main building with the ladies and guards in accompanyment. His face and chest area was covered with thick sewage that smelled to high heaven. Becka would not allow his face to be wiped clean however for reasons of her own.
When they were back in the masturbation area Becka sat with Jim and talked to him so that she could embarrass him fully face to face. Jim was forced to look into her eyes as she degraded him for what he had just done. He was mortified by her comments and looked at her in horror. She told him that he would probably have to do this disgusting act every day from now on and then talk to her about it.
To Jim this was the height of humiliation, when his Becka shamed him. He knew she loved him but also knew that she must degrade him so that he would give her his special kind of cum. Everything was about his cum.
Jill and Kathy were in love with Jim so they could accept just about anything he did. When no one was watching, back in the shower area, as Jim hung by his wrist restraints, they both french kissed him so they could taste what he had tasted.
It was an incredible turn on for the two nurses though they made each other swear not to reveal their secret to anyone else. Jim thoroughly enjoyed his restrained showers with the two women, and they soothed him greatly by their gentle scrubbing.
He knew that a woman could make a man feel like he was in heaven just by her special loving touch.
Jim knew that he must visit the animal area each day and that next on the schedule would be his forced oral copulation by several large dogs. He saw the restraint fixtures that held an occupant in a comprimising position so that their mouth could be used.
He licked his lips and thought about a good nights sleep as Kathy jacked his soapy dick off.
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