tng- TEN - The 2nd Poker Game
Saturday morning breakfast at the McQueen residence was unusually quiet. Barbara was in a good mood and was humming to herself as Harold served up the breakfast and sat down. Dan was looking at his plate, his eyes carefully avoiding his sister. Priscilla was looking furtively at her mom trying to see any indication that she had missed the book.
After breakfast, the parents left for the day. "We'll be back before dinner," said Barbara as they were leaving. "You will have get your own lunch."
"Okay," Priscilla responded, relieved that she would now have a chance to replace the book. As her parents left, she noticed that her dad seemed to walk gingerly when he didn't think he was being watched. She thought about her mom's good humor this morning. All she could do was speculate about the connection about the two observations. Her speculations were accurate.
Larry saw the McQueen's car leaving. He had known they would be leaving this morning and had been waiting anxiously for them to leave. The car had barely left the street when he was on his way. He had no idea what to say or do, or what to expect. He just knew he wanted to be at Priscilla's house when her parents were gone. His shaft had been hard for most of the time since he left yesterday. He could feel the ache that accompanied that fact.
Natalie too was waiting for the McQueen car to leave. Greg was in the back yard mowing the grass and she would rather not be home when he was done or took a break. She darted out when the car turned the corner. As she approached the McQueen residence, she saw Larry on his way. She laughed outright as she correctly surmised that he was looking for a repeat of yesterday. She laughed harder and pointed at the basketball Larry was bouncing as they met in front of the house. "You thinking of playing basketball, Larry?" she taunted.
Larry flushed. He had grabbed the ball on the way out. It was his crutch so he would have an excuse to go to the McQueen residence. "That obvious?" he inquired sheepishly. They both knew he was admitting that he coming over to be dominated by the girls. Natalie giggled as she grabbed the ball from him and proceeded up the walk to the door, "Yep."
Priscilla was also anxious for her parents to leave, but for another reason. Dan had gone off the bathroom and she used the interval to scramble and put the book back under her mother's bed. Her finding that book was going to be her secret alone for now. She barely replaced it and came out to the living room when the doorbell rang. Dan came out to answer it as well and the four of them found themselves in the entry way. None of them really knew what to say.
Larry finally broke the tension and pointed to the ball Natalie had taken from him. "Basket ball anyone?"
There was light laughter at his gesture. None of them had any thoughts about basketball. Dan finally Dan spoke up. "Um I think we deserve to have a rematch at poker," he said finally.
Priscilla laughed at him. "Why should we play?" she asked. "We won and you don't have more to lose than you haven't already lost yesterday," she continued a little smugly.
"One game isn't fair," he continued lamely. "I think you owe us another chance to make a comeback."
Priscilla thought about it for a moment. This was an opening to starting the activities she wanted to try. "Okay, she said finally. Same rules as yesterday except you only get 4 cards dealt to make poker hands."
"That's not even close to fair," Larry found himself protesting. "We won't be able to make straights, flushes, or even a full house."
"I know," Priscilla answered. "But we're not the ones needing to play." She looked pointedly at the groins of the boys. Their state of arousal was obvious. "Take it or leave it."
Dan spoke up. "We'll take it." He looked over at Larry sheepishly. "It's our only chance," he said defensively.
"Okay," said Larry slowly. His pretended reluctance wasn't fooling anyone. The girls knew he was eager to lose. The game was a sham... more of an ice breaker than anything.
And an ice breaker it was. As the boys lost each of their items of clothes, the girls made taunting remarks and were open with their laughter. Dan was the first to be stripped to his briefs. He was reluctant to shed his pants because his arousal was so obvious and there was the incriminating wet spot. He tried to lay on his stomach to postpone the inevitable, but Natalie told him kneel facing the table with his knees spread. He was flushing brightly. He thought about not complying to her command. After all, they hadn't lost the game yet. But he knew it was inevitable and reluctant as he was, he was too embarrassed to make an issue of it. Once he was kneeling his sister ordered him to place his hands behind his head. He was in no position to resist the escalation of his plight and did as he was told. Everyone was aware of his throbbing shaft tenting his shorts obscenely. Dan was most aware of course and his inclination to reach down to shift was foiled by his hands behind his head. They only allowed him to remove his hands long enough to look at his cards.
Larry was looking on and was embarrassed for his friend. Dan's tenting was undeniably acute. Larry flushed on the next hand when his undershirt came off bearing his chest. Priscilla looked over at him. "You too," she said quietly. He wasn't even down to his briefs and she was making him submit as well. His erection was only marginally less obvious with the covering of his outer pants. He lost the next two hands and had to strip while kneeling and keeping his knees apart as much as he could. It was awkward to say the least and the taunts from the girls had him flushing brightly as he finally settled on his knees, flag pole fully extended and bobbing.
The girls giggled and Priscilla picked up the deck to deal. She shuffled, and shuffled again. "I'm thirsty," she declared and put the cards down and went to the kitchen for a soda. Natalie remained at the table and smirked at the two boys positioned as they waited for the game to resume. She leaned over to Dan and pulled the front of his briefs away, allowing his penis to spring upright free from the tenting. She then released the waist band to snap back striking the tip. He let out a gasp, but remained still. When Priscilla finally returned, Natalie feigned thirst and left for the kitchen. The boys were aware the girls were teasing them and extending the game so they would be on exhibit longer. For some reason, the fact that they shouldn't have to submit until the end of the game but did so anyway seemed to emphasize their position of submission. With false and mocking concern, Priscilla tucked Dan's penis back into his briefs then she pulled the shaft out so the tenting was again maximized. She looked over at Larry and with a wicked grin, she snapped the tip of his penis with her finger. He gasped from the sting and she leaned back, laughing as she watched his shaft oscillating from her snap.
Natalie finally came back and the game resumed. "Come on," Priscilla taunted Larry when he asked for two cards. "Shimmy for your cards. I want to see some swinging action." Flushing, Larry complied and his penis slapped from side to side. "You didn't say 'pretty please' for your cards. "Let me hear you beg for them."
"Please, pretty please, may I have two more cards," Larry said as he tried to keep the swinging motion. The girls broke out into full laughter at that and Priscilla flipped the two cards over to him.
Dan had nothing and needed more cards. Flushing he looked over at his humiliated friend and declined to draw. "I'm good with these," he said. He didn't want to beg his sister for the cards. He was spared the ordeal of begging, but lost his last shred of clothing as a result.
The two boys were now on display for the laughing girls and Larry was able to break position in order to deal the next hand. Larry lost and Dan, totally naked still had a last hand to play. Natalie grinned at him as she shuffled. "Do you want some cards?" she asked in a childishly bratty voice. Dan knew she was mimicking his sister and wanted him to beg for them. "You have to earn them. Lets see you shake better that Larry did for his cards."
"It's your deal. Deal the cards," he said with what little defiance he could muster.
"Not until you swing your thing," she said in a lilting voice. Dan was flushing with embarrassment and a touch of anger. She was supposed to deal the cards. This was not part of the game. Natalie looked at him and saw his quick flash of anger. She kept her smile and looked right into his eyes. "Swing and beg nicely for your cards," she said softly. Dan swallowed his anger and flushed a deep crimson. He shimmied. His cock slapped from side to side and he plead, "Please, Natalie. Deal me some cards."
"Pretty please," Natalie responded, her eyes glittering at his capitulation.
"Pretty please," Dan parroted back in exasperation. Then leaving no doubt that he was defeated, he continued, "Please, please, and pretty please deal the cards." He twisted his hips the best he could to keep his cock in motion.
Natalie laughed with glee and triumph. She dealt the cards and with that hand, Dan lost the rights of both boys to resist doing whatever the girls wanted for the rest of the day.
Now that they were "officially" in charge, the girls pondered what to do next. Priscilla brought out the Polaroid camera and while the boys were still in their kneeling pose, she took a picture. Dan looked up in surprise. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "That wasn't in the deal."
Priscilla laughed and scooted away as he lunged at her to grab the camera. He was still a bit stiff from being in a kneeling position through the ending of the game and the lunge wasn't fast enough for him to catch her. He got up and raced toward her. She threw the developing picture behind the sofa as he chased her about the room. He was aware of his nudity and the girls started giggling uncontrollably as he scrambled after his sister. Larry was already resigned (and initiated) to picture taking and just stood back to watch. Priscilla was laughing so hard, she became weak and collapsed as Dan finally tackled her. Still laughing, she held the camera away out of his reach. "Give me that camera," he yelled as he wiggled up trying to grasp it.
"Oh no, no, no," laughed Priscilla as she fought to keep the camera away. "You lost. Girls rule. And that means we can do what we want with you."
"Pictures don't count," countered Dan as he extended full length to grab the camera. Suddenly, he gasped. Natalie's fingers encompassed his balls from behind.
"Oh yes it does," said Natalie as she gave his testicles a squeeze. "Your balls belong to us today," she continued in a menacing voice.
"Agghh," he screamed as he twisted trying to escape her grasp. "Oh geeze, that hurts."
"You going to settle down?" persisted Natalie. "Do you give?" she said as she tightened her grip even harder.
"I give, I give!!" Dan yelled through his pain. "Let go."
"I won't let go until you agree to behave," said Natalie. "We won and you have to obey us."
"Okay, Okay," Dan said as he clasped his hands over Natalie's and attempted to pry them off.
"Then stop struggling, kneel, hands behind your head," Natalie said firmly.
Dan groaned and settled down a bit. As he removed his hands from Natalie's she relented a bit on her grip. "Now kneel, Dan," he heard Natalie say and he struggled to get his knees under him. Slowly he was able to kneel and relieve some of the tension from Natalie's grip. He surrendered the last of his resistance when he placed his hands behind his head.
Priscilla had recovered from her laughing and regained her feet. She walked around to in front of her kneeling brother. Natalie was still reaching under his legs and had him in grasp. With her foot, Priscilla knocked against Dan's knees and thighs indicating that he was to spread his knees wider. Beaten, he did so until he felt his groin could stretch no further. "Look up at me," Priscilla commanded in a firm voice. Dan looked up at his smiling sister. "Brother, you are ours to play with today. We get to do what ever we want with you. Remember, it was your idea to play strip poker. You lost. Are you willing to take the consequences of losing."
"Yes sis," he said. "I'm sorry."
Natalie finally released Dan's balls and he sighed a sigh of relief. "You have quite a grip, Natalie," he said.
Priscilla spoke up. "Go retrieve the picture I took and threw behind the sofa. I want to see how it turned out."
Reluctantly, Dan got up and retrieved the picture. When he returned, he knelt in front of the two girls and presented it to them. The girls looked at each other and smiled. They had him.
Priscilla looked over at Larry and pointed to the floor beside Dan. "You too," she said quietly. Larry crawled over to the spot and balanced on his knees, hands behind his head. He was aware of his shaft sticking straight out but maintained his position. Priscilla walked in front of him and nudged his knees farther apart with her foot.
Looking down at the kneeling boys, Priscilla smiled mischievously. "That's better, but I think we still need a little attitude adjustment. I want each of you to crawl across the room and return with a table tennis paddle." Larry shuddered as he knew how "energetic" Priscilla could be. Still, without a murmur of protest the two boys dropped to all fours and crawled to retrieve the paddles. Dan grabbed his and looked over and saw Larry delicately lift his paddle with his teeth. On seeing this, Dan dropped his paddle and bent down to pick up his by his teeth as well. "Very good," Priscilla said when she saw the adjustment. Both she and Natalie were grinning ear to ear when the boys returned to their spots, kneeling, knees wide, hands behind their heads and paddles in their mouths. "This is going to be such a fun day," Priscilla said as her eyes sparkled.
Priscilla pulled out an armless kitchen chair. "Go ahead Natalie," she said pointing to the chair. "Have a seat."
Natalie giggled as she sat down. She looked over at Dan and wiggled her index finger to beckon him over. "Come here and lay face down on my lap," she said. Her voice quavered a bit as she thought about having a naked boy on her lap. She knew she was going to feel his penis on her thighs and that thought made her flush with excitement. As Dan crawled to her, she removed the paddle from his mouth and had him position himself on her lap. "Oh Dan," she said. "You may be in for more than you expect. I'm still miffed at the way my brother treated me last night. I'm really ready to take out my frustration on somebody." Then she giggled. "And now look, you're conveniently on my lap!"
Dan was still flushed from embarrassment from crawling to Natalie knowing he was to be spanked. He shuddered when she took the paddle and was horrified when his penis poked at her as he positioned himself on her lap. Despite his embarrassment, it felt so good, he couldn't help but squirm and wiggle a bit to enhance the sensation.
Priscilla watched the couple maneuver and the "adjustments" that ensued. She looked over at Larry and noticed that he was transfixed by the activity. There was no mistaking that his cock was rigid and throbbing.
Natalie adjusted to Dan's movements and enjoyed the pressure of his shaft against her. She knew he was wiggling more than he needed to and she didn't need to be told why. "Oh, you're getting frisky, huh?" she teased with her rhetorical question. With that she slammed the paddle hard on his bare cheek. The blow was harder than Dan had expected and he let out a cry.
"Ow," he exclaimed. "Take it easy." His reaction caused him to grind his cock harder into Natalie's lap. He twisted slightly to experience more friction.
Natalie thrilled at the feeling of his cock rubbing against her. She pushed that thought aside and allowed herself to feel indignant that he would take such a liberty. With satisfaction, she hit his other cheek even harder than she did on the first. Dan couldn't help but cry out again. This time he didn't try to grind his groin in Natalie's lap.
Natalie feeling satisfaction at hearing the slap and hearing the resulting cry, she set about slapping the cheeks with several swats. They weren't as hard as the first, but they came in rapid succession. She allowed the frustration that she had with her brother guide her emotions as she rained the swats on his now tender bottom.
Dan was surprised as much by the second blow as he was the first. He forgot about grinding into Natalie's lap and he squirmed in reaction to the blow instead of in reaction to his needy cock. Then the blows started coming in earnest. He cried out and started to squirm to dodge the successive swats. As the swats kept coming, Dan finally squirmed off Natalie's lap and dropped to the floor. He was gasping for breath and he rolled over looking up at his tormentress. "Please! Enough," his moist eyes pleading as much as his words.
Natalie looked down at the Dan as he lay on the floor. He was desperately trying to keep his eyes from tearing up, but she noticed that his cock was as hard as ever. She smiled as she watched him try to regain some composure. She had taken his dignity and he was desperately trying to regain some shreds of it. "Okay," she finally said. "I'm done for now. Remember, I'll do it again if you displease me." Inside she was fluttering with excitement. She had actually spanked Dan and was sure she could do so again. She loved the feeling of power she experienced. The same hot sensation enveloped her as when she first tied Larry up by the creek. She extended her foot towards Dan and was not surprised when he lifted his head and gently kissed her toes.
Priscilla walked over to Larry and smiled down at the kneeling form. She could hardly wait to have him squirm on her lap as well. Looking down at him, she could see that he was nervous as well as obviously sexually excited. "Your turn, Larry," she said quietly.
Larry looked up at the sound of her voice. He had been almost in a trance watching Natalie spanking Dan. His eyes focused on Priscilla's and he caught his breath. The light showed off her auburn hair as she pulled a strand from her face. He couldn't say anything for fear that the paddle that he still held in his teeth would fall. Priscilla turned away and picked up a long length of thin cord. The same light that highlighted her hair silhouetted her trim figure and accentuated her curves. "God, she was beautiful," was the thought that popped into his head and he wanted nothing more but to be around such beauty. The fact that his shaft was throbbing and anxious for contact with that beauty cemented his feelings of awe.
Priscilla turned back toward Larry with a sly smile. "I don't think I'll let you squirm off my lap as easily as Dan did," she said. "Stay still," she commanded as she circled behind him. Larry gasped when he felt her lift his balls and her fingers lightly tickled the underside of his shaft. "Oh that feels soooo good," he thought. To him it seemed his thoughts were loud enough to be actually audible. He trembled when he felt the cord encircle his testicles. He knew she was leashing him by the balls as she did yesterday. He remembered being led and teased by that leash so despite his apprehension, he found himself looking forward to it. She proceeded to tie his sac with the middle of the long cord and threw the loose ends under him to his front. When done, she crossed back in front of him and retrieved the two long ends and pulled them to pull his balls upward toward her. Larry let out a whimper as he arched in response to the pull.
Natalie had retrieved the camera by now and Priscilla sat upon the chair she vacated. Patting her lap as she looked over at Larry was all she needed to do. Resigned, Larry rose and removed his hands from behind his head to help position himself over Priscilla's lap. He felt the cord pull down on his balls as Priscilla looped it under her foot and pulled. She finally removed the paddle from Larry's mouth. He took a deep breath and settled on her lap. His cock was hard against her thigh and he wanted to wiggle a bit as Dan had done to maximize the sensation. He groaned softly as the Priscilla pulled on the cord and he was pressed hard against her lap by the tension on his balls. His mouth finally free, he tried in vain to twist and look at Priscilla. "Why?" he finally spoke. "I didn't try to get the camera from you. I've been obedient and didn't do anything wrong."
Priscilla lightly rubbed the paddle on his bare cheeks. The welts from the creek adventure had diminished but Larry was still sensitive. "Because I can," Priscilla replied. "Because I can and I want to," she elaborated. She paused for a moment as she thought about his question. She hadn't really thought about why she wanted to hurt him. She knew she liked him. Her intuition that he too was enjoying it in his own way had been re-enforced by some of the statements in her mom's book. She felt a sensual excitement having him under her spell, a spell that was strong enough that he would accept her torments. Then she blurted out, "It excites me to know you have a reminder of me every time you sit down, even when I'm not with you."
"Excited?" thought Larry. The thought that these games excited Priscilla had been in the back of his mind. Now there was no question. He squirmed at the thought and his balls paid the price for that squirm. If this kind of play excited her, he knew he would have to submit to a *lot* of "discomfort" to please her enough so she would stay interested in him. Right now, with hard cock pressing into her lap and his balls aching from frustration and physical tension he was in no position to think clearly, but he knew he had to endure Priscilla's ministrations.
SLAP! "AAWK... AARRGG!!" Screamed Larry. Without warning, Priscilla had swatted his cheek with a force that surprised them both. Priscilla was anxious to proceed and not think about the "whys." She would sort that out later. Larry bucked at the swat and the extended yell reflected the pain of the swat and the painful pull on his balls. Priscilla quickly gave the other cheek a similar swat. Larry stifled his yell this time and managed not to buck. Encouraged, Priscilla rained down several more blows to each cheek in rapid succession. Larry started pleading early in the onslaught, "Ow, ow, oh geeze, ow, please, oh please no, stop, please..."
Priscilla reveled in the sound of his pleas. Natalie was giggling as she took a picture to record the moment. Larry was held to a minimum of squirming as he surrendered to his plight and his helplessness to move without straining his tender balls. It seemed like a long time to Larry, but Priscilla did stop shortly after he started pleading. She released the tension on his balls and allowed him to roll off her lap onto the floor in front of her. As Natalie had done, she extended her foot toward Larry. Larry looked up at his goddess and gratefully guided her foot to his lips. She could hear him sniffling his nose as he tried to compose himself and she felt a droplet on the top of her foot as an involuntary tear fell. Larry gently caressed her foot with his lips and kissed off the tear. Priscilla smiled down at him and finally spoke. "Some day," she said. "Some day, I'm going to make you cry like a baby."
Larry heard her words and knew they were true. His cock had lost some of it tension during his ordeal but to his consternation it sprang to full life as her words sunk in. He knew in his heart that he was doomed. The only outward indication he gave that he heard her words was his pressing her foot to his cheek almost as a hug followed by a series of kisses. The flash of the camera indicated that they would have a record of that moment.
No one spoke for a while as each participant became lost in their thoughts. Just when the absence of conversation was about to become an awkward silence, Priscilla stood and walked away from Larry's prone figure to sit in the more comfortable sofa. "I'm thirsty" she announced to no one in particular. Then specifically to Larry, she continued "Would you get me a soda from the kitchen, please?"
Larry got up gingerly and stretched as much as he could but felt self conscious without clothes. "Coke with ice?" he asked as turned to fetch the drink.
"Yes, thank you," She responded. "That would be perfect."
Larry proceeded toward the kitchen aware that he was dragging over twelve feet of cording from his balls behind him as he walked. He felt foolish but didn't dare remove the cord or even pick it up. He took care that it didn't snag on anything on the way however. He remembered the dash into the bedroom the last time he was so adorned.
Natalie sat down next to Priscilla and addressed Dan, "I'd like a Coke as well."
Dan rose quickly from the floor. "Of course," he said quickly. He too suddenly felt naked and turned quickly as much to satisfy his little remaining modesty as to comply with Natalie's wish. As he came up behind Larry, he purposely stepped on one of the cords dragging behind his friend lightly enough to only cause a soft tug. Larry swung around to face Dan and saw a slight smirk and knew Dan was teasing him about his plight. Larry let out an embarrassed chuckle. It was the first time since the poker game they were able to look each other in the eye. They were both in the same boat; both seduced by the erotic allure of submitting to the girls. Though wordless, this was the first communication they had with each other where they admitted it to each other. When they returned to the girls with the drinks, Larry made a point of letting Dan go first.
The boys had poured the Coke over ice in glasses, included straws, and placed each on its own tray. When they approached the girls, they knelt down before them, knees spread and offered the trays to the girls. The two girls looked at each other unable to suppress a grin. The look they exchanged expressed the thoughts of both of them... the boys were perfect. "Life is good," Natalie finally said as she took her drink from the tray.
"To life!" Priscilla said as she retrieved her glass and offered it to Natalie to clink in a toast. The boys remained kneeling with the trays extended in case the girls wanted to rest their glasses there. As the girls sipped their drinks, Priscilla was wishing that she had a picture of the four of them just now. It was kind of a Rockwell moment. "Perhaps another time," she said to herself.
After a couple of minutes, it was apparent that holding trays out for an extended time was not easy. Priscilla finally told Larry he could put the tray down with Natalie giving Dan a similar reprieve. The boys placed the trays aside and let their tired arms drop to their sides. "Are you thirsty, Larry?" Priscilla asked.
Larry nodded. "Yeah, I am as a matter of fact."
Priscilla smiled, "Then come closer." Larry crawled over to her with and looked up quizzically. Priscilla reached over and pulled his head against her leg and tilted his chin up. Carefully she placed the lip of the glass on his lips and tilted it enough for him to sip. He nuzzled his head against her let as he gratefully accepted the drink. It was comforting to have her tend to his thirst.
Natalie crooked her finger at Dan. "Come here Dan. You must be thirsty too." Dan crawled over and place his head by her leg. Natalie remembered how Priscilla had Larry beg when they were by the creek. Her smile turn mischievous. "Beg me for a drink," she said quietly. Dan looked up, puzzled. "You heard me, I want to hear you beg like a puppy. Puppy hands up in front of you."
Dan flushed brightly. He hadn't expected to beg for the drink. He would rather go thirsty. He looked up at Natalie and could tell that she expected him to comply. Larry was there. His sister was there. He was naked. He felt foolish. Despite what they had gone through so far, he felt that this was personally degrading. His ears literally glowed but he saw no way not to. "Please may I have a drink, Natalie," he said as he rested on his spread knees and hands held in the ridiculous "puppy" pose.
Natalie giggled and pulled the straw from her drink, blocking the top the so some soda would be trapped in the straw. "Put your head back and open wide," she said as the straw hovered in front of him. Obediently, Dan lifted his chin and opened his mouth. Natalie released the liquid into his mouth. It went straight to the back of his throat and he sputtered and broke position the carbonation triggered his coughing reflex. He soon recovered from the coughing fit and looked up at her.
Natalie smirked at him. "Again," she said.
Dan spread his knees again and rose to puppy position. "Please may I have more," he begged.
Giggling Natalie again presented the straw with Coke. This time he was able to deflect the liquid with his tongue so he could swallow it normally. It took several repetitions for him to get a significant amount of soda. On around the third or fourth sip Dan almost choked again when the flash of the camera recorded his predicament for posterity.
When they had finished with the drinks, Priscilla stood up. "Come with me, Larry. I want to try something." Priscilla picked up the ends of the cord and led him to the entry way of the house. The entry way was a small open area located at the front door that was circled by the family room, a small living room and a dining area extending into the kitchen. The other two were curious and followed behind. "I was thinking about this last night and wondered how it would work out." At this stage, no one knew what she had in mind. There was a sturdy column in the living room and she proceeded to tie one of Larry's dangling cords high on that column. In the opposite direction, there was sturdy cabinet work fairly high that she tied the other cord to. This left Larry standing facing the outside door as he was held in place by the cords running in opposite directions to the sides. Priscilla looked pleased at the way the ties had worked out and turned to Larry. "Your hands and feet are free," she said. "What I'm curious about is to find out if these two cords are enough to keep you from getting free."
Larry looked around, assessing his predicament. He couldn't move toward or reach the knots to either side as his balls anchored him to that spot. He couldn't even twist to change the direction he was facing without unduly increasing the tension. The cords were not slack but they would give enough so he could move forward enough to reach the door or back a similar distance, but the tension quickly became acute. He didn't try, but assumed that squatting or lowering himself would also be possible but just as uncomfortable for his aching balls. Larry was stuck. He remained silent not knowing what to say and fearing that he couldn't escape the cords.
"Well you think about it and let me know if it's escapable or not," she said airily. With that she walked back into the family room with Natalie and Dan. "Well Natalie, now that Larry's occupied for a while, what do you want to do with my brother? We've got all day."
The question caught Natalie off guard. She hadn't thought about what to do with Dan. She remembered how she liked embarrassing him by making him beg. Maybe she could make him feel foolish in other ways. Smiling, she turned towards her friend. "Cilla, do you have any clothes we can dress him in?"
Grinning as she thought about where Natalie was going with this, she replied, "I've got some pink silky panties that are stretched out of shape already. There's an adjustable bra that might work, if that's what you're thinking."
"Perfect," exclaimed Natalie. "That's exactly what I was thinking." Dan looked on with growing apprehension as Priscilla went to retrieve the garments.
"Here you go brother," Priscilla said as she threw the panties over to him. "See if these will fit."
Dan caught the panties and flushed bright red. He thought about protesting, but the time for that was long gone. Reluctantly, he stepped into the panties. He loved the smooth feel as they slid over his erect penis and actually felt a bit of relief as they gave him a semblance of modesty again. When he let go, he found that they were indeed too small and his penis was trapped by the waistband. Natalie reached over and freed his cock for him leaving him with the tip sticking up past the waistband. She couldn't resist sliding her hand on the smooth fabric and stroking his shaft. Dan almost swooned and pressed back. "It looks like you're enjoying yourself too much dear brother," Priscilla said and Dan snapped back to reality.
Natalie picked up the bra and slipped it on Dan, stretched it around his chest and fastened it in the back. The girls backed away from him and checked him out. They couldn't help but laugh as he looked ridiculous with the stretched out bra and the panties with the cock tip sticking out. Natalie got the camera and despite Dan's protests, took a picture.
Natalie moved close to him and let her hand brush his shaft. She then stroked it lightly before pressing it hard. She could feel Dan's arousal intensify as she played with him. Priscilla sat down on the sofa to watch and the two participants were aware of her presence. Dan found himself wanting more of Natalie's touch and started to press back in response. He tried to minimize his movements in a vain attempt to disguise his reaction from his sister. As Natalie played with his cock through the silky fabric, she let Dan's excitement get to her. She found she was enjoying his excitement as well. She noticed Dan's responses were getting stronger. He had lost all inhibitions, sister watching or not.
Natalie pulled away.
"Please!" exclaimed Dan. The first word he said since Natalie had started playing with his cock.
Natalie looked at Dan. He was breathing rapidly and she could see the exposed tip was dribbling. It was obvious what his plea was for. She giggled and pressed her hands on his pecs. She softly caressed his nipples through the silky material of the bra. "Oh you didn't think I would let your lack of self control embarrass you in front of your sister," she said in a mock sympathetic voice.
"You didn't let that stop you yesterday," he replied lamely. He arched trying to press against her.
Natalie stepped back. "Maybe later," she said teasingly.
With the short show over, Priscilla got up to join the two. She playfully patted Dan's chest. "We need some filling here, don't you think?" She went to her room came back with a pair of socks. Handing one to Natalie, she proceeded to stuff one into the over-stretched bra. Natalie followed suit and in no time, Dan had a figure... of sorts. This brought a new round of giggles as the girls admired their handiwork.
Again, Priscilla left for her bedroom. She was gone for several minutes and Natalie finally called in "What do you have in mind now, Cilla?" Priscilla came back grinning an evil grin. "I had to find these, she offered in explanation for her delay in returning. She produced a handful of her old jacks. "I thought these would help add to my dear brother's enjoyment of feminine dressing."
"Jacks?" exclaimed Natalie. "I didn't even know you still had those. We haven't played with them for years."
Grinning, Priscilla replied. "Well it's time we get to play with them again." With that she took a couple of them and placed them under a cup of Dan's bra next to his skin. The bra and sock pressed them into his flesh.
"Ow," he said in protest. His despair at not being able to cum was replaced with the sensation of pointed metal jacks digging into his nipple.
Giggling, Natalie took a couple of jacks and placed them under the other cup. "There you go, champ" she said flippantly as she patted the cup.
Dan winced from the patting on his vulnerable nipple and flushed at her mocking words. He sure didn't feel like a "champ."
Priscilla grabbed four of the jacks and shoved them in his panties. "There you go. That should keep you awake."
Natalie stepped away and beckoned to him. "Come over here," she said as she giggled.
Dan started to walk. The jacks dug into his balls and thighs with every movement. One of the jacks fell out as he moved forward. Natalie was laughing full out by now as she could see his discomfort. "Pick up the one you dropped and put it back, then get over here" she said.
Dan was mortified and obviously the effort to pick up the jack was painful and frustrating as he dropped a second when he was picking up the first. When he finally covered the few steps to Natalie, he hoped his ordeal was over. Natalie dashed that hope when she said, "I'm thirsty again. A coke would be fine. You might as well take the glasses and trays back when you go."
Dan groaned. There was no way he could get out of it. "Of course," he said with a catch in his voice. Slowly and carefully he bent to retrieve the trays and he waddled over to get the glasses trying to minimize the prodding of his balls and not lose another jack.
"We have to do something about your walk. You look so, ummm... frumpy," Priscilla said. "I think I have an idea that will help." Dan knew his sister well enough to know the idea wasn't going to help. He looked over at Natalie hoping that maybe she would show some compassion toward him. It was a vain hope as Natalie eyes were sparkling as she looked at Priscilla and trying to guess what neat idea she came up with now.
Priscilla took a roll of tape and the remaining two jacks. "If you walk on your toes, you will look more graceful," she said innocently. "Come on. Rise up on your toes."
Still in the dark as to where his sister was going with this, Dan rose on his toes as directed. Priscilla quickly got down to his feet and taped a jack to the bottom of each of his heels, wrapping the tape over the top of his foot to assure that it would stay in place.
Dan had trouble keeping his balance while still holding the trays and glasses. He dropped on his heals for a second. The pain of the jack poking into his heel told him that he didn't want to do that again. He almost stumbled and made his way toward the kitchen. A jack fell out of his panties but he had to ignore it. He hoped the girls would let him get away with that transgression.
The way Larry was tied in the entry way, Dan had to detour through the Living room and pass between him and the front door. He could hear the girls laughing and cheering him on as he made his way.
Larry had been spending his time trying to work out the knots around his balls. He couldn't make any headway as the tension kept them from being loosened enough for him to slip out. He had quit in frustration and just listened to the girls torment his friend. Now that he knew Dan was on his way, he resumed his efforts though he knew it was futile.
Larry had some inkling as to what was going on behind his back, but he wasn't ready for the sight that Dan presented when he hobbled into view. When he saw how ridiculous his friend looked, he couldn't stifle the snicker that came out.
Dan turned even redder when he heard this. He was mortified that he had to parade in front of Larry like that. "Laugh now while you can, Larry," Dan said, obviously miffed at his friend's reaction. "I suspect you will get yours before the day is done." Larry sobered a bit at that thought. Being trapped by his balls in the entry way did not elevate his self confidence by any means.
When Dan finally returned to the girls with the drinks on a tray, he carefully knelt to present the drinks to them. The girls graciously accepted the drinks and direct Dan to return the empty tray and pick up any jacks that he might have dropped along the way.
Still on his knees in front of the pair, he looked up. "Please, may I remove the jacks from my heels. My calves are starting to cramp from the strain."
"Sure," said Natalie immediately. "Place them in your panties and return here when you've put the tray back in the kitchen."
"Thank you," Dan said with obvious relief. He quickly removed the offending jacks and tape. He flushed as he had to reach into his panties to place the extra jacks there while the girls watched. He was able to retrieve the jack that he dropped earlier and he placed that one in his panties as well. Now that his mind no longer was focused on the jacks under his heals, the bite in his nipples became more pronounced. He walked with a weird gait as he attempted to minimize the prodding of his balls and not lose more jacks. He finally returned to the seated girls and knelt before them. He wasn't sure what to do, but he ventured to take one of Natalie's feet and start to massage it. He was pleased with himself when Natalie smiled down at him and nodded her appreciation.
"Anybody getting hungry?" Priscilla said loudly to no one in particular. The boy's had been distracted by their ordeal and hadn't thought about food. Now that it was mentioned they realized that they were famished.
"I could use a lunch break," Larry boomed from the entry way. Dan's stomach rumbled a bit as he continued to massage and rub Natalie's feet.
Natalie looked over at Priscilla. "I feel like having pizza," she said with a conspiratorial wink.
"Pizza. Anyone object to us calling out for pizza?" Priscilla queried.
"It sounds good to me," chimed in Larry from the front. "I like pineapple and Canadian bacon."
"Actually, it's too late for requests," Priscilla said from across the room. "I already ordered pepperoni to be delivered." Dan now figured out why it took his sister so long to find her jacks.
"Pepperoni's fine," Larry responded. He paused for a minute as he felt apprehension well up in him. "Um. It might be best if you release me before the pizza arrives. We don't want to have to do a lot of explaining."
There was no response. Larry twisted around trying to look at Priscilla. "I'm not kidding, he said. This could be embarrassing for all of us if the pizza delivery guy looks in. I'm right in front of the door, you know."
"I know," Priscilla answered in a quiet voice.
Larry felt a cold pit in his stomach. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. "You can't. Please!"
He heard Priscilla chuckle. He twisted around to try again to face her. He groaned as his nuts paid the price for his effort. "Since you're closest, I think you should get the door when the pizza comes." A slight pause and she continued, "It should be here any minute now. I ordered it when we were playing with Dan."
Larry started pulling at the knots around his balls in earnest. He groaned again as he vainly tried to slip them out of the knots. "Oh no. Please no," he cried out. In desperation he added, "I don't have pockets. I've got no money for a tip even!"
Priscilla laughed. "Just send the pizza back to us. We'll let Dan take care of it." At her words, both Priscilla and Natalie looked over at Dan in time to see an expression of panic cross his face.
"Oh no," he said. "I'm not staying out here in this outfit if the pizza guy is coming in."
Natalie looked at him sternly. "Yes you are," she said firmly. "Remember, we own you today. Besides, who said the pizza had to be delivered by a guy?"
As he pondered that, they heard a car drive up. Priscilla looked out the front window and announced that it looked like the pizza had arrived. She then retreated back into the family room. "Get the door and just send it on back," she said with a stifled giggle.
Larry was literally dancing trying to pull away from the cord. Gripping the cord, he yanked hard to each side trying to break the cords or the supports they were attached to. His efforts were to no avail. The doorbell rang and he froze. The bell rang again and he heard an impatient cough from the family room. He couldn't bring himself to answer it.
"Larry. Open. The. Door," Priscilla said in an even measured tone. This was the first time he heard annoyance toward him from Priscilla since this ordeal had started. He felt the cords tighten as he had to push against them to get to the door. He turned the knob, backing up quickly both out of embarrassment and to relieve the pressure on his balls.
The door swung open revealing a grinning beauty holding a pizza box. Tanya could have won any beauty pageant if she put her mind to it. She was decked out casually in shorts and a blouse, but her make-up and hair were impeccable. Larry's jaw dropped and his hands were covering his genitals. "Tanya!" he said in shock.
Considering the greeting, Tanya seemed cool and unperturbed. Larry had no way of knowing that Priscilla had set this up the night before and had filled Natalie in on the plan. Tanya laughed at Larry's plight. "Well well, she said finally. You're in a bit of a predicament there aren't you."
Larry was flushed head to toe. "I, I um. I lost a bet," he finally blurted.
Priscilla and Natalie came forward by this time and Priscilla spoke one word. "Hands."
Larry wasn't expecting the command and his surprise and consternation showed plainly on his face. With barely any hesitation, he raised his hands and interlocked his fingers behind his head. There was no doubt what Priscilla wanted and he wasn't about to resist her now.
Tanya laughed at his response. "It must have been some bet," she observed aloud. She brazenly looked down at his cock. He had lost his erection when he was in the throes of panic about the pizza delivery. He felt further shame as his cock began to inflate while the girls were pointedly watching. There was nothing he could do about it. His cock was a visual indicator of his inability to control his sexual thoughts.
Much to Larry's relief, as soon as his cock fully extended, the girls quit watching and proceeded as if his arousal was not their concern. "Thanks for bringing the pizza, Tanya," Priscilla said as she took the box and put it in the kitchen. They then went back into family room. Larry heard Tanya break out in hysterical laughter when she saw Dan. Despite his own degrading experience, Larry felt embarrassed for his friend.
Dan was standing by a hutch, trying to be invisible when the girls came his way. It was a token gesture as there was no place for him to hide. Tanya broke into laughter as soon as she saw him. "Oh Priscilla, I never dreamed you and Natalie were so decadent. This is just too good!"
Dan fidgeted and cast his eyes down. Natalie sat down and pointed to the floor in front of her. Dan, glad to have some direction almost gratefully knelt on the spot she indicated before her. She pointed at his knees with two fingers and spread them. He realized that she was showing off her control to Tanya. Without hesitation, he spread his knees in response to her signal. She looked straight into his eyes and he could tell she wanted more. It dawned on him that she wanted his hands behind his head and he immediately laced his fingers at the back of his neck. Tanya whistled a quiet whistle. "Wow. You two have them well trained. When did you say you started these games?"
"A couple of days," Natalie replied. She was beaming, proud of herself and the obedience Dan showed toward her. Then she sighed, "Too bad I can't get my bratty brother to behave this way."
Tanya laughed a light laugh. "When your brother and I are out on a date, he calls *you* the bratty one."
Natalie smiled at that. "Yeah, I guess I can be, but he gets the prize."
"I have no doubt," replied Tanya.
"Well shall we have some pizza?" Priscilla asked.
"Sure," said Natalie. She turned to Dan. "Dan, bring us each a piece of pizza and a soda."
"Right away, Natalie," Dan replied eager to get out of direct sight even if just for a few moments. As he rose to go to the kitchen, he paused. "Natalie?" he queried. "May I remove the jacks. I can better serve you if I don't have to contend with them."
Natalie smiled and considered his request. "Sure, but just the ones in your panties. Put them on the end table there, but leave the ones in your bra where they are."
Dan flushed as he hadn't thought about removing them in front of Tanya. Embarrassed, he reached down his crotch and fished around until he pulled the six devilish jacks from his panties. Tanya hadn't suspected the existence of the jacks until Dan fished them out. She immediately figured the purpose and effect of them. "Oh my," she exclaimed as she unsuccessfully tried to repress a giggle. Then to Natalie, she asked, "May I check out those in the bra?"
"Sure," Natalie replied.
Tanya reached over to Dan and pressed on his sock filled bra. He winced as the points of the jacks bit into his chest. She laughed a low laugh and patted his bra lightly. "Go do as you're told, boy," she said as she turned and sat down. Then addressing both the other girls, she said, "You two are too much. This is unbelievable!"
Dan scurried to the kitchen to retrieve the pizza and get drinks. Larry was close to the kitchen and could smell the pizza. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until now. The smell was driving his stomach wild. Dan too was starving, but dared not even take a sample. He soon returned with pizza and drinks for the girls.
When the girls had their fill, Natalie had Dan kneel in front of her and beg for scraps. Dan was mortified, but was determined to make Natalie look good in front of Tanya. His sexual tension and hunger for food both him even more eager. All three girls laughed at his eagerness to please. The photo op that made the best impression came when Natalie held a piece of pizza just in reach of his lips and lightly pressed her foot against his cock. He was desperately trying to bite the pizza and arching to press against her foot.
Larry had mixed feelings about being left out. He could hear the girls tormenting his friend and knew when they did turn their direction to him, he was in for a tough time. He was hungry and his balls ached from the tension and from the blue ball effect of being hard for most of last night and the day. He felt a combination of dread and relief when he heard the group approach.
Priscilla circled around and stood in front of him. "Kneel," she said in a low voice and a hint of a smile. Larry groaned as he bent his knees. His hands were still laced behind his head where they had remained during since they left him there. The cord pulled on his balls and forced them upwards. He felt uncomfortable, ridiculous, and helpless.
Priscilla held up a piece of pizza and Larry heard his voice croak as he spoke. "May I have a piece?" he asked. In answer, Priscilla smiled and placed the tip of the piece in his mouth. As he bit off a piece and chewed it hungrily. She offered more when he was ready and quietly fed him by hand a couple of pieces. He felt a warmth and dependence toward Priscilla. He was totally exposed, helpless, vulnerable... and she fed him.
After he finished the piece and thanked her, she dropped a second piece to the floor. "I think I'll let you get that one on your own," she said. "But first, lets get rid of this cord." With that she walked over to the tie in the kitchen and released it. Natalie looked over at her friend then went over and undid the other tie.
Larry, finally released his hands from his head and allowed himself to fall forward so he could rest on his hands as well as knees. "Oh thank you," he said gratefully.
"Go ahead and untie the cord," Priscilla said. "Then you can finish your pizza."
His balls were aching and tender. Untying the cord was difficult and he was very aware that he had no privacy. To the contrary, everyone was watching him struggle with the cord and his balls. Worse, in his mind anyway, there was no lessening of his obvious state of arousal. When he was finally free, he coiled the cord and put it on the table. He looked over at Priscilla. She was laughing with her friends and when she noted his gaze, she pointed to the pizza on the floor. Larry crawled over to the pizza and picked it up. "No hands," he heard Priscilla say softly. He put the pizza front of him and to the sound of snickering, he leaned down to eat it. It was a full size piece and difficult to eat. He would have to kind of snap like a dog does it to keep it from falling again as he tried to get more in his mouth. Regardless of his attempt, he dropped it several times before he was able to finish it off. By the time he was finished his face was covered in tomato sauce.
"I bet you're thirsty too, aren't you?" asked Priscilla. Then looking at Dan she made a similar inquiry, "Thirsty, Dan?" Both nodded in response. The boys watched her pull down a couple of shallow bowls from the cupboard and they knew this was to be a "no hands" task as well. Priscilla filled the bowls with Coke and placed them on the floor. Without having to be told, the boys went to respective bowls and dipped their tongues in.
Larry soon found out that it was impossible to quench his thirst just by dipping his tongue. He had to lap at it and slurp like a dog. He couldn't do it quietly. He felt degraded that he had to drink so noisily, but he had no choice if he wanted to quench his thirst. To make it worse, the carbonation irritated his nose and he had to sneeze in the middle of it. He felt a little better when he heard lapping and slurping noises from Dan. When he and Dan were finally finished (they were required to lick the bowls spotless), they were instructed to clean any spillage... again with out the use of hands. They were both grateful the McQueens kept their kitchen floor clean.
When they finished, Priscilla dampened a cloth in warm water and sponged the pizza sauce off Larry's face. Larry first felt a sense of emasculation by having his face washed. No one had washed his face since 1st grade. But the warmth of the cloth soothed him, he closed his eyes, and nuzzled Priscilla's hand. He let himself relax in her care. A quick slap on his cheek snapped him out of his reverie. The slap was a light playful one and he looked up at Priscilla chuckling and smiling down at him. "Don't fall asleep on me, Larry," she said. "I've got more torments to inflict."
Larry flushed a bit at being caught enjoying her ministrations. He then reached out and took her hand to his lips and softly kissed it. "I'll try to keep awake," he finally replied.
"Good," said Priscilla. "Let's go back into the family room." The three girls turned and led the way. The boys crawled behind them. They never even considered getting up to walk into the other room.
Once there, Tanya stayed standing while Priscilla and Natalie both sat on the sofa. Each pointed to the floor in front of them and the boys crawled to them. Flushing slightly and almost in unison, the boys knelt then positioned their knees wide apart and finally clasped their hands behind their heads. "This keeps getting better all the time," Tanya said as she watched the boys. "It's like they've been trained all their life."
Both boys flushed a bit. They felt pride that they were proficient at being submissive toys for the girls and at the same time they felt ashamed that they were so malleable that they were proficient at being submissive toys for the girls. They had both surrendered to the erotic tension of the situation. The fact that they were both stone hard and aching from being in that state so much of the day didn't hurt in their seduction.
The girls stretched out their legs until their feet covered the boys' penises. They chuckled and looked at each other. Their communication was subtle and minimal. They were appreciating the fact that they worked so well together.
Natalie wiggled her toes and Dan responded with an involuntary thrust. He blushed as his thrust was energetic and he could hear Tanya laughing. "Lets' play a game," said Priscilla. "Natalie and I will use our feet to play with the boys until they cum."
Both boys perked up at that. It's what their cocks had been begging for all day! Then they felt gaze of Tanya from the side. Her presence made them feel very self conscious. This was kind of personal. It was embarrassing enough when the others were participating, but having a dedicated spectator seemed different.
The girls wiggled their feet and toes and the need that had been building quickly overrode any inhibitions they may have felt. The guys were so primed that it took very little encouragement to bring them to full steam as their thrusts into the girls' feet were getting faster and more forceful. At this point, Priscilla touched Natalie's arm and said, "Oh..." Both girls pulled back their feet enough to stop the action. "One rule I forgot to mention about this game. The first one to cum will have to take ten swats from Tanya with the ping pong paddle," Priscilla said with a grin and the girls again re-applied pressure with their feet.
The boys groaned as they were both throbbing at the edge of cumming. Larry started to back away from Priscilla's feet. He didn't want swats on his very tender rear. Priscilla pressed hard and let her foot slide along Larry's shaft. He groaned as he couldn't resist thrusting back. His eyes opened wide and Priscilla's eyes met his. She could see the panic in Larry's face and he could see triumph in Priscilla's eyes. She knew she had him. Dan had noticed his friend backing off and he also slowed his pace trying to delay. Natalie giggled and wiggled her toes around his shaft. Dan was too far gone. The wiggling drove him over the top and with a loud groan, he thrust forward as hard as he could as he passed the point of no return. Larry too was lost in his world of sensation, he surrendered to Priscilla and knew that he too was past the point of no return. As he made his climaxing thrust, he heard Dan's groan. He had outlasted Dan by a stroke if even that. At this point he didn't really care as he unashamedly continued thrusting until he was drained. Breathless, he fell forward, and lay on the floor but twisted so he still kept Priscilla's feet on his groin. He looked up at Priscilla relieved to see her smile. He was glad she wasn't angry that he outlasted Dan. He looked over at Tanya. He had forgotten about her in the excitement of the moment. She was pulling out a photo from the camera. "We're going to have one heck of a scrapbook," was the thought that ran through his mind.
Natalie was still pumping Dan's cock with her toes. He was drained but was obviously enjoying the extended attention. Finally Natalie withdrew her feet. She giggled as Dan emitted a low moan of loss of her touch. "Bend forward, rear up," she said. Then she added mischievously, you may kiss my feet as Tanya gives your swats. Dan shuddered as he bent over to comply. With no prompting or encouragement, Tanya began administering the swats. The grin on her face left little doubt that she was enjoying being a participant in this part of the game.
Larry wiggled around to sit with his chest pressing against Priscilla's leg. He hugged her leg and tenderly caressed her calf and knee. He could feel her fingers intertwine in his hair as she pet his head. The sounds of the swats and resulting groans from Dan in protest seemed far away as he nuzzled Priscilla thigh. Life was good.
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