Chapter 8: The Wages of Seduction
Ensconced in our compartment, door locked, Ivy proceeded vent her ire on April. “Why didn’t you let me go? I said I gave up. You knew they were hurting me.”
Defensive, April replied, “No I didn’t. ...I thought you were just making a lot of noise. I don’t know...”
“Bitch. What are you, a moron? Can’t understand English?”
“Why are you blaming me?” demanded April, now getting more agitated.
“Because you’re a fucked-up bitch who gets pleasure out of my pain. Rafiq and the Skipper were beating my tits. And that asshole James hit me so hard on the pussy I thought I was going to die. And you held me there so they could do it.”
“This stupid wrestling match wasn’t my idea. You were the one who wanted to do it.”
“I was not. We all agreed together. And we all agreed not to hurt each other.”
“But I didn’t hurt you.”
“Oh, it’s no use arguing with you. You’re hopelessly stupid. After all I went through I can’t even get any sympathy.”
“How do you expect to get any sympathy when the first thing you do is call me names?”
“God damn fuck everything... I know I’m being a bitch.” Ivy’s anger and frustration seemed to be turning to dejection. “It’s just... I feel betrayed by people I depend on. Especially you. ...You know how upsetting it is to feel betrayed.” Ivy collapsed on the bed, tears in her eyes.
“Oh-my-god. I’m sorry,” said April, sitting down next to her and caressing her. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I helped them do that to you.”
“I’m sorry too,” I added. “I feel that I’m the root of the problem. I’m the one who’s always feeding the guy’s expectations for recreational corporal punishment.”
“You’re suffering delusions of importance,” said Ivy.
I was taken aback, almost feeling that my existence had been dismissed. Hell if I would say another thing to her.
But April said to Ivy, “That was uncalled for. You’re being mean again. And besides, I think Jenny has a point. She is the sexual core that keeps this punishment thing going.”
“Oh... Well... I’m sorry I said that. It was bad,” said Ivy, although not directly to me. “But I’m having a terrible day. And I didn’t sleep well last night. I kept thinking that Jenny’s trying to set me up to look like the villain.”
I knew she was talking about my passivity in the face of her bitchiness when she and Rafiq and I were together the previous night. Now I felt guilty, but I kept quiet. I just stared at the floor.
Ivy continued, “And now, first that awful caning, and then everybody ganging up and beating the shit out of me.”
I said, “I’m sorry you got whipped too hard, but April and I got whipped too. And nobody seems to appreciate what I went through to break this thing up. The Skipper was so mad... the way he thrashed me on the breasts, so hard and fast. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to faint. It still stings,” I said, rubbing my breasts.
“Yeah, but you love getting your tits whipped. I don’t. I’m just not cut out for this kind of corporal punishment. Today it made me want to hit back, or take it out on someone else. ...Somebody else like you, Jenny.” Ivy’s eyes brightened.
“I don’t know what you have in mind, but I’m pretty sure I’m not interested. I’ve been punished enough.”
“No you haven’t. James hit me with the cane on the pussy. You can’t match that.”
Eeyew. A contest about who had got whipped the worst? How unsavory. But still, I entered into it, saying, “The Skipper hit me with the strap on the pussy. During my match with April.”
“But not the cane. Neither of us will be satisfied until you take a caning on the pussy.”
“You’re out of your mind. The answer is no. Absolutely no, and I’m not discussing it further.”
“Yes you are discussing it further. We have to resolve this thing. If not with the cane, then with the switch. Neither of us will be satisfied until you take a whipping on the pussy.”
“Maybe you won’t be satisfied without it. But how will it satisfy me?”
“You know you want to come off.”
“That’s crazy. How could I come off like that? It would hurt too much.”
“How do you know. Have you tried it?”
“No, but it’s something I know.”
“In other words, you don’t actually know. And we’ll never stop arguing until you try it. You’re going to go out there now and ask the Skipper and Rafiq to let you borrow the switch. You’re going to tell them that it’s so we can whip you with it.”
“Oh-my-god, no. How humiliating. To have to ask them for the implement you’re going to beat me with.”
“Yes,” said Ivy, her eyes bright, never leaving mine.
I was silent. How could it be that I felt drawn to do it? To go out there and ask them for the switch to bring to Ivy to whip me with. As I imagined it, I could just feel the allure it would give me. ...But if I was going to do it, I would have to do it now, while Rafiq and the Skipper were out there together.
After a moment I said, “Okay, I’ll ask them for the switch. But that is all I’m agreeing to.” Bringing back the switch did not mean I would let Ivy use it on me.
April said, “And you’re going to tell them it’s to be used on you?”
“Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. I know it’s a really goofy thing for me to do. ...Anyway, I have to get a shirt on. The Skipper’s still got my bikini top.”
“No. Just go out like you are,” said April. “You’re cute.”
I pondered that. The image of me going out there, breasts bare, so naked, so vulnerable, eyes down, so meek, asking so quietly: please sirs, let me borrow the switch so that Ivy can whip me. Me, so enticing, so irresistible.
I replied, “Well... all right, if that’s what you think I should do. ...But I feel too plain. I need something... a pendent. My Kuan Yin pendent.”
Fetching my silver pendent from my stuff, I put it on. Then I went to the door. Hesitating I glanced back at April and Ivy. But no use waiting till I lost my nerve. I opened the door and left, closing it behind me. ...Oops. There was Rafiq coming down the steps dragging all four of the mattress pads we used in wrestling. I had to get out of his way.
“Hey... Jenny,” he said, seeming delighted to see me. “Are you okay? I guess this thing got a little out of hand.”
Giving him a big smile, I reassured him, “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you for holding back the Skipper. I feel like you saved my life. The way he was whipping me, I thought I was going to die.”
“Oh shit. Sorry that happened.” Dropping the mats across the passageway, he gently put his hands to my breasts, and softly pressed.
“Mmm. They were hurting, but now you’ve made them feel better. You have healing hands.”
Then taking me in his arms, he bent me backwards and kissed each nipple. Long sloppy kisses. Kisses that made me have to press my crotch into his leg.
I murmured, “And now they’re feeling really good.”
“Want to come to my berth and lie down for a while?” he said quietly.
But apparently not quietly enough, for an instant later, the compartment door opened and there was Ivy, brow furrowed. “Well,” she said, “what about your errand? Have you become distracted?”
“Um... Yeah, I’m going right now,” I answered. Then turning to Rafiq I said, “I need to ask the Skipper for something. And I need for you to come with me. Is that okay?”
“Sure.” He looked at me with a quizzical expression . Then he turned to Ivy and said, “Are you okay? I guess I deserved that slap you gave me. And probably more than a slap. I shouldn’t have let that wrestling thing get out of hand.”
“I was really upset, but I’m okay now,” said Ivy. “It’s past. But it makes me feel better that you recognize it was over the top. ...Anyway, yes, maybe sometime we can look into having me dish out more than that slap.” She gave him an evil grin.
Rafiq laughed and said, “It might be interesting.” As she edged closer to him, he brought his lips to hers, but only for a moment.
I tried to show no expression. After all, the kiss he gave her was a whole lot less than the kiss he gave me.
So anyway, parting from Ivy he followed me as I clambered over the mattresses in the passageway, and up the steps to the deck. What was unfolding was already different from the scenario I had imagined. I had wanted to approach Rafiq and the Skipper together so I could direct my request to both of them, even though the switch belonged to the Skipper, not to Rafiq.
Now my request would seem only be to the Skipper. What would Rafiq’s role be? Was he supposed to be giving me moral support or something?
James was at the helm. The Skipper was tidying up, coiling some rope. When he saw me he stopped what he was doing and watched me approach. His expression was serious, perhaps even uneasy.
Coming up to him, I waited till Rafiq was beside me. The Skipper looked at him, but with a gesture Rafiq indicated that he had no idea what I was up to. I took a step to the side such that Rafiq would be closer to the Skipper than to me.
With both of them now facing me, the situation felt right. I felt so conscious of my nakedness, yet so comfortable with it. I was relishing the feeling of vulnerability. At that moment perhaps I felt as pretty as ever I had felt, if I’m allowed to admit that here. Meanwhile the Skipper and Rafiq were waiting with expectation.
“Sir,” I murmured. “I... um... May I borrow the switch?” But I lost my nerve to tell them what for.
I looked up at the Skipper. He looked relieved. Smiling, he asked, “And what do you need the switch for?”
I answered, “Ivy thinks I should be whipped.”
Smiling broadly, the Skipper said, “And why does she think that?”
“I don’t know. I guess she thinks I didn’t get whipped enough.”
“After what the Skipper did to your breasts?” said Rafiq.
“Hey, in the first match you really put the switch to her tits too,” said the Skipper. “April gets her in the full nelson, and you take full advantage of it.”
“Well... yeah. But anyway, after all that, you want to be whipped some more?” Rafiq asked me.
“Well, actually I only agreed to ask you guys for the switch and tell you she wanted to whip me with it ...sort of like on a dare. But I never told her she could actually use it on me. ...Does that sound silly? Now I’m feeling like a twit.”
How quickly a mood can change. I no longer felt irresistibly alluring. I felt foolish ...and too naked. I had an impulse to cover my breasts with my hands. But that would just make me look weaker and sillier. Instead I kept my arms down, elbows straight, and clasped my hands, eyes lowered. No doubt my posture revealed my discomfort. I could feel their eyes on my body.
“So she feels silly doing what Ivy says and coming to ask us for the switch,” said the Skipper to Rafiq.
Rafiq replied, “If she were aware of herself being bold and bewitching, she wouldn’t be Jenny.”
I bit my lip but said nothing. I glanced down at my body, the whip marks so conspicuous across my breasts.
“Right.” Then the Skipper asked, “So where does Ivy want to whip you?”
“Um... well, in our compartment.”
The Skipper said, “Maybe you do need another whipping. You knew what I meant: what part of your body?” He reached out and touched my breast.
Stepping back out of his reach, I said, “I don’t think I need any more, but Ivy thinks I need it between the legs. James caned her there and she’s pissed off about that.”
Both guys were looking at my swimsuit bottom. I felt self conscious.
“And what about the caning Rafiq gave her on the butt? How do you feel about it that you didn’t get one?”
“I hope you’re not implying that I’m supposed to be disappointed if I don’t get whipped more than anyone else. I don’t know why Ivy volunteered for that.”
“So that she could get whipped more than you, obviously. Now you need to catch up. Bend over and we’ll give it to you.”
“But Ivy’s waiting for me to bring back the switch.”
“When did your mistress tell you when you were supposed to be back?”
“Ivy is not my mistress. I don’t take orders from her. And I don’t think you’re funny.”
“Touchy about it, eh? Well, whatever. How about if we send you back with a few stripes that you can compare with hers?”
“Please sir, I don’t want a caning. I’ve already been whipped so much.”
“No? Then let’s try this,” said the Skipper, indicating the rope he had been coiling when I had approached him. Moving behind me, he had me face Rafiq as he set rope across my ribs. Rafiq’s eyes were glued to my body. I closed my eyes as I felt the rope slide upward, pressing into the base of my breasts.
The Skipper pulled the rope up tightly across my nipples. Then he began dragging it back and forth. Scraped across the areolas, the sensation was stimulating. I clasped Rafiq’s hands as he stood facing me.
Then the rope scraped across the nub of my nipple. That was a stronger sensation. Too strong. I squirmed. But Rafiq held my hands firmly.
The Skipper continued to scrape the rope across my nipples. The sensation was sometimes too strong. But mostly I tried not to let on that this was stimulating, although my nipples were obviously stiff.
“This isn’t strong enough for her,” said the Skipper.
“I wasn’t complaining about it,” I said.
“That’s how we know it’s not stimulating enough for you.”
“She likes a challenge,” said Rafiq.
“I think I’ve been challenged more than enough for one day.”
“Then why did you come out here asking for the switch?” asked Rafiq.
“Oh, quit badgering me.”
“He’s not badgering you. We just want you to be happy,” said the Skipper. Then leaving off with the rope, he said, “I have a better idea. Go get your toothbrush.”
“I already brushed my teeth today.”
Still behind me, the Skipper took hold of my nipples and pinched hard. “Ow. Ow. Ow. ...I’ll get my toothbrush,” I cried. “Please stop.”
The Skipper eased his grip slightly, but pulled and jiggled my breasts. When he finally released me, I fell into Rafiq’s arms. “Ah... My tits...”
Rafiq hugged me for a few moments until his hands too went for my breasts. Separating from him, I said, “I’ll get my toothbrush now,” and went down the steps into the cabin.
Before I reached the bathroom, the door of our compartment opened, and Ivy appeared, asking, “Well, did you get the switch?”
“Um... No, I don’t have it yet. But I did ask them for it, and I told them you wanted to use it on me. ...So I’ve actually done everything I agreed to do.”
“That’s really lame. When are you going to bring the switch?”
“When they give it to me. Or if.”
“What are you doing now? What’s the deal about your toothbrush?”
“Well, since you seem to be listening to what’s going on, you know as much as me.”
“I have better things to do than to take notice of your doings.”
“Like what?” I asked.
Touche. But both of us laughed. Grinning, Ivy said, “Girl, you’re going to get what’s coming to you.”
“Maybe so,” I said, and turned into the bathroom to fetch my toothbrush.
Returning to the deck with my toothbrush, I presented it to Rafiq and the Skipper. The Skipper took it and said, “Now hold your arms straight up over your head and cross your wrists.”
I did as he said. It was as if I were bound by the wrists, arms over head. Shifting my hips slightly to one side, I felt very sexy. One glance at Rafiq and I could tell he was entranced.
Standing behind me, one arm across my chest, his hand squeezing my breast, the Skipper held me. With his other hand he put the toothbrush to my ribs and starting scrubbing my skin with it. The sensation was intense. Not quite painful, but close. I squirmed.
“How does that feel,” asked the Skipper.
“It’s okay. But it’s strong.” I was breathing hard, squirming as he scrubbed on my ribs and stomach.
“Here. Take a turn with it,” he said to Rafiq.
Taking the toothbrush, Rafiq nudged Skipper’s hand and forearm down off my breasts. He then scrubbed it across the base of breasts. Closer and closer to my nipples. I knew what was coming.
Finally, he set on my left nipple and scrubbed in a circle around the areola.
“Ooh,” I gasped. “That’s like... ooh.” Still, I kept my arms over my head, wrists together. But I couldn’t help squirming.
Still he scrubbed around my nipple with it. “Ooh... What are you doing to me?” ...Trenchant. Erotic. Almost painful.
Then he raked it across the nub of my nipple. Too much. I brought my arms down to protect myself. “Oh please. It’s too much.”
“You want me to stop?”
I hesitated, then admitted, “No. But...”
Rafiq then applied the brush to my other nipple. The sensation was so penetrating. Then it was the Skipper’s hand I felt sliding down my belly, slipping into my swimsuit bottom, down beyond my mons, and onto my clit. I could not help pressing my body to meet his caress. I wanted more.
On and on the two of them drove my body. “Ooh... Ahh...” I gasped with the intensity of the erotic sensations. The trenchant pain-pleasure scouring of my nipples, and the pure-pleasure stimulation of my clit. My arousal was filling to the brim.
Rafiq again raked the toothbrush too hard across the nub of my nipple. As I wreathed away, he grabbed my body and said, “Turn around. Bend over and hold the bulkhead.” As I turned to the bulkhead, he pulled my swimsuit bottom off. Now completely naked, ready to be fucked. And I wanted it.
Arms straight out, I grasped the bulkhead, bending over, legs apart. His penis, big as a log, penetrated into me. Advancing up my tunnel, all the way in, his loins tight against my butt.
Turning my head toward the Skipper, I saw his stiff penis waiting to enter my mouth. I did not refuse it. First attacking the glans with my tongue, I then opened and took it in. Sucking, tonguing, sucking, tonguing.
Entered from both ends at once for the first time ever, and I reveled in the depravity of it. On and on I continued, arousal teetering just short of climax. But I couldn’t quite get there. The tactile impetus was wanting. Rear entry leaves my clit without adequate stimulation. And now my nipples were being neglected, having previously been harried into a frenzy of stimulation.
After a time, Rafiq, thrusting hard, began grunting bullishly, venting his life-force energy into me. Several moments later the Skipper, voicing a guttural rumble, began disgorging his vital oils into my mouth. One spurt after another they rode out their climax, emptying their potencies into me.
Yet I, the recipient of all this male vigor, could not quite release my own pent up sexual pressure. Still, as I did my utmost to satisfy them, I remained confident that when they were done with theirs, they would make sure that I got mine. After all, these are two guys who have had a fixation on my orgasms. They would not leave me high and dry.
Gradually their exertions subsided. Rafiq and I remained joined while the Skipper took his penis out of my mouth. I was unsure whether I was supposed to spit or swallow the salty fluid. Still bent over, holding the bulkhead, it was dribbling out of my mouth.
It was then that I heard the footfall coming up the steps. Before I even looked, I knew it was Ivy. She glanced in our direction and acknowledged us as if everything were perfectly normal. Rafiq disengaged from me, and I straightened up, trying to be discrete about spitting over the bulkhead and wiping my mouth.
Awkward, awkward, awkward, that’s how I felt. Ivy, now wearing shorts and came tank top, seemed to be making a point of eying my nakedness. I felt that her mein was expressing disdain. I felt very exposed, but I did not want to show weakness.
With my bikini bottom tangled on one of my ankles, I felt I looked comically cheap. But I didn’t want to bend over to put it on. Instead, keeping head high I lifted it with my foot, grasping it with my hand from behind. But I just held onto it without putting it on. My eyes met Ivy’s. Her expression registered faint amusement. I reciprocated with an embarrassed smile.
Rafiq broke the silence, “Jenny, you wanted to borrow something?”
“Um... Yes, I did. The switch.”
With a mischievous grin, the Skipper asked, “And what did you want the switch for?”
I looked at Ivy. She was eyeing me expectantly. I had to say it in front of her. “Ivy wants to whip me with it.”
The Skipper said, “You’ve already had quite a whipping today, especially on the front. What part of your body does she want to whip now?”
Ivy continued to watch me expectantly. I was not going to back down from the challenge. I said, “Ivy imagines she’s going whip me on the pussy.”
As I said that, I could feel gooey cum dribbling down my leg. Now it seemed that all eyes were watching it leaking out of me. I felt so trashy.
Producing the switch, the Skipper said, “Here you go, Jenny. Brave girl. ...And here, take this coil of rope too. It might come in handy.”
“Shall we go?” Ivy asked me, as she turned toward the cabin.
“Are we invited?” asked Rafiq, with a smile.
“No,” said Ivy. “You’ve had enough fun at our expense today.”
As Ivy went down the steps, I stayed where I was, holding the switch and rope. I was not comfortable with the implication that Ivy was ordering me about... or that I had actually agreed to another whipping.
Before entering the cabin, Ivy looked back at me. I thought she looked indignant that I was not following.
The Skipper said, “You know, Ivy, Jenny’s disappointed that you got a good caning and she didn’t. I think she might want to stay out here so that we can remedy that.”
What an annoying thing to say. Now I felt I had little choice but to leave. Saying, “That’s not true at all. But if you’ll excuse me, I have to use the bathroom,” I followed Ivy into the cabin.
I did stop first at the bathroom, both to pee and to clean off the cum. That done, I wondered if I could release my pent up sexual tension. I tried fingering myself, but was too distracted hearing Rafiq talking to Ivy and April while setting up the mattresses in our compartment. When those conversations ended, I found the milieu of the cramped bathroom not to be conducive. Finally I gave it up.
Still in no hurry to leave this refuge, I played around for a while with Ivy’s eye liner, adding a bit of accent to my eyes, without being over-dramatic. Finally, having run out of reasons for staying in the bathroom, put on my bikini bottom and left.
The door to our compartment was locked. I had to knock. April let me in. She had changed into a sleeveless top and a skirt. And Ivy now had on a long dress with a beautiful purple pattern, much more elegant attire than anyone had bothered with during this voyage. Their dressing up was obviously Ivy’s idea for putting my bare-breasted nakedness into a stark and humble contrast with them.
On letting me in, April immediately said, “Ooh, look at Jenny. Swe-eet! I bet you haven’t worn makeup since the graduation all-night party.” She put her arm around me.
“Eye makeup or not, it seems that I’m a bit underdressed.”
Ivy said, “Our manner of attire is not for you to share. You’re here to be whipped, naked. So hand over the switch. You’ll be whipped extra to taking so long in bringing it.”
Dropping the switch and the rope, and reciprocating April’s soft embrace, I said, “I’m more up for something gentle. Those guys just finished using me. They got theirs but I never got to come off.”
I didn’t actually feel that they had used me. I felt that I hadn’t been able to tell them what I needed before Ivy had come and interrupted us. But with Ivy I felt a need to portray myself as blameless for my intercourse with Rafiq.
“So you’re really up for a whipping now so you can come off good,” said Ivy picking up the switch. “Lie down on the floor.”
Now wrapping both arms around April, I said, “I don’t want to do that. I’ve been whipped enough for one day.” Yet I couldn’t help wondering if a whipping would get me to come off.
As April and I embraced, Ivy tapped the switch on my rear end. “Tell me how this feels,” she said. Swat! She hit on the rear of my swimsuit. The switch is too light and thin to make much impression through fabric.
After hitting me three more times through my swimsuit, she said, “This only works on bare skin, doesn’t it?” Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! Stinging the back of the thighs.
“Ah! I can feel that.”
Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! Ivy kept laying them on hard and fast. Gasping and writhing, I held on to April, as Ivy stung me over and over. “Ow. Ow. Ow!”
When finally she paused, I let go of April and rubbed the backs of my thighs. “Oh-my-god, that stings. So now we’re even. That’s got to be every bit as bad as that caning you took.”
“Shit no, we’re not even. You’ve got nothing to match the marks on my butt.”
“But the switch is different from the cane. You can’t compare marks. You know how much the switch hurts even though it doesn’t mark you up as much.”
“You have a long way to go before you catch up with all that I took today.”
“Ivy, this is a really fucked-up thing to get in a contest about. I am not engaging in any more arguments about who got whipped the worst today. If you want to think you got it worse than me, then fine, I’m not going to try to change your mind. ...But you just don’t know what I went through when the Skipper gave me a switching on the breasts.”
April interjected, “First you say you’re not going to try to change her mind. Then you try to convince her about how bad you got whipped on the breasts. You’re making as much of a contest out of it as Ivy is.”
“Oh shit. I guess I am. ...But it was like such a surreal experience. Even after Rafiq held back the Skipper... I was sitting on that mat, so overwhelmed with pain. Like totally disoriented. Panting, just trying to keep myself from fainting. And Ivy’s doing this weird scene, slapping Rafiq and going after James and cussing them all out. And all the time I’m just trying to figure out what’s happening to me. ...It was like this alternate reality.”
Ivy said, “Oh Jenny, you’re such a dramatist. Everybody knows you have a really high pain threshold.”
“I do not. I think I have a low pain threshold. I think you have a higher pain threshold than I do.”
April interjected, “This is dumb. None of us can judge the other person’s pain threshold. But Jenny, you’ve always been sort of a stoic about things you’ve set your mind to accept. And you have to admit that you respond sexually to pain.”
“Well, I can’t help that. ...Hey. Wait a minute. You’re really exaggerating. It’s only certain rare situations. I certainly don’t go looking for painful experiences.”
Ivy said, “We know you didn’t ask me for a whipping on the pussy. But I’m going give you one anyway. I’m going to make you come off.” Then she reached and felt between my legs. “Are you still dripping Rafiq’s juices?”
“They took advantage of me,” I said. But I knew that was so lame that I couldn’t quite keep a straight face.
“You let them take advantage of you,” said Ivy.
“Actually, I think she seduced them,” said April, laughing.
“You deserve to have your pussy whipped. Now on the floor and take what’s coming to you.”
“I’m not doing it if you’re just going to whip the shit out me.”
“But I said I’m going to make you come off.”
Looking at April, I asked, “What should I do? How do I know she’s not going to see how much she can hurt me?”
As she looked to Ivy, April seemed uncertain. Ivy said, “Either Jenny’s not so brave as some people think. Or else she knows that what she really deserves is a pussy whipping so horrendous she’ll never want to fuck again.” Then looking into my eyes, she said, “You’ll just have to trust that I’ll do better by you than you would by me.”
“But I’ve never wanted to punish you. That one time it was the Skipper who made me use the cane and switch on you.”
“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about last night when we were with Rafiq. You were scheming to make me look like a witch.”
“Well... I wasn’t scheming. It was just a natural way for me to deal with your anger.”
“But you admit you were trying to make me look bad.”
“Well, I’m sorry about that. Maybe I could have found a way that was more helpful to both of us. ...I don’t know.”
April interjected, “Ivy, were you also trying to make Jenny look bad?”
“Well, yeah, but she was being obnoxious. Running out there half naked to get Rafiq’s attention.”
“But just now you sent me out there half naked...”
“That was April’s dumb idea for you to go topless. And look what happened. You got Rafiq to fuck you, you slut. You knew that would piss me off. And that’s why you deserve a pussy whipping. You’ll just have to trust that it won’t be as bad as you deserve. ...Now you obey me. Rafiq couldn’t bring you off, but I can. Just do what I say. On the floor.”
I realized now that I would do as she said. She was going to whip me and make me come off. Yes, it seemed depraved, but that just added to its allure. And since I had no intention of letting them tie me up, I could end it if it wasn’t going well.
I sat down, hands on the floor behind me, legs outstretched. “So what do you want me to do?”
“April, strip her the rest of the way.”
“Um... I don’t know about you ordering me about in that tone of voice,” she replied.
Ivy looked at April for a moment, then said, “You’re undermining my mind state. How can I be a dominatrix when you do that? Jenny has to do what I say because I’ve got the switch. But you’ve got to help me or I can’t do it right.”
“Oh... Okay, no problem.” Then she added, “Madam,” and laughed.
I smiled at that, but Ivy touched the switch to my cheek and said, “Wipe that smirk off your face.”
As I smothered my smile, April knelt and tugged on my swimsuit bottom. I lifted my butt off the floor and she slid it off me. Now I was completely naked, with Ivy standing over me with the switch. Feeling vulnerable, I awaited my fate. I had a flashback of the last time Ivy had held the switch over me: the time she whipped me so hard I had fainted.
“How do you feel now, being naked and waiting for your whipping? Are you afraid? Have a sense of foreboding?”
“I know you’re going to make it hurt.”
“You’re right about that. Now raise your legs.”
Leaning back, I raised my feet. Ivy took hold of my left ankle. April took hold of my right. They spread my legs wide apart. Ivy slid the switch up and down the inside of my thighs. Then she touched it into my slit and tapped side-to-side on my labia. I bit my lip, anticipating what was to come.
Withdrawing the switch from my pussy, she put it to my mouth and said, “Kiss it. Kiss the implement that’s going to inflict your pain.”
“Yes madam,” I said, although I couldn’t suppress a little smile as I said it. I appreciated Ivy’s effort to put on a real exhibition as my disciplinarian.
After I had kissed it, Ivy drew back the switch. Sswit! She snapped it onto the inside of my thigh. I gasped. ...Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! She laid on stroke after stroke, flaying the most sensitive part of my thighs.
The way it stung, I couldn’t help jerking my legs, although not hard enough for either Ivy or April to lose their grip on me.
“Stop kicking,” said Ivy. “Take the whipping you deserve.” ...Sswit! Sswit! Sswit!
“Ow. Ow. Ow. ...I can’t help it. That really stings.”
“That’s nothing compared to what’s coming. Now are you sorry you were out there fucking with my boyfriend?”
“It wasn’t my fault.” Letting my mind flow with fantasy I said, “He raped me. When I asked him for the switch so you could whip me, he raped me instead. Can’t you keep his animalistic desires satisfied?”
“You little liar.” ...Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! Sswit! Hard and fast, right on the labia.
“EEEEEEE!” I let out a shriek, and kicking my left leg out of her grip, twisted away from her. “Ow-ow-ow. Fuck. That hurts!”
“You little bitch. I told you not to kick. How dare you defy me?”
“You were really hurting me. I couldn’t help it.”
Picking up the rope, Ivy said, “Then we’re going to have to tie your legs apart. Here, get up and put a mattress under you too.”
April released my other leg, and I got up and pulled a mattress onto the floor. Lying down on it, I let Ivy and April tie each of my ankles, pull my legs up, and suspend them wide apart from the upper berth hardware.
“Roll a little to the side so I can tie your wrists behind you. Should have done that first. Got to keep your hands out the way.”
I hesitated. Did I really want to be completely at Ivy’s mercy? ...But why not? If I could entrust myself to guys who were mostly ignorant of what my body is about, why couldn’t I entrust myself to Ivy when her peevishness was moderated by April?
“In for a penny, in for a pound,” I said as I allowed her to bind my wrists behind me. She seemed pleased that I had acquiesced.
“Good girl,” said Ivy, petting my cheek. “How does that feel?”
“Better,” I replied. Compared to leaning back, supporting myself with my arms, it was obvious that this position was vastly more conducive. Lying on a mattress, bound helpless, I could already feel my sexuality flowing.
“Now I’m going to whip your pussy for always trying to get Rafiq to fuck you, you little slut.”
Sswit! “Ooooh!” ...Sswit! “Ahhhh!” ...Sswit! Right on the clit. “Ow! Fuck. That hurt.” ...Then again. Sswit! “AHHH!” ...And yet again, same place. Sswit! “AHHHH! No more.” I was gasping and writhing with pain.
“Now are you sorry for seducing Rafiq?”
Through the pain, I tried to consider my answer. I loved Rafiq. No way I would flat-out surrender. Catching my breath, I said, “I’m sorry I’ve made you angry.”
“Well that’s nice gesture, but I asked if you were sorry for seducing Rafiq.”
“I never seduced Rafiq.”
Sswit! “OOOH!” ...Sswit! “AHHHH!” ...Sswit! “AHHHH!”
“I saw you fucking with him.”
“That wasn’t my fault. Believe me, I don’t give him any encouragement. But every time he sees me, he turns into an animal. And there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“You fucking little liar.” Sswit! Sswit! Sswit!
“AHHHHH! My god, not there!” Three in rapid succession, right on the clit. “Oh fuck, that hurt. Oh-my-god, why are you hurting me this bad?”
“You know why.” Sswit!
“Ow! ...No I don’t. I don’t even know why Rafiq likes me so much, except...”
“That pisses me off even more, because I don’t know why Rafiq likes you either, you worthless little bitch.”
Sswit! “OOOH!”
“You’re not as beautiful as me, are you?”
“No I’m not. I’m just more exciting, engaging, and enchanting.”
Sswit! Sswit! Sswit!
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh-my-god, don’t. ...I’m sorry I said that.”
Tied up, legs wide apart is not the time to for such direct verbal sparing with someone holding a switch. I had to change course. “Actually, I don’t even know if he likes me any more. It’s just that he turns into a maniacal beast when he sees me. What can I do about that? I can’t help being what I am physically.”
...Sswit! Sswit! Sswit!
“OOOOOH!” Gasping with pain, I said, “You promised you weren’t just going to beat the shit out of me. You promised to make me come off.”
April responded by putting her lips to mine. Extending her hand, she took hold of the middle of the inside of my thigh opposite her, effectively blocking the path of Ivy’s switch.
Using the switch instead to prod at my clit, Ivy said, “You’re good to whip. That’s your only distinction. It’s the only thing Rafiq sees in you.”
Switch or no, I could not accept that from Ivy. Turning my face from April’s kiss, I replied, “That’s not true. He fell for me before he ever saw me get any of that.”
“He didn’t have to see it. Somehow he could feel your vibes. Your sacrificial vibes. Somehow he knew you’d be at your best in the agony of punishment.” Then pushing April’s arm out of the way, Ivy whacked me hard, right on clit. Sswit! Sswit! Sswit!
“AHHHHH! ...God. ...No more.” I was reaching my limit. “April, don’t let her do that.”
Ivy said, “Admit that your sole virtue is that you’re good to whip, and I’ll let you come off instead of punishing you.
“No. I’ll never say such a thing about myself. ...April, don’t let her keep hitting me.”
April responded by putting her hand directly over my pussy, giving me protection. ...Ooh, but she was slipping her finger into my tunnel. “Mmm. Nice and moist,” she said. Then she put her lips to my nipple.
Ivy said, “Okay, you don’t have to say it’s your sole virtue. Just say it’s one of your qualities. Then I’ll do what you’re craving for.”
I pondered that. Then I said, “Well... All right. Maybe I can say that. Besides being exciting, engaging, and enchanting ...and also being a nice person ...besides all that, I’m also good to whip. ...There. Are you satisfied?”
“I didn’t ask for an enumeration of all the qualities you wish you had,” said Ivy, tapping the switch on April’s hand, still covering my pussy. “I think you named about four things that don’t apply to you, and each of them has earned you an extra six stokes, twenty-four strokes total. But before I administer them, I want you to tell me how you need to be whipped so you can come off. Say you can’t come off unless you get whipped.”
“No. That’s not true.” I had begun moving rhythmically in response to April’s mouth on my nipple, the pressure of her hand on my clit, and her finger probing up me.
Sliding the switch up and down the inside of my thigh, Ivy said, “Yeah, it’s true. When have you recently come off without being whipped?”
“Um... well...” I didn’t want to bring up late night encounters with Rafiq. Instead I said, “How about that first night we shared this room. You were directly involved. And don’t claim that I was faking an orgasm.”
Still sliding the switch up and down the inside of my thigh as I moved rhythmically in response to April’s continued stimulation, Ivy said, “Well... I’m sure you were having a fantasy about being whipped.”
“Whatever,” I replied, now wanting to end this distracting conversation. “Like, who cares?”
Unlatching from my nipple, April said, “Even now, she still likes to sass the madam.” She removed her hand protecting from my pussy but latched back onto my nipple. Then she put just her finger over my slit, pressing on my clit.
Ivy replied, “But I agree with Jenny, none of that matters. What matters now is that I’m giving you the punishment you deserve. And you know you deserve this, right?”
“Whether I deserve it or not, I still don’t think I can come off when you’re hitting me on the pussy.”
Sswit! To the inside of the thigh. “Oooh.”
Sswit! “Ahhhh.”
Sswit! “Ahhhh.”
A measured, steady pace, stroke after stroke to the inside of the thighs. This must be the whipping I deserved for seducing Rafiq. What if I were a female so captivating, so beautiful that other females couldn’t help wanting to punish me? If so, I would have to be dauntless in my acceptance. Let her do her worst.
Pausing her strokes, Ivy said, “Bitch, from now on this is the only way you’re allowed to fuck.” Putting her moistened finger to my asshole, she started pressing it in.
“Don’t do that,” I moaned, tightening up against her. But I couldn’t keep her finger out. She slid it in and held it there. Never before had I been fucked up the ass. Such an indignity. She had found a new way to bring me down.
Yet the sensation, to my surprise, was not repugnant. Once past the initial shock, I could not deny that it was erotically stimulating.
Although the thought of letting someone stick their finger up my butt was alien to me, it roused a memory of young adolescence. I had been curled in a soft chair, engaged in sexual fantasy and playing with myself, not around my clit but around my anus. The sensation had brought me to climax, my first ever experience of it.
Now my mind was gliding. After tying me down and giving me a dreadful whipping, these women were going make me embrace my punishment by experiencing a butt-fucking orgasm. This was their revenge for my being so alluring that I could steal Rafiq away from his long-time girl friend. For this, it was fitting that these women should torment me.
April sucking my nipple and frigging my clit. Ivy with her wily finger fucking me up the butt. I surrendered to letting them work their perverse will upon me.
Native sexual plasma, hot and crude, glowed within my loins. Writhing with desire, I wanted this to flow on forever and a day. This felt like the be-all, end-all of existence. ...But oh-my-god, it was starting to burst. Nothing could hold it back now.
Pulsing, pulsing, pulsing, the pent-up pressure of sexual magma belched forth. The heat of carnal pleasure fluxed through every sinew. Moaning with ecstasy as April worked her bright magic on my nipple and clit, and Ivy her dark magic up my butt.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Orgasmic satisfaction. Finally I got what I wanted ...what I needed. Convulsing with pleasure, I journeyed to the ends of existence, transcended its bounds, sampled the limitlessness beyond, and slowly returned again.
As my moans and peals tempered, April eased her suck on my nipple. The pressure of her finger on my clit quieted. Ivy stayed the motion of her finger and after a time withdrew it from my butt.
Yet even before the orgasm had fully wound down, in the back of my mind I sensed a twinge of guilt about an addiction to rough and depraved sex. Couldn’t I get sexual gratification without submitting to this kind of treatment?
After a minute or so, I said, “I’m ready to be untied.”
April drew back and sat up, looking at Ivy. But Ivy said, “I’ll decide when you’re ready to be untied. And it won’t be till you’ve pleasured me.”
Ivy stood up. Under her long skirt she was taking down her panties. Then she stood over my head, facing my feet. She fluffed out her skirt, and as she knelt down to straddle my head, I watched her crotch approaching my face.
Turning my head aside, I said, “I think I could do a better job if you’d just untie me and let me up.”
“I don’t think so,” said Ivy as her weight came down on the side of my head. “And I set the rules now. I gave you what you want. Now you give me what I want, the way I want it. Get to work with your tongue.” She tapped firmly on my clit with the switch.
I had to do her bidding. Turning my face to her as she readjusted her weight, I put out my tongue and got busy at my task. Her crotch was mashing my face. I felt so claustrophobic. Why had I let myself get into this position?
To make things worse, she continued toying with my pussy with the switch, and every now and then laid on a stinging stroke with it, right where it would hurt the most. Nevertheless, I applied all my diligence to working her with my tongue, knowing that this was not going to end until she came off.
After what seemed like an eternity, punctuated with at least half a dozen sharp stinging switch strokes to my pussy, my efforts finally bore fruit. Grinding her crotch hard into my face, Ivy came off, and after another minute or so, rolled off me and lay down on the mattress beside me, a disengaged sixty-nine, her hips by my head. There she lay, gently caressing my stomach.
“I’m still ready to be untied,” I said.
“So roll over a bit, and I’ll undo your hands,” said April. “Unless the madam objects.”
Ivy merely lay there caressing my stomach and ribs. “Mmm. Nice.” She purred. “Sweet girl. And pretty slave.”
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