a JEP story
Chapter 2 : A Shocking Experience !
When he returned he was holding a large bottle of Old Spice after-shave lotion. He stood far enough away, in front of her, so that she could see him dousing his hands with the lotion. The fragrance was strong. After both of his hands were completely saturated, he walked up to her and rubbed his hands vigorously over her bald scalp. She immediately felt the alcohol burrow into her newly shaved skin. Her head was on fire! In addition to the insult to the nerve endings in her head, her nose was insulted by the strong fragrance that was wafting down from the top of her head. She smelled like a fifty-year old barbershop.
As she began weeping from the pain and the scent, he backed up and once again lathered up his hands with a new supply of after-shave. He then walked up to her again, lotion dripping from his wet hands. He immediately rubbed his hands briskly over her newly shaved pubic mound. Her pussy was on fire! She was screaming mightily as the alcohol seemed to find every nerve ending in the area around her pussy. As the feeling of fire rose to a peak he knelt down, reached between her legs and rammed a finger up into her ass hole. At the same time he inserted a finger from his other hand deep into her cunt. The Old Spice assaulted her two cavities and now she was feeling pain she didn't dream imaginable! He swished his fingers around in the two tight holes and rubbed the alcohol lotion firmly into her inner tender tissues. Her body was ablaze! He finally removed his fingers, backed up, and watched with interest as her body squirmed in agony and her mouth emitted screams of agony. It was one of his most enjoyable experiences. He finally withdrew from the room as her body began to sag from the intense expression of agony.
When he returned, the aroma of Old Spice still saturated the air. Her head and pussy were bright red. She was still squirming as much as possible and tears were running down both cheeks. He walked up to her and told her life would improve dramatically when she said just nine words.
The words were to be: Please fuck me in my pussy and my ass!”
Her eyes widened despite her agony and she almost spat at him.
Thankfully, for her, she thought better about that and instead she said with as much force as the could muster, “NEVER – go to hell you sick bastard!”
Ed responded by first flicking the nipple on her left tit. In spite of her revulsion, her nipple immediately became erect to its fullest capabilities. He then grabbed hold of it and rotated it as far as his hand would twist. Then, while holding it, he secured a new hold with his other hand and continued to twist it harshly. He was amazed at how many rotations he was able to twist the erect nipple. The skin around the aureole tried to follow the rotating motion and formed a frame of flowing skin around the red tit end. She was screaming now. He held it for almost a full minute in its most extreme position and then suddenly released it. He was amazed at how quickly the nipple snapped back to its original position. He repeated all of this with the other nipple. For some reason her right nipple rotated even further and, apparently, her tit and nipple were accordingly in even deeper pain. She was screaming so hard that spit was flying from her mouth. Ed ignored it as he released the tortured tit.
He then put a hand under each breast and hefted them up and down. He was shocked at how heavy they were. They were huge, firm, and full of heavy meat. He then took a nipple in each hand and began lifting them straight up. Her nipples stretched and her big tits deformed into cones pointing upwards. She was screaming anew at this new direction of pain. Her entire chest was trying to follow her elongated nipples as he continued to pull them high. He finally released his hold on her nipples. Her tits flew back to their lowest most position, rebounded and at once regained their alert, perky position. Her tits were a conflict of huge size and perkiness. She was issuing forth a string of profanities, demanding that he leave her tits alone. At that, Ed brought up his knee quickly and solidly delivered a blow straight to the center of her pubic area. She screamed as his knee drove into her pussy, its lips and other surrounding tissues. Before she could finish her scream he brought his knee up four more times with such force that she thought her pussy was surely obliterated. Then, he backed up and scooted an oblong tub between her legs.
“This is for you – I'll give you a demonstration of what it's for,” he said.
She hung there, groaning as the pain in her pussy rolled throughout her body like a cannonball. He was so close that she couldn't lower her gaze to see what he was doing below the waist. He stepped up to the tub, grasped his dick and began a long satisfying piss. She could hear his solid stream reverberate off of the bottom and sides of the metal tub. She could feel it as it bounced off of the tub and splattered hot drops up to the inside portions of both legs. She was devastated! She had never been pissed upon! It seemed as though he pissed forever. Time slowed down for her as she felt the droplets run down the calves of her legs. Then, as he finished, he walked up next to her and she felt him rub his dick head over her thighs, coating her with the last few drops of urine that were seeping from his tool. She had never felt so degraded in her life. Her sense of degradation was overwhelming her and surpassing the pain in her nether regions. He quietly left the room and for some reason she couldn't take her gaze from his hairy ass as he exited.
When he returned she was struck with fear. Her dad had been a mechanic and she recognized immediately the device he was rolling in. It was a car battery charger. She knew that he had something bad in store for her. Her body was already aching from being strung up in this one position for several hours. She felt as though her lower legs were going to sleep and completely devoid of any feeling. Thus, she didn't even feel it when he clipped the huge alligator clips on to each of her big toes. She could sense something but she didn't quite feel the actual touch. He had plugged the charger in to a wall outlet and they both shut up as they listened to the fearsome hum that was emanating from it.
Then he hit the switch. The most incredible pain she had ever imagined instantly devastated her. The electricity flowed upward through her legs and it felt as though it was shattering the insides of her entire body. Every muscle tensed to its very utmost, her mouth flew open but no sound would come out. Her pussy was pulsating and her ears were ringing. Her eyes had widened further than it would have been humanly possible as they showed a huge expanse of whiteness. Her nipples were superbly erect. There was a single hair on her left nipple. It stood straight out and appeared to be almost two inches long. Her ass was convulsing and trying to bounce her body off of the wall. He left the current on for a full minute and studied with interest the various things happening to her body. During the last fifteen seconds a huge gush of piss flew from her pussy, splashing wildly into the tub below. He turned off the switch and her entire body sagged. She would have collapsed if not bound so tightly to the wall. She still couldn't catch her breath enough to utter a sound.
Inwardly she was horrified as he removed the clips from her toes, lifted them up, and secured them to huge chunks of meat in each of her tits. The points on the clips dug into her breasts and it seemed as though her tits were being chewed in two. Then, before she could finally recover from the previous shock, he hit her again! Her tits shook and vibrated! Ripples flowed in rhythm to the current flowing through her tits. Her stomach was now heaving and globs of shit flew out of her ass. Her tits were turning horribly red and he finally gave her relief as he shut off the current.
Her mouth was open and he reached in and grabbed her tongue, pulling it out further then she would have thought possible. He took the clip from her left tit and secured it to her tongue. Just when she thought it was possible to feel any additional pain, he surpassed the previous pain that had been inflicted on her. The tender tissues in her tongue sent horrible pain signals to her brain as the teeth on the clip dug into her oral appendage. Then she felt him reach down and grab her pussy lips, pulling them also outwards.
“No, No, No,” she though, “He can't be doing this!”
Then she felt the clips digging into her beautiful pussy lips. She knew the pain was coming but she still couldn't prepare for it. Groans rolled out of her mute mouth and sparks could actually be seen bouncing off of three crowns in her teeth. Her pussy lips were turning strange colors and then to her horror she began pissing again, in spite of herself. The piss served only to enhance the severity of the shocks and she felt as though her pussy was going to explode. Her wonderful, wonderful pussy! Somehow through her pain, she wondered if her body would ever be the same. He finally shut down the electricity and removed the horrible clips from her tongue and pussy lips. She was defeated! She would do anything! Anything as long as she didn't have to endure that pain again. After several minutes she regained the ability to speak.
She said, “Please fuck me! Please let me suck your dick! Please let me lick your ass hole! Please piss on me! Anything but what I've just gone through!
He was actually touched by the depth of her sincerity.
He said, “Will you put on a show?”
She had no idea what he meant but she didn't give a shit. She immediately agreed to any kind of show he wanted to present. She would soon learn to regret saying the word “any”.
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