As I lied there in my binds, all I could think about was the fact that I had actually shown my naked body to a stranger. I had actually masturbated in front of him. This made me a true whore. I sacrificed my privacy for the entertainment of an older man. I was very happy as I thought about it. It made me feel like I was on top of the world just knowing that I pleased a man for my first time. The other thing that made me happy was the thought that my toys would be in the next day. My life was changing. I was living out my fantasies. I was tired. I fell asleep.
I had a hard time sleeping that night. Every time I would fall asleep, I would wake up shortly after because I was bound and on the hard floor. I wanted blankets, I wanted my bed.
I’ll make you a deal. I will allow you to sleep on your bed tonight. But you must remain bound and tomorrow, your morning spanking will be doubled. You are a lowly slave slut and you don’t deserve to sleep in a comfy bed. Also, if you sleep in your bed, you will have to completely expose yourself to the UPS guy when he delivers your toys tomorrow. Think about what a large step that would be in your training.
I thought about it for some time. For one, I really really wanted to sleep in my bed. But at the same time, I knew I didn’t have the right to do so. I knew I had to get used to sleeping on the floor like an animal with no privacy. I fell asleep on the floor thinking about it.
The sun wasn’t even up when I woke. My body was stiff from my binds. I had a mild headache from what little sleep I had. But I was so anxious to get the day started, I was up for good.
Start with your spanking, slut. Use the belt. I want ten on each ass cheek, ten on each of your nipples, and ten on your starving pussy. Look at you! Wet already? The slut has come out full force. I bet you don’t even care who fucks you. You are a true slut.
The words alone made me feel excited about the constant sexual state of mind I had been in for almost a week straight now. This couldn’t possibly be normal. There was definitely something wrong with me. I was not one of those abused girls that turn into whores I used to see on talk shows and T.V. I was a normal girl. I almost started crying from these thoughts.
No, no, it’s ok. That’s just part of your growing up. The only thing that makes you different is that you don’t hide what you want deep inside. You have the ability to be who and what you want. Don’t start backing down now.
I wasn’t about to back down. It was just a transition and maybe I was taking it too fast. But I didn’t want it to go slower. I wanted it to go faster. I wanted to be the slut now! I wanted more action. The truth was that I was confused. These feelings I had deep inside were causing strange emotions. I just had to deal with them.
I grabbed my belt and crawled into my closet to give myself my morning spanking. This time I was sure to spank myself hard so I wouldn’t have to repeat it. My butt, pussy and breasts were red and sore by the time I crawled out. The voice allowed me to chat and surf the net until my brothers left to work for the day.
I logged into the teen slave chat line I had gotten into the night before. I talked to a bunch of men that only asked for pics and stuff. I got bored and decided to surf the net for a while. A website caught my attention. Sex slaves that were collared and leashed and acting like dogs in public. They were all Asian women. The idea made me so hot that I instantly became hypnotized by the site. The women had tails coming out of their butts and nose hooks to make them look like pigs. They were so totally dehumanized. I wanted to be in their shoes.
You are so easily amused, slut. Just the way it should be.
After I heard my brothers leave for the day. I turned off my computer. I took a shower and made myself up again. This time, I made sure I did my chores before I went for a walk. The entire time I cleaned, I thought about what I would wear this time as I went out for my walk.
Once I was done cleaning, I went back to my room to pick out an outfit for my morning walk. I wondered if the guys in the convertible would come by again and if Alan would talk to me again. This time I picked out a pair of black thigh highs and a short black lace skirt that was nearly see through. I put on a black lacy top that was also nearly see through. It had spaghetti straps and lace that was thick enough to only hide my tiny breasts. My belly and back were completely visible. The skirt was short enough to hide the dark tops of my thigh highs, but whenever I took a step, I some bare thigh would be exposed. I liked that. I put on a pair of 4” black heels to finish off my morning outfit.
This time, it was much easier to open the door and walk out. Once again the day was warm and I felt nearly naked in the outfit I was in. But this time, I was hardly nervous at all. I kept reminding myself that this was just me showing the world that I was a slut. I was doing what I craved.
Every second that I spent in public made me feel sexier and more confident in myself. I walked the same path as the day before. I started up Alan’s street and didn’t see him outside. I was a bit disappointed because I really liked the way he looked at me. I liked the way he wanted me. I don’t know if I wanted him or not. I didn’t know if I felt like that because he wanted me and gave me the attention I wanted, or because I thought he was cute. I made sure I passed right in front of his house.
He didn’t disappoint after all. Just as I passed by, he walked outside and came directly toward me.
Stop and flirt with the poor drooling boy.
I stopped and smiled as he approached me.
“Hey Laura.” He scaled me up and down while licking his lips. This made my pussy dance with joy. “What’s up?” He seemed a little more shy that day.
“Just going for my morning walk. What’s up with you?”
“Well, actually, I was just hanging around hoping you’d come by.”
I smiled at him happily. “Really?For me?” I gently placed my hand on my chest to show I was flattered.
He simply nodded.
“Why?” I asked him curiously.
“I was sort of hoping you’d want to go to a party with me Friday night.”
Oh my God! He was asking me out. I had never been asked out before. I didn’t know what to say.
Are you stupid? A real slut never ever, ever turns down a date. It’s a rule.
“Ok, sure.” I got goosebumps as I accepted.
“Really? Cool… so what are up to later?”
“Nothing really, I was thinking of going to the mall, but I don’t know.” I said.
“Think we can hang out a little?” His face was red.
Oh, shit, this is fucking perfect!
“Ok. Like what time, so I know to be ready.”
“Give me like two hours, cuz I gotta do the dishes.” He had a huge smile on his face. This was a different guy than the one that was oogling over me the day before like an idiot.
“Ok. I’ll be home. But you have to leave before 4 cuz my brothers will be home from work and I don’t want to get in trouble for having a boy in my house without them.”
“yeah, sure.” He ran back into his house with that same cute smile of his.
I continued walking and the smile on my own face never left. I didn’t see anybody else that morning except for a couple of cars that passed by. The boys in the convertible didn’t show up which was a sort of relief because I didn’t know if I would have been able to show them my bare breasts. Then I would have been punished for it.
I went back inside the house and back to my room to pick out an outfit for Alan to see me in.
I want you to look like a total whore. Pick out your shortest skirt, the white tie bottom shirt, and your 6” heels. Wear nothing else. Right before he gets here, you will check your make up and hair. You are going to drive him so insane that he will go home and jack off to your sexy ass. Maybe you can do it yourself.
The thought of me doing anything sexual with Alan made me feel even more in the mood to do it. But deep down inside, I felt like I really wasn’t ready for full blown sex.
You do know, you don’t have to actually fuck him to please him, right? You can touch him, jack him off, hell, you can even suck his dick. Your pussy is safe at least for now.
I quickly dressed in my new outfit and immediately felt like a total whore. The skirt went just below the curves of my butt and was only about three inches below my pussy. The shirt was loose and button down and showed what little cleavage I actually had. Honestly, I didn’t have any cleavage. It simply showed the skin between my small breasts. Walking in the 6” heels was a little rough at first but I got used to them. I did like the way it make my legs shapely and my butt stick out. I looked even sexier. I was proud of my new look.
I was a bit nervous thinking about Alan coming over. I had just changed my image two days ago and I was about to have my first date. I couldn’t believe it. Looks really were everything. I was excited and nervous at the same time.
I was restless. My mind was racing. I had to calm myself down. I turned on the TV and sat on the couch. I immediately felt the desire to cross my legs. I did and it felt good. I felt like a grown woman with long sexy legs. Then the doorbell rang. Could he be early?
I looked through the side window and saw the UPS guy standing outside my door. Oh my god, I had forgotten about that. How could I forget about my toys? I adjusted my skirt and my shirt and opened the door.
“Hi, I need a signature for these?” He wasn’t looking at me until he handed me his pad to sign.
“Sure.” I responded and reached for the pad and signed it.
“Thank you. Have a good day.” He smiled at me and looked a bit confused as he ran back to his truck and drove off. I didn’t get the reaction I was hoping for, but at least I was seen like the whore I was. Virgin whore. What a strange statement that was.
I happily took the two small boxes to my room. This couldn’t possibly be the whole order. I was surprised to find out that it was. They fit all my toys into two small boxes. I didn’t spend a lot of time looking through them. I just glanced and hid them in the far corner of my closet. I returned back to the den and waited patiently for Alan to show up.
Time was crawling. Finally I heard the doorbell ring again. There was Alan standing just outside. His hair was slicked back and he was dressed in a tee shirt and jeans. He looked nice. I started shaking as I reached for the door and opened it wide so he would be able to see all of me in my whorish outfit. I felt ashamed and sexy at the same time.
Alan just stood there with his eyes wide and scaling me up and down. His mouth was open and his tongue was out a little. Then it turned into a look of confusion.
“Come in. I was just watching TV. Sit down anywhere you want.” He walked into the den and sat down on the couch. I walked behind him and headed into the kitchen.
“Want something to drink?”
Alan turned around and faced me. “Sure, what do you have?”
“We have, coke, water, grape juice, and milk.”
“I’ll take a coke.”
It felt really nice serving him his drink. It made me feel like I was already submitting to him. It felt like I was serving him already. I was already his eye candy. I served him his drink and sat down on the chair beside the couch and crossed my legs. I saw his eyes cast down under my skirt to see that I had no panties. I know he couldn’t see my pussy though.
We sat in silence for a minute before he finally spoke.
“I have to ask you a question, but I don’t want you to get all hurt with me.” Alan said.
“I won’t get hurt with you. Ask.”
“Well, why the big change? I mean, you never used to dress and look like this before. What changed?”
“I got tired of being an ugly depressed girl all the time. I wanted to be sexy and pretty. Is it really bad?”
“No, no, it’s not bad. It’s just that… Damn, you are a really hot girl.”
I smiled at him warmly. “Thank you.”
It was the first time in my life I had ever been called pretty by anyone other than my family. I was flushed with delight.
“So what do you wanna do?” I asked him with a smile.
He scaled me up and down and raised one eyebrow. “I don’t know. What do you have in mind?”
I didn’t know what to say. Was he going to make me make the first move? I wanted to touch him and him me. I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know what.
Show him your room. Show him you keep your curtains open all the time.
“Wanna come see my room?”
“Yeah, sure.” I think he was expecting more than just to see my room as he smiled as he stood up.
I stood up and adjusted my skirt. It was making me feel very sexy as my skin was exposed. As soon as I gave the invite, though, I realized what I might have implied to Alan. I didn’t know if I was ready for actual sex. I didn’t actually want that, but I wanted something.
Take him by the hand and lead him to your room. Don’t worry, you don’t have to fuck him today.
I reached out my hand as he stood up. He took a soft hold and I felt good all over from his touch alone. I had never held hands with a boy before. I took him to my room.
He looked around. “Nice room. It’s huge. You even have your own computer?”
“Yeah, you can sit on my bed.” Dammit, what was THAT implying?
He smiled as he sat down. He didn’t seem like the aggressive boy that was commenting on my body the day before. He was more kind and soft spoken.
Ask him to help you pick an outfit for Friday night.
“So, are we going to still go out Friday?” I asked timidly.
“Of course.” His eyes were fixated on my shapely legs.
“Wanna help me pick something to wear?”
“Sure, I guess… You have something like what you wore today on your walk?”
That made me smile and look over my shoulder at him. “I have a bunch of new clothes you might like.”
After pulling out and laying out several outfits, he picked out his favorite. It was a short white mini dress. It was a halter top dress that was backless down to my waist. The skirt went just above mid-thigh. No pantyhose, and he seemed to like my 6” white heels.
“Looks like I have an outfit for Friday now. Yay!” I clapped my hands cheerily.
Alan just sat there smiling. He didn’t take his eyes off me the entire time.
Tell him about your windows being open all the time.
“I like how bright it is in here with my shades open all the time.” I said as I walked toward a window. I could feel his eyes burning my butt.
“Yeah, its cool.”
“You know, I never, ever close my shades. I like to keep them open all the time.”
“Even at night when you sleep?”
“Aren’t you afraid someone will look inside and see you sleeping?”
Here is your chance to tell him that you want them to see you sleep naked and on the floor.
“Then they will get a free show. I sleep naked.” I felt my face turning red as I said it. I actually said it.
“Whoah. You mean you don’t care if someone sees you naked?”
“Well… I think I’m pretty and if people like it, I think they should see it if they want to.”
Oh my god! I couldn’t believe I was talking like that. I couldn’t believe I was acting so slutty. I felt dizzy from my own amazement. I wanted to hide away but I was trapped with this boy in my room. I had already implied that I wanted to act like a total slut. I invited him to see me naked. What was I doing?
I started shaking a little bit. I had to redeem myself. I had this overwhelming thought that I needed to get a better image for myself back. I was scared that I might scare him away.
“I… I didn’t mean that I was… like… a …”
Alan laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s ok… Can I ask you a personal question? You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.”
“Yeah, you can ask.” My entire body was burning with the pleasure of embarrassment. I was turned on and ashamed at the same time. I didn’t know what direction to go in.
“Well… have you ever done anything? I mean, like, with a guy?”
“You mean sex?” I said aggressively.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t look at me as he asked.
“Honestly, no. I’ve never had sex before. I don’t know if I’m ready for it or not.” That was the best way I could tell him I didn’t want sex that day.
“The way you are dressed right now, though. I… I.”
“I know its like all whorish. I’m kinda experimenting with my look. Does it look stupid?”
“No, not at all. You look totally hot. But it looks like you sleep around… no offence!”
“it’s ok. I know I look like a total slut. But it got your attention didn’t it?”
Alan smiled shyly. “Yeah it did. I’d never seen you like this before. I like it. But aren’t you scared about what other people will say?”
“Not really. This is who I am and who I like to be. I know I’m a virgin and I don’t sleep around and if people see me like a total slut, oh well. That’s their problem. I am comfortable with who I am.”
“That’s cool.”
We sat by each other on the bed in silence for what seemed like forever. I wanted to touch him so bad. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I wanted so much. We both waited for the other to make the first move.
Finally, I had to speak up.
“Want to listen to some music?”
Alan seemed to be awakened from a dream. “Yeah, sure.”
I turned on my computer and started playing some music I had stored on it.
I sat back down next to him and this time I put my hand on his leg. He reached over and took my hand in his which sent shivers throughout my body. He turned his body and faced me. Our faces were a few inches apart.
Don’t back away. Let it happen, let it happen.
I looked straight into his eyes and melted when I saw how he longed for me deep inside.
He whispered. “You are a beautiful girl. I really want to kiss you now.”
My mind drifted into the clouds. I felt numb all over, I was floating in my happy place. We slowly leaned closer to each other and our lips met. I closed my eyes and just let it happen. I felt his hands touch my bare waist and pull me closer. I couldn’t believe I was kissing a boy for my very first time!
It was nice. His lips were soft and it sent a tingle from my mouth down to each of my nipples. Then he slowly snuck his tongue into my mouth which, at first, made me feel grossed out. But I allowed it because it was what he wanted. I had to quickly figure out a way to respond. So I started playing with his tongue using my own. It was so totally amazing and erotic. It was soft and sensual. I didn’t want it to end. Finally, he pulled back and took a hold of my hand gently.
With a smile he looked in my eyes. “I wanted to do that since a couple days ago.”
I blushed. “I can say now that you are the first boy I’ve ever kissed.”
“Really, first?”
I nodded. “I bet you think I’m pathetic.”
“No way. You kiss really good.” He was looking a little more comfortable around me.
I just smiled.
“So, since you let anybody see you naked through your window… I was wondering… Uh… If you would…”
“What? You want to see me naked?” Oh my god! Was I actually going to do this? Could I possibly be able to go through with being totally naked in front of a boy? My pussy was calling out for me to do it, but my brain was telling me “Hell no.”
Nice. Do it! But make it clear to him that there will be nothing else. Just you naked. No sex.
“If… if you don’t wanna, it’s cool… It doesn’t hurt to ask.” His face was turning pink.
“If I do it, promise not to tell my brothers?”
“I promise with all my heart.” He smiled and put his hand on his heart.
“Ok, but nothing else, ok? I’ll get naked so you can see me, but that’s all. You know what I mean?”
Alan nodded anxiously.
I was scared and excited at the same time. I was gonna show this boy my naked body. I was gonna be like a stripper. But most of all, I was going to make him happy. And that’s what it was all about. If I did this, I would be taking that one step closer to becoming the total slut I wanted to be. Only I wouldn’t be a fuck slut, just a tease.
I untied my shirt and let it dangle down. My small breasts were still hidden from view. Alan kept staring at my chest like it was a steak dinner. I was shaking really bad by now but I continued. I took hold of the cloth and opened my shirt and let it slide off my shoulders to the floor. I immediately crossed my arms across my chest to hide what I had up there.
“I know they aren’t that big.” I felt a little ashamed.
“Let me be the judge of that, girl.” He leaned back on my bed. I slowly let my hands fall to my sides to expose my bare chest to him. “I think they’re fine.” He smiled at me.
I reached down and started to slide my skirt off. I had second thoughts about forty times as I very slowly lowered it. But it was as if I didn’t have control of my body as I slid the tight skirt off and to the floor. I took my legs out of it and hid my wet sex with the palm of my hand. I really didn’t want to let him see how excited I was doing this.
“I already saw it, Laura. It’s ok, can I please see it?” His eyes never left my hand as I moved it aside and stood there completely naked except for my shoes in front of him. I felt like I was dreaming a wet dream. I couldn’t just stand there, it was awkward.
I started walking toward him in my sexy walk I had learned. I opened my legs and put my knees on my bed on each side of his body and sat in his lap. He was breathing hard. I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing him again. I couldn’t believe I was making out naked with this boy! I was totally ashamed and turned on by it.
We made out like this for close to an hour. I loved how his hands explored my body. He didn’t touch my breasts or my sex, but he gently rubbed my back and squeezed my butt several times. I finally had enough. My lips were tingling and completely numb from all the kissing. I stood up and put my skirt back on. I found my shirt and tied it back on. Alan lied on my bed gasping for air. He had a tent growing in his pants. I wanted to touch it, but I held back.
“Holy shit, that was the best make-out session I have ever had in my entire LIFE! You are one awesome chick.” He sat up with a dazed look on his face.
“My brothers will be home soon. You should probably go home.” Actually, I didn’t want him to go home. I wanted him to hide in my room all night so we could kiss forever. The feelings were overwhelming. I felt warm and tingly all over.
“Um, yeah, sure. Can we hang out again tomorrow?” He said happily as he gathered himself.
“Sure, why not?” I said like it didn’t matter to me. But it really did matter to me. I wanted him there all the time. I think I wanted to have sex with him just because he didn’t push it. I was very proud of myself and felt sexier and prettier than any girl in the whole world. I was finally in love with myself!
“Cool, what time?” He asked as he stood up and headed out the door.
“You’ll find me walking in the morning. Catch me then. K?”
“Nice! Can I call you later?” He was acting so cool with me, how could I deny him anything? He was my first kiss.
“Yeah, you can call me tonight.”
“Cool, then illtalk to you later.” He scaled me up and down before he stepped off my front porch. “Oh, and thank you for everything.” His eyes went up and down my entire body. “I’ll be thinking about you all fuckin’ day. Damn, girl.” I gave him a simple smile and closed the door.
I dropped to my knees and gasped for air and it felt like the first time in hours I was able to breathe. I melted with a smile to the ground and felt like I was on top of the world. Now I had to change back into something a little more decent so my brothers wouldn’t see me looking so trampy.
I crawled back into my room and dressed in a pair of short shorts and tennis shoes and a tank top. I made sure I put on a bra also. I kept the panties off just to keep me reminded of my sexual state. I called in an order for some chinese food for dinner. I could hardly wait for night time to come so I could play with my new toys. It couldn’t come too soon.
The food came shortly before John and Derek showed up. We all ate together, which rarely happened.
After dinner, we sat together in the den to watch some TV.
“Derek, you think I can go to a party Friday night?” I asked.
“What party?”
“One of the guys from my school invited me to his friends for a party Friday. I said yes, but I thought I should ask.”
“If it were up to me, I would say, hell no. But you’ll have to ask mom and dad when they come home tomorrow.”
“Mom and dad are coming home tomorrow?”
“Yup, they called me today. They said they’ll be home around 4 tomorrow.”
I had missed them. They had been gone for two weeks on something for my dad’s work. I hated that they were gone so much. But at the same time, I knew I would have to be a good girl while they were home. And who knew how long they would be here? I was disappointed and happy at the same time.
“Are they gonna stay a while this time?”
“They didn’t say.” He looked at me with concern.
“Who invited you to this party?”
“You know Alan? He lives on the next street?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s pretty cool.”
“I really hope they let me go.”
“You know mom and dad. They will give you a talk, and then let you go.”
“Yeah, I know. Well, goodnight brother.”
“Goodnight, sis.”
I went in my room and stripped off my clothes. It was time to meet my online Master and play with my ne w toys. It was going to be an intense night…
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