tng- EIGHT - The Poker Game
Right after school, Larry went straight over to Priscilla's house. Natalie was already there. It was obvious that all three of them were nervous as they contemplated the entrapment of Dan. Larry's method of cheating was simply to have him set up the game as boys vs. girls and for him to purposely lose. If needed, he could deal a card or two off the bottom of the deck when Dan wasn't looking. Dan wouldn't expect being betrayed by his friend.
They had barely finished going over the details of the plan when Dan got home. Dan found the three of them sitting on the floor around the low coffee table playing hearts.
Hiding his nervousness, Larry greeted him. "Hi Dan. I came over for some basketball but we got caught up in this game of hearts. It should be over in a few minutes."
"Sure thing, Larry. I'll get a ball," Dan replied as he turned to fetch the ball from his room.
"Why don't you play hearts with us?" Priscilla called out. "It's a lot more fun with four."
"No thanks sis," he replied. Then as predicted, Dan put on a lecherous smile and added, "Now if it was strip poker, I might be interested."
Without knowing it, Dan had just stepped into their trap.
Larry followed suit with an evil grin of his own as he looked at Priscilla. "Yeah. Now that's a real game. Everyone knows girls can't play poker."
From the side, Natalie suddenly piped up in a petulant voice, "Boys are NOT better than girls! We can beat you any day of the week."
Priscilla didn't have to try hard to show a blush. Her face was beet red as she stuttered a reply to Natalie, "You can't be serious."
Dan perceived this as an opportunity to embarrass his sister. Not for a minute did he believe that this exchange would actually lead to a strip poker game. "What's the matter, sis? I thought you liked playing cards. You afraid you'll lose."
Like the blush, Priscilla didn't have to try to simulate anger. She let the emotion surface when she snapped back, "You always do this when I want to play a game! We'll have you guys in your birthday suits before you could turn around!" She stopped abruptly and looked perplexed as if she had accidentally blurted out an acceptance to his challenge with immediate second thoughts.
Flushed with the moment and sensing success to a suggestion that had only been a fantasy, Dan exclaimed without thinking, "You're on! Loser has to do what the winner wants"
The trap had snapped shut.
"I think 5 card draw is the way to go," Larry said, breaking the silence that had followed Dan's out burst.
Dan's mind was whirling. He was the only one in the room that was not pretending to be surprised at the direction the events were headed. He sat on the sidelines as Larry 'negotiated' the rules of the game with the girls. He heard the voices but his attention was concentrated on his nervousness, his desire to see the girls naked, and his deep concern that the unthinkable might occur. He suppressed the feeling of panic when the thought that he might lose surfaced.
Larry looked at the girls as he spelled out the rules of the game even though Dan was the one he intended to hear them. "Each person will have 5 items of clothing to offer and one free pass. Shoes and socks will count as one, pants or skirt, shirt or blouse, two items of underwear, and finally a free pass for one chance to get back in the game. The game will be 5 card draw with a maximum replacement draw of three cards. Each hand will be showdown for a bet of one item. The highest hand will win an item from the member of the opposite sex with the lowest hand."
The girls nodded their agreement to the rules as Larry spelled them out. Dan found himself nodding despite growing misgivings. He was starting to think he should pull out but he knew he would never hear the end of it from his sister if he did. "They have to be bluffing," he thought to himself. "I've got to call their bluff."
"When someone runs out of clothes and loses the free pass, they are out of the game and must obey the person who won the free pass," Larry continued. "The partner can bail out a loser with a item of his own when the deal comes around to him. Until then, it will be two against one. The game ends when both members of a partnership lose their last free pass."
Then, after shuffling the cards, Larry placed the deck on the table, picked up a few cards with a jack on the bottom showing it to the others. "High card deals," he said. "I've got a jack."
Dan won both the deal and that hand. He had his sister's shoes (she wasn't wearing socks) in his possession. His misgivings had evaporated and he taunted her, "It won't be long now, sis and you'll have to do what ever I want."
Priscilla noticed that if she lost the next item, she would expose either her panties or her bra. She protested, "This isn't fair, if a girl loses just twice, it's embarrassing. Guys don't have to worry until the game is almost over."
"Tough, no changing the rules now!" exclaimed Dan with his lecherous grin. "you agreed to them." He was feeling positively giddy. Priscilla scowled at him. She was looking forward to making him eat those words.
Natalie won the next hand and Larry gave her his shoes and socks. Since Larry was throwing his high cards away before the draw, it was no surprise that he would be the losing male.
On Larry's deal, it wasn't hard to slip Priscilla a couple of aces for her draw. Dan wasn't paying any attention to him and Larry didn't have to worry about the girls seeing him cheat. Priscilla won with an aces high pair giving her protection against losing any of her clothes for at least for the next hand. Larry was starting to feel a sense of helplessness as he gave his shirt to Priscilla. He knew he would soon lose more.
Dan won again and took possession of Larry's footwear from Natalie. Then Priscilla won again and now had possession of both of Larry's shirts. "I'm really getting lousy cards, Larry mumbled as he handed over the shirt."
Now that Larry was showing a bare torso, the room became quiet. With the feel of the cool air on his chest, Larry was physically aware that he was soon to be naked in front of the girls again but this time Dan would be there. His face turned beet red as the thought passed through his mind and he felt himself get hard as well. "Oh, no!" He thought to himself. The thought of having a hard on in front of the girls and with his friend looking on was mortifying.
Dan too became aware that the game wasn't going well for the guys. It dawned on him that if Larry lost, he would bring Dan down with him. The realization that this was a good possibility shot a flash of nervous eroticism through him and he had to squirm as he felt himself start to get hard.
The next hand was won by Natalie. Larry was flushing brightly as he fumbled with his pants. He was wearing jockey shorts and there was no way he could hide his erection. Worse, there was already a visible circle of moisture in front of his shorts. He resisted standing up where pant removal would have been easy. Instead he squirmed on the floor shimming out of them and curled trying to hide his erection. Finally he handed the pants to a giggling Natalie, staying in a semi fetal position then turning over quickly on his stomach.
Dan felt embarrassed himself as he felt Larry's shame reflect on him. "Oh wow, he's got a hard on too," he thought to himself as Larry's efforts to cover himself proved inadequate. This game was not progressing as he had expected.
The next few hands passed with the girls and Dan winning and losing and basically trading Larry's clothes until the inevitable happened, Larry lost his jockey shorts to Natalie. Larry knew he was looking and acting ridiculous by slipping off the shorts while remaining curled. But in his embarrassment, he couldn't bring himself to do otherwise. Just the fact that Dan was there made him more aware that he was the only one without clothes.
Priscilla got up and circled beside him. As Larry finally reached up to give his shorts to Natalie, Priscilla lunged at him and pushed him over on his back when he was off balance. Larry tumbled back and all he could think about was how exposed he was. The two girls were laughing hysterically as he quickly rolled back into a curl. It was no secret that he was erect. He wrapped his arms around his knees to try to cover. He thought about dropping down on to lay on his stomach for some concealment, but he didn't want Dan to see that he had welts on his ass cheeks. That may not have been a concern. Dan was so embarrassed, he couldn't look at his naked friend. He kept his eyes averted and focused on the table.
Dan was beet red. He was deeply embarrassed that it was male genitalia that was exposed. The only thing he had seen of the girls were bare feet. Try as he might, he couldn't think of anything to say or do to help his friend or himself to get out of the situation. His hands were shaking as he picked up the cards for the next hand.
Larry tried to regain some composure, but it was futile as he stayed in the fetal position, his welts letting him know that he was sitting hard on them. Almost mercifully, he lost the next hand to Priscilla.
"Ok, Larry," Priscilla said. "Now you have to do what I say. That was the agreement."
Flushing a deep red, Larry nodded his head. He was relieved that she was taking control. Somehow it seemed less embarrassing if he was told to do something rather than his being responsible for doing contortions and such in his vain attempt at modesty.
"Stand up and put your hands behind your head," she commanded.
Larry looked at her with disbelief. He couldn't do that! Not with Dan in the room. He looked at Priscilla and could tell she meant it. He had no choice. Flushing furiously, he slowly rose from the floor. His cock was fully erect and moisture was definitely on the tip. He was aware of the feel of it swaying back and forth as his hands slid behind his head. His entire body was red from embarrassment but he stayed there keeping his back away from Dan's line of vision. He couldn't think of anything to say and kept quiet. Natalie reached over and lightly brushed his shaft and watched it sway and throb in response to her touch. Both girls giggled as they settled back to the table to continue the game.
Dan was mortified. He was ready to bolt. Forget the pride and the teasing that would follow, this had gotten way out of hand. He couldn't even look at Larry. He was so embarrassed for his friend. Just as he had about decided to call the game off, Larry finally spoke. "Come on Dan. You got me into this. You've got to win back my free turn so we can win this."
"Larry is right," he thought. He reasoned that the only chance of saving any face was to win the game. He had to get Larry back in the game quickly as the odds were now obviously 2 to 1 against him. He didn't suspect Larry's role in this or he would have known that those were the odds all along.
He won the next two hands and was able to trade an item for Larry to come back to the game. Larry was still naked but at least he had cards. Larry kept low as the inclination to cover himself would not go away. With the next several hands, the boys lost most of them and Dan soon found himself having to give his undershirt to his sister. It had cost Dan several of his won items to keep Larry in the game.
Dan's heart beat faster as he felt the cool air hit his bare chest. At that moment he knew they were going to lose. They were too far down to make a comeback. To his dismay, Dan felt himself getting hard again after he had gone soft during the game. He knew that, like Larry, he was going to be humiliatingly hard when he lost his underwear. Try as he might, he couldn't think of any way to get out of continuing the game without loss of face. He remembered how Natalie touched Larry's penis. His own erection got harder as he thought of that. He was starting to hope that he would get touched that way too. At least Larry was there and already naked. Somehow he took comfort that he wasn' t the first to be stripped.
Taking his pants off when he lost them was harder than he thought it would be. He tried to be nonchalant, but like Larry, he had an obvious erection and wet spot. His cock got caught in his undershorts and his shaft was held sticking straight out unable to rise to full staff and it wasn't about to deflate. He couldn't help but curl in a vain effort to hide. He remembered how ridiculous Larry looked when Larry did the same thing, but he couldn't help himself. Then he decided to lay face down on the floor.
Natalie watched Dan as he struggled with himself and stripped down. She could see that he was erect and hoped that she would have a chance to squeeze it. She didn't even think about the fact that Dan might be looking forward to that more than she was.
When Larry lost again, Dan refused to give up his shorts to get Larry back in the game. At Priscilla's command, Larry had to stand by her for the remainder of the game. Giggling, Natalie got up and circled around behind him. She reached around and lightly fingered his shaft. Priscilla looked up and grinned at him as she gave him a hard slap on the rear. The welts were still tender and Larry gasped at the sudden sting. He fought to keep his eyes from tearing. He didn't want his friend to see how weak he was.
Dan felt his face get red hot with embarrassment as he lost the next hand to his sister. He tried to be nonchalant as he pulled his shorts off and handed them to her. He felt awkward as he tried to angle his legs to give him some cover. It was a futile effort as his naked erection was obvious to all.
Dan was almost relieved when he lost the last hand to Natalie. At least the game was over. He was hoping that now the game was over, they could dress and go on to less embarrassing activities. He was wrong.
"Stand up, Dan" commanded Natalie. Natalie was a trying to hide her nervousness as she spoke. Now that the game was over, she wasn't sure what to do. She was having doubts as she watched him slowly stand. She still had a crush on him and didn't want him to be angry with her.
Dan flushed as he moved to obey. This hadn't gone how he expected at all. He was acutely aware of his erection and crossed his hands in front of it. He wanted to say something flippant but couldn't think of anything to say. Looking over at his sister and Larry, he was aware that they too were watching him. There was a moment of awkward silence as the four of them tried to adjust to the situation. None of them had really thought about what to do after the game.
Priscilla was wishing she had time to read her mom's book. She felt she had to do something, but with her brother there it seemed weird. She decided that the boys had to pay a price for losing and looking over at Natalie she exclaimed, " Let's have the guys do a dance for us." Looking at her brother she continued, " You lost and have to pay the price. Dance for us guys!" As they hesitated, she turned and looked Larry straight in the eyes. "Do it."
Larry flushed under her gaze. He self consciously started wiggling a bit with a cross between a shimmy and the twist. Taking his cue from Larry, Dan hesitantly wiggled a bit too. Strangely, having his sister there watching bothered him more than Natalie.
"Come on you guys. You can do better than that," Priscilla egged them on.
Natalie started to giggle as the guys started gyrating. Gaining confidence, she looked over at Priscilla. "Hey Cilla, do you have some music to add to this?"
"Sure do," she replied as she headed over to the stereo. "Hold it for a moment guys while I get the music going."
Larry and Dan were grateful to stop. Neither could look the other in the eye. They had never danced around like this before and they were naked besides. Both were acutely aware of their exposed cocks swinging around when they tried to dance. Both shafts were sticking straight out and neither of them wanted to acknowledge that fact. Though they were dreading having to dance again, they were relieved when the music started breaking another awkward quiet interval.
Once the music started, the girls became more aggressive. "Oh shake it Larry," Priscilla taunted. "Jump, I want to see both feet off the floor!" She caught Natalie's eye and the both started laughing as they watched Larry jump with his cock and balls bouncing.
Dan watched in horror as his friend was bouncing around. He flinched when he heard Natalie yell over at him, "You too Dan. I want to see you bounce!" He could hear the girls laughing hysterically as he felt his shaft slap against his thigh and the tug of his balls when his feet hit the floor.
Larry was relieved when Dan started as he was feeling ultra foolish when he was bouncing alone. He also was aware of the welts on his butt and tried to keep it out of sight of Dan. There was no need to try to explain those right now. Like Dan, his awareness was focused on his swinging dick and balls and the girls' laughter. Regardless, his shaft grew stiffer as he gyrated. His balls ached from the constant arousal during the day in anticipation of the game as well as the game itself. Each bounce was agony.
As they danced, the girls regained some of their composure from laughing and joined in. Being careful to avoid the prominent shafts, they would rub against the guys. Finally as the music of the song died down, Priscilla grabbed Larry' s penis and looked him straight in the eyes. "Follow me," she said softly but firmly. She noted that Natalie followed her lead and grabbed Dan's shaft as well. "Let's go into the kitchen."
The two girls led the now compliant boys into the kitchen. Priscilla didn't say anything, but while holding Larry's cock, she slid around behind him, and allowed her free hand to caress his back and then stomach as her arms circled his body.
Larry gasped and moaned softly as he felt Priscilla's body slide around him. His arms reached back and his hands cupped her buttocks and he pulled her tight. He heard her giggle softly as she snuggled into his back and releasing his cock, she reached out for some cooking oil on the counter. He guessed what she was up to and his cock throbbed in anticipation. He would do anything right now for her to tend to his cock.
Natalie and Dan watched the pair and Natalie again took her cue from Priscilla. She led Dan to the drain board and also lubricated her fingers with the oil. Dan saw his sister stroking his friend and his own cock throbbed at the possibility. Natalie snuggled against his back, reached around him and firmly grabbed his cock. She had played with Larry at the creek and from that limited experience she knew how to get the reaction she desired. Dan never had a girl touch his cock before and he had no chance or desire to resist the inevitable. He groaned as he knew he was coming. Somewhere in the back of his mind he felt shock that this was happening to him in front of his friend and his sister. He felt he should stop but he was beyond caring. His face distorted into a comical expression as he was surprised how quickly his body reacted to her touch. Before he knew it, he was spewing cum on the floor.
Larry felt Priscilla's cool slick fingers on his eager shaft. He moaned as she caressed it. This was the first time Priscilla had ever really stroked a cock and she loved the feel of it. She interspersed stroking with pinching, patting and twisting his shaft. She redirected her efforts and stroked Larry's hard stomach with her slick hands while his cock waved and throbbed. When she resumed, Priscilla's fingers teased the tip and Larry was going out of his mind in his efforts to thrust into her teasing palm. He was aware that his friend and Natalie had stopped and were looking at him. He didn't care. He just wanted to cum.
"Please!" he cried out in surrender. With a low giggle, Priscilla closed her palm around his shaft and increased the tempo of her stoking. She was delighted that she could feel the pulse of cum as it pumped through Larry's shaft. She held his shaft firmly he thrust into her grasp and spilled his load on the floor. They were both breathless as they sank back against the cupboard, her arms still wrapped around him.
"Oh, man," was all Larry could say when he could finally speak. He turned around and pulled away just enough that his dripping shaft wouldn't brush her clean blouse. He entwined his fingers in her hair as he kissed her with a firm dry kiss. Pulling back, he gazed into her eyes and smiled a weak smile. " Thank you," he whispered. His eyes said more. Natalie was sure they reflected adoration. She smiled to herself as all her self doubts washed away. She knew that he was hers. She owned his soul.
A soft cough from Natalie brought them back to earth. Priscilla, reeling a bit from the unexpected kiss stood up straight and looked at the clock. "Mom's going to be home soon," she said as she shook herself. "You guys better get dressed. I'm going to freshen up in the bath room."
"I'm right behind you, Cilla," said Natalie. Looking back at the boys as they exited the kitchen, she added with a giggle, "Make sure the kitchen floor is spotless, you guys."
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