Falling Star 2
It was twenty minutes
past close and I was in the back of the store, running the hot water to make
sure it was as hot as it could be before actually running a sink full. I heard
rattling from the front of the store, as though someone were trying to open the
locked door. I had upwards of two loads of dishes left to do, though I didn't
plan on doing them myself tonight. I squirted some soap into the first sink and
the sanitizing solution in the second, then I moved the faucet over the third
to let it fill, turning the water on maximum power. The rattling was still
going on throughout, so I walked to the front of the store.
Behind the glass door
there was a blond girl. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She was just
barely above five feet tall, if that. She was wearing little enough for it to
be considered nothing. Indeed, it was a pair of what looked like black, leather
boots, the tops of which reached the top half of her thighs, and a pair of
nipple clamps attached to each other by a small chain. I took the sight in as a
car passed on the road behind her. It didn't honk or anything, but she turned
and shied away from it while trying to cover herself. She stayed at the door,
though. Her tits were a very perky B cup or just a bit less. She was in
excellent condition, obviously exercising regularly. She had almost no hips or
ass, and was generally very petite. It was also obvious her pussy was shaved,
since her bright, pink lips could be seen as she grasped the door handle once
again. It's not easy to make out words through the door, but she was at least
voicing something to the effect of, 'Let me in, please, I'm in public and
people will see!'.
She did not rattle
the door handle as I approached, but stepped from side to side nervously,
anxiously watching the road and the doors along the building. She watched me
when I was within a few steps of the door and leaned against it. I got to the
door and flipped the lock all the way into it's locked position, making a click
as it hit the end of the groove it went into. She rattled the door, then
realized it was still locked and shouted so that I could hear it, "Please
let me come in, some people are down at the Chinese place and walking this
I unlocked the door
and she tried to slink in, but I stopped her by putting myself in her way and
holding the door ajar. Why not embarrass her? I had the feeling I was going to
be especially mean to this girl. Mega-Mams, last night, I cared about a bit.
She was a regular I got to know a bit about, plus I absolutely loved her tits.
However, when it came down to it, I had to put effort into not harming her in
any permanent way. This girl, I didn't think I'd worry about that with. Her
tits weren't so wonderful. Beautiful, but not nearly so massive. I quietly
commanded her, "You must act like a dog. I will let you in only after I am
satisfied you were a good enough doggy."
I shut the door and
relocked it as she looked at me pleadingly. I simply stood behind the door with
my arms crossed, and she got down onto her knees and hands, facing me. She
looked up at me and waged her butt slightly. She barked, but it was just barely
more than a whisper, no louder than the command I gave her to act like a dog.
It sounded like a person saying "bark!". She stopped waging her tail
and waited for my response. I put my hand up to my mouth and feigned a yawn.
She frowned. Quickly, unconvincingly, she walked in a circle on all fours,
barking five times. Her barks were better this time. Still obviously from a
person who was acting like a dog and not a real dog, but much better. When she
stopped, she glanced to her right and mouthed, 'Please, please, please!'
"Dogs don't
speak in English.", I commented through the door, furrowing a brow as
though confused. As soon as I was done talking, I heard a whistle and a catcall
from the left, her right, the direction the Chinese place was from here (that
direction being the only other direction to go along the building from my store
anyway, it being on the leftmost side, when facing the building).
She began walking in
a circle again, this time more quickly but wagging her tail convincingly. Her
tongue was out as she panted, which turned into "WOOF!" three times
as she faced the door, sat like a dog waiting to be let in, and panting again.
Several men I couldn't see by leaning against the glass were shouting obscene
words at her from the direction she kept glancing throughout the routine and as
she waited.
doggy!", I said, "Roll over!"
She wrinkled her
forehead and sighed in impatient exasperation, but complied. She rolled to her
left and stopped on her back, lifting her arms and legs like a dog would it's
paws. She continued panting and let out a loud, almost panicked, bark after she
had finished the maneuver. She still panted, but the look of worry in her eyes
increased as the voices got closer. I opened the door and whispered, "Keep
it up, or else you get put back out here, where you must stay for the
I then increased my
voice so that everyone around could hear me, "Good girl! Come in and have
some water! Who's a good wittle girl? You're a good wittle puppy!"
She quickly turned
and got onto her hands and knees, and walked like a dog around the door as I
held it open and into the store. I grabbed her and prodded her to turn around
as the men approached. I gave her a warning look as I noticed she was now much
more a girl on her hands and knees than a puppy. It took her a moment, but she
realized what I wanted and began panting again. She was obviously unhappy, but
she was putting effort into the act!
I looked back to the
door and, from the side, three Asian men approached. They were obviously the
Chinese place's kitchen staff. One of the men got in the way of the door
shutting as I faced him. His two friends were taunting the girl by making faces
one would make at a dog, and saying more blunt, crude things. He said, in a
very slight accent, "How can we get doggy to show us tricks?"
"I'm sorry,
", I answered as I pet the girl's head, "It's dinner time, and my
puppy needs her rest after a long day!"
The man looked to his
friends then back to me, "We help doggy get to sleep, yeah?!"
I looked to the girl,
rubbed my chin, and looked contemplative. She certainly wasn't sure what I
intended or what I was considering, let alone how seriously I was considering
it, so she was obviously worried. Her brow furrowed in fear and she panted
harder. She rubbed her head on me. Almost as an after-thought, she began
wagging her tail vigorously. I was pretty sure her face could not have gotten
any redder. Still with a look of deep thought, I began scratching her head. Her
eyes were pleading, but the rest of her was fully into the game. I leaned back
a bit and smacked her ass. She stopped panting for a split second, and her tail
stopped waging. Her panting picked back up, and her tail was not only waging,
but her back was arched and her ass was pointed upwards, obviously offering a
better target. I wasn't sure if she was into this, or was simply trying to
convince me not to make her stay outside. I also didn't care. I smacked her other
ass cheek, then the first, and the second again. She moved her ass back down by
reflex, hesitating a moment, then thrusting it back up. I looked to her face,
and her eyes were pinkish and rimmed with water. She was pleading with so much
effort that I looked back to the man with my decision, "No, I'm sorry, she
has to have her restful night's sleep. Go back to your restaurant and don't
mention this to anyone outside of your group of three."
The men,
disappointed, walked slowly back towards their own restaurant. The girl began
following me as I started walking towards the back-room door, but I commanded
her to stay. She begged like any other dog, by barking, but I ignored her. I
walked into the back room and got some paper and a pencil, then wrote down a small
list and some instructions. When I walked back out, she was turned lengthwise
to the door and the windows around it, covering the entire front of the
building. She looked at me when she heard the door shut. She was still on all
fours, but no longer actually acting like a dog. Her tongue was in her closed
mouth, her butt was still, and her features slumped. She was still very red and
worried looking. I gave her another warning glance, and her first reaction
looked like shock. She wiped the look from her face as soon as she had made it,
and began panting again. She resumed her dog-like posture and wagged her tail.
I stopped next to her
and looked at her ass. She may not have especially feminine curves in her
thighs and hips, but her ass was small and tight and to die for. There were red
marks on each cheek. The cheeks were perky and soft, and so small that they
didn't actually cover anything. I had a brilliant view of her brown eye, and
even her pussy if I leaned a bit. I took a step back to where I was and commanded,
"Get up, you made a terrible doggy."
She seemed worried
and sad as she got up to face me. When she was done standing, her face was
turned downwards as she looked at me. I noticed the nipple clamps had screws in
the ends to tighten them, so I grabbed one of them and pulled a bit, reaching
with my other hand to screw it tighter. Her hands reflexively grabbed mine and
she said, "Please, no. I don't really like nipple clamps this big, don't
make them..."
I cut her off,
"Never stop me from doing something to you or something you're wearing
EVER again!"
She let go of my
hands and said, "Okay, but please don't tighten them much, they already
hurt a lot."
I began tightening
the clamp on her right nipple quite fast, "I'll do whatever I want to you.
I don't care about you, but you're going to love the times when I use and abuse
you for my own pleasure, and you will keep returning. But after this first time
I will charge you five hundred dollars to abuse and fuck you like a toy to be
discarded. When does that store you work at close?"
She panted and shut
her eyes tight as I tightened the clamp all the way, as she held the mass of
her tit as though that might stop the pain.. She hadn't begun noticeably
recovering from that when I started tightening her other clamp. She held this
tit up a bit too, so she was standing there holding a tit in each hand. She
panted and let out a gasp as that one tightened all the way. She breathed
heavily for a few moments before her eyes began opening and she tried to focus
on me through her bleary, water-filled eyes. A tear dripped and she sighed when
I she finally began answering my question, "It should have closed over an
hour ago."
"Okay,", I
told her, "For starters, you're not allowed to touch or hold any part of
your body unless I tell you to. Your arms must always remain either at your
sides or behind you. Now, take this note and follow it's instructions to the
She took the note I
handed her and she read it. She turned around and walked out of the store,
getting into her car, and pulling away. I finished filling the sink and pilled
up the dishes into several stacks. It looked like about two and a half loads. I
made myself a small sandwich and ate it with a glass of milk. I spot-mopped and
dropped all the cash. Basically, I did all the very small things I didn't quite
have done when my doggy showed up. I got done with all that in about ten
minutes. I let some of the water out of the sink and filled it in with more hot
water, so that it wouldn't be too cold.
When I sat down at a
table next to the window, I saw my doggy on her way back. She had just started
walking across the road on all fours, from the parking lot across the street.
This parking lot was on a slight hill, so it had a good view of the other. She
had about seventy yards to doggy-walk to get back, including the road, the
ditch beside it, and the parking lot my store was in. She was still wearing the
same stuff, but she had a bag in her mouth. It was a plastic bag from the sex
store she worked at, and it was plenty full. She had hurriedly got out of the
ditch she was in on the other side of the road and started across. It didn't
take her long to make the other ditch, which she actually fell into. As she
fell, I saw something wave around near her butt, like a brown and red flag
which was about the size of her ass, maybe larger.
As her head popped up
over the near side of the ditch, some headlights could be seen from the left.
Whoever's headlights they were, they turned into my store's parking lot down at
the other end, but that was all I could tell. After she stayed for a moment,
watching the other end of the parking lot, I stood up and walked to the door. I
waved my arms to get her attention. When she looked at me, I opened the door
with one arm, patted my leg with the other, and shouted, "Come here, girl!
Bring Daddy his gift!"
She looked back to
the other end of the parking lot, then continued. She was hurrying herself even
more than she was crossing the road. By the time she got onto the pavement and
under the lights, I could make out her entire outfit easily. Probably anyone
else could who could see her, too. She did have on the same boots, and also the
nipple clamps. The bag in her mouth had plenty of items of various sizes in it,
and it probably weighed ten pounds. Near her rear, there was a tail made of red
and brown leather straps. The straps stuck out several inches from the thing
holding them in place and then arched down, drawing attention to the unusual
tail on a human. The tail was formed on the bottom of a butt-plug. She also had
on a thick, sturdy collar. There was a holler from way down the plaza, right
when she reached the side-walk. She glanced over, then looked to me at the door
as she came to a stop. She set the bag down and woofed at the door three times.
She began panting and wagged her tail. The tail was much more convincing, now,
actually being a tail and flailing from side to side.
over." I said to her through the door. She immediately, did. She glanced
to the right as she did, looked panicked for a moment, and fell onto her side.
She finished the movement, though, and got onto her back. Her legs and arms
were up like a dog's, and she was panting still. I had a clear view of her like
that. I could see the base of the butt-plug and the straps jutting from it. I
could see that her pussy was still pink, but much less so than when she first
came here. She glanced to the left, now for both of us, and her eyes widened. She barked a few times.
The clamps really were pinching her nipples tightly. I could see the red/pink
spot from the pressure/lack-of-circulation extending from her pinched flesh.
Someone shouted something from down the plaza. A man. I couldn't make out what it
"Oh, is my
doggy-woggy in heat? Maybe she should howl and look impressive for any
potential mates in the area!" I suggested to her. She scrunched up her
face and looked like she was about to cry, but she rolled back over and got
onto all fours. I hadn't intended for the man who shouted at her to be imagined
as a potential mate, but she turned around and pointed her rear at him. She
whipped her butt up and in, and the straps from the tail flung up onto her
back. They were about two feet long, so they stayed of their own weight. She
arched her back and lifted her ass as high as she could, spreading her legs
more than enough for a clear view. She leaned her tits parallel and only inches
above the ground and looked behind her, to the man. She began howling and
barking, waving her ass back and forth. There was a loud shout from the man,
who sounded closer than I thought he would be. He said something about the
'good time he'd show the slut'.
I opened the door and
said, "Bad girl!", slapping her face from around her. She whimpered
as she lowered her head to me, though I couldn't say it was her acting
abilities that made it a realistic one, and she lowered her butt, the tail
dropping back down, "Get inside and stop chasing after these mutts!"
She began crawling
inside, like a dog, and I smacked her ass hard as she went by me. She turned to
watch me tell the fattest of the Chinese kitchen staff to bugger off, and to
stop running down here every time they see my doggy. When he left, I grabbed
the bag she brought, and I locked the door. I turned to her, still whimpering
with a lowered head. I kicked her moderately hard in the side. She fell over
with the force of the blow and looked completely shocked. She clutched the side
I kicked and was about to yell at me, but then paused as I looked at her
nonchalantly. She put her legs out front like a dog's would be and lowered her
head, whimpering more. I kicked her in the gut, though not as hard as the kick
that sent her over. She curled up and stopped breathing, though it was obvious
she was trying to. When she started breathing, she looked at me pleadingly,
lowered her head in the doggy side position she was in, and whimpered. I
ordered, "Follow me, girl!"
I walked to the door
to the back. She was up and following me, quietly, after only two steps. I
walked back to the sink and looked at her. She lowered her head and whimpered.
I smacked her ass several times, shouting, "Stop that and do these
She stood up, her
arms tight to her sides, and looked at the sink. There was steam rising from
each sink, but not very much. The girl looked to me and said, "Is there a
particular method?"
I walked behind her
and waited a second. I reached from behind her and grabbed the nipple clamps.
She let out a slight whimper. I began pulling on the clamps.
"First, go to
this sink,", I lead her to the leftmost sink by the clamps on her nipples,
and she whined a bit. I pressed my pelvis against her ass to both hold her
there against the insulated sink, and to let her know I was getting hard. I
could feel the butt-plug pressing against me, so I pressed against that spot.
"Take one of the
dishes, put it in the water, and scru...", I began telling her what to do,
and she did it as I told her, but she dropped a dish into the water and pulled
her arms back when the heat of the water got to her. She looked back to me.
"Do it! Scrub
the dish clean and then you may remove your hands from the water.", I told
her, yanking the clamps quickly. She whined with the yank, but retrieved the
plate and sponge. With hands submerged and a vague whining building up in her
throat, she scrubbed the plate clean. She removed her hands once it was clean.
"Now,", I
told her, pulling her to the right by the nipple clamps and still pressing her
by her butt/butt-plug against the sink, "dunk it into this water, and move
it around to get the suds off."
She did as I said,
though she whined as she did it, and then I pulled her to the third sink in the
same manner, "Now put the plate in there, move it around like in the
second sink, and then set it on the drying rack."
Again, she did as I
said with a whine. I stepped back and let go of the clamps, then turned her
around by the waist. Her brow was furrowed in anxiety, her eyes were red
brimmed, and she was frowning. I embraced her and started kissing her. Her arms
stayed to the side, and I could see them in a glance. They were reddish. I
kissed her deeply for a matter of minutes. She squirmed uncomfortably the whole
time, but when I moved back a step and looked, she stopped. Must have been the
clamps pressed against my chest. She still had the same look, but the pinkish
was back to her pussy.
"Do these dishes
as well as you possibly can. If I find dirt on any of them, anywhere, I will
make sure you suffer. I might even take a small piece of you off. Something
nobody will notice, but you would always know you could still have it if only
you payed more attention to your duties. When you're done with the duties, you
are my doggy again. Find me in the front room, from where I'll take you for a
walk. Not before checking the dishes, of course."
"Yes. I'll get
them very clean.", the girl said shyly.
I walked up to the
front room and sat down at a booth. I brought a book with me to read for
specifically this occasion. I flipped to the marked page and started in. I
checked the clock every few minutes. That amount of dishes, without
distractions, would take me at most half an hour. By twenty five minutes, I
decided to shout a fair warning into the back, "Those dishes would take me
half an hour, tops! If I don't see you out here in five minutes, you're going
to have to sleep outside tonight, chained to a post in front of your own adult
novelty store!"
I looked through the
bag she brought. Everything I asked for was in it, including the stuff I didn't
think they sold and only asked for 'just in case'. I got out the things I
intended to use on the walk. In the bag was a leash. It was about six feet
long, not counting the looped handle. I took it out and put it on the table I
was at. The next thing I got out were long sock looking things. They were the
same color as the boots she was wearing, but sized for her arms. They had
pseudo-spherical ends, where hands can go, but only in a tight fist. They
zipped up on the underside, to be out of view. Zipped up, the person wearing
them either could not get them off, or would have a hell of a time at it. I put
those on the table as well. Her car keys were in the bag. That makes sense, she
had to have them with her somewhere. There were plenty of things in the bag I
asked for in addition to those notable items. I wondered if she actually paid
for them, since I didn't tell her to.
By the time I was
done looking through the bag, I could hear my doggy bark. I turned around in
time to see her trying to get onto the counter from behind it. It was
difficult, since so many things were in her way. Her best bet was between the
cookie display and cash register. I looked to the clock. She had about thirty
seconds. I heard something rolling. She must have gotten the step stool.
Clever. Next thing I knew, she was crawling up onto the counter, where I
predicted. Her hands and wrists were red and tender looking, but I could not
see any damage beyond that. She was frowning and her eyes were wet and red,
though. Ten seconds. She looked down and hesitated, but leaped onto the floor
rather ungraciously. Her landing was followed by a 'clunk', and she fell over
and clutched her left knee. She held it to her and started crying.
"You'd better
not have broken anything, I still had plans for you.", I stated flatly. I
got up and walked over to her. I'm no nurse, but I couldn't see any damage
besides a bump and a forming bruise. I checked a little longer, and that was
still all I could find that was wrong with her knee, so I pulled her boot back
into place. I grabbed the chain connecting the nipple clamps and pulled it up
so that she'd have to come with them. She let go of her knee and put her hands
on the ground to push her torso up to do exactly that. She let out a grunt and
scrunched up her face. I followed through in a forward arch, and she landed on
her knees and hands. She grimaced and clenched her teeth for a moment before
relaxing somewhat. I held the chain there for a moment so she'd get the idea to
stay on her hands and knees, then slapped her when I let go. She still had
tears falling from her eyes, but looked to me waiting for what I was going to
I walked over to
where I was sitting, but on the other side, so that I could face her. The table
was about ten feet from her. I pat my leg as I would to get a dog to come. She
began crawling over to me, but she favored her one knee and cringed when she
put weight on either hand. She seemed to have lost all of her energy in her
role as the doggy, so I asked her, "I'm not convinced you're a good
puppy-dog, what's wrong?"
She was almost to me
and took the last step, then looked up to me, "My hands burn, and my
nipples hu..." I interrupted her with a hard and loud slap to her face.
"Doggies can't
speak English, as I remember. If you do that again, I promise you'll regret it.
Now, do a better job acting like my doggy!", I commanded, giving her a
hard stare. She shut her mouth and looked at me for a moment, obviously trying
to get herself up to the role. She started panting, then swung her butt a small
amount, swinging the tail in small circles behind her.
"Paw.", I
ordered, holding out my hand. She placed her right hand in mine, and I grabbed
a ball-glove thing with my other hand. I started pulling it onto her hand, then
slid it up her arm. It was very long on her, going up to the top of her biceps.
She moaned and pouted when I forced her hand into a fist inside the ball end. I
gave her a thoughtful look and she turned her moan into a dog-like whimper. I
zipped it up, then repeated the order and placed the other one on her other
arm. When I was done I watched her in her doggy position. Her ass stopped
moving the tail and she cringed, switching weight from hand to hand and she
frowned and whimpered. I grabbed the leash and attached it to the ring on her
collar. I walked to the back of the store and quickly looked at the dishes.
They seemed fine enough and I was impatient for the walk, but I checked more
thoroughly because I said I would. I found a piece of cheese on one of the last
dishes washed, when she must have been hurrying. I put on my jacket as I walked
out from the back of the store. I walked to the table my doggy was at and put
the loop on the end of the leash around my wrist and held on below it. I
grabbed the bag with my other hand.
"Ready to go for
a walk, girl?", I asked, patting her head then walking towards the door.
She gave me a worried look and whimpered, but followed me on all fours lest the
leash choke her. I opened the door and motioned for her to go ahead, so I could
shut and lock it. She looked down the way fearful of the Chinese cooks, but
went outside and waited at the length of the chain. I got out and looked down
the same way as she, as the door shut. There was nobody. I locked the door and
walked around the corner of the building at my store, doggy in tow. She still
favored one knee, but she didn't waste much time on it. She was too busy trying
to keep up with me. She whimpered all the way to the back of the store.
I stopped before
getting past the store and turned to her. I raised one hand towards the sky
half-way and asked, "Did you feel it? Rain. I felt a drop. Oh, and there's
another!" I turned back the way I was walking when thunder sounded to the
West. I examined the sky, and there was certainly a storm rolling in. I looked
back to my doggy. She shivered a bit and whimpered as I looked. Her arms and
legs were shiny in their black. Her tits were hanging, the clamps and chain
connecting them below. Her ass was thrust up just barely, and I could see the
top of the plug in her hole and the strands arching from it. I walked to her
and stood next to her. I slapped her ass hard on one cheek, and she jumped a
bit, whimpering with it. She looked back as I slapped the other cheek,
resulting in the same reaction. The slaps were echoing off the building, and
I'm sure if anyone was around they could hear it. There were already bright red
marks on her ass, so I slapped a few more times. Each time she yelped and
jumped. By the eighth one, she looked at me pleadingly and whined like a puppy.
"Maybe I'd stop
if you got in a better mood and would wag your damn tail.", I commented.
Her frown remained and her eyes were still red rimmed and glossy, but she
started to wag her tail and pant. Thunder sounded again, and the rain picked
up. I could see spots developing on my shirt, and there were shiny spots on
her. The wind was blowing in short gusts, bringing colder air. I continued my
way to behind the store, where there was a walking trail. She followed me,
wagging her tail and panting. She wasn't very good at it. Her wagging wasn't
very even and her panting quited a bit as she concentrated on walking, but
she'd get better. As we got to the alley behind the store, between the woods
and the building the store was in, we could see some men down at the other end
throwing things into a dumpster. If they saw us they didn't show it in any way,
but my doggy picked up her pace until she was in front of me.
The trail led to my
apartment complex down the road and on the other side of the block, through a
park that had light posts. Most of the trail, though, was very small and not
illuminated at all by artificial means. As we entered the trail, we could hear the
rain hitting the natural canopy of the tree leaves as the it continued to pick
up and the wind tossed the branches about. Rain made it's way through the trees
and onto us without problems, though. As I walked and got rained on, I watched
the doggy in front of me. Her ass was pointed right at me, and she swung it
with her fast crawl to make the tail swish from side to side. It was a very
small ass, but it was firm and shapely. I could see her bare pussy beneath the
base of the tail as it swung. I could also see some light reflecting off the
chain on her nipples once in a while. Lightning cracked across the sky and I
could see her in better detail for a moment. She was glossy from the rain. I
was getting pretty wet, too, but it didn't have the same effect as it did on
her. Her curves were sharpened by the glossy appearance, and I could see goose
bumps raised on her. Her pussy wasn't pink anymore, but I didn't really care if
she was turned on at all.
The wind and rain
picked up a few minutes into the walk. A thick downpour and frequent lightning
and thunder lasted for about fifteen minutes. I had pulled up my hood and
zipped up my jacket, so only my legs were very wet, and they were soaked. My
doggy, too, was very soaked. She shivered noticeably as she wagged her tail and
panted, leading the way down the trail. The rain let up and the lightning
decreased, but it was still a good heavy rain when we made it to the park. The
lights were on, as I expected. The park itself was surrounded by a fence and
trees, the parking lot being on the far side from where we got there, and on
the other side of the fence. It was a public place, so might have security
cameras, but I don't know where they'd be if so. There were several picnic
tables around a play-center in the middle of the park.
When we made it to
the end of the trail as it entered the park, on one of the corners near a
grill, I stopped. My doggy stopped as the chain got taut. She turned 90 degrees
and looked back to me. Here eyes, though I could barely see them, were red. Her
panting was slow, and she was no longer shaking her tail. I put my hand out to
let her know to stay, instead of to lead as the leash gave room to. She watched
me as I approached, panting a little harder and swinging her tail once. Her
shivering was obvious as I got within reach. I didn't pause or hesitate. It was
obvious she wasn't ready for it. She didn't even react until she was on the
ground. I kicked her in the gut, and hard. She flew to the side and toppled
over. Her arms clenched her belly and she looked up to me fearfully. She was
not breathing. She couldn't just then. She tried, though. Her legs folded up
instinctively, to protect her. I was already over her, though. I grabbed her
hair and pulled her head back, then slapped her hard. She took a breath in,
right before I slapped her again. Her hands came up to protect her face.
I pulled her hair
straight up, lifting her onto her knees. I leaned down and looked her in the
eye, "I told you to keep your arms to the side or behind you! You'll be punished
for disobeying! Now, put your hands behind you! Oh, and keep your knees apart,
She fought off her
tears, though she may have just been snuffly from being cold and in the rain.
She placed her hands behind her and waited for what was to come. Her legs
spread apart slowly, her body lowering a bit as they did. I slapped her a few
times relatively lightly, to see how she'd react. She grimaced and moaned a bit
with each, but her hands stayed behind her and her legs remained parted. I
still held her hair. I took a half step back and held her as she was, at arms
length. I pulled my right arm out to the side. She cringed away from it, but
couldn't seem to get her eyes all the way shut, staring at my hand as her eyelids fluttered. Then I
slapped her. Very hard. It was about as hard as I figured I could slap. Her
face shot to the side and her body fell back a bit. She looked back to me from
the corner of her eyes, not daring to turn her face back to me. It was too late
that she saw my hand coming back from the way her head had turned. She tried to
jump back as her head flew the other way, but I had her hair securely. I
slapped again, then again, and I could see the bright red spots on the sides of
her face. She jumped back, futily, each time.
That's when I noticed
her hands were jerking forward a bit with each slap. I delivered one more hard
slap and her hands jumped up to just below her tits. I slapped her one more
time, again about as hard as I figured I could slap, and her hands immediately
shot up to her face. She was sobbing and trying to get her hair from my hand.
Her legs were almost closed, and she was trying to fall away from me. "God
dammit!", I shouted at her, and pulled her to her feet by the hair. I
pulled her behind me, the leash dragging in the grass. She still sobbed, so it
was hard for her to see, I imagine. She was stumbling over slight bumps in the
ground, but I held her up.
I got her to the
playground in the middle of the park and threw her, by the hair, at a chin up
bar that was coming off the side of the monkey bars. She caught the bar on the
side before running into it, but fell around it and to the ground, breathing
heavily and holding her face with her right hand. Well, not really holding her
face so much as pressing her balled hand into it. Anyway, I went and got the
bag, then came back. She was still in a pile on the ground, but she was slowly
getting to her knees, still holding the right side of her face. I grabbed some
rope out of the bag, and then grabbed her pony tail. I looped her pony tail
around the knot in the rope, then looped the rope around her hair as it folded
back towards her head, then tied it through and tugged. It was secure. I lifted
her a bit by the rope, to get her on her knees, then tied the rope to the
chin-up bar to keep her that way. She wasn't crying, but she had those deep
sobs that come after crying. Her left hand was already behind her back, but her
right was slower. It hovered around her face, then she slid it behind herself.
I got a pair of hand-cuffs and placed them on her wrists. I wanted her hands to
stay behind her, dammit. Then I got two more pieces of rope and tied them each
to one of her knees. I pulled one leg to the side to secure it to the side bar,
and then the other. She was now in the position I told her to be in, without
the option to leave it, as had caused her to get into so much trouble.
I leaned down and
looked at her. She was avoiding looking me in the eyes, but she couldn't avoid
it with me in her face, "You didn't keep your hands behind you, puppy. I'm
going to have to discipline you, you know. Keep this in mind in the future....
Oh, and do the dishes better next time."
Without waiting for
her to respond in some way, I stood up straight and kicked her in the gut
again. She almost doubled over, but her hair stopped her. She pulled her belly
in for a few moments, trying to breath. Before her breath came back, I slapped
her hard, then brought my hand back from the other way with a strong backhand.
Her eyes were clenched shut, but she managed a breath and then half screamed. I
got a lighter and some scissors from the bag, and knelt down in front of her.
She was crying freely, her mouth opened wide as she tried to watch what I was
doing. I grabbed and pulled down on her left inner labia. I positioned the
scissors on it that they'd cut down into it about a quarter of an inch. I
looked to her and she was wide-eyed, shaking her head slowly. I cut down into
her soft girly flesh. She let out another half-scream, and I quickly lit the
lighter and held the flame to the flap I made in her labia. She squirmed the
whole time, but she simply couldn't squirm far enough. I put the lighter down
and picked up the scissors, holding them near where I cut a moment ago. If I
cut again a small, quarter inch piece would be cut off. She was still pseudo
screaming, so I cut quickly and cauterized the wound again. In my hand, I had a
small, triangular piece of her labia.
She had stopped her
half-screams, and was relaxed, breathing regularly. I stood up and could see
she had fallen unconscious. She was hanging by her hair. I grabbed the chain on
her nipple clamps and pulled her forward. Her eyes opened, and she moved around
as though in pain. I held the piece of flesh up to her, and her eyes got wide.
I put the piece of flesh in the bag. I then looked to her again. She avoided my
eyes, but I yanked the chain and she got the message. I waited for her to calm
down before talking, "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"
She nodded slowly,
and I asked, "By how many guys?"
She tried to talk,
but her voice didn't come to her immediately. She squeaked out,
"Did you like
little.", she squeaked.
"Well... that...
it was after... my pussy." She replied with a tad less squeak.
I snarled at her. I
unzipped my fly, and yanked out my annoyingly hard dick. I hadn't planned on
getting this horny, yet, but I also didn't expect I was so sadistic. I grabbed
the back of her head and stepped forward. She opened her mouth and took my dick
in. I had never skull-fucked a girl before. It wasn't as good as I expected it
to be. I couldn't get my dick all the way in, and her teeth scraped a bit.
After a few thrusts I pressed my dick into her throat and kept it there. She
was gagging, but couldn't pull her head away. She yanked her head back and
threw up all over my dick and the front of her body. The rain picked up a small
amount, though, and the spew was sliding down her, to the ground. I
skull-fucked her another few thrusts and then shoved my dick back into her
throat again. She took it better that time, but started gagging after a bit,
again. She yanked her head back, not far enough, and threw up. I pulled out so
that she didn't suffocate on it, and it drooled out of her mouth. I
skull-fucked her a little longer, and untied the rope in her hair with one
hand. Her hair fell to the side as it came free.
I walked behind her,
as she caught her breath. Her ass was beautiful. There's something I like about
small asses, and hers was small. However, it was still shapely and firm. Simply
small, not unhealthily skinny. The butt-plug was being hugged firmly in place
by her sphincter, still. I grabbed the chain of the hand-cuffs and pulled up,
forcing her to lean forward. I kept pulling up until I could get the rope
around the chain, and tie it. She was now leaning forward, her arms both
twisted behind her and up. Her ass was sticking out and up amazingly. I also
had a perfect view of her pussy. I decided I wasn't rough enough with her
punishment for not staying in position, so I got my footing and delivered a
hard kick to her cunt. She screamed and choked, trying to get into the fetal
position, or something like it, but she simply couldn't. I watched her wiggle
with the pain for a few seconds, then grabbed the butt-plug and yanked it out.
The drool was getting rained off my dick, so I had to fuck her ass now if I was
going to. I got on my knees behind her, and reached around to shove the
butt-plug into her mouth. I willed for her to keep it there.
I grabbed my dick and
placed the head at her brown eye. It was relaxed and she was gaping a bit, so I
shoved it right on in. There was slight resistance, but I got it all the way in
on that first shove. She moaned onto the plug when I did. The scene was
awe-inspiring to me. The way her arms were stretched up, giving me a great view
of her back down to her ass, which had my dick shoved into it. The way her ass
was so small compared to most I've seen, making my dick appear a huge invader.
Her inability to even attempt to stop me from fucking her ass. It was
wonderful. Her ass was tight. The rain made her shiny. Everything was perfect.
The previous night, I did not last long. I was too caught up in the fun.
Tonight I would take my time. I would fuck her ass until I couldn't avoid
orgasm. After all, she wasn't going to stop me, and nobody was around for at
least a mile.
I pulled back,
watching my dick slide out of her ass. Not all the way, but to the head. After
a pause, I slid slowly back in. Again there was resistance, but I simply shoved
past it as she moaned. I adjusted myself a bit to lean into her. I grabbed her
hips and ground against her for a moment, then began to slowly slide back out,
to the head. I knew what was so good about it all. Her ass was mine. I owned
it, in that moment. It was mine to do with as I pleased. I slid back in,
knowing that she could not avoid it, knowing I would fuck the ass as I wanted,
be it slowly or fast, shallow or deep. Slow and deep was good for now. I slid
back in. She moaned as I got past the meager resistance, the resistance that
not only failed to stop me, but increased my pleasure.
I sped up a bit,
shoved in harder each time. She moaned a little louder with each thrust. She
could not stop me. Nothing could stop me. After a while, she stopped trying to.
I kept it deep, mostly grinding against her, with few thrusts. She could not
escape, her moans would not save her. They were softer now. I looked at her
ass. I stopped moving. She was grinding against me! I cannot explain the joy of
that realization. The best way to, I think, is to say that's when I knew I
"conquered" her ass. Not only had I taken it, but she had submitted
to it, and enjoyed it!
I pumped hard and
deep, her moans getting louder. I was brutal, and she loved me for it. I
spanked her as I humped, her wet cheek sounding loudly into the night on each
backstroke. Her shiny, red cheeks began to quiver. Her asshole tightened around
my cock and she spasmed. It was all I could take, and I shoved into her deeply,
grinding as I came. I came for a very long time. I couldn't guess how long, but
it was the most pleasing orgasm I had ever had. After I was done, I stayed
where I was, deep in her ass. She was still grinding slightly on me. The
sensations were calming, and I allowed them to do their thing until I was soft
and I plopped out of her ass.
I reached around and
grabbed the plug out of her ass, "I didn't know girls could cum from
getting fucked in the ass." I commented as I put the plug back in her ass,
watching it take on the appearance of a tail once again.
Almost a whisper,
"Neither did I." She said as she hung still. I put myself away and
zipped up. I untied the rope from the hand cuffs, and took the rope down, then
untied her knees and put all the rope in the bag. I unlocked the hand-cuffs and
put them in my pocket. She was on her hands and knees, looking curiously at her
pussy. She was obviously sore from her position, but mostly the wound on her
cunt. I took the leash from her collar. I put this all in the bag.
I approached her with
her keys, "Doggies don't talk." I grabbed the chain on her nipple
clamps and opened a key-ring until I could slide it onto the chain. It took
several tries, and she cringed as I pulled it this way and that in my attempt.
I finally got her keyring onto her chain, and I stood up, "Now you have to
go back to your car as you are now, as a doggy. Only when you get to your car
can you try to take that stuff off. Every time you want me to use and abuse you
as I did tonight, you must arrive either at my store or my apartment wearing
what you have on right now. You know where my store is. Just wait for me to let
you in at the door. I live at 5543 Cedar Grove st, in the complex down the way.
When you show up, ring the doorbell and wait for me. You can ring the doorbell
once a minute, no more. In either case, I hope I am where you go, since you
must wait for me until I let you in."
I began walking down
the trail to my apartment complex. I glanced back and watched her wag her tail
as she crawled the other way. I thought quietly of how wonderful that anal sex
was on my way home. I considered how I might reproduce it with Mega-Mams.
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