Falling Star
minutes to close, a car comes through the drive-through. It's a generic
restaurant, small enough for me to be alone for, usually, the last hour of the
day. It's the girl I call "Mega-Mams" when the window's not open. She
always gets the same thing, sometimes she has a friend with her. Her name
should have an obvious cause, her tits are huge. Not unbelievably huge, but I
certainly never suspected they were entirely natural. They had to be bigger
than a D cup. Usually their size was difficult to adjudicate, but today she was
wearing a small shirt. It was late and she wasn't trying to impress me. Yet.
Her shirt didn't reveal anything directly, but it made it obvious where her
tits were in relation to the rest of her torso, and they were massive. She was
brunette, with straight, shoulder length hair and bangs. Her eyes were clear
and brown, she was tan, and she was tone. She wasn't quite twenty years old.
She had sharp features, but I'd be lying if I only looked at them when I
suspected she was looking at me. I never wanted to get caught looking at her
huge tits, after all.
was different. Before I continue with this scene, I'll have to tell you why; I
was with my family on the fourth of July. We went to watch fireworks, everyone
drove together, from my mom's house. I live on my own, but I join my family in
events sometimes anyhow. Well, as usual, my family got into a fight before we
even got to the bay. Just after the fireworks ended, I saw a shooting star. Of
course I wished on it. My wish was, "I wish, upon a star, that I could
control people. I wish I could tell or even will someone to do something, and
not only would they do it, they'd want to do it." Of course, my plan was
to get my family to stop arguing whenever an argument erupted if the wish worked,
with possibly better uses later, hence making it such a generalized wish. Of
course, I didn't expect it to work. It never had before, and I didn't even
remember the rhyme I used as a child when I wished on stars. When my grandpa
started in on my aunt, though, I willed him to stop arguing and he simply
dropped it. All the fighting on the way home was minimal, occurring only
because I hadn't stopped it yet.
took me a while, but I remembered and wrote down the wording of my wish. I'm
usually a fairly scientific minded person, and I didn't really think the wish
had worked. Though, the coincidences were incredible, if that wasn't what had
happened with my family. The next day I took a walk, and simply willed people
to do things. A lady dug up a plant she just finished planting, a boy stopped
riding his bike and then threw it into a dumpster. A man broke his own car
window. Someone who just parked started their car back up and then ran it into
the side of their garage. After a few hours, my evidence was about as
conclusive as I could get it. I had the power to control people.
went by and I didn't use the power. Frankly, I couldn't think of a good use for
it. At least, not a use I'd be morally comfortable with. Then, one day, my
morals just shut up. I had my boss give me an unreasonably high raise. I got
free food. I slapped a customer's ass. I made a biker kiss his biker friend,
and then willed them to take the fight outside. I got the cops that showed up
to give me a couple free pairs of hand-cuffs and some mace. I was unscrupulous.
That day was the same day Mega-Mams came through the drive-through.
didn't want food tonight. I didn't want her to want food. What she came to tell
me was that her tits are real.
don't believe you.", I admonished with a light-hearted smile.
smiling brighter, replied, "No, it's true! Here!" She grabbed the
bottom of her shirt and pulled up. Her shirt went over her bra, held in place
by her tits. Next she pulled up on the bottom of her bra, pulling it up over
her shirt. Her huge tits were in plain sight. The nipples were proportionally
small and cute. Her tits had no flaws I could see, except they sagged just a
tad. Not as much as you'd expect being as big as they were, though. She didn't
stop there, she held the bra and shirt in place with her right hand, and
grabbed my arm with her left. She pulled my arm out and put my hand on her left
boob, then squeezed my hand onto it. My hand was dwarfed by it! She let go of
my hand, and used both hands to hold her shirt and bra up. I felt around both
of her bags for a minute or two, and she just smiled at me, as though proud for
proving to me that they were real, which, in fact, was proven to me.
they are. Also, your nipples are getting hard", I returned, smirking at
her knowingly and drawing my hand back in.
sorry, it's just that you've always turned me on so much. Could I..."
cut her off, "Go home, and come back after you've prepared for me. You'll
know what to do."
up, tits exposed, she sped off. I had several minutes to wait so I took care of
what I had to. Closing time came, I cleaned what needed cleaned and put the
food away. I counted the money and dropped it into the safe, and I was done.
All in less than half an hour. I didn't have a lot left to do in the first
place, but half an hour is still good time. I killed some time by having a
quick snack of potato chips and I read some of a very boring book a customer
had forgotten.
about 11:40, forty minutes past close, a car pulled up to the front. The store
had an all window front, with some of the window winding around the left (as
you enter) corner. The store was in a plaza, across the street from another
plaza, on a fairly busy street. I could still see some cars pass by, and of
course some were parked in either plaza's lot. Mega-Mams got out of the car.
The instructions I had willed into her head had been received. She was
completely naked except for her shoes and she held her keys in her right hand.
Her crotch was completely devoid of hair. The big tip-off that she got the
instructions though, bigger than the first thing, was that she had a
clothes-pin on each nipple. Her tits bounced and pained her nipples (she
visibly twisted her face a bit) as she half skipped, half ran to the door,
looking around to see if anyone was looking at her. She found the door locked,
of course.
was behind the counter. I put the book back on the shelf it was on and looked
at her. She was looking at me with impatience, rattling the door handle. Then
she got patient. She continued looking around, and she tried to hide behind her
arms as a car drove by, honking. Every move she made, her tits bounced. She
looked back to me after the car passed. I walked to the door slowly. More cars
passed, three of them honked. Her face was obviously red by the time I unlocked
the door and let her in. I walked her over to a booth and had her sit down
facing the road. If someone looked hard enough from the road, they might catch
her tits. If someone pulled up to or walked by the side where the windows wound
around the building, though, her nudity would be obvious. I sat on the other
side of the booth. Her face was still very vaguely twisted, and she glanced at
the clothespins, then to me.
something bothering you?" I asked.
hurt." She replied, wringing her hands atop her legs underneath the table.
The effect of that was to make her tits wobble a bit, so she stopped after a
few seconds.
raised my hands uncertainly and asked, "Then why did you put them
sat upright a bit (she had previously been leaning down a bit, possibly to hide
from the windows) and looked at me obviously confused, "Because I...
thought you would like it. And... and I wanted you to know I was serious."
I don't know. About how much I want you, I think. Do you understand?", She
answered with a noticeable frown.
course I do. And I do like them there." I motioned vaguely again, but the
other direction.
should I take them off, now that you've seen it?"
looked at her incredulously, "Are you crazy? I said I do like them, why
would you take them off?"
looked down, ashamed I think, "Well, I keep thinking I'll get used to it,
but I don't. It just keeps hurting. Then I'll move and my tits will bounce and
it will hurt even more. So can I please take them off?"
of answering her, I slowly slid my left arm across the table. When it was
extended all the way, I held onto the clothespin on her right nipple. I pulled
on it a bit, and her torso followed the movement. I willed her to sit upright
again and to not follow the motions. She bolted back into her previous
position, except now the pin was pulling her tit out about three additional
inches. She gasped and shut her eyes, turning her head to the side. After a
moment, she slowly looked back to the clip. By then, my other hand was almost
at her other tit, so she watched as I grabbed the pin on her left nipple. I
pulled it out equal to the other one, but she watched this time, still letting
out a gasp. I twisted them in synchrony, both inwards to 180 degrees. She
hadn't moved to stop me yet, nor would she. As I held them like that, she
looked up to me. Her brow was down and her eyes pleading, a huge frown below. I
twisted them the other way, outward, the
same amount, plus about 30 extra degrees. She stopped holding her breath as I
did that and she began breathing shallow and quickly. Her face screwed up a tad
more. Her arms moved so that her hands could grasp the edge of the seat she was
on. I twisted the pins the opposite way again, inward, and added yet another 30
degrees. She shut her eyes and faced upward, making vague sighs between each
breath. One more turn the opposite way, outward, totaling a 270 degree turn. I
didn't think I could turn them any more without them coming off, so I let go
and she relaxed.
do like them.", I told her, as though finally coming to a well thought out
eyes were red and watery and she was trembling slightly. She looked at me and
said, "Good."
I told her, and I got up and walked to the door. She followed me, obviously
anxious yet totally willing to do what I say. I stood to the side of the door
and watched her. She didn't know why she got the idea, but she followed through
with it anyhow; She faced the door and crouched down, her knees pointing
forwards, her weight on the front of her feet. She spread her legs so that her
knees were pointing to each side, until it became difficult to maintain her
balance when her legs were at a 100-110 degree angle. She placed her hands
behind her, each hand grabbing the opposite arm's elbow. Her huge tits were
thrust out in front of her, unguarded. Her bare slit was fully exposed. The
only thing stopping the traffic from seeing her was bad angles and her car in
front of the door.
walked to the back room to get some things. I even made a trip to the fridge. I
got a cucumber, some more clothespins, duct tape, a couple large rubber bands,
a bottle of olive oil, and both pairs of hand-cuffs I incidentally got from the
cop earlier. I wasn't sure if I was going to use them all, but I was sure going
to find out. I placed them all on the metal table in the back. I moved over and
looked over the counter at the doorway. There was a middle aged man with a leaf
blower standing out front. He was obviously trying to convey a message to
Mega-Mams. The message contained what he would do with her if he could open the
door, and mention of the pins on her tits. He whipped out his dick and rubbed
it a bit for her. He seemingly thought it was really impressive. I had enough,
though, so Mega-Mams stood up and ran to the door to the back room. Her arms
were still behind her, though, so I had to open the door for her. One tear was
dripping down her right cheek and her face was a very bright red.
shut the door behind her and kept her out of view of the windows. I grabbed her
waist and pulled her to me. She gasped when the clothespins pressed against me
and were forced to the sides. I grabbed her ass with both hands and began kissing
her. Her ass was small and tone. I still found it hard to believe the huge tits
pressing into me were real. She was so skinny and fit, yet her bags were
enormous. I kissed her passionately, and did not stop for some time. I kneaded
her ass cheeks and pulled them apart as we made out. I spanked her once,
testing. She jumped a bit, but her face didn't register pain except from the
clothespins being forced into funny positions against us from the jump. I
spanked her other cheek, and her reaction wasn't noticeable. I spanked the
first cheek again, harder. Slighter jump than the first time. I spanked the
second cheek harder than that. the slap was resounding in the back room, and
she stopped kissing to jump. The jump caused her nipples some more pain, but she
leaned back in to keep kissing. I spanked the first cheek as hard as I thought
I could, though it didn't seem very hard when I had done it. She jumped again,
the pins hurt her nipples a bit, and she started kissing again. I began a slow
rhythm of spanking each cheek hard. After the first few, she got used to the
rhythm and could stay against me, kissing, even though she was getting spanked
and pressed her pinned tits against me in uncomfortable ways. After about five
to each cheek, she began sighing into the kisses for a few seconds after each
hit. After I counted to 24 smacks per cheek, I spun her around. Her cheeks were
red, and a bit yellowish green in small splotches.
took the duct tape and tore off sections about ten to twelve inches long,
sticking their tips on the edge of the table. I pulled her arms away from her
back and wrapped one of those pieces around her arms, patting it into place. I
did the same with the next piece, but a
bit to the side of the first piece. Her shoulders could only be pulled back so
far, so it took a while to get all thirty pieces around her forearms. When I
was done, I turned her back around and took a step back from her, looking at
to move your arms." I told her. She wiggled her arms a bit. Her tits
wiggled in exaggerations of her arm's movements, so I watched that for a few
moments. The area around her nipples were becoming an abnormally bright
reddish, beyond her areolas a few inches. It must have been from the pins.
noticed a worried expression on her face, and she shouted at me, "I can't
get my arms free! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm really trying! I want to, but I
violently tried to wrest her arms free, and it sent her tits flopping every
which direction. She got in every angle she could without falling down, her
tits sometimes making loud slapping noises from running into each other. If I
didn't know any better I would have thought she was scared for her life. The
clothespins flew off. When she began crying, not merely tearing, I told her,
"Don't worry about it. I want your arms like that."
breathed heavy sighs of relief and shook her head, "Thank you! Oh thank
came close to nuzzle me, but I grabbed her waist and slung her over my
shoulder. As I walked around the corner, where I could see past the counter, I
could tell the man had left. At least, he wasn't in sight just then. I carried
Mega-Mams to the freezer and opened the door. She looked anxious as I set her
down in it. It was a walk in freezer, so she easily stood in there, but it was
also obviously a freezer. I pointed to the ground, to the side of where she was
standing, and she placed her right foot there. Four feet to the side, I
pointed, and her other foot stepped there, her weight repositioning to be
equally distributed between the two feet. She took a couple heavy breaths. She
shook, though I was pretty sure it was from the anxiety more than the cold. I
set the cucumber on a shelf next to her.
"Are you going to leave me here? How
long?", she asked, frightened.
pointed to the dial that unlocks the door from the inside, "If you start
to feel like you can't take the cold, turn this dial until it stops. Then,
press against the door and it will open. Get out, shut the door behind you, and
warm up. After six minutes pass, get back in, turn the dial back into position,
and get back how you're standing now. There's a clock you can see from the bar.
Stand behind the bar, in view of the window, watching the clock until it's time
to go back. When I get back, you will tell me how many times you opened the
freezer. You will be punished more severely for every time you get out. And you
do not want to get punished severely!"
shut and locked the door before listening for her response. On a whim, I hit
the light switch, so that it'd be very nearly pitch black in their. Of course I
knew it'd be difficult for her to reach that dial to manipulate it, but I knew
it was easy enough that she could. Even if it took her a few tries. I left
through the front door. The man with the blower was all the way down at the
other end of the plaza. I walked across the road to the sex store in the other
plaza. It was still open. It's open late on the weekends. The blond girl
working there was hot and dressed in small but passable day-ware, but her tits
weren't nearly as huge as Mega-Mam's. I walked up to the counter and made small
talk with her for a few minutes. After a conversation about the weather the
past few days, she left me at the counter. I watched the stupid advertisements
on the TV, obviously a recording made for the store, for what seemed like ten
minutes. She eventually came back with a shoe box. She opened it up and
explained what everything it contained was used for, and sometimes she
commented on my viciousness.
got into a conversation about pornography. I told her how I always watched
really rough stuff on my computer, and I found some nice BDSM sites, but how
none of it was quite enough. She said that there weren't many people who came
in there like me, but there are the few who like the same things that I do.
That led us to talking about what kind of sex toys she could order for me and,
of course because I could make it happen, she offered to show me how to use
them some time. I asked if she worked the following night, and she told me she
didn't. Why not? I decided to tell her to go to the restaurant I work at, 20
minutes past eleven the very next night. She must not be wearing anything at
all, except a pair of sturdy nipple clamps and high-heeled boots that run up to
her thighs. She said she'd be there and it sounded like fun. I took the box and
headed back across the street.
man with the blower was standing in front of my store's window when I
approached. He turned to me, pointed inside with his thumb, and said,
"Hey, fella, you the guy who works here?"
I answered, leaning against the door.
this big titted girl in there, walking out showin' 'erself to me. What she
doin' in there?"
that's my girlfriend. She's... kinky."
nice and all, but there's somethin' wrong wit' 'er. She all pale and
of you to notice, I'll take care of her."
I'll be here a few more minutes if you need anything.", the man said. I
wasn't sure exactly what he meant by that, so I made sure he walked away before
I went inside and I made double sure to lock the door behind me. It was almost
an hour since I left. I went into the back and opened the box, putting some
things on the shelfs above the table, some in my pockets. Then I put the box
away on a higher shelf.
walked back to the freezer and heard some thumping. I unlocked and opened the
door. Mega-Mams stood there shaking pretty badly. Her skin was a bit pale, and
the pink parts of her had become a duller, slightly purplish color. I knew I
should feel bad for making her do this, but I actually felt good, powerful. I
took her shoulder and slowly led her out of the freezer, shutting it behind
her. she felt really cold. I rubbed and warmed her a bit, then stood her up
away from me. "Well?", I asked.
I-I... got-t out t-t-t-twice. I-I-I was f-f-fine for a w-while, but ab-bout
f-f-f-forty minutes ag-go I g-g-g-got real-l-ly c-cold.", she answered.
She looked like she wanted to cry but had no tears. Her arms were still taped
behind her and she was forced to thrust her tits out a little. I walked around
her, to the front of the store. I pulled several thick, all-steal nipple clamps
out of my pocket and put them in a bowl, then ran just the hot water into it
and left it running. I turned the cold knob a little. The water heaters here
got water hot enough to burn. I know, because I've burnt myself on accident not
knowing the hot lever was down when I went to wash my hands.
went back to her and took her by her shoulder, still cold, and walked her to
the area where the metal table was. I turned her to face the wall, so her
shoulder was to me, and I spanked her. Her ass was even colder than her
shoulder. She jumped, but I hurt my hand, too. She turned her head towards me
and said, "Ow! T-that h-h-hurt a l-lot!"
spanked her other cheek hard and replied, "Remember the punishment I
warned you about?"
was-s r-reall-ly c-c-cold-d!", she said indignantly.
doesn't negate the punishment I told you about, which you're going to
receive", I said, as I slapped her left tit. It bounced and wobbled. She
clenched her teeth and breathed inward as she drew inward, towards her tit. I
slapped her other tit when her feet moved. Her reaction was the same, but she
put more effort into withdrawing. I was angry, "You stay right were you
are, face me, and don't fucking move!"
was obviously scared, but she complied. She turned her body to face me and she
stood still. Her eyes were all scrunched up, but begging me to stop slapping
her. I walked around the counter to the sink and turned off the faucet. I
quickly reached into the bowl and got out two of the clamps. The water was hot,
but did not burn me. I could stand to hold the clamps for only about five
seconds. I placed them on a cloth and picked up the cloth so that I was holding
the grips, which were also metal, and the actual clamping parts pointed out. I
walked back to her and, with a very serious look, commanded, "Stay were
you are and accept your punishment for getting out so often."
got close to her and made sure the clamps were in line with her nipples. She
was still shivering a bunch and I could feel cold radiate from her a bit. She
stopped shifting about, though. Her tits wobbled from the shivering, so the
clamps were hard to line up both at the same time. Her huge tits were paler
than normal. They looked almost white. The girl was normally tan, and she had
no tan lines. I could feel heat radiate from the clamps. Her nipples were still
pretty purple looking, not too far in hue from the rest of her tits, though,
being so pale right then. I made sure her nipples were in line one last time,
and quickly latched the clamps onto her nipples.
first she turned her head to the side and shut her eyes, gasping. Then, a
nanosecond later, her head snapped forward and up and she let out a short yelp.
She immediately looked down to her clamped nipples and began shrieking and she
wiggled in vain effort to get free of the pain. A moment passed and she
realized she was trying to escape the pain, not accepting her punishment, and
she stopped. She began sobbing and she looked at me, "It hurts, it hurts,
it hurts, please take them off, please, it hurts."
grabbed her crotch hard and pulled forward a bit, to get her attention. I
looked her in the eyes, "I'll do whatever I want to you, and you'll love
me for it!"
began nodding her head as she cried, "Yes, I know. Thank you."
the next several minutes she moved around a bit in the pain, but calmed down. I
grabbed her up by her waist. I could feel the clamps were no longer
uncomfortably hot on my back, though the girl was still pretty cold. Some of
her color returned. I set her butt on the table and spread her legs as far as I
could get them. I put her feet up on the table and leaned her back against the
wall. I spread the oil all over her crotch, fingering it into her vagina
roughly. Her cunt was cold and it felt funny, but not bad.
got a partial smile and asked, "Are we finally gonna have sex?"
walked back to the freezer and grabbed out the cucumber. As I brought it back
to the table, she frowned a bit. I played with her crotch, making sure it was
well lubricated. I brought the cucumber to her pussy and rubbed it lightly
around her vulva for a second. Her brows came down and she shivered a bit more.
I shoved it half way in suddenly. She moaned in discomfort and rocked with my
thrusts, as I shoved it deeper, then pulled a bit back, then deeper again.
is that?", I asked her.
looked at me pitifully, a few tears rolling down her cheeks, and shook her
head, "Ow...Very cold. It hurts"
you shouldn't have gotten out of the freezer so much. Oh well, I promise it
will get warmer. keep your legs apart, bitch.", I retorted. I shoved the
cucumber in and put some duct tape across her snatch horizontally, lip to lip
and down her legs. Then I Wrapped some duct tape around the top of each of her
thighs, over the tape over her snatch.
I had no idea how sadistic I really was. I walked back over to the bowl and
turned on the hot water, as the water in the bowl was colder now. I considered
just how unethical what I was doing was. Given the ability, I could be truly
evil. I shoved the idea from my head counted to thirty. I stopped the water and
grabbed a clamp, quickly putting it on a rag. I walked back around the corner
to her, and she was shaking harder still. I didn't waste as much time, now. I
used one hand to pull her labia apart, and stuck the clamp right on her frigid
clit, vertically.
jumped forward and screamed. I grabbed her and shoved her back against the
wall, then put her legs back in place. She was shifting her crotch around and
it was obvious it took a lot of her focus to keep her legs open, as they were
never quite opened or closed all the way. She shuddered and sobbed for a good
deal of minutes. Eventually, she got control back and kept her legs open as she
slowly stopped crying.
next?", she asked me when she had the breath. I wasn't sure if she was
being cowardly or brave, but I grabbed her waist and stood her on the floor in
front of me. Her legs were open pretty wide, obviously she was avoiding
upsetting what I had going on at her crotch. I looked at her and grabbed the
nipple clamps. I pulled them away from her a bit, and she didn't come with
them. Very suddenly, I turned them inward 180 degrees and she gasped. I let go,
repositioned my hands, and turned them outward 210 degrees, and she gasped
love your huge, floppy tits.", I told her, as I twisted the clamps inward,
240 degrees from their starting position. She simply gasped and looked at me a
bit more pitifully.
you ever been fucked in the ass?", I asked her, turning the clamps
outward, to 270 degrees their starting position. Three quarters of a full turn.
She opened her mouth as though to answer, but only a gasp came from behind her
teeth. She shook her head.
I've been imagining doing exactly that to you for a few days!", I finished
turning the clamps inward one full turn as I said that. She let out a squeal
and shut her eyes for a moment at it.
radio isn't coming in anyhow.", I joked, turning the clamps outward one
full turn. Her squeal lasted to the count of ten, then she looked at me
pleadingly. The clamps were strong, I was twisting her nipples so that her tits
looked rifled. I let go and twisted them the same amount inwards. She squealed
for a bit, and then I let go and grabbed her waist. I turned her around, facing
away from me. I spread her feet out to the corners of the table. I attached
each ankle to the nearest table leg with the hand-cuffs. I then duct taped her
mouth a couple times, to be sure. I pulled the nipple clamps a couple times,
pulled the clamp on her clit a few times, and pressed against the cucumber in
her cunt. She screamed into the tape every time I pulled a clamp. She tried to
fall downward as I pulled the clit clamp, but I shoved her torso down, onto the
table. She squealed as the clamps pressed against the table and up into her
are completely helpless, whore.", I whispered into her ear as I got behind
her. I grabbed the bottle of oil and let my pants fall to the floor. I oiled up
my dick pretty well with my right hand, while pressing her torso down onto the
table with my other hand. she sobbed onto the table. I stepped immediately
behind her. I reached around her leg and grabbed the clamp on her clit. I moved
my crotch around until I felt the recess that was her asshole at the head of my
dick. I shoved lightly, until my head got in. She moaned a bit as I did that.
Her ass was very tight, and very cold. It was a very weird sensation, but it
felt very good. I slid most of my dick in, but not all of it fit. She screeched
as I got my dick that far and I still pushed. I pressed the clit clamp back
towards me as she yelped, and her entire pelvis moved back, her ass being
penetrated further with the motion.
arm holding her down pulled up on her arms, and she was standing, leaning
forward. I reached around her with both arms and grabbed onto her nipple
clamps. I shoved my dick in all the way, suddenly, and twisted her nipple
clamps as I did. I didn't really pay attention to how far or how hard, I was
enjoying the sensation on my dick too much. I began humping rhythmically,
twisting the nipple clamps and pulling them away from one another, or towards
one another, or both up, or both down. She howled each time I did that. Soon I
was humping away, pulling and twisting her nipple clamps and listening to her
crying and sqeals. Her ass was so very tight, and the coldness just felt great
for some weird reason.
didn't last very long. I was twisting her nipples and pulling them up when I
realized I was going to cum. As I came, I shoved my dick against her with all
my power, and I pulled the clamps all the way down to the table, so she was
bent over and taking my dick as far into her ass as she could. Indeed, the base
of my dick was being hugged tightly by her sphincter. She wailed the whole
time, and I spasmed into her bowels, filling it with jism. I fell to the floor
behind her and could not stand for a few minutes, watching her tremble and
I could get up, I un-cuffed her ankles and cut the tape on her crotch with the
box-knife carefully, to avid cutting her flesh. The cucumber squished out. It
was mushy and made a mess. She turned to me, waiting for me to do something. I
cut the tape along where her forearms met, and she pulled them apart and began
reaching for her clit clamp.
stopped stopped her arms and told her, "Even though you love when I use
you like this, every other time you want me to, it will cost you five hundred
dollars. The clamps and gag stay on until noon. Go home."
I noticed she had one
of those large metal clips on her keychain that opens to take some of the rings
off or to put more on. I picked up her keys before she got them and removed the
keys that were obviously for a car. I put the clip on the clamp on her clit.
The keyring weighed easily half a pound. "Those stay there. When you turn
off your car, put your car keys on it, too. No touching your tits, pussy, or
anything I put on them at all, until noon. Except to put your car keys on, of
course.", I told her. She walked with a very wide gate, and very slowly,
to the door. She cried the whole way, her shivering was much less, but still
noticeable. She rubbed her rear on the way, at least that was one part of her I
allowed her to comfort. I opened the front door for her and watched her get
into her car. She had trouble getting in, but she eventually found a way to get
her keys all the way in without pulling too painfull on them as she sat down.
She drove away slowly. It took me twenty minutes to clean up and gather all my
stuff. I went home and slept more peacefully than I could remember ever having
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