How Lisa Leant to Sleep Standing Up-part two-Lisa's end game- by Lost Soul inspired by Rubberwolfs Story.
© 2007 - Lost Soul . . .
storycodes: Mff/f; bond; pony; leather; blkml; nc; X
Little did the siblings know that when their mother died that they, both father and Mother had a great love of bondage and would tie each other up as the kids slept though out the estate. He knew the kids picked up on this and this and would enjoy the lifestyle but he had hoped that the kids would figure things out or seek guidance for themselves but he after several observations of their bondage play and their never ending need to allow jenny to play them for fools he called me into play as the new baby sitter to end this. My name is "Lisa" and the siblings will soon learn that I happen to be their Elder Sister who's here to help out her Father. This is my story about bringing rules to their games as Father came across some videos the siblings made as he reviewed some of the better times he had with his wife, which further got his goat which he never approved of which Lisa agreed with and knew how to set right for the family as Father smiled.
A day prior before the latest and the last attempted blackmail attempt of both meet in the war room of which they only new of, and chatted about there fears and their need to teach the siblings a lesson and her enjoyment of seeing the kids make fools of themselves. They had agreed something was in the air and that Lisa would end their play as soon as possible; as stuff was well hidden in the barn area along with some needed food stuff if things go dicey.
Father felt the plan would be going into action as the kids returned from schooling as he viewed them heading toward Lisa who was near the barn area, she was seen agreeing to be Jenny s pony for a while; but little did the kids know they had felled into fathers plan as he viewed and overheard the upcoming scenes in a flow of never ending horror; as the kids tried to catch it all on film and video with hopes to use as additional blackmail but he was Reassured seeing a thumb up from Lisa, and Rescue was not needed. He knew she had the trio right where she wanted them clearly hanging, themselves showing no remorse or feelings.
They left her painfully harnessed as the kids left and wondered back to the main house which left a pain full hurt feeling in father which eased as he saw Lisa had freed herself after seeing some weakness in the trios restraints and eating and stretching. They chatted as she fearlessly left the barn and trotted about which loosen her up as they figured out how to deal with jenny the brat. It continued into the evening as they chatted on and wept together deciding there was no other choice.
Father noticed a blinking light from the war room and then alerted Lisa to play dumb some more back at the stall where she was left by some nasty siblings as they approached .
Lisa who was 22 and a genius with a younger body to die for had more then enough time to get to get back to the barn stall and re attached herself and go into her dumb expression mode well before they came back into sight with gleeful smiles. Then unhooked her from the carriage and all the while Richard was taping as father was screamed in anger watching them release her and then hose her down and scrub her open sores and re attaching a new bit less the head harness and then some pain filled knee chains which they had hoped would cause her to learn to Sleep Standing up and then placing her to bed down in a fresh stall.
Lucy was then overheard by father hearing her tell Lisa that she was to be Jenny s horse and if you don t show up as we planned or tell anyone we would start showing what we have on you over a web site you have which really got, fathers goat as the siblings trotted away thinking they had her, but little did the kids realize they did not. .
Father kept a sharp eye on the trio as they trotted back to the cozy homestead as he alerted a trusted servant Miss Kim to - " take off the kid Gloves " and she happily agreed as the siblings approached. And the other eye was locked on Lisa as she did not await an all clear he smiles broadly as he watched her retrieve several tools and painfully freed herself from all restraints and then stretched out on the hay to relax and blissfully played with herself in the hay. He then connects with some inter net friends and watches several minutes later as a certain web site is seen closing up for good.
He then went into living room as the kids were squabbling over which seat on the comfy couch was best for watching TV they went for position as Miss Kim viewed the tug of war as pop lay ed down over their feet and head on a fluffy pillow resting as Miss Kim worked her magic.
"Pay attention you three" said Miss Kim as she waved a stiff cane if front of them "What did you get on this weeks test " she addressed to all three kids "85" jenny squeaked 82 " was heard from Lucy and "78" from rich " That will be four for each of you ," now remove your tops and hands behind your back as she continues and then uses handcuffs to secure them as she moves to the front and proceeds to add four clothes pins to three sets of perky nipples before her as the kids bare up to it she then goes on to set a timer to 20 minutes as the kids fearfully peer that way then she retires back to the kitchen area to tidy up.
Elsewhere Lisa had come in the back way and relaxed on fathers bed . The kids held up during this session as father freed them as the timer went off, and they chatted awhile as he looked them over as they watched TV. They seemed happy as they thought of pony fun the next day if only they new; as father spotted his camera bag which he picked up as the kids chatted over what to watch next without alerting them as he slipped out as Miss Kim has them say goodnight and behave now please in a voice that gets respect.
Father enters the bedroom and proceeds to join his loving daughter in bed as she jumps to hug him and thank him for rescuing her as the kids are spotted getting in bed for the nite. Before the kids arise she returns to her homestead and some needed rest after being with Pop.
The next morning father hears the lawn mowers working in the distance as he eats breakfast as usual with Miss Kim. As a rumble is heard and the kids are seen racing out the door skipping breakfast chatting away as father smiles at Miss Kim he as he then uses a special remote to view a live feed from the barn area over the kitchen TV as the kids approach an the stall and freeze in their tracks as they view the area before them with shock as Lisa is not there only a pile of cut up restraints is seen as they examine the straw closer. As they notice in the corner a pile of bended metal and wheels, which is all that is left of the cart.
As Lucy and Jenny fell to their knee s Richard went for a trot trying to figure out what happen as father came to the stall area "Hey you lazy bones there s nothing in they are come now and help the old man" and continue as he saw them in a panic state whispering he asked "Are you, kids OK you seem sick - out of it" he said as they perked and answered OK hear as they helped dad out with his work as Richard continues to search for Lisa for several hours and later returns empty handed to help out father until the early afternoon and then some get lunch as the kids come together and chat over some important matter.
Father then chats with the kids "Hey you, kids I've got to show you a our new investment and its land so lets hit the road for a short trip" he smiles broadly as they head for the car and some miles later they come up to extended driveway capped by a dark green Mansion surrounded by vast green fields as they come drive up to the main house as he warned to behave them when they inside.
The kids are giddy as they ran about the rolling grounds opening every door in sight and getting into everything as Pop went in the Mansion as his Lisa awaited him with a hug.
The kids finished their adventures and they knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer; a pretty female answered and introduced herself As Miss Angel a friend of the owner and addressed the children " Well you must be Rich, Jenny and Lucy; I've heard a lot of you from your father come in and join us" upon hearing that they sit next to Father who's in a glamorous large living room as Miss Angel called up to the owner " They are here and a reply was heard Thank you coming down " The Owner can hardy wait your father talks a lot about you.
Before the kids can blink footsteps are heard coming closer as a figure to die for comes into view and as a voice addresses the trio " Hi guys I think I got yah " Lisa States as the kids seem to be leaking on the couch as they see her before them " well guys it was not nice what you did to me" as she nods to Pop so what is going shes asks the three sum as she proceeds to cozy up with Pop as the kids start to freak out and cannot find their voices as they watch the antics before them as Father has one other twist to add to their discomfort " Kids while your here I your old enough to here this" he turns to Lisa.
"My full name is Lisa Holden Bullman "which makes me your elder sister she pulls out her drivers license for the kids to read and your New Mistress and I think I own your tushyies for what you did to me; I could have stopped it but needed to see how far you had go as a video comes on as father nods as the kids see them self's as some foul language comes from them as they realize they are busted as faces turn to purple is heard which gets a stern warning from Lisa " Do not ever let me here that again you three do you understand me Yes the reply" Yes! what ! do you three call me here and in public" Mistress and Miss" yes she that is right and don t forget as Father nods and turns to speak; I was married before I met your mom and we had Lisa and then she died from a sudden stroke and then I met Patty we hit it off and we enjoyed our bondage games safely I gave my kid a life since she was all I had at the time; Lisa then went to give father a back rub.
As the as the kids continued to moan quietly and recovered as Lucy was heard to squeak " We did not that you were our sister she cried out and jenny would not get off our backs for a pony as jenny punched her for telling as Lisa warned jenny to behave or else which calmed her down as rich added that he was sure no one would care or tell as father felt ashamed at what he heard.
As another car quietly comes up to the rear entrance as a four sum enters the house out of sight of the trio as Lisa answers her phone " Kim here lets do it" and nodded.
OK you kid as Lisa shakes her head which brings a new wave of fear over them as she states the web site that you threaten me with is closed thanks to some friends. You kid upstairs and clean yourselves up you've pee d on yourselves seeing their red eyes and tears and smell as Angel awaits " You will obey Angel so get " You three up here now and get undressed right now, I am taking all your clothes strip everything off now as they slowly fearfully remove all their clothes and they are handed over as Angel directs them and not a word is uttered among them as Angel continues; jenny you in there and use the bath tub and you two in there for the showers. As a car is heard driving off.
After you are done come downstairs and wash every crevice please.
After a while the trio appeared squeaky clean downstairs all wrapped in towels as Lisa and Angel address them "Off with the towels you three and backs to us bend over and grab your ankles" as they approach pulling some rubber groves on and slowly, painfully feeling them up as Angel keeps them down as they find this enjoyable seeing young butts shaking " Your Father left in tears after seeing your shameful behavior " as she goes second butt; and then continues to the last moist butt and fingers her extra ruff. " Stand up and turn around Lisa commands as she removes her gloves you are all clean and virgins keep it that way, you three name your best friend right now ' Judy-Beth-Toni' is heard in a whisper from the trio.
OK you three come here in front of a marble staircase and do not move as Lisa goes up several steps and calls out " Now Miss Kim as shes comes to the top of the stairs, " Judy come here now, Beth here and Toni here and don t move" as the trio at the foot of the stairs can t believe the nude gagged beauties at the top of the stairs and free ashamed for what did to Father and their sister Lisa; Judy come down here, Beth here and Toni here now please as they line up behind their partners, OK you three open wide; wider now please as the gags are shoved in the mouths and make sure those gags are tight and locked on your bondage partners as Lisa walks by in front and pushes in the ball as it pulled from the rear as she gives directions until nice tight fits are seen.
"OK Listen up as Lisa wields a wicked looking cane" and taps Judy, Beth and Toni to move up next their partners as she continues " You three are here because your parents love you to death and are concerned about yourself bondage play and the fact that you've all been caught at it, yes they nod and smile also these three rich, Lucy and jenny have named you their best friends as heads nod in agreement OK you six you will always call us Mistress in house or Miss in Public, you will obey without question in house or in public and lastly you will never have bondage games without one of us being there, you hookup with one of these friends no one else ever then call us got me! They are seen agreeing.
Oh one last thing in case you don t know I happen to be Lisa Bullman their elder sister and these three are my siblings and this is my house as moans are heard as they sense what shes been though the fire in her eyes and not to be crossed; she continues my dad needs help with the kids and Pop was right after being their sitter for a period of time he was right so here I am as the kids know their place and realize someone cares.
You three girls upstairs now Miss Kim commands as they go up the steps and knowingly stop at the as Kim joins them at the top beaming and Lisa has her three face the stairs as Kim tell has her girls turn around and tells them " You did the right thing by stopping here without being told " , you know what we expect from you - like get there and stop but never stop out sight. I hope that makes sense yes they nod so don t ever play us for fools you've all tired that with your parents but never again we can chat later about this but for now watch quietly you might be next. Little do they realize that father is there watching.
OK for you three I have diapers you have a choice as they cringe you can put them on yourself or we can call down the girls and they will happily lube you up and snap you in as Lisa holds three tight fitting diapers before them which they take having no choice as Miss Kim goes up to her three and calls them to her, " I shall remove your gags" but you will be civil to one another and keep the chat low, one of you vacuum the rug here and they other two clean the bath tub and shower everything is in that closet. Any Questions or comments nows the time you three as she sits on a sofa and listens in.
Lisa watches as brother and sisters slowly pull the diapers on and tighten them up for a snug fit as she has them walk out to the larger barn and has them go in. As they size up the place Lisa goes over to unlock an electrical box and pushes a yellow button which lowers large church bell to the ground from up in the barn steeple as it comes to a rest, Lisa eyes the bell and then directs them onto the extended lip of the bell facing outs backs up tight against as they are taking this all in and carefully repositions them along the bell lip for balance.
Angel then comes out with a huge roll of shrink wrap as they proceed to wrap several layers around the bell securing the kids tightly to the bell casing after which some grey trap is used as a final measure to lock the kids in place as Angel pushes the green button which pulls the bell back up some 40 feet back into the tower as Lisa climbed up some flights of stairs to the bell landing to address a frighten kids as she eyed them for several minutes and stared at her watch "OK you three brace yourselves" as gears are heard starting up as the and I a slowly heard to clang in ten PM with its riders " Yes you are on a working clock here and yes you will have a fun nite here, as bulging eyes are seen after the ride, She goes on You will never know how much you've hurt us but after to nite we should feel better, if I ever hear of you three plotting against me again or anyone playing games without supervision I will bury the three of you alive got me, if you behave I will free you at 5am and use your diapers that is why you have them on she giggles as the kids seem to accept this hard love I will check on you in a while bye and then returns down the stairs to see angel watch the tower video as she then returns to the house to catch up with father and get some sleep.
The time is slowly heard passing from the clock tower as Angel keeps a watchful eye on them seeing that they aren't harmed as Lisa comes back out having a sisterly concern to check them and relieves Angel who returns to the house and sleep; just after the clock strikes 5am the bell is lowered by Lisa as it slowly comes to a rest the siblings are unwrapped and smile broadly as Lisa addresses them " I am removing your gags" it's OK to chat but keep in civil and low, as they surprise her by stepping up and kissing her on the cheeks as shes smiles back at them knowing they are in need of discipline as they head back to the house to get some sleep keep it down people are sleeping here, Lisa directs them to the beds tells them to wash up then bed please as she collapses into one to enjoy show before sleep.
The morning comes as Lisa and Kim are in the kitchen cooking up some eggs and pancakes as the smell awakens the others as Kim goes to see whats up as she tip toes up to peek.
Hello you kids, you are to help one another make the beds as she then feels up some wet diapers, you three take them off and wash up then get dressed from the clothes we have in the closet for you I will help and then you will present move it they shower and goes on to check on the girls seeing a pillow fight going on she watches from a safe distance then goes in as pillows fly which she catches stopping the action " enough for now you three, wash yourselves up get dressed from clothes in the closet I will help in a bit then present" as they nod in agreement as Kim smiles as she pops back and forth making sure the skin tight rubber suits fits in all the right places.
Some minutes pass by before clean rubber clad corsetted bodies are seen at the top of the stairs, as Kim looks them over she nods and sends them down for breakfast as Lisa greets them " Hi hope you all slept well and you kid enjoyed hanging out last nite," we have some work on the grounds to do beaming an overwhelming feeling of love our way. You all look so great in your outfits as she sees them wiggling; sit down spread out relax we have breakfast for you as Kim serves eggs and pancakes juices and she comes around to snug uptight some loose areas she noticed in the outfits they have on as she chatted to Jenny quietly "You've hurt Pop and then me" badly as she tightens a strap up so I came out of the back round moving on to Lucy to watch over you as Lucy feels her cosset tightens up as jenny is heard to squeak we did not know, and what jenny as they continue she sternly reminds them Lucy answers "Mistress" as they chat and eat as Lisa goes on as for you three your here because your parents love you need I say any more, nodding in agreement and smile they seem to get it.
Sometime later they head out to the barn where a new lawn has been planted just as Lisa and jenny head inside as Miss Kim comes up handing out gloves and utility knives several minutes later a tractor loaded with bales of hay as it seen slowly criss crossing as jenny pushes bales off and jokes with her sister she understands that father needs and loves umn dearly " do not you ever play stupid with us, guess what needs to be done Kim asks" as jenny is heard shouting, get your selves out here and spread this out she giggles as Lisa smiles as the rest get it and slowly pitch it as the tractor drops bales off till empty than stops as jenny jumps off and engages the group in a hay war as Lisa joins with Kim to toil on as do the kids, some time later angel brings out some snacks and drinks to the work gang for break as the job gets done several hours later as Lisa shouts " Well done all " the seeds are protected as they collapse and roll in the hay feeling wanted. Lisa then drives the tractor back into the barn and parks as father leaves after seeing how things went goes home as Lisa and Kim trot in.
After several minutes more of play the kids worn out flop down back at the house from the work but with a certain glow as Lisa gets off the phone. Some minutes later horns are heard in the drive way, Girls Lisa says your parents are hear to take you home as this catches the girls off balance, Yes Mistress is heard realizing this no game, as Lisa adds before they depart, you will obey your parents wishes or else umn should I say that the outfits can become your schools clothes, need I say more girls as they badly shaken feeling different, needed like never before as she walks them to the cars adding see you as they drive off and later the parents sense a profound change and hope.
Later Kim takes the siblings for back home for dinner as pops is cooking up a storm with some steaks and fries as the kids help want to help out and chat so much to say. The chat never ends as it comes time for bed and then off to school as all is back to normal for now.
The next couple of days go well for the siblings but on the third morning Lisa answers the phone it's from Mother a Mrs Rose who's girl Patty is at Lucy s school she pals around with saying how upset she is about Lucy trying to involve her patty in some pony games with handcuffs since and then mentioning Lisa so I called her father which lead me to call you now, Yes I understand Mrs Rose; I will see to it right away as they chat then hang up. Lisa giggles, smiles happy they did not fix this sooner.
Lisa hits the road and several miles later shes at Jennies s school giggling up to the main doors she pauses reading school name giggling some more as she walks bye classes in session to find the main office hoping that the Bullman name is enough to get her in without placing a call. She strolls into the main office and sees someone a lady, nice looking who raises from her desk to ask Lisa "Yes may I help you " yes I am here to see my sister jenny, I am Lisa Bullman and I need to find her, which class, yes Miss Bullman, happy that she knows us, she types jenny into a PC and finds her as she tells her third door down on the right as she heads out finding it knocks on the door as a teacher responds letting her in as jenny sees someone of the family shes raises as shes been taught and waits as the teacher asks how may I help you as she admires a respectful class " Yes I am Lisa Bullman I am jenny s elder sister as jenny is seen nodding in agreement as the teacher agrees and has her get, she follows her sister out into the hallway as they chatted I am so proud of you and Father she quietly says, yes we care deeply so much for you all and is it OK if we go out tomorrow Lisa asks just us two for some girly things you need a haircut and then your choice lets have some fun as they hug shes suggests " bowling", yes Lisa replies that would be fun as the smiles as warmth overtakes her.
I need to ask you something about your brother and sister Lisa says have you ever heard them mention " Patty" in their plans to hurt me and I think you pushed your brother and sister into the pony plan, so I have diapers here we don t need it for now, she squeaks dodging a bullet, she pulls her sister over, they think I am dumb and talk down at me so I make a fuss OK I understand but no more fussing or playing without us being around I and father can fix giving a shaky nod, this we do enjoy some play but first what to you know about patty Lisa quizzes her, yes over the cell about having fun with you and a cart, OK Lisa says this must stop you and your sis and brother must never tell what we do it must never be talked about outside of the family me and Father would not like this she smiles and fuss s over her hair adding it's not your fault, yes miss I think it is but I, I never thought it go as far as it did jenny moans, I just feel left out to often, it's OK kid now back to class and not a word to any one, you must trust me you will not be left out any more shes smiles back with trust then returns to her class.
Lisa then exits the school and cross s the street to have a chat with the two high schoolers as she nears the high school entrance she chuckles reading a plaque thanking someone called Bullman for a land donation as she smiles and continues to the main office and gets recognized, is then told where Lucy and Richards class rooms are as she heads to Richard's class she knocks on the door as a female teacher answer "come in " Lisa does with smiles admiring the calmness in the history class " hi rose remember me " Lisa bids her as she glances back seeing the fire in her eyes, as Richard stands up showing as he's been told to do if he knows that party showing respect " Yes its Lisa right nice to see as they hug, chat for a bit, yes still a teacher rose, says and you Lisa, studying law part time and here to help my father, turning to Richard telling him to go get his cell phone and wait outside the door " he is heard saying " Yes Miss.
"she smiles back as he leaves with a warm feeling, as they chat on as class continues until a light tapping is heard and waits shes exits and hugs rich as they walk and chat about school, girlfriends as they go down the hall and up to a class room door she knocks hears a voice asking her to enter she as Richard waits just outside " Hello Annie got Ya teach" she draws her gaze to see who would use her first name in class as Lucy is seen to arise and waits as Annie replies " hi miss Bullman " they chat on as Lisa tells,teach she needs to borrow her sister yes nods OK as Lisa turning to address her Sister " Lucy go get your cell phone then wait for me in the hall " going out she becomes even more concerned seeing her brother in the hall looking puzzled at one another they chat for a moment as she then goes to retrieve her cell phone and returns and calls into Lisa saying shes back.
Saying bye to Annie she leaves going out to the hall telling her Sister and brother they must read something just outside the main doors, as they read this plaque they realize that Father gave the town the land the school is built on giggling she says Pop is famous Lucy says as they realize in their hearts Lisa did not lie and does care.
Ok you two back inside and sit, wait while I will check something in nurses office as they see a hall bench and sit chatting away.
Lucy returns and sits between them " Give me your phones need to see the logs she commands " reviewing the record rich is clear then Lucy's logs have a problem as she tugs on Lucy asking " what can you tell me about patty, a moaning is heard echoing in the hall as Lisa goes on, her Mom called me something about a cart, handcuffs and gray tape to someone as rich is heard groaning that happens to be me she turns saying yes Richard as she leans back you two explain now please, well Richard starts we did not know who you are and figured , hang on it should not matter as she cannot believe what she hears as Lucy says we meant to give patty a spin when you came back on Saturday she moans getting busted.
"First no more cell phones for now you two, you are never to speak of our games outside the family or speak to patty again she is very upset and if you betray our family again, well come here into the nurses office something to show you, " Hi you two a familiar voice is heard guys as Angel to their horror address s them this is my sister her name is Jeanie , take off your shoes pants and undies as fearfully come off Lisa exits and she works here everyday as Angel drops some packs of diapers before them, a friendly warning next time we will be changing them here, need we say more, " No Mistress is heard " OK now get dressed Lisa is waiting " Thank You " they both say for not forcing us, Lucy whispers and trying to trust us as they exit into the waiting Lisa.
Well do you two get my drift, if you fail the family again you will find yourselves in diapers in school, I will not allow Father to be hurt Lisa states. Also please do not leave your sister jenny out in the cold anymore shes very lonely and needs us all, and don t play dumb with me you can include her more, please! Any questions if not back to class as they come forward giving her a peck on the cheek as a " Yes Miss" is heard from the both of them as the both go back to class realizing the other foot had been dropped ,they are busted and still loved or else Lisa would not be here.
Lisa with a spring in her step finds her car and looks forward to a calming soak in the tub after getting home and a deeper trust amongst the kids and understanding of the family, looking ahead to a new sun rise.
End of Part two -
look forward to a part three .
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