The Garden Party
Mr. Smith had been planning this party for nearly a month. In some ways he’d say he’d been planning it for years. He had invited his closest friends, there would be no business at this gathering, plenty of other parties for that. Today was for fun.
The location was meticulously arranged. A wide swath of white flagstones fanned out from the sliding glass doors at the rear of the house. A small stand of trees, meticulously groomed to look like they were not meticulously groomed, stood to the left. A gentle slope of grass flowed down to the flower beds lining the fence some thirty yards from the house. A gravel path led past the trees toward a large hot tub hidden behind them. To the right of the patio was a fixed grill built of the same white stone. The patio area was dotted with white steel table and chair sets each with an umbrella rising from the center. At the edge of the patio was the centerpiece of the occasion. A low bench, about two feet high, at the far end of which rose a small scaffold consisting of two upright runners with a pulley on a crossbar at the top. Suspended from the pulley was a large, weighted, razor-sharp blade. Mr. Smith had built himself a guillotine!
Early that morning Mr. Smith had strapped his wife of twenty years, naked, to that bench. She had been a good wife. She had given him his son seventeen years before. As well as two daughters, now fifteen and nineteen years old. But nothing lasts forever and Mr. Smith had decided to kill her. In fact if everything went to his plan this would become quite the snuff party.
Bobby, his son, was seeing to the grill in anticipation of their guests arrival, Mrs. Smith quietly sobbed. And his daughters, clad in little yellow bikini tops and red micro-skirts busied themselves setting out food and place settings. Mr. Smith was a large healthy man; even in his late forties he was still fit. He was dressed casually in sandals, loose fitting white pants held on by a drawstring, and a white cotton shirt which he wore open to show off his barrel chest and ripped abdomen he worked so hard to maintain.
As he observed the bustle of activity he had set in motion, the newest member of his household knelt in front of him sucking his huge prick. Sally wore the black collar of a sex slave and nothing else. She had just turned fifteen when he bought her several months earlier, and was in fact only weeks younger than his littlest girl. As she sucked him he gripped the back of the girls head and thrust viscously into her face. He had been violating her this way for several minutes and was considering if he should come down her throat or force her to choke on his manhood longer.
Before he could decide the first of his guests appeared, walking up from the carport at the side of the house. Mr. Smith yanked the blameless girl from his crotch by her hair and threw her to the ground as he walked to meet Mr. White.
Mr. White, a teacher at the local high school, was a friend of Mr. Smith’s from when they had been in school. He drug along his own latest acquisition, a dark haired slave girl who crawled after the man as quickly as she could to prevent being choked by the dog leash she wore.
“I see this is going to be quite a special party.” Mr. White said indicating Mrs. Smith’s toned and tanned backside on the guillotine.
“Yes, indeed! I hope we’ll all have quite a memorable time.” Replied Mr. Smith.
Mr. White was dressed in Bermuda shorts with a tropical design and a very loud ‘Hawaiian’ shirt. The two men walked over to one of the tables and watched Mr. Smith’s daughters shake their asses while they finished setting up.
“Would you like to fuck something?” asked Mr. Smith
“Sure, as you asked I brought one of my own, but a bit of strange is always welcome.”
“Girls get your asses over here.” He barked. Sally as well as his daughters ran over and stood with their hands clasped in front of them, demurely looking down before the two men.
“You remember Rebecca and Linda,” Mr. Smith gestured to his daughters “and this little cunt is Sally, my new fuck-slave. Say hello girls.”
“Hello, sir.” The three said almost in unison.
Mr. White looked at the girls with obvious lust. The oldest, Rebecca, inwardly cringed as he reached out and grabbed one of her ‘C’ cup breasts. She was nearly six feet tall and had very light, almost blonde hair. Linda had a hard time keeping her eyes on the ground, she wanted to watch her older sister being groped. When it was her turn she tossed her brown hair to try and cover a glance at his face while his hand hefted her little ‘B’ cup tittie.
“I like this one.” Mr. White calmly proclaimed as he grabbed Linda’s arm.
“Nice. She’s only been fucking for the past couple of months; she’s still got that nice tight pussy.” Mr. Smith said of his youngest daughter.
“Oh, you know me, I don’t care how tight her pussy is.” And he spun the teenager around.
Mr. Smith grabbed his older daughter and had her kneel in a chair and brace against the nearest table. The two men positioned the girls facing each other across the table so they could continue their conversation while raping the girls.
Mr. White lifted Linda’s micro-skirt to reveal a pert round bottom; he quickly lubed up her ass and pressed into her butthole. Meanwhile Mr. Smith began to fuck his oldest daughter. The girls stared into each other’s eyes as the men violated them. Incest and sodomy; a great way to break the ice.
“Tell me about what you’ve got planned here; I’m curious about what is in that devious mind of yours.” Mr. White demanded.
“Well, as you can see we’re going to kill my wife this afternoon. But I also hope to interest everyone in a little lottery! You see I’ve asked everyone to bring a single slave-girl today. I have a small leather pouch and several stones of various colors. Each participant will force his girl to choose from the bag and then we do various nasty things to them based on the color they pick. We’ll have beheadings, hangings, and drownings. If your girl gets snuffed you get to choose when and who will kill her. I figure we can make a game out of it, but it’s up to the owner of the girl at that point.”
“Wow, that is some plan! I don’t know how well it’ll go over with anyone else, but I’m in!” exclaimed Mr. White
The two sadists continued to piston into Mr. Smith’s daughters for several minutes. When Mr. White came he made his slave lick the come dripping out of Linda’s ass. Mr. Smith threw Rebecca to the ground and knelt over her chest while he sprayed his load across her face.
By this time Mr. Smith’s other guests were arriving. There was Mr. Roberts who brought his twenty-five year old redhead slave; Mindy. Mr. Albert brought his seventeen year old daughter; Betty. Mr. Stevenson had Miss Purdy from his office. Mr. Orci brought a fuck-slave named Alice. And finally Mr. Crews and his wife-slave, Stephanie. The plan was explained to each of the men and all readily agreed, as Mr. Smith hopped they would.
The guests spent the next hour eating and catching up with each other; swapping stories as well as girls. Mr. Smith made it clear that his wife was strapped down and naked for a reason and several of the guests took turns fucking her. By noon both her ass and cunt were sore and dripping with the come of several men.
A little after one in the afternoon, the party was getting into a good rhythm. Bobby had Rebecca on her back on one of the tables and was shoving his dick into Linda’s cunt while she lapped at her sister’s pussy. Mr. White and Mr. Orci had Stephanie Crews tied to one of the trees and were alternating whip strokes across her back. Mr. Crews himself was sodomizing Mrs. Smith again. Betty Albert was giving Mr. Smith a blowjob. Mr. Stevenson had Sally and Alice sixty-nine each other for his amusement. And Mr. Albert was fucking Mr. Smith’s slave girl. Each man had already come at least twice that afternoon and they were all still ready to go!
After several minutes the men each stiffened as they came in or on the girls they were forcing themselves on.
Mr. Smith rose from his chair as Betty wiped his come from her chin.
“Friends! It is time to risk your slaves in our devilish drawing. I have placed the stones into the bag,” Mr. Smith hefted the bag rattling the smooth tokens within. “Everyone pair off with your bitch and get ready to force her to pick her fate!”
The men gathered around dragging the weakly protesting slave-girls into a small semi-circle around Mr. Smith.
“I’m definitely going to chop my wife’s head off to inaugurate the snuffing, but I will also risk my new slave Sally and my son will put his sister Linda’s hand into the bag! I may lose all three sluts today, but I do so love seeing a good execution.” All the gathered men laughed at this; the women cringed and tried to step back from the threatening man. “I have placed eight stones into the bag; two each of black, red, blue, and white. If your girl picks a black one she follows my wife on the guillotine. Red ones get hung from that tree.” Here Mr. Smith indicated a noose dangling from one of the tree limbs. “The blue stones mean we take the bitch down to the hot tub and drown her. And the white stones get to go home. Bobby, why don’t you go first?”
Bobby pulled his sister toward their father, the girl was sobbing as her brother grabbed her wrist and shoved her hand into the leather pouch.
“If you don’t pick a stone, Bobby will pick one for you and he won’t accept a white one…” Mr. Smith threatened his daughter.
The girl gripped a stone and pulled her hand from the bag. Her brother quickly grabbed her fist. “Let’s not reveal what stones are picked until everyone has chosen, eh dad?”
“Good idea, son. That way we’ll still have the thrill of suspense until the very end.”
As each girl in turn was forced to pull a token from the bag tears streamed down their faces. None of them went willingly into that void, but they all went. Each man gripped his girl’s fist after she had chosen to prevent anyone peeking. Once all the girls had a token their hands were forced into a tight circle and then the men twisted their arms to make them reveal the stones all at once.
Linda and Betty had gotten white stones.
Mr. White’s slave and Alice had red stones.
Ms Purdy and Sally had chosen blue stones.
Stephanie and Mindy had the black stones.
“No, no, no! Th-this was supposed to just be a game! I was supposed to get a white one! You can’t mean to really drown me can you sir?” Ms Purdy began to protest. Mr. Stevenson listened to her protests and felt her try to writhe out of his grip, her naked body rubbing against him quickly gave him a raging hard on and he clasped his hand over her mouth to shut the dumb whore up.
“Of course we mean to kill you Ms. Purdy. You’re just a fuck hole, there’s plenty more like you available.” Countered Mr. Smith.
“I am really going to enjoy watching the life go out of your eyes as I shut you up for the final time.” Said Mr. Stevneson.
“Alright everyone gather round. I’m going to flip the release on my wife now!” The men dragged their unwilling captives toward the guillotine.
“Hey dad,” Bobby interrupted “Can I fuck mom’s ass while you give her the chop? I think it would be awesome to feel her as she dies.”
“Sure, son. That sounds like a great idea. We should get the most out of the bitch’s last hurrah.” Then to his wife. “Any last words, cunt?”
As she felt her son pressing his stiff cock into her anus the thirty-seven year old slave finally spoke. “Oh, god, sir! I’m sorry for whatever I did! Please don’t kill me! I’ll be a better slave. I’ll do everything, anything you want! Please, master… please…” She trailed off as her son began pistoning into her bowels.
“But you haven’t done anything wrong.” Her husband explained “I’m just twisted enough that murdering you will bring me pleasure. You’ve seen me kill lots of little girls over the years, now it’s your turn. Bye.”
Everyone waited with baited breath, watching the incestuous sodomy before them. Mr. Smith gripped the blade release and glanced at his son. When it was clear that the boy was nearing his climax he suddenly pulled the catch and the blade began its decent. There was a strangely quiet rushing sound as the blade descended in its runners. The helpless woman began to cry out one last time as the blade struck. Her scream was cut short and a loud crack rang out as her spine was severed. The razor sharp blade sliced cleanly through her neck and a combination of the blood spurting from her and the power of the blades decent catapulted her head several feet down the grassy slope. The severed head rolled several times before coming to a rest. Bobby Smith came into his dying mothers bowels just after her head had stopped rolling.
“That was incredible. She really tightened up her sphincter as the blade hit. It was an incredible fuck. And the best part is my dick is now in a dead body! I’m an incestuous necrophiliac!” crowed Bobby.
Everyone laughed and enjoyed making their respective girls watch as Bobby unstrapped his mother’s body from the bench. Blood poured, then trickled, then simply oozed from her neck. Across the lawn, her lifeless eyes stared awkwardly up at nothing.
“Just shove it over onto the grass Bobby, we’ll take care of the bodies later. So, who’s next? Should we use the guillotine again right away or mix it up with a hanging or a drowning?” Mr. Smith addressed the assembled men.
“I want to knock Mindy’s block off!” Exclaimed Mr. Roberts. “I want her to die next!” He began dragging the young woman toward the machine, now soaked in the gore of Mrs. Smith.
“No! Don’t do it!” Mindy cried out. And she tried to plant her feet so Mr. Roberts couldn’t pull her toward the evil machine.
“Calm that bitch down!” Said Mr. Smith “I want a clean kill. But I don’t want to have to knock her out. Just get her down on the bench.”
Mr. Roberts punched the redhead in the guts and she doubled over. He then bent down and punched her in the face. After waiting a moment to see if she would continue resisting he drug her by the hair across the flagstones and flung her on her back on the bench.
“I’m going to fuck you while you die. And I want you to see the blade coming down on you.” A nasty grin spread across Mr. Roberts face as he told the slave how she would die. “Can we rig up a line so I can trigger the blade while I’m inside her?”
Bobby tied a piece of rope to the trigger and handed the other end to Mr. Roberts. Who then grabbed his girl by her neck and slid her over the edge of the bench so her neck was under the raised blade. He then slid his cock into her pussy and began fucking the doomed girl. He refrained from lying atop her fully to stay out of the blades path, and began to pound into her. Tears streamed down Mindy’s cheeks and into her hair as her head hung back over the edge of the bench. She slowly began thrusting back against Mr. Roberts violating hips and eventually began to coo as a proper slave-girl should when being used. As soon as Mr. Roberts thought she had relaxed and maybe was concentrating more on the fuck than her imminent fate he suddenly pressed up into her and yanked on the trigger line.
“Yaaagh!” Mindy screamed as the blade fell and she saw her demise rush toward her. The startled girl was literally cut off as she bellowed her last. As before the head popped off and rolled a ways down the hill, coming to rest slightly beyond Mrs. Smith’s head which had been left there.
Mr. Roberts hadn’t actually finished yet and fucked into the fresh corpse for several more moments as Mindy’s body flailed about and splashed everyone nearby with more black gore.
After he finally came into the dead girl Mr. Roberts rose and moved down to where Mindy’s head had come to rest. He was about to pick it up when Mr. White said. “Leave it there if you don’t mind. I want to see which girls head goes the furthest.”
“Okay, good idea!” Mr. Roberts chuckled along with his friends at the gruesome race. By this time the other girls were simply crying and only needed to be yanked around instead of being full on dragged about. Except for Ms. Purdy who was still sobbing ‘no’ whenever Mr. Stevenson’s had wasn’t clasped tight over her mouth.
“We might as well finish up here before we move on to whatever snuff station is next.” Said Mr. Crews as he led his wife up to the guillotine. He pressed her to her knees and put his cock in her mouth. “Suck it good bitch, give me something nice to remember you by.” Still crying but resigned and obedient Stephanie Crews sucked on her husband’s dick one last time. After only a few moments the man ejaculated across his wife’s face while everyone else stood and watched.
“Alright Mr. Smith kill her now.” Mr. Crews pushed his wife away and walked down the slope to stand where her head would likely roll to him. Mr. Smith shrugged and pushed the woman onto the bench. As soon as she was in place he stood and worked the release. The woman’s head flew off as the others had and rolled toward her waiting husband’s feet. It caught on a small imperfection in the lawn and lost its momentum just shy of Mrs. Smith’s head.
“That’s disappointing.” Stated Mr. Crews and, after checking that everyone had seen the final resting place of the respective heads bent down and picked up his wife’s decapitated head.
“Well, I guess my Mindy wins that little competition.” Mr. Roberts said as he retrieved his slaves head. Mr. Smith gave him a congratulatory slap on the back.
“Good job!” said Mr. White “Now the next most convenient grim entertainment is the hanging tree.” The group moved over to the small stand of trees.
“I think the distance contest at the guillotine was a great success. I propose we hold time trials here.” Mr. White said “Rebecca, would you get some more rope, we need a second noose. I think both girls should be hung in tandem and the one who dies last be declared the winner.”
“A very good proposal Mr. White.” Said Mr. Smith “What do you think Mr. Orci, ready to risk your pride on Alice’s stamina?”
“Oh, yes! I think my Alice will choke after your dumb slut Mr. White. I bet you five bucks!” Countered Mr. Orci
“You’re on!” said Mr. White.
Rebecca and Linda tied a second noose and hung it from the sturdy branch. Mr. White’s slave stepped forward without any prompting and Linda slipped a rope around her neck. Mr. Orci had to push Alice under the tree.
“Don’t embarrass me girl. Get your ass up there!” Mr. Orci growled.
The Smith sisters tied the girls hands behind their backs and Rebecca slipped Alice’s noose over her head.
“Leave their feet free. I want to see them kick up their heels.” Said Mr. White. “Believe me it’s better than just watching them dangle there…”
Mr. Smith gave a three count and Linda and Rebecca hauled on the two ropes. They tied them off and went to stand with their father and brother respectfully.
Mr. White and Mr. Orci stood and stared at the girls vainly trying to gasp for air, their feet kicking wildly. Each man willing his slave to last just a little longer.
Bobby began to fondle his sister Linda who stroked his erect penis in return. Betty, the other girl spared by the stones, dutifully sucked her father’s dick as he watched two more girls die. Mr. Stevenson kept Ms. Purdy quiet by choking her with one hand while he fingered her cunt with the other. Mr. Smith bent his daughter Rebecca over so that she could give Mr. Roberts a blowjob while he fucked her from behind. Mr. Crews had quietly drug over Mindy’s corpse and began sodomizing the dead girl. Mr. Smith sent Sally up front to give Mr. White and Mr. Orci handjobs while they watched their girls strangle.
A few moments later Mr. White’s slave let out a rattling gurgle and her eyes rolled back into her head. Shortly afterwards her legs stopped kicking and only twitched sporadically. Alice still gave a strong kick every couple of seconds. Mr. White turned and congratulated Mr. Orci on Alice’s victory.
“Good job, sir. You win. If you’ll excuse me I haven’t fucked a dead teenager all month.” He slapped Sally in the face to signal she should release his cock and approached his dead slave. He pulled her body down, stretching and breaking her neck with a series of grotesque pops. He then began to saw into the corpse while fondling her cold tits. It was obvious that he had done such things before as he never slipped out of her cunt until he had come. As soon as the other men had relived themselves the ever dwindling group moved to the hot tub.
On the short path Mr. Stevenson suddenly had a little difficulty with Ms. Purdy.
“No, you can’t! I won’t go down there!” The slave was yelling and pulling away from him. Mr. Stevenson had to brace himself to keep from being pulled along by his slave!
“That’s enough!” he bellowed. His fist flashed out and he struck her square in the face. The large man pulled back and landed two more savage blows to the screaming girls face. Ms. Purdy collapsed to the ground, sobbing.
“Rebecca, take this stupid cunt back to the house. Clean her up, let her put her blouse and skirt back on, no panties, and then bring her back down here. We should have finished killing Sally by then.” Sally herself just stood silently, tears streaming down her face, watching the exchange.
“Ms. Purdy, you’ve embarrassed me in front of my friends. I’ve decided not to kill you today; when you get back here I’ll ass-fuck you and then take you back to the company holding pens. I’ll have to think a while to come up with an appropriate punishment for you.” He balled up his fist and punched the woman again in her face. Blood was already flowing from her nose and her cheek had started to swell. Rebecca then dutifully let the girl away.
The other men were dumbstruck. No one moved, they simply stared at Mr. Stevensons back as he watched his hosts oldest daughter lead his slave away.
“Are you really going to let her live?” Mr. Smith finally asked.
Mr. Stevenson whirled around and the men all flinched back. But the big man was smiling. “Of course not. Let’s kill Sally before they get back. I want to surprise Ms. Purdy. I’ll get her on all fours and when I shove my dick up her ass I’ll push her head under the water. It’ll be just like an old fashioned murder, except you’ll all get to watch.”
The others quickly brightened and they all proceeded to the hot tub area.
“I’ve been thinking on this.” Said Mr. Smith “Linda was spared in the choosing, but I don’t think she should get away trauma free today.” As if any of the girls present had been spared trauma.
“I want Linda to kill Sally.” Mr. Smith continued “Unfortunately that means we’ll have less girls to get anyone off while she dies. I’ll be fucking her, Betty will have to service as many of you as she can. Then we’ll have her Rebecca and Linda to get the last of us off while Mr. Stevenson surprises Ms. Purdy.”
“Sounds like a capitol idea.” Said Mr. Orci. And the other men nodded accent.
Mr. Smith stripped completely nude and lowered himself into the hot tub. Linda just kicked her sandals off and got in opposite him still wearing her skirt and bikini top even though it had been twisted aside long ago and did nothing to cover or support her breasts. Linda made no protests but made such a face that it was obvious to all that she would not be enjoying her part in the young girls murder.
Sally was shoved into the hot tub and Mr. Smith grabbed her and pulled her back to sit on his lap. He pulled the slaves arms behind her and shifted his weight as he shoved his prick up into her. He let the girl rise and fall a couple of times, fucking him, then he signaled his daughter.
Linda quickly reached out with both hands and grabbed Sally by the hair. She pulled her forward and down until she had been submerged in the warm water. She looked at her father’s face and pressed to keep the girl’s head under. Sally couldn’t help but struggle, her survival instincts taking over she thrashed as much as she could in the awkward position she was being held in.
Betty did her best to trade off with her hands and mouth to get all the dicks shoved into her face, while her father slid his dick into her ass from behind. Many of the men were content to watch the teenager being killed rather than concentrate on another orgasm, so Betty got all the men in front of her to come in her face before Sally had died.
The fifteen year old slave held her breath as long as she could but eventually tried to breathe in and got a lungful of water. After that it was just a matter of time and she kicked her last after barely seven minutes underwater. When they were sure the girl was dead Linda and her father released their grip and the girl’s corpse began to sink into the hot tub. Mr. Smith stood up griping the girl’s legs and fucked the corpse upside down with its head bouncing off the bottom. When he came he dropped the body and grabbed Linda; he gave her a passionate kiss and their tongues entwining as the naked father and daughter embraced.
“Ahem.” Everyone turned to see Rebecca leading Ms. Purdy back.
Mr. Stevenson grabbed his office slave by the throat. “I hope you’re going to be cooperative now.”
“Yes, master! Please, I’ll do anything! Just d-don’t kill me!”
“Get on your back and lift your knees up to your ears. I want easy access to your asshole!” Mr. Stevenson growled.
As his slave dutifully lay on the smooth concrete ringing the hot tub set into the ground he got down on top of her and shoved his dick into the womans bowels.
“Unff!” she grunted at the rude penetration but had apparently cried herself out as no new tears appeared on her face.
Mr. Stevenson gave the girl a few strokes then suddenly grabbed her throat with both hands and said “You think you’re getting off that easy? The punishment for refusing to be killed is that I fucking kill you!” He squeezed his hands and the girl went purple. A shocked look on her face she opened her mouth but no sound emerged. Her face darkening as the blood flow as well as her breath was stopped by the massive hands around her throat. Mr. Stevenson kept fucking into her as she began to struggle. Her hands beat ineffectually against his chest. Her legs flailed wildly trying to get away from him. But his weight was on top of her and she only succeeded in sliding the pair of them around as she was fucked and killed.
As with the other girls it only took a few moments for her struggles to weaken and finally stop. Even then Mr. Stevenson did not release his grip. When the girl ceased to move he squeezed all the harder and only stopped when he felt her windpipe crushed beneath his fingers.
When Mr. Stevenson finally came into Ms. Purdy’s corpse he looked up to see the last of the others spraying their last loads into the faces of the three surviving girls.
“That was a really great day.” Mr Stevenson said as he dragged his slaves corpse back up to the patio area.
“Pretty expensive though.” Said Mr. Albert. “I’m glad my Betty survived, I’m not rich enough to buy a new slave as easily as you guys.”
“Well It’ll be quite a while before I host another snuff party that’s for sure.” Said Mr. Smith
“If anyone wants to keep a trophy of the day I know a good taxidermist. He could do your girls whole body or just mount the head.” Several of the men expressed interest in his suggestion.
“If you all will indulge me before anyone has to leave I’d like to say a few things.” Mr Smith announced “First there’s a lot of food left, someone take some of it.” Several chuckles from the gathering. “I didn’t know how this day would turn out, as it is I’m lucky I only had to give up Sally.” Mr. Smith nudged her body with his foot for emphasis. “I’ve been meaning to give my son a slave of his own for a while now.” Mr. Smith took a slave collar from his shirt pocket and offered it to Bobby. “Son, I want you to choose one of your sisters to become your new fuck-doll!”
Bobby was obviously surprised by this announcement but he recovered his composure quickly. Mr. Smith grabbed his daughters by their hair and stood them in front of his son. Bobby made a show of checking out the merchandise for a minute, as if he hadn’t come inside both of them earlier in the day.
“Ha, there really is no choice.” He rapidly put the collar on his older sister Rebecca. “I like tall whores.”
“Oh, no father, please!?” Rebecca begged as she touched the offending collar. “Don’t give me to Bobby; you saw what he did to his last girlfriend. And she was a free girl! I won’t last a year.”
“Shut up!” Mr. Smith shot back “You’re a slave now and Bobby is your master! We just spent the afternoon murdering nine women, including your mother, do you really think I care if Bobby tortures you?”
“Anyway, that leaves Linda to take over for her mother.” Mr. Smith produced another slave collar and put it around the fifteen year olds neck.
“Really? I’m a slave now? Not just some dumb whore? Oh, thank you daddy!” Linda seemed really pleased and tried to hug her father, but he pushed her down on the table and began to shove his hand into her pussy.
“Thank you friends! Thanks for coming today and especially thank you for allowing your slaves to be killed for us. See you all soon.”
The guests left the Smith family in their new configuration. Father fisting Linda while Bobby tied Rebecca up and began to whip her.
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