Chapter 5 Family Time
“Let’s undress and get comfortable with out bodies,” said Father Marquez once we had all assembled in the family room. It was Wednesday night and we were in the first of several in home sessions billed as Orientation to the Celestine Way of Worship.
Based on the speed with which everyone stripped, I’d have to say the Clausen’s are comfortable with their bodies. However, Megan placed her hands over her breasts, and Father Marquez didn’t let her get away with it.
“Put your hands down, Megan. There’s no reason to be shy about your beautiful breasts. What size are they?” said Father Marquez.
Megan shyly lowered her arms and answered, “36D.”
Emily felt compelled to add, “She’s grown a cup size since we moved here, Father. I’m going to take her shopping next weekend for some sexy new lingerie.”
I recalled checking Megan’s bra size a few weeks ago and the tag read 34C. But children don’t grow evenly. I recall growing three inches in height one summer and my cock grew almost as much.
Standing beside her mom, they looked the same size. I felt the need to be supportive. “They’re very beautiful, Megan. You should be proud.”
“Everybody keeps grabbing them when I walk down the hall at school. They pinch my nipples. See how awful they look,” said Megan lifting her boobs.
Her nipples did look red and irritated. I recalled my high school days where I was an accomplished bra strap snapper. I was also prone to grabbing a handful of tit when the urge struck me. Michele Epps had exceptionally large jugs and she delighted in letting all the guys feel her up. However, Megan was a sensitive child.
“I have some cream you can put on them, Meg. I had the exact same problem when I was in high school. Boy would slam me up against the lockers, put their hands up my sweater and pinch my nipples until I agreed to meet them after final bell,” said Emily hugging her daughter.
“Meet them for what, Emily,” asked Father Marquez who had a reputation as a tease?
“Just oral sex, Father, nothing serious,” said Emily who admitted to being a blow job queen during her formative years. She’d even kept her knee pads stored in a box of keepsakes in her closet. She’d shown them to me and I had remarked how worn they looked.
“That’s exactly what Nancy Wheeler did to me. She said unless I ate her pussy she was going to twist my nipple off,” said Megan. “Everyone says she’s a diesel dyke.”
“That’s not nice, Megan,” said Emily. “Nancy may just be exploring her sexuality to discover her true gender preference. I hope you were nice to her. You should take it as a complement that of all the girls at your school, she picked you to go down on her.”
“You Mother’s right, Megan,” added Father Marquez. “I’ve counseled Nancy not to be so aggressive with the other girls and to be more of a seductress than a rapist. She was into boys until recently. Then she broke up with her boyfriend. It was a tough breakup and she’s reacted by turning her sexual aggressions on her own sex.”
I recalled Nancy Wheeler as a tall muscular senior who was an outstanding power forward on the girl’s basketball team. The coach of the girl’s team, Lenore Watson, had asked if I would become her assistant coach and I had agreed. That was after she found out that in college I was a member of the boy’s team that the varsity girl’s team practiced against. Playing against boy’s who were almost good enough to make the men’s team was considered the best way to toughen up a girls’ team. It also provided me an opportunity for sex with outstanding female athletes.
“”What did you do, Meg,” asked Joshua who had been silent up to that point?
“I went down on her in the Ladies Room during Study Hall, Silly,” said Megan.
“How was it,” asked Christine?
“It would have been okay if she hadn’t peed while I was doing it. She made me swallow it,” said Megan. “She wants me to be her bitch for a sleepover the basketball teams having this Friday.”
“Teenagers today,” said Father Marquez sounding philosophical. “They are so advanced. I didn’t let a man pee in my mouth until I after I was ordained. It was at the party celebrating my accepting the sacrament of Holy Orders. The bishop had one to many scotches and he issued me a Holy Order to drain his tank. But that’s a story for another time. We better get started. Everyone take a seat.”
We sat quietly as Father Marquez handed out pamphlets that explained the rationale behind Ave Maria Isles. He went over the material in some detail. I will attempt to summarize.
Ten years ago, Father Gabriel Boyd received a special dispensation from Pope John Paul to pursue a radical new approach to spirituality. It combined traditional Catholic doctrine with a totally different attitude toward the role of the church and sexuality. The anti sex mindset was completely replaced. Instead of your priest maintaining a long list of proscribed acts, he would welcome all sex activity including those that were generally considered beyond the pale such as homosexuality and incest. Even BDSM was acceptable provided no permanent damage occurred. Sex with preteens was the only prohibition. That explained the lack of young children in the community.
According to the literature, Father Boyd acknowledged that American Catholicism was losing wealth and influence among existing members, and it was failing to attract new converts. Young people raised in the church were drifting away into a hedonistic secular lifestyle. Father Boyd attributed these trends to the lack of relevancy of the church’s stance on sex. His solution was to incorporate sex into the church’s ritual and practice in a revolutionary new manner.
Incest, for example, traditionally an act condemned by the church would be treated as a normal component of family life. Fathers would be encouraged to have sex with their daughters and mothers their sons. Father Boyd made the point that the scriptures did not condemn incest or sexuality. His ground breaking research concluded that early Christians practiced communal sex on a large scale and priests and nuns took a leadership role.
Personally, I concluded that the Celestine Way was a solution to the problems of celibacy experienced by the priesthood. Gone was the possibility of lawsuits for sexual exploitation of teenagers. Joshua along with his sisters was hungrily eyeing Father Marquez’s manhood. Sex with the family priest would not only be consensual but encouraged by their parents.
The Ave Maria Isles approach was to fully integrate daily life with a regimen of sexual activity that would preclude the kinds of extra marital and extra family sex everyone practiced in secret. Fathers like me who pursued a secret life of intercourse with young boys and girls would be encouraged to focus their lust on their own children and those of their neighbors and friends. The secrecy and guilt of organizations like the Slam Dunk Club would be replaced by an open family centered community where everyone’s desires would be met.
Apparently, Bishop Boyd’s idea had proven fruitful. Ave Maria Isles Orlando was the fifth such community and there were two more under construction. There was a winter resort in Vail and a retreat and spiritual reawakening facility right outside Gatlinburg Tennessee on the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
After we spent an hour going over the philosophy behind our community, Father Marquez announced he was going to show us a new and exciting way to pray the rosary. He handed each of us a box containing a rosary whose beads were larger than normal. The box also contained a tube of water soluble lubricant whose packaging stated it was approved for use my Roman Catholics.
“Bill, if you’ll get down on your hands and knees, I’ll demonstrate how it works,” said Father Marquez.
I agreed having a rough idea what was about to happen.
“These rosaries were blessed by the Holy Father,” said Father Marquez as he made the sign of the cross over my up turned bottom. Then he leaned down and kissed my anus allowing the tip of his tongue to probe the opening. Preliminaries over, he squeezed lubricant onto his index finger and smeared it over my sphincter before he pushed it inside and waved it over my sphincter.
I moaned and sighed as he worked my hole causing my family to laugh. When I looked around they were all smiles. Joshua was sporting an erection at the sight of his dad engaged in hole play.
I was beginning to appreciate the logic of the Celestine Way. There I was on the carpet with a priest lubricating my anus while my family looked on. I wasn’t at the Slam Dunk Club with non Catholic strangers who didn’t give a shit about me. All they wanted was to stick their dicks in my ass and drop a load. It was a telling moment that reinforced the idea that Catholic family sex was far superior to the other kind.
“Once you get the anus relaxed and lubricated, you work the rosary beads in one by one,” said Father Marquez pushing a bead past my sphincter.
Insertion of the sixty beads was quite pleasurable. It filled me up. It felt like I needed a good shit when the only thing hanging out my ass was the crucifix.
Father Marquez tugged gently and the large bead representing the Apostle’s Creed popped out my anus. He led us through a recitation of that highly meaningful affirmation of faith. Throughout the rosary, I sighed as each bead was pulled out and the appropriate prayer recited in unison.
A Pater Noster and three Hail Marys later and we began the first decade of ten Hail Mary representing the first mystery. It was Wednesday so we recited in unison the first of the Glorious Mysteries, the Resurrection emphasizing faith.
“Who wants to suck Daddy’s cock for the first decade,” asked Father Marquez.
“Me,” said Christine who didn’t wait for an answer before slipping under me and taking my cock in her mouth. Her delicious sweet pussy was right under me and between prayers I licked her from clit to anus.
Christine was replaced by Megan for the second decade whose Glorious Mystery was the Ascension of Jesus Christ. I focused my mind on my prayers so as not to blow my load prematurely. Joshua enthusiastically took care of his old man for the third decade whose mystery was the Descent of the Holy Spirit. I felt my own spirit descending into my son’s warm mouth. It was getting difficult not to come. My son was turning out to be an excellent cocksucker, a trait he inherited from his father.
“This should help you last till the end,” said Father Marquez tightening leather straps around my cock and balls. I later learned that priests in the Celestine order always carried a selection of cock rings and ball stretchers to enhance sexual pleasure and prevent premature ejaculation.
“Thanks Father,” I whispered as I closed my eyes and recited the Hail Mary with my family.
Emily took over for the fourth decade. The Assumption of Mary was the fourth Glorious Mystery and her personal favorite. My rectum was empting out by then. Emily’s cock filled mouth murmured each prayer creating a deeply spiritual effect on the both of us.
“My turn,” announced Father Marquez at the beginning of the fifth decade.
It has often been said that no one sucks dick like the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church and based on Father Marquez’s performance I regard that as a truism. His mouth was soft a velvet but strong as steel. And it felt hot as the devil’s breath. He unsnapped the cock ring for the final two Hail Marys. I spent the last one spewing semen into his mouth. I finished up with the final Amen proving Father Marquez’s timing was impeccable.
Joshua and I relaxed on the couch as the three women serviced Father Marquez as their way of thanking him for instructing us. I couldn’t resist leaning over in his lap and taking Josh’s cock in my mouth as my wife and daughters took turns mounting Father Marquez. Josh showed his manliness by taking hold of my head for a dominant’s face fucking. Obviously, he and his friends had been practicing oral sex and he had realized he was a dominant top.
All three of the Clausen women gave a good account of themselves in the cowgirl position. Whoever was on top got her nipples sucked by the other two.
“Mind if I finish in your ass, Emily,” asked Father Marquez. “A little bird told me you loved anal.”
The little bird turned out to be Nora Pryor to whom Emily confided everything.
“Please, Father, I’d love it,” said Emily getting on all fours and reaching back to separate her buttocks. Immediately, Christine and Megan rimmed their Mom.
Megan and Christine took positions beside their mother’s upturned rear. Emily didn’t let the fact that a priest was fucking her in the ass keep her from screaming expletives as Father Marquez worked his manhood past her sphincter and deep into her bowels.
I barely managed to watch as Joshua demonstrated a passion for deep throat gagging of his father. When he let me up for air, I covered his cock with salvia he rubbed on my face as he beat my cheeks with his hard eight inches.
“Cock whip me, Son. Cock whip me,” I whispered reveling in the abuse.
“Who’s up for ass to mouth,” asked Father Marquez?
“Me,” said Megan taking the slime covered penis into her mouth without the slightest hesitation. I felt very proud of my eldest at the moment. Women with far more worldly experience were often unwilling to suck a cock freshly drawn from a well fucked ass.
After plunging it deep into her throat, Megan shared the organ with her sister. Joshua succeeded in forcing two inches of his manhood down my throat.
The ending was special. Father Marquez stood with the Clausen women kneeling around him. He managed to give each a decent facial. Joshua squirted thick ropes of jism on my face. The five Clausen’s then knelt together in a tight circle. Reciting, “The peace of the Lord be with you,” we embraced and kissed as we licked come off each other’s face.
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