tng- FOURTEEN - Magic
A semblance of sanity was just beginning to creep up on the boys when there were sounds of the McQueens talking in the kitchen. The girls hastily retreated to their room. Natalie was the last to leave the room. "Shower quickly and don't forget to clean the waste basket, you guys," she said as she closed the door.
The girls came out of Priscilla's room and met her mother as she was coming back to make sure everyone was awake. "How was the sleepover?" Mrs. McQueen asked. "The boys didn't give you any problems, I hope."
"It was a fun sleepover, Mrs. McQueen," said Tanya. "I don't think the boys ever left their room even to go to the bathroom once we had gone to bed," she continued coyly. Natalie suppressed a little snicker at Tanya's reference to the boys' not using the bathroom.
"It was fine, Mom," Priscilla said in answer to the same question. "The boys waited for us to get out of the shower so they're probably getting ready to shower themselves now." Tanya grinned as she thought about the state the boys were in while waiting for them to shower.
"That's good," replied her mother. "Just let them know breakfast will be ready shortly."
"Sure thing, Mom," Priscilla said. "They might still be sleepy, but I'll tell them," she added as she started to turned to go to the Dan's room.
"Why do you think they are sleepy?" Mrs. McQueen asked.
Priscilla flushed slightly under the gaze of her mother as she composed her answer. "Um... I think they got um... 'hung up' with their game until all hours." The two other girls bit their lip to keep from snickering. They were all feeling a little giddy.
After Priscilla knocked on the door and yelled to the boys that breakfast would be ready soon, the girls went into the kitchen to help set the table while Mr. McQueen prepared waffles. He was moving slowly and had the girls retrieve items from the bottom shelves. "Harold had a rough night and didn't get much sleep last night either," Mrs. McQueen said dryly.
The boys were perplexed when the girls left them. The cords on their wrists were intertwined around the bean bags beneath them. As they twisted they could feel the semen dribble off their stomach onto the bags. Luckily, the bags were covered in vinyl and would be easy to wipe off. They were both thinking about the humiliating things that happened to them. It was disconcerting knowing that the other had witnessed their degradation. The fact that they were making a mess of the tangible results of the night was making it even more awkward. Each of them had to revise his self image and face up to it.
The boys were startled by Priscilla calling them to breakfast and they felt a flicker of panic as they fought to free themselves from the cords. The knots were behind them and Dan finally had to retrieve scissors from his desk to cut himself and Larry free. As one showered, the other cleaned the floor and bag they were responsible for. Neither could bring himself to handle the other's mess.
"It took you two long enough to get out here," chided Mrs. McQueen when they finally emerged.
"Sorry," Dan responded. "There was a spill we had to clean up."
The girls immediately guessed what the "spill" was and quietly giggled as the boys turned red.
Mrs. McQueen didn't appear to notice. "How late were you up and who won the B & B game?" she asked.
"We were tied all night," Dan responded as he checked to see if the girls caught his little piece of humor.
Mrs. McQueen's face did not betray her thoughts but she smiled to herself. The kids must have had a successful night if they were all able to joke and make innuendoes about it. "I can only imagine how frustrating that could be," she said with her own double entendre. She ignored the snickers and giggles that her comment evoked.
After breakfast, Larry had to leave. There were chores and homework that he had promised that he would get to. Natalie invited Priscilla and Tanya to come over to her house. Dan indicated that he would go with them on the pretense that he wanted to visit Greg.
With the house empty, Barbara and Harold McQueen looked at each other. "I'm guessing they had a good time last night," Barbara said.
Harold chuckled and pulled her into a firm hug. "I hope the girls were easier on the boys than you were last night."
Barbara caressed his back firmly, digging her nails in slightly. She heard him gasp as she aggravated the results of their night's play. "I suspect they were," she replied thoughtfully. "Probably a lot of teasing and exploration. From the demure behavior of the boys, I suspect there was a fair amount of humiliation involved too."
"Henry and Margaret are gone for the day. What do you want to bet that the kids will be playing over at the Lang's today?" Harold asked.
Barbara chuckled deep. "You, my love, are in no shape to lose any bets I would want to make," she said in a low voice. She chuckled when she felt his reaction to her loose threat and ground her hips into him to aggravate that reaction. "Slut," she said with a laugh.
She led him into their bedroom and had him strip and lie face down on the bed. She pulled out some cream and gently massaged his sore back and buttocks. "I couldn't find the Ben Gay so we'll just have to use the Aloe Vera lotion," she said softly in a teasing voice.
He moaned in pleasure as he felt the cooling effects of the lotion. They would be asleep in each other's arms for most of the day.
The kids entered the Lang residence through the garage. While they were in the garage, Dan help them set up the few props and ropes they would need to trap Greg. After a few last minute suggestions, Dan returned home to a quiet house and promptly crashed in his bunk.
Natalie and her friends then entered the main house. Greg came out of his room when he heard them enter. "Hey, what's up," he inquired. His eyes lit up when he saw Tanya. "Hi Tanya. Good to see you. What brings you here?"
The girls chuckled knowingly when they noticed the obvious change of demeanor when he spotted Tanya. "We had a sleepover at Priscilla's last night," Tanya replied. "Natalie said you had a magic show that you wanted an audience for. I suggested we come over so you could practice with a live audience."
Greg had not clue that he was being set up. He was gleeful that someone would watch his magic show. Usually he had to coerce people to watch. The fact that Tanya was going to watch made him ecstatic and a bit nervous. "Let me get my stuff," he said as he darted back into his room.
"Okay," said Natalie. "We'll wait for you in the garage." The girls retreated into the garage and sat in three chairs in front of the table where they intended Greg perform. They had defined exactly where Greg would be doing the show. The trap was set.
Greg came into the garage and set up his things on the table. He was better with the tricks than with showmanship and jumped right in to with a couple of his close up silk tricks. He pulled Natalie up to do a trick where it looks like he removes her bra without taking her blouse off. It was obvious to the girls that he wished to embarrass his sister with that trick.
It wasn't long before he got to his new escape trick. Dramatically, he placed his wrists between the chains and metal ring. He asked Tanya to be the volunteer to lock the chains around them. Tanya stood closer to him than necessary and brushed against him as she locked the chains around his wrists. He found himself enjoying the feeling of implied bondage as she locked him up. Greg felt himself get hard from that thought. The other two girls stood up and came over to get a better look. Greg felt a little uneasy. The trick was pretty fool proof, but having spectators in places they weren't expected was never a good sign. He was also concerned that his unexpected hard-on would be noticed. When the locks were in place, Greg extended his wrists to the other girls so they would be convinced that they were secure. He was also trying to hold his wrists and the apparatus in front of him to hide the bulge he felt was growing. Tanya pressed into him and he was distracted by the feel of her breasts as they pushed against his side. He ignored his sister as she tugged on the lock to assure that it was locked shut. "Raise your arms a bit, Greg," Tanya purred. "I want to check for hidden keys in your shirt."
Greg gasped when he felt Tanya's hands smoothly slide across his chest. He was really getting to like this trick as her hands traveled under his arms. It was obvious to Greg that Tanya was playing and teasing, not looking for any keys. Predictably, he raised his hands higher to accommodate. He hoped Priscilla and Natalie were watching his hands and wouldn't notice the bulge that was no longer shielded from view. He was glad to put off the escape portion of the trick for as long as Tanya wanted to "search." He didn't pay attention to Priscilla and Natalie as they attached a rope to the ring. That rope was looped over a brace above him and quite suddenly the girls took out the slack from the rope and pulled his hands over his head.
"Hey," he yelled in surprise as his hands were pulled up.
Tanya continued her "search" by caressing his pecs. "No key here either," she declared as if she was oblivious to what her friends were doing. Greg was torn between the panic he was feeling with the trick going haywire and the erotic sensations Tanya was imparting to him. She finally backed off to appraise him as he stood there with his hands chained above him.
Greg had instantly known that he would not be able to escape as long as the ring was fastened above him. "That's not part of the trick," he protested. His protest was far too late as Priscilla anchored the end of the rope well out of his reach. He looked up to see the suspended rope that held the ring on his trick. "Release the rope. It's going to spoil the effect of the show," he complained.
Natalie stepped in front of him. "You always hide your hands under a cloth when you escape. This time I want to watch."
"That would give away the trick," he responded. "I can't do that. It would break the magician's code."
The lame excuse amused Priscilla so she picked up the cloth he had intended to use to hide his maneuver. She quickly wrapped it around his hands and chains. "Okay Houdini," she said. "You're covered. Let's see you escape."
The three girls made a show of returning to their chairs and staring at him. "Anytime you're ready," Tanya finally said.
Greg stood there, bewildered at the sudden turn of events. He was annoyed that they were messing up his trick. "No, I'm not going to do the trick this way. It will spoil the effect."
"We can wait," Natalie said smugly. She went over to the discarded bra and made a point of holding it up. Greg got the idea. His little sister was being vindictive. She then returned to her seat and the three girls sat quietly, pointedly staring at him.
Greg was feeling self conscious at being stared at. Worse, he felt his cock was still pressing against the front of his pants. He twisted a bit to try to hide it, but it was a futile effort. Actually, his cock wasn't all that noticeable through the thick fabric of his jeans, but to Greg, it seemed like it must be an enormous bulge. The girls were indeed amused by the fact that his erection was evident. They were now familiar enough with that male trait to know the cause of the slight bulge and they brazenly stared at his groin. Greg could see the direction of the girls' gaze and to his dismay, he felt his cock respond even more. The few seconds that passed seemed to be forever. Finally, he gave up on the magic trick. "Okay, I admit. The trick won't work from this position. If you lower my hands, I'll show you how its done."
Tanya smiled at him, her eyes twinkling. Greg hadn't seen that particular smile from her before and it made him very apprehensive. It was finally dawning on him that this wasn't just a muffed magic trick. "I don't think you've tried very hard to get down," she said. "Give it a try."
Greg didn't know how to respond. He wiggled the chains a bit, but he knew the dynamics to know that it was futile. His attempt to go where Priscilla had secured the rope was pitifully futile. "I can't get free," he finally admitted. "Let me down please." His mind was focused on the girls staring at the bulge from his cock. This trick was going terribly wrong.
"Maybe if you used your belt for leverage," Natalie said as she went over to her brother and started to unfasten it. This was something she would not have considered a couple of days ago. But since her experience at the creek and the sleepover, she was now equating helpless boys with being naked. The belt would be a good start.
Greg was shocked to the core at this behavior from Natalie. It was very untypical of her. He used anger to eclipse the embarrassment he felt from being in this predicament. He started to kick viciously. Dan and the girls had foreseen Greg's tendency to kick and fight. Their plan to stop his kicking involved another two ropes that were now produced by Priscilla and Tanya. The end of each rope was already fastened high on opposing side walls. The girls were able to easily slip the ropes between his legs and pull the ropes up and away effectively spreading his legs. Greg soon found himself with his legs spread wide apart and barely able to make contact with the floor. His wrists started to hurt from the tension on the chains as he pulled on them for support. As he settled down, the girls were able to make loops that firmly tied his ankles spread apart. He was helpless and that fact hit home as he hung spread out before the girls.
Without speaking, Natalie went back and again started to unfasten his belt. "No you don't!" he yelled and he started spitting to deter her.
She backed off. Tanya crossed in front of him. Greg stopped spitting and struggling. He wasn't about to spit on his girl friend. She glared at him and Greg flinched from her glare. Things had happened so fast, he still was having trouble comprehending what was happening. She slapped his cheek hard. Greg's face burned as it snapped to the side. "Don't... Ever... Spit..." Tanya said in a slow measured menacing voice. Dan felt his world was caving in on him. He had never seen Tanya angry with him before. Had he lost her as girl friend? He was thoroughly confused and concerned.
Natalie went back a third time and finally removed his belt. Greg was too dazed to resist. Her eyes got dark. Her intent when she first impulsively went for the belt was to embarrass her brother. Now with a belt in hand, she impulsively lashed out with it resulting in a harsh blow to his buttocks. "Yeow..." he yelled, in surprise and pain. His cheek was still smarting. He thrashed futilely as he watched her throw a second blow. His jeans absorbed a lot of the impact, but the blows were hard enough to sting and maybe even leave marks through the heavy fabric. Natalie backed away and let the effect of the blows sink in.
"You've been mean to Natalie and me a long time, Greg," Priscilla said as she crossed in front of him. I think it's time for that to end. Greg's mind was in turmoil. His little sister and the girl next door were ganging up on him. He never thought of the two of them as other than pests. They grew up and out of the "kid sister" age and he hadn't noticed. Now it was being impressed on him in a very dramatic way. He still was trying to figure out how to save face with his girl friend. How could he salvage their relationship?
In the middle of his confused thoughts ran a thread of his realizing that he was helpless and it was girls that made him helpless. This was unthinkable, but true. He looked over at Tanya and saw her in all her femininity. It still hadn't hit him that Priscilla and Natalie were feminine. The aversion he had to being bested by a girl was now a highlighted humiliation. This was unthinkable! He twisted vainly against his bonds, but he had little latitude to do much. Dozens of thoughts passed through his mind; Tanya was looking at him, she was witness that he was helpless before girls. No not witness, she was a cause of his helplessness. The realization that he was helpless unleashed fantasies that he had hidden so deep. He felt a strong erotic rush and panicked as he felt himself respond with his erection getting stronger. Despite the jeans, his shaft painfully fought to extend. He looked at Tanya and she made no secret that she was looking at his crotch. HE HAD TO HIDE! He just had to. He was helpless to disguise the bulge that was shifting in his groin. In his mind, it was massive. To his horror, Priscilla and his little sister were also staring at his crotch. "NOOooooo," he exclaimed as he writhed in his bonds. He had to find a refuge. He again looked at Tanya.
Tanya watched Greg's face as the multitude of thoughts ran through his mind. She felt like she could read them. What Dan and Larry said about him was true. His own thoughts were breaking him down. She could feel it. She knew it. She had learned a lot from her night watching males react to their submission. Those with submissive tendencies are susceptible to the seductive power of a dominant female. Tanya felt fortunate that she was the dominant female that would be instrumental in the breaking of Greg's will. She smiled as she proceeded to bring him to his knees.
Tanya slid in very close to Greg by his right side. She wrapped her left arm around his back and leaned against him. Her breast pressed firmly against his ribs and right her hand softly rubbed his stomach. She allowed her hand to drop to his crotch and she pressed hard against his straining erection. With the palm of her hand she pressed with hard circling motions. Despite the stares of Priscilla and Natalie, Greg pressed back, arching into her hand. He knew his reaction was degrading but it felt so good. He had never felt an erotic surge this strong before. Greg groaned. Tanya read that groan correctly as surrender. Still rubbing his shaft firmly, she looked straight into his eyes. "You're helpless to resist me." After a slight pause but looking relentlessly into his eyes, she continued. "We've broken you. You have no will to resist us. Isn't that true?"
There was no way Greg could resolve the conflicts that he felt. The thoughts and feelings pummeled Greg psyche: the femininity of Tanya's breast pushing against him; her hand boldly taking control of his cock; her voice; her confidence. She was offering him the refuge he so desperately needed. He could justify his predicament to himself if he had no will of his own, if his will was subordinate to Tanya's. He was hit by the thought that she knew he wanted to be dominated by her. He had fantasized about it and now realized that it is what he always wanted. She knew it before he did. He was being forced to face his desire, the desire that was progressing into a need. He should be resisting. He should be angry. He should be embarrassed because Natalie and Priscilla were watching her dominate him. He wanted at least put up a token of resistance, but he was beaten. He was ready to give Tanya his soul. "Yes," he heard himself answer. He had capitulated more rapidly than anyone would have guessed. He was dazed by the feeling of submission that enveloped him and confounded by the euphoria that he felt because of it.
"You're my slave," Tanya said firmly.
Greg was surprised by the word. "Slave" sounded so severe. Tanya kept a firm moving pressure on his shaft with her hand. Her hand and her gaze were unrelenting. "Yes," he said with a resigned moan. "Yes, I want to be your slave." He had no idea what being a slave entailed, but if that's what she wanted then that was what he craved. He would agree to anything she said in order to maintain that euphoric feeling that he was succumbing to.
"Beg for it," persisted Tanya. "Beg to be my slave."
Greg tried to think. His sister would lord over him with this. He wouldn't be able to face Priscilla or even pal around with Dan again. He knew that males were strong and should dominate. And Tanya was there, his cock throbbing as she pressed hard on it through his jeans. He could hear his voice as if coming from someone else. "Please let me be your slave, Tanya. I want to be your slave. Please don't say no," he begged. He was lost. There was no going back.
Tanya looked over at Priscilla and Natalie. They were all stunned at speed of Greg's total capitulation. Total victory for the girls and Greg was arguably the one most elated by it. "Release the ropes," she said quietly, trying not to break the mood. Greg's legs were soon under him and the top rope lowered. The chains fell off his wrists and onto the floor as the magic trick was essentially self working. Tanya stood back a step from him but still maintained eye contact. "Strip for me, slave," she commanded softly. "Every stitch."
Greg was dazed. His hands tingled as the blood was rushed back. He felt somewhat safe in his stupor. That stupor was all he had emotionally to cling to. Somehow he felt obeying would keep him there. His tingling fingers took a while to unbutton his shirt. He finally removed it and he pulled his undershirt off. The emotional effects of the rush he experienced when he submitted were starting to diminish. The cool air hitting his torso brought him closer to reality. By the time he took off his shoes and socks, his stupor had dissipated. He was faced with removing his pants under the cold gaze of the girls. By the time he was down to his under shorts, he was able to focus his thinking a bit. His eyes again locked with Tanya's and he felt he had no option. Even with reality creeping into his awareness, there was nowhere to go but to submit. Flushing brightly at the graphic display of submission, he pulled off his shorts. He flushed brightly. He was now in a state where he felt embarrassed about being naked with an obvious erection in front of his sister and his neighbor. "Kneel," Tanya said softly. Grateful for some direction, he fell to knees before her. "Now crawl over to your sister and kiss her feet."
There probably wasn't anything she could have asked him to do that would be more of a test. He and his sister were adversaries, often cruel adversaries, all of their lives. Now he was surrendering that conflict. There would be no going back to how it was. He hated the thought of Natalie's smug smirky smile that he would have to endure from now on. He was a helpless naked slave and there was no going back. He had to do what Tanya wanted. He reluctantly crawled over to his sister. He could sense her smirk as she held out a foot. In total surrender, he bent over and kissed it.
Greg looked back at Tanya and was relieved to see her approval. With sparkling eyes, she pointed to her feet. Without a word being spoken Greg crawled to her feet and kissed them and then looked up at his goddess.
"Do that again, Greg. I want to get a picture," Priscilla said casually, breaking into his thoughts.
Greg jumped and his stomach turned cold at the sight of the camera. "What's the camera for?" he asked in surprise. He felt a betrayal and his face showed it.
"The truth," said Tanya "is that we brought the camera in case we had to blackmail you with compromising pictures." Then smiling prettily she continued. "You, my dear slave, had no chance. You were doomed from the beginning. But I can't tell you how delighted I am that we didn't have to use blackmail. You are my slave because you are helpless to resist your desire to be my slave. I love the fact that you are so helpless to resist. Yes, I would like a picture of you naked and kissing my feet. I want a memento of when you became my slave." With that, she again pointed to her feet.
He glanced back at a grinning Priscilla and the camera. He looked over to see Natalie smirking at him. With a final whimper of surrender he bent over to kiss Tanya's feet. Mentally and emotionally he was helpless to resist her domination. Helpless. Helpless and unwilling to fight the feeling of submission that enveloped him. His submission, the girls' dominance; two pieces to feed an addiction that he now embraced. An addiction that would only get stronger.
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