tng- SEVENTEEN - The Tree
The girls were in high spirits from the excitement of the basketball game and resulting victory. The boys were perplexed by the results. From the poker games, they had adjusted somewhat to the idea that girls would win competitions. With their submissive mind set, they found that losing to the girls had an erotic appeal... especially when they were beaten after really trying. It enhanced the feeling of helplessness when they lost to them, but to say they were not jubilant about the consequences of losing would be an understatement. They knew that they would be horny for the next two days and would have to endure in silence during school for the next two days. Even then, there wasn't a guarantee that they would be allowed relief. The rules and consequences of the game were set by the girls and their loss just ensured at least two days of aching celibacy.
In that mindset, the kids split up and went home.
Larry and Dan had a pretty good idea what they were in for. They had endured teasing by the girls the past week and they determined that they would try to minimize the consequences by limiting their contact with the girls. Dan retreated early to his room and tried to concentrate on homework away from his sister. Larry also retired to his bedroom early and tried to read a book to keep his mind off his predicament. Priscilla called him in the early evening, "just to talk." Larry knew she was enjoying his discomfort and teased him about it. She made him stroke his eager shaft all the while they were talking. She often interrupted the conversation to make him describe what he was doing and feeling. She grinned to herself when she heard him gasp a "please" in the middle of one description. It started as plea for her to allow him to cum but and he changed it to a plea to stop stroking when it was apparent that she wasn't going to relent. After another 15 minutes of talking, she finally granted him the break he needed and wished him a good night.
Poor Greg wasn't quite so lucky. Granted, he was experiencing blue balls from the tease Natalie left him with in the morning and his constant erection throughout the school day, but he still remembered his night with his sister as a blissful experience.
Natalie wasn't really surprised when she heard the knock on her door that night. She smiled a condescending smile when she opened her door and her naked brother was standing there with his ropes and chains. He scurried in and her eyes twinkled when she closed the door behind him. He was hard as a rock and obviously leaking. He Faced her and dropped to his knees. "I thought you might want some company tonight," he said lamely.
"Yeah, sure," she replied with a smug smile as she looked down at the kneeling form. "You just want me to rub your cock all night. You do know that you won't be allowed to cum, don't you?"
Greg flushed brightly as she stated exactly what was on his mind. He nodded affirmative to her question. "Natalie, it felt so good last night. Please let me stay here again tonight." Greg saw his sister smile a tight smile. He knew from years of experience that it often preceded her intent to be mean to him. The last two days dulled the defenses he had acquired and he ignored it.
"Sure," Natalie finally replied. "Set up the straps so you will be in the same position as last night, arms up, one leg down, and one leg pulled aside and up."
Greg felt his excitement build at her quick acceptance and casual description of how he was to be restrained. He quickly set up the straps to bind him in that position and eagerly applied as much of the bondage as he could by himself.
Natalie brushed her teeth and changed into her nightgown. She smiled as she walked over to her brother and then went about the business of securing the ties. She felt a satisfaction that he found her desirable. She flaunted her form and watched him as his need visibly became more urgent. She turned out the lights and snuggled in beside him. She smiled to herself when she heard him moan with anticipation.
Greg was riding on a high. He was totally helpless and he loved that feeling. His sister's body was pressing into his. He gasped when he felt her apply some lotion and start playing with his shaft. He responded by arching into her hand then sinking back down as she continued to toy with his penis. His balls ached and he pulled in a quick intake of breath when she gently caressed his balls. He squirmed and protested a bit from ache when she lightly squeezed them. Her fingers fluttered over his chest and stomach and though he arched and squirmed in pleasure from the sensations, he felt the need for her to tend to his cock. In her own time, she accommodated him. He could feel the need to cum build. He tried to limit his reaction. Maybe if he lay still, she would let him cum or misjudge and make him cum. He reveled in the feeling of being helpless. If he came, it was not his fault, he was helpless. He pulled on his bonds and his inability to move felt reassuring. He groaned as she backed off on the stroking and teased his body again with her fingertips. He relaxed and waited for her to resume stroking him. His balls ached. He could feel his need building again. This time he was whimpering softly as she brought him so close to the edge. He could feel her back off and he started bucking hard trying to get additional contact. When he settled down a bit, he felt her hand start the maddening stroking again. He couldn't escape it. His attempts to twist away were thwarted by his bonds. He found himself begging... "pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseohplease."
Natalie silently persisted in fondling him, not knowing if his pleas were to finish him off or to stop but she didn't care. She wasn't inclined to do either.
Greg tried to thrash around. The bonds that felt so reassuring earlier kept his movement to a minimum and assured that his cock was ever available to his sister. He could feel himself again getting close to cumming and her strokes were slowing. He felt he had a chance, only to have her hand slide off his shaft onto his stomach. He groaned in frustration and settled back. The teasing hand no longer was tormenting him; it lay inert on his stomach. Natalie had fallen asleep. He sighed a sigh of relief and relaxed. He could feel the weight of her hand on his stomach. He squirmed a bit and could feel her hand slide a bit. There was no way he could coax it to rest on his needy shaft. He then lay there, his cock throbbing as he listened to the steady breathing of his sister. It seemed like hours before he was able to doze off.
Later Natalie stirred and sleepily, she reached over and grabbed Greg's cock. She smiled as she felt it inflate in her grasp. He awoke and arched into her hand. It had felt like it was mere minutes since he had finally drifted off to sleep. As she played with him for a few minutes his need for release built quickly. He groaned inwardly as she drifted back to sleep. Her hand rested on his shaft and he arched and wiggled as best he could, but he couldn't get enough friction to satisfy him. Her hand started to slip and he stopped wiggling. He didn't want to lose the feel of it resting on his cock. He lay still listening to her breathing and relished the feeling of his rigid shaft pulsing under her the weight of her hand. It was a while before he fell asleep again.
As the night wore on, Natalie woke again and felt her brother's shaft still under her hand. It wasn't flaccid, but it had lost a lot of its tension. She listened to him breathing for a few minutes. She quietly shifted and knelt on the bed so she could look down on her sleeping, exposed, and helpless brother in the dim light. No one could see the mischievous smile that crossed her face as she reached out with both hands and suddenly twisted his nipples. Greg let out a cry and Natalie quickly covered his face with a pillow to keep the noise down. She started laughing and couldn't stop even as she removed the pillow when he recovered from the initial shock.
Greg was startled out of a sound sleep and his pain and confusion when the pillow covered his head caused him to struggle mightily against his bonds. He quickly realized what happened and was treated to the sight of his laughing sister kneeling beside him on the bed. His nipples hurt and the feeling of helplessness enveloped him once again as he lost his fight with the bonds. The combinations of sensations enveloped him and he immediately developed a raging erection. He felt he should have been angry, but looking up at his laughing sister, he only found pleasure from his predicament. "Ouch," he said finally. Obviously not a reaction to the pain, but an acknowledgment that it hurt. He didn't realize that he was smiling when he said it.
Natalie was surprised that after the initial protest, Greg didn't reflect anger or annoyance from her prank. He was just there, complacent and waiting for whatever she decided to do with him. She smiled down on her brother then giggled a bit when she noticed his throbbing erection. She teased it lightly then gently massaged his nipples. She settled down beside him and snuggled up. She purred a bit as she let her hand again rest on his cock. "I can hardly wait until I can do this with Dan," she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
With tingling nipples and a frustrated shaft again resting under his sister's hand, it took Greg a long time to fall back to sleep. It seemed like he no longer fell asleep when Natalie pinched his shaft hard to wake him. "You should go back to your room before Mom and Dad get up," she said as she pulled the release knots free. He quickly staggered back to his room. He was awakened soon thereafter to get ready for school.
It was the longest school ever for Greg as he was horny and blue balls tormented his every step. He had problems staying awake in class was teased by classmates when he did doze off during math after lunch. He got home and had to do some chores before dinner. Finally dinner was over and he went off to bed early. He could hear Natalie talking on the phone and guessed correctly that she was relating the previous night's activity to Tanya. He had decided in the interest of self preservation that he would not knock on Natalie's door tonight. He was asleep when his head hit the pillow.
It was pitch dark when Greg heard a soft knock on his door waking him from a deep slumber. He staggered to the door and pulled it open. His knees got weak as he saw his sister standing there with the bondage gear in hand. From her smile, he knew she intended to use them. He collapsed at her feet. "Oh please, no," he pleaded as she stepped around his prone figure.
"Don't be silly," she said in a merry voice. "Close the door and get over here." She busied herself with placing the restraints in their appropriate places.
Greg groaned as he rose and closed the door. He turned to look at his cheery sister and felt his cock hardening under his briefs, the only attire he wore when sleeping. Natalie looked over at him and saw the movement under his briefs. "Drop them, slave, then position yourself on the bed," she said.
The word "slave" impressed on Greg that he didn't have any choice. He was his sister's slave unless Tanya said otherwise. He slipped his briefs off. He was still uncomfortable with stripping in front of his sister, but the feeling passed once he was naked. He dropped to his hands and knees and crawled over to her. Keeping his eyes on her feet, he pleaded. "Please, Natalie. I'm so tired and I can barely function, my balls ache so much." He heard no reply and looked up at his sister. She was smiling as she looked down at him. He could sense her assurance that she knew she could do with him as she wished despite his protests. She patted the bed and Greg whimpered as he crawled onto it and rolled on his back.
Natalie quickly bound him in the same position as the previous nights and Greg was throbbing with anticipation of the tease, denial, and agony he knew was inevitable. Natalie felt a rush as he submitted so readily to his fate. She let her fingers flutter across his chest as she savored the power she held.
"I was talking with Tanya," she said finally breaking the silence. "I told her about you coming to my room to be teased last night."
"I didn't know what I was doing," Greg responded.
"I guessed that was your attitude when I didn't hear you at my door again tonight," she responded said with a giggle. "Now as I was saying, I was talking with Tanya and she wanted to listen as we did it again."
"What do you mean," asked Greg, unsure where this was going.
"Tanya wants to talk with you on the phone while I play with you," Natalie explained. "After all, you are her slave."
Natalie dialed the phone. "Hi Tanya," she said when the phone was answered. "I've got Greg all trussed up and ready to go. Do you want to speak with him?"
Greg could only look at his sister as she called his goddess. He didn't hear Tanya's reply, but when Natalie propped the phone in position with a pillow, there was little doubt.
"Hello, slave," Tanya said over the phone.
"Hi Tanya," he responded. He was perplexed talking with her while he was in the direct power of his sister.
"I understand you were teased a bit by Natalie last night."
"Um, yes I was. She had me tied down and I was helpless to resist," he continued. He hoped that Tanya wasn't angry about his initial seeking out his sister for the tease.
"I understand," Tanya replied. "So tell me, what are you doing right now?"
"Natalie tied me up on my bed."
"I want details," Tanya persisted. "I want you to describe exactly how you are tied. Then, when Natalie starts teasing you, I want you to describe exactly what she is doing and I want to know your innermost thoughts as it happens. Do you understand, slave?"
Greg felt uneasy about this. He didn't want his private thoughts exposed. He didn't know how to dodge that request. He felt trapped and he finally replied, "yes."
"Good. Start by describing your bondage."
"She has me tied tight where I can't get away from her teasing me."
"That's not good enough," Tanya replied with annoyance in her voice. "Try again. In all of your descriptions, I want lots of detail and all your thoughts and reactions."
"My hands are held above my head by the chains of my magic trick."
"How does having your hands held above you make you feel?" Tanya asked before he could move on to the rest of the restraints.
Greg flushed as he thought about it as he hadn't consciously thought about what he felt when his hands were drawn above him. "Um, I feel like my chest is vulnerable," he ventured. "I think about how I can't defend myself if she tickles me or pinches me."
"Good boy," Tanya cooed. "Now tell me about the other restraints."
"She has my right ankle tied to the base of the bed in the middle. It keeps the chains taunt so I can't move much and makes me feel helpless as I can't escape," he continued. He was starting to understand the kind of answer Tanya would accept.
"And the left leg?" Tanya encouraged.
"My left ankle is attached to a rope anchored on the leg at the bottom of the bed. She has a strap around my thigh just above the knee. That strap is attached to the head of the bed and pulls my leg out and away from my body." Greg paused for a moment as he reflected on what that felt like. "It leaves me exposed, especially my cock and balls. I can't move or cover at all." He flushed as he looked over at Natalie. She was smirking at him as he answered. Of course she knew everything he was saying, but somehow his verbally describing it emphasized the effect.
"Are you hard?" asked Tanya.
"Yes," Greg replied.
"Details... thoughts... feelings!" Tanya responded with annoyance. "I'm not there so you have to describe everything to me."
Greg flushed. He didn't know how much she really wanted, but he didn't like exposing his thoughts. He looked over at Natalie. She was still smirking at him. Greg plunged in. "My cock is throbbing. My balls ache from last night's teasing."
"What are you thinking about being exposed with you sister there? What do you hope or fear she will do? Come on slave, you are helpless to resist, so please me with your answers. I don't want to have to ask questions all night. Tell me details that you don't think are important. I want to hear it all."
Greg's mind was whirling. He had told her everything. What else was there to say? He started to ramble hoping that would appease his inquisatoress. "I'm afraid she will bump my balls. I want her to touch my shaft so much but then I know it leads to frustration so I fear it as well. Natalie's looking at me with that superior look and I feel foolish saying all this in front of her." Greg could feel Tanya dragging his soul into the spotlight for both girls to examine.
"Very good," encouraged Tanya. "Now just keep a running commentary of events as they happen. You belong to me. Don't hold anything back."
"Yes Tanya," Greg responded with defeat in his voice. Then he started narrating. "Natalie is putting lotion on her hands. She's looking right into my eyes and my cock is throbbing in expectation."
"Good boy," Tanya encouraged again as she sensed him opening up and getting the feel of what she wanted.
"Her fingers feel cool on my shaft; I jumped and arched at the first touch; it feels so good; she dug her fingernails in under the head and I twisted a bit. Oh geeze, she's lightly rubbing precum over my pee hole and it sends a sensation down my shaft. She's lifting my balls, oh they ache. Please, careful," The last two words directed at Natalie. "Natalie is giggling at my reaction; I feel ridiculous; I feel helpless; Oh I love it when she strokes; I need to cum; my cock is free from her touch and she's rubbing my stomach. She's trailing her fingers and it feels like it might tickle; Ack, I can't twist away; I'm helpless; It tickles. She's backing away from the bed." Greg paused a bit with his breathing coming in gasps.
"Oh Greg," exclaimed Tanya. "I'm sooo pleased that you are letting me join in this. Your descriptions are great. I feel like I'm right there. This is making me sooo hot. Keep it up."
Encouraged by the praise and drunk by lack of sleep, Greg continued his narration and became less inhibited as the teasing progressed. Every tweek, stroke, slap, or pinch Natalie inflicted, Greg relayed the action then expressed his feelings. "It made my cock twitch; I arched as it made me feel the need to cum; It stung but it excited me, It still tingles even as she..." etc. Natalie used the descriptions to learn more about the physical and emotional responses of her brother and varied her ministrations to manipulate them. With the physical feedback from Natalie and the verbal encouragement from Tanya, Greg was an open book and the girls took full advantage.
After a while, Natalie slowed her teases and Greg was left to babbling, "I love this; Oh no, not that; It feels so good; My balls ache; I want to cum; I want it to last forever; I feel like I'm sinking into the bed..." His rambling stopped. Natalie looked over at her brother and smiled. He had fallen asleep.
She picked up the phone. "I don't believe it. I was stroking him and he fell asleep," she told Tanya.
"How rude," Tanya said in mock indignation. "Hey, do the nipple twist thing you did to him last night when he was asleep," she suggested with a deep chuckle.
Natalie looked at her sleeping brother with compassion. He was spent. She was struck by how open and helpless he was as the bonds kept him restrained and exposed. "Another night, I think," she finally responded. "He needs his sleep."
"I'll trust your judgment on that," Tanya replied. "It's getting late so I should be getting some sleep myself."
"Good night, Tanya."
"Good night. And Natalie, thanks for looking out for my slave."
"You're welcome."
When Greg woke up, he was disappointed to find Natalie was gone. She had released him and put the bondage stuff away in his closet before she returned to her room. The school day was still a long one for him. This time, he had expectation of being able to cum after school or at least in the evening. The thought of cumming (or not cumming) had been at the forefront of his mind for the last two days. The other two boys had similar feelings and expectations. Though they wouldn't think so, their ordeal of waiting the two days was much less arduous than Greg's.
After school, Tanya suggested they go on a triple date for dinner. Larry suggested a popular coffee shop that was a favorite place for high school students to hang out. He didn't mention it, but he wanted to show off that he and Priscilla were "an item." He knew that there were several guys who had been vying for her attention and he felt proud that he was the one that she selected. Natalie was a bit apprehensive. Though technically she was a high school freshman, their school system extended middle school to 9th grade and the high school accommodated only sophomores through seniors. There is a social stigma of being in "just" middle school. She felt that she might not fit in. Overriding her unease was the fact that she would be able to display that she and Dan were together. In that sense, she felt proud. Like his sister, Dan had several members of the opposite sex interested in him.
The dinner date was a great time for the group to interact without the tension of their new D/s relationships. They all liked each other (now that Natalie and Greg had stopped feuding) and they were having boisterous fun. The couples would openly flirt with their dates; they delighted in feeding each other fries; hugs were freely given all around; they traded teases about the affection they were openly displaying; and the guys felt like a million bucks when their date would cling possessively to their arm. Friends would come over, confirm the obvious, and congratulate the couples on their new relationships. That was even true with Greg and Tanya even though most knew of their relationship before; it was obviously now more serious.
Sitting a couple of tables away, Karen Watemyer watched the merry couples with a dark glare. She was a popular and pretty cheerleader and was used to being the center of attention wherever she went. She had come to the coffee shop to display her new prize, the handsome and talented quarterback of the football team. It was not just the lack of limelight that warranted the dark glare. Karen and Dan had openly flirted several times. The date with the football player was to feed her ego and give her social prestige a boost, not to be a declaration of them being a couple. She was too popular to be limited to just one guy, even a football hero. She had been thinking about adding Dan to her stable of admirers. He should be jealous over her, not dating some middle school brat. The happier the group at the other table seem to be, the darker her mood became. Not soon enough in her mind, it was time for them to leave. She sent the football player ahead of her and told him to wait until after she had used the rest room. As she finally made her way to the exit, she stopped by Dan's chair.
"So I see you got yourself a baby girl friend," she said bluntly. "I didn't know you were a cradle robber."
Dan scowled as he looked up at her. The instant tension brought the levity at the table to an abrupt halt.
"If you had played your cards right, I could have shown you delights that this mini-bitch would never dream of," she continued immediately as she glanced sideways in Natalie's direction. Natalie cringed from the glance. She had worried that something like this would happen. Middle schoolers were not welcome around high schoolers and all of Natalie's insecurities were brought to the surface by this mean girl. In that instant, Natalie found herself hoping that she would not burst out in tears.
Taking advantage of the stunned silence, Karen concluded her attack. "Enjoy yourself, Dan, you unworthy piece of shit," she spat, as she turned to leave.
Dan finally unfroze and jumped up to cross in front of Karen and bar her intended quick exit. He glowered at her as he groped for the right words. His mind whirled and he grasped on her last statement. "Unworthy? Yeah, I'm unworthy. I'm unworthy of Natalie, but she accepted me anyway and that makes me the luckiest guy around." He paused for a breath and continued. "You talk about being unworthy. You are unworthy to even kiss the foot of someone of Natalie's caliber. I've never heard her trash talk anyone and she doesn't have to resort to crude language to get her thoughts across. You don't come close to measuring up to Natalie's character despite the fact that you have that couple of years advantage you're so proud of."
Fuming, Karen pushed her way past Dan and stormed out. Dan was still shaking from rage as he watched her jump into the quaterback's car. Composing himself, Dan had to smile to himself. Considering her mood, the quarterback wasn't going to experience those "delights" she had mentioned anytime soon. He looked over at Natalie. He would have walked barefoot over hot coals for the appreciative look she gave him.
The mood was broken and the main topic turned to making disparaging remarks about Karen. It was soon apparent that it was time to leave. Once in the car, they were reluctant to return home. "How about a drive to the lake and watch the moon rise," Tanya suggested and everyone concurred. During the drive there, the scene from the coffee shop diminished and the boys were soon preoccupied with the thoughts that tonight they would cum. Granted, the girls never promised, but to the guys, the possibility translated into certainty.
Tanya and Greg were in the front of the van. Greg casually moved his hand over to rest on Tanya's thigh and rubbed slightly. She smiled and glanced sideways over at him still before returning her eyes to the road. She pulled his hand off of her and placed it on his thigh. She let her hand linger then made it a point to stroke the bulge that was present in Greg's lap. After a squeeze, she pulled her hand back to the wheel and concentrated on driving. It was clear that Greg would get nothing more until they got to the lake. He sat back into his seat and relaxed.
Larry and Priscilla were in the middle seat. Larry relaxed, wrapped his arm around Priscilla, and pulled her close. She twisted and looked up at him. She dragged her fingers up the back of his neck as she entwined her hand in his hair. She then unbuckled her seat belt and pressed up against him. Larry could feel the softness of her body on his and kissed her. She invaded his lips with her tongue and was probing eagerly. Larry accepted her tongue and encouraged it with his own. His hands were soon caressing her back and side. He released his seat belt as well and allowed his hand to slide down and around her leg. When his hand got to her inner thigh, she gently but firmly took his hand and placed it on her back. She set the boundaries and he accepted them without protest. He then aggressively sought to caress, hold, and squeeze anything in bounds. Priscilla, on the other hand, had no boundaries and she soon had Larry's cock sticking out of his fly. He groaned in pleasure and was soon in a state where he could think of nothing but being surrounded by her femininity and wanting to cum.
Dan and Natalie were quiet in the rear seat. Natalie gently pressed on Dan's cheeks and guided his mouth to hers. They kissed softly and she snuggled in his embrace. "Thank you for sticking up for me at the coffee shop," she said.
"I'm sorry Karen acted like such a jerk," Dan replied. "You didn't deserve that."
"Did you mean what you said back there?" Natalie asked. Granted, she was fishing for a compliment, but she was in a state where she needed reassurance.
Dan was a little perplexed as he didn't remember precisely what he had said, but he knew better than to admit that. "Yes, of course I did," he replied automatically. Then feeling his answer was incomplete, his mind remembered the main point of what he had said. "I am unworthy of you and lucky that you have accepted me." He remembered he said something about feet during the exchange and plunged on. "I'm proud that you let me kiss your feet."
Natalie smiled at him. She felt warm inside as Dan was praising her. And her mind drifted to the sight of him when he had kissed her feet. Somehow it seemed like that should be wrong, but it felt so right. "Am I a bad person?" she asked.
Well Dan knew the mandatory answer to that question but was puzzled as to why she would ask. "Of course you're not a bad person. I adore you. Why would you even ask that?"
Natalie was slow to answer. She wasn't sure herself. "I liked it when you kissed my feet and I liked it when I put that ridiculous bow on you. I liked seeing you stripped of dignity during the sleepover." She giggled a little despite her melancholy mood. "... and when you were embarrassed because you couldn't control yourself when we tickled you." She sobered quickly as she continued. "And now, tonight, you were there, strong and ready to stand up for me. You make me feel safe and I feel ashamed of myself after being so mean to you."
Dan struggled to focus on Natalie's concern. He remembered replacing the bow she had mentioned. He thought about when he was helpless to do anything but arch his cock and balls into the air as he waited for her through the night. He thought about her laughter when she made him wear his sister's underwear. His thoughts about what it felt like when he was at her feet and how he felt when she took his last piece of clothing during the poker game and made him stand to display himself. "You have no reason to feel ashamed of yourself," he said finally. "It's hard to explain as I don't understand it myself. I meant it when I said I wanted to be at your feet."
Natalie rested her hand on his lap and she started to lightly caress his shaft. She was intrigued with the thoughts that Dan was trying to express and she knew the more needy he was, the more he would talk. She suppressed an urge to giggle as she mentally equated it to a kind of truth serum. She then got lost in her own thoughts, her hand idly rubbing the fabric on Dan's lap. Natalie thought about Dan and the future of their relationship. Despite the fact that it was much too early to think about a permanent relationship, her thoughts turned to spending the rest of her life with him. Her logic was telling her that if she wanted to keep him, she would have to cater to him and make him feel important. As much fun as it was the last few days, she decided that she could no longer humiliate him. He was too important to her to be degraded by her. She sighed a sad sigh as she thought about curtailing the fun she had when making him look, act, and feel ridiculous.
Dan's cock surged and he pressed himself hard into Natalie's hand. After two days, he was very susceptible to her touch there. Dan let his focus Natalie's caresses subside and just enjoyed the sensation as he tried to get his thoughts in order. He could feel that they were at a sensitive point in their relationship. He like the feeling of being under Natalie's control and he could not ignore the erotic surge he got when Natalie amused herself at the expense of his dignity. If she felt guilty about it, that part of their relationship would stop. It was a paradox. He finally admitted to himself that he wanted her to tease and embarrass him for her amusement, but on the other hand, he feared that his loss of dignity in front of her might cost him her respect and affection. He could sense that the whole power exchange that he found so exciting was about to vanish forever.
The silence grew to an intolerable level as they pondered their thoughts. Finally Dan couldn't stand it and broke the silence. His thoughts were still unsettled, but he felt he had to say something relevant. "I would have thrown myself at your feet back there if you wanted it," he finally blurted.
His words pulled Natalie out of her thoughts. "What?" she replied, totally perplexed. "What are you talking about?"
It sounded stupid to Dan, but he had to try to clarify his thoughts and attitude. "With Karen," he said as if that answered something. Realizing that his thoughts and words were not connecting, he plunged ahead. "When Karen was talking like you were nothing," he continued. "If you had wanted me to, a word from you and I would have thrown myself at your feet. She would have seen that you could have guys groveling for you. I bet she couldn't get any of her boyfriends to show that much devotion."
Natalie shook her head. "I love it when you're at my feet," she said. "But our relationship is too special to use it to try to impress people, especially people like Karen." She continued slowly as she tried to get her thoughts in order. "I really like embarrassing you, Dan. I don't know why, but when I can get you to abandon all dignity you have just to please me, I get all flushed and giddy. But I don't think I could stand it if I caused you to be embarrassed in front of people we don't like or respect."
Dan swallowed as he thought about what he said. "I guess that would have been stupid," he said. "This is coming out all wrong. Look Natalie," he pause for a breath as he looked at her puzzled face. "I would never want to embarrass you. But I would be proud to tell the world that I'm your slave if you wanted it. I like the feeling when I demonstrate that you enchant me. When you make me do ridiculous things, I feel like I'm proving my devotion to you." He paused again and laid his hand on top of hers, pressing it into his lap. "And I can't explain it, but being controlled by you makes me incredible horny."
Still perplexed, Natalie looked at him. In the back of her mind, she felt a flicker of hope that she could keep Dan and still play the demeaning games she had grown to enjoy. "Let me get this straight," she said directly. "You want me to embarrass and humiliate you?"
There was no lighting along this portion of the road so Dan's flush and nod were imperceptible in the darkness. Natalie had put what he was trying to say in a short blunt and unambiguous question. He knew that he had to acknowledge it now, both to Natalie and himself, or this aspect of their relationship would never survive. "Yes," he said firmly. Then his insecurity surfaced. "Unless you don't want..."
Natalie smiled to herself. Her guilt ebbed as she realized that Dan's desire mirrored hers. "I want," she replied simply. She leaned over and they tenderly kissed.
Tanya pulled the car into the small parking lot by the lake. "Lake" was actually an exaggeration as it was more of a muddy pond. "Parking lot" was also an exaggeration as it was a patch of dirt with relatively few trees scattered around. The teenagers liked to park there because it was so isolated. It wasn't used much because it took so long to get there, but for those who visited, they were assured privacy. Any newcomers approaching would be seen and heard well before they arrived. "We're here," Tanya announced to the couples in the rear. She looked over at Greg and he was fast asleep. "I guess Greg had problems sleeping the past couple of nights," she observed. Natalie giggled at her comment from the back of the van.
The five who were awake gazed out at the lake. Despite Tanya's assumption when she suggested the outing, the moon was a slim crescent and setting. The light was dim. The boys were expecting to be allowed to cum but didn't know how to broach the subject. They were hoping the girls had mellowed while they were making out and talking during the trip there. The girls could feel the tension of the boys. Natalie noticed a tree in the parking area directly in front of the van. She smiled to herself as she turned to Dan. "Did you mean what you said about being embarrassed for me?" she asked softly.
Dan suddenly felt apprehensive, but answered the obligatory, "Of course."
She nodded toward the tree she noticed. "Do you see that tree?" she asked. "The one that where the trunk is bent so it's growing crooked."
Dan looked out the front window. The tree was a short wide tree that was malformed when it grew. The trunk at the base was bent at almost a 45 degree angle before it finally straightened several feet up. He nodded that he did see it. He had no idea where she was going with this, but alarms were going off in his head.
"I want you to hump that tree," Natalie said with a grin.
"What?" asked Dan, hoping that he heard wrong.
"You heard me," she replied, dashing his dim hope that he heard wrong.
"I can't do that! It would be too embarrassing," he protested.
Natalie smiled her impish smile. "Didn't you just tell me you wanted to be humiliated by me?" she replied.
Dan had nowhere to go. He had admitted that on the way here. He had all but pleaded for it. He flushed as he thought frantically how to dissuade Natalie from her request.
"Well didn't you?" Natalie pressed.
"Yes, but..." Dan started to reply.
"Then do it," Natalie commanded. She reached in the back of the van and produced a large beach towel. "You may drape this over the tree to soften the surface," she said. She could feel his reaction and embarrassment at the task she gave him and she felt a rush from the power she had over him. "Now get out, strip, and go to the tree," she said firmly as she opened the door. The looking to the front of the van, "Tanya, turn on the headlights so we can see."
The headlights were directed right at the tree. Dan got out of the car and slowly started to strip. His reluctance was building as the air touched his body. It was obvious to all that he was rock hard. The two days without cumming and the erotic rush he got from being dominated by Natalie easily outweighed his humiliation as far as his cock was concerned. With a resigned sigh, he turned towards the tree. Everyone else stayed in the van.
As he walked over, he was aware that everyone could see him in the bright lights. He looked back only to be blinded by the lights. He felt alone. There was no feedback about the reaction his actions had on the others. He knew he was the focus of attention and very self conscious about his nudity. He finally reached the tree and draped the towel over the trunk. He had to bend over to accommodate the unusual angle of the tree and used the tree for support. His cock brushed against the towel and it jumped to life. He could see himself in his mind's eye as he pressed his shaft against the towel hard enough to feel the tree. "I feel like a dog humping a leg," he thought as his hips rose and he thrust into the towel. He knew he was watched by everyone in the van and he knew how pitifully foolish he looked. Despite that (or because of it), he started humping in earnest. It wasn't long when he felt the rush of semen through his shaft and he embraced the tree, pressing his groin in hard. He stayed that way for several seconds and the fact that he was on display made its way to the forefront of his thoughts. The walk back in the glaring lights was as embarrassing as the trip walking away. He held the towel in front of him in a feeble effort to appease his modesty.
"Oh, that was hot!" exclaimed Natalie, breaking the silence when he returned.
It was the first feedback Dan had from his actions and he felt some relief and even a bit of joy that Natalie had enjoyed his ordeal. He kept his eyes down in embarrassment as he put his clothes back on and finally got back in the van. Natalie pulled him to her and hugged him tight. "You were wonderful," she said. Dan felt comforted and settled back on the seat and put his arms around her.
Larry had felt embarrassed for his friend. Dan had looked ridiculous humping that tree. He felt rather than saw Priscilla's gaze land on him. His anxiety rapidly bubbled into panic. "Your turn, Larry," he heard her say softly.
He looked over at her with pleading eyes. "That was between Natalie and Greg," he said in a futile effort to dissuade Priscilla from making him cum in that fashion. He knew it was a lost cause. It seemed whenever she said something in that soft voice, there was no reprieve. The soft tone conveyed her power more effectively than any shouting or threats ever could.
Priscilla smiled at him. "Do you remember when I said you would pay for your aggressiveness the other day?" Larry smiled to himself as he did remember cupping her breasts when they were in the kitchen. "Well consider this your payment," she concluded.
Larry knew any further protests were futile and he exited the van. After he stripped, Priscilla handed him the towel. "You might want to use one of the ends," she said with a grin. "It looks like the middle has a wet spot." Dan flushed at the reference to his "hump time."
Larry made his way to the tree and took heed of Priscilla's suggestion about the towel. He hadn't thought about how on display he was. Feeling foolish and knowing exactly what he was looking like from observing Dan, he proceeded to hump the tree. At first he thought the feeling of degradation would keep him from cumming. As he humped the tree he felt shame building in him as well as the need to cum. As his strokes became more urgent, he put thought of personal dignity aside and grasped the tree hard as he spewed his load into the towel. He returned to the van totally humiliated but the feeling of submission enveloped him and he dropped to his knees and kissed Priscilla's feet without any prompting from her. Priscilla's eyes gleamed as she felt a rush of power in response to Larry's show of submission.
Tanya came around as Larry was rising to put on his clothes. "Do me a favor, Larry and put the towel on the tree with the dry end up. I'd like Greg to participate if I can get him to wake up." Larry looked over at his friend who had been asleep since they arrived. "Greg had a hard night last night," Tanya said in response to Larry's unspoken question.
Larry complied with Tanya's request. Now that he no longer had the edge of needing to cum and the glow of his orgasm had faded, he felt self conscious about his nakedness. The trek to the tree and back was made in the glare of the headlights. Flushing when he returned, he was grateful when Priscilla allowed him to put his clothes back on.
Tanya jiggled Greg out of his sleep. "Hey, slave. Wake up." Greg groaned and opened his eyes a slit. "You will be allowed to cum in the next few minutes. You don't want to sleep through it," Tanya continued. Greg looked up at Tanya. He smiled as his eyes opened wider and swept over her perfect features. He felt himself get hard as he gazed upon his goddess. In his groggy state, he was still trying to interpret her words. He felt the cool night air hit him as Tanya opened the door and helped him get out of the van.
"Strip for me, slave," she commanded. Greg kicked off his shoes and socks. When he removed his shirts, the cool air on his chest brought him out of his sleep induced stupor. He was finally aware that everyone was watching him. He flushed in the cool air at that knowledge then looked again at his goddess. He would do whatever she deigned and he removed his pants and shorts.
"Crawl over to that tree and hump it for me, slave," Tanya commanded. "Give us a show so we can see how devoted you are to me and you may cum," she continued when he hesitated.
Greg was still shaking off the fog of sleep and was starting to comprehend the humiliation he was being asked to endure. As with the poker game, he had no clue that he wasn't first and he felt the weight of the humiliation amplified by his perception of being the only one having to endure this indignity. He just knew that his goddess wanted him to present his degradation to their friends. He gingerly crawled over to the tree and mounted it where the towel was draped over it. Flushing with embarrassment, he thrust against the fibers of the towel and, since he had endured unimaginable frustration the past two days, he felt the need to cum rise quickly to the edge of orgasm despite his embarrassment. His hand slipped and he felt a wet spot on the towel. That combined with the fact that the towel was already placed on the tree, Greg suddenly woke up to the fact that he was not the only one who was made to amorously attend to the tree. It broke his concentration and he looked into the lights of the van. Tanya saw Greg shift his hand and from his reaction, she realized he had figured out what was happening. "Oh oh," she said quietly to the others. "Busted." There were general giggles and chuckles in response to her observation.
She was disappointed as she really enjoyed playing with Greg's head. She stepped out of the van. "Never mind, Greg," she called over to him. "Come on back and bring the towel with you."
Despite being relieved of embarrassing himself in front of everybody, Greg groaned in frustration as the solution to his burning need was aborted at what seemed to be the worst possible moment. He stood and walked back to the van. It felt odd for him to walk while on obvious display spotlighted by the headlights. His shaft was still full blown and he was aware of it swaying and bobbing as he walked. He held the towel in front of him, but it did little to alleviate his self consciousness. By walking back, was not protected by the obvious show of Tanya's control as when he was on his hands and knees and he felt emotionally vulnerable.
"You made me feel like I was the only one humping the tree," he said accusingly to Tanya who was waiting for him with a bit of a smirk. She laughed cheerfully. "It seems like you are always the last one to know what's going on, doesn't it," she taunted.
Greg thought about it for a moment. He remembered the poker game where they ticked him into embarrassing himself even as he believed his friends were surprised by it. He flushed brightly as he thought about that and his current ordeal. "As always, you're right Tanya," he said. With the effects of the humiliation diminishing, his need to cum came roaring back. "I still need to cum," he pointed out to Tanya tentatively.
She grinned at him. "You missed your chance," she said evenly. "The tree was the method of choice tonight."
In the darkness, Greg's loss of color in his cheeks wasn't noticed. "But, you called me off," he cried. "I was doing what you wanted." He looked at his goddess and noted that his arguments were not having any effect. He dropped to his knees at her feet and sobbed. "Please, Tanya. Please. You have no idea how much I need to cum." He didn't care that everyone was there and watching as he was begging for release. He had been so close... so close for so many times in the past two days. He started kissing Tanya's feet to demonstrate how desperate his need was. She smiled down at him, shaking her head "no." Greg gasped and looked up in time to see the head shake and he sobbed softly as he hugged her ankles, almost knocking her off balance. Tanya was enjoying the feeling of power as she watched Greg beg. She felt his desperation and reveled in the feeling that she had the power to deny him. Greg rose on his knees and looked up at her, his eyes showed defeat. "As you wish, my Goddess," he said softly as he stifled a sob.
Upon Greg's acknowledgement of defeat, Tanya suddenly turned away from him and retrieved a fresh beach towel from the back of the van. "Give us a couple of minutes, then kill the lights please," she said to Priscilla in passing as she returned to the still kneeling Greg.
Greg was puzzled as Tanya returned. Her face was expressionless as she looked down at him. "On your feet," she commanded. Still perplexed, he rose without hesitation. Tanya grasped his erect penis and immediately started walking back to the tree. Greg had little choice but to follow her as she led him using this built in leash. She had just denied him release and he tried to suppress a glimmer of hope about her intentions now. She had been callous to his suffering the past few days and he had grown to expect that from her. After all, she owned him. She possessed his soul. The tugging on his shaft as he scrambled to keep pace with her brought the thoughts of his need that he forced down just a minute ago now emerged again to the forefront of his mind. Her thumb idly caressed the hood of his cock as they crossed to the tree. By the time they got to the tree, he was stifling whimpers not knowing what to expect.
There was soft a soft patch of grass behind the tree and Tanya spread the towel over it. "Lay down," she said, nodding toward the towel. "Face up."
Greg couldn't suppress the hope that surged within him that he might be allowed to cum and his cock went rigid with expectation. Tanya looked back into the glare of the lights and made a gesture of cutting her throat. Priscilla killed the lights in response.
Tanya looked down at the expectant figure before her. She could barely make out his outline as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Show me the position you were in when Natalie played with you last night," she commanded.
Greg obediently stretched his arms above his head and pulled a knee as high as he could. Without actual bonds, he wasn't stretched out, but he had duplicated the vulnerable position of the past two nights. Tanya lay down next to him. The thin setting crescent moon gave minimal light. A very bright Venus was a bit higher in the sky and rivaled the moon's glow. Tanya let her hands trace over Greg's chest. "You have been an exceptional slave," she said finally. "I can't tell you how pleased that you will bend your will to my every whim. When you accepted my decision to deny you, I felt so proud."
Except for light squeaks as Tanya's fingers played across his chest, Greg had remained silent. "I love being your slave," he said finally. "I cherish the control you exert over me." He bit his lip. He almost continued by saying "I would hold off cumming for as long as you wish," but he refrained. He didn't want to give her ideas especially now that he was expecting to cum this night.
"Will you hold off from cumming for the next week for me?" she asked softly as her fingers played over his stomach and thighs. There was a gasp from him when her fingers brushed his shaft.
Greg groaned. She was teasing him and testing him. A week more! He couldn't do it, but he knew he would. He couldn't deny her. "Yes, my goddess," he finally croaked out. "But please, I need a break from Natalie. I will go crazy if she teases me for a full week."
"I give you permission to say no to Natalie's teasing," Tanya said. She giggled a bit as her fingers were now fluttering over his cock and balls. "But from what Natalie has told me, you might be wanting to be teased without her insistence. I won't protect you from that."
Greg thrust his hips up at Tanya's teasing hand. As agonizing the results were, he loved the tease. He groaned again as he thought about how he would feel knowing Natalie was available and willing to make his cock feel so good even with the excruciating results when she denied him. He knew he would break down and be at her door before the week was over. He felt Tanya firmly take the head of his cock in her fingers and use a finger to stroke the tip with his precum. "Oh please!" Greg cried out loud enough to carry to the van.
Tanya's hand grasped his shaft firmly and stroked him hard. "Cum for me slave," she said suddenly. "Surrender your essence for me!"
Greg couldn't believe his ears. He was given permission to cum and she was giving him the needed friction. He arched up and twisted to meet Tanya's strokes. Her permission came so suddenly, it took him a couple of strokes to adjust his mindset as he surrendered to his orgasm. He arched and let loose a fountain of cum. Tanya rejoiced in the feel of Greg's shaft as cum surged through. Greg's head was shaking back and forth and his whole body was trembling.
As Greg's orgasm finally started to settle down, Tanya kept her grip on his cock. The moon had dipped below the horizon and Tanya smiled as she looked down on his form illuminated only by the dim light of the planet above. She noted that he was still faithfully in the bondage position she had made him assume. "Good boy," she cooed softly and she settled in beside him. She pulled him from his bondage position and they tenderly embraced.
The soft interlude was ended a few minutes later when Priscilla turned the van lights on. "It's getting late," she called over to the prone couple. Both sighed and finally rose. Greg picked up the towel as Tanya grabbed his cock and she led him back to the van.
When they got back, Priscilla pulled out her camera and dashed over to take a picture of the tree. In the van, they checked the picture and it had turned out well despite the poor lighting. "I'm surprised you are happy with a picture of just the tree," Larry commented.
Priscilla laughed a low laugh. "Oh I think we all have a mental image of what happened here tonight. This picture will be a fun reminder." Though lost in the relative darkness in the van, the three boys flushed brightly. They could indeed visualize their encounter with the tree. Each knew that the girls had their own personal image of their degradation. Greg smiled as he had another mental image to associate with that tree.
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