I was the first to be unchained from the metal ring and led by my nose ring into the barn by Master Sean, the cold air blasting once more against my naked flesh. I could feel Brad’s despair and anger as Sean opened the door to our stall and laughed at our misery that morning. Looking at him all clean and showered as we grovelled naked on the filthy barn floor accentuated the animals that we had become, looking up to our owner. I had warned Brad that showing defiance to our Master was pointless and would just incur further punishment and so I was proud when he replied with a meek “Yes sir” as Sean taunted him about his shitting in the corner. Without a word, Sean led me out and made me kneel at the entrance to our stall, then unzipped his fly. I was aware that Brad was a witness to my utter degradation as Master once more used my mouth as his urinal, before I humbly sucked his cock clean. All done without a word, with me having to accept my new animal status now in order to avoid punishment. I cringed inside as I realised what a lowly humble creature I now was, but I had to demonstrate to Brad that obedience was the key to avoid further punishment. Master then attached my wrist cuffs to a winch and I was winched upwards until I was once again on tiptoes with my naked body spread out for his amusement.
By now I was aching all over from my nude body’s constant exposure to the cold, the lack of human food and my constant bondage on cold surfaces. My piercings were aching and swollen and I winced in pain whenever Master touched any of my body rings. I felt weak, defeated and enslaved. I felt like the controlled beast that I was becoming as I stood there stretched, shivering and miserable. My feet cramped in the cold and I looked down at my dirt engrained body, trying to relieve the pain in my filthy bare feet by hopping on one leg.
“You stink, pig,” Master snarled. “My hot shower woke me up this morning. Pity animals don’t get a wash isn’t it slut?”
“Yes Master,” I whispered meekly, feeling every inch a dirty, disgusting farm animal as I looked at Master’s clean clothes, his clean skin and drying hair. I pondered if we would ever be washed, and it seemed unlikely. He clearly revelled in our disgusting animalistic squalor.
Master re-entered the animal stall and re-emerged dragging the naked Brad behind him, his ankles chained together. I looked at Brad’s face as he was dragged past me, noticing the fixed grimace of pain and humiliation on his handsome features. I knew that he too was aching from his enforced nudity and bondage and it wasn’t long before Brad too was hoist beside me on his tiptoes, his body stretched and exposed.
Master stood before us and laughed.
“Time to put my two animals to work I think,” he sneered. “But before that, I want a little fun. A little show for my amusement. And before we start, just remember that failure to follow my instructions, first time, will result in severe punishment.” As he snarled the words “severe punishment”, he stood between us and grabbed at our groins. He squeezed my imprisoned balls and I yelped in pain, and Brad also grunted in discomfort.
We both looked down at the floor and awaited his instructions.
“You two boys don’t look so manly these days, all strung up naked and shaved. It must be hard to have your cock locked away permanently boys. I been playing with my cock this morning, but don’t worry I have saved my cum for you boys. A nice tasty snack for you after work I think.” He walked around us, inspecting our flesh and taunting us with his words.
“Turn and face each other slaves,” he barked.
Trying to manoeuvre round on tiptoes as quickly as possible, we swung our bodies around to face each other. Brad was a few inches from me and I looked at his bowed head, his Mohican inches from my face.
“I don’t need to download any porn any more, I can use my sex slaves to give me a nice show. Maybe I may even use my cameras to record this and post it on the internet. Two former rugby heroes, now farmyard animals.”
“You will now kiss each other slaves. And I don’t mean a little peck on the lips, I mean a full blooded snog. You are not big manly rugby players any more, you are gay naked sluts for my amusement and use. You will show your love for your boyfriend. And don’t stop until I tell you to.”
Brad’s sad eyes looked into mine and I moved towards him, before he had time to get in trouble. Slowly, I moved my lips onto his and kissed a man for the first time. Sean was stood inches away from us, standing and watching us as we began to kiss. Slowly at first and then more passionately. A small kiss with his whip across our bare arses reminding us to increase the passion of the kiss.
“C’mon slaves. Give me a show gay boys. Get those tongues in each others’ mouths.”
We snogged like it was our girlfriend. I felt that there was no difference ultimately, and I tried to forget what we had once been. As our tongues explored the insides of each other’s mouth, Brad started his passage towards gay slavery. I had already tasted Brad’s cum but now I tasted his mouth. Brad’s eyes were closed and a single tear ran down his cheek, no doubt reflecting his shame and sorrow at what he had lost. We would henceforth be lovers, he was no longer the sexy stud with the flashy car and girlfriend.
My jaws ached when he finally told us to stop. Brad looked into my eyes, resigned to his fate and I smiled briefly at him to try and signal that it was ok. He lowered his eyes as we heard Sean chuckle.
“Beautiful. I am sure all your fans would love to see the lover boys in action now. See what you two gay boys have become, eh?”
He lifted Brad’s head with his hands under his chin, and turned Brad to look into Sean’s eyes as he taunted Brad’s loss of dignity. “My little gay rugby star.”
Brad could not accept it and his words tumbled out. “Fuck you. Let me go. I am no fucking queer. You must be the queer to do this to us. Let me go you bastard. I want my freedom back. You cant do this to me. Let me out of here.”
Sean stood back and laughed. “Poor little Bradley getting upset again about his new role as my animal boy?” He lashed the whip across Brad’s back and thighs and arse, relentlessly repeating it with full force as Brad squirmed and shouted.
When he had reduced Bradley to tears, he stopped. Brad trembled in pain as Master Sean stood before him, getting close to his face. “We will be getting rid of that ability to speak soon boy, stop you getting into trouble. But in the meantime, I suggest you accept what you have become. It aint going to change.”
“Now, time to get my two slaveboys working. No more laziness. And I have chosen a nice relaxing job for you to start off with. Nevertheless it is an important role and I will be using you to do this job many times over your future lives. So better get started.”
He flipped our bodies around to face him and he sat himself on a stool before us. Slowly and deliberately, he started to unlace his boots. When he had removed them, he peeled off his socks and stood barefoot before us. “Brrrr. Not standing barefoot here for long, don’t know how you boys cope being naked in this cold barn. Anyway, it will seem luxurious when you spend tomorrow night in the barn. You are getting a night out tonight boys ! A full night away from your animal stall. I had my night out last night, and so I thought it was only fair to give you slaves a night out too. Don’t think yours will be quite as enjoyable though.”
He stood before me and used his finger to open my mouth. Then, without warning, he stuffed one of his dirty socks into my mouth and closed my lips afterwards. My mouth was full with the stench of his sweaty feet and I gagged at the taste. He moved towards Brad next and did the same. He then moved behind us as we contemplated why we had our mouths full with his socks.
He stood on his stool behind Brad and started to push an object over Brad’s head. Whatever it was, it was a tight fit and I heard Brad grunt in discomfort. Turning to look, I saw that it was a tight skin-coloured rubber hood that was peeled over Brad’s head. Slowly he pulled it down over Brad’s head until it went under his collar. I could see that it was already extremely tight over Brad’s face. I could also see that the sock would be remaining in his mouth, as the mask had only small eye and nostril holes, no hole for the mouth. Whatever was happening to us, we would not be able to speak. When Master had finished, Brad looked even more inhuman, his head a basic outline under his hood.
Master quickly repeated the procedure with me, pulling my pierced ears and nose into an uncomfortable fit, and stood before us to look at his work. “Good, that’s the only thing you will be wearing for work today and tonight slaves. All that you need to shut you up when I leave you out overnight. Now, let’s get my tractor sorted.”
He exited the barn, leaving us hanging there as the cold October chill crept over our naked bodies. I turned to look at Brad. Whatever it was that he tried to say to me was lost completely in a garbled mutter. His mouth was full of his Master’s sock and locked under a rubber hood. Speaking was not an option for us.
By the time Master Sean returned to the barn, I was getting used to the restrictive rubber hood over my head. I realised that my sight was restricted and my hearing even more so, the pressure of the rubber that encased me was also difficult on my mouth, full with Master’s dirty sock. I concentrated on breathing through the small nostril holes.
The sound of the winch brought Brad’s arms down from above him. Master released him and dragged him out of the barn into the open air. I wondered what it would feel like to be outdoors, naked and enslaved. I was of course about to find out.
As Master dragged me out of the barn, I walked into the cold October morning. There was a light sprinkling of frost on the ground and my body shivered at the cold. I looked around me at the neatness of the farmyard and my heart sank as I realised that Sean’s farm was actually a large estate. I could see human traffic, cars, in the far distance but a long driveway and several fields separated us from freedom. My mind snapped back to my own imprisonment as Sean attached the chain around my wrists to a beam behind his tractor. I stood next to Brad, my fellow slave, as our ankle manacles were removed.
I could see that Brad’s thoughts were similar to my own as he gazed into the distance, hoping that an unexpected arrival may reveal our plight to the world. He could never explain why he had two naked guys in chains attached to his tractor. But our saviour never came. We were at this new stage of our slavery unaware that an electronic gate had been installed by Sean barring any unwanted visitors from seeing us.
“Let’s go to work slaveboys!” shouted Master Sean with a gleeful shout as he mounted his tractor. The engine started and with a slow push forward, we started to walk out of the farmyard, tethered to the back of the tractor.
I wondered what we looked like as I adjusted to walking for the first time in days. Two muscled naked guys chained behind the tractor. I looked down at my poor bare feet as we walked gingerly over gravel. We were not even given footwear to protect our feet and I could see that Brad too was adjusting to his barefoot torturous walk.
We exited the farmyard and the tractor turned right, heading up an incline along a dirt track. We stumbled along behind, walking now into thick mud that squelched around our ankles as we walked. Suddenly, the pitch of the tractor’s engine increased and it started to climb the incline at a faster rate. We were forced to start jogging behind it and soon to break into a run. My body screamed in protest at this sudden run, and I could feel my titty rings bouncing against my bare skin as I ran naked behind the tractor. My run was also affected by my cock and balls, locked away between my legs. With my balls pushed out to each side of my imprisoned cock running became more difficult as I had to keep my legs pushed apart in an awkward stance.
I can only guess how ridiculous we must have looked, running naked through the countryside, as the tractor made another right turn and we entered a large field of brown earth. Still the tractor moved up the field, pulling us behind it as it went. My legs were now caked in mud and I could feel splashes of mud beginning to cover my upper torso as the tractor travelled through several deep puddles of icy cold water and mud and we ran along behind it.
Half way up the field the tractor stopped. As Sean dismounted, I fought to take in more air through my nostril holes. We were both panting from our enforced exercise, and a thin film of sweat belied the cold morning air.
I looked up and noticed two structures in the field now, one before us and the other a few hundred metres away. In front of us was a wooden cross, erected in the middle of this field in the middle of Sean’s estate. I could see that Brad was also studying the cross as he was released from his chains and dragged across to the first structure.
Unable to do anything but watch, I watched how Master dragged Brad’s body in front of the cross and attached his collared neck to the vertical post. I watched his ankle cuffs being attached to either side of the bottom of the cross. And then I watched Master stretch Brad’s arms out to each side and attach them to the horizontal wooden beam. He stood and ran his hands over Brad’s exposed body and stood back to admire his work. After saying something to Brad, he trudged back towards me.
I looked in horror at Brad’s naked body, tied to the cross as Master untied my chain.
“Your boyfriend is finally serving some use slave. It may only be of limited use being a scarecrow but at least it is serving a purpose now.”
He dragged me across the field behind him towards my cross and I shook my head in disbelief. He was going to keep us chained naked out here, chained to a cross, as naked human scarecrows. Unable to move, unable to protest. Displayed as basic objects for his amusement.
It took him only minutes to attach me to my cross, and he stood before me looking at my pathetic exposed flesh.
“You used to make me run around that field at school slave boy. I vowed I would get even with you. Now I am going back to my nice warm house and going to spend Sunday relaxing in front of the fire reading the papers. Meanwhile, you two naked scarecrows can spend some quality time thinking about your status as my animals. You are not even animals any more, just objects. It’s going to get pretty cold out here tonight. But I will be back tomorrow morning to get some more work out of my slaves tomorrow as the working week begins. So try and get some sleep scarecrow.”
He stood before me and started to laugh, his eyes taking in my pathetic appearance.
“You are such a sorry piece of slave flesh now boy,” he sneered before turning his back and walking back towards his tractor. I turned to my right and looked at Brad’s naked body attached to his cross. I was sure that he too was crying as he contemplated how menial and pointless his life now was. Two slave scarecrows unable to break free.
I watched as Sean’s tractor disappeared out of the field and we were left in the silence of the field. My body began to shiver as the cold wind cut across the fields. I could see that Brad was desperately trying to break free of his cross but I knew it was futile. Master would have made sure his crosses were firmly set, and it was only a matter of time before I saw Brad slump in defeat on his cross.
And so I stood there as the rain started to fall. Cold, miserable, naked. My mouth stuffed with Master’s sock in the cold field. As I bemoaned my position as a pathetic naked scarecrow, I imagined Master Sean sat in his living room reading the newspapers. The fact that he was not even witnessing what he done to us, dehumanizing us in this way, made our plight seem even more cruel. Left exposed outdoors, naked, on this winter morning.
Probably he was now preparing a Sunday lunch. My stomach rumbled before I realised that my only food was likely to be Master’s piss, cum and raw, rotting vegetables. My exposed flesh heaved in distress and I began to sob in despair.
I was only one of two naked scarecrows in a cold English field.
As daylight turned into dusk, I considered how ridiculous I had become. A former intelligent, fit, successful man who was now a naked scarecrow imprisoned in a field, chained to a pole. My body was shuddering convulsively with the cold, and so it was with some relief that I saw the lights of Master’s tractor coming up the track towards our field, his headlights straining through the drizzle of rain.
Sure enough, he entered the field and my body lurched in anticipation that we would feel some warmth again in our restricted limbs, which remained tightly bound to our poles. Such simple luxuries as warmth and some freedom of movement were massive things to me now. I watched Master approach Brad and saw him fiddling with Brad’s body for a few minutes before he trudged towards me across the dirty field.
He stood before me and looked over my body. He moved his warm hands over my ice cold bare flesh and chuckled softly, revelling in my continued misery. Without a word. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out an object that made me shiver with dread. He moved behind me and pushed my body forward so that my arse was pushed forward in front of my cross. I felt the cross vibrate as Master screwed the dildo into place. Finally, when he had finished, he returned in front of me and guided my arse over the installed dildo. With a firm push, he impaled me down on the large dildo and I felt it slip fully into my arse. I winced in pain and wanted to scream as I realised that my arse was full with this massive dildo. And there was nothing I could do to remove it. I would be spending my night with my arse impaled on a dildo. All of this done without a word from my owner.
He stood before me and smirked. He didn’t need to speak: his complete domination of me needed no accompanying words of degradation. However, just for good measure, he ran his fingers down to the ring that chained my cock in place and chuckled. He smiled a knowing smile and returned to his tractor. The engine roared to life and I watched the red rear lights disappear down the field, leaving us chained naked and impaled on large dildos for a night in the open.
Needless to say, I did not sleep that night. Neither did Brad. We squirmed and cried and tried to get some circulation into our exhausted naked bodies, all to no avail. We could not shout for help locked to our crosses. We could not comfort each other in our extreme distress and agony. We simply remained enslaved, in pain, attached to our cross. I watched the sun rise, my body wracked in agony from the pain of extreme cold and the unbearable tension of maintaining this standing position, my arse impaled. I was under no illusion what I was any more. I was a slave, and escape from this constant hell would be impossible.
I strained to hear the engine noise of Master’s tractor but it seemed an eternity before the noise arrived and Master came into view. I was ashamed with myself when I realised that I was pleased to see my tormentor, the person who had done this to me. How could I want to see him, so that he could take me to more demeaning misery ?
He finally released us, my arse in sheer agony as he pushed me upwards off the dildo as the last act in freeing me from my bondage. I was exhausted and powerless to resist, as my body collapsed in exhaustion, face down in the icy mud of the field. Despite this, I could not move myself out of the position, caked in mud, and I lay there like an imbecile until Master’s boot connected with my body. As I rose, my body screamed in agony and I stumbled towards Master’s tractor. As I looked at his comfortable machine, a symbol of wealth in his life, I thought of what I now owned. Nothing. Not even an item of clothing. I was a filthy, unwashed, caked in mud, shaved, naked, freezing cold slab of slave meat. I looked at Brad and was shocked at the picture of pure misery that he also represented. We were utterly defeated.
We struggled to jog back to the farm, chained to the back of the tractor as Master drove back down to the farmyard. Our legs were without circulation and the act of lifting our feet seemed doubly difficult. I looked up and noticed some cars in the distance. Normal people going about their normal lives. Unaware of the fact that naked slaves were being abused not far from their daily lives. Our world was now total service at the mercy of our owner and master.
Eventually we returned to the barn. Master had still not said a single word to us since the previous day. He attached manacles to our ankles and removed our wrist chains from the tractor. With the crack of a whip across our backs and a cry of “Hup! Boys!” he moved us into the barn, slashing the whip cruelly and unnecessarily across our freezing backs and forcing us to yelp in pain. As he did so I understood that we were not men any more, we were now animals. He did not need to speak to us. We were not considered human beings any more.
We stood naked before our cell door as Master opened it and cracked the whip as a signal to move inside. Wordlessly, he chained our ankles to the floor and closed the door. I listened as our owner’s boots crossed the barn floor and he disappeared. I turned now and looked across the cell to Brad. Our heads were of course still encased in our rubber gimp masks and yet we did not need to think about it: we knew that taking our masks off was not an option. Master would have done it himself if he wanted it removing.
There was simply nothing to do but try and get some sleep. I felt some circulation returning to my freezing body as my muscles began to cramp. Our cell was not warm but it was warmer than being chained outside. Miserably, I squatted down against the bare wall and looked across at Brad, who had also squatted down and was pointing his pink chastity device to the floor. A trickle of piss trailed across our cell floor and I almost wanted to dive in it to obtain some warmth.
Brad finished and came to stand before me. His massive amazing body naked before me as I crouched against the wall. He could not speak but he raised me by my arms so that I stood before him. He grabbed me tight and held me close to him, our bodies entwined as he bear hugged me. We could not speak or see each other’s faces, but we simply stood naked in each others’ arms. Two naked former rugby hunks. Former teacher and former pupil. I hugged him back as tightly as I could, and felt tears sting the corners of my eyes.
Was it an act of craving my companionship, or a means of getting some warmth into each other ? I didn’t know, even as we lay side by side on the cold concrete and cradled each other’s naked bodies on the floor. I drifted off to sleep in Brad’s arms, exhausted but obtaining some form of comfort from the knowledge that Brad shared my new existence as a naked farm animal on Master Sean’s farm.
I don’t know how long we slept, time was irrelevant now. We were losing track of days, let alone hours and the time of day. But we slept well, exhausted together on the cold stone floor. Our naked bodies cradled together on the floor for comfort. A few days ago, it would have been an unthinkable thought to consider lying naked on the floor with Brad. How things had changed when I now craved the thought of spending time touching his naked body and feeling his bare flesh next to mine, beside me on the floor. His companionship was the one positive aspect in our degrading lifestyle as animal slaves.
When we awoke, it was daylight and it was still raining outside. We could see out of our stall from a crack above the door. The cold felt to be inside my bones now and I contemplated how many days I had now spent naked as an animal, as I clasped my arms around my cold shoulders and tried to rub some warmth into them. It was becoming the norm and I was adjusting to life without clothing.
Brad sat up and leant his back against the wall, his imprisoned cock dangling between his muscular legs. He placed his rubber encased head between his hands and remained the perfect picture of misery. I sat opposite him and felt our status more than ever. Not only were we imprisoned here naked, our ankles manacled to the floor, but we could not even communicate with each other in any way. I touched his foot with my own foot, and we sat there. Such a basic form of contact the only reminder that we were once normal men.
Eventually, the unmistakeable sound of our owner’s boots crossing the barn was heard, and we awaited what his next plans were, in order to degrade and humiliate us.
He opened the door and stood before us, whip in hand. I cowered down before him, haunched low down to avoid the whip as he unchained my ankle from the concrete ring, attaching the end of the chain to my other ankle instead so that I was unable to run. He did the same with Brad – without a word – and with a crack of the whip across the floor shouted “Out!”
We scrambled out and cowered in the barn as he locked the door. I looked at him, dressed in his warm clothing, his hair gelled in place and his still youthful good looks proclaiming him a good looking guy. I felt the difference in our status now, as he had us naked animals before him.
He turned to us and shouted “KNEEL!”
We both knelt before him and I watched as he moved over to Brad. Without a word, he took his cock out of his trousers and started to piss. The stream of urine started over Brad’s knees and legs but then he aimed his cock over Brad’s upper body and finally over his masked head. I gulped in pity as I watched my masculine, straight friend accept a shower of piss over his shaved body, powerless to resist. How cruel this life of slavery was, when Brad had to simply kneel and accept this degrading act without complaint or resistance.
Master finished and zipped his cock away inside his trousers. I realised that I was forgetting what it felt like to be able to put my cock away inside clothes. Naked exposure was my future. As Brad knelt in a puddle of piss, Master came towards me and attached a rope to my nose ring, before doing the same to Bradley’s metal neck collar. With a sharp pull, we followed our Master out of the barn and across the gravel in the farm courtyard. With our manacled feet, we stumbled to keep up with him as he strode purposefully, both of us jogging pathetically behind. He continued out of the courtyard and around the side of the house into a side field, trudging across the muddy arena that was filled with the sound and smells of pigs. Our feet slid in the slippery mud as we jogged after Master, him dressed fully in his thick boots and us experiencing the mud sloshing over our bare feet and ankles.
We entered a side building, a bare brick outhouse. The building was fairly large, about 25 feet across and in the centre was a circular raised block. On top of this raised block was a large pole reaching upwards and two horizontal beams stretching ten feet outwards from the central pole.
“Time for you animals to start earning me some money. Save me some electricity costs with this wind turbine. Looks like you pigs can start being the wind for me.” The words were spoken to the air, not directly to us as we stood and looked at the equipment. He laughed aloud and dragged Brad towards the first of the horizontal beams. Using chain, he attached Brad’s metal collar through a hole in the beam and padlocked him into place. He then removed Brad’s ankle chains. He did the same to me and so we were both secured in position.
As Master went to the side of the barn, I contemplated our current position. There would be no sitting down with our necks chained like this. We were stood here for as long as Master wanted us to be, and I had a feeling it would be hard, back-breaking work. But of course I had not reckoned on the fullness of his cruelty yet.
Wordlessly, he came behind me and I felt him push something roughly into my arse crack. He continued to push as I grunted in pain. Finally he found my arse hole and started to push the object mercilessly inside. It felt like a smooth metal cylinder and it was pushed deep inside my arse. I sighed in frustration and anger at the latest loss of humanity as I adjusted to the feel of this object inside me. I hopped on both balls of my feet, trying to slide the invading object into a comfortable position deep inside me. Master went and inserted the same object inside Brad. I had no idea what the object was, but I knew that it would stay there until Master stated otherwise.
“You will now start your shift as beasts of burden. You will not stop or decrease your pace and you will not remove your arse plugs. If you do, you will be severely punished.”
He pressed a large red button on the side of the wall and a buzzer sounded. “Hear that buzzer? If you slow down or stop, that buzzer will sound and you will not like the consequences. Now begin!” he shouted.
What choice did we have ? Slowly, the beam started to move and we began to walk around the circular track following the beam helplessly, trying to adjust to the large metal cylinder inside us. After a few minutes I realised that it was heavy work and I wondered how long I could maintain the work, particularly as my body was already wracked in pain. I did not have long to contemplate this, however, as I felt the whip lash across my back and a cry of “Faster pig!” from Master.
As we reached jogging pace, the buzzer stopped and we began to get some rhythm to our work. Master watched us for a few minutes and then we looked out of the corner of our eyes as he turned away and exited the building, closing the door behind him.
And so we jogged. In our circular path, naked and hooded. Round and round the track.
It didn’t take long for both Brad and myself to realise that we should decrease the pace because He wasn’t watching us and we reduced our speed gradually down to a fast walk. It took about a minute before the sharp sound of the buzzer on the wall told us that we had slowed down and, in a panic, we increased our pace again until the buzzing sound stopped. We did not want our Master to come in and punish us.
It took another ten minutes or so before we started to slow again, and this time we had both realised that Master was not returning. And so when the buzzer sounded, we let it sound. He was clearly not in listening distance. He could even be away from the farm for all we knew. He would never know that we were walking around the track. Fuck him.
We did not realise that he did not need to be in hearing distance of the buzzer. It sounded for approximately thirty seconds before punishment kicked in. As my arse exploded in pain, I watched Brad’s body leap up from his beam at the same time. A sharp jolt of electricity coursed through my arse, causing me to scream into my hood in pain and I started to resume jogging pace immediately.
I was openly crying again. Deep sobs of rage and humiliation as I trotted onwards around the circular track. Here we were, naked and in chains, creating wind power for our Master who controlled us via an electric butt plug even though he was nowhere near us. We were powerless to reduce speed or stop as we continued our monotonous and exhausting jog around and around the track. I can’t describe the helplessness and hopelessness that clouded our minds as we ran around that track. Reduced to the level of dumb donkeys. Too frightened to stop or slow down because of the severe pain in our arses.
When you’re a slave time is irrelevant. Obviously, we had no watches and we just ran, round and round, contemplating the misery of our lives as animals. Left alone with our thoughts and the sound of our bare feet pounding on the dirt floor.
My thoughts? I was conscious that my thoughts were changing from the easy free thoughts of a man to the basic thoughts of an animal. Basic thoughts of maintaining pace, of not being punished, of wondering what Master wanted to do to me next. I looked down at my naked body, caked in mud and a thin film of sweat now covering my shaved and filthy body. It was dark outside now.
I thought about my act of many years ago, when I was free. The act of making Master Sean run around the football field when he refused to participate in sporting activities. How I wished I had not done that now. Maybe then I would still be free, still be a man, instead of now running aimlessly and naked as an animal slave around this track. I was feeling the might of my Master’s revenge.
I looked across at Brad, his mind no doubt full of the same extreme pain and humiliation that I felt. We were here together, both of us trapped in this world of extreme degradation, and yet we could not even communicate with each other as we worked endlessly. When would Master return ? When would we be allowed to rest ?
It was several hours of backbreaking labour, chained naked to the generator and running around at a steady pace before Master returned. Several hours of mind-numbing tedium, coupled with extreme frustration and anger at our humbling predicament. It was dusk before he returned to stand at the side and watch our sweating bodies toil mercilessly before him. As I passed him, pushing my heavy bar, I glanced at his face and despaired at the triumphant sneer that signalled his total domination over us.
Finally, he shouted that we were to stop, and we brought the machine to a slow halt. The sound of the buzzer roused me briefly from the feeling of relief as I worried about another painful jolt up my arse. Master simply laughed and shouted that we were to expel our metal butt plugs. As our hands were chained to the bar, we had no choice other than to shit the metal plugs out of our arse, where they had painfully chafed our insides for the whole of the day. I gasped in relief as I felt my arse chute free from its painful invader. Such simple freedoms were wonderful.
It was dusk and it was cold. I could see my ragged breath condensing in the air before me, and yet my body was warm. The effort of a full day of naked hard manual labour had taken its toll. I was learning what it was like to be a beast of burden, naked and compelled to work non-stop in gruelling conditions. As Master released my chain from the beam, I collapsed to my knees in exhaustion and knelt in the dirt at his feet.
After Brad was released and brought over to kneel next to me, Master grabbed our hoods and pulled them roughly off our heads. My head buzzed as the blood started to flow again after two days of skin tight rubber and my jaws ached as Master removed his socks from inside our mouths. My mouth felt disgusting. I had of course not been given any toothpaste since my captivity and now a disgusting taste of feet pervaded my dry mouth as I tried to circulate some feeling back into my mouth.
I looked at Brad and saw the same look of despair on his face. He too was struggling to comprehend what had become of us as we knelt there naked on the filthy floor. Would our misery never end ?
Master grabbed his whip and told us to follow him out of the small building on all fours. Our limbs ached, and our tired minds were desperate for some stimulation and the ability to speak to each other. The opportunity did not come however. We simply followed our owner out of the building, conscious that he was dressed in his warm clothing and his heavy boots as we grovelled naked at his feet.
The cold air hit the sweat on my body and cooled me instantly to a shivering crawling pig. For the first time that I could remember, I was not in heavy chains. However I did not even dare to attempt escape. Master held all the aces as we crawled at his feet. Exhausted and weakened as we were, there is no way that we could have escaped Master’s grip.
Master started to move across the muddy field and we crawled behind him, our imprisoned cocks hanging down in our bare, shaved groins as we scrabbled in the mud. Have you ever crawled naked across a muddy field ? Of course you haven’t. You are a normal human being. I shook my head in disbelief as I realised what I was doing, submitting to this treatment meekly so as to avoid being punished. A total animal. I crawled behind Brad, watching his mighty arse cheeks and thighs from behind: watching his low hanging balls and his caged cock dangling down towards the dirt. Around us, we could see the pigs together in small groups in their field and I began to understand with a sickening realisation that there was absolutely no difference now between the naked, filthy pigs and us naked, filthy manpigs. We were of no higher status than these animals, we ate the same food as them, our naked bodies were always exposed like theirs. In fact, we were treated as lower than them in status by our Master.
As we reached the half way point across the field, a large rectangular mud pool loomed before us in the centre of the field, where the land dipped down to a central small plateau in the field. Master stopped at the edge of the pool. He looked down at us, our hands and lower legs invisible under the layer of thick mud and pigshit at his feet.
“Poor little piggyboys. Feeling sorry for yourselves boys ? If you want to eat tonight pigs, you can show me how low you have fallen. Get in there.”
We crawled into the mud pool and, under the instructions of our sadistic Master, we rolled around in the cold, stinking mud. It covered our bodies in the foul smelling mud until we really were unrecognisable as human beings. Everything from our torsos and limbs, down to our bare heads and our imprisoned cocks were caked in icy mud. And then, following precise instructions from our owner as he stood at the side of the pool and laughed aloud at our ridiculous position, he watched as we were made to stand in the middle of the pool and rub our bodies tightly against each other, then kiss. We stood before each other, and looked into each others’ eyes. It was the only recognisable feature as we kissed passionately, our mud engrained lips embracing to amuse our watching owner. The stimulation of the mud as we rubbed each other’s bodies, coupled with the fact that this was the only contact and compassion we had seen for days, started to stimulate us both. In horror, I realised that my tiny cock was trying to get hard as I rubbed up against Brad, and I could see also that his cock was expanding in its cage. I wanted to scream in pain as my cock was prevented from following its natural course by the cruel rings. And yet still we kissed, standing there caked in mud from head to toe as our Master stood there and watched.
As the darkening gloom enveloped us, we followed Master out of the mud pool when his entertainment was over, and we crawled behind him towards a dimly lit stall. We reached the last few yards between us and the building, and I became aware that our animal companions the pigs were all around us. Master stopped before the door of the pig pen and paused to padlock a thick chain to our metal collars.
He moved inside the pen and we could see him spreading pigswill into the troughs inside. The pigs around us seemed oblivious to the fact that we were there with them, and started to jostle in the mud for positions around us. Clearly, even to the pigs, we could not be seen as human. We were simply animals like them, waiting for our food. A human would not be on all fours naked in the mud.
Master finished spreading the food and opened the door to the pen. The pigs pushed forward into the pen and started to scoff from the trough. Master slapped Brad hard on his bare arse and shouted “Go get your food piggy boy.”
We hadn’t eaten for days. We hadn’t had any drink for days. Although I didn’t want to feel this latest humiliation of eating slop with the pigs, I knew that it would be our only opportunity to eat. Side by side, we crawled into the pen and found ourselves a section of trough. As we knelt before the trough, I looked sideways at Brad. His face was streamed with tears as he lowered his head and started to eat the disgusting mixture. As our Master leant on the door to the pen, he watched his pigs from behind. The only difference between us and the other pigs was his knowledge that we did not want to live the life of a naked pig, a farm animal.
We would have given anything to be a man again. To wear clothes. To be allowed freedom. To watch TV. He had not only enslaved us but de-humanized us. And we meekly knelt there to feed, powerless to prevent his total degradation of us.
Finally we finished and Master released our chain from the post at the door. Pulling us along, he ushered us into a bare brick stall and chained us to a central post. We knelt before him, sub-human in our appearance now as he removed his warm coat and sat on a stool. He pulled out a small book and started to do some reading, sat there on the stool.
I looked at Brad and Brad looked back again. We were grovelling at his feet as he read his book, and there was nothing for us to do. We were of course forbidden to speak. He was clearly emphasising the difference between us as he read his book and we shivered naked at his feet.
Finally, he stood up and stretched. Without a word, he walked over to Brad. He positioned his body on all fours, legs and arms spread. Taking something out of his pocket, he went behind Brad and with a grunt started to push something inside him.
Brad cried in pain as Master pushed the dildo in and out of his exposed arse. His shivering body begged his Master for mercy as he pleaded in whimpers for Sean to stop. Sean ignored Brad’s pleas, his only response to pull downwards on Brad’s exposed balls when he dared to speak human words.
I knelt and watched, too afraid to draw attention to myself, as my friend was raped with the dildo. It was clear that Sean could do as he liked with us now, and there was nothing we could do to prevent his sadistic treatment of our exposed bodies.
Finally, Brad slumped to the floor in defeat when Master stopped invading his arse. With a kick, he responded to his Master’s order to kneel before Sean on his stool.
From across the room I looked at the scene before me. My two former pupils, one of them sitting comfortably on the stool in his full clothing as he looked down at the other kneeling naked on the floor before him, his mighty naked body covered in mud.
I held my breath to listen as Sean spoke softly to Brad. He held Brad’s face upwards so that Brad was forced to look into the eyes of his tormentor as he spoke.
“You know, it’s a real shame what has happened to you Bradley. Only nineteen years of age, your whole life ahead of you. You should be out driving your car, meeting up with your mates for drinks, shagging your girlfriend. Such a handsome hunk.”
He paused and let his words sink in.
“And yet look at you. Instead of that, you will be spending the rest of your life naked, wasting your life as a farm animal. Being used as an object of humiliation to satisfy my sexual drive, when your own cock is locked away. It’s not fair, is it?”
Brad’s head slumped and he appealed to Sean. “Please Sir. Please. I would do anything to be released. Please, you have the power to give me my life back again. Please don’t do this to me Sir. I beg you. What can I do ? What can I give you ?”
Sean chuckled and rubbed his hand across his pet’s bald head and Mohican. “That’s just it though Brad. The only thing you have anymore is your body, and I already can do whatever I want with that anyway. I already own you. Out there they have started a search for you and your boyfriend. Quite a big story in the press. Your parents have even offered a reward for your safe return. Even your rugby club have offered some reward. But of course they don’t know you are animals on a farm now. They wont find you here. So my advice is to forget about your past life and accept your new status.”
He stood up, towering before Brad who had dissolved in tears at the mention of the reward. Somehow, the fact that people were missing us made the whole situation seem even more desperate in that release was impossible.
“There is one thing you could do though Brad,” Sean stated.
Brad looked up as Master moved towards me. Reaching to the wall, Master pulled down a set of ankle manacles and chained them in place on me. Pulling me to the back of the stall, he rolled me onto my back. Without a word, he grabbed my ankle manacles and pulled them upwards. With a final push, he attached the chain to a hook on the wall.
I lay there, my head and upper body on the ground, my spread legs chained above me and my arse open wide in the air.
Master moved over to Brad and told him to stand. Without a word, Master unlocked Brad’s cock from its prison and released it. He stood before Brad and rubbed his cock into life. Of course, it did not take long before Brad’s cock stirred into life and reacted to its freedom.
“You have a proper cock Brad. A man’s cock. What a shame it will only be released once every few weeks. Still, better than not at all like that bitch. But just remember Brad that if it wasn’t for that bitch you would not be here. Your life has been wasted because of your closeness to that manbitch over there. It was his faults, his arrogance, his pride in you that got you enslaved. I only did it to upset him. I only took your life away as a demonstration of my power over him.”
“But its not fair Sir. Please Sir, don’t do this to me,” Brad whimpered, his body gyrating and his face betraying his intense satisfaction as Sean rubbed his free cock.
“I can’t set you free Brad. I need to keep you as my animal. But I can give you some revenge.” He motioned towards me, and pushed Brad in my direction.
“It’s the only pussy you will ever get now. And you won’t be allowed to cum often. So you had better take advantage whenever I let you free.”
Brad looked from Sean to me and he realised that Sean’s words were true. He knew he would never be released, and he knew that he needed relief. He stood before me and I looked up at him from between my outstretched legs. My arse quivered as I felt Brad’s body touch mine. I saw the doubt flicker in Brad’s eyes: he was a straight boy. But then I saw the recognition dawn that I was his pussy now, and he needed to cum. I closed my eyes as he positioned himself at my hole. And with one animalistic grunt, he pushed against my hole and his cock plunged inside me.
Our life had settled into a routine. It must have been three or four months since our capture, and any hope of release from our naked slavery had long since faded. We had no concept of dates any more, of times of the day or of the normal passing of the human world. As naked animals, time was irrelevant to us.
Our waking moments were spent in constant toil as beasts of burden. We spent days toiling on the electricity generator. We knew that the potential use of this as a source of income for Master was virtually nil. It was simply a means of teaching us our place in life, toiling endlessly with no reward other than jolts of electricity up our abused arses if we ceased to toil. Master did not need to employ farm hands any more.
We spent days on our hands and knees, from dawn until dusk, our bodies hobbled by severe chains, pulling up crops from the ground with our bare hands. Master came and watched our progress at intervals, eager to lash a whip across our backs if he felt we were too slow, but we were often left alone like this, naked in the freezing winter cold. Our days would end with the chain between ankles and wrists removed and tied to the back of Master’s tractor. Our return to the farm was no longer a jog though, we now sprinted behind the tractor with Master not even giving a backwards glance as he returned at a steady pace back to the farm buildings. Regardless of incline, of weather or of ground conditions. Our naked bodies abused as we ran at full pelt, chains and metal adornments flying in the wind.
Thankfully, our scarecrow duty appeared to only be on a cycle of once per week. Ironically, this was the most agonising of all of our duties even though it simply involved our crucifixion on the cross for a 24 hour period. Again, we knew that our actual role of scarecrows was meaningless, not least because the field contained no crops other than mud. However, Master was demonstrating his total control over us and we were powerless to resist. He added a new torture now when we were chained to our cross. A fence picket was shoved unceremoniously up our arse and tied in place for the duration. This was to remind us that even when Master was not using our arse, it nevertheless belonged to him at all times. There were times when, in the middle of a freezing night, I pleaded with God to take me away from my slavery. As I shivered uncontrollably and felt the wooden invader shoved inside me, I soon came to realise that my only God was now my Master.
And so we moved between demeaning tasks, all designed to remind us we were now animals. He would also employ us in a small paddock, moving large rocks from one end of the paddock to the other. The work was back breaking, but we would not be allowed to return to our animal stalls until every rock had been moved. And if Master had to come out in the dark, we would be severely whipped. We learnt that lesson quickly. The following day would invariably involve carrying the heavy rocks back to their initial place in the paddock. Such a waste of our once promising lives.
In the entire length of our enslavement, we have been allowed four days respite from our constant toil. Four days in which we were taken out to the muddy pig enclosure. Our neck collars were chained to a central post by a ten foot chain and Master taught us that whenever he approached the pig area, we were to be wallowing in the mud. This was perhaps the greatest demonstration of the total degradation and animalisation forming our new lives as slaves. Two guys who were formerly very successful in our lives as free men, our bodies now the peak of manly perfection. Now spending our only “leisure time” chained naked by our necks in the middle of a pig field. We sat there huddled together naked in the deep mud, our lower bodies caked in the sloppy dirt. And whenever our owner appeared, we were forced to unquestioningly embrace each others’ bodies and roll around in the mud, covering our whole bodies in the foul smelling substance. By the end of the day, we were unearthly creatures and indistinguishable from the pigs, a fact enforced by the way that we were fed alongside of our more fortunate animal colleagues.
Our shaved and naked bodies were constantly engrained with dirt and filth, since we had not washed throughout our time as animals. Our feet and skin were becoming hardened to outdoor use, and our bodies were adapting to the harsh reality of constant nudity in our cold climate. My body had already been toned, but now it took on a hardened steel brought about by constant manual labour without the effects of idle free time, or fatty foods. Brad became a colossus of a man, his young and buff body sculpted to absolute perfection. Ironically, he would have been a god to women and to his rugby club if he had lived in freedom: as it was, only I got to his appreciate the naked wonder of his body. We accepted our water and pigswill as the only food we would ever taste, and we learnt to live in naked servitude, bound in iron chains.
The most frightening aspect of our new life was, however, the adaptation of the mind. Although I was conscious of how my thoughts were changing, I could do nothing to prevent a slide into becoming a beast within me as well as externally. Thoughts of my past, as a free man, became detached. It seemed now to be the world of another person in my memories, as I could not imagine the simple pleasures of clothing, of freedom and of mental stimulation.
Our minds became dulled as we worked, the mindless tedium of such repetitive tasks punctuated only occasionally by a whip or a similar form of punishment from our owner. I began to see myself as an animal as I cowered before my Owner, Him dressed in His human clothing and me naked in chains. I was truly afraid and in awe of my Master now. He controlled my every movement. He dictated my entire day. He had absolute power over me.
It was my Master who had locked my tiny cock away, and this power more than any other seemed to me to emphasise how much he owned me. I was desperate for release, desperate to be allowed to cum. Just thinking about it made my cock stir, before the pain of heavy bondage made it deflate again. It seemed so, so unfair that I was not even allowed the basic pleasure of masturbation. I was constantly in a state of sexual frustration that I knew would never be fulfilled. My only form of sexual release came in being fucked by both my Master and by Brad when he was released from his chastity.
And so my feelings for my Master and for Brad awakened. Despite myself, I almost craved attention from my Master and I felt the stirrings of a love for Brad beyond anything ever possible, as he was my fellow slave and animal. I would never see a woman again and I began to see my role in terms of my service to both Master and Brad. After a couple of weeks of enforced chastity, Brad took pity on me and tried to help me gain some release. Chained in our animal stall, I lay on my back as Brad tried to stimulate my cock in a way that may make some release. I closed my eyes and contemplated how low we had fallen, as we now openly played with our naked bodies. We had no privacy left, and no taboos now that we were animals. It was useless. Brad could gain no release for me, and I wept openly in the knowledge that I would never have an orgasm again.
Brad held me to his bare chest as I wept, and I could smell the aroma of his manly sweat, tied in with the smells of our animalhood. We lay together arm in arm and realised that this was our only chance of tenderness and affection. Tenderly, I kissed his chest and moved up to meet his eyes. Despite the fact that we were totally straight guys, our lives as men were over. We recognised that as we kissed, and our kisses turned to the passionate kisses of lovers. We recognised that as we embraced each other and worshipped each others’ bodies with our hands and our mouths.
So now we really are lovers. Neither of us feels gay. But we know that we need each other and we do love each other passionately. All of the total degradation that I feel every day is bearable, because I know that I can sleep in the arms of Brad at the end of the day. We can never be total lovers in our extreme bondage, with our genitals locked away. But we try as best as we can. We are totally animalised, our animal stall soiled by our excrement and piss as we lie on the cold stone floor, after eating our pigswill. But it is also our bedroom, as ridiculous as that may seem.
It did not take Master long to realise the change in our relationship, and he revelled in informing us that he enjoyed what he had made us become. He had transformed us from successful heterosexual attractive guys with a bright future, into naked gay animal slaves. He reminded us that he had total power to take away our relationship by housing us separately, or working us separately, or gagging us at any stage. He informed us that he had new depths of degradation in store for us and that failure to perform to his expectations would mean we would live in isolation from each other.
He had taken everything from us. Everything. Our lives, our freedom, our bodies, our sexuality. Everything. And now he not only possessed total control over us, but he also had the power to take away the one positive in our life.
And so started a systematic further reduction in our status. As well as animal slaves, we also would learn to become his personal attendants. Body service, toilet service, and houseboy work in front of some of his vile friends. Myself and Brad reduced to naked gayboys.
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