Chapter 14. In which Sarah has some extra lessons
Sarah waited quietly. Her classmates stood in line around her, anxiously awaiting the call to enter the classroom. The weary schoolgirls had no idea what to expect during this makeup time. Their bodies were tired and their minds were rattled. Their first day of class at Harkwood had not been what any of them had expected. Sarah tried not to think too much about her day so far but her mind could not help but slip backwards and relive the experiences: the humiliation and degradation, the near-constant arousal, the ecstasy of her first orgasm, the pain of punishment and, most surprising of all, her connection with not only one of her classmates but one of her teachers as well.
Sarah had never experienced the highs and lows this one day had contained. The previous ten hours felt like an eternity had passed. She had trouble reconciling herself to the fact that it had indeed been less than one day. One day that had changed her life irrevocably. She was no longer a carefree teenager, worried about getting good grades, boys and fashion. She was a possession now, owned like a car or a piece of furniture – property.
She still worried about getting good grades but the subjects were cocksucking not calculus, pussylicking not poetry, sex positions instead of science. She was being trained to be a slut. It was what her owner desired and what her destiny held for her. She had been chosen because of her natural proclivity for it. This was what Sarah was fighting with the most. The exhausted girl had almost accepted that her life was no longer her own but she would not admit that this was what she was meant to be. No matter the evidence that appeared to be piling up against her, she fought within herself. In moments of weakness throughout the day she had come close to giving herself over to the realisation that she was a slut, always had been and always would be. She said the right things, thought the right things and her body even reacted the way her teachers expected, her nipples had been hard for hours and her panties were soaked with her pussy juice.
Sarah was fighting still when the door before her opened and Miss Watson stepped into the corridor, her stern Amazonian countenance caused every girl to straighten up slightly.
�Seventeen minutes. Today you learnt a great many things but for these seventeen minutes you will be working on some of the very basic lessons a Trinity student must master. Posture and grace of movement. In other classes today you will have had the importance of these two concepts reinforced. They are key to the formation of a slut. I observed some truly abhorrent behaviour throughout the day and in this small session we will work on one aspect in particular.
�When you are formed as a class you represent Trinity house. As you move through the school you represent not only your house but the teaching staff that works so hard for you. Your form as a class is less than acceptable. Your negotiation of stairs looks like a herd of cats startled by a loud noise. This is not something that will be tolerated. About face.�
Eighteen schoolgirls spun around. Even this simple manoeuvre met with Miss Watson’s disapproval.
�Carew step out in front. Face away from the class. When you hear the order ‘about face’, you pivot on your right foot and turn your body 180 degrees to the right. Your left foot leaves the ground, your right stays in contact and you turn on the ball of your foot. One smooth movement. Carew, demonstrate.�
The pert schoolgirl pivoted on her right foot and swirled around to face the class. She was sure to keep her back straight and her head held high. It was an odd sensation to perform this action with her hands still resting in the small of her back.
�Step back in line. We shall try that again. About face,� Miss Watson commanded, scrutinising the performance of her class. �Better. About face.�
Again, the two crisp lines of schoolgirls spun 180 degrees to face away from Miss Watson’s classroom. The teenagers had soon found their rhythm and had moved as one. This was almost like being in the military thought Sarah. She was waiting for Miss Watson to start singing �I don’t know what I’ve been told�. A smile crept onto her face, even through all she had suffered today, she could still manage to make a joke. Was that a good sign?
�We will move down the corridor and move up the stairs towards your dorm. When we move off, the right column will take one step to their right. Mitchell and Olsen you will take one further step and lead the columns as usual. It is important for a slut to know her place. We don’t want those pretty little brains worrying about such mundane things as where to stand in a line. Each girl will follow her column leader and reassemble the lines in their correct form. Begin.�
Sarah was almost cringing as Olsen and Mitchell took the lead. She was hoping that Mitchell had understood what Miss Watson had said, hoping the poor bare-breasted girl would not make a fool of herself and anger their teacher. Sarah smiled as Mitchell passed her confidently. She didn’t have time to think more on it as she watched, first Cox and then Murphy pass her. It was her turn to resume her correct place in line. Sarah could see how this simple manoeuvre could cause problems, you had to be aware how many girls were behind you otherwise there would be a collision for sure. She stepped a little faster to catch up to Murphy but was soon close behind her friend once again.
The girls of Trinity house marched down the corridor without incident. It was not until they hit the stairs that the teenagers became anxious. Each girl knew that their lines had tended to scatter into chaos on the stairs. They were going to try their best now but were worried as they really had no idea how to keep together. Olsen and Mitchell stepped onto the first stair together and from that point on the whole exercise dissolved into disarray. Some girls took longer to negotiate the stairs on their still unfamiliar four inch heels. Others stepped too quickly and found themselves in danger of bumping into the girl in front so they stepped slightly sideways breaking formation and turning the two tight straight lines into a jittery, snaking mess.
Sarah found herself two steps behind Murphy. She only had one day experience with her shoes and did not have the confidence to move as quickly as some of her classmates. As the class reformed into their correct ranks Miss Watson called for them to stop.
�Horrible. Pathetic. You sluts are acting as if stairs have some magical power that drains your ability to control your own muscles. Porter, do you think that the stairs are magical?�
�No Ma’am,� Sarah replied meekly.
�Taylor, do you think the stairs have powers of mind control that cause only Trinity students to behave like congenital retards?�
�No Ma’am,� Taylor replied in a voice quivering with fear.
�Then there can be no other excuse. It is a wilful display of disrespect for your teachers and the lessons they are trying to teach you. You sluts are here to learn. Your teachers are here to ensure that you learn what you need to learn in order for you to become true sluts and to fulfil your role in society. We all work very hard. Our efforts are to benefit you. The time and effort we expend is on your behalf. I have a mind to deal an infraction to each and every one of you for this show of disrespect. But never let it be said that I am some kind of ogre. We have ten minutes remaining. If at the end of that time you are not negotiating the stairs in correct and proper formation you will all receive an infraction and we will continue this lesson after school tomorrow for another seventeen minutes.
�About face. When you move down the stairs you will take each consecutive stair with an alternate foot. Hold your backs straight and your heads up. You do not need to peer down at your feet like some shuffling hobo hoping to spot a few dirty coins. Walk with poise. Move surely, placing your leading foot on an angle to ensure both ball and heel are placed firmly on the stair. Watch.�
Miss Watson proceeded to walk down the stairs her body held at a slight angle. She moved with a smoothness that belied her statuesque frame. She seemed to almost flow down the stairs, her body bobbing gently with each step. Their tall, form teacher moved halfway down the stairs, off to one side to allow all her charges an unimpeded view, and proceeded back to the top.
�Mitchell, Olsen lead the class down the stairs. Each slut begins the descent, or ascent, once the slut in front has vacated the step. This will keep each rank in a pleasing formation as this is your goal. As Trinity students you are to move in not only a respectful fashion but also to guarantee a pleasing aspect is presented to those who may observe,� Miss Watson instructed as the schoolgirls began their descent.
Sarah had tried to memorise the movements of her teacher as she negotiated her way down the stairs. She turned her body slightly to the side, as Murphy had done before her, and placed her whole foot on the stair below, making sure to keep her leading leg straight and bend with her following leg. She almost stumbled on the second stair as she was so used to looking down at the floor immediately below her. This was now lost to her and she had to trust to the girl in front that the stair was not obstructed and trust to herself that she had stepped correctly. Keeping her head up and her focus to the fore made it easier to keep in time with the girl in front. As Murphy’s head bobbed lower, Sarah knew it was time for her to step down.
After the initial uneasiness the class began to move in a rhythm. The lines remained straight, though a little wobbly, and each girl had managed to keep an acceptable distance from her classmates. Miss Watson had them move up and down the stairs without respite. With each pass their technique improved, the two lines of schoolgirls looked increasingly more aligned, proving to be quite a charming sight. The eighteen girls of Trinity house seemed to move as one entity, flowing up or down the stairs as a cohesive ensemble.
Sarah’s legs had begun to ache after the third time up the stairs. Moving down was just as hard, as the control required to move at the somewhat unnatural pace and still keep her body in the correct and pleasing posture placed a substantial strain upon her already tired muscles. Her breathing had begun to be laboured and she could feel the beads of sweat forming on her chest and brow. The constant gentle bouncing had also kept her nipples hard. She had tried to keep her focus entirely on her movement but the maddening movement of her blouse across her aching buds that tipped her breasts caused momentary lapses.
During these lapses the attention of her nipples made her thoughts flow to the other parts of her body that were causing her discomfort. Her thighs burned, not only from the stress to the muscles not used to exercise but also from the strokes she had received at the hands of her dance teacher. Strokes that she had been given for her atrocious attempt at dancing, which made her think of the leotard that was part of her uniform. The leotard that cupped her pussylips so provocatively. Her pussylips that were now contained within her small white panties, the dampness of which was a constant, uncomfortable reminder of her arousal throughout the day. The arousal that caused her nipples to harden and stand at attention.
Sarah’s mind was caught in a loop of demeaning deliberation. It was not until Miss Watson’s stern, clear voice called for the class to halt, that her focus snapped back to the task at hand. Sarah could not count how many times she had walked up and down the set of stairs before her. She admonished herself for losing focus but amazed nonetheless, that her body had taken over, performed the task on autopilot as her mind drifted in a sea of sensation that she had difficulty ignoring.
�A vast improvement. Hurry along to gym class. You have time with Miss Vonn to compensate for your tardiness.�
Sarah followed Murphy’s bobbing red ponytail as the class made its way to the gym. The exhausted schoolgirl almost audibly groaned as she thought about another session of physical exercise with the demanding gym teacher. She would give anything to just be allowed to collapse on her bed and drift off to sleep. Her attention became more focused as the class neared the stairway to the ground floor. She could hear the muted sounds of the schoolgirls from the other houses. She immediately thought of Mitchell. The poor girl was still without her blouse, her beautiful udders exposed for everyone to see. The udders that contained those three red welts that Miss Watson had given her.
Sarah watched Mitchell as they walked. She could catch glimpses of the soft udders as she walked, the gently bobbing flesh almost mesmerising the marching schoolgirl. As they neared the staircase Sarah saw Mitchell’s body stiffen. As the head of one of the lines she would be on full show and this thought had obviously just occurred to the busty schoolgirl. Sarah saw her arms twitch, guessing that the desire to wrap them around her exposed udders was flashing through Mitchell’s brain. To be exposed was bad enough, but being forced to keep your hands behind your back increasing her vulnerability, was something Sarah did not know how she would deal with.
The girls of Trinity house made their way down the stairs and into the corridor that passed the food hall and ended in the gymnasium. Sarah focused totally on moving properly and gracefully down the stairs. It was not until she had reached flat ground, proud that neither she nor any of the girls in front of her had broken formation, that she noticed the other schoolgirls in the corridor. Luckily it was almost deserted, there were only two girls visible. These stopped to stare as the two lines of Trinity girls walked towards the gym. Sarah didn’t need to guess what they were staring at. The shocked exclamations of �look at that scrag’s tits� and �Sheena, look at the tits on that� rang clear as a bell in the near empty corridor.
The normal girls were dressed for gym and were obviously heading for a workout in their free time after class. Sarah’s heart ached for Mitchell. She could almost feel the humiliation the girl must be grappling with. To be topless in front of her classmates who all suffered with her was one thing but to have her body viewed by girls who were not being trained as sluts, who had not spent the day sucking dildos and being forced to taste each other’s pussies was something else entirely. It only deepened the divide between them and the rest of the world, the world that was functioning as it always had. Nothing had changed for these girls. They were at the same school and yet they were learning as any young girl would. They had their freedom to go where they wanted, to stand how they wanted, to talk when they wanted. Her new status as property was rammed home intensely for Sarah.
She became more aware of her collar. It began to feel ever more constricting around her neck. The perpetual press of the hard metal on the soft flesh of her throat was inducing a near panic state on the distressed schoolgirl. Her breathing began to grow quicker and shallower, her chest heaved beneath her blouse, pushing her hard nipples viciously against the tight, stiff material. Amazingly it was the innocuous observation that the gym uniform that the students from the other houses wore was so similar yet so different from her own that allowed the panic to subside.��
The bottoms of the normal gym uniform were more traditionally cut, resembling a normal gym short. The top was a halter similar to the Trinity bra but it fully covered the breasts of the girl and came down well below her boobs. Sarah could not explain why these differences in uniform, which should have emphasised the overt sexualisation and the reinforcement of their lower status, had calmed her from the rising state of anxiety into which she had become caught. By the time the class reached the gym Sarah had almost completely calmed down. Being able to distract herself with thoughts of the mundane was a valuable lesson.
Miss Vonn was waiting for them outside the glass-walled gym. She ushered them silently inside and into the gymnasium. Sarah could have laughed at the slack-jawed looks of wonder on the faces of the exercising schoolgirl if the reason for their amazement was not so humiliating. Sarah was relieved when the swinging wooden door of the gymnasium clicked closed behind the last girl. What would those girls think about Mitchell’s bared breasts? Three girls had seen her walk around in only her bra. Would it be all around the school the next day? How could the teachers have allowed it? Sarah didn’t have much time to think on the conundrum however.
�Get out of those uniforms and into your gym clothes. Then line up on the red line. Your time will start when every girl is lined up and ready to participate,� said Miss Vonn sternly.
The eighteen schoolgirls turned as one and moved to the hooks beside the door. Their clothes bags were hanging from their hooks, bulging with their gym bra, panties, socks and shoes. Olsen scanned her eartag and proceeded to undress, followed rapidly by the other girls of the class. Sarah moved as quickly as she could, removing her tie and blouse in a matter of moments. Even though both her body and mind were tired she remembered her lessons of the day and tried to make each movement as she undressed as proper and as pleasing as she could. She slowed only marginally, her expertise in removing the simple school uniform being greatly increased by the activities of the day.
When Sarah was completely nude she opened her bag and removed her shoes and socks. As she bent over to put them on, her mind replayed a scene from the previous minute. Over and over in her head ran the images of her removing her damp panties. Like a movie being rewound and replayed she saw and felt the tight material peel away from the bare flesh of her moist pussy lips. The light creamy stain of her pussy juice marring the pristine white of her sheer panties. Sarah’s face and chest flushed scarlet as her own mind forced her to relive this humiliation again and again.
She soon had her gym pants and bra on. They were still slightly damp from the recent lesson but the blend from which they had been made was amazingly breathable and the soaked garments had all but dried. Sarah dashed to the red line and was relieved to see she was not the last girl there. Her performance in the gym had been less than stellar and she vowed to get through this next seven minutes without incident. She was exhausted, true, but she had to do everything she could not to make herself a target for more punishment. Her thoughts briefly flashed to the number of infractions she now had, seven or eight she could not remember. What she could not forget was the flashing red DETENTION she had seen on her file at lunchtime. She was dreading what that would be and indeed when it would be.
�Taylor thank you for finally joining us,� Miss Vonn sneered sarcastically. �We have seven minutes to makeup due to your outrageous tardiness. You sluts will learn that being late to my class will not be tolerated. For the next seven minutes you will be bell ringing. Now you will not actually be ringing any bells but the exercise is an old one and the name has stuck. Each of you will run across the hall. On the opposite wall you will see a small pressure pad on the wall. You are to jump and press the pad. When the blue light is lit you run back to the red line, touch it with your hand and repeat. I expect a minimum of ten repetitions. You have seven minutes.�
Sarah sprang forward before the shrill sound of Miss Vonn’s whistle had ended. She sprinted to the opposite wall, locating the pressure pad along the way. The small black pad was a good eight feet up the wall. Sarah’s heart sank as she ran. She didn’t know if she could even reach that. Again Sarah cursed her smallness, no matter how cute it appeared to others, she had never become enamoured with her lack of height.
As she reached the far side of the gymnasium she tried to use her momentum to leap up the wall and was overjoyed when her fingers touched the pad an inch from its bottom and the little blue light above her winked on. She immediately dashed back to the red line. She was already puffing as she straightened up after touching the line and headed back for her second attempt. Most girls were ahead of her but she took a slight amount of pride in the fact that she was not dead last.
Sarah tried to keep up with her classmates, increasing her pace as she neared the wall. She leaped and once again the light was triggered, though this time her fingers had barely managed to make contact with the plate. The fatigued teen turned and made her way back to the starting line, her wearied movements sapping her last reserves of strength.
She ran back to the wall and leaped with what energy remained to her. Her fingertips failed to find the small pressure pad. Sarah leaned against the wall momentarily, trying to think what to do now. Should she attempt a standing jump, or back up and take another running leap. Sarah decided to try a standing jump, even though she was almost positive it would not succeed.
The desperate schoolgirl stepped back from the wall and bent at the knee. She launched herself upwards. Her arms shot up, searching for the small black square. Her fingers managed to brush the base of the pad but not enough pressure was exerted to register. Sarah’s hopes of being able to complete the task set for her crumbled. The petite teen backed away from the wall, sizing up the distance to her goal. She would not give up. She could not guess the repercussions for failure but it was something she tried to push out of her mind. She had already failed, it remained to be seen by how much.
Sarah took two deep breaths, set herself and ran at the wall. She leaped just before she reached the wall, stretching her limbs to reach the elusive black square. Her body crashed into the wall as her uncontrolled leap reached its apogee. The young girl collapsed against the wall, bent at the waist and rubbed her bruised elbow. She twisted her neck to look up at the light. She was overjoyed to see the small blue luminance shining above her. Three down, Sarah thought. As she trotted back to the red line, gathering her strength for another attempt, she noticed her classmates whizzing past her at varying speeds.
Her lack of stature had caused her to fail. Sarah had no doubt of that. Yes she was tired but if she was just six inches taller she would have been able to reach the pad, like the rest of the girls in the class. She could only do so much with the body she had. She knew that this would not be accepted as an excuse though. Failure of a task was not acceptable, no matter the reason. She sped up as she reached the wall but her leap fell far short. This was it. She would not be able to register a fourth hit. She would not see that little blue light wink on again during this session. She would not stop trying but Sarah knew her efforts were for naught.
The depleted teen kept leaping for the pressure pad, each attempt more pathetic than the last. Her movements became ragged as her already drained energy reserves ran out entirely.
Sarah nearly sank to the ground at the sound of the shrill whistle. She knew this was unacceptable so dragged herself back to the red line where the class had already formed and stood crisply at attention. She cringed at the look on Miss Vonn’s face as she filled the gap in the line of puffing schoolgirls.
�Dismissed,� cried Miss Vonn. �You are to go directly to your dorm until called for the evening meal. Porter you stay.�
Sarah stood stoically as her classmates undressed and left the room. She took this time to catch her breath and regain her composure. She had no tears left to cry but her spirits were at the lowest ebb of the day. Each lesson had been an ordeal and the accumulation of physical and mental suffering she had endured had taken its toll. She was a broken girl.
Silence reigned in the gymnasium. Sarah stood at attention, her laboured breathing the only sound she could hear. She could not see her teacher, who had moved behind her to supervise the dressing of her classmates. She focused her eyes on the wall opposite. She could just see the reason for her presence here, the small row of black pressure pads and the small unlit bulbs above them. Sarah almost jumped in fright when Miss Vonn spoke softly into her left ear.
�Why did you fail the task set you Porter?�
�Ma’am, I failed because I did not try hard enough. I’m very sorry,� Sarah replied, her manner subdued. She had expected the question and had been ready with her answer. She knew excuses about her height or lack of energy would not be accepted. It was her fault, she should have tried harder. With the correct motivation maybe she would have succeeded. After all she made it three times, that meant she could do it, it wasn’t impossible.
�It may be true that you did not try as hard as you could have. I sense a willingness in you Porter but I also sense a lack of motivation. Not to worry though. I will help your willingness to please and to succeed in servitude blossom. You will soon realise that true fulfilment will only come with service. You will need no more motivation than your innate desire to serve. It will be a long painful road to reach this enlightened state, Porter. Are you willing to endure any pain necessary, willing to obey any order given without question? Are you willing to give yourself completely to your training so you may ultimately bloom into the slut that we all know you can be?�
�Yes Ma’am, I am willing. I will do anything Ma’am, really I will,� Sarah blurted with sincerity. She wanted her teacher to believe her. She wanted the torment of uncertainty to end.
�Well Porter, you failed to complete ten reps of the task set. You managed only three. So how many do you owe me?�
�Seven Ma’am,� Sarah replied fearfully. She fervently prayed that Miss Vonn would not add each one as an infraction. She already had more than she could remember but an extra seven strokes of the cane on top of what she had already earned would put her in the hospital, of that she was sure.
��Porter I am aware that you are the shortest girl in the class. The task set was most difficult for you. This shortcoming on your part, pun unintended,� smirked Miss Vonn, �however is not an excuse for your failure. When a slut has a weakness she works harder than ever to compensate for it, to guarantee that it will not be a cause of displeasure for her superiors. You see this do you not?�
�Yes ma’am.�
�Pull down your pants,� Miss Vonn commanded.
Sarah though taken aback by this abrupt request, complied immediately. She pulled her brief blue panties down over her hips and stepped out of them. She was unsure how to proceed so she fell back on the familiar and simply resumed standing at attention.
�Don’t leave them there Porter, put them in their proper place,� ordered Miss Vonn.
Sarah reached town and hurried to place them on her hook, with the rest of her normal uniform. She reflected on the fact she was now half naked, her pussy and ass open to view. It felt strange to be half exposed. She felt somehow more vulnerable than being totally nude, as if her covered skin accentuated the bared flesh she was forced to reveal. She scurried back to the red line and stood at attention, trying to focus on the far wall and not the sensation of the cool air on her warm pussy.
�Spread your legs wider. Now push your hips towards me. Push that pussy out, offer it. It is important for a slut to be enthusiastic when showing off her equipment, no matter that it is for punishment. It is more important to present yourself for pain than for pleasure. When a slut receives pain there are two reasons for it: for punishment or for the pleasure of your superior. Both of which are far more important to a slut than any pleasure she may receive. Punishment makes you a better slut and the pleasure of your superiors is your entire reason for being. The receipt of pain is a selfless act that every slut embraces.
�Listen to me,� laughed Miss Vonn. �I sound like Lilith. It is important for you to know this though Porter.�
Sarah stood with her legs spread and her hips obscenely pushing her pussy towards her teacher. She listened to every word Miss Vonn said. She knew this was important, as was every lesson, but her teacher was using her own time to teach Sarah now. This was outside her normal lessons and Sarah knew she must not forget the fact that her teacher was here because of her failure. Miss Vonn had not kept her behind for any personal advantage. She was here only to benefit Sarah and she would not forsake that endeavour.
�Pull your pussylips apart,� commanded the gym teacher.
Sarah reached down to her pussy without hesitation. She grabbed each tender lip and pulled them gently apart. The slim hands of the schoolgirl trembled as she opened her most private of areas, though the days where she could consider any part of her body truly private had ended the moment she had stepped through those large wooden doors into Harkwood.
Sarah watched Miss Vonn remove the wicked plastic shocker from her belt. She had seen, and felt the effects of the device during the gym lesson and felt her grip on her pussylips lessen as she instinctively tried to protect herself. It did not take a genius to realise what was about to happen. The trembling schoolgirl bit her lip in anxious anticipation. She knew the shock lasted for only a second, but she had felt the sting for a minute afterwards and that had only been on her tit.
�We will now see if a little extra motivation will allow that little body of yours to reach new heights.�
Sarah’s eyes were glued to the black plastic instrument as Miss Vonn moved it towards her exposed pussy. She held her breath and clenched her jaw as it came within inches of her tender slit. She had to fight the urge to back her hips away from the shock wand. She knew that if she did not offer herself and show enthusiasm for her punishment it would show disrespect for those who had deemed it necessary. She had just been told that shrinking from punishment was not only disrespectful but selfish and harmful to her training. The lesson was fresh and Sarah was glad for it. Without that recent reminder she may not have had the strength to offer her pussy for what was certain to be agony.
In one swift movement, Miss Vonn closed the last few inches and placed the tip of the wand directly on Sarah’s clit. The small button of nerve endings was just peeking out from behind its hood and received the full force of the shock. Sarah screamed as her clit exploded with pain. The shock immediately radiated out from the tender button, sending sharp needle-like stabs of pain into her belly. The tortured schoolgirl jumped away from her teacher and bent over, sobbing, trying to move her abused clit as far away from the source of the pain as possible.
As the initial slashing pain subsided Sarah recovered her wits and quickly moved back to her teacher and resumed her position, her hands quivering and hesitant as they gently opened her pussy to the ministrations of the waiting teacher.
�Once is enough little slut. Now run at that wall and light it up.�
Sarah needed no further urging, she sprinted at the wall and leapt with all she had. Her fingers reached the centre of the pad with a satisfactory slap and the little blue light winked into existence. She ran back to her waiting teacher, bent down to touch the red line and started for the wall again.
�If you fail to light it up, motivation is necessary,� Miss Vonn called after the running teen.
She was not going to suffer that again, Sarah promised. The sharp pain lingered in her clit, though the residual sensations had subsided. She was intensely aware of her clit with each step she took. The abused teen imagined that if she glanced down as she ran she would see her clit immensely swollen, clearly visible as it thrust its way past the plump lips of her pussy. She knew it was nonsense but the unsettling sensation would not leave her.
She focused on her leap as she neared the wall. Slap. Again her fingers met the soft surface of the pressure pad. Her lips twitched with the tiniest of smiles as she saw the blue light shine above her. Back she dashed to the red line, to begin the process again. Five more to go.
Her next attempt, while successful, dismayed Sarah. Her fingers had landed just inside the bottom edge of the square pad. The reserves of energy she did not know she had, revealed to her by the shock to her clit, were being used up. Sarah felt an ache deep in her chest at the thought of failing to light up that little blue bulb. She did not want to face that electric shock again.
She ran back to her teacher and touched the red line running parallel to the wall. She paused for an instant to compose herself for the next attempt.
�Run little slut,� urged Miss Vonn, advancing on her with the wand extended towards her naked buttocks.
Sarah launched herself forward, narrowly escaping further torture. She heard the sharp snap of electricity behind her as she sprinted for the far wall. She slowed down as she reached the middle of the room and made sure her footwork was clean and smooth. The half-naked body of the panting schoolgirl leaped up the brick wall. Sarah expended all her effort on defying gravity one more time, little was left to cushion her return to the hard wooden floor. The exhausted teen’s body fell upon itself. The heel of her right shoe pushed hard against her bare pussy and her left leg was splayed out beside her as she came to rest in a heap at the base of the wall. Sarah rested her forehead on her knee and took in a deep breath before looking up apprehensively.
A small blue light illuminated the bricks far above her head. Sarah mentally cheered for her efforts. She had only four more to go. She groaned as she rose shakily to her feet and jogged exhaustedly back to her teacher. As she crossed the hall she analysed her situation in a realistic light. She had only just managed to touch the pad on her last run. She had not even had the strength to stay on her feet afterwards. Could she truly do it again? Did she have the energy? Could she do it on her own or would she only find the fortitude to continue after her clit received further motivation? Surely she could only push her body so far, punishment or no. She would feel ashamed if she gave up only to be re-motivated to success by her teacher. Self-discipline, Miss Watson had said. Self-discipline was the most important kind of discipline for a slut.
Sarah focused on her breathing and pushed herself to run more smoothly. She had begun to flap her arms raggedly and stomp her feet. She tried to regain some of the fleet, fluid style with which she had begun the day. The tired young girl pushed off each step as if it was her first. She judged the jump perfectly, her nubile body flew through the air, her small delicate fingers failing to reach the pad. She was a full inch short. Sarah’s heart almost broke as she realised her failure.
She ran dejectedly back to her teacher. Instead of turning back for another attempt Sarah stepped before Miss Vonn, spread her legs widely and reached gingerly to spread her pussy. She hated that she had to do this. She hated that she had, of her own choice, without direction, presented the most vulnerable and fragile part of her body to be abused. She knew the pain that was to follow. She knew that she would once again attempt the jump after her clit had been shocked. Sarah questioned whether she would rather succeed or fail once the extra motivation had been dealt to her tender bud. To succeed would show that she had not tried hard enough. To fail would surely mean further pain.
�Good girl Porter. Do you think that you can complete the task that was set for you?� queried Miss Vonn, the evil black wand swishing casually before her opened pussy.
Sarah had brightened imperceptibly at the praise but thought hard on the question posed by her teacher. Could she finish? If she tried again and failed what would that mean?
�Yes Ma’am,� Sarah replied hesitantly, still not sure if the decision had been the correct one. It simply remained to be seen how much further the threat of intense pain could force her to push herself.
�Good girl Porter. Resilience and fortitude are extremely important to a slut. This is no different than a good hard gangbang really. Working hard on that seventh or eighth cock will also require you to search deep within yourself for energy to continue to serve with as much enthusiasm and vigour as if they were your first. Of course your efforts will be motivated by the reward of one more load of sweet cum instead of by pain. Your natural aptitude and appetites are clear but you are just a raw little slut. I don’t think it will take long for your predilections to be cultivated into something beautiful. But come, we had best get you moving again.�
Sarah tensed as the devilish plastic wand swooped towards her spread lips, homing in on her exposed clit. Pain exploded in her pussy before the loud crack of the shock registered. Sarah curled up into a ball, squatting on her heels and hugging her legs like a little girl. The abused teen rocked her youthful body gently, desperately trying to ride through the pain. She stepped gingerly back to position, her movements slow and uncertain. As she gently gripped her pussylips and parted them carefully, she was rocked by a powerful blow to her left buttock.
�Run slut, stop playing with your cunt and light it up,� bellowed Miss Vonn.
As Sarah sped away from her, the imprint of a hand was clearly visible on the naked ass of the petite schoolgirl. Sarah’s behind was now a patchwork of marks: the deep red welts of Miss Watson’s cane, the bright pink handprint she had just felt and the thinner darker stripes from Miss De Witt’s plastic cane that patterned her thighs, worked together to colour her pale flesh with the hallmarks of a slut in training. Miss Vonn nodded appreciatively. This little slut had a lot to learn but there was something about her. The gym teacher knew she would do well, she had the spirit of a slut. She didn’t know it, and no doubt she would fight it, but it was as clear as day to the experienced teacher and the experienced slut alike.
Sarah sprinted and leaped, almost without thinking. She was in a daze, not only from the pain but from the entire situation. She was alone with her teacher, half naked and forced to perform a task all her classmates had completed with apparent ease. It was well after school had ended and she was the only girl still being taught. What was wrong with her? All these thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant. She soon found herself at the base of the wall, desperate to see a blue light. Tears rolled down Sarah’s dainty cheeks as the wall above her remained dark. She trotted grimly back to Miss Vonn.
Sniffling, Sarah took a wide stance, straightened her body and pushed her hips to her teacher. She reached down and spread her sex with grim determination. She had failed. Even after she had assured her teacher that she would not, she had failed. Sarah was fully prepared for what was to happen. She was unsure if she could stand it but she would do her best not to disappoint her teacher further.
�Porter, Porter, Porter,� said Miss Vonn admonishingly, shaking her head as she spoke. �You lied to me. I appreciate that you wanted to do well but a slut must know her limits. Making a promise you cannot keep is a guaranteed way to disappoint and is most deserving of punishment. Well little one, you have definitely disappointed me. Your failure is not forgivable, nor are your lies but your spirit has charmed me. You will still receive a shock for each incomplete attempt but I think that providing you with an infraction for each one may be unnecessary. You have to show me that you agree however.
�You have one chance and one chance only. You will eat my pussy for four minutes. If you can gift me with an orgasm in that time it will prove that your failure was a physical one and not one borne from lack of discipline, disrespect or laziness. How does that sound to you Porter.�
�Yes please Ma’am. I will do anything. Please Ma’am I meant no disrespect,� Sarah blurted.
She desperately wanted to be back with her classmates. Miss Vonn was not Miss Rice but she was pretty and had a beautiful athletic body. Today was the first day Sarah had ever touched another pussy. She had never eaten a pussy before, she had never even thought about it before today. Sarah hoped that the experience of having Mitchell eat her own pussy in biology class and the instructions Miss Rice had given her would help her accomplish her task now.
She needed this. She needed to show Miss Vonn that she was not disrespectful. She did not think she could have four more strokes of the cane added to her already numerous infractions. She was really going to do this. She was going to place her mouth on a woman’s vagina and pleasure her. A shiver ran through her body as the nervousness she felt twisting her insides.
"Begin slut. Your time will start when your tongue touches my pussy."
Sarah� dropped to her knees before her teacher. She instinctively spread her legs wide into the proper kneeling position. Miss Vonn still had her belt with the wand holster and her gym shorts on. Sarah shuffled closer to her teacher, careful to keep her legs wide and her pussy exposed. She had not been told to do it, and she did not enjoy the position, but had felt it was the correct thing for her to do.
She reached out gently to her teacher and unclipped the strap holding her belt together. The waist of the belt opened allowing Sarah to slide the loops around each of her teacher’s thighs and down the well-muscled legs. Miss Vonn stepped out of the belt harness as Sarah reached her feet. The obedient teen placed the harness to one side. With a little more assurance Sarah reached up to remove her teacher’s tight gym shorts. Miss Vonn watched her quietly. The silence unnerved the schoolgirl but the fact that her teacher had not interrupted or corrected her meant she was acting appropriately. She delicately grabbed the waistband of the shorts with her fingers and gently pulled the tight garment down. Once Miss Vonn had stepped out of the small shorts, Sarah folded them neatly and placed them with the harness.
The teacher was impressed with Sarah's behaviour so far. The care and respect she showed by folding her shorts was a clear indication to Miss Vonn that Sarah had the makings of an excellent slut. She would make her owner very happy.
Miss Vonn stepped once to her right, spreading her legs substantially, opening her cunt to the young girl kneeling before her. Sarah focused on her teacher’s bare sex, afraid to look Miss Vonn in the eye. Her teacher's pussy was only small. Her pussylips were thin and lay tight against her body, her inner lips poking visibly between them. Her teacher's pussy was bare like hers, but above the slit the thick hair had been neatly trimmed into two perfect circles and trimmed close to the skin. The smaller circle, just above her teacher's slit was only the size of a dime, the circle above was much larger, maybe twice the size. Sarah pondered the significance of this configuration. Whatever the reason, it looked quite pretty.
From the moment Sarah spotted the jewellery, however, she was fascinated. A small silver ring pierced Miss Vonn's clit hood. A tiny silver H dangled from it, sparkling in the gymnasium lights. Sarah had heard of people getting their bodies pierced. She had seen the emo kids with metal all over their face. She had seen Rascal in biology with a ring through her nose like a cow. But piercings in the pussy was something that shocked and intrigued her. How much did it hurt? What did it feel like when you were wearing panties? If she could have she would have asked hundreds of questions. But she had a job to do.
Sarah shuffled forward a little more, until her face was only inches from her teacher’s warm flesh. She noticed something past Miss Vonn's pink lips. A large sparkling diamond ringed by a thin band of silver sat where her teacher’s asshole should be. Miss Vonn was wearing a plug up her ass. A plug with a beautiful diamond embedded in it. Sarah's mind spun. Miss Vonn had taken their class with something inside her ass! Was this the same thing that Rascal wore? How could someone move and indeed run with something like that inside of them. Had she been wearing it all day?
Sarah snapped herself out of the shock-induced daydream. She had a task to complete. Perhaps the most important thing she had to do all day. It was up to her and her alone to bring pleasure to a superior. The ultimate pleasure, she had to make her teacher come. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to do. She was going to actually eat another woman's pussy. Not just a gentle lick as she had done in biology. She would have to use her mouth and her tongue and her lips to get her teacher to orgasm. Even after everything that had happened to her that day, the bewildered teen had trouble accepting what she was about to do.
The obedient schoolgirl closed her eyes once to mentally prepare herself. Ok. Sarah opened her eyes and pressed her mouth against her teachers waiting pussy. She heard a little click above her but did not wish to lose focus and worry about it. The taste of Miss Vonn was unlike her own or Taylor's or Ozawa’s. It was strong and pungent but not entirely unpleasant. It reminded her of one of the hard cheeses her stepfather used to eat with his wine. It was extremely expensive and Sarah amused herself by sneaking slices when he wasn't looking.
She knew she was fighting the clock and her own inexperience and tried to remember what Mitchell had done to her and how amazing that had felt. She hoped enthusiasm could make up for her lack of technique, even if it was not real. Sarah placed her whole mouth over Miss Vonn's pussy, enveloping her lips and clit. Her bottom lip rested against the warm metal of the plug in her teacher's ass.
Sarah darted her tongue inside the moist opening. She was rewarded immediately by a moan from Miss Vonn. She began to move her tongue in and out of the pussy, fucking it with quick, short licks. Her teacher grabbed her by the ponytail and ground her face into her pussy. Sarah moaned and continued to fuck her teacher with her tongue, her nose squashed against the small circles of pubic hair, depriving her of air. She dared not pull away and continued to focus on moving her tongue in Miss Vonn's wet cleft.
Just as the young girl became desperate for air Miss Vonn released her grip. Sarah took this opportunity to lick her teacher’s glistening slit from top to bottom. She tasted the metallic tang of the ring and small charm. She shifted her attention to the clit that was marked by the jewellery. She had a short time in which to make her teacher come and she knew the clit was the best way to accomplish it.
Sarah flicked her tongue across the tiny red button, now exposed as the hood retracted slightly. She placed her mouth over the clit and sucked gently, continuing to dart her tongue across the hard bud. Miss Vonn groaned constantly as the eager schoolgirl teased her clit. Again Sarah's head was seized and forced sharply into her teacher’s crotch. She tried hard to keep her hands behind her back as she fought for air, the urge to reach up and push herself away almost overwhelming. She knew the time must be running out and tried to ignore everything but her mouth on her teacher’s cunt.
Sarah's attentions were rewarded by the increasingly hard grinding of her teacher's hips. Miss Vonn was thrusting her pussy towards Sarah's mouth, seeking the hot, moist source of her ecstasy. Sarah almost stopped sucking the rock hard clit when she felt the now familiar fluttering in her belly. At almost the same time she noticed her own hips grinding slowly in time with her teachers.
Sarah's head was rudely yanked away from the comforting warmth of Miss Vonn's pussy. Her teacher twisted her head to one side and pointed it up to face her.
"Stick your tongue out and keep it out slut," snarled Miss Vonn.
Sarah stuck her tongue out obediently. The mystified teen didn't have time to react as the shock wand flicked towards her face. She saw it only at the last moment and by then it was too late. Pain erupted in her tongue. It felt like a hot coal had been dropped in her mouth. Her head flew back but the vicelike grip of her teacher held her in place. She was drawn back to Miss Vonn's waiting pussy and the abused teen immediately continued to eat. Every movement of her tongue brought a fresh pain, as if a needle was constantly pricking the tender organ. Sarah doubled her efforts, sure now that her time was almost up.
"You have three more shocks," Miss Vonn groaned as Sarah's attention brought her close to the peak of an orgasm.
Sarah licked her teacher's clit desperately. She thought only of pleasing Miss Vonn, even the residual pain in her tongue and the fear of the punishment to come could not divert her attention. Sarah was now raising her hips in sync with each thrust of her teacher's pussy. Small moans escaped Sarah's lips as Miss Vonn groaned in ecstasy. She could sense the nearness of the orgasm. She ground her mouth into the wet cunt, lost in the moment.
Miss Vonn, slid the plastic wand into the shoulder strap of her top and grasped the sides of the young girl’s nodding head with both hands. Sarah lapped her teacher’s cunt with abandon. In moments she was rewarded by a sustained moan from her teacher, strong legs quivered as her body was wracked by a powerful orgasm. Sarah continued to suck the juice from Miss Vonn's pussy, not daring to stop. She felt as if she was attached to the wet slit. She would not stop until commanded to. The thought of what she was doing had long ago left her. The dazed teen had given herself to the pleasure of the moment, taking pleasure from giving pleasure.
"Suckle my inner lips slut. I like that after I have come," moaned Miss Vonn, the satisfaction clear in her voice.
Sarah obediently shifted her focus to the wrinkled inner lips of her teacher. She dutifully drew them into her mouth and rolled her tongue over the two tiny soft flaps of flesh. She kept her mouth closed over her teacher’s pussy as she played with the lips, suckling them gently. Sarah took a great solace from the contented moans that came from her teacher.
"Okay Porter you have had your fun. You may lick me clean and then dress me."
As she let the tender lips leave her mouth she pulled them out from her teacher's body and watched them dart back up into the safety of their neighbours. She smiled at the sight, wide enough for her dimples to form. Sarah licked the pussy before her without thinking, cleaning all traces of her saliva and her teacher’s watery juice from the satisfied cunt. It was not until she reached for her teacher's clothes that she came to her senses.
She realised not only what she had just done but also how she had reacted. Her face flushed crimson as her behaviour caused a wave of humiliation to pound upon her as an almost physical force. She hung her head as she unfolded her teacher's shorts. There was no way she could look Miss Vonn in the eye after this. She had seen her smile as she played with her pussylips, no doubt she had seen Sarah grind her own pussy as she ate her teacher's with a desperate vitality.
"I am not sure who enjoyed that more Porter," Miss Vonn laughed. "Well of course I did but I think you came very close. And that is only as it should be. A slut derives pleasure from giving pleasure. It is not uncommon for a slut to come when she causes those using her to orgasm. Of course that is only if the slut has been granted permission."
Sarah listened to her teacher talk as she slid her shorts up her legs and seated them snugly against her pussy. She adjusted the waistband and made sure the tight shorts sat smoothly and comfortably on her teacher. The kneeling teen slid her hands around her teacher's buttocks, smoothing the wrinkles in the tight material, trying her best to do the right thing without appearing to take liberties with her teacher's body. Sarah was amazed at the intimacy of the act of dressing her teacher. She could not explain why but it felt a lot more personal and exciting than when she had undressed her.
Miss Vonn stepped into the belt harness when Sarah offered it to her and waited as Sarah slid it up her muscled legs, finally clipping the harness and adjusting the leg loops to their correct position.
"You made a mess on my floor little slut," observed Miss Vonn.
The gym teacher squatted in front of Sarah and reached for her pussy. Sarah bit her lip to hold back a moan as her teacher's rough fingers scraped the entrance to her pussy. Miss Vonn brought her hand in front of Sarah's face, showing the young girl the large glob of thick white cream. The fingers came to rest only inches from her face and Sarah, remembering her training,� dutifully opened her mouth.
"So eager little slut. You are lucky Porter. I'm not a lesbian, so you can indeed have the pleasure of consuming your own cunt cream," said Miss Vonn, gently placing her fingers in Sarah's waiting mouth.
Sarah licked her thick cream, swirling her tongue over and between the two strong fingers. She sucked as Miss Vonn removed them from her mouth, making sure the digits were clean. The teacher wiped the remaining moisture on Sarah's hair as she stood up. The strong aftertaste of her own sexual secretions lingered in the young girl’s mouth. This taste was rapidly becoming familiar to her. It was not the fact that she tasted bad that made her blush with shame, in fact she found her cream to have a pleasant taste, which only added to the disgust she felt for herself.
If this day was anything to go by her pussy would produce copious amounts of cream when aroused and it was her duty as a slut to clean up all fluids, either from herself of from those she was servicing. She had never tasted herself before today. She had never contemplated doing so. Now she had not only eaten her own pussy juice but she had discovered that she liked the taste.
"Clean up your mess slut," commanded Miss Vonn.
Sarah shuffled backwards until she could see the small puddle of cream she had left on the polished wooden floor of the gymnasium. She leant her body slowly towards the floor. She had to be careful and move slowly as her hands were behind her back and could provide no help in stabilising her body as her weight shifted. Sarah spread her legs wide in a search for a more balanced position.
As soon as her mouth was close to the floor she flicked her tongue out to clean up her cream. She did little more than push the large blob of thick liquid around the floor. This was a lesson she should have learnt in her cock-sucking class. Sarah pursed her lips and started to suck her cream noisily from the floor. The loud slurping sounds made her cringe inside but she continued cleaning the floor. It did not take long for the small puddle to disappear into her mouth. Now her tongue would be effective, to clean up the last remnants and make sure the floor was as clean as possible.
Sarah could taste something other than herself and it was not until a small piece of grit got caught under her tongue that she realised that she was cleaning a floor. Cleaning it not only of her pussy juice but also of any dirt and dust that had accumulated. The prone teen was not sure what was causing her more distress, the demeaning act of cleaning a floor with her tongue, a floor that countless schoolgirls had run across just that day, or the shame she felt from slurping up her own juice.
Once the floor was clean and glistening with a shine from her saliva, Sarah jerked her body upright and settled back into a correct kneeling position and waited obediently for Miss Vonn to direct her. The moment her body was erect Miss Von stepped casually behind the kneeling teen.
Sarah's world turned upside down. She felt a tight pressure around her neck and her body was thrown backwards. It was all over in a second. The bewildered teen was on her back with the hard body of Miss Vonn underneath her. The thick, muscled arm of her teacher was wrapped tightly around the shocked schoolgirl’s neck, making it difficult for her to breathe. The intensely strong gym teacher had wrapped her legs around Sarah's and forced them open.
Sarah squirmed instinctively for a second but she did little more than wriggle her torso. The dazed schoolgirl did her best to relax into the position her gym teacher now held her in. Pain exploded in Sarah's pussy a moment before she heard the loud crack of the shock wand. A strangled gurgle burst from her throat. Three times in quick succession the wand found her most tender area. The top of her slit, the plump meat of her left cuntlip and the delicate skin of the crease between thigh and crotch all received the tip of the wand and the resultant shock.
Sarah threw her body into contortions but Miss Vonn's grip held strong. She barely moved though her hands flew to her pussy in a foolish attempt to protect it from further torture. Sarah's face had become bright red as Miss Vonn tightened the lock around her neck.
"Lie still slut. You will not be released until you lie still," Miss Vonn breathed into her ear.
Sarah fought the panic as her vision began to blur and quietened herself as best she could. Her mouth gasped for air and her hands tensed as she felt herself begin to lose consciousness. Miss Vonn released her grip once her body had finished squirming. She threw Sarah to one side like a ragdoll.
"Attention slut," bellowed Miss Vonn as she undulated her body and flipped herself to her feet.
Sarah gasped for breath, taking deep lungfuls of air inside her. Breathing had become everything to her. She had heard her teacher's command but it had sounded garbled to the distressed young girl sprawled in a heap on the gym floor, it had buzzed around inside her mind, nagging her. Sarah continued to gasp and pant but she slowly dragged herself to her feet.
Once she was upright her body moved to attention almost without thought. Stars danced in the schoolgirl’s vision, and her chest heaved, but the annoying feeling of doing the wrong thing had faded. It was something she had often felt in the past: when she had failed to do her homework or forgotten a chore at home. She was glad that this time it was so easy to rid herself of the terrible goading that had plagued her for hours in her previous life.
"Our lesson is concluded Porter. You have quite the talented little tongue. That patch of floor is the cleanest in the entire gymnasium. Maybe you should come back after dinner and clean the rest of the gym as well, hmmm. Would you like that Porter?"
"If it would make you happy Ma'am," Sarah replied between gasps.
"Now Porter, a charming sentiment but a noncommittal one. You did not answer the question asked of you. Do so," commanded Miss Vonn sternly.
"No Ma'am," Sarah replied anxiously. She would clean the gym floor with her tongue, she knew that all Miss Vonn had to do was give her that direction. But she would not enjoy it and Sarah could not bring herself to tell the lie that she would.
"If you are the only slut to not complete an exercise in my class again then that is exactly what you will be doing. Dismissed."
Sarah was still a little dazed from the end to the lesson. Everything after licking her pussy cream from the floor was a blur for the bewildered teen. Her mind was trying to catch up to the present, trying to put the last two minutes into some semblance of order. The teacher had tackled her with some kind of wrestling move and held her helpless while administering the remaining shocks she had earned. Sarah did not want to feel the terrifying power of her gym teacher again. Miss Vonn's muscles were like corded steel and the petite schoolgirl had been like a puppet in her grip.
Sarah curtsied to Miss Vonn and scrambled to the wall and the welcoming protection of her uniform. She was relieved to be finally finished with her lessons for the day, relieved that she would be leaving the presence of Miss Vonn, who she now held in some fear, relieved to be able to put her uniform back on, to finally have her bottom half covered.
As Sarah dressed she was again struck by how much her uniform had come to mean to her over the course of a day. The covering may have been meagre, with the tiny panties and half-cup bra, and the blouse may have kept her nipples maddeningly hard, but she felt so much safer when she was wearing it. Even her collar, which was a constant reminder of her servitude, felt part of the uniform now. Even when the rest of her clothing had been taken from her and she had been naked while forced to perform a task or be used for demonstration the collar had remained.
At first her collar had caused her a great deal of distress. It had been the final nail in the coffin of her old life. When Sarah thought about it now she was amazed at how her feelings towards the hard metal circlet had changed. Not only was the feel of her collar always present, the contact points changing as she moved, but the tiny metallic tinkling of the ring inset in the front was a sound that followed her everywhere. It was a part of her uniform now, a part of who she was as a student of Trinity house.
Sarah clipped her tie to her blouse then reached up and touched her collar. The metal was warm and unforgiving. She quickly brought her hands back to her sides. She was not sure if she was allowed to touch her collar in that way. The possible breach of the rules reminded her of where she was. She needed to get back to her classmates. She glanced at the clock on the wall above the door as she leaned down to scan her eartag. It was 6.15. Dinner was in 15 minutes! Sarah scurried out of the gymnasium and through the gym, not even noticing the multitude of girls exercising on the various machines.
Sarah walked as quickly as she dared. She glanced at the open doorway of the food hall as she passed it, aware that she would be back here in ten minutes time. She ignored the other girls as she desperately made her way to her dorm, still dazed by her recent experience. She had just had her first real sexual encounter. And it had been with a woman, a teacher. She still could not quite believe what she had done. She couldn’t quite remember how it had happened, all she knew was that she had not fought at all. She had meekly accepted her fate, doing as she was told. She was still having trouble accepting the way she behaved. She was halfway up the stairs from the ground floor when her name was called. Sarah turned resignedly and descended the stairs to stand at attention in front of her handler.
"Porter what are you doing in the corridors after class has ended," Harper questioned angrily.
"I am going to the dorm Miss."
"Don't get smart Porter. Where is the rest of your house?"
"I don't know, I think they are already in the dorm."
"Once again Porter why are you in the corridors after class. I won't ask you a question a second time again. You also just earned yourself an infraction, you are not to answer a question in that manner."
"I was kept behind in class Miss," replied Sarah dejectedly. Why could she not do anything right. I am a slut, I am a slut, she chanted to herself. She realised what she was saying to herself but she vowed never to say 'I don't know' as long as she lived.
"Why were you kept behind?"
"I failed an exercise Miss Vonn set in the make-up time we earned Miss."
"I’m very disappointed in you Porter. I want to hear all about it during your briefing tomorrow. Now get to your dorm. Dinner is in less than seven minutes and you will not be allowed down if you are not in your dorm when the bell rings. Move it. And don't dawdle Porter."
Sarah turned and stepped quickly up the stairs. She increased her speed once she turned the corner and was out of sight of the rest of the school. Only Trinity girls came up here. Sarah rushed across the landing and up the next set of stairs. She turned into the corridor leading to the dorm, now only 20 metres from her destination. The anxious schoolgirl almost ran the final distance. She breathed a sigh of relief when she scanned her eartag as she entered the Trinity dorm. It was the first time the beep of the scanner had not made her feel worthless. She had the chance to glance once around the room, noting her classmates clustered together in one tight huddle before Miss Peach interrupted the scene.
"Line up. Dinnertime."
Sarah had made it in time but she had no chance to talk with her classmates. She wondered what they had been talking about while she had been exhausting herself and licking her teacher's pussy in the gymnasium. She hoped for a chance to catch up with Murphy during dinner and afterwards. She took her place in line and waited for the dinner bell, �having only seconds to wait before the muted electronic tone echoed throughout the dorm. She had made it with less than a minute to spare. Sarah could not decide if she was extremely lucky or terribly unlucky or if luck even played a part at all.
"Move off," commanded Miss Peach.�
�The girls of Trinity house made their way quickly and quietly to the food hall. Sarah was ravenous, having eaten nothing since the small salad at lunch. Well nothing substantial, she corrected herself, thoughts of eating her teacher’s pussy and her own pussy cream brought a flush of scarlet heat to her face. Why was she even thinking of these things? Something as innocent as looking forward to a meal was now subjected to the interruptions of her slut training.
The two neat lines of schoolgirls negotiated the stairs with much more aplomb after their extra lesson with Miss Watson. The formation managed to stay tight and clean and each girl was gratified by this small success. Sarah felt good that they had all managed to learn and work as a team. These girls were going to be her friends until graduation and working together was important.
The sound of hundreds of chattering schoolgirls filtered up from the ground floor. As her line rounded the corner to the last set of stairs Sarah could see a sea of girls filling the corridor below. Olsen and Mitchell began to descend but stopped a few steps from the bottom. The press of teenage flesh was like a wave rushing towards the doors of the food hall. There did not appear to be anywhere for the girls of Trinity house to enter the manic fray.
Sarah waited patiently and watched as the tide of uniformed girls finally began to ebb. Olsen and Mitchell took their chance and entered the corridor. Sarah soon followed Murphy’s bobbing form down the last few stairs and was glad to be on level ground again. Standing at attention on the narrow stair had been a precarious undertaking. It was only as the lines attempted to move to the left hand side of the corridor, to be closer to the doorway to the food hall, that Sarah noticed that Mitchell was wearing her blouse. She was happy for Mitchell, it would have been utterly humiliating, well beyond anything they had already suffered, to be forced to eat in front of the rest of the school with her udders exposed.
An odd feeling struck Sarah as she thought of Mitchell topless before the rest of the school. The girls from the other houses, the normal girls, were a very different entity; one which she had never really thought about too much. They were not like the staff of Harkwood, who knew of the low status of the Trinity students and who knew of their training regime. The hundreds of Harkwood students not in her house were normal, happy girls. They held a power over Sarah. She realised that what these girls thought was important to her. She did not quite understand why, but it was a realisation that she was not happy with. The thought of having her body, or her new life, exposed to these girls was a horror that Sarah felt deep in her chest.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she neared the open doorway to the food hall. Her stomach grumbled as the wondrous aromas of the myriad main courses wafted towards her. This first day of class had been a long and exhausting one. As she had rushed back to her dorm all the young girl had wanted was a shower and then to fall into a blissful sleep but the first scent of food had flipped her priorities, she no longer thought about sleep. All she could think of was filling her belly with some of the delicious food that she could smell. She could not see into the room as she was too far back in line. Olsen and Mitchell were waiting until they could get into the hall without obstructing any other students.
Girls were still trickling into the hall in small groups. The sounds of clinking cutlery began to filter out to Sarah. Her stomach grumbled again as she imagined filling her own belly with all her favourite meals. There was something strange about the sound of cutlery hitting plate. It took Sarah a few moments to pinpoint the perplexing feeling. The cutlery the girls were using was metal! Sarah had never thought about it before. The knives, forks and spoons that she and her Trinity housemates used were all plastic. How could something as tiny as this difference make her feel any smaller. She did not understand it but it made it no less humiliating. Everything she experienced now, reminded her that she was different; reminded her that she was a possession now. Chattel, they used to call it in the olden days she thought.
Finally they were on the move. Sarah realised her line was moving into the hall first. She felt a physical urge to brush against Mitchell as she passed the buxom girl but she fought the inappropriate feelings and focused on sticking with Murphy. Once inside, the mouth-watering aromas hit Sarah like tidal wave of sensation. She had never had this reaction to food before. Then again she had never been this hungry before. She risked a glance at a table as she passed. She noticed a thick, juicy steak on one girl’s plate and caught the barest of glimpses of an elaborate pastry dish on another. Sarah felt like licking her lips. Every minute they had to wait was like an eternity for the famished teen.
As they had at lunch, the girls of Trinity house lined up against the wall and waited as the latecomers walked past and joined the line ahead of them. Before they had a chance to move Mrs Lancaster came to address the house of dutifully waiting girls.
�This is your first dinner service. As such I am instructing you once and once only. Once the main meals have been served you will receive your first service call. You are to clear away all the main course dishes and then serve the dessert. Only one dessert is prepared per dinner service so there is no need for the students to line up. It is your duty to serve the desserts to the tables. Once the desserts are finished, you are to clear and clean the tables and chairs, place the chairs upon the tables and clean the floors.�
With that brusque soliloquy Mrs Lancaster turned and retreated back into the kitchen. Finally, after what felt like an hour to Sarah, her line began to move. It did not take long for her to collect her tray and receive her meal. She had mentally crossed her fingers, and toes, hoping for a steak. Instead a bowl of salad and a side plate of fruit had been unceremoniously placed on her tray. Once the opened bottle of water had been added she moved off to her assigned seat, shoulders rounded in resignation.
Sarah sat down on the small round stool next to Murphy and started to eat. The salad was delicious: a number of different types of lettuce, shredded carrot, pine nuts, mushrooms, beetroot. The chefs at Harkwood definitely knew their stuff, but it was not a steak. In fact there was no meat whatsoever in the dish. Sarah looked longingly at the table across the way as a pretty girl cut her steak and chewed it delightedly. The girl somehow sensed she was the object of attention and looked straight at her. Sarah dropped her eyes in alarm and focused on eating her own meal. She did not know how long she had to finish it this time.
She admonished herself for the jealousy she felt. She had been given a delicious salad. A salad designed to fulfil all her dietary needs. She should not be coveting the meals of other girls. Was this one of those things that she should bring to a superiors attention? Was this a show of disrespect for Mrs Lancaster and the kitchen staff? Sarah couldn’t help herself. She had always loved meat. When the popular girls at school had all become vegetarians in one of their many passing fads, Sarah had laughed to herself. She could never survive without her steak, without her bacon or her spicy chicken wings.
Her classmates were all obviously as hungry as she was. Not a word was spoken at their tables as they quickly devoured the small salad and the plate of fruit. Honeydew melon, orange, plum and apricot slices were all sumptuously juicy and sweet and all disappeared in seconds. It was not until Sarah had cleared both her dishes of every last piece of food, and had emptied half her bottle of water, that she looked to Murphy for conversation.
�Yeah,�� the pretty Irish teen replied ambivalently.
�What’s wrong,� Sarah queried with concern. Her friend felt so cold towards her.
�Wha�� Murphy coughed in amazement. �Port are you fucking kidding me?� she hissed.
�I don’t mean with that Murph, I mean with us. I, well today we�� Sarah was struggling to find the words to express her feelings. Now that she had the chance to talk to her friend, confusion and fear were making her tongue-tied. �Murph I just really want you to be my friend. I know today was hard and we did things that� But Murph I thought a few times that you hated me. Please Murph, I don’t think I could stand that.�
Sarah poured her heart out to her friend, close to tears, desperate for her to understand the way she felt and why she said and did the things during class that day. Murphy’s face softened as she saw the distress Sarah was in. The strong facade that Murphy had witnessed, and misinterpreted, throughout the day had cracked.
�Port don’t worry about it. Let’s talk after dinner. You better finish your water,� Murphy advised, giving Sarah a big smile to let her know that their friendship was intact. She had a great many questions for Sarah that would need answering. They all had a lot to talk about that night. Each girl had to deal with her new life in their own way but the support they could give each other was sure to be invaluable in dealing with the trials to come.
Sarah sniffed back the tears that had threatened and reached for her water. Murphy’s smile had brightened her mood immeasurably. She was such a stunningly beautiful girl. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with starlight when she smiled. Sarah slowly drank the rest of her water, forcing herself to swallow the last few mouthfuls. She checked her tray just to make sure she had finished her meal. She did not want Mrs Lancaster to feel disrespected and she definitely did not want to earn another infraction.
Sarah turned to talk to Murphy again but was interrupted by Cox’s hissed warning that the light was on. Almost as if they had choreographed the move, all eighteen Trinity house students stood and moved to their stations. Sarah glanced down both of her house’s tables as she left, noticing with satisfaction that every single bowl, plate and bottle was completely empty.
As she threaded her way through the tables of schoolgirls, chatting as they ate, Sarah felt vulnerable again. The comforting presence of her classmates was gone and she was alone amongst a sea of strangers, girls who intimidated her by their mere presence. Intimidated her by the fact that they were not training to be sluts, they were not owned by someone. Her perception of the world and of her place in it had changed more dramatically in one day than she would have ever thought possible. She dare not meet the eye of girls who were younger than her, something she struggled with intensely. She kept her eyes on the tables and trays, not on the girls.
Sarah tried to ignore the snippets of conversation that came to her through the general cacophony of the food hall. So many of them were centred around Trinity house, and her in particular. That was only natural though, she told herself, she was the closest Trinity girl to these tables. Sarah was just thankful that the calm during her dinner had allowed her nipples to relax back to their normal state. They were not trying to pierce her blouse and that was a huge relief, not only physically as they had been aching for some time, but mentally as well. The humiliation of high-beaming in front of these girls was not something she wanted to deal with.
Try as she might she could not ignore the comments that drifted to her. The conjecture about exactly what Trinity house was for was often lurid and derogatory. The fact that they were troublemakers in need of discipline was not in doubt. It was the details that were talked about endlessly: the collar, the high heels, the separate seating and separate meals and separate classes and separate teachers. With each comment the pressure built inside her. She wanted to shout at these girls, tell them exactly what was going on. She wanted to scream at them that she was being trained as a slut, that she was being groomed to be her stepfather’s slave.
Sarah remained silent, the only outward sign of her inner struggle the tightening of her jaw. Her stepfather’s slave. The thought, once there, would not go away. Miss Watson had said that she didn’t like to use that term but she was the possession of another person and that was slavery. She did not have a chance follow this train of thought. She saw that the girls at the tables around her had finished their main meals and she needed to get to work. She had not cleared a table while people remained seated before. At lunch the girls had already started to leave the tables before she cleared them. She would have to be extremely careful not to annoy anyone.
Sarah moved deftly between the seated schoolgirls, collecting trays and stacking them as best she could. After collecting only four trays she had to start heading to the counter. The different sizes of dishes and the seated girls prevented her from stacking up a whole table of trays – this was going to take longer than she had expected. She tried to move a little faster, sure that those who were cleared last would not be happy if they had to wait too long with dirty dishes when their friends had none.
For the next five minutes the eighteen girls from Trinity house scurried around the hall, clearing trays. Leaning down between two seated girls, making sure she did not touch either one, to gather the dinner trays became harder and harder. Her weary muscles began to fatigue from the strain of bending and lifting. Any other time she would have been able to perform this with no problems but the day had exhausted her and she was struggling to keep speed with the other girls. To make matters worse the bending and shuffling had caused her nipples to harden once again. She cursed her tight blouse as the giggling of the girls became apparent. Sarah didn’t think it could get worse when, as she reached down between two girls, her positioning was not the best and her breasts brushed a shoulder, her hard nipples glancing across the arm of the seated schoolgirl.
�Ewww,� the startled girl said in disgust.
�Sorry Miss,� Sarah replied quietly, hoping the incident would not be forgotten.
She hurried away with her trays, thankful that these were the last that needed to be cleared from the tables in her section. She would have to return to serve the dessert but she would make sure she came nowhere near the girl she had touched. Her face burned with such intensity that she could have been mistaken for suffering from a deep fever. The girl’s horrified response had humiliated Sarah to her core. Her nipples were unmistakable as she worked her way between the tables, they were no doubt the first thing anyone would notice when glancing in her direction. How could things so little, feature so prominently in her mind.
Sarah placed her last stack of trays on the counter top and waited for the desserts to be served. All the Trinity girls immediately stood at attention as they waited for the dessert trays to arrive. If this was their first service Sarah wondered what had happened at previous dinner meals. She would have to ask Murphy later. Well after she had asked her the hundred and one other questions that she was desperate to have answered.
She watched the kitchen staff prepare the desserts. It was a true marvel how they moved along the assembly line, organising 200 meals in so short a time. What was truly amazing was that the food was so excellent. Sarah had dined at fine restaurants that did not offer meals as delicious and well prepared. Her old school had served simple slop-food. Well that was what she liked to call it. Definitely not a high standard, though the students had never seemed to mind.
Mrs Lancaster gestured for the girls to come into the kitchen area and begin serving. Each girl was handed a tray with ten bowls of dessert, and ten gleaming square-shaped metal spoons. Sarah’s mouth watered as she carried her tray back to her section. Each small bowl contained a slice of apple and caramel cheesecake that she was dying to try. The temptation to dip her finger in a slice and revel in the sumptuous flavours was almost too much. She snapped herself back to reality as she weaved to her section, taking especial care not to touch even a hair on the head of any of the seated schoolgirls.
Once at her section she placed the tray at the end of the table and quickly placed the bowl and spoon before each girl. When Sarah had to serve the girl she had poked with her nipples, she stood well back from the table and stretched her arm to its maximum length. Even with this effort both girls leaned exaggeratedly away from her to ensure they went unmolested this time.
Sarah heard the giggles and demeaning comments as she left the table with her empty tray. One girl had told her friend she had been lucky she hadn’t lost an eye. The whole table erupted in laughter and Sarah hurried away, mortified by the ridicule. She had wanted to scream at them that it was not her fault but the humiliation quickly deflated any momentary anger. She had to be silent and accept her place. She would never be able to stand up to these girls. Never be able to set the record straight. What good would it have done anyway? What a sight she would have made: collared, face flushed scarlet with shame, nipples near to bursting holes in the stiff material of her blouse. No one could ever have taken her seriously. Anything she said would have been dismissed as the raving of some lunatic, trying to find a way out of the disciplined rehabilitation program. All the girls knew that Trinity house was the last chance for young offenders, girls who had passed well beyond the ASBOs they had no doubt been assigned.
Sarah finished serving the desserts without incident. She stood back at her station, positioning herself directly over the number on the floor, and waited for the ordeal to end. Being forced to stand and watch as the obviously sweet desserts were consumed was torture to for the still hungry young girl. The salad and fruit, while delicious, were not filling. Even the large bottle of water had not made her feel any more satisfied, though it did have an effect on her bladder. She needed to pee and once that thought had forced it’s way to the front of her mind it would not be quieted. Standing perfectly still, her legs spread, was quickly becoming an ordeal in itself. The more she tried to think of other things, the greater her need to pee became. The thought of crossing her legs leapt into her mind but was immediately dismissed.
Sarah took deep breaths, letting each one out slowly, and tried to focus on the schoolgirls seated in her section. A few had begun to drift out of the hall, the freedom with which they moved was a tantalising reminder to Sarah that her life was governed by others now. Once the delightful dessert was finished the girls did not tend to linger. It was almost as if a pre-arranged signal had been received, as almost all the remaining girls left together, though she had to wait for more than a minute to begin clearing her section as her path was blocked by exiting schoolgirls.
Sarah rushed to the counter, collected a tray and began clearing. She wanted to complete this task as quickly as possible, not only so she could empty her bladder and relieve the pressure that was quickly preoccupying all of her thoughts, but so she would have as much time as possible to talk to Murphy and the other girls. She needed to discuss what had happened to them all. She needed to know how her classmates felt about the change in direction their lives had taken.
She stacked every bowl from her section onto the one tray. The load was a risk, and one which she second-guessed as she walked carefully to the counter. With an audible sigh of relief she slid the tray along the countertop and collected a washcloth. Sarah stalked back to her section and immediately began to clean the tables and chairs. Once cleaned, she stacked the chairs neatly, as she had seen them the night before. She made sure that each one was lined up correctly with each other and with the table edge.
Sarah made short work of her section and began to help clean those around her. She had neglected to check the time but she felt that in less than ten minutes all tables were clean and the food hall had been transformed into a forest of plastic chair legs.
�To your seats,� called Mrs Lancaster as she surveyed the work of the Trinity students.
Sarah scrambled back to the tables assigned to Trinity house, noting that these were the only two tables that still contained the dinner dishes. Mrs Lancaster walked down each table surveying the empty bowls and bottles. The lesson had been learnt – not one bowl or bottle contained a scrap of food.
�Trays to the front. First nine collect a dustpan and brush and clean the floor. Sweep from the wall inwards, starting from the front of the room. Second nine collect a mop and bucket and mop the floor and clean each area as it is swept. When the entire floor is clean remove your shoes and replace the equipment. To ensure the floor remains as clean as possible you are to stay on your toes, you will be inspected.�
With that Mrs Lancaster began to walk along the tables, closely inspecting each section. Sarah bused her tray and collected her dustpan and brush. She quickly staked a claim to a table and began to sweep the floor with the small hand brush, from the wall inwards. She was not sure exactly how she should accomplish this but she tried to think of everything she had been taught that day. She opted for simply bending from the waist. She knew this would place a strain on her already aching thigh muscles but the only alternative she could come up with was to squat down. She had to just trust her choice, if choice is what it was. She knew that this position would cause her skirt to ride up, possibly exposing her ass but squatting would have exposed her pussy so there was no escaping it either way.
Sarah shuffled backwards as she swept, collecting a small pile of dirt, dust and discarded food. Once past the table she swept the small pile into her pan before moving on to the next table and repeating the tiring, demeaning process. She began to flag as she swept her fourth table. Thankfully it was the last table at the far end of the room. She could see her classmates sweeping beside her or mopping behind her. Everyone was looking a little haggard. Her legs ached, beads of sweat had formed on her face and her head felt hot and bloated from the constant bending. As she swept the final pile of rubbish into her pan she gratefully straightened up and stood against the wall of the food hall.
Sarah was soon joined by her fellow sweepers. They did not have long to wait for the moppers to join them, they had been following extremely closely. The floor glistened under the bright neon lights. Sarah was proud of the job they had done. She was exhausted but a tiny smile danced on her lips as she surveyed the gleaming hall.
The clang of a mop handle hitting the wall next to her caused Sarah to jump. Shah was standing next to her, leaning over and unbuckling the straps on her shoes. Sarah looked to the other girls who had been ordered to sweep to see how they were accomplishing the task of removing their shoes while holding a dustpan and brush. She spotted Cox who had leaned her pan and brush on the top of a mop bucket near her and had already taken one shoe off. Sarah hurried to do the same.
In moments she had both her shoes off, holding them in her left hand by the ankle straps and holding her pan and brush set in her right, making sure to keep the pan level. Spilling it’s filthy contents on the clean floor would be disastrous. She stood on her tiptoes and waited for someone to make a move. Thankfully Olsen started walking gingerly across the damp floor and was soon followed by the other sweepers. Sarah looked back to see Mitchell hand her shoes to Taylor so she could mop the area where they had just been standing, the last patch of floor to be cleaned.
By the time she reached the front of the hall, Olsen and Cox had already emptied their rubbish into the waiting bin, the large metal receptacle lined with a black plastic bag. When it was Sarah’s turn she noticed, as she emptied her pan, that the bin contained the food scrapings from the entire school. She was dismayed to see some large chunks of steak in the bin. She would have given anything to have had a chance to eat a steak for dinner and some of these girls had not even finished theirs! Wasn’t this disrespect to the cooking staff? It wasn’t as if she would contemplate taking half-eaten food from another’s plate but here was food wasted that she was desperate to taste. It just wasn’t fair.
�Wait outside. Kneel, leaning your head against the wall and I want both feet in the air, displayed for inspection,� directed Mrs Lancaster.
Sarah turned and made her way through the newly arrived mop-girls. The jealousy she had felt towards the students from the other houses remained with her as she left the food hall. It just wasn’t fair. Why was she being trained as a slut, being told what to eat, where to go, how to stand, and not them. Miss Watson had said that every woman was a slut, just that most didn’t realise it. Why was every girl in the school not being taught the same thing then? Deep down she knew why and she understood, it was just the sight of the juicy steak meat, discarded without thought, wasted by the privileged girls, had temporarily clouded her judgement.
Once in the corridor Sarah joined her classmates kneeling close the wall of the corridor. She placed her shoes on the floor beside her and knelt down in front of the wall and gently leaned her forehead against the cool plaster. She shifted her weight forward and lifted her lower legs off the ground, displaying the underside of her feet for inspection. She could feel a slight dampness on the ball of her foot, where her sock had absorbed some of the moisture that lingered on the clean hall floor. She hoped that she had managed to stay on her tiptoes. All thoughts of jealousy and lack of fairness evaporated at the thought of earning yet another infraction. She knew a detention was in her future and she feared that the infractions she had earned this day would mean it was only the first of many.
She waited for all her classmates to join her, the pressure building in her knees. Her weary body was struggling with what she was sure would have been an easy position. The muscles in her belly tensed as she tried to keep her body from slumping against the wall. Her calf muscles burned as she held her feet off the ground, with her toes pointed towards the opposite wall so Mrs Lancaster could inspect the bottom of her socks. Sarah began to beg Mrs Lancaster to hurry. She was deathly afraid of dropping the position and earning further infractions. The distressed teen heard movement behind her and hoped it was the head of the kitchen and not merely more of her classmates finally joining the line of kneeling schoolgirls.
�Once inspected you may rise and dress. Once the inspection is complete you will proceed directly to your dormitory. First Ozawa and Hinka. There are inconsistencies in your sections. Fix them now.�
Sarah heard the two girls named, scramble to their feet and re-enter the food hall. Once standing their movements were concealed by their soft white socks and their continued tip-toeing. She knew they had left by the soft tinkling of their collar rings, which made her once again conscious of her own. She thought on it only briefly however as her legs began to drop slightly as the strain from holding them elevated became too much for her exhausted muscles. She fought with every ounce of willpower to keep her legs lifted but her energy was fading fast.
She almost sighed with relief when she heard Mrs Lancaster and the two girls return. Her body had begun to tremble and she was sure she would lose the position within moments. Sarah’s world narrowed. Her focus contracted. She thought only of her own body, desperately trying to wring every last ounce of strength she had into holding the strenuous position. She was startled by a gentle pat on her head. Mrs Lancaster moved past her, continuing the inspection as Sarah dragged herself gratefully to her feet. She stepped into her shoes and buckled the ankle straps of her four inch heels, safely securing them once again.
Sarah moved to stand at attention, her movements slower and less crisp than she would have liked. She could not take much more today. She needed to rest. She just needed to lie down for ten minutes to gather herself. The overwhelmed teen stood as if in a trance. It was not until Mrs Lancaster walked past her that Sarah noticed that Cox was still kneeling on the floor. Sarah glanced at pretty American’s feet and noticed a damp spot on her left heel. She felt sorry for the girl but she could not spare too much sympathy. They had all been given the same orders and Sarah was sure no one had endured as much as she had during the day and she had managed to follow orders. Sarah instantly regretted thinking this way. After all, she had endured so much due to her own failures. Sarah could guarantee that no one had anywhere close to the number of infractions she had accumulated over the course of the day.
�Cox, Hinka, Shah, Taylor and Casta. One infraction. Dismissed,� said Mrs Lancaster brusquely. She did not wait for any kind of response, disappearing back into the food hall.
The named girls remained kneeling for a few seconds before scrambling to their feet and taking their place in the formation. The two lines of Trinity girls were facing away from the stairwell that would take them back to their dormitory and Olsen took the lead and stepped once to her right, gently brushing the arm of Mitchell who quickly followed suit. The two girls then turned 180 degrees. The rest of the class followed their lead and performed an about face as they had been taught that afternoon. It was an unexpected manoeuvre and somewhat sloppy but it was a sizable improvement on the chaotic milling about that changing directions had previously caused. In moments the two tight lines of schoolgirls were striding down the corridor, the security and limited freedom of their dormitory their much desired goal.
Their journey was without incident, the formation holding as they ascended the necessary stairs. Sarah longed to reach the dorm. The promise of a chance to relax and lie down or at least to sit, consumed her thoughts. A smile of relief lit up her pretty face as they turned the last corner and their destination was in sight. She stepped into the dorm, scanned her eartag and immediately moved to a platform to sit. She groaned quietly as her tortured muscles finally had a chance to rest. Soon all eighteen girls of Trinity house were sat on various platforms. Murphy had found Sarah and sat beside the visibly fatigued young girl. The mere presence of her friend was enough to help Sarah relax further.
�Port, you don’t look so good,� Murphy observed in concern.
�Tired Murph, just tired,� Sarah replied smiling through her exhaustion. Her friend was here and she would finally have a chance to talk to her about the day.
�Port I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was mad with you. It’s just that sometimes it seemed like you were into it. You know, that you agreed with everything and were on their side.�
�Murph, there aren’t sides. I don’t� I’m just really confused,� Sarah stammered wearily.
�You don’t believe that all women are sluts and deserve to be slaves do you?� asked Murphy incredulously.
�Murph, it’s not like that. What do you think you can do? This is just how it is.�
�How can you just give up?�
�What do you intend to do Murph? Are you thinking of trying to run away? Are you going to be a rebel and not do what you are told?�
�I don’t know Port, but you can’t give up,� Murphy said exasperatedly.
�Seriously, do you think you can stop any of this. Think about it, do you really think that?� Sarah said, tired of her friend’s tone but not wanting to start an argument. �They’ve been doing this for 200 years. You don’t think they know every trick a girl could use to get out. You don’t think they are prepared.�
The beautiful Irish teen paused and looked at her weary friend. She could see she was upset but who wasn’t. All their lives had been destroyed and then rebuilt into a grotesque pastiche of submission, servitude and sexual perversity. Up until now she had remained strong. She realised now that it was all bravado. She didn’t truly believe that there was any escape from this. Her life was now set on an inevitable course, she had simply been unwilling to let herself accept that fate. Escape? Not likely. They had all signed themselves away. They were monitored every second of the day and they were in a school that was more like a fortress. Anything they did to try and escape, any spectacle they caused, would simply be dismissed as the actions of an out of control troublemaker. The cover story was airtight. Harkwood had been training girls like her to be sluts for more than 200 years, what hope was there.
�Sorry Port, I have just been trying to be strong,� Murphy admitted, tears running down her milky cheeks.
�Murph I know it’s not something that you want to hear or face up to. None of us do. But Murph, some of it makes sense.�
�Oh Port come on,� Murphy said with surprise.
�Think about it. Just think about everything all our teachers have said. Can you honestly say some of it doesn’t just fit, that some things just feel right?�
�No I fucking don’t,� Murphy replied vehemently.
�So what? What are you going to do? I don’t want to think I am a slut, but just look at today. Look at what my� Murph I am so confused.�
Sarah’s bottom lip quivered. This conversation was not going how she had planned. She wanted her friend to tell her the right things, to tell her it would be alright. But Murphy was just as frightened and confused as she was. Maybe more so because even though she knew it was all inevitable, Murphy refused to accept that she was a part of this universal truth.
�Hey guys, you need to look at this,� hissed Taylor from the doorway to the shower room.
Sarah looked up dejectedly, afraid of what she might see. All the girls rushed to the doorway to see what Taylor was pointing at. Murphy got up to investigate but hesitated when Sarah remained seated. She reached back, grabbed Sarah’s hand gently and pulled her to the doorway. A gentle squeeze of her hand was enough to make Sarah smile again, glad to have Murphy as a friend.
A number of the girls had entered the shower room, blocking the view momentarily as they scanned their eartags. Sarah followed Murphy inside and looked at what everyone was staring at. The hooks that had held their clothes bags now held bags of a very different kind. Upon each hook was a square bag of thick clear plastic, small black measuring lines were printed down one side. Each bag was half full of liquid, indicating a 1.5 litre capacity. Along the bottom edge of each bag a long tube projected from a small black socket. The tube was coiled around the hook as well but looked to be around three feet long. Eight inches from the end the smooth clear tubing was interrupted by a black oval protruding to the side. Each tube ended in what looked like a small deflated balloon attached to a slim silver nozzle.
The whole contraption looked a little like the portable camping shower Sarah had once used. She wasn’t sure what it was for, considering the showers were only a few feet away. The thought of what was only a few feet away caused the urge to pee to strike Sarah with full force. She rushed towards the toilet. Even after all that had happened that day she was still not happy that the room was full of girls. Sarah just could not disconnect herself from the concepts of modesty and privacy.
She stopped as she reached the bank of four toilets against the far wall. She had never really had a chance to study them and they were like no other toilet she had ever seen. Instead of the rounded bowls she was used to, the long oval bowl was a little off-putting. What was more worrying for her was that there seemed to be no water in the bowl, instead there was what looked like a metal drain in the bottom. She was not sure exactly what to do. A small metal touchpad was set into the wall just behind the bowl. Sarah looked to Murphy for help. It was at that moment that Miss Peach entered the room. Sarah was glad she had not sat down yet, even though she was desperate to pee. Would she get in trouble for not standing at attention if she was peeing?
�What are you girls milling around in here for?� questioned Miss Peach before her eyes alighted on Sarah. �Ah Porter, what are you doing over there?�
�Um I need to pee Mistress,� Sarah replied meekly.
�Not true Porter. Don’t make me ask again,� the housemistress said menacingly.
�I need to do a wee wee Mistress,� Sarah responded correctly, her cheeks colouring in shame.
�Do you know how to do that Porter?�
�Um, no Mistress,� said Sarah. She truly didn’t know how to use this contraption. She cursed her timing, two minutes earlier and Murphy could have shown her.
�Gather around sluts. Not one of you has used these correctly since arriving. Now there are no more excuses. You may not have had a chance to read your manuals but that is simply not acceptable. This slut is going to demonstrate.�
Sarah heard a number of beeps from the doorway as the remaining girls scanned their tags as they gathered to watch her debase herself. Again she was being used as a tool for demonstration. The humiliation stung her deeply. Going to the toilet was something sacred and private. Now other people would be watching her. Not only watching but inspecting every movement she made. The breath caught in Sarah’s throat and she almost began to panic at the thought.
�A slut removes any obstructing garments when using a toilet for any reason. Remove your skirt and panties and hang them on the hook provided,� directed Miss Peach.
Sarah removed her skirt in one swift motion, folding it slightly and placing it on the small hook she now noticed behind each toilet. She slid her panties down her legs and moved to place them with her skirt.
�Porter, turn those panties inside out. Spread them out, yes like you are making a star with your fingers. These are a slut’s panties. Show them to your classmates Porter.�
Sarah spread the damp, stained crotch of her panties between her hands, pulling the small triangle of material taut. She stepped away from the toilet and showed her panties around the arc of her gathered classmates. The white panties were no longer white. Almost the entire crotch had been stained a deep cream colour and was still visibly moist. Sarah could not look her classmates in the eye, instead �keeping them focused on her stained panties.
�Hang them up Porter, we will deal with those in a little bit. To correctly sit while voiding herself a slut places one leg on either side of the bowl and lowers herself, keeping her cunt positioned above the drain.�
As Sarah’s buttocks touched the cool porcelain of the bowl a bright light came on above her, illuminating the area around her with a soft white brilliance. Not only were people watching her go to the toilet but a spotlight would show her each time she did! Her face burned with a fever and tiny tears welled in her eyes, they were all she had left at the end of a long day.
�The slut ensures her legs are spread, back straight. Yes Porter, very much like a seated attention position. The slut will always seek permission prior to voiding her bladder,� said Miss Peach, watching Sarah expectantly.�
�Can I do a wee wee Mistress,� Sarah asked contritely.
�I am sure you can Porter but that is not the issue here,� sneered Miss Peach.
�May I do a wee wee Mistress,� Sarah corrected.
�Yes slut, you may.�
Sarah closed her eyes and pissed into the bowl. Her legs were widely spread giving every girl in the room a clear view of her pussy and the thick stream of urine that erupted from her. She kept her head up and focused on the belly of a girl in front of her. She kept her eyes deliberately unfocused as she continued to pee, not daring to face any of her classmates as she performed this private, and she thought, filthy act.
"Stop," commanded Miss Peach.
Sarah looked at the housemistress as she tried to stop the flow of urine. She desperately clenched the muscles of her pussy and belly. It took a couple of seconds for Sarah to completely stop the flow. Miss Peach frowned at her the entire time.
"A slut must learn control of her bladder. A slut pisses when she is told and expels only as much as her owner permits. During your training each time you are permitted to piss you will stop and restart five times. Each restart must be full discharge to be considered. Piss Porter."
Sarah stopped clenching her muscles and again let the yellow stream burst forth. She had not thought that she could have been ordered to perform any more degrading acts than those she had performed this day but being instructed how to pee and being told when to stop and start was something she had never imagined.�
"That is full discharge. Stop."
Sarah again clenched the muscles and attempted to stop the flow. It was no easier this time. The only difference was that she was not so desperate. She knew she could stop herself.
"Far too slow Porter. When you are told to stop doing something you don't decide you will take five minutes to do so. You will need to work on that. You have three more to go. Remember you must reach full discharge before stopping."
Sarah once again relaxed her muscles and let her weak yellow pee splash in the bowl below her. She waited a few seconds until she had what she hoped was a full flow and then stopped herself again. The distressed schoolgirl did her best to stop as quickly as she could. She was not used to doing this and it took her a few seconds, though measurably less than before. She hoped this little improvement would be noticed by Miss Peach.
Once stopped she held her muscles tense for a few seconds and began again. Twice more Sarah stopped and started peeing. She had moved her gaze back to the anonymous belly again, �letting her eyes un-focus and the room become hazy. It was her only defence against what was happening.
As the flow finally started to diminish Sarah felt a wave of relief wash over her. Not only because the pressure in her bladder had finally been relieved, and would remain so, but also because it meant her ordeal was coming to an end. The humiliated teen didn't know which she was happier about. Finally the flow became a trickle and then a few drops.
"Once a slut has completed she must then ensure her pussy is clean. A slut has a duty to make sure all her holes are clean and ready for use at all times. Once your training progresses you will learn to keep a reserve in your bladder. A slut may be called upon to piss on command and woe betide the slut who is unable to fulfil that command because she selfishly emptied herself.
"Porter reach behind you and find the control panel. There are two small metal touch buttons. Touch the one on the left. If a slut has positioned herself correctly the corresponding jet will cleanse her cunt of any traces of piss."
Sarah touched the small metal square and was rewarded with a stream of warm water on her bare pussy. The water only lasted a few seconds but the sensation was one Sarah did not think she would ever forget. It was actually quite pleasant. The warm water felt amazing on her delicate flesh.
"Now the second button. This will dry the slut's cunt to a satisfactory degree."
Sarah felt for the second button and brushed her fingertips gently across it. A draft of warm air blew across her wet pussy. This was what the blow dryer would feel like on her pussy she thought. The tepid breeze lasted for around five seconds and dried the largest of the water droplets that clung to her smooth lips.
"Once clean the slut stands and inspects the toilet. A slut must be sure not to leave any evidence of her behind. While your thoughts may be those of a filthy slut your actions must be those of a clean one."
Sarah raised herself from the bowl. She had expected the light that illuminated her to shut off but it remained on, spotlighting her every move. Sarah turned her back on her audience and bent over and inspected the bowl of the toilet. Nothing remained except a few droplets of clear water.
"Did you leave any mess behind Porter?"
"No Mistress."
"And that is how a slut pisses in a toilet. The etiquette for pissing elsewhere is in your manual and I suggest you read it. Porter now that you have a nice clean pussy I want you to try and clean those cunt stained panties as best you can before you put them back on."
Sarah reached for her panties, held them timidly and looked at Miss Peach for direction, hoping she had guessed her housemistresses intentions incorrectly. She saw Miss Peach's eyebrow raise questioningly and quickly popped her panties into her mouth. She had placed the crotch of her panties down so they rested on her tongue and immediately began to lick and suck the still damp material. The taste of her pussy was strong. It should not have been any surprise to Sarah. The small triangle of cloth had absorbed a day's worth of her juices. The taste was not as pleasant as her fresh cream. Though true, Sarah could not believe she had just made the qualification.
"Hands behind your back Porter. Continue cleaning those until you think they are ready to replace."
Sarah let the straps of her panties drop and placed her hands in the small of her back. She was now standing at attention, naked from the waist down with the white straps of her panties dangling from her mouth as she suckled her pussy juice from them. Her classmates had continued to watch her, unsure whether they had permission to leave or not.
It was now up to her how long her panties remained in her mouth. If she took them out too soon she could earn the displeasure of her housemistress. If she left them in too long it would look as if she simply enjoyed it. She continued to move her panties around in her mouth trying to reach every part of the small triangle of material with her tongue. If she could have taken them out of her mouth she could have judged how clean they were. As it was she had to rely solely on taste. Would the strong taste of her own juices lessen as she cleaned them? Was the taste a little less already?
"Porter you seem to have these sluts entranced. I don't think they are learning anything here though. Well nothing other than the fact that you like the taste of your own cunt. If any of you sluts wishes to piss remember that permission must be sought."
Miss Peach looked at the assembled girls, all of whom continued to watch Sarah.
"A slut does not piss while showering. You are all very lucky that the infractions for that activity are not retroactively enforced."
Miss Peach smiled as she left the room, sure that her last statement had given them all something to think about. She had known the little bitches had been pissing in the showers to avoid using the toilets. She had let it slide until now. The looks on the faces of her charges was worth the lack of enforcement. The fear and the realisation that their secret was no secret at all had been priceless.
Once Miss Peach left the room the girls relaxed. They started to drift away from the spectacle of Sarah and her panties and into the other room. Only Murphy and Mitchell stayed with the forlorn young girl. She was glad for the presence of her friend but a little mystified by Mitchell's choice to stay. Sarah kept working on her panties for a minute. She wanted to be sure that Miss Peach didn't think she took the panties from her mouth the moment she left. She wanted there to be no question that she had only removed them when she felt they were clean, as she had been told.
Her two classmates waited patiently, not saying anything, afraid that if they did it would upset Sarah even more. Eventually she removed her moist panties from her mouth. She spread them out before her. The stain was still there, it was too deep in the fibres, but the surface juice had been removed, replaced with her saliva. The panties were as damp as ever and would feel just as uncomfortable when she replaced them but at least they were much cleaner than before. Sarah untangled the straps of her panties and slid them up her legs. The damp material felt uncomfortable against her waxed pussy. She quickly put her skirt on and stood before her friends, fully clothed and much happier for it. Murphy instantly gave her a hug.
"I'm sorry Port. I didn't mean to be so hard on you before. It was just that you seemed to be more with the teachers than with us. I was wrong to think that."
"Thanks Murph but you are wrong to even think of the teachers as against us. You believe me don't you Murph. They are doing what is best for us. I don't like it any more than you do but this is just how it is.�
"I believe you Port," Mitchell said. "Can I call you Port?"
"Sure Mitch."
"I believe you too Port. It's just that it's so hard."
"You don't have to tell me."
"Sorry Port, you have had it the worst of all of us."
"But that's just it Murph, I have learnt the most too. I didn't want it to happen but it just did. Our teachers really want the best for us. We are being trained as sluts and they are trying to make us the best sluts. That's just it."
Mitchell and Murphy stared at Sarah. She was worried that she had gone too far. It was the first time she had said out loud what she had been thinking for a little while. It was a thought that had been forming since Miss Watson had revealed the truth of their existence that morning. It had not reached a concrete form until her time with Miss Vonn. The time her gym teacher had spent with her after class had been important to the impressionable teenager.
"Say something," Sarah finally said, frantic at the silence of the two girls.
"Ok Port, ok. I agree," Murphy said reluctantly.
"Me too Port. I agree too," Mitchell said enthusiastically.�
"Mitchell why are you here," Murphy said, turning on the busty teen.
"I..." Mitchell was at a loss for words.
"Mitch we have to be honest with each other. Remember Miss Watson said that a slut must always be honest. But with each other we just have to be," Sarah said with conviction.
"I like you Porter. I really like you. I don't really have any friends here, all the other girls avoid me. I know I'm not smart and Port you are really smart. You know what is going on. And... And kissing you was the best thing that has happened to me since I came here," Mitchell confessed in a rush.
"It's ok Mitchell. I like you too. I would like it if we were friends."
"Port I gotta tell you something. None of the other girls accept this. After class, when you were kept back, they were all talking about you. They think you really belong here but they don't. Some even talked about trying to leave."
"That's ok Murph. Please promise me that you will always tell me the truth. I'm not sure if every girl really is a slut but I do know that this is our life now and if you fight it, it's just going to be harder and harder. I don't think I can fight it. I think I am a slut."
Sarah had finally said it. And this time, for the first time, she said it with conviction. Her stepfather knew it, her teachers knew it and the fact that all her classmates thought so as well had been more than she could handle. She had confessed to her friends. More importantly she had finally allowed herself to accept it. It had taken her only one day. One day of training and she had succumbed. Surely that also showed that she was a slut. Even after admitting it to herself she was still searching for validation.
"What should we do Port," asked Mitchell.
"Listen and learn Mitch. We just have to do our best. It's not a competition. We just have to try and make sure we please our teachers."
"What if we can't?" Murphy pined.
"Murph you can't think like that. We are going to get infractions. We just have to do our best and learn from them."
"You three like hanging out in the toilets?"
All three girls shot to attention. Miss Peach had returned and none of them had heard her coming. How long had she been there? How much had she heard?
"Let's see those panties Porter. How clean did you get them?"
Sarah obediently reached up under her skirt and slid her panties off. She spread the crotch and displayed it for her teacher. Sarah hoped she had done enough.
"I have heard you produce a very thick cream Porter. Do you have any to show me?"
"No Ma'am, sorry Ma'am."
"That is disappointing. Next time you cream up in my dorm I want you to present yourself to me. I want to see this firsthand. I haven't seen a creamer for some time. Your panties are passable. Remember this for next time. Your duty is to keep all your holes clean. Put them back on."
Sarah stepped back into her panties. Her acceptance of who she was, of her status as a slut, had not lessened the humiliation she felt when she was talked about like an object. She was not sure she would ever get used to the degradation. She was still struggling with the concept that she was owned by someone, that she was a possession now, no different from a pet dog.
�Sluts assemble in here,� Miss Peach called into the dormitory.
There was a mad scramble as the Trinity schoolgirls rushed to assemble in the ablutions room. A bottleneck was created in the doorway as each girl slowed down to scan her tag. Sarah and her friends simply stood at attention and watched the fracas. It did not take long for the room to be filled with silent student statues, all looking expectantly to Miss Peach. They had all thought their day had finally ended, they would have a chance to come to terms with what had happened to their lives over the last 10 hours. The look on their housemistresses face let them all know the day was far from over.
�You all heard me stress how important it is for a slut to keep her three holes clean. We are now going to look at how a slut keeps her asshole clean and ready for use. Every night before your shower each slut will give herself an enema. Who has had an enema?�
All eighteen girls remained frozen. Sarah had heard of an enema of course, the reason for the bag on the wall now became glaringly obvious. She was sure enemas were only for people who were constipated or had a problem. Why would she need to do this every day?
�Once you leave here a great many of you will have enemas more than once a day. In fact many of you will never have a normal bowel movement again. The purpose of an enema is to keep a slut’s asshole clean and clear for use. When a gentleman wishes to fuck you in the ass he does not wish the slut to provide him with any unpleasantness.�
Sarah almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of the incongruousness of Miss Peach’s speech. The housemistress mixed crudity with prudity in the same sentence. If the subject was not so serious, and indeed if it had not been a lesson that Sarah needed to learn, she would have burst into a fit of the giggles.
�We will begin with a 1.5 litre enema. This will be increased as your training progresses. First you will familiarise yourself with the apparatus for conducting an enema. First we have the enema bag, these bags have a maximum capacity of four litres. Next is the enema hose. The hoses on your enemas are three feet in length. A longer hose can be arranged if necessary. Next is the valve. These valves perform two important purposes. The first is that they regulate the flow of liquid from the enema bag into the slut’s ass. Secondly they are used to inflate the balloon, which brings us to the last part. The balloon at the base of the nozzle is designed to keep the enema inside the slut until it is time for release. The nozzle is stainless steel and has four small holes around the tip through which the enema is distributed into the slut’s ass.
�To demonstrate the proper procedure let’s have the first four girls step up.� Sarah joined Olsen, Cox and Murphy as they stepped out from the crowd of girls and stood before Miss Peach. �A slut performs an enema naked. While at Harkwood your daily enema will be performed directly prior to your evening shower. Behind your enema bags are your dirty clothes bags. Undress.�
Sarah quickly removed her uniform and placed each piece in the cloth bag on her hook. She had to make sure she did not dislodge her enema bag or hose each time she deposited an item of clothing. Again she was naked in front of people, strangers. This was going to be a major part of her life as a slut, she told herself. The self-coaching did not help her deal with her exposure. By now everyone had seen her body, and seen it in much more revealing positions. Why she could not simply get used to being nude was a source of constant confusion. Her cheeks still coloured pink as she stood naked before Miss Peach and her classmates.
�The nozzles are thin but it is still good etiquette to first lubricate them. A slut should only need a moment to moisten the nozzle. Insert the entire length of nozzle and balloon, turn your asses to face the class upon insertion.�
All four girls lifted the end of the hose off the hook and took the nozzle in their mouths. Olsen and Cox showed a minor hesitation but Sarah and Murphy eagerly placed the slim metal nozzle in their mouths and started working their tongue around it’s smooth circumference, generating as much saliva as they could. A few seconds later Sarah removed the metal tube from her mouth, twisting it in her hand to twirl the thick string of saliva around its length. In one swift movement Sarah turned her back on the class, bent over at the waist and pressed the cold nozzle against her puckered pink asshole.
Never had she done anything like this before. She had never placed anything in her asshole. She knew about anal sex of course but it was something that she had always been adamant that she would never do. All the talk of a slut having three holes for service had never really registered properly with her until now. She was going to insert something inside her ass. Soon she would be taking things much bigger than this thin, finger sized nozzle. Hadn’t one of her teachers even spent the whole day with something in her ass. Sarah’s imagination failed her when she tried to imagine someone fucking her there, the images simply would not form. She had no experience on which to base her thoughts.
The feeling of the cold metal against her virgin asshole caused her to pause for but a second. Slowly she pushed the nozzle against her tightly clenched muscle. It moved a bare fraction of an inch. Sarah needed to relax. She was making it so much harder for herself, thinking of how much it would hurt.
�You sluts better not be serious,� Miss Peach said incredulously. �Relax your assholes, push your ass outwards as if you were voiding your bowels. In two seconds those nozzles had better be inside. There is no reason for any delay.�
Sarah listened to Miss Peach’s direction. The naked schoolgirl tried to relax her tense muscles and simultaneously push out with her sphincter. Like magic, the nozzle slid into her asshole for almost it’s full length. There was no pain, though the sensation was uncomfortable and she moaned quietly as she felt the cool invader slide ever deeper.
�Yes, now the balloon. Push the hose inside until the balloon is resting inside your asshole. Easily done, good. Now the valve has two settings. The small silver wheel regulates the flow of liquid from the bag. The small black wheel will allow the bulb to inflate the balloon. Turn the black wheel until it stops. Now pump the bulb twice, this will be sufficient to inflate the balloon.�
Sarah did as she was told and pumped the black bulb. The results were immediate. She almost stood up with the shock as the balloon inside her anus inflated, doubling in size in a second. Another pump and the balloon was fully inflated. It placed a pressure on her sphincter, making her feel as if she needed to go to the toilet. Sarah had still felt no real pain, only discomfort, and she continued to be surprised by this. She had expected to be in agony. While Miss Peach had described it’s use Sarah had concocted all manner of nightmarish scenarios in her head, none of which bore any resemblance to the mild, though embarrassing and annoying, reality.
Sarah suddenly stumbled backwards, pain erupting in her ass.
�Inflated properly,� Miss Peach stated, before moving on to Murphy and tugging roughly on the hose protruding from between her smooth milky-white asscheeks.
Miss Peach continued to check that Cox and Olsen had inflated their balloons correctly. Sarah heard a grunt from each of the nude teenagers as the tightly inflated balloon pressed hard against their tender assholes. Sarah turned back to the wall, her face once again only inches from the liquid filled bags of her classmates. She knew the next step and was anxious about what to expect. All this liquid would be going inside her. It wasn’t natural to do this.
�Stand up and face the class. Turn the silver wheel to a stop.�
Sarah turned back to face her classmates and reached around to release the flow of liquid. The effect was immediate. It was clear from the shocked visage of all four teens that the water now filling them was producing unexpected sensations. Sarah had opened her mouth slightly as the warm water began shooting inside her. It was an odd feeling that she could not describe. She felt a flush of sensation move up her body, through her belly and into her chest. As the water continued to flow inside her a pressure began to build and she started to feel full, as if she had just eaten a six course meal.
�The house procedure will normally be that once the flow is started the first four sluts will move to the toilets, hang their bags on the hooks provided and adopt a display position until their bag is filled. Once these sluts have moved the next four will begin their enemas. In this way all sluts will complete the procedure in the smallest possible amount of time. You four move. The next bunch of sluts can wait until the demonstration is complete.�
Sarah reached up for her enema bag and lifted it off her hook. The bag was more than half empty and her bowels had moved past full and had begun to feel bloated. She walked towards the toilets against the far wall, the pain in her belly continuing to grow and intensify. She fought the tendency to waddle and forced herself to step normally, glad to finally reach the far wall, hook her bag up and lower herself to the cool tiles. Sarah spread her knees, raised her ass in the air and gently lowered her body until her breasts were pushed into the smooth white tile. She gratefully rested her head on her hands as she had been taught in the very first lesson of her new life.
Her bag continued to empty and her ass continued to fill. The pain increased by the moment, as did the intensely uncomfortable feeling of fullness. The pain wasn’t sharp or dull, it reminded Sarah of a mild cramping period pain. She was lucky that her periods caused her only mild discomfort, she had read horror stories in magazines of debilitating cramps that left the girl bedridden. She tried to breathe through it as best she could. Even though her upper body was now pressed against the cool tile floor, which had caused her nipples to harden, much to Sarah’s chagrin, she felt her body flush with warmth. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. She didn’t understand what was happening to her body. The liquid continued to flow into her but she could no longer feel its current. How long would it take to empty the bag? How would she know when it was empty? Sarah winced as a sharp pain squeezed her insides.
�Look back at your bags. Periodically check how much you have left to take. Once the level reaches the bottom line, as yours has done Porter and Cox, stand up and roll the bag from the top down, forcing the last of it inside you. It is important that each enema is completed fully.�
Sarah moaned quietly as she sought to stand up. She was afraid that the normal grace with which she would have changed positions had left her. Not only was she tired and weary from her long day but the uncomfortable weight of liquid inside her made her entire body feel unwieldy. As Sarah straightened up and reached for her bag she glanced down her body. Her normally flat belly had distended preventing her from seeing her pussy. It looked like she was pregnant. Sarah was horrified by this modification of her body, instantly feeling ugly and ponderous.
The distressed teen tried to put these thoughts out of her mind and gently rolled her clear enema bag from the top down, squeezing the last remnants of water and forcing them down the tube and into her ass. She unrolled the bag, rehung it and turned to face Miss Peach. The young girl stood next to the toilet closest to the mirrored wall and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she turned. Her belly protruded from her body and the clear hose snaked out from between her buttocks, keeping her tethered to the wall. She felt extremely unattractive, as if she would never be pretty again. It was a strange feeling, one which Sarah could not understand. With the pain in her belly growing, why should she care what she looked like.�
"Next the slut detaches the hose from the bag. Wastage is not tolerated so when it is disconnected the slut makes sure to keep the hose held high as she places her mouth over the spigot to catch any liquid remaining in the bag," recited Miss Peach, indicating for the four girls demonstrating to perform this action.
Sarah faced her bag holding the spigot with one hand and the top of the hose with the other. She had to bend at the waist, her body almost parallel to the floor, so she could position her mouth close to the small opening, ready to catch any lingering liquid.
"Wrong," snapped Miss Peach. "You need to have the hose in front of you for the next stage. Straighten up. Lift your leg over the hose then continue."
Sarah slowly raised to a standing position. The discomfort caused by her taught belly was causing her movements to become sluggish. Once upright she tried to lift her left leg over the hose. She managed to raise her leg so her knee reached her belly before the pain became too intense. Sarah gasped as her foot slammed back to the floor.
Tears welled in Sarah's eyes as the pain shot through her body. She immediately tried again, this time she twisted her leg sideways as her knee raised and she managed to turn her body at the right time. The pain caused a high pitched yip to escape the anguished teen. It was then that Sarah overbalanced slightly and stepped away from the wall causing the hose snaking from her anus pulled the bag taught from the wall and pulled the balloon tight against her virgin asshole. Sarah yelped and almost fell as sharp stabbing pains pulsed through her tight bowels.
"Stop mucking around Porter. Detach the hose and empty the bag, must you be last in everything?"
Sarah tried to breathe deeply and ignore the pain. That was not possible but she needed to work through it. Tears streamed down her face as she bent over and once again turned to detach the hose as she had been ordered. As the schoolgirl moved her mouth close to the spigot, the hose protruding from her ass pulled up tight against her pussy, she had managed to turn her body slightly so that her distended belly had not put even more pressure on the hose.
Sarah placed her mouth almost over the spigot as she prepared to pull the hose away. The instant the hose detached the young girl’s parted lips moved to the small connection, catching a small spurt of liquid before her mouth closed over the small plastic hole. She remembered to keep the hose held high to prevent anything spilling to the floor, the thought of what she would be made to do with any spillage. She sucked the bag dry, receiving only one small mouthful of liquid before the thick plastic sides collapsed in on themselves. The taste was unexpected. Sarah had thought that each bag had contained simple water. The liquid that coated her tongue was slightly bitter and left a harsh aftertaste in her mouth. She sucked for a few seconds longer than necessary to be sure that there would be no drips to earn the displeasure of Miss Peach, the bag wrinkling as the air was completely removed from it.
As she released the clear container and stood up the bag audibly sighed as air rushed back to fill the vacuum she had created. Satisfied that she had not left any liquid behind, Sarah flicked her lips with her tongue, trying to alleviate the bitter taste in her mouth.
"Porter has discovered that enemas are an acquired taste," chuckled Miss Peach. "The contents of your enemas are not something you sluts need concern yourselves with. Suffice it to say that the mixture aids in cleansing. Suck the hose clean. Place it in your mouth and stand at attention. Once the hose is empty the slut must perform five squats. This helps the enema to penetrate deep and break up any nastiness the slut may be harbouring."
Sarah put the hose in her mouth and held it with her teeth as she resumed the position she had come to see as one of her natural states. She hesitated a little before sucking on the tube, afraid that she would not be just cleaning the tube of any residual liquid but also sucking some of it out of her ass. From the silence of the other girls, Sarah knew she was not alone with her fear.
She decided she had to trust Miss Peach. The housemistress had been quite clear on the fact that it was important for her to keep all of her holes clean so she surely wouldn't allow any of the filth from her ass to enter her mouth. Sarah began sucking the hose and was almost instantly rewarded with a small spurt of the bitter liquid into her mouth. She continued to suck for a good ten seconds without any further result so began her squats.
With each movement the pain in her swollen belly washed through her body like a wave. The tight, cramping agony forced the gasping teen to groan with each squat. Her legs began to tremble as she spread them for the second squat, sweat running down her face now, mingling with the salty tracks of her tears. Breathing was more difficult with the hose clamped between her lips and she was soon panting as if she had run a marathon. As she straightened from the fifth squat she noticed that the girls beside her, who were also part of this demonstration were already finished. It seemed Sarah was doomed to finish last.
"Finally,� Miss Peach said exasperatedly. �Sluts place yourselves on each toilet, being sure to position your asshole over the drain. Spread those legs, Cox. Keep those assholes clenched tight as you deflate the balloon. To do this you turn the black wheel to its starting position and depress it. Every enema is a chance not only for a slut to cleanse herself but it’s a chance to practice her control. No discharge is allowed until the nozzle has been removed and inspected. Deflate the balloon now."
Sarah eagerly twisted the little wheel and depressed it. The relief was instantaneous as the balloon began to deflate, an audible hiss coming from the black bulb. Sarah clenched her asshole as tight as she could, the tube still held tightly between her lips and the irrational fear of backwash resurfaced.
"When the hissing stops it indicates the balloon is fully deflated and the slut can remove the nozzle. Once removed the slut must visually inspect the balloon and nozzle to ensure no defects have arisen. Then, and only then the slut will release the enema. Be sure to hold the nozzle over the bowl but not in it."
Sarah listened carefully for the hissing of the bulb that protruded from between her legs to stop. The pressure in her gut was immense. She needed to empty herself, she had never needed or wanted anything more in her life. As soon as the hissing stopped Sarah gently pulled the nozzle from her ass, focusing all her energy on keeping her anus tightly shut. The deflated balloon and metal nozzle slid out of her gently and quietly.
Once they were clear Sarah quickly lifted the nozzle and looked at it. Both the balloon and the smooth silver nozzle were covered in brown stains and the smell of her faeces was clear. She cringed in shame and disgust, her cheeks flushing crimson. Not only was she forced to do this but she was forced to do this in front of a room full of girls, all watching every move she made. Sarah had to forget her surroundings and focus on herself, but it was almost impossible. She could feel the disgust of her classmates as a physical pressure pressing on her chest, making each breath a struggle.
Sarah lowered the nozzle between, holding it between her widely spread legs. She still held the tube tightly between her lips. As soon as the nozzle was out of her sight, Sarah relaxed her sphincter, the pain in her belly relieved at once as the pressure inside lessened. The bowl beneath the naked schoolgirl was spattered noisily with the contents of her ass. Sarah's face flushed in embarrassment as she voided her bowels before an audience.
The watery liquid continued to spurt into the bowl beneath her as Sarah heard the other girls begin to release their enemas as well. The mixture spilling out of her was a strange sensation. The liquid ejected with tremendous force and she felt she had no control over the process at all. She knew that her entire bowel was being emptied along with the 1.5 litre enema and it seemed an eternity before she finally started to feel empty.
Four or five times she stopped only to find that she was not entirely finished, small trickles making their way through her twisted bowels and spurting into the porcelain bowl. Finally the cramping of her belly and the pressure that had made her feel bloated had subsided. Her ass was completely empty. It was something she had never truly felt before. She felt so much lighter and a great relief washed through her.
"Once the slut has voided her bowels she washes and dries her ass. Once complete the slut then cleans her apparatus thoroughly in the sink with the materials provided. A slut always ensures that all her equipment is clean. In this case she ensures her body and each part of her enema kit is scrupulously clean. Infractions will fly thick and fast if any irregularities are discovered during inspections."
Sarah at once reached behind her to touch the buttons that would wash and dry her ass. This relatively peaceful part of the process gave the young girl a chance to think about what the housemistress had said. Miss Peach had referred to her body as a part of her equipment. Was that what it meant to be a slut? She had begun to embrace her sexual nature and her confession to Mitchell and Murphy had been on this account but she didn't think she could see herself or her body as an object or simply pieces of equipment like her dildo or enema bag. She was a person. A slut, but sluts were people too.
Once the warm air had played across her anus, drying it thoroughly, Sarah stood, collected her enema bag and moved to the nearest sink.
"Girls, we will follow this slut as she is the first finished. Watch closely as she demonstrates the correct procedure for cleaning your kit. Porter, turn on the tap and place the nozzle and balloon under the water for an initial rinsing. At this stage it is easiest to keep the tubing where it is, besides it is nice and comfortable in there isn't it Porter."
"Mmm mmmfmmmf," Sarah hummed around the plastic tube.
"As you know, a slut is always more content when she has one or more of her holes filled. That is enough Porter. Let the nozzle rest in the sink and squirt some soap into your hand. Rub your palms together to foam it up, good girl. Now clean your nozzle, balloon and tube."
Sarah did as directed and was soon rubbing her soapy hands across the end of her enema tube. She took to her task with a relish she had felt for few other activities introduced into her new curriculum. She had always been a very clean girl. Her possessions had always been scrupulously tidy, her room immaculate. It felt natural to her to keep her equipment clean and she was glad this was something she would not have to worry about. The fact that what she was cleaning had just been up her ass she tried to downplay. She had to think of the whole distasteful procedure as something that would help to keep her clean. It was just another part of her daily regimen. She needed to remember that.
"Porter take the tube out of your mouth and place it under the tap, making sure the nozzle is pointing to the drain. No Porter, so the water flows into the tube. Finally," said Miss Peach, her growing annoyance, evident in her sharp tone.
Sarah corrected her position and instantly filled the tube with the fast flowing water from the tap, watching as it gushed out the end of the nozzle in a delicate cascade.
"Fill the tube and turn off the tap. Lift the nozzle high and trap the water in the tube. Now girls, watch the end of the nozzle as the slut allows the water to drain," instructed Miss Peach, signalling for Sarah to do so. See how the stream splits into four smaller fountains. This is how the enema is flushed into your ass to fill you up and clean your insides. Porter have you cleaned your equipment properly?"
"Yes Mistress," Sarah said hopefully. She had done as she was told and hoped she had not been expected to know any further steps.
"Reattach your hose to your bag and exit the area. A slut does not linger," directed Miss Peach. "Hang your bag in your cupboard. A slut must be very sure that she does not allow one piece of her equipment to affect another. To this end the slut hangs her bag and takes the nozzle in her mouth to ensure there are no drips."
Sarah looked at Miss Peach sharply. The Housemistress met her gaze and held it, eyebrow raised in silent challenge.
"Do you have a concern Porter? Surely you are not thinking about where your nozzle has just been, after all did you not just clean it properly?"
"Yes Mistress."
"Um no Mistress I do not have a concern because I have cleaned it properly."
"All of you sluts should remember that all of your holes are no different. As you serve your superiors you will often have cocks or other objects transition between all of your holes within a session. Cleanliness is important."
Sarah rushed off to her cupboard once Miss Peach dismissed her. She looked back to see Murphy, Cox and Olsen all cleaning their kits. She could not get Miss Peach's words out of her head. Did she really just say that she would have a cock in her ass and then have it move to her mouth? She was sure that had been the gist of it. Would someone really want her to do that?
Sarah made her way to her cupboard and hung her bag on the high hook, where her toiletries hung. She had carried her enema kit so her nozzle had pointed upwards to prevent any drips. Once hung she took the nozzle in her mouth and knelt carefully beside her bed. She felt it was the best way to make sure that there were absolutely no drips. This way the tube would be at full extension, though it meant she had to tilt her head backwards slightly to maintain a correct kneeling position with her buttocks resting on her heels.
Even though it was a position she had chosen she thought of it as a degrading one. She was naked, kneeling with her face in cupboard and an enema tube snaking above her, connecting her to her cupboard. Not to mention the fact that the nozzle was currently resting in her mouth. Yes she had cleaned it with soap, and cleaned it thoroughly, but she could not forget where it had been.
Sarah began to lick the nozzle end and suck gently upon it as she saw Murphy enter the room out of the corner of her eye. Sarah flicked her eyes to the left and watched her friend hang her bag and copy Sarah's position. Moments afterwards, Cox and Olsen followed suit. Sarah was not sure she had done the right thing and now three of her classmates had copied her. She fervently hoped her instincts had been with her this time.
Sarah stayed on her knees, softly suckling her enema nozzle for almost a minute. She was positive there was no liquid left inside it. She was certain there would be not one drip. The naked teenager let the slim metal cylinder gently slip from between her lips, sucking to the last to clean it of all her saliva as well. She straightened up as the metal nozzle clinked against the wall of her cupboard and turned to look at Murphy.
Sarah would never cease to be amazed at the beauty of the Irish teen. Even seeing her in this demeaning position Sarah could not help but admire her: her perfect, unblemished alabaster skin, her flame-red hair, her small though perfectly formed breasts tipped with impossibly pink nipples. Sarah felt undeniably frumpy when faced with such a stunning example of beauty.
"What Port?" Murphy asked, smiling self-consciously.
"Nothing Murph, it's just that you are so beautiful. It makes me realise how ordinary I am."
"Port you are so silly, sweet but silly," laughed the abashed teen. "You are so sweet and so cute I could just eat you up." The pretty Irish teen instantly realised what she had said and her milky-white cheeks flushed scarlet. This only made her even more stunning. Murphy and Sarah looked at each other, then both burst out laughing.
"You know what I mean Port," Murphy qualified between giggles.
"I sure do," teased Sarah. "But Murph, remember back in form this morning that Miss Watson assigned everyone in pairs."
"Yeah," answered Murphy hesitantly, sure she knew where this was going.
"I am really glad we are study partners," Sarah said.
"Me too Port. And yes I can guess what that means."
The dorm had begun to fill up with girls now and Sarah looked expectantly around at her classmates. There were only four beds that did not have a naked teenage girl kneeling beside them and now Sarah really hoped she had done the right thing. The entire house had followed her example. Was this what it felt like to be Olsen, always having to go first, worrying about whether you were doing the right thing?
Sarah could not get dressed as her uniform was in the shower room in a bag. She looked at the clock. It was only five minutes to eight, she would soon be having a shower and then her day was almost at an end. This revelation made her immensely relieved, as if a great weight had been lifted from her slim shoulders. Her first day of school at Harkwood had been like a waking nightmare. She could not wait for its end. She had no silly illusions that she would wake up tomorrow and it would all have been a dream. But she desperately needed to rest. Her body was not behaving the way it should. She was exhausted and every part of her ached in some way.
"Shower soon Murph," Sarah said, taking her toiletry bag from the hook it shared with her enema bag. How many more surprises did those two boxes hold, Sarah thought as she stared at the small of the two boxes she had been issued still sitting shrinkwrapped in her cupboard? The larger box must still be in Miss Watson's classroom thought Sarah.
Sarah and Murphy led the way back to the shower room, meeting the final four girls on the way. Miss Peach was still in there when they returned, lingering in the empty room. Sarah scanned her tag and hung her small mesh toiletry bag from her hook and stood at attention. What was Miss Peach still here for?
"Porter, present," commanded the housemistress.
In one swift, smooth motion, Sarah turned her back on Miss Peach and knelt on the floor; spreading her legs widely, pushing her ass in the air and pressing her chest down onto the cool tiles. She felt terribly exposed in this position, but that was the point she reasoned. The vulnerable teen felt a hand on her asscheeks, pulling them further apart. She felt a pressure on her asshole, but it was not the smooth warmth of flesh. It was a slightly rough texture, though it still felt like a finger gently scraping across her tight pink flower.
Sarah snapped back to attention, mindful of her position transition and being sure to move as gracefully as her weary body would allow. She noticed that Miss Peach was wearing a white glove on her right hand. Miss Peach stepped up to anxious young girl and placed her index finger before Sarah's eyes. The white material of the glove was clean and dry. This was what had brushed her asshole. She was immensely thankful that it remained unblemished.
"Satisfactory Porter," Miss Peach stated authoritatively.
The room had begun to fill with girls and the chime sounded to announce the hot water had been switched on. Their precious ten minutes had begun. Miss Peach surveyed the gathered girls of Trinity house with an appraising eye.
"Cleanliness. At any time of day or night I will be conducting inspections. Heaven help the slut that fails an inspection."
With those brusque words Miss Peach stalked out of the room, the stampede for the showers beginning the instant she rounded the corner. Sarah chose a position furthest from the doorway. She sighed, the tension visibly fading from her as she allowed the hot water to fall against her exhausted body.. As her classmates watched themselves, Sarah was content to simply soak up the relaxing heat for a few minutes.
When she opened her eyes she noticed she was flanked by Mitchell and Murphy. She began to slowly wash her hair, her movements sluggish and ungraceful. She felt rough hands suddenly begin to gently massage her back. Startled, she turned to find Mitchell behind her, smiling.
"You’re exhausted Port, let me wash you. Just relax and wash your hair."
"Mitch I don't..."
"Please Port," the buxom teen pleaded.
"Ok Mitch," Sarah acquiesced. She could not deny it felt amazing to have someone else wash her body with the rough exfoliating gloves.
Mitchell's hands moved across her back and down to her buttocks, Sarah moaning softly as Mitchell's rough, gloved hand slid between her buttocks and grazed across her asshole. It did not linger, brushing back and forth twice before going lower down her legs. The tired schoolgirl relaxed, luxuriating in the feeling of having her body washed by someone else. She had never experienced anything like it.
Sarah continued to absently wash her hair as Mitchell's hands moved back up her body. Her breath caught as a rough-gloved hand gently caressed her smooth pussy. The touch was all too brief. She pushed her hips back into Mitchell's body, feeling her large breasts flatten softly against her shoulders. Mitchell's hands slid up her belly and across her breasts. Sarah couldn’t believe how wonderful this felt. She had never encountered this kind of connection with anyone before. The ease with which she had done so now, with a strange girl in an even stranger school, disturbed her a little. But she was just too tired to think about it all now.
It was not until Mitchell's hands slid across her shoulders and found her neck that she came back to herself, shocked into the realisation of her current predicament as her collar moved gently as the strange hands caressed her throat. The movement of her collar reminded her where she was and what she was. Should she have let Mitchell do this? Would they get in trouble? Was it against the rules? Sarah pulled away from Mitchell, slowly so as not to alarm her new friend.
"Thanks," was all the confused teen could manage. It had felt amazing and all she could muster was one paltry word. It sounded feeble even to her, she just hoped that the depth of her feelings could be seen in her face. Sarah prayed that they had not broken any rules. They had been told they were not allowed to kiss without permission. No one had said anything about washing each other, but then again no one had said anything about most of what had happened and her aching buttocks were a testament to ignorance being no defence against correction. It was her responsibility to familiarise herself with the house manual. And that was not a small book. There was an awful lot to learn within its pages.
Sarah looked at Murphy, a little worried what she would think. She was relieved to see that a cheeky smile sat sweetly on Murphy's face, making the gorgeous girl look even more enchanting. Sarah smiled back, glad to have such a friend in the house.
"One minute," came the warning from a girl near the doorway. Sarah hurriedly rinsed her hair and body, making sure that Mitchell had completed her own shower. She did not want the busty girl getting in trouble because she spent so much time on her. Mitchell smiled at her, happy that her new friend had thought of her.
The three girls stuck together as they dried themselves and brushed their teeth. After the shower all the girls made their way back to their dormitory. Sarah hung her bag and slid under her covers. She lay back and looked at the ceiling. The night was a clear one and she could see a bright sickle moon in the sky above her.
The exhausted schoolgirl closed her eyes and took stock of her body. Every muscle ached, but it was her thighs that stood out the most. The welts from the cane on her asscheeks and thighs still pained her. Her nipples though resting now, ached with a dull throb. Her jaw muscles felt sore and her throat even felt a little strained. Her collar was nestled close against the tender flesh of her neck, impressing upon her, even hidden under the clean white sheets that she was someone's possession now. Even through all this, it was her pussy that drew her attention the most.
Not only could she still feel the remnant of the pain from her waxing like a pale ghost, but the feeling of being bare and smooth was foremost in her mind. She tentatively rubbed her right hand across her smooth lips. She had been dying to do it all day long and it was a wonderful feeling. Sarah slowly eased a finger along her slit, dipping it ever so slightly into her pussy. She felt how wet she was. This was simply more evidence that her teachers weren't wrong about her. Surely only a slut would be wet now, when nothing was even happening.
But what did it mean to be a slut? Some things she felt undeniably but others she didn't know how to handle and still others she was sure she could never accept. Sarah sought comfort by telling herself she had only just begun her training. She had so much to learn. She would have to learn.
"Hey Port? Port?" Murphy called gently. When she received no answer she came over to her friends bed and leant over her. "Port?"
Sarah was already asleep, lips parted delicately, chest rising and falling in a slow, easy rhythm. Murphy leant down and kissed Sarah gently on the forehead then hurried back to her own bed. There was almost 30 minutes until lights out. Sleep would not come as easily for the pretty Irish teen.