Chapter two – A Secret Revealed
Her heart felt it was going to burst out of her chest. Amy tried to focus on what the two were saying, but could only hear the sound of her heart thumping. The hands on her shoulder made her yelp, her fear making her forget where she was. “Please, don’t hurt me, I’ll be good.” The feel of something cool on her forehead made her calm down enough to remember where she was.
Reaching out to touch her hair, Paul could feel her calm down a bit as Simone continued to rub the cloth on her neck. He didn’t know what had set of her panic attack but he knew he had to change his mind about using her as a model. He just couldn’t risk her loosing it like she had just done in the middle of the show. “Amy, no one is going to hurt you. Just take some deep breaths to calm down. That’s it. Simone, would you get a glass of water please?” He waited until Simone had left to talk to Amy.
“Amy, I need for you to tell me what is going on and I need you to do it now!” The firm voice made Amy look up at Paul. She had not heard him use that tone before and it was one that she knew meant business. “I ..I am sorry Sir, I’m not sure.” She knew that he was not satisfied with her answer, when she felt him grip her hair. It was not painful but let her know that he was serious. “Amy, I want to help you, but unless you tell me the truth, I can’t.” At that, Amy found her resolve failing her and before she knew it, she was crying. The hand in her hair was removed and she felt him pull her into his arms. She did not know how long she had cried for but Simone was back sitting on the couch beside her. “Amy, love, please let us help you. I have been worried about you since I met you earlier. Please tell us what is bothering you”
How could she tell them? What would happen if she just told them the truth? These thoughts ran around Amy’s head as she tried to work out what to do. “Amy, you know that I can’t consider letting you be my model if I don’t know what is going on. I just couldn’t take the risk of you breaking down on stage. People will think I was making you so something against your will.” At this comment, Amy felt her stomach lurch. She felt herself start to shake again, only thinking of what Kyle would do. “Please, I have to do this. I won’t let you down, I promise!”
The fear in her eyes took Simone by surprise. She didn’t think she was scared of her or Paul, but she was definitely scared of something. “Amy, what are you so scared of? You know you are safe here.” Simone could see that Amy was on the verge of telling them, but that something was holding her back. “Paul, do you think I could speak to Amy on my own for a moment?” She saw Paul nod and move away to make a phone call. Once he was gone, she moved to sit closer to Amy, putting her arm around her shoulder.
The feel of Simone’s arm around her was almost too much for Amy. “Love, please let me help you? Trust me, I promise I will do my best to make you feel better.” Amy knew she had to risk letting her know a little bit of what was worrying her. “Simone, you have to make Paul change his mind. Kyle will punish me if I don’t do the show.” She could feel the other woman looking at her, trying to work out what to say. “Amy, what do you mean he will punish you? Is he forcing you to do this?” Knowing that she had said too much already, Amy tried to play down what she had said. “No, what makes you think that? I just meant that he would be disappointed if things didn’t work out.”
Paul had just put down the phone, having checked that Kyle was being kept busy. He had heard Simone ask Amy if she thought she would be punished and started to get an idea about what was really going on. The way Kyle had done all the talking and
Amy’s nervousness seemed to make sense. He didn’t know what their relationship was but it certainly wasn’t an equal one. Even the way she was trying to lessen what she had said to Simone told him that she was scared of Kyle. “Amy, tell me why you are so scared of Kyle.” He could tell by the look on her face that his suspicion was correct.
Amy could not think of what to say. How did he know? “What.. what makes you think that?” Even to her own ears she sounded unconvincing. “Come on Amy, you are so scared of him that you are willing to do something that I don’t think you want to do. I am right, aren’t I?” She knew there was no way she could continue to lie.
“Yes, you are right, this is not my choice.” She watched as Paul moved to sit down opposite her again, knowing that he would not let it go. “That is not what I said. I want to know why he scares you so much.” The look he gave her was one that she could not look away from, his dominant side on show.
“I .. He..oh god, it is such a mess. I did something really stupid and Kyle found out and has been blackmailing me for the last few months. He decided this morning that it would be fun to have me on display in front of an audience and he threatened to punish me if I didn’t do a good job.” Amy felt a momentary feeling of relief at telling someone her secret but then the reality settled in. She still had to convince them to let her model or she would be in trouble anyway. “Please, you can see why I have to be your model. Please don’t let him punish me again, please!”
Looking at the girl, tears running down her face again, Simone knew they had to do something. “Paul, what can we do? You know that using her as a model wouldn’t be right, but we can’t just let her go back to him and be punished.” The look on his face was one she knew well. It was one of deep thought and he wore it often when he was considering how to tie or torment her next. She also knew that it usually meant that he would come up with some good solutions to whatever problem he was trying to solve.
While was thinking, there was a knock on the door. He saw both women jump at the sound. Moving to answer the door, he could see Amy go pale, no doubt thinking that it was Kyle at the door. “Just say there and I will see who it is. If it is Kyle, I’ll send him away and tell him to come back after the show.” He still didn’t know what he would do to help Amy, but he did know he needed more time to figure things out.
Being prepared to see Kyle’s face, he was surprised to see a girl who he had worked with quite a few times over the years. “April, what a surprise! What brings you here?” “Well, I was just in the neighbourhood and noticed that you were going to be here. I thought I would see if you needed any models.” An idea was starting to form in his mind as he considered April’s offer. “Well, now that you mention it, I think you could be of some assistance. Come on in.”
Simone looked up to see whom Paul was inviting in, smiling when she saw April. “April, what a lovely surprise. I didn’t know you were in town.” She rose to hug April, leaving a still worried looking Amy on the couch. “I was just telling Paul that I thought he might want a different model for one of his sessions. It has been too long since we have worked together.” Simone could see Paul on the phone and was certain that he had a plan up his sleeve. When he came back smiling, she knew she had been right.
“Ok, I just spoke to Tony to see if Kyle was still there with him and asked him if he could keep him busy for another few hours. I suggested that he might let him take part in some of the action and he agreed. He going to ring back shortly to let me know how he went. If he can manage to keep him busy, I will use April at my next show and Simone you can stay with Amy. If you sit in the booth behind the stage, you will be safe even if Kyle comes back during the show. After that, we will sit down and see what we can do to try to get Amy out of her current situation.”
Only a few minutes later the phone rang, and by the look on his face, Simone could tell that Kyle would not be a problem for at least a while longer. “Good, that is sorted. Amy, will you stay with Simone while I go on stage? The booth I mentioned is one where you can sit and see what is happening but it is a mirror on the other side, so no one can see you. Hardly anyone knows it is there, so the chances of Kyle finding it are very slim, though I doubt he will around for a while anyway.”
Amy’s head was spinning with everything that had happened but she managed to answer him. “I can’t believe that you would go to so much trouble for me. Of course I will stay with Simone. This is the first time in months that I have felt safe.” She could see April looking on with confusion but didn’t feel like explaining anything to her at the moment. They all moved through a door that she had not even noticed before, it being made to blend into the wall. “This booth in not only used to allow special people to view a show but also for protection if needed.” She was led into the booth, almost bolting out again, as she saw the people standing around the stage. “Don’t worry, they can’t see you, remember we can see them but no one can see us.”
Amy still felt strange about being so seemingly visible to the waiting crowd around the stage, but managed to calm herself as she sat down beside Simone. Paul made sure that they were both settled and returned to the dressing room to prepare for the next show. Amy had a confused look on her face, watching Paul close the door behind him. “What’s up love? You seem confused.”
“I was just trying to figure him out. Don’t get me wrong, he seems like a really great guy, but I don’t know how he can do what he did to you on stage. I suppose I just don’t get all this bondage thing.” She wasn’t sure how Simone would react, but was definitely surprised when she began to laugh. “Sorry Amy, I’m not laughing at you but I love how you call all this ‘that bondage thing’. I guess for many people what we do is just wrong, but once you get to know the scene more, you realise that most people are really very caring and responsible. Not that there are not dangerous people out there, like Kyle.”
Amy was not ready to talk about him yet, so decided to find out more about Paul. “What do you know about Paul? How did you meet him?” Amy hoped she wasn’t being too nosy, but Simone didn’t seem to worry. “We first met, oh, about five years ago. I was going through a particularly hard patch, mixing with a more extreme crowd and was at a party one night. I had agreed to let this man use me in any way he wanted, not really caring at the time what happened to me. I had had a few loses in my life and I was just drifting. Anyway, by the time Paul entered the room I was in, I was in extreme pain, my whole body suspended from the floor by ropes tied around my breasts. I had then been whipped to the point where I was almost unconscious. Though I was not aware of it, Paul had entered the room, having heard my screams from the other room. He told me later that he could see that I was risking serious injury to my breasts if I stayed up much longer and went to talk to my temporary Dom about it. What ensued was apparently a quite heated discussion about safety, before the Dom decided he had had enough and went off to find someone else to torture.
The first time I remember seeing Paul was when he had lowered me down from the suspension and laid me down on a nearby couch. The pain in my breasts as he undid the ropes was appalling and I am sure that I used more than a few words I shouldn’t have. Anyway, he stayed with me until I came back to my senses, and when I was able to stand, he had simply led me to his car and drove me to his house. In my condition, I simply did not care, so that is why I made no protest as he effectively took over my life. After a week of his care, I was starting to feel better, not just my body but also my soul. I found that we really were a great pair and after a year or so we were married. We have been together for almost three years”
“What, you are married! Oh I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound rude but I just had no idea.” Amy heard Simone laugh at her statement, not seeming to be annoyed at all. “That is ok, I am used to it. It is not something we advertise when we are at something like this. Our friends and family know and that is enough.” Trying to imagine what their home life must be like, Amy just couldn’t imagine choosing to live full time with someone who could dominate you. She hated every moment she was with Kyle, especially the constant fear of what he would make her do. “What….I mean, what is it like?”
Simone could see that Amy was very curious about why she would want to be in the type of relationship she was in. “Amy, I know that your experiences with bondage have not been good ones, but I am telling you the honest truth when I say that I am exactly where I want to be. I have managed to find a safe and responsible partner who I trust with my life. We are equals in many ways, as you have already seen today, but there are times when he is my master and I am his slave.” At this comment, Amy blushed and looked away. “Amy, look at me. There is no fear in our relationship because I know that if I ask him to stop something he will and then we will talk about what I was feeling. We have a very caring, loving marriage with some added extras that not every couple would like.”
Amy heard the words that Simone was telling her, but just could not make them fit with the images she had in her head. The sight of Paul walking onto the stage ceased their conversation, both women watching as he began talking to the crowd. Amy had heard what he was saying earlier, but found herself listening with renewed interest due to what Simone had told her. She heard him speak about the importance of communicating with your partner to find out limits, the need for some kind of safe word or signal and about some more general aspects of bondage. When April was invited out onto the stage, Amy could see that she looked very excited and happy to be there. As the show progressed, Amy started to think about what Simone had said. Maybe there really were people who liked that kind of thing, though she was sure she was not one of them.
“Amy, what do you think? Can you see what I mean about trust?
“I think so. I can see that April is very happy though I still can’t understand why anyone would want to be hurt like that. It makes be feel sick to even think of the pain that Kyle has made me suffer.”
Simone took Amy’s hand in hers, squeezing it as she spoke. “I forgot for a moment what a different type of situation you are in. I certainly would be fearful of someone I don’t trust. We will work something out, believe me.” “I am trying to. I just don’t want to get my hopes up only to find that nothing has changed.” To come so close to escaping Kyle’s clutches and fail was not something she wanted to think about, so for now she had decided to just enjoy her time away from him.
“Amy you said earlier that you did something stupid and that is how Kyle began blackmailing you. Could you explain what happened? It may be helpful in trying to find a way to help you.”
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