Mistress closely inspects jodi’s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a butt plug from her vast collection for jodi to wear for the day… the entire day. The plug is held in place by a thin chain goes around jodi’s waist, down through his ass cheeks through a ring in the plug then up between his legs where it’s locked to a ring piercing on the bottom side of his “clittie” just below it’s head. When finished they have a quick, light breakfast then jodi is then given a plain white long sleeve turtle-neck leotard and a pair of matching tights. Mistress instructs jodi to wear the tights over the leotard. Jodi has learned from many painful punishment sessions not to question or resist the outfits her Mistress selects for him. Next were running shoes that are quite obviously women’s purple and white track shoes. He then put on a purple nylon pullover jacket that comes to just above his waistline leaving her spandex covered butt and crotch exposed. His crotch was as smooth and free of any “unsightly bulges” due to his clittie being locked down between his legs as it is. The nylon jacket has some special features. Among them are short lengths of one inch wide nylon web-strapping with d-rings on their ends sewn into the inside of each sleeve’s cuff. These were then padlocked to matching d-rings inside the large pass-through pocket on the front of the jacket. This locks jodi’s hands inside the pocket which allows bondage in public without anyone noticing. “Incognito bondage” as Mistress calls it. Next was the cute purple backpack that also has inconspicuous d-rings attached on it’s sides that are clipped to d-rings on the sleeves of the jacket at elbow length. These d-rings are on a band of web-strapping around the sleeves just above his elbow joints that appear to be nothing more than fashion accents. The backpack usually holds Mistress’s small plexi-glass paddle, various sizes of butt plugs, k-y lube, nipple clamps, a tube of ben-gay and always a a few bricks that must weigh 20 pounds! The jacket is also attached to the running tights by way of special loops not noticeable to passers by making removal of the jacket or tights impossible. This is how Jodi’s day typically begins with similar outfits of varying restrictive designs and colors. But today Ma’am added a few new items. First were 5 pound weighted ankle cuffs many joggers and power walkers use to add resistance. Mistress points out that these are modified with the ability to be padlocked on. The other new item was the women’s white and purple baseball cap with a blonde ponytail attached! She pushed jodi’s hair up into the hat so it looked as if he has long blonde hair. She then drove jodi to the local park that has many trails that are several miles long. At this park jodi is regularly dropped off at one of Mistress’s favorite trails and picked up at the other end.
Today’s trail is 5 miles long. Jodi was then told if he didn’t complete the walk within 70 minutes she would face a very severe punishment. Jodi began to sweat at that point because he knew he could barely do this trail in that amount of time but now he has the weighted ankle bands! Mistress then said “time starts…. now! So off jodi heads down the trail as he sees Mistress get back in her car and drive off. He tries to keep a quick pace but the ankle weights begin to slow him at about the halfway point. He keeps struggling and along the way gets many looks and stares from men sharing the trails. Jodi can see the shock and or disappointment most have when they notice that jodi is actually a he and not a she. Having his hands locked inside the pass-through pocket of the jacket, jodi can’t feel anymore helpless and vulnerable. He also imagines what people would think if they knew of the butt plug and locked down “clittie”. Finally jodi nears the end of the trail and can see Mistress standing next to her car with the stopwatch in her hand. Just as jodi reaches the car Mistress announces “76 minutes, 37 seconds”. His entire body cringes on the inside with dread. Mistress then says “well jodi, I believe I said 70 minutes did I not?” Jodi meekly replies “yes Mistress”. “Come along jodi” Mistress says as they head down a short trail to a small, secluded shelter. Once inside Mistress pulls a collar and short length of rope from the backpack, places the collar around jodi’s neck and secures it to the picnic table with the rope so that he is bent over at the waist. Mistress then fastens jodi’s ankles together with a double- ended dog clip to convenient d-rings on the ankle weights. Jodi is amazed at how quickly and effortlessly Mistress had bound him so completely helpless. Wrists secured inside the pocket of the jacket, elbows fastened to the backpack still on his back, ankles together and neck pulled down to the table top. Jodi then realizes why he was told to wear his tights over the leotard as Mistress lowers the tights to his knees. “We’ll dispense with your punishment now since we have some errands to run before going home” Mistress says.
Mistress then pulls her paddle from the backpack. Jodi is then startled at the sight of a gag and short neoprene cane that Mistress sets on the table in front of jodi. “Should I go easy on you jodi?” Mistress asks. “Please no Mistress, please make me a better slave Mistress” jodi replies just before Mistress straps the gag in place. Mistress begins with quick light spanks all over jodi’s upper thighs and ass cheeks. The swats slowly get harder and harder before Mistress finally stops and sets the paddle down. Sheer panic courses through jodi’s body as Mistress picks up the cane. “Lets see now… you were 6 minutes and 37 seconds over… so we’ll just round that up to 7 minutes…. that means 7 strokes to each cheek" Mistress announces.
Jodi is now struggling as much as the binds would allow and obviously in a serious state of panic. “Now, now jodi. try to relax…. you’ve had canings before. Yes it’s quite painful but you know you’ll endure it. Had you only been 3 minutes over, your punishment would have ended with the paddling you’ve already received. You specifically asked me not to go easy on you and you know this will only make you a better slave” Mistress says. Jodi knows this but it’s still difficult for him to relax. Mistress shows patience and begins rubbing jodi’s body all over finally getting jodi to stop struggling but he’s still shaking quite a bit. Mistress silently reaches over for the cane and lines it up on jodi’s cheek for the first cut. The strokes are alternated from one cheek to the next until all 14 have been applied then gives one hard slash over both cheeks. By now jodi is straining against his binds with all his might. Twice Mistress had to stop the caning in order to warn jodi to quite down as she’s making a bit too much noise despite the gag. Once jodi relaxes Mistress releases him from the gag and all his binds except for what was applied before leaving the house. Mistress the makes necessary notes in the Fitness and Discipline log book she keeps records on jodi’s training progress then puts her discipline tools back in the backpack and they head back to the car. Once Mistress has jodi seatbelted in they drive off. Mistress doesn’t mention what the errands were to be run before heading home but jodi is quite nervous as she’s never been dressed this way in public for anything but her fitness hikes at the park. They finally arrive at a sporting goods store where Mistress begins shopping for new shoes and fitness apparels for jodi…..all in the women’s department of course. Jodi couldn’t help but feel quite awkward and embarrassed being out in general public dressed in white tights. Plain black tights would have been bad enough but white made it all the worse. The feminine pink and purple nylon pullover jacket, purple and white running shoes and matching women’s baseball cap were way over the top. He was able to console himself with the fact that he was bringing great pleasure to his Mistress. Unhappy with the selections at that store, Mistress bought just one pair of purple capri length tights that had white stripes running down the sides after holding them up next to jodi to size them up. Jodi was relieved that Mistress didn’t make hi try them on in the fitting room and come out and model them for her out in the middle of the store however his was still extremely embarrassing for jodi. They then left that store and headed to a mall where Mistress mentioned there were four or five fitness stores. The thought of shopping in a mall dressed as he was made jodi very uneasy but knew this was bringing pleasure to his Mistress.
Mistress, of course, parked the car at the end of the mall furthest from the fitness shops so they would have to walk to full distance of the mall.
finally stated the nature of their shopping trip as she bought a yoga mat at
one of the shops. Jodi is going to be enrolled in yoga and aerobic classes!
This made jodi cringe but knew it was only for his own
They went from shop to shop purchasing all
sorts of apparels and accesories suitable for the classes including some very
cute purple and pink shoes specifically designed for yoga. Once all the
purchases were made they drove off from the mall. Jodi couldn’t help but notice
they weren’t headed in the direction of home. They finally arrived in the
parking lot of Amy’s
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