Strangled for Her
by Casanova X
“Look darling, we’re all here. There’s Trish and Steff and her daughter Erica. They all came to help me snuff you. I know your eyesight is failing. That’s too bad. Trish has her string bikini on, you know, the one you like so much. You always got a stiffie when you saw her tanning by the pool in it. It’s okay, honey, I know. Yes, she’s my daughter, but, after all, you’re only a man and she does look adorable. Turn around Trish, honey, and give your step-daddy the full effect. Oh look at her tight tanned buns…perfect!
“Just to complete the picture for you, her friend Erica is also here and wearing her thong. Steff is wearing short-shorts and a tank top. She’s got on rubber flip-flops in case you get a little…erm…messy. And me, well, in honor of your sacrifice, I went with your favorite bikini. The little white number we picked up in Rio on our honeymoon. Remember? Just three tiny triangles of white lace separate me from being totally naked. You used to get so hot and bothered when I wore it on the beach and all the guys were ogling me. I plan to go back again before the summer is out. I think I’ll take Chris.
“There, there, don’t fuss now, baby. I know you don’t like him, but he still has a thing for me and quite frankly, honey, the feeling is mutual. Besides, you won’t be around anymore and I need a man around to worship me. You’ll have been long sacrificed to the Goddess, so how can you complain? That’s right. Sacrificed. I’ll explain a little more later. Oh, but first, back to my outfit. I’m the only one wearing shoes—sandals, of course, your favorites, the leather thongs with the two inch heels—to show off my fresh pedicure. Turns out your not the only one with a foot fetish. Seems that Chris likes to suck on my cute little toes, too. You silly men.
“I’m sorry we have to do this on an old mattress in the garage. I know its hot and uncomfortable in here, but it won’t take long unless you fight it and, like I said, you might make a bit of a mess when you die. Don’t worry, we’ll hose off your body and wrap you in a clean sheet before we bury you. Remember that trench you dug for the oil tank out back? That’s going to be your grave. Your car will be found under a bridge in the red light district. Some gay porn will be found amongst your personal belongings. The police will conclude that you were looking for a rendezvous and ran into the wrong person. Your body will never be recovered. Oh did you hear that? Steff says you look so cute nude and hairless. I’m sorry if you can’t hear that well. Can you hear me? No, yes? Don’t try to talk. Just blink your eyes. Twice for “yes.” Once for “no.”
“Can you hear me? Good. I’m glad you can hear me. I’ll talk you through this. It won’t be as bad as it seems, I promise.
“You are terribly dehydrated and those emetics I’ve been slipping into your food for months now have left you so weak. It really was naïve of you to trust me so much when I diagnosed you as having chronic fatigue disorder. I know I’m a doctor and your wife but I would have thought you would have suspected something as things got worse. Between the emetics and the heavy duty tranks you’ve been ingesting, you didn’t really stand much of a chance. I have to say that I really enjoyed seeing you get weaker and weaker. It was so sexy when you couldn’t get out of bed anymore by yourself and I had to help you to the bathroom. You were so humbled and humiliated. Didn’t you suspect anything at all when those terrible stomach cramps increased every time I fed you that medicated porridge? It was even better when you couldn’t get up at all and I had to start fitting you with diapers. It was terribly embarrassing for you but I didn’t mind changing you at all. It only meant that you were getting more and more ready for our Goddess. Just like a baby, you were, ready to put back into the womb.
“It was so exciting to know that I was fucking Chris in what used to be our bedroom while you were just down the hall barely conscious, peeing helplessly into your Pampers. Oh honey. I told you not to try to talk. We don’t want to hear what you have to say anyway. Yes, your heart is beating funny. Hear, let me listen with my stethoscope. Yes, that’s tachycardia. Pretty serious, too. You could very well be going into cardiac arrest right now. Goddess! You’ve lost every bit of muscle tone you ever had. You’re nothing skin and bones. Your little heart is failing, dear. That’s right. Don’t be alarmed. It’s natural. Death is the most natural thing in the world. You were born through the Goddess and to the Goddess you’re returning. You’re dying, sweetie. Just accept it. It’s such a turn on for us. You’re becoming food for the Goddess. She made you and now she will gobble you up.
“You’ve been so good that I think I’ll reward you. I’ll help you. I’ll try to make your death a turn on for you, too. Here, Trish, sweetie, come here and touch your poor stepdaddy’s penis. That’s it, just kneel beside him and take him in your hand…softly now…I don’t know if he can even get hard anymore or not. But let’s try. Oh look, he’s responding. That a good girl. Just keep playing with him like that.
“Does that feel better, honey, what Trish is doing for you? Yes? Oh I can tell it does. You’ve got a little chubby going. Almost hard—oh darling. I’m sure you want to know more about why we’re doing this to you. So let me fill you in a little while Trish masturbates you. We’re witches, darling. That’s right. All four of us. We want your seed. The seed of a dying man is powerful magic. It’s the most powerful magic there is. Ordinary seed can help a woman conceive an infant, which is a miracle in itself. But a dead man’s seed, if the time is right, can help her conceive—why, anything she wants!
“That’s it Trish, you’re doing such a good job. He’s really responding to you. Look, honey, Trish’s friend Erica picked some flowers from the garden. She decorating your feet with daisies, putting them between your toes. Isn’t that sweet of her? I’ll thank her for you. Erica, be a dear, and arrange some flowers around his cock and balls while Trish frigs him. You look so pretty now. Don’t your feet look pretty? Doesn’t your cock look positively adorable? Here, I’ll lift your head so you can see. Can you see? Oh well, believe me, you look so sweet. All you have to do now is come for us into this little container as you die. That is not too hard, now is it?
“Steff, I think it’s almost time. Venus and Saturn will be in alignment within minutes, according to the charts. Darling, Steff’s going to help you die by strangling you with a leather thong. Don’t worry. She’s done this before. She’s going to prop your head up on her thighs. We know what we’re doing. Just trust us. Concentrate on Trish’s hand on your cock. She’s in her little bikini, on her knees, jerking you off. Keep your mind on that. That’s it. You’re getting so huge, almost a full erection. Open your mouth baby, take my tittie. I know how much you always liked sucking my tits, almost as much as sucking my toes. That’s it, suck, sweetie, it’ll make the pain go away. You look so beautiful like this. So helpless. Suck, honey. It’ll comfort you. You’re dying, baby, my poor, poor baby.
“That’s it. Don’t try to fight it. It’s too late now anyway. You’re too weak. We all want this. Steff, cut his airway off. He has to go now. The Goddess is in transit. That’s it. Ah baby, your face is turning blood-red. Asphyxia is setting in. Just let it happen. Come on. You’re so hard you know you want to come and end it. Trish, honey, frig him a little faster. He’s leaking precum. Baby, I said I was going to explain more about why we were doing this to you but there’s really no time now. Besides, you wouldn’t understand. Just know that you are dying for a good cause. Mine. I know what you’re worried about. Don’t be. It’s a natural part of dying. Don’t be embarrassed. Just relax. Ah, there it is. You’ve shit yourself. It’s okay. That wasn’t so bad, now was it? How does it feel? Better? I know it does. It’s all over now. You know it is…
“Faster, Trish, he’s going. I know…Erica, the smell…but its almost over. It’s natural, it’s good. Don’t try to hold it in, baby. Don’t try to hold anything in. Tighter, Steff. Choke him off now. Come on baby, just relax. Let your body do the rest. Good, Trish, good, he’s almost there. Almost. A little faster. Erica, help her out, lick the tip of his penis. It’s okay. Do it. It’s not sex, we’re priestesses, and this is a holy sacrament. Tell her its okay, Steff. Good. Listen to your mother. He wants to die now. He sees the Goddess. He wants to go to her. Okay, let’s finish him off. Let me whisper a few helpful words to him…
“Oh, honey, your face is dark purple. You’re in the last stages of asphyxia. Do you feel your body jerking around…those are your death throes, don’t be scared…that’s just the Goddess fucking you. Too late to save you now. Your tongue is swollen and sticking out. You’re dribbling. Your chin is dripping saliva. Brain damage by now. Poor baby, you can’t even suck my pretty tittie anymore. We’re losing you. Just concentrate on Trish’s hand on your cock if you can, faster now, faster, just the way you like it, Erica licking you, hurry and cum, baby, cum before you die…
“Ah yes, I feel it coming. That’s it! That’s it! Oh girls, look at him. Look at our handsome boy. Ah beautiful, you look so beautiful! Cum for me baby. Take your mouth away, Erica. There it is. There it is. Look at his body bucking. Trish, help me guide his cock. Let him spurt into the receptacle, that’s it. We don’t want to lose a precious drop! God so much seed—so much magic! Oh baby, oh baby, you did fine, you did just fine. I’m so proud of you. You can’t hear me anymore, I know. But I wish you could. I wish I could tell you how good you did. Oh I do believe I’m going to cry. For sheer joy and gratitude for this wonderful sacrament. You’re dead now. I love you, darling. I love you. Altogether girls, blessed be the Goddess.
“Well, that’s it, ladies. Let’s drag him into the yard, hose him off, and wrap him. Chris will fill in the ditch when he gets here later. Poor dear should be no trouble at all. I don’t think he weighs more than eighty pounds. At least that’s what he weighed the last time I had him on a scale. Amazing. He was once a full-grown man. Not as big as Chris, of course, but a man all the same. Now look at him. He looks like a naked ten-year-old boy. You did a great job strangling him, Steff. Here, let me just kiss him on the lips one last time before we dispose of the body. Hmm. He’s already growing cold. So cold and lifeless. Well, I have to say, nothing suits a man better. Men were born to be sacrificed.
“Let me just say my last goodbyes. Thank you, darling. Even if you never knew what your pitiful little life and death were for. I still appreciate your offering. We all do. Goddess, it’s so hot in here and stinks so bad. Let’s get him buried so we can head out for the pool. I have a whole pitcher of blue margaritas in the fridge. It’s still several hours before the full moon rises. It’ll be a good ceremony. The Goddess will be pleased with our offering.”
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