I awoke in a barren white
room. The floor, walls, and ceiling all appeared to be made of the same stuff,
the same white color. It was dead quite. The room was illuminated by some
unseen force, perhaps the walls made the light themselves, as I did not see my
shadow. The room was probably thirty feet cubed. No doors or windows. That was
not my biggest priority, though.
As I rolled over to sit up, I could feel a slight
weight against my left thigh, as though something was hanging from my crotch.
Moreover, my clit was throbbing with a dull pain, and I could feel it get
pulled down, between my legs as I rolled. It thudded against the floor when I
got onto my back. The only analogy I could think of was running your nose into
a sliding glass door at full speed. Instead of your nose, though, it was my
clit. It was a solid hit, too.
I shot up and looked, too scared to actually touch it
or move, for fear of my doing anything hurting it even more. It just lied there
on the floor, a slightly more intense throbbing pain, now. Both my major and
minor labia were still missing. The hole in my belly, on the other hand, had
disappeared completely. There wasn't even a scar. I sat with my legs spread
out, to scared what may happen if they touched my enormous, now six inch long,
inch and a half wide clitoris I leaned back on my arms, staring at what had
become of my private parts. An image of my labials stretched like a rubber band
on the rod that was penetrating me flashed into my mind.
My vision blurred and I found myself weeping. I
pulled my knees up to hug, making sure to keep my feet apart so that my
engorged clit had room to be by itself and sobbed for a time. How long I can't
be sure. My sadness became anger. I began shouting at the walls and ceiling. I
asked why I was there, why whoever did this to me why they did. Where my
friends were. I demanded to be returned back to the my car. Back to Earth, if
we weren't there any more.
That though shut me up. My eyes watered as I wondered
what my captors would do to me. I remembered the sheer pain I felt earlier. I
was unaware such pain existed. I would rather die than undergo anatomy changing
torture for the rest of my days. Would it return to normal? Close to normal?
Did I depend on my captors to fix what they did? Should I even allow myself the
hope that they might be so inclined. Every movement hurt my clit, the throbbing
did not stop.
I wanted to look for an exit, and worried about how
to handle my clit while doing it, if at all. I eventually got the courage up to
try. I set my hands and feet firmly on the floor. I pushed myself up slightly.
My clit slid along the floor slightly and hung half way. The pain was terrible.
It felt like I was using an iron wool rag to try to pull it off. I slowly sat
back down, continuing my switching between cursing and crying for a while.
I decided to try it again eventually. This time I was
going to try to pick up my clit in a hand, so that the gravity did not make it
feel like it would rip off. I touched either side, to lift it, my thumb on one
side, forefinger on the other. It felt like I was lifting it with sandpaper,
and like I was ripping it as I lifted. I
managed to get it in my left hand, which, too, felt like it was made of
sandpaper and scraped it with even minor motion. I held it and stood, though.
As my hand moved slightly, it felt as though it may be ripped off, too. It
stayed, though. I actually would have preferred otherwise, but I didn't think
to make the attempt myself. The pain would be too much. I was handling it, for
the time being.
I walked, very slowly, over to a wall. I felt the
wall with my free hand. It felt as smooth as the ground, almost like a fine
plastic. I looked around the room and realized it was hopeless, but I felt
along the wall anyway. I was crying again by my third circuit around the room,
which was probably half an hour to two hours later, I couldn't really tell. I
was about to try to lay down, when a seven foot circle in the center of the
floor appeared. It was simply a black circle that was suddenly there.
As I took my first step towards the circle, something
shot up out of it, to about three feet above the floor. It was a metallic X
cross, level with the ground. There was a girl on it with huge breasts. They
were the most obvious aspect of the girl they were so huge. She was strapped to
the cross, which didn't seem to touch anything or be supported by anything. As
soon as it had appeared, the circle was gone.
I walked over to investigate the bald, unconscious
girl. It was Sally. I inspected her, to see what damage our captors had done to
her, hoping it wasn't as severe as what happened to me. Of course there were
her breasts. They were huge. I couldn't begin to guess their size. Somehow,
they maintained perkiness. They were each as big as a large cantaloupe. Her nipples
were hard, and beautiful.
Yes, thought
they were beautiful. I was not a lesbian, or even bisexual, but I somehow
thought her breasts were beautiful. I quickly checked her arms and head, neck,
shoulders back and the rest of her torso. Nothing was different. I was anxious
and wanted to wait until after her legs, but I couldn't resist. I looked at her
crotch. It was, so far as I could say having never seen it before, normal. Of
course, there was no hair. Our captors removed all of both of our hair. There was
a peculiar greenish yellow fluid dripping from both her anus and vagina,
though. Like what had come from mine after my belly was pierced.
I felt it. I was curious. I noticed how it was mildly
viscous, and allowed my fingers to slide around without much resistance at all.
It had no noticeable smell. I had a difficult time gripping her labia with it
on my hand. I needed to inspect inside, just to be sure they didn't do anything
That's when I realized I was enjoying what I was
doing sexually, and far too powerfully. I tried to back away. I hesitated, but
took several steps back. I stared at her for moments, possibly minutes. She was
spread wide open. Her crotch stared back at me, begging me to play some more. I
had another realization. My clit no longer hurt. On looking, it seemed a tad
larger and less pensile. It was... it was becoming erect.
My hand felt good underneath it, slightly rubbing it.
In fact, it felt wonderful. It had become probably eight inches long, more than
two wide. I let go, and it bobbed, remaining horizontal. I looked back up to
Sally's lubricated pussy. I unconsciously rubbed my tits. I debated what to do
in my head, but not for nearly as long as I should have. I walked up to her,
right up to her pussy. I rubbed the tip of my clit against hers. It was heaven.
I didn't need any more convincing. I pressed my clit into her pussy. There was
little resistance, thanks to the lubricant. I slid right in. It was so wet and
tight, I could barely contain myself. In fact, I was moaning deep in my throat,
bestially almost. It was the single most wonderful feeling ever. I almost had
an orgasm before getting all the way in. I stopped, and looked at Sally's face.
She was awake. She was staring up at me, obviously
scared and confused.
I managed to growl out “Don't be scared. I have to do
this. I'm sorry, but I... I... I just have to.”
She had a band around her mouth as I did during the
alteration, so I didn't even know if she was trying to resist, really. However,
the terror on her face spelled it out. I didn't care, either. I had to do what
I was doing. I couldn't stop myself. I grabbed her huge, wonderful tits. She
shut her eyes and had a pain filled look on her face, but I played with her
tits, flicking her nipples, squeezing the huge bags of flesh, and pressing them
together. It looked like she was in agony, as though her tits felt as my clit
did earlier, but I couldn't stop playing with them.
I began pumping slowly in and out of her pussy. My
vision got hazy, and I lost control. As I slid in and out so slowly and
passionately, I squeezed her tits with all my power, moving my hands whenever I
changed direction, just to squeeze until I reversed course again.
When I was finally able to get into her all the way,
I felt an orgasming on. I pulled on her tits, then began slapping them as hard
as I could. I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing, it just happened. I began
thrusting into her violently as I slapped away at her tits with my orgasm. It
was easily more powerful than the one I had earlier, before passing out. As the
orgasm ended, I was pulling her nipples up and at me cruelly, pulling myself
into her with them. As the quivers from the orgasm subsided, I let go of her
nipples and looked at her face. Tears were falling from her eyes profusely. There
was a small puddle underneath her head on the floor.
It was getting darker, Sally was going higher, until
she was above me. “Sorry” I think I managed to whisper before unconsciousness
claimed me fully.
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