When she could think coherently, which to be honest wasn't that often, she tried to spot the exact moment when her life had derailed, and ended up in here.
Maybe it'd been that time in high school, during biology when her best friend had whispered that scandalous bit of gossip to her, or maybe it was when she chucked Paul for suggesting it. But as usual she settled on going to university, more precisely taking part in that psychology test.
It'd been towards the end of the month, and money was tight, so when the notice went up on the board, asking for volunteers (paid of course) for a series of psychology tests, she thought it'd been heaven sent.
Well heaven had turned out to be close, but not close enough.
The tests had started out pretty standardly, at least she thought so. And even though she had been warned up front, she had decided the money was more important than any anonymous embarrassment about answering questions about her sexual health.
Now it was easier to spot the moment when things had gone so wrong. Most of the sexual tests had been interesting, at least to start with, but they quickly seemed to hone in to the one area which really turned her off.
She'd never, not even once had anything in her ass. God had put it there for a reason, and sex wasn't it! So when the questions started about anal sex, she'd responded firmly that it left her cold. What a laugh! If she could change things, she'd lie through her teeth and tell them that she was such an anal slut.
But she hadn't. The more she indicated her dislike, the more the questions seemed to probe and enquire about her views. Each question was more and more exacting, each one harder and harder for her deal with. Finally the tests were over, and she was relieved just to get out. By that time the payment was almost incidental.
She remembered packing to visit her folks at the end of term, and even setting off in her car. After that it was a total blank. They'd shown her pictures, told her of the crash, and even how her family had wept at the funeral. All this was done to remind her how futile hope of rescue was.
Her next actual memories were of her regaining consciousness, opening her eyes, to reveal an odd couple standing by. "Ah, good, you're awake" he said. "I just bet you're full of questions, well let me answer some of them"
You're wondering why you're hear. You see my dear; we run these tests across many universities, looking for the perfect recruitments to our little enterprise. We're looking for that special someone who can offer the perfect experience to our guests. Luckily for us, we found you.
Trying to make sense of the words she was hearing, she quickly took stock of her situation, and was terrified to find that she was firmly strapped into what felt suspiciously like a gynological examination chair. She became aware that her jaw ached from the ball gag that stretched it open, effectively stopping her from making any intelligible sounds.
Looking down she could see that she was naked, legs wide spread, and with her arms strapped by her sides, unable to cover her exposed sex.
He moved so that he was standing near her head. "Now, while Anna here prepares you, let me tell you what your future holds for you" he whispered into her ear.
She couldn't decide on who to concentrate, the voice whispering into her head, or Anna, who had stepped across to a covered stand, and with a flourish, whipped the cover off, revealing way too many gleaming steel instruments.
"Don't worry" his voice said, "We're not her to hurt you, well not further than necessary"
Her eyes were drawn to Anna, who was fiddling around with what looked an ear piercing gun. Her confused mind couldn't quite grasp the need for it, seeing that her ears were already pierced. She tried to gasp through the gag, when Anna firmly pinched one of her labia, pulling her sex open. Without a word, Anna pressed the gun against the stretched skin, and pulled the trigger.
She jerked with the sharp sting as the gun pierced her nether flesh, causing her eyes to water. His voice told her that this was necessary for the fittings, and that the pain would quickly subside. "Fittings?" her mind screamed, "What sort of fittings could he mean?"
As she tried to think what his words meant, she realised that Anna hadn't stopped, and by peering between her open thighs, she could see that Anna had made four piercings in each lip, in two pairs of two. One set high up, near her clit, the other pair further back.
Anna put the gun down, and with deft, dextrous fingers, she started to expertly toy with her clit, stroking it, teasing it, trying to get her aroused. She was horrified to realise that Anna was an expert in coaxing unwilling women, and that her body was starting to respond, despite the predicament she was in.
Anna looked up, and nodded once. Her attention was drawn back to his voice as it told her he hopped that she enjoyed that touch, seeing as that was the last time anyone would ever touch her there.
Last time? Last Time? she couldn't get her mind around those words, they didn't make any sense. Why would this be that last time anyone felt her clit?
She jerked once more, this time trying to scream through her gag, when Anna used the gun to put two piercings through her engorged clit.
She felt his strong hands on either side of her head; forcing her to look between her legs as Anna took a small, see through thimble from the cart. She pressed the thimble over her clit, taking her time so that the tiny holes in it lined up with her fresh piercings.
She could actually feel the cold steel slip through her hot clit as Anna secured the thimble with a couple of bars. Her clit felt weird, slightly stretched, pressed tightly into the covering. Anna gave it a flick with her finger, and was pleased by the reaction she got. She wasn't though. That flick looked pretty fierce, but all it produced was a solid sounding thunk, and a slight pressure on her. With horror she realised that, even if she managed to get her hands free, with that cover on, she'd be unable to feel any pleasure in her clit.
She started to cry when she saw Anna take out a tube of super glue, and squeeze a couple of drops to each end on the bars that speared her clit. When she fitted the end caps, she realised that it'd now it would never come off.
Her mind was so busy trying to come to terms with this, that she didn't pay much attention to Anna's next move. She only became aware when his voice intruded into her thoughts, telling her about the next step.
Anna had fitted a larger ring around her covered clit, and had used the upper piercings in her labia to secure it in place. This had the effect of holding her labia apart; making sure that her covered clit would be permanently on display.
She couldn't recall much of what happened next, her mind just shut down as they operated on her body. The worst of it was the way they went about it. Him always talking to her, explaining as Anna went about her business, and her unable to stop them. She'd never felt so powerless in her life.
When they'd finished, she ached all over, as if she'd just ran a marathon. But the worst ache was in her pussy. They'd fitted some sort of device into her pussy. She couldn't remember what it'd looked like exactly, but it had opened her up in a way she'd not ever felt, not even when the doctors had performed a gyno exam on her.
She could feel her pussy walls stretching, trying to accommodate the intruder. It had looked something like a dildo which was split in quarters. This had been slid into her, and then slowly cranked open, stretching her pussy wide open. Then the ends of this device had been permanently attached to the remaining piercings. They'd even held up a mirror for her, so that she could see right into herself. They had to hold her head, she didn't want to look.
That had been eons ago.
Her next memories were of them explaining her new duties. She had already guessed that she was being kept as some sort of sexual slave, but she'd never conceived of such deviousness. It seems that they ran a specialised, very exclusive, whore house.
What made their establishment so different, so attractive to the jaded, was the nature of the women that they used. He seemed to really enjoy telling her the nature of her new career. What they offered was the experience to relieve their tensions with whores who were psychologically dead set against such acts. He casually mentioned that they had women who thought same sex sex was a sin against God, so they only used them for those lesbians who wanted something different. They had nympho's who never got to enjoy any of the acts they performed, prudes who had been trained to perform the most degrading acts, and that this was to be her future.
He then went on to explain to her, that the tests had revealed a more than healthy attitude towards sex, and that she really used to enjoy her own orgasms. It seems that she was perfect for them, a very healthy sex drive and a total abhorrence of anal sex.
The purposes of her new adornments were to ensure that she would never, NEVER, experience sexual pleasure though her pussy again. Her clit was now entombed, unable to feel anything, was almost permanently hard, eager for that single touch that would transport her to bliss. Her permanently opened pussy made sure that no one would ever slide their cock into her. Who would want to when it wouldn't even touch the sides of her gaping pussy.
What made it so much worse was the knowledge that her pussy was being permanently stretched. Every time she lost that stretched feeling, they turned a hidden screw, and opened her up that little bit further. She realised that she was loosing the muscle tone that would normally keep her closed and tight.
That only left two options, but he never presented his cock to her mouth, in fact they always kept her gagged when she was being used, a final insult to ensure that no one could use her mouth for their pleasure.
That only left her ass. Her ass, that opening which she'd never considered for sex. That opening which she was sure would never be used. Now it was the only way they took their pleasure from her.
She could remember that first time, with her tied over a waist high bar, watching as Anna sank to her knees and gave the slowest, most sensual looking blowjob, leaving his large looking cock covered copiously with her saliva.
He had moved behind her, and as she tried to turn her head to see, Anna had held it firmly, making her look into Anna's expectant face. Her eyes opened in shock and horror as she felt the tip of his cock, pressed hard against her ass. Eagerly pressing, eager to be buried in her forbidden passage.
Tied like she was, she was unable to stop him from taking her anal cherry, though the thought of it made her sick to her stomach. To actually have someone's cock in her was just about the worst thing she had ever imagined.
She couldn't stop his insistent pressure, and she felt her eyes water as her ass finally gave way, letting his rutting cock in.
Anna, was staring intently, her mouth open slightly, a glazed look slowly spreading across her face. Her mind was awash with so many horrors. The feel of his cock as it took her, the fact that Anna was getting of on her obvious revulsion. She could see Anna's hand disappear between her own thighs, obviously playing with herself as she watched.
That first time had been pretty quick, he had been so eager to explore her tight virgin ass that he couldn't last long. Her body shuddered when she felt his boiling hot sperm jet into her ass. It was worse than she had imagined.
Now her mind returned to the present, skipping past the many times he took her ass.
Those first times, when it was just him, or even worse him and Anna, they had to restrain her, to make sure that they could use her ass as they saw fit. As the days turned into weeks, they no longer needed to tie her down, they saw that she was slowly accepting her new fate.
They then added a new torment, one designed to degrade her even further. It seemed that he noticed that she was loosing that fine muscle tone in her ass. She was no longer as tight as she had been when they'd started. So they set up an exercise program for her.
It was Anna who explained it to her, her delight at her distress was all too obvious. She could see Anna's nipples hardening as she explained the new regime. They'd mounted a thick, wicked looking dildo against one of the walls. Anna took great delight in pointing out that near the base, the rubber was soft and pliable, and that inside the dildo was a pressure sensor. All she had to do, to earn her meals, her showers, in fact any of the normal things one took for granted was to impale herself on it, and to squeeze tightly.
It had taken her two days of rebellion before she caved in, and knelt on the floor, her ass presented to the dildo. She'd spat on it, and tried to lubricate it as much as she could beforehand. She could feel her cheeks turning red with shame when she felt that cold tip press against her ass. As she slowly tried to relax, and press herself onto it, she felt so exposed, so humiliated.
That first time, it had only taken ten good squeezes for a bell to quietly sound, and her reward to be brought to her room. Since then she had changed dildos twice, each one longer, thicker, than the one before, and the number of squeezes needed had risen from a meagre ten to several sets of a hundred each.
What made it almost unbearable was her body's reaction. After all she was young, and had had a high sexual drive. The total lack of stimulus, apart from to her ass, had slowly changed her. Although her mind still refused to accept her enjoyment of anal sex, her body responded strongly.
Every time he or another guest came to her, she could feel her juices start to flow, her wetness slowly dripping from her obscenely opened pussy, down her thighs, coating them in a thin sheen of sexual desire. Her body looked forward to sex, each time it hopped that the feel of a cock in her ass would be enough to tip her over into an orgasm.
Each time was almost enough; the feel of a good thick cock, splitting her, pounding her ass sent her into orbit. Occasionally they used their fingers on the covered clit, but she could only get a slight tingling feeling through the covering, never quite enough to let her cum. Sometimes they stroked the inner walls of her obscenely stretched pussy, but she had found that being held open like she was had reduced the sensitivity of her walls, leaving enough feeling to excite her, but never enough to enable her to cum.
The feel of hot spunk in her ass would almost trigger her release, her body's way of responding to those almost forgotten memories of being made love to, but her ass wasn't wired to provide the right sort of stimulation, to her anyway.
Each time she was visited, they always left her the same way, her mind rebelling against the intense need her body had of release. If only they'd remove the cover from her clit, if only they'd remove that device from her pussy and take her like a woman should be, she knew she'd cum, and cum so hard the world would feel like it was ending, but no, every visit ended with her crying in frustration, her mind shattered, torn between the unnatural act and her desperate need to achieve that release that never came.
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