Chapter 2 Public Gang Rape
What started out as a very successful presentation of scholastic wrestling to the Ave Maria Isles community turned into my worst nightmare.
I’d been pleased when I arrived on Saturday morning for the 9:00AM presentation. Actually pleased is an understatement. The place was packed and I heard someone in the crowd mention they had shown up two hours early to get a front row seat. Father Nolan informed me the stands seated four hundred and were almost full. Looking back there was too much interest and excitement for something as mundane as a second tier high school sports program. But I was too full of my own ego to be suspicious.
I waved at Alice and Harvey Kimball our across the street neighbors. That struck me as a little odd since they were in their early sixties with grown children who lived out of state. At the time, I attributed their presence to being neighborly. The Isles was a very warm and friendly place and there was a strong sense of community among everyone I’d met since we arrived.
My presentation had been announced on the Isle’s internal WEB site and Father Nolan had emailed all the parents requesting their attendance. During my business career, I’d worked hard to improve my presentation skills. I’d carefully prepared my Power Point slides outlining the program. Using my laptop connected to a large screen projection system, I covered the basics: rules, scoring, weight classes and safety concerns.
I was wearing the same wrestling singlet I wore when I competed in the Olympics. I felt a little embarrassed when I noticed some of the girls giggling and pointing at my groin. My outfit didn’t hide much. I was surprised the girl’s parents didn’t put a stop to their mischief.
I’d given a lot of thought to the conversation I’d overheard outside Megan’s door. But I hadn’t taken any action, not even mentioning it to Emily. I suppose you could say I was in denial. Like I said before, I’m not good at verbalizing with my children about sex. The prospect of sitting down with my three and discussing the evils of incest left me in a cold sweat. Besides what would I say they didn’t know or had done already? My sense was that Emily and I had lost control of them on the topic of human sexuality and our chances of gaining it back were nil. I blamed our former environment in Walnut Creek.
After my thirty minute slide show, I took questions. I was surprised when one of the girls asked if she could join the team. A collective moan rose up from the crowd when I said that while the sport wasn’t limited to boys that girls rarely participated. As far as I knew there had been only a few instances where girls had competed.
“I want to wrestle the boys,” said the girl who identified herself as Darlene Wilmot. She was a tall large breasted female who I invited to try out in order to maintain a positive tone to my presentation.
Questions over, Ed Pryor joined me for what I thought was a demonstration of techniques. Ed had to be at least fifty if not seventy five pounds heavier than me. We would never have competed in high school or college because the weight classes are restrictive usually ten pounds or less.
We started off like I planned but as some point, Ed started to get serious. At first, I thought he was horsing around putting on a show for the crowd. I whispered for him to take it easy but he ignored me.
He put me in a submission hold and kept me there until I slapped the map three times making him the winner of a non existent contest. He didn’t let me up immediately even though I asked him to. At that point, outside of an abject apology, I considered Ed Pryor a former friend.
As I lay there with the side of my face squashed against the mat, I saw Sister Catherine, the high school’s vice principal, wheeling out a contraption I couldn’t immediately identity. She was running and I was shocked that her habit had a slit in the front that displayed a shapely leg covered in black hose held up by a garter belt. The idea of a nun in Victoria Secret undies combined with the other incidents of the last two weeks stunned me to the point that I began to wonder if I had fallen into an alternate universe.
The apparatus was on four wheels and had the general shape of a single unit picnic table, the kind you find in a public park where the seats and table top are all of a piece. I realized it was smaller, a picnic table for two, when Sister Catherine placed it beside me and locked the wheels. There were leather straps with buckles attached to the seats.
Then its purpose dawned on me and I got a cold chill. Surely, it wasn’t the same furnishing I’d seen and used in a prior existence I’d been trying hard to forget. I heard more commotion and saw other nuns wheeling out three identical tables. They were wearing the same revealing habits and undies as Sister Catherine.
“Let me up, Ed. What the hell is going on?” I demanded as I continued to struggle.
His answer didn’t make any sense. “You lost Bill and now you and your family have to pay the price. We know all about the Slam Dunk Club. I’ve got a video from your buddy Adrian Rimes to show the community. The Clausens have to atone for your sins; think if it as penance.”
His remarks stunned me into silence.
“No point in struggling, Billy Boy,” said Coach Ware who appeared from somewhere. He coached the soccer team and was the same size as Ed. He and Ed pulled me to my feet and grabbed the shoulder straps of my singlet and pulled it off down.
They’re going to strip me naked I realized grabbing at my clothes. But I was outmatched and within a matter of seconds was buck naked in front of four hundred people. It was a diverse crowd in terms of age and sex. Some parents had brought their elementary school children and there were preschoolers and toddlers staring at my exposed manhood. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
I struggled like a mad man but Ed and Coach Ware easily picked me up and laid me face down on top of what I later learned was a Celestine Lust Bench, originally designed in the High Renaissance for the Borgia popes.
The narrow adjustable top reached from under my chin to the top of my groin leaving my penis free to hang down. The padded upholstery had a pattern; it was decorated with interlocking Maltese crosses. My forearms and legs were strapped to the tops of the seats that weren’t really seats. Sister Catherine tightened the straps to where I couldn’t move a muscle. Once I was restrained, she unlocked the wheels and used my manhood as a handle to turn the bench in a circle for everyone to see. She grasped my oversized ball sack and shook it causing the crowd to point and laugh. Someone familiar with street slang yelled, “Low hangers.” It took every ounce of self control not to burst into tears.
To my utter shock and total amazement, Ed had mentioned the Slam Dunk Club. That was my deepest and darkest secret and I had no idea how Ed knew I was a member. The names of the members were a secret and outside of Adrian, the software billionaire who started the club and ran it, I couldn’t name a single other member.
At the club, I’d helped place others in the same position I was in now. We called it the frog position. Your knees are parallel to your butt exposing your anus. The bench is completely adjustable. It’s as easy so sodomize a one hundred pound boy as a three hundred pound adult.
If you’re female, both of your orifices are accessible. Switching between a girl’s vagina and asshole required a minor height adjustment using a lever on the side. The bench made double and even triple penetration easy.
Sister Catherine had placed a padded cushion under my chin elevating my head to where I faced forward. From experience I knew what that meant.
I saw that Emily, Megan, and Christine had been brought down to the gym floor. I’d describe their demeanor as concerned but not frightened. The belief that Emily knew this was going to happen raced through my mind.
Emily was removing her clothes and handing then to Nora Pryor. Megan was doing the same with Wendy Pryor and Christine’s blouse and jeans were being folded by Leslie Pryor. When Christine slipped her bra off, Leslie and she embraced then Leslie bent over and took Christine’s nipple in her mouth. One of the nuns said something and they stopped. Christine stepped out of her panty and handed it to Leslie. In spite of the situation, I found myself admiring my three women’s figures.
Once my youngest daughter was nude, she did a group hug with Kyle Leeds and Daniel, his father. I winced at the sight of Dan’s hand grasping my child’s bare buttock. They were joined by Sandy Leeds, the daughter and Dan’s wife, Marjorie. The thought occurred to me that Christine was going to have sex with the entire Leeds family. My universe was spinning out of control.
From out of the corner of my eye, I saw Father Nolan leading Joshua out a side door toward the church rectory. They were accompanied by Mark Pryor and several other boys and girls Mark’s age.
This can’t be happening I told myself. This is some sort of bad dream. I’ll wake up in a moment and be back in my bed with Emily by my side.
Sister Catherine hooked two fingers in my nostrils and pulled to get my attention. Nuns are never afraid to cause pain. I learned that in parochial school. Her words added to my dismay. “Emily tells me you like oral. I’m looking forward to having you eat my creamy twat.” She parted her habit to reveal her unshaved and glistening vulva that was leaking a white substance I assumed was semen.
“This will pinch a bit but you wouldn’t want to loose your erection before we’re done and disappoint your partners,” said Doctor Murray who had appeared from somewhere. The doctor ran the Ave Maria Isles Medical Center. He was holding a syringe in his hand tapping it to make sure there weren’t any air bubbles. He walked out of my vision. I felt him capture one of my testicles in his hand. There was a sharp pain as the needle broke the skin of my scrotum. It was a lot worse than a pinch. It was all I could do not to scream as I felt the needle enter one of my testicles. Mercifully, it didn’t last long.
“Hold on, Bill, one ball to go and we’re done,” said Doctor Murray.
My erection was almost immediate. It was like inflating a balloon from a helium cylinder. I never learned what Doctor Murray injected me with but I reached tumescence in record time and stayed that way for over three hours even though I orgasmed repeatedly. It also stimulated my production of semen. Instead of pumping out a couple of tablespoons for each climax, it was more like a half cup. I had to drink a couple of liters of water to hydrate.
The downside was that my penis and testicles were painfully sore for two days. I was also totally exhausted. After my family got me home and put me to bed, I slept for twelve hours straight.
I took a look around. Four of the five Clausen’s were strapped onto Celestine Benches. The missing Clausen was somewhere with Father Nolan doing God knows what.
It looked like Christine was going to get her wish. Kyle Leeds with his pants and briefs at his feet was standing with his erect cock poised at her entrance. He was tapping his penis against her vulva waiting for someone to signal the start. I wonder how Christine felt about the presence of Mr. Daniel Leeds’ cock a few inches from her mouth. Daniel had to be in his fifties. Kyle’s sister, Sandy, was standing by her brother with one hand on his bare bottom and the other on Christine’s sex. Marjorie Leeds was slowly stroking her husband’s cock.
A group of nerdy looking boys along with a pair of girls surrounded Megan. They turned out to be the high school’s Math and Computer Club. I eventually learned what was happening to the Clausens was repeated for each new family who moved to the Aisles. The soccer team had enjoyed the twin daughters of our precursors, the Richards. Father Nolan had rewarded the math whizzes for their winning last year’s state championship. Wendy Prior and another girl were stroking two of the shyer boys to get them hard. A young nun was on her knees orally administering to the cock of an elderly gentleman who I later learned was Mr. Warren, faculty advisor to the club.
Emily’s large boobs were receiving noisy attention from Coach Ware and his assistant, Coach Myers. Coach’s cock was poised at Emily’s entrance and Lorraine Proctor, the school guidance counselor, was kneeling on the floor underneath the bench massaging his testicles.
Ed’s intentions with regard to me were made obvious when he began to work lubricant into my anus as Nora held my buttocks apart. This isn’t really happening I told myself. Four hundred people are going to watch me being sodomised. It’s some kind of Catholic school boy fantasy. This isn’t possible. I’d had a stroke and was in a coma I told myself as I locked stares with one of the pretty young nuns standing close by.
She smiled at me and stuck out her tongue as she parted her habit to expose her sex. Her forked fingers parted her labia exposing her clitoris. There was no way this could be real. Maybe I had contracted spinal meningitis. I’d read once that it makes you dream the most bizarre things.
“Quiet please,” said Sister Catherine tapping the cordless microphone.
Avery Maria Isles was the kind of place where those in authority were obeyed especially if they were wearing a cassock or a habit. The noisy and excited crowd immediately hushed.
“Welcome everyone to the Clausen’s special day. I want to thank you all for coming and hopefully you’ll get to come again while you’re here,” said Sister Catherine.
Her double entendre caused the crowd to snicker as she kept talking. “Father Nolan says we have set a new attendance record,” said Sister Catherine.
The crowd responded to her announcement with claps and cheers.
When the crowd quieted, Sister Catherine continued. “For those of you who were lucky enough to win the drawings please remain in your seats until your number is called by Sister Winfred, the newest addition to the sisters of Ave Maria Aisles.”
Sister Catherine pointed toward the nun whom I had exchanged lascivious looks with. Sister Winfred acknowledged the crowds cheers by shedding her habit to reveal bright red lingerie. Her bra was missing the part the covered her nipples. She had a good figure and in spite of the situation’s absurdity, I felt my cock stir.
“If you want a piece of that, it can be arranged, Bill,” whispered Nora Pryor who detected my interest since her hand was wrapped around my chemically hardened penis that must have twitched. There was the fantasy of every parochial school boy who’d bravely held his palms out for a pretty nun to smash a ruler across. You’d grab the ruler out of her hands and throw her on top of her desk. You’d rip her habit off and savagely plunge your cock into her virgin sex, making a cuckold out of God.
My thoughts of nun rape were interrupted by Sister Catherine. “And for those who weren’t so fortunate, please remain in the stands and feel free to engage in whatever activities you and your neighbors find interesting. I know everyone is anxious to get started so I will keep my remarks brief. We have two actually three virgins with us today. The Clausen’s youngest, fourteen year old Joshua, is with our own Father Nolan. Well, what can I say? Rank has its privileges.”
Several catcalls from the audience confirmed my suspicion that Father Nolan’s cock would find a home in Josh’s rectum. From my own experience as an altar boy, I was aware of what priests expected after Mass was celebrated. As soon as church was empty Father O’Bryan would bend me over the communion rail, lift my cassock and surplice, and plunge his manhood deep into my guts. He had a large cock, or at least it felt that way to me at that age. Muttering, “Body of Christ, Blood of Christ,” in Latin, he pounded away until he seeded by bowel. If I didn’t respond with sufficient enthusiasm, he would whip my backside with his cincture. According to the good Father, his actions were his way of teaching me the path to eternal salvation was not an easy one.
Sister Catherine stayed on topic. “Fifteen year old Christine will be deflowered by the Leeds, our Catholic family of the month. Of course, that’s a tradition here at AMHS. For the ten of you lucky enough to win a position on Christine, the Leeds promise to be swift in taking her virginity.”
Simple math indicated my Christine would be the owner of a sore vagina and a tired jaw Sunday morning. The crowd was getting restive so Sister Catherine spoke more rapidly.
“Sixteen year old Megan will be servicing the Math and Computer Club who I might add, ended last school year with a stunning upset of Bowater Bible Academy. The boys are planning a special treat for Megan. It’s called Bukkake and while I don’t know much about it, I understand it is a lot of fun, so enjoy Megan.”
That brought on a round of cheers and applause as members of the club took a bow. The fact that their pants were down at their ankles didn’t prevent them from smiling and waving at the crowd.
Sister Catherine rushed to continue. “And once our own Coach Ware and his assistant, Coach Myers, finish with Megan and Christine’s mom, Emily, Sister Winfred will begin to call the names of our lottery winners. Sister’s Grace and Mary Elizabeth will help any of the gentleman or ladies who need a little extra stimulation to perform; although Emily’s large and sensitive boobs should make that unnecessary. Emily asked me to mention that she is anal friendly and if any of you want to try her backdoor, feel free. Thanks to our own Ave Maria pharmacist, Walt Taylor, there’s plenty of lube available. Are there any questions?”
Strangely, she didn’t mention me even though the head of Ed’s cock was resting against my well-lubricated sphincter. I was a half inch away from public sodomy. No one had a question and I didn’t find the courage to ask if they were all insane.
“Good,” said Sister Catherine handing the microphone to Father Marquez who appeared from somewhere. An altar boy stood at his side carrying what I assumed was an aspersorium of Holy Water. The handle of the aspergillum appeared at the top of the polished brass bucket. “Father Marquez will lead the invocation. Let’s bow our heads.”
Father Marquez was my spiritual advisor. I’d considered speaking with him about my children’s incest problems. He made the sign of the cross. Out of habit, I would have too if my arms weren’t restrained.
“Oh Heavenly Father, on this day we beseech you to look with favor on your faithful servants of Ave Maria Aisles. For it is only with your love, understanding and support, that the deeds performed here will bring the Clausen family into a state of grace among the true followers of our Saviour, Jesus Christ Almighty. With your love all things are possible, even the redemption of the worst of sinners such as our brother William Sorrel Clausen whose numerous acts of sexual misconduct with Protestants and Jews have endangered not only his own soul but of his family’s. Bless us this day, Almighty God.”
With that, Father Marquez took the handle of the aspergillum and proceeded to rain Holy Water over first me followed by the rest of my family then the other participants and audience. When he was done, a cheer went up signifying the start of whatever else was to take place.
I groaned as Ed Pryor’s cock pushed past my sphincter and drove deep into my rectum. Ed’s testicles slapped hard against mine. Someone I assume was Nora was underneath the table sucking my cock and massaging my balls. Whoever it was knew her business as she quickly reached the point where my cock head was pressing against the entrance to her throat. After a slight hesitation, she pushed forward embedding my manhood in her esophagus. Nora must believe like my Emily that proper fellatio required the penis to be forced into the throat where the head could be massaged with the same muscles used to swallow.
It had been months since I had been sodomised but I suppose it’s like riding a bicycle. After a brief painful moment, my rectum relaxed and I moaned with pleasure. At the Slam Dunk Club, my bio listed me as versatile meaning I enjoyed both pitching and catching. Ed was well endowed and Nora was as skillful as one of the Latina school girls Adrian imported for our monthly meetings. My focus on what the Pryors were doing was interrupted by Sister Catherine.
She’d slipped out of her habit and wimple. The peek-a-boo bra exposed her large pierced nipples. “You’ve been a bad boy, Bill,” said Sister Catherine pointing toward the projection screen.
There was the image of me and several members of the Slam Dunk Club standing over a kneeling blonde headed boy urinating in his open mouth. I couldn’t recall that particular meeting of the club; but water sports were always an option. On screen, the boy was busily gulping down the flow of a half dozen Silicon Valley executives.
On numerous occasions, Adrian had arranged for boys and girls from Mexico to attend our meetings. One thing I did recall was that the club had a very strict rule that no images of any kind were to be made. Adrian had obviously betrayed us all.
Right before Sister Catherine blocked my view by pressing her vulva against my face, I saw that the female members of my family were fully engaged. The two Leeds males had penetrated Christine as Sandy and her mom sucked Chris’s nipples. Megan was covered in a pile of bodies that Sister Winfred was endeavoring to sort out. Emily was making loud grunting sounds as the coaches pummeled her orifices.
“Father Nolan and I were so excited at the thought of this morning’s events, we couldn’t wait. Enjoy your cream pie. It’s been blessed,” said Sister Catherine parting her labia and pressing her open vagina against by face. I opened my lips and was rewarded with a mouthful of priest semen.
Sister Catherine was a gusher but I managed to cope. Thank God it didn’t take long before she got off. She wasn’t quiet about her orgasms calling on the Virgin Mary to bring her to a heavenly climax. As she dismounted, she paid me a complement. “Emily was right about you. You know how to eat pussy. I must move on. I promised Henry Waters a half and half.”
I pumped my first load of the morning into Nora’s hard sucking mouth just as Ed filled my ass with his semen. That was when things got real hard core. I felt a mouth cover my asshole and suck out its contents.
“Open wide, Billy. Nora’s got a treat for you,” said Ed appearing at my side with squirrel cheeked Nora in tow. I was beyond refusing. Nora and I shared a tongue stabbing kiss as my mouth filled with a combination of my semen, Ed’s and whatever else she’d sucked out of my butt. It was the kind of no limits pig sex I’d practiced at the Slam Dunk Club.
“We’re next,” said Harvey Kimball presenting a piece of paper to Sister Winfred.
A moment later, my mouth was busy eating a graying sixty year old pussy while a cock of the same vintage pounded my rear. Harvey might have been old but that didn’t mean he didn’t know his sodomy. He’s a tall thin man with long arms able to work my cock and balls while he slammed his rock hard penis past my sphincter. Alice held the sides of my head in her bony hands as she worked her vulva over my face. A torrent of filth poured from her mouth in a whisper as she used my face to get herself off.
I occasionally caught a look at the projection screen since it was mounted on the wall ten feet above the floor. The DVD from the Slam Dunk Club was still playing. It was mostly scenes of guys my age and older having sex with younger Latina boys and girls. The sex was interspersed with sado-masochism. One of scenes reminded me how much I liked to cane a young boy or girls behind. But I wasn’t only a pitcher. There was a scene of me on the club’s version of the Celestine Lust Bench with a youth mounted on my butt pounding away as another plunged his cock into my mouth.
Ignoring Sister Catherine’s admonition to stay put, the crowd had mostly left the stands to mingle on the gym floor so I couldn’t see what was happening to the other Clausens. Cries and moans from Emily’s direction indicated my wife was enjoying herself. People young and old, closely surrounded me taking a keen interest in what was happening.
After the Kimballs finished, a family of three I hadn’t met showed up. The father introduced the family.
“Pleased to meet you, Bill. I’m Ernie Webber and these two are my wife Cora and our boy, Ernie Junior,” said the middle aged man placing his hand on mine which was still restrained to the bench. Ernie Junior was an overweight teenager with a sullen look on his pimply face and Cora was a stick thin brunette with a crucifix tattooed on her shaved groin. The three were nude. Cora was idly fingering her pussy as her husband made the introductions.
“You promised me his ass, Dad,” said Ernie Junior rubbing his hand across my bare bottom.
“And you got it,” said Ernie. “Your Mother will help you get it in the hole.”
“I don’t need her help,” said Ernie Junior sarcastically. “I’ve fucked butt before.”
“Don’t be that way, Son,” said Cora reaching for her son’s cock.
“You can suck his cock while I fuck him in his ass,” said Ernie Junior. “But first I want you to clean out his butt.”
Obviously, the Webbers had a discipline problem on their hands. Cora Webber meekly disappeared to my rear. I could feel Harvey Kimballs’ semen leaking out of my anus. I felt a pair of lips form around my sphincter. I helped by contracting my abdomen forcing a gush of fluids into Cora’s waiting mouth.
“Don’t’ swallow until you show Dad what you got in your mouth. No, you too snowball it; so Dad can eat the old dude’s spunk,” ordered Ernie Junior. Cora appeared beside her husband whose cock was slowly thrusting into my mouth. Junior pry open my butt hole with his fingers then spat in it.
In dysfunctional families, the teenagers rule. Obviously, that was the case with the Webbers. I watched as Ernie and Cora swapped around my asshole cocktail before they swallowed.
With his demonstration of juvenile dominance complete, Ernie Junior mounted my rear while Ernie Senior kept his cock in my mouth. I assumed the mouth sucking my penis belonged to Cora. Periodically, Ernie Junior withdrew his cock out of my ass so his Mother could suck it. Ass to mouth with your mother struck me as pretty hardcore for a family living in a gated religious community.
Thank God, the Webbers finished quickly and were replaced by a normal family. After the fifth family, Coach Ware and Ed flipped me over on my back. Immediately, Darlene Wilmot, the girl who expressed an interest in wrestling boys climbed on me, grabbed my cock and guided it into her pussy. Judging by the amount of semen that flowed down onto my balls, mine wasn’t the first penis that penetrated her vagina that morning.
“Nice piece of meat, Mr. Clausen. I’ve been staring at it all morning,” said Darlene bouncing up and down on me. Her eyes were closed and she was tightly focused on getting all the pleasure she could out of riding my cock.
“Thank you, Darlene. Where are your parents?” I asked wondering why the entire Wilmot family wasn’t present, taking advantage of both my holes.
“My Mom died last year from breast cancer. Dad’s over there screwing your wife,” said Darlene who was showing some talent as a courtesan by contracting her kegels when my cock was at its deepest.
“Sorry to hear about your loss,” I said reaching for her breasts.
“It runs in the family. Mom’s sister had a double mastectomy last year but the chemo worked for her so she’s still alive. It also killed my grandmother. I’m thinking about having mine removed,” said Darlene.
“Have you been diagnosed with cancer?” I asked feeling for a lump.
“No, but there is an excellent chance I will be. So why not go ahead and get them chopped off now and avoid the disease,” said Darlene leaning down to suck my nipples.
“Well good luck on whatever you decide and you’re welcome to try out for the wrestling team,” I said.
“Thanks, how am I doing? I haven’t been fucking that long. I’ve been doing mostly Daddy since Mom got sick,” said Darlene. “Sister Catherine said I had to step up and make sure the family stayed together.”
“Terrific, you’re a great partner,” I said.
“You like boys more than girls,” asked Darlene looking up at the screen where I along with other club members was engaged in what could be termed an orgy with a dozen young boys?
“I’m not sure. We sometimes had girls at the club but it was mostly boys,” I said slipping into high gear pressing my groin hard against her sex. We ground our crotches together.
“Father Nolan certainly prefers boys. He’s buggered most of the male students here at AMHS,” said Darlene.
“No girls,” I asked.
“Only if they’re real young and have no tits. Even then he fucks them in the ass,” said Darlene increasing her pace. “Maybe, he’ll screw me if I have mine chopped off.”
Darlene was a sixteen year old sophomore and an excellent fuck. She and I got into a rhythm and before long, I squirted semen into her vagina as she climaxed.
At precisely noon, a claxon sounded and the crowd filled out. The pudgy brunette riding my manhood summoned her orgasm and finished. I laid there exhausted as the crew who’d volunteered to clean up set to work.
The place was a mess with used condoms and empty foil packets of lubricant scattered over the hardwood floor. People were running around with spray bottles of sanitizer and paper towels wiping up semen.
“Hold still while I release you,” said the attractive red head that was cleaning around me. “I guess everyone forgot about you.”
“Thanks,” I said uncertain if I had the energy left to stand.
I felt a small pair of hands grab my testicles. That caused the red head to bark, “Preston, leave Mr. Clausen’s balls alone. They are not play things.”
Preston complied but not before saying, “Ah Mom, I was just touching them. They’re huge and they hang down way further than Dad’s.”
“Kids, I think Preston’s going to be gay. He’s got a real thing for male testicles. My name’s Aimee by the way, Aimee Hightower.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said extending my one free hand.
Amy looked around to see if anyone was in listening distance before whispering. “Listen, if being strapped down and butt fucked is not your choice for sexual pleasure, we’ve got a fully equipped play space in our basement that might be more to your liking. Todd and I are into the kinky version of Catholic sex,” said Aimee.
“Can we go now, Mom,” asked Preston who was lugging a full garbage bag.
“In just a second, Preston, go put that in the dumpster and wait for me by the car.”
“What kind of kink?” I asked.
“Bondage, discipline, sado-masochism, I’m a submissive with a pain threshold that’s off the charts. I love being dominated. Interested?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Email me if you want to set something up or just drop by some morning. I like surprises. We’re at 107 Body of Christ Lane,” said Aimee just before the other Clausen’s arrived for the ride home.
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