The Thralldom Sperm Donation Center-part 6
This story is intended as sexual fantasy entertainment for adults only.
I slept very soundly for hours and awoke in a daze, pulling on the wrist restraint straps that immobilized my hands above me. Slowly my surroundings and circumstance became more clear, and I pushed the call button to relieve my intensely full bladder that tormented me now. The nurse came in at once and stood over me.
"I've got to piss!", I grunted, "real bad."
She quickly uncuffed me and helped me to get up and walk to the bathroom. When we reached the stool she pulled the toilet lid up and held my elbow. I groaned as I fingered my half erect penis and waited a bit until a thick streamer of warm urine shot out of my sore dick. My knees wobbled as I held my hand against the wall and emptied myself. It took several minutes as the gushers of dark urine continued to pulse outward at regular intervals.
Finally I stood back and she shook my dick a bit, and took toilet paper and blotted my dripping pisshole several times.
"My, you had a full bladder didn't you?"
She pulled me and we walked back into the sleeping room and I sat down.
"You stay right there for a moment, ok....don't move, and I'll be back with some nutrition."
I nodded sleepily, and she disappeared out the door and was back within a short time.
She had a bottle of the special supplement drink that they had been giving me and fruit juice. She also brought a hamburger and I quaffed it down voraciously as I sipped the juices. I was erect again, and she gently felt of my penis and balls.
"You're ready to go again hon but I'm afraid you'll have to wait."
She deftly pulled out a hypodermic syringe and injected a small amount into the air, and flipped the tip. She then swabbed my arm and pinched the skin as she slid in the long needle. I felt the contents rush into me, and I felt the warm wonderful sensation that I had come to expect from the injections. The Ejactrin rushed throughout my body and into my brain, doing it's sinister work of total enslavement.
I breathed in heavily as I consumed my meal, and enjoyed the wonderful illusion of freedom and elation that I had come to relish from the powerful drug. My penis became rock hard and began to drain heavily, and she put a thick absorbent towel around it to catch the thick dribble. When I finished she sat the dinner items aside. I looked up at her and spoke slowly.....
"I've got to shit."
She helped me up and led me to the bathroom.
"Have your bowel movement now and we'll give you your shower afterward, ok."
I sat and strained and emptied out as she flushed, and the powerful ventilation fan removed the odor rapidly. I wiped until I was clean and she flushed again. We went into the room again and another nurse was there to assist. They ushered me out and down the hall into the shower area. I felt a pang of fear as we approached the overhead shower fixture, but let them strap my hands above me, and my legs spread again. I was feeling something like a rag doll now, and they did whatever they wanted with me and I had no power to resist.
I dreaded the harsh scrubbing that was coming and steeled myself as they prepared. I received the full cleaning again, including the anal reaming and nut washing, and my eyes were squinted in discomfort after they had finished with me. It wasn't as rough as the last one, however, and one of the nurses rubbed her fingers through my butt crack and spoke soothingly to me. It was a bit confusing for me and I moaned to her soft words.
"Sorry we have to do this sugar....we do what we're told."
They released me, and then cuffed my hands behind, and took me to the other side of the complex and into a surgical lab. My blood ran cold as I looked at the operating table and surgical equipment, and felt the cold air. I was shaking with fear as Nichole, Tammy and Anne approached me.
They surrounded me and gave me the once over, checking every inch of my body.
There was a young woman there.....she had short dark hair and a very pretty pixie like face. She must have been in her mid twenties, and looked to be about five four. There was something incredibly erotic about her, and her perfect ass and tight business suit made my dick bob up and down uncontrollably, dribbling precum.
She smiled at me in a way that completely disarmed my intense feeling of dread. She had surgical gloves on and gently gripped my large hanging balls in her hands. While doing this she looked me in the eyes as she expertly felt and pressured my testicles and total genital area, and then slipped her finger up my ass, and rubbed it over my prostate. My pecker was so hard I was shaking, and it dripped onto her rubber glove. She removed her finger and pulled me over to an examination table.
"Just lie face down over the edge baby and let Becka examine you a little more."
The director, Anne, and Tammy stood close behind.
Nichole cleared her throat and spoke softly....
"He's stage four Ejactrin now, and is ours completely. We need him converted totally for our purposes, however, and you are the best in your field of specialty."
Becka moved behind me and spread my asscheeks, holding a strange looking instrument in her hand. With it she could stimulate my prostate and rear testicle plexus and gain information from my reactions.
Her voice was even and professional, and she spoke while she worked.
"I can make him into a 'masturbation machine', she purred, "and alter him to produce many times what he is capable of now."
"It will take at least two surgeries and iv gonad saturation. Assuming, that is, you are going all the way."
Nichole looked carefully as Becka slid the instrument up my ass and against my prostate and balls. The attractive director breathed in heavily and her words contained a profound urgency.
"The higher ups say go the limit, he is too valuable to risk now."
Becka pressed the test device in firmly and began to give me stinging and intermittant shocks. I jerked against her manipulations but held there for her to do what she wanted with me.
"It will cost you", she grunted, "tremendously!"
Nichole merely smoothed back her hair and spoke with absolute determination....
"Cost is not a factor Miss uh.....not at all."
Becka moved the probes around vigorously.
"He's responding well, and his physical structure is perfect for my unique surgical treatments."
She pulled out the metal tool and lay it down on the table.
Becka had been a child prodigy in her growing years, and later one of the most accomplished genital and reproductive surgeons in the world. At twenty three she had become seduced by the corporate world of insane profit and corruption, and now plied her trade and did her research at the same time with the blessings of many different organizations worldwide.
She had used her unique semen extraction and enhancement methods in service of a number different organizations, such as certain horse racing clientele, and various thoroughbred reproduction venues, and had pioneered the discovery and use of certain extremely rare compounds found in seminal fluid. She had worked with this kind of institution before, but was new to this particular group.
She looked carefully at Nichole...
"So is it a go?", she said, pulling off her latex gloves.
Nichole looked seriously at her....."Absolutely!"
"Ok, first surgery in an hour. I'll have to closely monitor him for the next few months to make sure he develops as I anticipate. I've brought my own people with me so we'll have everything covered"
"You realize, of course that you have taken this man's normal life away, you can never go back. Ejactrin is far more potent than you realize....I've used it extensively on stallions and bulls that I have converted over by surgery, and they have to be restrained at all times and milked often, or they will seek relief by rubbing their genitals against any obstacle available. They will do this constantly, and often harm themselves."
"You can't possibly imagine how many horse and bull cocks I've masturbated and milked and they absolutely will not stop ejaculating once started."
Nichole's eyes widened in approval and she stared at the exhilarated Becka.
"Of course here your donors masturbate themselves."
"He will become an insane masturbation machine....and his output will be more than you can believe."
"I love to see males jacking off, especially when they can't stop themselves, it's a special kind of horny thing for me"
"Too bad about your donor", she said thoughtfully....."I wouldn't mind fucking him..."
Nichole smiled broadly and laughed.
"That can surely be arranged my dear....."
Becka cut her off with a wave of the hand....
"No no, sorry, never will do....just thinking outloud."
"One hour from now, in this lab, have him here. I'll give him general anesthesia and he'll be out for maybe an hour or two. Just got to do some special preliminary work on him. I'll have to deep inject his balls and prostate so he's going to be very sore for a few days. He'll have to be milked even if he's unconscious to prevent damaging back pressure on his testes. Also I'll begin the conversion process inside the base of his penis. A very delicate surgery there, but important."
"He'll have a special gonadotropic iv in his scrotal vascular plexus, and that will be in for two days. We'll give him painkillers so he'll be as comfortable as possible."
By now I was becoming very frightened....most of my consciousness was still intact, and I understood what was being said about me.
Becka gently massaged my nuts and kissed me softly on the cheek.
"Its ok sweetheart....don't be afraid....Becka knows just what she's doing. You're going to be fine and you're going to have a lot of fun believe me....a lot more fun than fucking I promise you, and no babies to worry about. You've got to work with me and do just what I say......ok?"
I was shaking a bit now and my draining penis was oozing semen....I nodded feebly, and looked desperately into her eyes for reassurance. She looked kindly at me and whispered almost noiselessly.........
"It's gonna be alright hon....Becka is not cruel like they are."
She glanced toward the other women and turned to leave.
The facility nurses led me away again and put me in my sleeping cubicle.
They gave me a sedative, and soon I was relaxed and dozing.
The sedative I had been given worked well, and I napped for almost an hour. When I awoke I felt a queasy churning in my stomach, and that uncomfortable tingling of fear one feels at times before any kind of medical procedure. I knew I would be put asleep but I was still terrified of what she would do to my poor balls and cock. I liked them the way they were, and damn sure didn't want anyone messing with them.
I knew that there was no choice for me....and their hypnotic control over me would insure that I did anything they demanded. The door opened and the two clinic nurses came in and helped me to stand up. I looked at them in dread but they didn't look me in the eye, but merely led me away and down to the surgery area. We went inside and there were two pretty young nurses waiting, dressed in cap, gown, and mask.
My hands were uncuffed and they helped me lay down on the surgery table. The air was icy and I was very agitated and afraid of the surroundings. They smiled and were very pleasant as they covered me with a heated blanket and strapped my arms down beside me. They inserted an iv needle in my hand. When that was finished they injected another mild sedative to calm me.
I lay there and began to relax a bit, and the drug helped calm my fears. There were stirrups on the table and they carefully placed my legs in them and raised my knees back toward my head and strapped me in that way. A heated covering was draped over my lower area, leaving my extremities available to the surgeon.
Becka came in, and was in surgical cap and gown also. Her mask was pulled down below her chin. She came up to me and squeezed my arm and smiled, and made some joke about me freezing my butt off and then rubbed her hand over my forehead.
"It's ok baby....you're going to be fine. This is Jennifer, and this is Tia, my two faithful assistants."
They smiled and squeezed my arm....
"We're not here to hurt you Jim....just try and relax."
Becka pulled her mask up over her face.
"Ok Jim, we're going to put you under now, and we want you to have a good sleep, ok?
"You won't feel a thing."
Jennifer took a syringe and slowly injected the contents into the iv line. Soon everything blanked away, and my fear went into nothingness. I could have been asleep for hours or years or whatever and when the veil of unconsciousness began to lift I had no idea who or where I was. Slowly I became conscious, and Becka's pretty face was above mine.
I could feel nothing below, but within a few minutes a slight aching began in my testicles. It was nothing much, just a mild deep aching. My whole genital area seemed very hot, and soon a profound throbbing set in. They knew this and gave me a hypo, and soon the pain was gone. My legs were still raised back and I was covered with a heat blanket over my whole upper and lower area.
Becka leaned down and looked into my eyes.....
"Everything went just fine Jim.....just fine. You'll be sore for a few days but we'll give you something to ease the pain. You have an iv still installed in your genital area, so we want you to remain very still and don't try to move, ok? We'll take it out in a few days but, for now we want you to sleep as much as you can, and just relax."
They detached all the equipment and rolled the surgical table into a nearby hospital room. The iv was attached to the table, and hung above my lower half.
Then they attached a standard iv to my hand, and so that liquid stabilizers and antibiotics could be given me.
As I lay there some measure of feeling was slowly coming back into my privates, and the worse part was the deep aching in my balls and penis. The painkillers had taken care of most of that, however, so I merely relaxed and lay still. They turned the TV on and I was able to use the remote as I desired. That night I slept again, under the influence of powerful sedatives.
The next day they lowered my raised legs down somewhat, but not completely. The nurses washed my balls and penis carefully two or three times a day with a warm antisceptic liquid, and dried them thoroughly. A catheter had been installed during the surgery and remained in for a few days.
On the third day they took out the catheter and lowered my legs down all the way, and it felt good to lay flat again. The aching in my testes and penis became very profound now, and I had to endure the painful introduction of medication down into my inner urethra. Becka did this very carefully so as not to cause any more pain than necessary, but it still hurt and I was in a state of deep depression by now. They let me stand and walk to the bathroom, and the sight of my balls and cock were startling to me.
My poor nuts were swollen twice their normal size, and my dick was larger in girth. I could pass urine but had to do it carefully because of the sting. Becka was usually there when I urinated and sat on a stool and gently stroked my penis to help.
I became aware of a pressure in my nuts and indeed I could understand because of their swelling. On the fourth day I made my way to the bathroom to urinate and Becka sat on a chair next to the toilet. They had evidently stopped giving me anti erection medication and I developed a profound hardon while she sat there looking at my swollen privates. The skin on my dick was noticeably thicker than normal, and my urethra was also enlarged.
Becka looked up a me with that infectiously enthusiastic expression of hers, and gently felt of my hanging balls and hardened cock.
"Very nice progress!", she said proudly. "Now I know you need masturbation relief badly so you're going to do it for me here, ok? Just take it easy and go slowly. I like to watch men jackoff Jim...it's one of my favorite things, so we'll just have some fun.....is that all right with you?"
She smiled up at me brightly, and I could feel the slightest grin creep onto my face.
"So alright now.....very slowly stroke off for me, and build your load. It shouldn't take long for results."
"Your discharge is going to be much larger than normal baby, and it will be from now on. Ok stroke yourself off a bit more for me."
"You've been drinking your own semen so I know you're used to that, ok?"
"Yes mam."
I put my two fingers around my penis and slowly moved them back and forth, letting the foreskin slide up and down slightly. I was still a little sore but soon got into it and the pleasure came on me much faster than usual. The base of my cock was very hot inside, and this sent an electric shiver of pleasure through me. I jumped at the extreme jolt of lustful enjoyment, and moved my hand a bit faster, gasping in pleasure and breathing harder each moment.
Becka looked up at me as I worked myself and held a beaker below my cock to catch the ejaculate. I groaned loudly in pleasure as I speeded my movements, and noticed that the pain was a bit uncomfortable now but I could not stop, and I grunted in ecstasy as I looked down at the pretty surgeon. I had my hand against the wall to support myself and my hips began to pump automatically as I neared orgasm. The pleasureful throes that gripped me were beyond description, and I gasped in ecstasy as I went over the edge.
I was drooling as I looked down at Becka, and jerked violently forward, and groaned loudly as a thick gusher of semen blasted out of my pee hole. The viscous river of white goo splashed into the beaker as she held it, and she looked excitedly at the monstrous ejection near her face. She licked her lips as she watched it, and I could smell her womanly arousal as she stared at my moving hand, and erupting penis.
I pumped and pumped and could not stop, pushing out more semen, and finally I went dry and was still pumping. It was becoming painful now, and I groaned as I stood there, trying desperately to will my exploding dick to stop. Becka knew exactly what was happening and gripped my balls near the upper vascular bundles, and squeezed tightly.
I looked down at her in desperation, and was still pumping and jerking forward and back as she applied pressure. Finally the runaway orgasm began to subside, and I humped feebly as I stared down at her with raw, bloodshot eyes. She understood this very well, and finally brought things down by gently massaging my drained nuts. It was very comforting and she tenderly held my still semi hard cock in her hand as she soothed my raw testes with the other.
My balls were on fire by now and she quickly got a syringe and gave me an injection in the arm. The hurt went away quickly, and I could barely move as she helped me back to the bed.
Though I knew she was one of the authors of my destruction in a sense, she was also wonderful, and I knew that money and corruption had yet not seeped into her heart of hearts.
She brought the beaker of my own semen to me and sat on the bed.
"Here....you must drink this."
I took it from her hand and tipped it up, and swilled down the large load of fresh cum. She smiled as I ate the last drops and took her finger and dabbed a glob near the corner of my mouth, putting it on my tongue. I swallowed it all and dipped my finger down inside the beaker and took out more, and put it in my mouth.
"I know you like that", she chuckled, "don't lie to me."
Becka had probably been working with men and animals in this way for a large portion of her life, and it was obvious that she was perfectly suited for it. The fact that she was a world famous surgeon as well as a beautiful young woman made the whole picture seem inexplicable.
She personally gave my penis and balls sonic healing treatments for days afterward, and before long the damage and pain had gone. I felt more sexual desire than I had in my life, and I now found myself stroking almost constantly with Becka's observation and approval. I could barely keep up with my semen production, and ate it at every opportunity, as well as contributing substantial quantities of it to the clinic for their usage.
I knew, however, that I might have to undergo a few more surgeries, and I shuddered to imagine what this would mean for my future genital and sexual development, and semen production.
I was placed back in the tender hands of the regular staff after awhile, to test and develop my newfound abilities.
Nichole, Anne, and Tammy became quite active in my daily activities, and wanted to test the limits of my seminal output. I was masturbating most of my waking hours now, usually just playing with myself for entertainment, and as per instructions, refrained from ejaculation until directed by the staff. I was allowed to eat all precum drainage which was pretty substantial in itself.
The three women delighted in finding humiliating new adventures for me, and one in particular gave me heavy embarrassment. There were a number of female waiting rooms in and around the interior of the clinic, and were filled with women who were to be artificially inseminated. They broke me in several days after I had finished my first surgery with Dr. Becka, and took me to the main area.
Women who desired to see such a sex show during their wait were screened and invited to this particular room. After a fresh dose of Ejactrin they led me nude into the area, on a leash, and all eyes fell on me instantly. There were smiles of enjoyment, and surprised shock, and just plain lust.
Nichole stood beside me, and as traffic passed on all sides spoke to those present.
"Ladies, you have chosen to experience our unique form of sexual entertainment here as well as our unsurpassed insemination capabilities, and will, of course be witness to the degradation of some of our handsome young male donors. Just continue with your scheduled appointments, and we will stand over here to the side and give you a little entertainment sample of what you desire to see."
"This is Jim, ladies, and he is one of our very special volunteers and semen producers here, and as such is to be treated in a sexually deviant and abusive way. He has volunteered for this, of course, and is bound by an ironclad contract that he cannot break. He is acutely aware of his humiliation, we assure you, and you will enjoy his utter mortification as he is put through his paces."
"The semen he produces each day has a value that cannot be described, and the special ingredients contained in his male fluid are of great importance to us, and to the world at large, believe me. Thanks to our research efforts, important new discoveries in medicine have already been achieved."
"Jim loves to be humiliated don't you Jim?"
I cringed and just wanted to be anywhere else at this moment, but I knew I must play out the scene, and give them what they wanted.
"Yes mam....I...."
"You see ladies, the more you embarrass him the more valuable is his ejaculation content. Does it feel uncomfortable for you to be here nude in front of all these women Jim?"
"That's quite a hardon you have there James, and you're dripping on the floor."
"I...I'm sorry...."
"Well sorry doesn't get it Jimmy boy....and now you're going to have to entertain all these ladies since you've interrupted their appointment schedule."
"I'm sorry....."
"Play with your balls James, and show the ladies how big and full they are."
I was like a robot now.....but a fully conscious robot able to feel with great intensity.
I pulled my large nuts upward, and let them flop over my fingers, and stroked my cock until my dick was rock hard and standing out with a very painful erection. I could feel the pressure in my nuts begin to rise, and soon this became very uncomfortable. I knew I would have to relieve myself soon.
Nichole knew how to stop my ejaculation when necessary, but the truth was, she was unwilling to do so, as she had proven during my last masturbation session.
The last time I had emptied my load in front of six female visitors in the masturbation area, I had jerked about desperately, making a huge mess, unable to stop my hips from humping. The sight, I'm sure was quite bizarre, and the women had laughed hysterically as they left. It had taken at least ten minutes of pumping before I was able to calm myself and stop.
On these occasions my balls were so traumatized that I had to wait hours before I was able to ejaculate again.
Suddenly Nichole slapped my ass very hard with a leather paddle, making me scream at the top of my lungs. The room suddenly became quiet as she hit my other ass cheek just as hard and produced another scream. This set into motion my insane craving for pain and self gratification, and I was soon consumed with a rabid masturbation need, and jacked off my large cock with complete disregard for the presence of the group of about thirty women who were staring blankly at me now.
I grunted and looked at them, my eyes bugged out in pleasure, and my balls were slapping against my hand as I did the dirty for them. They began to cheer, and cat calls filled the room with their degrading sarcasm.
I could not control myself and was experiencing a pleasure so intense now that it would have been impossible for me to stop. The sarcastic smiles on the faces of the women were more degrading than words can describe, and I nearly cried as I opened my bare soul to them and made a complete ass of myself.
I was performing the most intimate act that a human is capable of, and letting them degrade and spit on my feelings while they watched in amusement. It was more than I could believe and assimilate. My hand moved faster now, and Nichole and Tammy stood back a bit, knowing what was next. Nichole held my leash tightly as I increased my pace, and I slobbered and grunted like an ape as I neared orgasm.
Dr. Becka had done her work well, and with only one surgical procedure. This was only the beginning and I just could not deal with what might come later. I hit my orgasm and jumped a few inches off the floor as my penis spit clear across the room and splattered on several women sitting on the opposite side. I yelled like a primitive creature servicing a nubile and ripe female, and my thick pecker spit wad after wad of creamy nut juice onto the shocked audience of women.
They jumped up and moved aside and were livid with rage as I continued to squirt onto the tile in front of them. My hips were pumping rapidly as I sank to the floor, and I merely kneeled there as I jerked and grunted, with nothing more coming from my penis. I groaned at each body spasm, and finally started crying in shame as the faces of the women flared with disgust for me.
Nichole was beside herself with joy, and Tammy smiled at her and snickered as the two savored the moment. Two female security guards came in, and Nichole nodded toward me on the floor. I was twitching still as the guards lifted me up, cuffed me, and escorted me out of the room. The floor was wet down with my spunk, and most of the women had gone, a few sliding awkwardly on the spent semen as they exited.
Two nurses came in and salvaged as much as possible of my spent cum, taking samples of it off the chairs and walls.
They took me back to my room and gave me a powerful sedative after wiping me down. The two facility nurses were shocked at my appearance, and displayed a quiet sympathy for me.
"Dr. Becka will be pissed at this", one of them said quietly.
The other nurse didn't look at her but helped me to lay down for sleep.
"That's none of our business", she whispered.
My next surgery was to be a month later, and would lead me even further down an impossible road of sexual carnage. I was highly addicted by now to the strange drug they had been giving me, and needed a fix each day. I'd felt pleasure here more intense than any normal human would experience in a lifetime, but at a terrible price.
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