Bryan and Cathy
Part 1
By underwhere
I had been friends with Cathy Smith for only a few months. We were both 19. Our friendship had blossomed quite rapidly, though. We had both come to the same college after graduating from high school. It turns out that we didn't even live that far apart from each other, but because we didn't go to the same elementary or high schools, neither of us knew each other back then.
Cathy had shared a lot with me about her past. Although her father had occasionally threatened to spank her during some of her more rebellious phases while growing up, and Cathy was certain that had he done so her mother would have backed him up all the way, Cathy swore to me that he never had actually spanked her.
She was really worried now, though. Her father worked many long hard hours to support her educational goals, and she told me that even her mother had taken on a part time job to help out since it became clear to them that her father's income alone would not be sufficient to send her to college. Both her mother and father had told her that they didn't want her taking out any student loans if there was any way to avoid it. Both of them had heard many horror stories about graduates being saddled with those for years after they graduated.
And now, as the first semester was wrapping up, and as she was looking at her final exam grades and her final class grades accordingly, I happened to catch a glimpse of her across the campus. I had reviewed my grades that morning. I had done pretty well, myself. I wasn't happy with my final grades because I thought I could have done better in one of my courses, but I did very well in my other courses. Cathy, however, quickly went from looking at her grades to breaking out in hysterics. I could only imagine what she was looking at, and what she was thinking.
I ran over to her. I knew it had to be bad, but I didn't know how bad it was.
I put my arm around her shoulder when I approached her. She looked up at me, and then burst out in a new waterfall of tears. She handed me her final report card. It really didn't surprise me what it said. After all, she had spent most of the semester partying and being sociable. I honestly didn't know if she had even attended a class. (I wasn't in her classes, so I had no way to know that.) But a collection of Fs on her card said all they needed to say.
"Bryan, Mom and Dad are gonna kill me! What am I gonna do now?" she cried.
I sensed that being a friend was not really what she needed me to be. It was what she was looking for, but I had a gut instinct that told me that she needed a good reality check.
"Cathy, you are going to go home and tell both your mom and dad exactly what happened, and why it happened. You know they won't take any excuses from you."
"Daddy swore he would whip my ass good if I ever came home with anything like this!"
I held up her head so she was looking at me right in the eyes and said, with some amount of exasperation, "Well, maybe that is exactly what you need. A good ass whipping!"
That got her attention! She certainly wasn't expecting that.
I let her head go. She remained staring at my eyes, still sniffling, still crying a little.
"Look, Cathy, you can't deny you don't deserve it after this performance," I said, pointing at the report card. "And frankly, I think it would do you a lot of good."
She was still staring at me, which is exactly what I wanted her to be doing.
"In fact," I continued, "I have half a mind to give you a spanking myself because I KNOW you could have done much better than that. And when you get home, I expect your mom and dad will want to give you two more, one from each of them."
She leveled her eyes at me. I knew she trusted me completely, as I trusted her in the same way. If I had been the one to have failed, I would have expected nothing less from her. We had never been sexual with each other. We often spoke about possibilities though. We were both very fond of each other.
It took her a minute of consideration, but finally, she nodded her head at me, took my hand in hers, and said to me, "You're right, Bryan. Maybe that is exactly what I need. Maybe that is really what I needed in high school too."
"Better late than never," I responded, and I began to lead her back to the freshman dormitory. "I know this is going to sound cheesy, but its true. This is going to hurt me at least as much as it is going to hurt you."
She smiled at me weakly.
When we arrived at the dormitory, I discovered that my room was not unoccupied. My roommate, Paul, was there beginning to pack up his things.
"Paul, I need some alone time with Cathy."
Paul looked at me, and winked.
"No, its not what you think, Paul."
Well, that did get him thinking, and realizing he was more than a little out of touch with this situation, he gave me a questioning look which I did not return, got up, and left the room. Before he could close the door, though, I shouted out to him, "Paul, I don't want you listening either, and if you see anybody else trying to listen, tell them to scram. If I find out anybody was listening, there is gonna be hell to pay."
The door closed slowly, and I could hear footsteps begin to walk down the hall.
I began clearing some space on my bed. Mostly, I had books and papers there which I simply stacked on top of each other underneath my bed. I hadn't begun packing yet. I was planning to do that tonight, but I realized that I might not get to that now until tomorrow. We had a few days to pack our things, though, before they were going to close down the dorms for the Christmas vacation break. It was Friday, and I wasn't planning to leave until early Monday morning. The dorms would be closed by Tuesday night according to the systemwide e-mail message sent out by the campus security team, and they were planning to change all of the locks on the dorms to make sure nobody overstayed their welcome.
Cathy did not really watch me as I was moving things around. I'm sure she heard things moving, but I expect her mind was elsewhere at that moment in time.
Finally, my bed was cleared, and I took a seat on top of it.
"Cathy, come over here and stand in front of me."
Cathy followed my instruction automatically.
I reached out my hands, and I began by unbuttoning her pants. Cathy began to protest.
"Young lady," I said, "you didn't expect I would spank you over your clothing. That’s hardly an effective way to receive a punishment spanking."
Suddenly, her face turned very red. However, she did stop trying to protest against the idea. In a minute, her pants were down on the floor.
"Step out of them completely," I said. She did.
"You are not going to like this part either," I said, "but it is essential. Your panties must come down too."
Now, I knew that in some ways Cathy could be extraordinarily shy. She really didn't like to show off her body to anybody. She even complained to me about the configuration of the communal showers in the dormitory and how that made her feel really nervous. She had once confided to me that she frequently showered at 3 in the morning because she knew nobody else would be there at that time. I knew this would not be easy for her, but instinctively, I knew it had to be done. She, however, was not yet convinced.
"Look," I said. "You can either make this easy or difficult. Your panties must come down too, and either you can do that yourself, or I will do that for you."
I don't think she had ever been naked in front of anybody in years, and I really didn't want to force this on her, but again, I knew instinctively it was what she needed. Slowly, she reached her fingers into the waistband of her panties, and pulled those down as well, stepping out of them, and placing them on top of her pants. I couldn't help but look at her beautifulness, but I didn't want to overly embarrass her, so I quickly said "Turn around, and lie down across my lap."
She did just that. I put my hands on her bottom. I began to knead the two globes in front of me, and as I did so, I said, "This is going to hurt a lot. You've earned every one of these though. I'll stop only when I think you are really ready for me to stop. Don't try to tell me when that is, either. I'll know, and I promise you I won't go too far."
She began to cry quietly. I knew she didn't like the fact that she wasn't in control, but I also knew that she simply had to learn that there were consequences to her actions. I was not prepared to go lightly on her.
I raised up both of my hands. She took a significant intake of breath. I then lowered both of my hands onto her upturned bottom with significant force. She let out a scream the likes of which would probably frighten the dead, but I knew she needed much more than that. I placed my left hand firmly on her back, and I began to spank her bottom quickly and vigorously with my right hand. Sometimes, I would alternate from the right side to the left. Sometimes, I would spank the same side. Sometimes, I would spank the same location repeatedly for a few successive spanks. I did, however, make certain to ultimately spank her entire bottom. I thought she needed some bruises to remind her of her poor performance, so I was not shy to make sure to give her a few.
It was not long before she was crying uncontrollably. I was convinced, though, that she still needed more. I wanted her to remember this so that it would never happen again. I kept spanking her bottom until every bit of fight was gone from her, both physically and emotionally. Then I said, "Ten more, and this will be over. You're going to count these. If you fail to count any of them, we'll start over from the beginning. Do you understand?" Through her sniffles, I heard a very distinct, "Yes, Bryan."
I then waited two full minutes, as measured by the clock on my dresser across the room. I raised my right hand very high, placing my left hand firmly on her back. I then lowered my right hand very quickly and forcefully onto her upturned bottom, this time on the left side. I wanted these last ten to be full force to make sure she remembered.
She screamed. I had not used any full force spanks on her yet, so she was not expecting me to spank quite so hard. I waited patiently. Finally, I heard a very faint "One." I massaged her bottom while waiting another two minutes before delivering the second of ten to her right side, also at full force, and with the same effect. After some time, I heard "Two."
Her bottom was starting to develop some blisters. I knew I would have to take care of those later, but for now, I had work still to do.
I raised both of my hands. I think she sensed what was about to happen as she tensed up. I waited. I wanted her to feel these, and if she was tensed up, she would not feel them as much. Eventually, she relaxed, and it was at that exact moment that I brought both of my hands crashing down on her bottom, one on each side, and left them there.
She screamed again. It was a gut-wrenching scream. Even though I knew I was doing what needed to be done, I still felt awful about it. Cathy began to shake her entire body. I was no longer certain how much in control of her body she really was, but I needed her to be in control of her mind. I needed her to remember to count these out. I squeezed her bottom with my hands.
"Cathy?" I said.
"Three, four?" she said very slowly, and very quietly.
"Good, Cathy," I said.
At this point, I got worried. I wasn't sure she could make it to ten strokes. I did not want her to fail, though. I wanted her to ultimately believe that she could succeed, even if only in achieving her punishment. Beyond that, I was hopeful I could teach her that she could
succeed at anything she truly set her mind to. That, however, was a lesson to be taught later.
I put my left hand on her back, and raised my right hand, and brought it crashing down with full force right in the middle of her bottom, which quivered under the blow. As she cried, I left my hand there because I wanted to remind her, without words, that she still had something left to do. I began to dig my finger into her crack as a further reminder, which seemed to get her attention quickly.
"Five," she said.
I decided that the last five didn't need to be counted. I wasn't certain they could be anyway, so I just wanted to get them over quickly.
"You've done very well so far, Cathy. You don't have to count these last five, but I'm not going to go easy on you either. When we are done here, we're going to call your parents together. I can't guarantee they won't want to spank you too, but I will tell them you've already been punished once by me. Maybe they'll go light on you a little after I tell them about the punishment I've given you, and I know the punishment you've given yourself is probably far worse anyway."
Cathy didn't say anything, but she did try to look up at me.
I decided to finish up quickly. I delivered, in rapid fire motion, five full force spanks, alternating left and right sides, with the last being in the middle. She screamed at each one, and after the last one was over, it was at this point that Cathy began to bawl uncontrollably.
I lifted her up off of my lap, and I held her there, my arms around her. I let her rest her head against my shoulders as she continued to let all of her emotions go. In the back of my mind, I was hoping her parents would not punish her any more than she had already punished herself. She had also been brave to let me punish her, and I did not go lightly on her. I intended to let them know that too.
I reached under my bed and got out my toiletry bag. I pulled out the muscle relaxant soothing lotion I used, which I normally used for very different purposes, and I began to soothe that into Cathy's bottom very deeply and carefully. I anticipated there would be some blisters that probably would not heal quickly. I did the best I could with them, though. When I had finished with that, I said, "Cathy, there is one more thing we must do. What is your parents' number?"
She picked up the phone on my desk, placed the call, and handed the receiver to me.
The phone rang on the other end twice before being answered.
"Is this Mister Smith?"
"Yes it is. Who is this?"
"My name is Bryan Conyers. I don't know if Cathy has told you about me yet....."
"Cathy has told us a lot about you. You sound like a wonderful friend to her! What can I do for you?"
"Mister Smith, Cathy has something to tell you." I paused. I looked at Cathy. I didn't know if Cathy wanted to tell her father herself or have me do it. She didn't seem sure either. Finally, she took the phone from me.
"Daddy," she said, before a very long pregnant pause. "Daddy, I flunked every single course."
Then, she gently put the phone down on the desk. I thought a bomb was going to explode. For the next ten minutes, I listened as her father screamed and yelled into the phone every possible name and insult directed at Cathy he could have yelled, and then some. None of them were pretty, and long before he was done, Cathy had started crying again. He didn't fail to mention how hard he and his wife had worked to get Cathy into college either, nor did he fail to mention what he and his wife were going to do to her when she got home. He also spent much time talking about how he should have raised Cathy differently. When he calmed down enough that I thought it was safe to pick up the phone again, I did.
"Mister Smith," I said, "I know Cathy has disappointed you greatly, but I think you ought to know that she has already been punished twice for it. The first time was with her own guilt. I saw her this afternoon and we talked about it a bit then. The second time, I personally gave her a whipping, with her consent, that I think you would be proud of." I hoped beyond hope that I was correct in that, and that maybe she wouldn't get another whipping when she got home.
"Mister Conyers," he said back to me on the phone, which felt odd to me as I was not used to being addressed as 'mister', "Mister Conyers, I do appreciate the fact that you have taken it upon yourself to be a guiding force for her in her life. As I said earlier, she has spoken very highly of you. I'm glad that you have some common sense in you to know what a girl like mine needs." Cathy cringed at the word 'girl'. "Still, I think it might be a good reminder for her to get a whipping from her mom and me when she gets home."
I wanted to plead her case, but I didn't think it was my place to plead too strongly. "Mister Smith," I said, "Will you at least let her recover from the whipping I gave her before you give her another one?"
"This vacation of yours before the next semester," he said, and he said the word 'vacation' with some amount of venom so it would be understood by both his daughter and me that he meant nothing of the usual connotation of that word, "This vacation will be no walk in the park. I'm going to have to talk this over with Cathy's mother and see what she thinks, but I reckon that Cathy's bottom will be no less sore by the time she returns from this vacation than it is now."
That did not sound comforting, but it was better than I expected when this conversation had first begun. I said, "I understand Mister Smith. Mister Smith, would it be okay if I visit her during the vacation?"
I did not want him to say "no". In fact, I was afraid to even ask the question because I thought he would say "no".
"You are welcome any time you want to come over, Mister Conyers, but your presence will not dissuade any planned punishment which will need to be handed out to her. I think my wife and I made some big mistakes not punishing her when she was younger. It seems we have a lot of catching up to do. If you come over, you may be asked to help out with her punishment. I won't take 'no' for an answer in that case. If you are prepared for that, you're welcome to come. If not, I'd stay away if I were you."
I resolved to discuss the matter later with Cathy. I didn't think now was the right time for that. I thought she might be comforted by my presence, but I didn't want to be asked to punish her again if she wasn't comfortable with the idea. I also wasn't sure I would be up to the task of punishing her in the presence of her parents.
"Mister Smith," I said, "Cathy and I will talk about that later. Cathy, do you have anything else to say to your father?"
Cathy refused to take the telephone out of my hands, and I could understand why, but she did cry loudly enough so she could be heard, "Daddy, I'm sorry Daddy," as she burst into tears again.
"She's gonna be more than sorry when her mom and I are done with her, Mister Conyers. But I do hope when we are done there will be no need for a repeat performance from anybody. Next semester will be a vacation to her in comparison."
I frowned at Cathy, but I knew Mister Smith was at least correct in that regard.
"I think that is everything, Mister Smith. I hope the rest of your day is a bit more pleasant than this conversation has been."
"Me too, Mister Conyers, and I'm sure it will be."
He hung up the phone. I put down the receiver. Cathy wanted to give me a giant hug, and I did nothing to stop her. In fact, I returned the hug to her. We didn't speak for some time. I wanted her to break the silence. I didn't want to force myself on her now.
Finally, she blurted out, "He's always been like that, always pressing me to be more than I thought it was possible for me to be, always wanting me to achieve more than he and Mom had. I hate him for that, Bryan. I hate that he is always so bossy, that he is always in control, that he always gets his way. I came to college to escape that, and now look at what I've got myself into?"
She paused, but I didn't want to interrupt her. I wasn't sure if she was finished yet. She wasn't.
"I should never have come here. I should have stayed at home. Daddy always said I was a failure and wouldn't amount to anything. Now look where I am?"
I spoke emphatically. "Cathy, you are not a failure. You've made mistakes, like everybody has, but that doesn't make you a failure. That makes you a human being."
"Daddy never treated me like a human being."
"and how, exactly, do you think he felt you treated him and your mom? You've not exactly done a good job of creating good feelings between you. Cathy, you have an opportunity here. You're gonna get it good when you get home, probably at least once a day by the sound of your dad, but after its all over, I'm sure your dad and mom will forgive you. After that, it's up to you to show them you deserve their forgiveness by not making the same mistakes again. Cathy, I want you to look me in the eyes again." If she could have been looking farther away from me, she probably would have. Her eyes were looking at the ground. "Cathy, I'm serious here. Look me in the eyes, now." Finally, she raised her head and looked me straight in the eyes. "Promise me, Cathy, that you will try harder next semester, that you will get at least a B on every course you take."
It was nothing more than a whisper. "I promise, Bryan."
"Do you believe it yourself, Cathy? I want you to say it like you believe it."
I knew this would be hard for her to do right now, but it was critically important to her and to our relationship, although she didn't know it then, that she would be able to say 'yes' to that question.
"Yes Bryan. I promise." This time, it was not much stronger.
"Cathy, I know you always liked the cheerleaders. Do you think people would listen to them if nobody could hear them? Come on! Say it like you mean it!"
Her affirmation got me to smile broadly, and seeing me smile, she was able to smile too, even if only weakly.
"Do you want me to be there with you and your dad? He might ask me to spank you, and at that point, I won't be able to say no. He made that very clear to me on the phone."
"Yes Bryan. I want you there. Daddy would be proud of you, to see that you could give me a good licking."
"I'm not going there for you dad, Cathy. If I go there, its under his rules, yes, but its also under your approval. He's going to expect me to spank you probably at least as hard as I did today."
She winced at the thought, but by the resolve on her face and by her words, I knew she was not about to change her mind any more than her father was going to change his. "I still want you there, Bryan. At least it will give me somebody's shoulders to cry on afterwards."
My mind was racing ahead. She was such a strong lady, even if she occasionally needed some correction. I knew then that if she could survive this, and learn from it, she would be the one for me. Now was not the time to go into that, though. That would be a discussion for a future time.
And then, she said the words I was thinking. "Bryan, I love you."
My heart melted. Actually, my whole body melted. All I could do was draw her cheek to my mouth and give it a long kiss. She wanted to kiss me on the mouth, but I didn't feel like it was the right time for that yet, so I gently pushed her away and said "Not now. We'll discuss that later." She frowned slightly, but she didn't persist.
I pointed to her clothes still lying on the floor and said, "You'd better get these back on. Once you've done that, if you want, I'd appreciate your help packing up my things. It goes so much faster with two people. Then, when we are done packing my things, I'll help you pack your things."
She dressed herself slowly. I watched her get dressed, and she watched me watch her. She did not seem quite so embarrassed about being naked in front of me now. Once she was fully dressed again, I opened the door. I wanted to let Paul know it was safe for him to return if he happened by the room.
Between the two of us, we were able to get my things in order and packed, at least those things I was planning to take with me, in short order. As we were finishing up, Paul came by, and noticing the state of the room, his eyes asked far more questions than his mouth did. I wasn't going to give him any details to ponder, though. Those were secured between Cathy and myself, and neither one of us was prepared to let anything loose about that. Knowing Paul, I figured he would try to ask me later, but even then, I was prepared to keep our secrets together for a long time, perhaps even forever.
Then, together, we sauntered up the flight of stairs to her dorm room. Her room was much messier than mine had been. I thought that only half of it was likely to be hers, but when I asked her about it, she pointed to almost everything in the room saying, "that’s mine, and that’s mine, and that’s mine, and ...." It took us some time, but finally, with the two of us together, we were able to get most of the room in perfect shape. The rest was her roommate's. The packing process went smoothly from there. A duffle bag and a suitcase later, she was ready to go.
Then, her roommate Sally came in. Sally looked flabbergasted. "It didn't look like this all semester, Cathy. Why now?"
"Next semester, it will look like this the whole time," Cathy said.
Sally seemed skeptical, but I assured them both, "It will look this way all semester. Sally, if it doesn't, call me. I might need to pay Cathy some extra visits if its not." I emphasized the word 'visits' in that sentence. Cathy shivered. Sally giggled.
"Well, whatever keeps her in line, I guess," Sally said as she finished packing up the last of her things.
Most of the students were not local, so most of them came in either with their parents driving them or by plane. For those who came by plane, there were regular shuttle runs for a couple of days between the campus and the airport. After comparing notes, it turned out that Cathy and I were both scheduled to return to our parents on the same flight on the same day. I was looking forward to that as I had grown very fond of her, as I said earlier, and I'm sure the feeling was mutual. We checked our bags together, went through security together, and eventually wound up sitting next to each other on the plane. We didn't say a whole lot to each other, but we also didn't exactly separate our hands from each other too much either.
When the plane finally landed, I said to her, "Call me when you find out more information from your dad." She winced. She didn't want to think about her dad at that moment in time, but she knew she would have to very soon. Her dad was, after all, picking her up from the airport.
"I'll call you when I know. I'll let Daddy know that he should be expecting you. Perhaps he will call you instead."
"Cathy," I said, "I need you to be the one to call me. I told you already I'm not going to go because your Dad says so. I'm only going to go because you want me there."
"Okay, okay! I'll call you then!" She said it with some amount of exasperation. Then she gave me that weak smile of hers again which made her look so cute to me.
Finally, we went to go collect our bags. I was going to take public transportation home, but Cathy didn't live very close to a transit stop, which is why her father was picking her up at the airport. I decided to wait with her until her father came.
When he finally came into the baggage claim area, and saw Cathy, he did not look at all pleased. Then he saw me, and suddenly, he gave me a broad smile. "You must be Bryan Conyers!" he said as he shook my hand vigorously. I returned the gesture knowing it was expected of me.
"I'm pleased to meet you, Mister Smith!" I said in return. I was not sure how pleased I was, but I felt it appropriate to say so anyway.
"I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you over the vacation break, huh?" he said to me.
"Yes you will," I said. "Cathy will be keeping me informed about the details. Right Cathy?"
"Yes Daddy and Bryan. Bryan, I'll call you as soon as I know. I promise." She didn't look happy about it, but she was resigned to her fate, and I knew that at least she did feel like she deserved what was coming to her.
"Alrighty then. I guess we'd better get going. See you soon, Bryan." That was Mister Smith.
"See you soon, Bryan." That was Cathy.
I waved to them both and said, "Soon, indeed."
I watched them both leave the baggage claim area together, Mister Smith looking very assured and Cathy looking very uncertain. I almost couldn't wait for her to call me, but I knew she had to be the one to call if she was truly ready. I got home and I waited with great expectation.
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