Chapter 3 Aftermath
“I watch you on local access. You got big pretty tits,” said William in his Chinese accented clipped English as he handed Emily a shopping bag through the car window. The hand that wasn’t holding the bag reached into her blouse to grope her bare breast. She hadn’t bothered to put her bra back on or button up all the way when we hurriedly dressed to leave.
A week ago, I would have been out of the car in an instant pounding his head in with my fists. But after all that had happened, I just watched as his fingers worked her nipple causing her to moan and engage in a deep tongue French kiss. Emily was driving her Lexus SUV. I was slumped down in the front passenger seat, too mentally and physically exhausted to react. Even the newly discovered fact that this morning’s gang bang of the Clausen family had been videoed and broadcast over the Isles’ community cable system didn’t faze me even though several thousand residents had sat in the comfort of their home or condo and watched me take it up the ass.
Megan, Christine, and Josh were in the back, looking a little worse for wear themselves. Megan’s hair was plastered down with dried semen. It looked like someone had dumped a whole tube of mousse on her. They watched intensely as their Mother acted like a common whore. The terrible thing was that my daughters looked like they couldn’t wait to imitate their Mom.
We’d made a family decision that we were too tired to fix lunch. Left unsaid was that three hours of continuous sex had left us starving. I planned to go home and eat, take a much needed shower then climb in bed. I could feel semen leaking out my sphincter which I wasn’t sure would ever fully close again. Some very big cocks and at least one fist had stretched me out. It wasn’t the first time I’d been gaped.
I’d spent my share of time in the fisting line at the Slam Dunk Club’s Gaped Open Parties. They were always well attended especially the first one when Adrian hired two gay guys who worked at a San Francisco night club called the Mine Shaft to show us how it was done. Those two were experts and the one called Henry, a bald tattoo freak in a leather harness, was the first person to ever stick his arm up my ass.
Emily used her cell phone to order curb side delivery as we left the high school. When we pulled up to the front of the Holy Trinity Pagoda restaurant, William, the owner, came rushing out with our order. His wife, Mary, was standing in the door waving and watching.
I felt my cock stir as I watched the China man fondle my wife’s breasts while they kissed with intertwined tongues. There wasn’t any doubt that she was into what was happening. Somehow the idea of my Emily enthusiastically trading tongues with Chinese William as he pinched her nipple while her children looked on caused me to smile. Even my totally worn out penis gave a twitch to salute just how hot the scene was. I was that fucked up.
“Why didn’t you come to the high school, William? You missed a good time,” said Emily between kisses. If that didn’t signify she was eager to have sex with him, what did?
I looked past William at his wife who had that ageless quality you associate with oriental women. I figured she was around my age; but that was just a guess. I fantasized she was on top of me bouncing up and down riding my cock and screaming obscenities in Mandarin.
“Mary and I had to work. We watch on television. You one fine looking piece of ass, Emily,” said William. “You too, Bill. Mary and I fuck you both sometime soon, very soon.”
“Did you put in extra Hoisin Sauce,” asked Emily peering into the bag?
“Yes, Emily,” said William pulling a plastic container of the dark sauce out of the bag. With that, we said good bye to William and drove away.
“Mom, have you ever had intercourse with a Chinese before,” asked always curious Megan as we were leaving the parking lot? The smell of the food was making me ravenously hungry. In my mind, I was filling my pancake with mooshi pork after I coated it with Hoisin Sauce. William’s Mary was kneeling between my legs sucking my cock while she fingered my asshole.
“No, I don’t believe so,” said Emily after giving it some thought. “But it looks like I’m going to.”
“How about you, Dad,” said Megan repeating her question?
“No, I don’t think so,” I said while realizing many of the Slam Dunk Club sessions I’d attended, were very multicultural. If one of the boys or girls had been an Oriental, I wouldn’t have hesitated to penetrate or be penetrated. But I didn’t know where they were Chinese, Japanese, or some other ethnic Oriental. I felt the need to equivocate. “I’m not sure.”
“Well I have,” said Megan proudly. “Anthony Chu is a member of the Math and Computer Club. He did me in my vagina and mouth. His semen tasted different.”
“That was nice of him. Our Chinese Catholics here in Ave Maria Aisles are special people. They were persecuted for their faith by the Communists. William was imprisoned for two years under horrible conditions. The government treated them badly because they had two children. We have to do all we can to make them feel welcome,” said Emily.
It would have sarcastic for me to ask if that included letting them play with your tits; so I kept my mouth shut. The fact that my family had watched a video of me participating in the Slam Dunk Club left me with zero moral authority.
“Father Nolan said I could watch a re-broadcast of the morning on local access tonight at eight. I get to see what happened to you guys,” said Joshua who had been out of the gym with Father Nolan.
“That’s not fair. We don’t get to see what happened to you,” said Christine.
“Yes, Josh, what lucky girl got your cherry,” asked Megan?
“Lacey Stevens,” said Joshua proudly. I was her first too. Her Mom was there to tell Lacey what to do,” said Joshua.
“Lacey’s cute. You lucked out,” said Megan.
“Who told you what to do,” asked Christine?
“Father Nolan, he was with me every step of the way,” said Joshua. “He placed a cock ring around my balls to make sure I didn’t come too soon.”
I was too curious not to ask. Megan gets her curiosity gene honestly. “Did he sodomise you?”
“Yes, but it was Lacey and her mom who lubed up my anus. Lacey’s Mom taught her how to give me something called a prostate massage. That was cool. Mom, have you ever massaged Dad’s prostate?”
“Many times, your Dad loves having a finger in his bottom while I am providing him oral sex. The slang term is finger wave,” said Emily acting responsibly in her role as a parent responsible for her children’s sex education.
“Would you and Dad show me how? I want to give Kyle and his dad a finger wave,” said Christine.
“Of course, Dear,” said Emily.
“When,” asked Christine?
If you agreed to something that Christine wanted, she immediately moves to pin you down for an exact place and time.
“Tomorrow, after church if that’s all right with your father,” said Emily.
“I have a one o’clock tee time. Can we make it after supper?” I said.
“Show me too,” said Megan. “I need to learn.”
“Hey, I want to learn too” said Joshua.
“It’s something girls do to boys, dummy,” said Christine.
“No necessarily,” I said not wanting my children to be poorly informed. My prostate had been massaged by both sexes. I’d lost count of the number of prostates I’d rubbed my index finger over.
“Father Nolan says Catholic boys are obligated to service both sexes as long as they’re Catholics in good standing within the church. Serving your priest is a special holy obligation,” said Joshua.
“All right, tomorrow right after supper, we’ll get together in the family room. You father and I will demonstrate the basics of a good prostate massage,” said Emily acting in her role as the family organizer.
“We’ll need to install these first,” said Joshua holding up a plastic bag.
As we left, I’d noticed Joshua was carrying a plastic bag with CYF stamped on the side. I was going to ask him about it but I got distracted helping Emily order take out. “What have you got there, Joshua?”
Rather than tell me, he opened the bag and pulled out a box labeled Flex Douche. “Father Nolan gave me four of them, one for each bathroom. He also gave me these tubes of lubricant. When we use them up, we can order more from the Ave Maria Isles Web site,” said Joshua handing me a tube.
“Made of all natural ingredients by Celestine monks at the Abbey of St. Cluny,” I said reading the label.
“It’s the only anal lubricant blessed by the Holy See and approved for use by the College of Cardinals,” said Joshua.
“What’s this for,” asked Megan who had opened one of the boxes and removed a length of coiled up flexible hose. On one end was a nozzle I recognized. The other end contained a female connector that hooked onto the shower plumbing. There was a valve that turned it on and off. I’d noticed all our showers had an extra male connector. I’d also wondered why. Now I knew.
“It cleans the caca out of your bottom so the Priest doesn’t get it in his penis,” said Joshua. “Father Nolan used one to clean mine out.”
It was time for me to assume my role as head of the family. “I’ll install them in everyone’s shower and show you how to use it.”
“Good, because Mr. Leeds said next time we came over, he and Kyle would take my anal virginity,” said Christine.
“Dad, some of these kids at your club look younger than me,” said Joshua as we pulled into our driveway.
When I looked over the seat, I saw the children were watching a DVD on the Lexus’s second row screen. “What are you watching?”
“One of the DVDs Mr. Pryor gave us. They’re of you at what was the name of the club you were in?” asked Christine holding up a travel case of what must have been twenty five discs.
“The Slam Dunk Club,” I replied wondering what my children would think of their father after they had viewed those discs. What would I have thought of my father if I had watched him engaging in all types of kinky raw pig sex with dozens, no hundreds, of others including young boys and girls?
“Why did they call it that,” asked Josh?
“I bet I know,” said Christine.
“So tell us, Chris, if you know so much,” said Joshua.
“It means you’re supposed to slam the boy to the floor and dunk your cock in his ass,” said Christine. “Am I right, Daddy?”
“Not really, it meant that having great sex every time you went was a sure thing or in the vernacular, a slam dunk,” I said.
“Was it? I never knew you had a thing for young boys,” said Emily giving me one of those looks a wife reserves for a husband who’s screwed up badly.
“There were plenty of girls there too,” I said in my defense before continuing. “But the sex was terrific. Adrian ran a great club.”
“I want you to tell me all about it when we have the time. Were they Catholics, the ones you had sex with” asked Emily?
“I suppose. They were mostly from Mexico or the barrios around LA and San Francisco,” I said wondering how Father Marquez had convinced my wife that indiscriminate sex with Protestants was a mortal sin but with Roman Catholics it was highly desirable.
“But you didn’t take the trouble to find out. From now on, this family only has sex with individuals known to be members in good standing of the Roman Catholic Church. Is that understood, everyone?” asked Emily turning to look directly at me.
I muttered, “Yes” along with the rest.
Our loud response apparently satisfied her because she moved on. “Father Marquez is coming to the house Wednesday night for a family counseling session. All of us have to be there.”
“Father Marquez is so handsome. I would love to do him,” said Megan as we entered the kitchen from the garage.
“Josh, tell us about what happened with Father Nolan,” said Emily once we were all seated around the table eating.
It was obvious that the time spent with Father Nolan had impressed my son who was at that impressionable age. When I was fourteen, I was a virgin desperate for my first piece. I recalled jerking off at least three times a day. But it was another two years before Carly Winchester snuck me into her bedroom where she first taught me to eat her pussy then took my hard cock and guided it into her talented hole. Joshua was way ahead of me when I was his age.
“There were six girls and six boys, all my age. First, he told us to undress then we went into the girls’ showers room and showered off,” said Joshua. “That was a lot of fun because we got to wash the girl’s boobs and soap up their pussies. Lacey soaped up my penis and balls and washed them. She got me so hot I ejaculated all over her hand,” said Joshua.
“Was Kathy Stevens present,” asked Emily.
“Yes, she was there. She showed Lacey and the other girls how to wash a guy’s package and make him come,” said Joshua. “She invited me to sleep over next weekend. Lacey said the three of us will sleep together in her Mom’s bed.”
“Kathy must be terribly lonely since Rowland’s death,” said Emily. “We should invite Kathy and Lacey to spend the night here. Kathy can sleep with us and Lacey can bunk in with Josh,” said Emily who had a soft spot for Catholic widows.
From somewhere I recalled hearing that thirty eight year old Rowland Stevens had died from heart failure some months before we moved to Ave Maria Isles. I was coming to the realization that my sex life would also benefit from the insane attitude toward Catholic sex that Emily and the children had adopted. Kathy Stevens, a long limbed dark hair and eyed vixen, was not bad, not bad at all, and maybe during the night I could sneak into Josh’s room for a father and son threesome with her daughter. The move to the Isles may had ended my monthly visits to the Slam Dunk Club and its never ending supply of youthful partners but it didn’t end my lust for teen sex.
“So after you blew your wad in the shower, what happened,” asked Christine?
“We went into St. Catherine’s chapel for Mass,” said Joshua.
“It’s such a beautiful place to worship God. And it’s quiet. It’s my favorite place to pray the Rosary,” added Emily.
“Was it nude like everyone said it would be,” asked Megan?
“Yes, we were all buck naked,” said Joshua.
“The next time they have a nude mass for adults, I want us to go, Bill,” said Emily. “Nora Proctor says they are spiritually redeeming.”
“Sure we can go,” I said. I’d been a catholic all my life but I had never heard of a nude mass.
“What’s Father Nolan’s cock like,” asked Christine?
“Big, I thought it was going to split my butt hole open when he put it inside me.
“Describe your big moment,” said Megan as she used her chopsticks to eat a piece of General Gau’s chicken.
“Lacey lay down on this mattress in front of the altar. Her head was resting in Mrs. Steven’s lap. She spread her legs and played with her pussy to get it nice and wet. Father Nolan knelt down between her legs and licked her pussy as he recited a prayer in Latin. Then he told me to kneel between her legs and service her sex with my mouth just like he had. She was really wet and it was really hard not to come,” said Joshua. “But the cock ring kept my sperm in my balls until Father Nolan removed it.”
“I wish we could have been there. Don’t you, Bill,” said Emily her eyes tearing slightly.
Actually, I preferred to be where I was, getting butt fucked by my neighbors then having my cock ridden by their wives and daughters. But I stifled my true feeling and was supportive. “Yes, it would have been something to remember.”
“Father Nolan gave us communion then he showed me how to mount Lacey. He used his hand to guide my penis into her vagina. Once he had me set to go, he blessed us with Holy Water, then put his foot on my butt and pushed. I felt her hymen resist for a second then it popped and I slipped all the way inside,” said Joshua.
“I’m so proud of you, my little man,” said Emily taking Josh’s face in her hands and kissing him on the lips. “Aren’t we, Bill?”
“Yes, well done, Son. We’re all very proud of you,” I said reaching across the table to shake his hand in a manly fashion.
“How did Lacey react,” asked Christine?
“She said it hurt and wanted me to take it out, but her mom calmed her down. After a while, I started pounding away and she got into it. She climaxed. While I was inside Lacey, Father Nolan put his penis in my bottom. That didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would because of what Chris did,” said Joshua.
“What did you do, Chris,” I asked.
“I borrowed Mom’s strap on and used it on him. He practically begged me to take it out the first time but Megan held him down. I kept at it until he could take it without a problem,” said Chris.
“So you screwed Lacey while Father Nolan sodomised you,” I asked wanting to make sure I understood what had happened.
“I just wish you girls still had your hymen. Then I could have held you in my arms when you were deflowered. You two greedy girls missed out on a very important moment in your life,” said Emily.
“Mom, it was you who gave me a dildo for my twelfth birthday. I popped my cherry the day you gave it to me,” said Megan.
That was one more in a week of surprises like none other. I knew Emily was a devotee of dildos, butt plugs, and other marital aids. But I had no idea she shared her devotion with our daughters. I had been so busy working at the startup I missed some very important moments in my children’s life. Putting my career before my family had cost me.
“And I borrowed it from her when I was eleven,” said Christine. “I practically had to hammer it in my vagina. There was blood everywhere when I finished.”
“Still, it would have been nice to have waited until we moved to this wonderful Catholic place where you could offered your virginity to the Virgin Mary just like Lacey did,” said Emily.
“No use crying over spilt milk,” I said.
“Or spilt virgin’s blood,” said my eldest and cleverest daughter.
With that remark, I dragged myself to bed for some much needed rest.
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