Execution of the Terrorist Housewives Chapter Seven by Jill Crokett Copyright 2005. This story is fiction. All names are completely fictitious and any resemblance to that of a real person is totally coincidental.
The court room looked like any other, except it was smaller and had no rows of benches in the gallery, only standing room. A stern looking, late middle-aged male judge wore black robes as he sat in an elevated position behind the dark mahogany wood judicial bench. After lunch the warden had brought Karen and Bill Schnell to this mini-courtroom, located within the wall's of the Women's Punishment Center, to witness the sentencing of a foreign contract prisoner.
The New York couple sat with the warden in comfortable upholstered chairs off to one side of the courtroom as two female Russian television camera operators pulled in scenes from different angles of the room. The warden and each of the Schnell's wore an earpiece which provided them with an English translation of the proceedings.
The judge called the court into session in Russian and the doors at the other end of the courtroom immediately swung open wide. Five uniformed Russian guards escorted a frightened looking, dark-haired young Chechen woman into the courtroom. She appeared to be no more than 16 or 17 years old. After walking her down the short aisle the guards stood her before the judge's bench, unlocked her handcuffs, and stepped back several paces, leaving the young woman to face the judge alone, her arms nervously at her side.
Karen and Bill listened eagerly awaited the English translation as the judge began to speak in Russian as he read a legal document aloud. The judge's words seemed stern and soon tears rolled freely down the young woman's cheeks. It was several moments before the brief, summarized English translation of his words flowed into Karen's earpiece.
Karen and Bill listened intently, each with a single finger against their earpiece as they heard the translator say “Valerina Karnazloff, you have been found guilty of assisting to commit capital murder as the getaway car driver in a bank robbery which resulted in the death of two bank customers in Moscow. Ms. Karnazloff, I now order you to raise your hands above your head for sentencing.”
The Chechen teenager reluctantly complied with the judge's order, slowly lifting her hands and arms high above her head as a sign of her submission to the judge's will. Karen thought she heard the young woman begin to softly weep aloud.
As the TV cameras rolled the live audio and video feed via satellite to horny, masturbating pay-per-viewers in the far corners of the world, Karen heard the English translation through her earpiece. “Valerina Karnazloff, it is hereby the order of this court that you are now to be stripped naked, your skin shaved fully from the neck down, and then, without delay, alternately whipped, strapped, and paddled for not less than 30 minutes, after which you will be hanged by the neck using a thin steel cable until you are dead. I order that you be turned over immediately to American criminal punishment authorities so that your sentence can be swiftly carried out.”
The young woman, still with her hands above her head, now wept aloud as tears of humiliation and fear rolled freely down her cheeks. The moment the judge finished reading the sentence the doors at the back of the small courtroom flung open and five American prison guards in off-white jumpsuit-type uniforms and matching ball-caps entered the room, quickly replacing the Russians ones who immediately turned around goose-stepped out of the room.
Bill and Karen watched intently as the white uniformed American guards surrounded the Chechen girl in a rather tight circle. A somewhat petite, dark-haired female guard faced the condemned girl eye-to-eye, then quickly crouched to her knees and immediately began to unfasten the condemned's pants and unzip them. The judge, warden, and the Schnell's all looked on as guards stripped the slender, 5-foot-7 foreign girl completely naked.
The young woman had by this point apparently learned not to disobey judges or guards because, despite her tears, she stood with her hands above her head as a black male guard unbuttoned her blouse while the petite white female guard pulled she her slacks down to her ankles. Within a minute the Chechen girl was completely naked, a thick dark bush of hair now clearly visible between her legs, cleverly hiding her young pussy.
As Bill watched the spectacle unfold he was worried that a wet spot would form on his pants over where he felt his now bulging cock growing. Karen too felt a strange stimulation at seeing another female stripped at the hands of strangers. She felt as though she were voyeuristically witnessing a rape from a hidden viewpoint.
Bill knew for sure his hard-on was going to explode the very moment Warden Bowden removed her earpiece and leaned over toward he and Karen and whispered “They'll take her to another room now to get her ready for execution. They're going to shave everything from the neck down, give her an enema, and give her a short haircut, which is required here for executions. She should be ready in about an hour, but in the meantime I'll have my assistant take you down the hall to see one of our juvenile offender punishment rooms. I think you'll find in interesting.”
“Well, I've got to go back to work now, but I'll try to meet with you both again in a about two hours, after the execution. Maybe we can have dinner before you head back to your hotel this evening. In the meantime, if there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, here is my private mobile number” the warden said as she handed Karen her card.
Anne Bowden picked up her tiny mobile telephone and called one of her young male assistants, instructing him to escort Mr. and Mrs. Schnell to their next venue and stay with them for the rest of the afternoon.
“Good afternoon, I'm Jason” said the carrot-haired administrative intern as he extended his hand. The fresh-faced graduate student, who looked younger than his 23 years, immediately caught Mrs. Schnell's attention. The portly housewife promptly stood up and responded to the young man's handshake with a broad smile as she thought to herself “damn, he's cute!”
Bill, who had only moments before witnessed the naked young Chechen girl being carried crying from the courtroom, awkwardly tried to remain seated while shaking the intern's hand, all in a vain attempt to hide the bulging erection in his pants.
After Jason introduced himself he went on to explained to the Schnell's that he had graduated with a bachelor's degree in Penile Science the year before, and he was very much enjoying this his first year of a two-year internship in prison administration. “Warden Anne Bowden is a well known authority within the federal penile system, and it's quite an honor for me to intern under her” Jason told Bill and Karen with sincere pride.
These past eight months he had relished his internship under the supervision of the authoritarian female warden. Jason explained to the Schnell's that his internship would ultimately lead to him receiving a master's degree in Judicial Punishment Administration. He explained that in order to receive the advanced degree, all candidates were required to intern one year each at both the male and female facilities. Jason added that he especially enjoyed giving tours of the facility to VIP guests such as the Schnell's.
“I'm proud of what we do here” boasted the youthful redhead. “We're making society more secure for everyone” he beamed. Karen Schnell beamed back, hanging on the young man's every word as Jason escorted her and Bill down the hallway.
Jason stopped halfway down the hall and asked the couple to step inside a rather large viewing booth which had a large one-way mirror covering one wall.
Once all three were inside the booth, Jason closed the door and pressed a button. The booth darkened immediately, revealing what looked like an almost empty, oversized living room on the other side of the glass. The room was sparely furnished with a single sofa and a small, leather-upholstered piece of furniture Karen could not identify.
“This room is where children under age thirteen receive spankings” Jason told them as the Schnell's voyeurly gazed into the adjoining room. “Studies show that when children receive firm corporal correction, administered with love, their chances of being involved in criminal activity as adults is greatly reduced. What takes place here in this room helps build a safer future for us all” he prognosticated.
“But I must admit, it is one of the more controversial venues here at the facility. It's also the only place in this female facility where a male can legally be punished. That's because the government thought it would be too harsh to send boys under age thirteen over to the male facility for spanking. They agreed that it would be better to send the young boys here, where they could be accompanied by their moms. It could be risky having young boys and their moms walking through the male facility.”
“The juvenile offender program is all about instilling a strong respect for authority in the mind of at-risk young offenders, especially the boys. As I said, the administration of fear and humiliation is the proven key to success with the youthful criminal. It's proven to be very effective in preventing the young offender from growing up to be an adult offender.”
Jason's pedantic correctional theory lecture ended the moment a door in the adjoining room opened. Karen watched with keen curiosity as in walked two heavy-set, late-middle-aged, grandmotherly-looking women dressed in homely blue-gray calf-length housedresses. Both women wore their peppered gray hair pulled back tight in a bun. One carried an old brown leather belt in her right hand. The other woman held the hand of a frightened 10-year-old boy as she led him into the room.
Walking in behind the trio were three other females; a uniformed guard, the clearly anxious mother of the boy, and a prison secretary carrying a clipboard. Neither the boy nor any of the five females with him was aware of the three witnesses behind the glass.
The matronly woman holding the strap instructed the mother to sit on the sofa facing the center of the room. The female guard seated herself next to the mother. The matronly woman then turned and ordered the boy to stand on a red dot on the floor in the middle of the room and face the sofa. Once he had complied the old woman then ordered the boy to place his hands atop his head.
As he reluctantly but obediently lifted his arms, the other older woman slowly bent down to kneel behind the ten-year-old as he faced the two women on the sofa. The secretary stood behind the sofa taking notes of everything that transpired.
Without comment the old woman kneeling behind the boy reached around and slid her fingers under his waistband, buttoned the boy's pants, unzipped them fully, and pulled them down to his ankles. As she did, the other old woman knelt down and untied the boy's shoes. She pulled his shoes, socks, and trousers off his feet as woman behind him now pulled his shirt off over his upraised arms.
Once the boy was stripped down to his underwear the older woman in the front stood up and stepped away. The boy had let his arms drop to his side at this point. The matronly woman still kneeling behind him methodically slid her two index fingers under the waistband at each side of his briefs. She then paused briefly and ordered the boy to put both of arms all the way up in the air again, this time pointing his fingers at the ceiling. The ten-year-old obediently stood in the surrender posture as the crouching matron slowly pulled his underwear down to his ankles while the other four adult women looked on.
With his arms still above his head the boy was ordered to step out of the underpants and stand with his legs apart. As he complied the other old woman knelt back down in front of the youngster and began to examine his genitals while the old woman to the rear spread his cheeks and carefully examined his anus.
The old woman keeling in front of the boy reached forward and cupped his balls with one hand as she gently lifted his penis with the other. As she carefully examined the boys privates she spoke aloud to the secretary “note that the male offender is circumcised and the genitalia show no signs of swelling, whip marks, or other signs of prior corporal punishment.“
Once the boy had been thoroughly humiliated before a room full of adult women, the two stern matrons quickly grabbed his arms and bent him over a child-size leather-covered whipping horse, strapping his wrists to one side of the contraption and his legs and ankles to the other. In this manner the boy was bent over the horse with his bare rear high in the air. A waist strap was added to reduce wiggle, and high-thigh straps secured the young white bottom with his cheeks slightly apart.
Once the boy was firmly strapped down into position in front of the five women, the late middle aged matron wasted no time in raising the belt against his bare buttock, applying her full force. The boy screamed, wailed, and cried as he fought in vain against the tight restraints. After the 14 th stroke of the belt across his bare butt the 10-year-old boy released his bladder. As Karen and the other women watched urine stream from his little penis, the matron never let up on the strokes.
“Mama please” the boy pleaded and screamed to his now tearful mother as the older woman's rapid-fire belt strokes now passed the 25 count. Jason looked down at his watch and said “we must be going or we will miss the preliminaries to the Russian woman's execution.”
With that the trio exited the booth. As Karen stepped into the hallway she glanced back for one last look at the hysterically crying boy's severely welted bottom.
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