Dina was a very hot chick and my desk was right next to hers in the office. She had long dark hair, a great chest and legs that you would love to have rapped around you. Her ass was small and firm and showed she worked out a lot. All of this was topped off by a face that was gorgeous with big bee sting lips.
I had for months dreams of fucking Dina. I am sure she knew I was hot for her and I think that the way she dressed was designed to excite not only me but also every male that saw her. She always wore a tight blouse that was close to being semi transparent and it was always open enough that you could see the top of her black lace bra underneath. Normally she wore tailored slacks that showed off her tight ass and great legs and patent leather shoes.
One day I learnt that the two of us were
going to be sent out of town to teach a course.
I learnt this from Dina who told me she looked
forward to working with me. She also
mentioned this would be a great chance for her to see her friends in
But the thing that she said that excited me the most was “Dave, I hope you do not mind. I have made sure that we have seats next to each other business class and that we have rooms next to each other in the hotel so we can be close.” This excited me so much I could hardly squeeze the words “that would be very nice” out of my throat. And Dina knew, the hot bitch, that she had excited me. I had always suspected that Dina loved to turn guys on and this was her big hobby. Could I be lucky enough that she was more than just a tit tease as far as I was concerned?
We arrived at the airport early and sat
together in the lounge. It was going to
be a long flight from
Without asking me, Dina went to the free bar and brought both of us back two large scotches. She handed me one, invited me to clink glasses and then swallowed the whole 2 ounces in one gulp. She smiled and with her questioning look I had no choice except to do the same thing.
We were sitting in the corner of the lounge and Dina turned to me and said. “That drink made me so sleepy. Do be a darling a wake me up just before we have to board the plane.” Then she slid her legs up on the coach we were sitting on and put her head on my shoulder and I think pretended that she was sleeping. What was she up to? If she was trying to have an affair with me on the trip then of course she would have her way; I was ready to fuck her there and then. Or was she just teasing or was she just friendly?
I sat still without moving, just enjoying the feel and look of Dina’s head on my shoulder. Her bee sting lips were close to my neck and every breath tickled the hair on my neck. I could look and see her lovely legs curled up behind her on the couch, and with her knees bent her tailored slacks were pulled tight around her beautiful ass. I was in heaven and had a huge erection. Then all of a sudden it got even better. She stretched in her sleep (or while pretending to sleep), and put her arm underneath my jacket and ended up with her fingers around my left nipple. At the same time she stretched a bit and ended up with her lips lightly touching my neck and her nose almost against my cheek. I was in heaven; my big fear now was I would let go a load in my pants.
Unfortunately it came time to board and I had to shake Dina and here tell her it was time to get on the plane. She stretched and smiled as if nothing had happened. But she then told me to carry her hand luggage with a demanding word and gesture; this was like the old Dina in the office who, as people said, “liked to be the bitch in charge.” So which was the real Dina; the lovely tit teaser or the tough little bitch? Only time would tell.
We had a great dinner in business class. Dina had quite a bit of the free wine to drink and always made sure that the stewardess kept my glass full as well. By the end of the meal service we were not drunk but we both certainly had a buzz on. Once the trays were taken way, Dina leaned over and grabbed my hand and asked if I liked games of chance.
“What do you mean”, I asked her.
“Well, I like to play little games for sexual favors Dave. If I win the little game you do a favor for me and if you win I do a favor for you!”
My heart started to race; here was a way to get sexual treats from Dina. This was such a possibility that I did not even stop to think what the consequences might be if I lost. So I said sure and asked her what the favors might be.
“Well Dave”, she replied, “ I would kiss you like this for 15 minutes if you won.” She then leaned over, put her hand around my neck and stuck her tongue into my mouth. While wet kissing me she ran her tongue all over my teeth and gums. I damn near came.
“But how can we do this on a plane?” I asked
“Don’t worry silly, soon they will dim the light hoping everyone will sleep. Also we know nobody on the plane, so who cares. Lastly, I have told the crew we are on our honeymoon so they will expect and think it is cute if we fool around. Now, you know what you win. If I win, all I ask is that you lick and kiss my cute little patent leather shoes for 15 minutes. I get hot when men serve my shoes and feet and then God knows what could happen.”
“No trouble”, I answered without even thinking. “So what is the game?”
“Given we are on an airplane Dave we have to keep the games simple. At the hotel they can be more interesting. So look I have a dollar bill folded in my hand. The last number of the serial number is either odd or even; I have checked to see it is not zero. Guess correctly and my lips and tongue serve you for 15 minutes. Get it wrong and you serve my patent leather shoes with your lips and tongue.”
With the thought of even more exciting games at the hotel, I decided to proceed. After all, even if I lost I would win sometimes and with the booze and with Dina stroking my hand I was helpless to say no. Furthermore, she had said that men serving her shoes and feet turned her on and thus even if I lost I might get to fuck her later on. So I nodded yes and with a squeak to my voice said “even”.
Dina opened her hand and looked at the bill and with a smile passed it to me. Thank the lord, it was even. Dina leaned over towards me and told me not to move and kiss back, saying I WOULD FIND IT EVEN MORE EXCITING THAT WAY.
She put her hands on the back of my neck and pulled her face towards hers. Her lips slightly touched mine and I opened my mouth. I could feel her tongue slide between my lips and start to lick my tongue and teeth. She was right; just sitting there and not kissing back while Dina did everything to me was very exciting. Never before had I laid back and let a chick take control and just pleasure me. This was going to be the trip of a lifetime!
After awhile, Dina pulled back a little and told me to stick out my tongue. As soon as I did so, she started to kiss my tongue, and lick my tongue and moan what a hot chick. Not only was Dina beautiful, but also she was so hot and knew everything to excite a man to the point of going crazy.
Soon the 15 minutes was up and Dina sat back with a smile. “Let’s play again,” I said, without even stopping to think. After all, I would certainly not win all the time. Dina quickly agreed and pulled another dollar bill out of her wallet.
“Oh no”, I said, “this will be your turn to guess and whipped and a dollar bill out of my wallet and stuffed it in my shirt pocket. “This time if you lose”, I said to her, “you will have to do the same thing again but you will reach inside my pants and hold my cock while you do it.” I was excited to say this and be in the charge of the game, but was afraid that I had gone too far and that Dina would refuse.
But I was wrong, and she accepted with a big smile but then added a condition. “Dave” she said sweetly, “: I am glad to see that you really like the dare sex game. But if you want to win bigger, then you too have to take a bigger risk. O if you lose, then you will have to lick my patent leather shoes for 10 minutes but for the last 5 minutes you will have to take off my patent leather shoes and lick the smelly black fishnet panty hose I am wearing inside them. To be fair, I have to tell you that I have been wearing these fishnet panty hose for three to 4 days in the hopes that I would get you as my slave and could really punish you.”
What exciting news that she had been planning this dare game with me for a few days! But Dina was exciting me so much that rationale let my mind and no matter what I knew I would forge ahead to the end. Had I been a bit cooler, I would have realized that Dina was counting on this and she knew that I would be her slave eventually.
I could not think beyond the dream of having Dina at the same time kiss my lips and tongue my mouth and tongue, this time with her slim and feminine fingers wrapped around my cock. I would, I knew in my heart, risk anything for this pleasure and I think Dina due to her knowing smile as she asked me to kiss and lick her stinky fishnet panty hose, knew this as well.
Dina then said, why don’t we play for 20 minutes? I knew this was a test to see how horny I was and how much I was into the game. Common sense to retain some dignity and to let her know I had some self-control would have been to say no. But I was way beyond this. I was liquored up and hot and horny as hell. So all I did was to nod yes and hold up the folded dollar bill and ask her to guess.
Dina guessed even and I unfolded the bill to find out she was right. I was shocked at the idea of having to lick and kiss her patent leather shoes and then her smelly fishnet panty hose. But then as she smiled at me and swung her feet up on to my lap, a strange thing happened. I got a big erection. Despite what I was finding out that being Dina’s little slave was a turn on as well. Perhaps this was why I had been always drawn to her without knowing why. After all she always had had a demanding or even domineering tone and attitude at work. Now that she had won the bet, this domineering tone returned.
“Well my little worm slave”, she said to me, “you have the privilege of my goddess feet on your lap and the privilege of licking and kissing my patent leather shoes. Get to it and do it right or you will be sorry.”
I started to apply my lips to and kiss her shiny, patent leather black patent leather shoes. There was a strong aroma of leather and a smell of sweat and female flesh and promises of worse to come when I had to get to the fishnet panty hose. In a strange way I found the servitude to Dina’s patent leather shoes to be erotic and my hard on grew. Dina noticed this right away.
“I see I was right”, she said to me in a triumphant tone. “I always guessed hat you wanted to be my little male slut slave. Now slave, treat my patent leather shoes with the same loving reverence that I gave you when I licked you lips and mouth. Get your tongue out and lick the leather, slut slave. Enjoy being my slave as over the next few days you will have this privilege many times and suffer worse if you want to continue our games.”
I realized I wanted to continue the games. Dina realized this too and continued to talk to me in an exciting and erotic way as I kissed and licked her patent leather shoes.
“I see you are beginning to understand Dave”, she said. “The games we will now play together are so much fun. First is the thrill and excitement of whether I will win or lose. That is erotic and gives you an erection and makes me wet. If you win, then there is the thrill of victory. You have already tasted my lips but there is more you have not enjoyed. The sweetness of my nipples. The great pleasure of my tongue on your balls and the way it feels when I suck your nipples while raking your back with my nails. If you are lucky all of this can be yours.”
“Come on Dave, be more adventurous and give into the enjoyment of being my slave. You know you like it so enjoy it. Get your nose up to the top of my shoe and have a sniff. Enjoy the preview of the smell you will have when you get into my smelly fishnet panty hose.”
I did this and my erection got harder. What a surprise to learn that serving Dina as a slave was a sexual turn on. The smell was incredible, strong and full of leather and sweat and of Dina herself.
“Dave, you are making me wet”, she said. “But I am the mistress and you may not have the pleasure of my fishnet panty hose until the last 5 minutes. But lick my leg, Dave. That’s it Dave; I want you to know you are making me wet Dave. I am pinching my nipples through my bra and it is all I can do to stop myself from putting my hands in my slacks and fingering my pussy. Maybe in a dare I will get you to please my pussy later with both your fingers and your tongue.”
After awhile Dina leaned forward and gently pushed me against the wall of the plane as I was in the window business seat. She looked around and saw that no one was watching us. The lights had been turned off for sleep and the two or three people who were not sleeping were deeply involved in the in flight movie. Dina leaned back against the armrest of her business class seat and put a shoe on the cabin wall on each side of my head. I knew what to do without having to wait to be told. I leaned over first to the right and bit the shoe with my teeth and then did the same for the other shoe. I then held the heels of the shoe with my hands while Dina pulled her feet out. The smell of her sweaty fishnet panty hose immediately hit my nostrils like a sledgehammer.
“I will be wearing these fishnet panty hose and patent leather shoes the whole trip Dave’, she said to me. The smell will only get deeper and richer. Enjoy them now Dave and know it will get worse or better depending on your point of view!”
Then with a grin and a smile she put both her socking feet on my face. In this too showed herself to be an erotic expert and sadist. Both feet were placed over my nose and mouth. The heel of both fishnet panty hose was on my mouth and pushed down hard on my lips so that I was forced to kiss and lick the fishnet panty hose. The pad underneath her toes were over my nose and she wrapped her toes around my nostrils so that the stench filled my mouth and lungs every time I breathed. Because of the kissing I was forced to breathe only through my nose and enjoy the stench.
After what seemed an eternity Dina announced the 10 minutes were up and she swung her feet off my face and put her patent leather shoes back on. Just as she was doing this the fasten seat belt sign came on and we soon landed. Because our luggage was marked priority it cam off quickly and we were in the taxi and then at the hotel and checked in before I knew it.
Chapter 2 after arrival
As promised Dina and I had rooms next to each other but what was a surprise to me was the adjoining door that could be unlocked. Of course Dina suggested to me that I should leave the door unlocked and open and I quickly agreed.
Would you like one more dare before we go to sleep”, Dina asked me. Still out of control of my senses, I nodded yes quickly without stopping to think.
“Well” said Dina, “I have something just a bit more serious in mind. I would like to win you as may slave to lick my ass, smell my shoes or feet and then eat me out. What would you like in return? You cannot say a fuck as we have to save that for another day as something to look forward to.”
I was so excited that I could hardly think. “Well”, I said, “then I would like you to lick my balls and give me a long and slow hand job.”
“Not so fast”, said Dina. ‘ A hand job from me is a very special treat. So if you want to win that then you will have to agree to be handcuffed with both arms and feet to the bedposts for as long as I want as you serve me.
“Of course”, I said. That is the trouble of being in lust. You agree to stupid things without thinking. I surely had the worst of the bargain. Yes, I could get a hand job and ball sucking But Dina could gain the right to handcuff me as long as she wanted and get pussy, ass and feet licks. Oh well.
“You know I outsmarted you, you oversexed male pig”, Dina said to me with a smile. I know now that you will play this game as along and as often as I want.”
And I knew in my heart this was right.
Now we had to decide on the contest. We both agreed it was late so we would simply flip a coin. Dina would flip it and I had to call it while it was in the air.
She flipped and I called heads; to my horror it landed on the floor as a tail.
Dina smiled at me and told me to get absolutely naked and lie on the bed. I had to do so and as I undressed Dina laughed with joy when she saw my huge erection. Without waiting for me to volunteer, she ran into her room and came back with four handcuffs that clearly had been in her luggage. She pushed my naked body on to the bed and grabbed my right arm and handcuffed it to the top right poster of the bed. In swift succession my other arm and then my two legs got handcuffed as well. There I was spread-eagled on the bed nude with my erection sitting up like a flagpole.
“Wait there while I change into something more comfortable”, Dina said with a smile. Very funny I thought, as if I could go anywhere.
I was left lying there horny and excited and Dina sure took her time. After awhile she came back into the room dressed of all things as a cheerleader with tight little shorts, a tight little top and sneakers. The only thing that was a little strange was the sneaker was very old and worn looking like the fishnet panty hose. Dina saw me looking at them.
“I see you notice how old my sneakers and fishnet panty hose are Dave. The sneakers I have used for two years for my workouts and I often jog in them without fishnet panty hose. They really stink. The fishnet panty hose, well I only wash them the first of every month and today is the 20th of the month so they are sweat filled and juicy for my slaves.”
” I wonder what you should worship first” she said to herself more to herself than to me as she walked over to the bed and sat on my stomach. “Nice erection Dave” she said and grabbed it with her hand and gave it a little tweak. “So excited Dave and no way to get your rocks off, slave” she said to me and laughed.
I watched as she stood up and peeled off her shorts and panties, guessing that she would start with me worshipping her ass. This was correct and she walked over and sat on my stomach with her head pointed towards my feet and her feet with the stinky sneakers on each side of my head.
She did not say a thing, which made the whole things more erotic. She just sat there for a while as I breathed in the stench of her feet from the old sneakers that smelled awful
Even though they were still laced up. Then I noticed that she was moving the sneakers from the side of my head to place both feet over my face. As she was sitting on my chest with her head pointed away from me and her ass towards me, it was the top of her sneakers and the laces that were sitting on my nose and lips. The stench was quite strong even though the sneakers were still tied up tight. In comparison with the smell I had endured in licking her fishnet panty hose on the plane, this was far worse.
I did not wait for an order but started to lick her sneakers. Dina helped me out by moving her feet around so I could lick and kiss the laces, the tops and sides and suck the canvass toes as well. Converse I think must have made the stinkiest running shoes ever invented. Dina had the worst model, which was the high tops, so the toes and soles were all rubber and there then was canvass up over the ankle. I knew from having had a pair myself that the insides would be all canvass and rubber as well.
“I think we will keep you waiting for another dare to lick and smell the insides of these punishment shoes”, Dina said to me and then added “but do not worry soon you will get this and enjoy the sticky stench. Right now I feel like getting my ass worshipped.”
“Now remember Dave’, she continued, “ all I did to serve you well when you had won. Remember how I treated your face with lips and tongue and did my best to give you a good time. I expect the same good service from you. Remember my ass should be kissed and licked and worshipped.”
She slowly moved back towards me and in a slow and sensual motion her ass started to move towards my face while the bikini panties came off. Slowly but surely she gently placed her ass over my face. I could tell this girl had experience. If she had ground her ass into my face I would not be able to move my head around and service her butt. But she had left her ass hovering just above my nose and lips and despite having my arms and legs tied to the bedposts I could move around enough to service 90% of her ass.
I started on the left cheek and planted slow and wet kisses all over it including the side of the slit. After that, I started long and slow and light licks over the whole surface I had just kissed. I could tell Dina liked this as she started to wiggle her ass and I could hear little whimpers. I moved to the right cheek and started my slow and sensuous kissing and licking over there. Dina was now getting really hot and besides twitching her butt and hips around she was now moaning long and loud. This turned me on and I started a licking frenzy. Before long, she could not contain herself any more. She got up and then turned around and sat on my chest with her face towards me. She then pushed her legs behind my neck and settled into a lotus sitting position with her legs bent and her feet behind my neck. The effect of all of this was that she was straddling me, with her legs and feet around my head and neck and her pussy only a few inches from me lips.
“Eat me out, slow and nice Dave”, she said to me, and with a smile pushed herself forward and covered my nose and lips with her pussy.
I promised myself I would do a very good job indeed. I wanted Dina so hot that she would play dare games with me forever. Fuck the consequences and I would suffer as a slave if need be but in the end I would also get to fuck Dina when I won. I started with little licks on her clit and this started her moaning. Then I moved on to running my lips and tongue over her pussy lips and then from time to time sticking my tongue into her pussy as far as it would go. Then I would return to licking and kissing her clit. I kept close attention on the muscle tension in her legs and know whenever her leg muscles got tense that she would be about to come. Then I would back off and leave her moaning on the brink.
After I had done this two or three times Dina went wild and started to bump and grind on my mouth. I thought what the hell and stuck my tongue in deep and twirled it in her pussy. She started to cum and kept Cumming it seemed for at least two minutes.
Exhausted she lay down beside me and started to cuddle me even though I was still tied and spread-eagled to the bed. She licked my ears and whispered to me she would like to make me cum but then I would have to win a contest wouldn’t I to have that pleasure. We fell asleep like this.
The next day Dina and I went to work and taught the course as if nothing had happened. After all it was a weeklong course and we had to work together. The only thing a little out of the ordinary is that one group had two hot chicks in the group kept staring at me. I knew from the conversations that took place over coffee breaks that these were the two friends that Dina had told me would be at the course but why did they keep looking at me and smiling?
The first one was Susan who looked a lot
like Dina. She had on a tight top and
tight cut away pants that left her middle bare.
She also had on sexy shoes that left most of her foot bare, just
covering her heels and toes. The toe
area also had a little moon shaped hole where you
could see her toes. She was very
friendly and smiling and had big bee sting lips.
At the end of the day, Dina came and said she was going for her work out in the gym at the hotel but that Erin and Susan would love to have a drink with me in the bar. I thought quickly; Dina and I were the only ones who were from out of town so no one from the company should be in the hotel bar.
When I went into the bar, I almost missed
Susan and Erin who were sitting way in the back in a very quiet area. In fact the bar was almost empty.
Both girls put a hand on my leg much closer to my crotch than the knee. “I hear you like the dare game”, Susan said. “I do”, I replied with a smile.
“Glad to hear that”, Susan replied “as if you want the three of us can play some simple games while we wait for Dina to join us. Then we can play team games, two against two.”
“Sounds like fun”, I said.
“It sure is”, said Susan “ and given that all three of us girls go both ways it is just as much fun for us as it will be for you.”
I noticed Susan did all the talking and
“ I want the insides and the outsides of these hot patent leather shoes I am wearing sucked and licked”, she said. As she spoke her hand moved up and brushed my dick.
I thought I might as well go for broke and replied “I like having a hand job under the table in a restaurant”, I added.
“Well”, said Susan, “if you want a dare that lets you get off then you have to take more risk. I want my shoes licked and sucked too and each of us wants 10 minutes of it.” Susan was also wearing patent leather pumps that she must have changed into after work.
I agreed to that but then said “but if both of you can win, what happens if you lose? Which one of you will give me a hand job?”
“We both will”, Susan replied. “ If you win one of us will jerk you off and the other one will hold and tickle your balls We can do this all underneath the table cloth is this quiet corner of the restaurant.”
So now we were in agreement with the dares but what would the game be?
I have a great idea Dave”, Susan said. “You close your eyes and one of us will reach into your pants and wrap a hand either left or right around your dick. You have a 50% chance to guess which one of us it is.”
I accepted in a flash as the idea of having one of these girls with her hand around my dick made me hard. A soon as I closed my eyes, I could feel a hand gently and sensuously pulling down my zipper. With stealth and no rush the hand pulled my zipper down and then my cock was pulled out and five fingers wrapped around it.
“Guess Dave”, one of the girls commanded me.
I started to think quickly and tried to remember the girls’ hands. Who had the long fingers and were the fingers long that were wrapped around my cock? But all this thinking did me no good. I had at the start been too excited to study the girls’ hands and now I was too excited to notice anything. To further distract me, the girl whomever it was who had her hand wrapped around my dick was slowly moving her finger back and forth and sliding my foreskin back and forth to distract me. So I just guessed. But first I have a question.
“Whoever it is has to leave her hand in place so I know there is no cheating.”
OK, Dave”, one of the girls said “but for this privilege you will have to agree
if you win just to be stroked and licked
without coming. There is a price for
I was so hot I quickly agreed and then could have kicked myself for being so stupid. So why should I pay a price to ensure that the bet was real AND HONEST? My hormones were running my brains but no wonder with two gorgeous blonds sitting next to me promising to jerk my dick and tickle my balls.
So I guessed and said Susan. I opened my eyes and looked at the two girls and thank the Lord Susan said “you are right Dave but after Erin and I give you blue balls you may wish you had lost.”
We all cuddled a bit closer to each other on the bench seat and Susan left her hand on my cock. She was the one who would jerk me off. But wait a moment, she would not jerk me off; she would play with me and make me hot and then leave me all hard and horny. What a fool I was. Susan grinned as she started to jerk me slowly; she had a big sadistic smile as she knew in a way she had won even though she had actually lost! Erin who was usually just sullen and pouty also had a grin on her face as she reached down and started to tickle my balls. The sensation of these two chicks toying with my cock and balls was incredible. I could feel a load coming up from my balls to my cock and was about to come, but all of a sudden Susan screamed stop and halted pumping me; Erin instead of tickling my balls gave them a big pinch and my orgasm feeling instantly died.
Thirty seconds later they started stroking
and tickling me again and I got hard very quickly. To make matters worse they both started to
run their hands over my nipples and sexy Susan started to lick my neck. “There is a way you could get to come Dave”, Susan whispered in my ear. “Yes there is Dave”, said
The girls then explained to me I could get off by Going back to Dina’s place and playing more games. With my blue ball aching I said yes and they put my cock unsatisfied back into my pants.
At that moment Susan’s cell phone rang.
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