When Larry finally got up the next day after a night of fitful sleep, he resolved to try to explain away the events of the previous days and hope the girls would let it slide and things would go back to haw they were before.
All day he formulated excuses and justifications and how he would say them: How he agreed to his submission because he wanted to be fair to Natalie. How he was just playing along to make them happy. How he endured the swats to show his ability to withstand pain. How he did what he did because he kept his promises. How things were now even so they could go back to normal.
The fact that, other than general ideas, he couldn't think of exactly what to say didn't dampen his resolve to try to set things straight. But he never could get away from the fact that no matter how gingerly he sat during his classes he had a painful reminder of the swats he endured the previous day. He was even more disconcerted that every time he winced from the welts on his buns, he thought about himself at the girls' feet and just that thought was enough to keep him hard throughout the day.
By the time classes were over, he was concerned that the front of his pants might show the moisture produced from his thoughts during the day. He dashed home straight from class. He took a shower and was careful not to let hot water hit his butt. His cock remained rigid throughout. He put on fresh underwear but he knew that precum was going to wet them almost as quickly as he put them on. Finally he wadded some tissue and wedged it against the leaky tip to protect his shorts from the incriminating moisture.
He knew that today Priscilla was home alone. Her brother had activities that afternoon that would keep him away until later and both of her parents worked. None the less, he grabbed the basket ball and proceeded over to her house. Looking for Dan to play basket ball with was the excuse he decided to use in order to see Priscilla. The fact that this excuse was obviously transparent didn't occur to him as he rushed out the door.
For her part, Priscilla was in a giddy mood all day at school. She replayed the events of the previous day over and over in her mind. She found herself getting excited at the thought of Larry helpless and humiliated at her feet. She thought about the remark she made to Natalie about having Larry on a leash at her feet. She dwelled on that thought for most of the day.
When she arrived home, she started pacing around the house. She knew Larry was home but wasn't sure how to get him to come over. She didn't want to seem too anxious to seem him, but she did want to play some power games with him... and she had the house to herself.
She was debating about calling him. "No, that will never do," she said to herself. "I don't want to seem too eager." She found herself pacing again... circling the phone. "Maybe he will call me," she thought. She finally decided to call him anyway. As she contemplated what to say to bring him over, she heard a basket ball bouncing up the walk way. She held her breath when the ball stopped bouncing. Even before she peeked through the peephole, she knew it was Larry and she knew the ball was his lame excuse for coming over.
She waited for the doorbell to ring. Everything was quiet... too quiet. She peeked again through the peep hole and saw Larry starting to ring the bell, then he lowered his hand as he turned away. He took a step and turned back to the door. His eyes fixed on the doorbell as his hand crept toward it then fell back as his nerve gave out.
Priscilla giggled to herself. "He's more nervous than I am," she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt confident and self assured. She was in control of the situation and Larry was the one unsure. Unable to suppress a grin of triumph, she flung open the door. "Well Larry, are you going to stand out there all day. Get in here."
Larry jumped a foot when the door burst open. He looked at Priscilla and fell in love. She wasn't wearing anything particularly sexy but she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her smile, coupled with mischievous eyes, had captivated his heart in an instant. He felt himself go from semi-hard to rigid as he complied and stepped into her house. "Um, I was wondering if Dan could play basket ball," he said lamely as he held the ball to cover his bulging pants.
Priscilla knocked the ball to the floor and looked directly at his pants. "Don't give me that, Larry. We both know you came over here to see me," she said as she closed the door behind him.
"Um... Well, Yeah... ah," Larry stammered as he tried to recollect what it was he was going to say to Priscilla. "I... um... wanted to explain about what happened yester..."
"Drop your pants and shorts," Priscilla interrupted in a calm confident
Flushing brightly, he hesitated only a moment and complied to her command. He couldn't believe that she would be so quick to take control... or so bold. All the things he had prepared to say to her vanished from his mind. They weren't relevant anyway as his pants and shorts fell to his ankles. He resisted the urge to cover himself as his eager shaft poked out from his dangling shirt tails.
They both just stood there for a few moments. This had progressed faster than either had anticipated. Priscilla hadn't planned on having him strip as soon as he came in, but gave the command on impulse. Her mind raced as she tried to keep her composure when he complied so easily. Finally she said, "Bend over. I want to see the results of yesterday's um... adventure."
Responding, Larry bent over at the waist. He was momentarily relieved as this allowed a bit of coverage for his overactive shaft. He couldn't help but wince as the skin tightened on his buns causing the welts to sting.
Priscilla couldn't help but giggle as she saw him grimace as he bent over. Pulling up his shirt tails, she could see the red welt lines that she and Natalie had marked him with. "Oh, no wonder he winced," she thought to herself. Then out loud she said, "Oh those welts have got to still hurt." She unsuccessfully fought the urge to giggle and quickly fell into the chair as she was overcome with giggling.
All the while Larry flushed while bent over, his hands resting on his knees. He felt foolish and uncomfortable but was hesitant to move from this ridiculous position. It felt like it was taking forever for Priscilla to get over her giggling fit. Actually it only took a minute or so for her to regain her composure.
She stood and crossed over to his side. "Stand up straight," she commanded. As he stood, Larry was again aware of his exposed cock and he tried to move his hands casually to cover. "And clasp your hands behind your head," she continued when she saw him trying to cover.
Even as Larry complied, he was wondering why he was so compliant to her wishes. As he stood there, his cock sticking straight out, he found himself wishing for Priscilla to touch his sensitive eager shaft. In that instant, he realized that the hope for her touch was his incentive to react to her authority the way he did. His cock bobbed as he remembered what her touch felt like yesterday. It was soft and teasing... and she had fondled his balls.
Priscilla didn't disappoint him. She pressed her body against his side. He could feel her breasts pressing on his side as she reached down and her hand grazed his cock. She let her fingers flutter on the underside of his shaft. Larry's quick intake of air at the first touch followed by a soft moan as Priscilla's fingers teased him. That moan told her all she needed to know about the effect of her touch on him.
Priscilla broke away from Larry and backed toward the kitchen. Watching him with sparkling eyes, she crooked her finger indicating that he was to follow. Larry feeling the sudden loss of her touch needed little encouragement to follow. The hope for another touch was more than enough incentive to tag after her. Not knowing what else to do with his hands, he dutifully kept his hands behind his head as he followed her, his gait hobbled by his pants and shorts held at his ankles by his shoes. He felt utterly foolish and flushed as he noticed that Priscilla never took her eyes off of him. His stilted gait caused his shaft to swing side to side. Every swing seemed to make it harder as it brushed under and between his shirt tails.
Priscilla watched Larry follow with undisguised amusement. She was feeling giddy and was fascinated by his swinging shaft. He looked so vulnerable with his hands behind his head. She found that she loved having him like that. Vulnerable and willing to cater to her whims. She gasped and flushed as she suddenly felt an erotic response to the situation. She knew that she was going to enjoy this afternoon.
Never losing her composure despite her body's reaction, she finally turned her attention from Larry to the drawer that held the thin cord that she sought. She had thought about the leash idea ever since she mentioned it to Natalie. Looking over at Larry's exposed form, she knew where she wanted to attach the leash. Sitting on chair, she had motioned him closer to her.
Larry shuffled over to her and stood in front of Priscilla. He sensed what she was about to do and, since it meant she would touch his cock again, he was eager for her to start. His cock bobbed with anticipation. He barely noticed that his shirt now had some moist spots of pre-cum on it. His knees weakened as she grabbed his cock and balls. She carefully cradled his balls, feeling their weight as she had done the previous day. This time she got more aggressive, circled his sac with her fingers and proceeded to tie a loop around his balls. She found that she was clumsy at this task and it took her several attempts with much brushing and pressing against his shaft before she finally accomplished her goal.
For Larry, he could barely stay standing as she attached the loop. He felt like he was in heaven and was guilty of purposely shifting to make Priscilla fumble at the task so the touching would last longer. By the time she finally finished he was trying to thrust against her hands. Priscilla noticed and often pressed hard against his shaft to accommodate. She found she liked getting him worked up. She knew intuitively, the hotter she could get him, the more power she had.
When she was finally satisfied with the knots, Priscilla stood up and pulled the cord up with her. The abrupt change and pull caught Larry off guard and he let out a yelp. Laughing, Priscilla pulled the cord up again, this time slower but with more force. Larry struggled to maintain his balance with his hands still behind his head as he rose to his toes trying vainly to alleviate the tug on his balls.
With a mischievous grin, Priscilla alternately pulled up on the cord and released it causing Larry to rise on his toes with each pull. She started giggling and exclaimed, "I bet Natalie is home by now. She'd love to see this." With that, she dropped a length of the cord so the length of the 'leash' was about 5 feet and pulled him after her as she headed for the phone.
Larry was quick to follow the tug on his balls. He was perplexed that Priscilla was calling Natalie. Not the Natalie hadn't seen him 'compromised' before, but this seemed different. He wasn't actually restrained like he was before and he was made to look ridiculous with his hands forever clasped behind his head, his ankles hobbled by his pants his cock peeking out through his shirt tails, and his balls leashed and controlled by Priscilla. He groaned inwardly when he heard Priscilla talk into the phone, "Hi Natalie. Come on over to my house. Larry's here and you won't believe the fun I'm having with him." She hung up the phone and turned to Larry, "She's on her way."
Gleefully, Natalie put down the phone and raced next door. She had been thinking all day about the fun they had with him in by the creek. She wondered when she would get another chance to watch him and now Priscilla already had him ready for more. Breathlessly, she rang the door bell. She noticed that Priscilla peeked out to make sure it was her before opening the door. She wasn't prepared for the sight of Larry behind her. It was obvious that he had been led to the door by the leash. She saw that he was beet red as he stood there, his hands clasped behind his head.
She started laughing at the sight. "Oh Priscilla, that's priceless. You have him looking so... so..." Natalie tried to think of the right word and finally settled on, "contrite."
"Yeah, I guess you could call him contrite," Priscilla said as she chuckled at her friend's reaction. "But more than that, he'll do just about anything I ask." Then walking up to Larry and shortening the cord, Priscilla again pulled him up on his toes, releasing him until he lowered to the flat of his feet, then pulling him to his toes again. Turning to her laughing friend she continued, "And this leash really makes him responsive."
Between giggles, Natalie looked down at the pants that hobbled Larry. She saw the tissue imbedded in his shorts. "What's with the tissue, Priscilla? Is he having 'accidents' already?"
Priscilla blinked. "I hadn't noticed that before." Looking over at Larry, "What's with the tissue, Larry? Is it evidence that you having accidents again?"
Larry could feel himself flush at the discovery of the tissue. "It's nothing," he said finally.
Natalie walked around in front of him. "Nothing, huh? How come you're blushing?"
Larry felt himself flush brightly as they waited for more explanation, he continued, "When a guy is... um... well when um..." He tried to compose himself. "Okay." He finally blurted. "I found myself excited a lot lately and I tend to dribble. I used the tissue to keep my shorts from getting moist."
Natalie got a smug look on her face as she asked, "Oh, do you go around with tissue in your pants all the time?"
Larry lowered his eyes and kept his voice low and controlled, "No. It's just that I've been um... more susceptible to it lately."
"And why is that?" Natalie pressed on. "Because of Priscilla and me?"
"I don't know," he responded in a low voice.
Priscilla giggled a bit. "You've been aroused since yesterday because of us?" She pulled him closer with the leash then let her finger trace over the tip his rigid cock and smeared a dab of precum on the head of his shaft. "Is that the 'dribbling' you're talking about, Larry?"
Larry couldn't believe that Priscilla would touch him that way. His total focus was on her finger touching his cock. His knees wobbled as he clenched his hands behind his head. His embarrassment was eclipsed by the sensation of her finger on the head of his cock. He didn't want it to ever stop. He knew the more she teased him, the more he wanted and because of that want, he felt that she was capturing his soul.
Priscilla pulled her hand away. "I'm waiting for an answer."
The loss of her touch brought Larry out of his thoughts and finally nodded. He felt his face and ears glow from the admission of his reactions.
Priscilla notice the effect her finger had on Larry. Smiling impishly, she resumed the tease, wrapping her hand around his shaft and allowing her thumb to caress and circle the head. "Say it. Say it out loud. Tell us why you are excited by what happened between the three of us."
Larry took a deep breath. He knew anything he said would be used to draw him deeper into their control. He also guessed that as long as he continued talking, Priscilla would continue playing with his cock. "I don't know," he said finally. "I like my cock being touched. Every time I think of that, I get hard."
"What else?" asked Priscilla, her thumb pausing the gentle tease for a moment.
"Just thinking about the whole experience gets me excited," he continued lamely.
Priscilla pressed her thumb in a bit harder... a finger dabbed a fresh drop of precum over the tip of his cock to the underside. "Tell us exactly what turned you on. I want details"
Larry gasped as he stood there. His focus, his world, was centered on his cock and the tease that Priscilla was inflicting. He struggled both to keep his balance and to come up with a way to express how he felt about his experiences. These were private thoughts that he had never verbalized before and anything he revealed here would give the girls more power over him. With that thought he realized that he liked them having power over him and he blurted "I liked the helpless feeling when I was tied up," he finally said.
"Go on," Priscilla coaxed, her teasing thumb unrelenting.
"I love the feeling of my cock being touched by you and Natalie." A long pause... the tease still incessant... "I like having you in control of me. I can't help but feel excited when I think about how I was tied up and helpless." The teasing thumb pressed down as Priscilla's grip tightened and loosened and then the scrape of her thumbnail... "Even though I was embarrassed, I find that I get hard when I think of the embarrassing things that happened." Priscilla squeezed his shaft and she tugged on his leash lightly and her thumb continued to circle. "I liked being at your feet. I can't believe that I jerked off in front of you two." Flushing brightly, he continued, his inhibitions vanishing with every stroke of Priscilla's thumb. "The fact that you claimed the right to grant or deny me cumming has been driving me crazy," he confessed. "I have to cum soon. The more that I think about not cumming until I get permission the hornier I get." Larry stopped talking suddenly. He had not intended to confess that being forced to abstain from jerking off was exciting for him and was a viscous circle of torment for him. But all he could think about right now was Priscilla's manipulations. As he was starting to get close to the edge, being logical wasn't his strong suit.
Priscilla noticed that the effect of the tease was pulling admissions from Larry that he normally wouldn't consider admitting. She was thrilled at having the power to get him to open up so much. Some time she would really grill him she thought to herself. She finally released his cock. "And the lashes? Did the pain of our strokes make you excited?"
Larry groaned inwardly as he felt her grip release. With a sigh, he focused on her last question. "I didn't like pain. Though I have to admit that every time I sat down today, I thought of what happened and those thoughts did have an effect." He thought about it for a couple of seconds. "I guess it is the feeling that I was helpless to avoid the pain that you or Natalie wanted to inflict that was exciting."
Priscilla smiled as he continued with his rambling. Then without saying a word she walked away, uncoiling the cord of the leash as she walked across the room. She turned around and looked at Larry. He was so delicious standing there so obedient with his hands clasped behind his head still wearing his shirt and his pants around his ankles.
Now that the talking and teasing stopped, Larry suddenly felt awkward but didn't know how to act other than maintain his position. His gaze followed Priscilla as she walked away. He noticed her smile and thought it looked like a smile of triumph to him. His eyes met hers and their gazes locked.
Larry felt the leash tug his balls and though his eyes were locked on to hers, he could see her reeling in the leash with a strong steady pull. He had no choice but to go toward her, his steps hobbled by his pants, his gaze captivate by her eyes. About half way there, she allowed the leash to slacken a bit only long enough for her to step on it allowing the cord to run under the shallow heel of her shoe. She resumed the steady tug and he felt his balls being tugged downward toward her foot as he approached her. Her gaze still locked on him, he couldn't move his eyes from hers. He just felt the downward pull increase on his balls and he bent his knees slightly to accommodate the pull as he came closer. Finally he was close enough that the tension was pulling him down more than toward her and he fell to his knees at her feet. His gaze, still captivated by hers, never wavered. Her smile was definitely one of triumph as she looked down at him.
"I like you at my feet," she said finally.
The flash of the camera took him by surprise. He had not noticed that Natalie had found her friend's camera and thought that would be a good Kodak (or Polaroid) moment.
Priscilla blinked at the camera. The long held gaze now broken. She laughed as her friend proceeded to produce the photo. "Good idea, Natalie. I'm going to have to make a scrapbook if we continue taking pictures." Then looking down at Larry again, she continued talking to Natalie, "There are some ping pong paddles over by the patio. Why don't you bring one over and we can take advantage of Larry's position at my feet.
"Oh please no!" Larry exclaimed. "I'm really sore after yesterday."
Priscilla tugged harder on the leash and Larry groaned as his balls were stretched lower towards her foot. "Oh hush. No one asked you," she teased. "Now bend over and put your forehead on the floor." Then giggling, "Just think of how excited you will be remembering how helpless you are to resist us."
Larry groaned as he bent over. He could feel the welts from just the skin tightening. He spread his knees a bit to try to reduce the tension on his balls a bit, but Priscilla kept the leash taunt.
Natalie returned with paddle in hand giggling as she looked down at Larry's position. Without hesitation, she pulled Larry's shirt tails up and exposed his buns. "Oh, wow," she exclaimed. "Those are some pretty mean looking welts there"
"Go ahead, Natalie," Priscilla encouraged.
Larry was cringing, his forehead pressed to the floor, his hands still clasped behind his head, his buttocks raised as far as the leash on his balls would allow. He was softly pleading, "Please no, please. Geeze I'm still sore. Please no."
Natalie ignored his pleas and gave him a strong swat. The slap on his welted rear seared through him and Larry screamed and jumped pulling hard on the leash. "ArrghAAAAA!" his scream picking up intensity as his balls protested his jump. "Oh geeze," he whimpered as his hands finally unclasped and he rolled over onto his side on the floor in a semi-fetal position. "Oh please, no more, that really hurts."
Priscilla looked down on him squirming on the floor at her feet. He looked so broken. She smiled down at him. "One slap from a paddle," she chided. Then pulled on the leash. "Okay, up on your feet," she ordered.
As Larry struggled to his feet, she continued, "We'll take it easy on you. Why don't you get Natalie and me each a soda from the kitchen."
Larry felt relief flooding through him as he heard Priscilla relent. "Thank you, thank you. And yes, two sodas coming right up," he said as he quickly turned toward the kitchen in a vain effort to hide the fact that his eyes were tearing. He could hear both Natalie and Priscilla giggle as they watched him shuffling toward the kitchen, still hobbled by his pants and the leash uncoiling and trailing behind him.
Natalie was still giggling when she looked over at a picture of Priscilla's brother hanging on the wall. "Now, if I could only get Dan to be so obedient. Geeze, that would be fun."
Priscilla smiled at the thought. As brother and sister relationships went, she and Dan had a good one. They both liked each other, but as with most sibling relationships, there were always annoyances, petty arguments, and rivalry. She chuckled as she visualized her brother being controlled by her friend. "That would be sooo fantastic," she said. "That would more than make up for any paybacks we've accumulated since... since forever!" she laughed.
Larry returned with the sodas. The cord of his leash was doubling back and Priscilla quickly pulled in the slack. Then sat down in a plush chair. She looked at Larry with amusement as he had brought the sodas on a tray with glasses and ice. Just a week ago, she would have been lucky to get him to bring her a soda in a can.
After Larry gave Natalie her soda, Priscilla accepted her soda, spread her legs, and pointed to the floor in front of her. "Why don't you sit here in front of me," she said.
Larry took a slight intake of breath and needed no further encouragement as he knelt in front of her, his gaze shifting quickly up her thigh to the white of her panties that were now visible under her skirt. He heard her laugh, "What are you looking at?" she said as she pressed down on the folds of her skirt hiding her crotch. "Turn around. I meant for you to sit with your back against the chair."
As Larry struggled with his hobbled ankles to sit in the right direction, he noticed that Priscilla had pulled his leash under her foot and took out the slack. Larry rested his cheek on her thigh and thought he heard a slight purr from her. Natalie sat in a chair to the side but close to the two of them. Natalie couldn't resist. She took off her shoes and reached out her bare foot to graze Larry's perpetually stiff cock. Larry groaned as the tease brought his need to cum again to the forefront of his thoughts.
Priscilla noticed Natalie's foot teasing Larry and laughed as an idea struck her. "Larry," she said, "I know how you really want to cum. Well now you have your chance. You may cum now if you can, but you can't use your hands. You will have to cum from where you are using only Natalie's foot."
Natalie started giggling when she heard her friends idea. "Oh Priscilla, you are so nasty!" With that, she crossed her legs so her foot dangled comfortable well above Larry's cock.
The girls didn't see Larry flush brightly as he felt himself degraded by the suggestion. Still he was so horny that he would do anything to get friction on his cock. He struggled to arch and propped up his back with his arms and elbows. He was too embarrassed to say anything but just arched up and rubbed against the sole of Natalie's foot. A couple of hard thrusts and he could feel his cock stiffed even more as his orgasm approached.
Natalie noticed his concentration and raised her foot a bit higher. No matter how hard Larry tried to press against it he could only brush lightly. He groaned as he felt the orgasm he anticipated subside. Breathless, he collapsed in frustration. Natalie lowered her foot and again gently stroked his shaft. That was all Larry needed to arch again and press hard against her foot. After a stroke or two, Natalie again raised her foot until he again collapsed in frustration.
Larry knew he was in for a battle to get his orgasm. He felt Natalie's foot again brush his cock and with a groan he arched again, pressing hard against her foot... feeling her raise it very slightly so he had to arch higher and higher. She seemed to know when he was about to cum but this time he sensed that she was going to let him. She was pressing back with her foot and it felt so good as he pressed back.
"Arrgh," Larry cried out. His only sound since they started this game. Instead of the orgasm that he so dearly needed, Priscilla pulled on his leash and pulled him down and away from the maddening foot. "Oh please," he cried.
Priscilla giggled as he collapsed in frustration again. "Keep quiet Larry, Natalie and I want to have 'girl talk' without you interrupting. Grinning she looked over to Natalie, "Now how do you think we can get Dan in this state? Any ideas?"
Natalie idly brushed her foot on Larry's cock and pulled up very slightly and waited for him to follow her foot up. "Well, maybe if we steal his clothes when he's in the shower he will have to beg us to get them back to come out," She offered.
Priscilla shook her head. "Naw, he will just see that as something to get even for. Even if he's embarrassed, it won't lead to this behavior," she said as she looked down and tugged on the leash to pull Larry from Natalie's foot once again. "But getting him naked isn't a bad start. I think I have an idea."
"Really?" asked Natalie as she lowered her foot to again tease Larry's cock. She was able to get the tip of his shaft between her toes for a minute before it sprung free and she then just continued to brush his shaft as she rocked her foot. Larry had seemed to give up until then and now he was arching with renewed vigor.
Priscilla leaned forward, her hands rested on Larry's chest and she rocked back and forth
letting her hands slide over his pecs. She liked the feel of his hard pecks and could feel the tips of his nipples through his shirt. Then picking up the conversation she continued, "Yeah. You know how my brother always acts like a jerk when we ask him to play cards or a board game? He almost always says, 'No, but if the game was strip poker I might.' Then he smiles that jerky smile of his as he saunters off. Well my idea is to take him up on that dare and make the rule that the loser has to do what the winner wants."
Natalie's foot stopped moving as she took in Priscilla's idea. Larry arched and started thrusting hard into the sole of her foot. "Um, Priscilla. There's only one drawback. What if we lose? Um, Oh yeah... a second drawback. He probably will stop playing if the game doesn't go his way. He'll quit if he thinks he's going to lose." Natalie noticed Larry's activity, giggled a bit, and moved her foot from his cock to stroke his stomach. His cock was waving in the air and he shifted in a vain effort to get his cock to reach her foot. Though he couldn't get his cock touched, he remained arched and she could tell he enjoyed his 'tummy rub' despite his frustration.
Priscilla continued stroking Larry's chest as she thought about it. Her hands circled his pecks then progressed to his sides. She felt him nuzzle her thigh with his cheek as she did so. "He's nice to have around," she thought idly to herself. Then turning her attention back to the conversation, she continued, "Well one, we'll cheat so we don't lose. And two, we'll have Larry in on the game too. He will lose first and Dan will have to comply with the rules of the game or feel like he's more cowardly than Larry."
Natalie grinned at the thought of the two boys losing at strip poker. She knew that Dan would be mortified when he lost yet feel trapped into complying with the penalty. Good old peer pressure. It would be perfect! As she was thinking about it, her foot started to bat Larry's cock then she press hard so her toes spread around the head of his cock. Larry groaned softly and twisted as he arched trying to maximize the sensations imparted to his shaft... especially the sensitive head.
Priscilla looked down at the writhing form of their friend. She could see the effect Natalie's foot had on him "Poor guy. He really looks desperate," she thought with a chuckle. Then out loud she said, "How 'bout it Larry? Will you help us beat Dan in a game of strip poker?"
At Priscilla's question, Larry tilted his head back and looked up at her. He could see her devastating smile with her twinkling eyes looking down at him from over her breasts. "God she was beautiful," flashed though his mind. He had been constantly frustrated while the girls had been talking. He found he didn't care what they said. His total focus had been on his cock. He had been constantly trying to maneuver so he could get the much needed release while they seemed to ignore his need as they talked.
Natalie had stopped moving her foot and held it firm on his shaft. He arched, pressing the sensitive underside of his shaft hard against the sole of her foot. He moaned as she maintained the pressure and he found himself thrusting uncontrollably. He could feel the orgasm build as the tip of his cock twinged in anticipation. He feared that Natalie would again lift her foot. The thought that if she didn't lift her foot he was going to mess on his shirt quickly passed through his mind. He was going to humiliate himself while arched in full view of the girls. He didn't care. That's what he wanted most in that instant of time.
With a cry, he felt himself consumed with his orgasm. His cum spurted and landed on his stomach and shirt. His breathing coming in gasps as he trembled, maintaining his arch, pressing hard into Natalie's foot even as the orgasm subsided.
He looked up again at Priscilla's grinning face, so beautifully framed by her breasts. Suddenly he felt self conscious and he lowered his arch and took a sitting position. His breathing still rapid, he nuzzled Priscilla's thigh and softly kissed it. It seemed that silence just kind of hung in the air. Finally Larry found his voice. "Yes," he said softly. "Of course I'll help you in your game with Dan."
He closed his eyes, resting for the moment, his head still tucked between Priscilla's thighs. A soft smile formed on his lips as his breathing slowed. He felt Natalie reposition herself and caress his thighs with her feet. He felt no remorse that he had agreed to betray his friend. After all, he was already vanquished and a slave to 'the enemy.'
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