Chapter 6 Lindsey and Wallace
“How do you like Paris,” shouted Genevieve sliding her naked sex down Lindsey’s bare leg as they danced? The Satyr’s dance floor was packed with bodies writhing to a techno beat. The girls were performing a leg over leg grind that hiked their short skirts to their waist. They took turns rubbing their sex on each other as they maintained the desperate rhythm of the music.
“We love it. This place is wild,” said Lindsey pressing her panty-clad sex against the top of Genevieve’s leg. “It’s a wonderful place to honeymoon. It’s the most romantic city in the world.”
“Have you known Wallace long,” asked Genevieve pressing her mouth to Lindsey’s ear passing her tongue over the curved surface?
“We lived together at Princeton for two years before we graduated. Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have worn panties. I want to do that to you,” said Lindsey conscious of the warm wet trail that Genevieve was leaving on her bare flesh.
“Here, let me take them off,” said Genevieve slipping her hands under Lindsey’s short skirt to take hold of the waistband.
“They’re watching us,” said Lindsey looking around. They were in a group of men attempting to dance with them. The floor was crowded and there was a constant movement of bodies as they touched together.
“Who gives a fuck? This is Paris not New York or London,” said Genevieve pulling the scanty garment down to Lindsey’s thighs then kneeling to help her step out of them. Genevieve pressed the warm damp material to her nose and inhaled Lindsey’s musk then tossed them onto a nearby table.
Several males took that as an invitation to become more aggressive. They pressed in against the two girls lifting their skirts to run their hands over their bare sex. Being fondled and even digitally penetrated by strangers in a public place was new to Lindsey and very erotic.
“Wow, I love this city,” said Lindsey separating from Genevieve for a few moments to find herself pressed against a handsome Spaniard. The man pressed his lips to her ear, whispered an invitation then pushed the tip of his tongue into her ear canal as he slipped his hand down her top to feel her breast.
Genevieve joined Lindsey in grinding her bare sex against the Spaniard’s leg. The girls continued to dance with various men allowing their partners to feel their sex. When the music stopped for a second, Genevieve grabbed Lindsey’s hand and led her off the dance floor to return to where they had left her husband, Wallace, with Nicole. As the girls arrived, Nicole had just finished sucking him off under the table. Genevieve embraced and kissed Nicole sharing Wallace’s essence.
“There’s the man I love more than life itself,” said a drunken and excited Lindsey before leaning to engage in a prolonged kiss with her husband.
“Here, have a taste,” asked Nicole kissing Lindsey’s mouth?
“What is it,” asked Lindsey sticking out her tongue?
“What does it taste like,” asked Genevieve?
“Right off hand I would say it is Wallace’s ejaculate. Don’t you just love that word? Ejaculate,” said Lindsey before smacking her lips. “I bet it’s a French word.”
“I love the way ejaculate tastes,” said Genevieve once more taking Nicole into her arms for a prolonged kiss.
“You girls are so fucking hot. It’s terrific we met. Tell me. Where can we score some quality blow? I’m all out,” said Wallace leaning back in the booth as he put his long arms around all three girls and hugged them.
“I know a place not far from here,” said Genevieve placing her hand on Wallace’s exposed cock. “But you’ll have to fuck me on the way.”
“Where am I? Where are you taking me?” muttered Lindsey as Karl carried her on his shoulder into the mansion located on the outskirts of Paris?
I must have passed out realized Lindsey in her drugged state. The four of us were getting it on in the back of the Rolls. Nicole and I were eating each other out while Genevieve was fucking Wallace. I shouldn’t have let that happen now that we’re married. But we agreed anything goes on our honeymoon. We’d settle down and act respectable after we return. Maybe it was the drugs that got me so screwed up. We’d just done several lines of Genevieve’s cocaine. Nicole’s tongue was driving my pussy crazy and she had her fingers in my pussy and ass. I was about to cum big time when everything went black.
“Where are we,” asked Lindsey again as they walked down a long hall?
“Somewhere, you’ll never forget,” said Nicole as they entered a room decorated in the style of the Sun King. Karl carefully laid Lindsey on a chaise glancing briefly at her exposed hairless sex and the rose tattooed above her clitoris.
“There’s Wallace,” said Lindsey seeing her husband lying on a nearby chair realizing Karl must have carried him inside earlier.
Unable to move but still vaguely aware of her surroundings, Lindsey watched as Karl moved to Wallace and started to untie his shoes.
“Are we going to fuck some more,” asked Lindsey as Nicole pulled her top off while Genevieve unzipped her skirt.
“I want to eat both your pussies while Wallace fucks me dog style,” said a now naked Lindsey as she watched Nicole and Genevieve begin to remove their clothes. Lindsey licked her fingers and placed them on her sex. As she rubbed her clit, she saw that Karl had removed his jacket to reveal an enormous pair of shoulders. Karl was removing Wallace’s clothes. “Is Karl going to fuck me?”
“We have other plans, Mon Cherie,” said Genevieve as she stepped into a tight fitting leather dress.
“Where’s Karl taking Wallace,” asked Lindsey watching Karl easily lift her two hundred pound husband and carry him toward a free standing rectangular frame in the center of the room? It was on a raised pedestal that functioned as a turntable making it visible from every angle.
“Somewhere he can watch us play with you,” said Nicole slipping her feet into a pair of five inch black pumps.
“Don’t you just adore the way Wallace’s tush sticks out? All the girls in my sorority used to call him Bubble Butt,” said Lindsey watching her now nude husband being chained to the wooden frame.
“Karl likes it too,” said Genevieve.
“You two are dressed alike. Is there a dress for me?” asked Lindsey admiring their attire.
“Sorry but you’re not a member,” said Genevieve turning Lindsey on her side. She and Nicole quickly removed the girl’s minimal attire.
“What are you doing,” asked Lindsey when the two pulled her arms behind her back and encased them in some kind of leather sleeve?
“It’s called an arm binder,” said Genevieve adjusting the leather to where it encased Lindsey’s arms from her hands to slightly above her elbows. The binder forced her shoulders back and thrust out her breasts.
“Ouch, it’s too tight,” said Lindsey her shoulders complaining as Genevieve tightened the laces.
“An arm binder can never be too tight,” said Nicole helping Genevieve pull the lacings tighter until Lindsey’s elbows touched.
“See how your tits stand out,” said Genevieve flicking Lindsey’s nipple hard with her fingernail.
“Here, let me show you something, I learned from Giscard,” said Nicole pulling a package of rubber bands from her purse.
“You still see him,” asked Genevieve pinching Lindsey’s nipples hard causing her to cry out.
“Every day, now that I work at the ministry,” said Nicole opening the plastic bag and removing one of the rubber bands. “Sometimes we do it in his office but lately, he’s been taking me to his place in Montmartre.”
“Is he still married to that pig,” asked Genevieve?
“Yes, I suppose he loves her. Anyway, he and I were working her last week at his place and he showed me this trick,” said Nicole stretching the rubber band over Lindsey’s breasts then pulling it back and letting it go.
“Fuck, that hurt. Stop it,” screamed Lindsey.
“Give me one,” said Genevieve reaching for a rubber band.
“Giscard is thinking of writing a book on how to use common home and office items in S&M,” said Nicole repeatedly flicking a protesting Lindsey’s breasts. Genevieve joined her and Lindsey’s screams filled the large room.
After a few minutes, Lindsey’s breasts began turning red.
“Have you seen this before,” asked Genevieve pulling and twisting Lindsey’s nipple then wrapping the rubber band tightly around the base of the extended nipple.
“Yes, Giscard did that to me at work and made me keep them on until we got to his place. Wearing them got me so hot, I jerked myself off in the Ladies Room,” said Nicole.
“I like it rough but don’t go too far,” said Lindsey who was feeling turned on in spite of the pain. She was feeling fear and that added to the eroticism.
“Mon Cherie, you look so beautiful in your arm binder with your nipples standing out. I must have a picture to show my friends,” said Genevieve taking a small digital camera from her purse. “Lick your lips and smile.”
“Yeah, they look hot but my shoulders hurt. You better loosen it,” said Lindsey looking down at her boobs to note the effect. Her shoulder blades were practically touching and her breasts were elevated. Nicole and Genevieve ignored Lindsey’s request as they each took a nipple in their mouth and sucked it. “Oh yes,” moaned Lindsey.
Paris is so much better than I expected thought Lindsey as she closed her eyes to concentrate on enjoying the sensation of having her nipples sucked. I’m glad I let Wallace talk me out of Mikonos. My breasts have always been so sensitive. I’ll have to remember the thing they did with the rubber bands so Wallace can do it to me. My nipples are hard as sapphires. Lindsey let out a loud yelp as she felt cold metal cover the top of her breasts. “What are those,” she asked looking down the cone shaped objects being fitted over the tops of her breasts?
The two continued to ignore her as they guided her erect nipple through the open top of the cone. Lindsey watched as Genevieve and Nicole each grabbed the tip of her nipple in their front teeth and stretched it out till it was a thin band of flesh.
“There,” said Nicole allowing the spring loaded clamp built into the device to snap shut on the base of Lindsey’s nipple.
“Ouch, that pinches,” said Lindsey as the metal saw teeth sunk into her areola.
“All secure,” said Genevieve pressing the tiny trigger on her side.
“Is this some kind of special brassiere,” asked a confused Lindsey wondering why Nicole and Genevieve were hurting her?
Genevieve and Nicole began to turn the wheel on the cone’s side. Slowly Lindsey’s nipples began to stretch away from her areola as the metal pressed against her chest.
“Christ that hurts. What the fuck’s going on,” asked Lindsey panicking when she realized that with her arms bound behind her back she was helpless?
“An Indochinese nipple stretcher,” said Nicole continuing to turn the wheel on her side while Genevieve turned the other. “It was first used in the brothels of Saigon because the Vietnamese were under the mistaken impression, the French colonists preferred long nipples.
“Take it off, now. It’s hurting me,” said Lindsey watched in horror as her nipples reached an inch in length.
“Don’t you want nice long nipples for Wallace to suck,” asked Genevieve? Each turn increased the pain level Lindsey was experiencing.
“Look, maybe we gave you the wrong impression. We’re not into heavy S&M. We’ll do any kind of safe vanilla sex you want but edge play is definitely out. God, what’s he doing to Wallace?” said Lindsey seeing Karl suspend her husband from the frame. Karl was kneeling in front of him attaching weights to his balls.
“Karl is securing Wallace to a St. Andrew’s cross so he can be whipped,” said Nicole.
“All right, we’re leaving. Get this crap off me,” said Lindsey horrified that her nipples looked to be over an inch long and translucent. There were drops of blood where the teeth had broken the skin.
“Stupid little American cunt, haven’t you figured anything out by now,” asked Genevieve before she landed the first of several open palmed slaps to Lindsey’s cheek?
It took a moment for Lindsey to recover. “You better let us go. I’m sure that even in France kidnapping is a crime,” said Lindsey responding to Wallace’s first scream as Karl landed a nasty looking whip across his back. After the blow, Karl gently stroked Wallace’s cock in order to associate pain with sexual pleasure.
“Shut up, you’re getting on my nerves,” said Genevieve slapping Lindsey so hard she fell off the couch. Genevieve belonged to the school of S&M that believed while whips, nipple stretchers, branding irons, etc, were enjoyable; they were no substitute for a good beating.
“I always like this part,” said Nicole lifting Lindsey by the hair then punching her in the abdomen. Lindsey wound up kneeling on the floor desperately trying to breathe.
“A good beating gives a sense of immediacy and personal contact,” said Genevieve again using Lindsey’s hair as a handle to lift her to standing. Genevieve had been trained in Savate, the French form of foot boxing. In a blur, she delivered a powerful blow to the side of Lindsey’s head followed by a straight kick to her groin. The top of Genevieve’s foot flattened Lindsey’s clit causing her to collapse in a whimpering heap on the floor.
“I think we should allow our guest to experience a Spanish Donkey ride,” said Genevieve.
“Karl, help us lift her onto the Spanish Donkey,” said Nicole. Karl reluctantly set his custom-made kangaroo leather whip aside as he hurried to perform his Mistresses’ bidding.
“What kind of Donkey,” asked a sobbing Lindsey thoroughly frightened as the mammoth Karl carried her several steps to place her on top of a wedge. The feeling of the cold metal bisecting the sensitive area between her vagina and her anus caused her to further panic.
“It will be a ride you’ll never forget,” said Genevieve bucking a leather cuff around Lindsey’s ankle.
“Hey, what the fuck,” said Wallace. Even in his drugged state, the pain in his shoulders and back was excruciating leading him to discover he was hanging by his arms. Cursing he struggled to his feet, fell, and then managed to rise and stay. Standing wasn’t easy in his condition. His feet barely touched the floor causing his six feet three frame to be fully extended. He realized he was also completely naked. Leather cuffs around his ankles bound them to the sides of the same heavy wooden frame he was hanging from. When he looked down, he saw leather straps separating his nuts. Several kilograms of weights were pulling his balls toward the floor. It hurt like hell. There was a shiny metal rod sticking out of his piss hole.
“Let me loose,” he bellowed, as he pulled hard to free himself. The fact the frame hardly moved at all convinced him to give up. Wallace had worked construction for his dad’s company in the summer. One quick look at frame’s construction and he realized it was hopeless.
A scream from across the room drew his attention. It was Lindsey and she was missing her clothes also. He recognized those two French hotties he and Lindsey had hooked up with at the club. They along with their chauffeur had placed Lindsey on some kind of wedge shaped contraption. He was looking straight at her and he could see she had one leg on each side of the wedge. The strain in her shoulders indicated her arms were bound tightly behind her back. That was causing her boobs to stick out and there was some kind of metal contraption on her nipples. He could see even in the dim light the tip of her breasts was extended several inches. And from the look on her face, she wasn’t very happy about her situation. That was confirmed when she opened her mouth and screamed that her pussy hurt.
“Hey, stop, Karl,” he yelled trying to recall their names. For some unexplained reason, the chauffeur’s name, Karl, came to him first. He recognized the completely bald head. He’d been surprised when they stepped out of the club and in response to Genevieve’s mobile telephone; a Rolls Royce had appeared driven by a livered chauffeur. “Thank you, Karl,” said the blonde when the bulky man opened the door for her.
But at the moment he wasn’t wearing his uniform. His bare torso rippled with muscles. He was handing the blonde something heavy and she attached it to the cuff around Lindsey’s ankle. Lindsey screamed again when the blonde let the weight drop down the side of the wedge.
“I can’t stand it,” screamed Lindsey. “Please, I’ll do anything you want just get me down.”
As his senses returned he could hear Lindsey begging. She was sobbing and in obvious pain. “Nicole,” he said aloud finally remembering the brunette’s name. It was Nicole who had given him the blowjob while Lindsey had danced with the blonde. “Genevieve,” said Wallace recalling how he had promised himself that before the night was out he was going to fuck the blonde. And he had in the back of the Rolls. Lindsey and Nicole had been on the opposite seat eating each other’s pussy like a pair of horny dykes when Genevieve hiked up her skirt and mounted him. Her cunt was tight and hot and he recalled how great it felt when she lowered herself. She’d pulled her top up exposing her perfect braless breasts. He’d sucked her titties while they fucked. It had been one hell of screwing and he’d blown a big load in her cunt.
It was after he climaxed she offered him the cocaine suppository. He’d never heard of such a thing but she’d produced the foil-covered object from a plastic case in her purse.
“You fucking French take your dope up your ass,” asked Wallace?
“It gets in the blood stream quicker. The rush is unbelievable,” said Genevieve. “You’ll be ready to fuck the three of us in no time.”
“How does it get in my ass,” asked Wallace.
“I’ll do it. Turn around and put your butt in the air,” said Genevieve.
Wallace had done as he was told. He relaxed as he felt her lips and tongue massaging his sphincter. Her hand was working his balls and cock.
“I’ve read you French like to eat butt,” said Wallace as he felt the suppository being pushed past his sphincter. Then everything went black until he woke up naked, chained to this crazy wooden thing and listening to Lindsey screaming her fucking head off.
When did everyone change clothes wondered Wallace realizing both girls were no longer wearing the same clothes they’d had on at the club. They were wearing identical short leather dresses slit up the side. There was some sort of insignia on the front but he couldn’t see it clearly
Wallace yelled, “Leave her alone,” in response to Lindsey’s loud plaintive cry of, “Wallace, help me.” Wallace repeated his demand only much louder causing everyone to look in his direction. Genevieve said something to Karl causing him to smile.
Karl continued to smile as he returned to Wallace. The Mistresses were allowing him to participate. They were both great beauties and women of the best character and families. Karl felt honored to be present while they entertained themselves with the American couple.
Behind him, he could hear the female begging to be taken down off the donkey. She hadn’t lasted long. No one did. The pain was too great. Once just to see what it was like he’d undressed and climbed up on the wedge. He’d carefully lifted his scrotum as he lowered his powerful body onto the brass-studded apex. Not too bad he told himself for maybe the first thirty seconds before the pain began to increase exponentially. In less than five minutes, he had slipped off the device, the area between the base of his balls and his anus a nexus of hellish pain.
Of course, the young female didn’t have the option of hopping off when the pain became too great to bear. Her arms were bound behind her back to where her elbows touched. Karl loved the effect of the arm binder. It made the young American’s breast lift. Thin trickles of blood from her overstretched nipples traced their way down her abdomen to her thighs. The Mistresses would decide when she would be taken down. And that wouldn’t happen until she was half mad from an agony so intense and unbearable she would agree to anything.
“What are you doing,” asked the man when Karl stepped in front of him?
Karl kneeled down in front of the man. He took the American’s scrotum in one hand and pulled down hard. “My name is Karl. Address me as such.”
“Hey, watch it, Karl. Look my name is Wallace, Wallace Treadwell. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Karl. I’m not a homosexual but I have absolutely nothing against gays and lesbians. So would you mind stopping whatever you’re doing?”
“I am stretching your scrotum, Sir,” said Karl pulling with one hand as the other placed a three-inch metal collar around the loose tissue. As he closed the collar, Wallace’s testicles were squeezed tightly against the bottom of his ball sack. “You have low hangers, Sir. I dare say they will be hanging lower before the evening is over.”
“Christ, Karl, you’re ripping my nuts off,” screamed Wallace reacting to the pressure his testicles were experiencing. The collar was heavy and its weight added to the pressure Wallace felt.
“I assure you we do not intend castration,” said Karl slowly stroking Wallace’s shaft as he twirled the metal rod embedded in his urethra.
“What is that in my piss hole,” asked Wallace.
“It’s called a sound. It reaches all the way to your bladder,” said Karl picking up a tuning fork. Karl struck the fork against the floor, and then touched it to the exposed metal tip of the sound.
“Man, that feels weird,” said Wallace feeling his cock grow harder as the tingling sensation reached deep inside his groin.
“Yes, it is quite a unique sensation,” said Karl once more applying the fork to the sound.
“Look, I’ve got five hundred in American money and about that in Euros in my wallet. Get Lindsey and me out of here and its all yours,” said Wallace.
“No thank you, Sir, I’d rather suck your cock before I fuck you,” said Karl before taking the head of Wallace’s cock in his mouth.
It wasn’t the first time Wallace had let a man suck his cock. At Yale, he’d belonged to a secret society where the young men serviced alums who had achieved wealth and power. Wallace owed his position at Bear Sterns to an executive who had a fondness for Wallace’s manhood. Still, Lindsey was under the impression he was straight, even homophobic. “Lindsey probably got some money in her purse. You can have that too. That’s a lot of money for a chauffeur.”
“Driving for the Mistresses is only a hobby, a pastime that makes life enjoyable and interesting,” said Karl taking Wallace’s cock out of his mouth to lick around the head. “I work in the energy industry during the day.”
“Jesus, you’re getting me hard. Look, money is money. I’m sure you can use the cash. What do you do in the energy industry? You drive for the boss?”
“I’m the Director. What you in America call the CEO.”
“Christ, what’s with the chauffeur bit if you run the company?”
“A diversion, something that takes my mind off my company,” said Karl as he put his mouth around Wallace’s balls and gently sucked them.
“Fuck, what are you going to do to us,” asked Wallace?
“That’s up to Mistress Nicole and Mistress Genevieve,” said Karl licking his testicles.
“You not going to kill us or anything like that,” asked Wallace.
“No, of course not, Sir; but you may wish you were dead,” said Karl as he placed a cock ring around the base of Wallace’s fully erect cock and balls then tightened it. Karl continued to stroke the cock as he inspected and adjusted the ring.
“God, what’s that for,” asked Wallace?
“To keep you erect, Sir. Mistress Genevieve directed me to get you hard and make sure you remained that way. The Mistresses prefers the subject be fully erect.”
“So she and her cunt friend can fuck my brains out,” said Wallace.
“I am not privy to the Mistress’s plans but for now it will maintain your erection while I whip you.”
“Whip me? You’ve got to be shitting me. I’ll have you all put in jail.”
“That would be very unwise sir. You were seen using illegal drugs and they are in your bloodstream where they will be detectable for weeks to come. That’s a very serious violation of our civil code. I won’t cause any permanent damage but it will be very painful.”
“I don’t know whether I can stand it.”
“You have no choice,’ said Karl going to a nearby cabinet to remove one of the nine strand floggers with the special knots on each strand.
“Jesus, what’s that,” asked Wallace watching Karl?
“It’s a flogger. It might interest you to know that it’s of the finest quality, hand made from kangaroo leather imported from Australia. Observe, if you will Sir, the knot on the ends of each strand is called a Turks Head,” said Karl holding the end of a strand up for Wallace.
“Shit, a knot’s a knot,” said Wallace dismissively.
“You couldn’t be more wrong. These particular knots add greatly to the pain and they have an interesting history. The Ottoman Turks introduced them to Europe during the siege of Vienna in 1529. Each night, the army of Suleman the Magnificent would tie one hundred captives within hearing of the city’s walls and whip them to death with floggers whose strands were knotted as these. History says the Viennese were much affected by the piteous screams of the men and women. But they withstood the siege and saved Europe otherwise we might all be followers of the Prophet Muhammad. Would you like me to record your screams?” said Karl walking over to a small digital recorder.
“Christ, this isn’t human,” said Wallace.
“The recording can serve as a souvenir of your honeymoon in Paris,” said Karl pressing the On switch.
The first sound on the DVD was the snap of a whip followed by Wallace’s full-throated scream of agony.
“Are you enjoying yourself on your last night in Paris,” asked Nicole after taking a sip of the Grand Cru Bordeaux before returning her head to a position between Genevieve’s thighs. At the moment she was servicing Genevieve’s sex with her mouth. Genevieve was seated on an overstuffed couch with her legs spread wide. Her head was back and her eyes closed as she focused her senses on the screams of Wallace and Lindsey and the sensations created by Nicole’s practiced tongue as it coursed over her aroused female sex.
“They scream well together,” said Genevieve noting there was a pleasing harmonic between Lindsey’s high pitched cries of agony as the Donkey’s apex burrowed ever deeper into her flesh and the deeper, richer sounds of Wallace as the flogger peeled the flesh from his back.
“It speaks well for them making it as a couple,” said Nicole looking up from her position between Genevieve’s legs. “My Jeremy yips like a puppy dog when I ride him around our London flat. It’s quite charming.”
“Next time, I’m in London, promise me you’ll let me ride him,” said Genevieve.
“Of course,” said Nicole. “My cock is your cock.”
A particularly loud scream from Wallace drew Genevieve’s attention. “I love that sound. Is there anything more enjoyable than the sound a man makes when the whip rips the scream from his body? Wallace is holding up very well.”
“I prefer our little song bird on the Spanish Donkey. It’s a tune that begins with a strong high pitch and ends like the ravings of a lunatic.”
A sobbing and hysterical Lindsey was pleading to be removed from the Spanish Donkey while at the opposite end of the room, there was the regular sound of Karl’s whip followed by Wallace’s full-throated scream. Lindsey, as the spoiled and pampered daughter of a wealthy attorney was not used to pain and suffering especially of the magnitude created by the force of gravity pressing the rounded metal studs into the narrow area were her legs met. The agony was far greater than anything she had ever imagined.
“This is turning out better than I expected. They both express their pain well,” said Genevieve.
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